If you could forget one moment of your life forever, what would it be?
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Yo D do you believe in parallel universes
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(Asks are open!)
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Some background info about this Ask Blog
So this Au includes mpreg and time travel just as a warning.
Larry kills himself a 3 weeks before the massacre (because time convince ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) a few days after Larry’s death, Sal finds he cant stand being at the apartments and moves the next city over. This takes a week in which he just packs a very little amount. Moving into another apartment complex , Sal finds himself with child and battling on wether or not to keep said child. A few weeks go by and the massacre does happens but instead it is Todd who kills everyone. He’s ruled criminally insane and is put into a mental hospital. Sal gets an insurance settlement from the death of his father and has Diane (I will be referring to her as D throughout this blog.) After having D, he moves back with the money from the insurance settlement and rooms with Ashley until he can get back on his own feet.
As D is growing up, Ash tells D stories of ghost hunting with Sal and Larry, how it was exciting and suspenseful. D starts getting into ghosts and paranormal things. She starts collecting pocket change to buy dowsing rods and a ouija board as her first ghost hunting set. Sal doesn’t too much love the thought of D getting into ghost hunting due to the pain it’s caused him, but he’s willing to support his daughter in anything she does. Ash has the idea to take D to the apartments to try out her dowsing rods for the first time. Sal’s against it but Ash takes D to the apartments secretly. D goes up into the tree house and is a bit spooked by it at first. She “feels” something in the treehouse but can’t see anything. So every now and then she would go visit the tree house. Often time’s she lies to Sal about spending the night at a friends house and spends the night in the tree house trying to get Larry to show himself.
After years of constantly failing, Ash decides to get D an EMF reader for her 16th birthday. Elated, D wants to try it out in the tree house. Ash offers to take her to the treehouse and that’s when the accident happens. Ash dies in the motorcycle accident but it only left D with some scratches and bruising. After the funeral, D goes to the treehouse and begs someone, anyone to just show themselves. She just wants to believe in anything. She just wishes that Larry could come back in some way. So this is gonna be a little far fetched but hear me out. If there’s demons there’s gotta be angels. So hearing D’s wish, an angel grants her wish... Kinda.
Larry tries to commit suicide and passes out. He is then brought to D’s present. D decides to go up the tree house one last time and see if she can get anything with the EMF. Once in the tree house, she sees a guy passed out on the floor of the tree house. She nudges him with her foot, telling him he’s gotta go. Once he stirs and looks at D, she then realizes who he is and starts to freak out. After calming down, D explains to Larry that this is the future and what has happened to everyone. She then thinks about it and thinks he can change her present, his future. If she can figure out how to send him back, he can change how the present for the better. And that basically that’s the idea. Now that that’s done here’s come facts that don’t really fit anywhere in this story.
- D has Eidetic Memory. She holds anything she reads or hears for years on end.
- D absolutely loves DnD. She wants to DM a game but has no friends to do so with.
- While in the tree house for the first time, She finds Sals old cellphone. It takes her years to find a battery for it but when she does, she listens to voicemails from Larry to have some kinda connection to him.
- Sal only has a pony tail due to D always losing hers. He gave her one of his hair ties and has just kept it that way.
- Larry is a ghost in this Au, but he chooses not to interact with D due to feeling like he failed her and Sal.
- D is constantly bullied in school for anything under the sun. Due to her constant interest in the paranormal, she wants to share it all the time. Till show and tell one day, causing her to completely be on the defensive about anything that interest her being terrified of being laughed at from that point on.
- D’s taste in music is very different. Heavy metal give her a bit of a head ache but she’ll listen to it with Sal to make him happy. If she had to pick something to listen to it’d be the Lumineers and Ghibli soundtracks.
- Though big into paranormal, D doesn’t enjoy paranormal movies. She feels they’re way too overrated
- She’s tried to get in contact with Neil and Todd only once before.
- Sal keeps old shirts of Larry’s in a wooden box along with Jim’s Journal, the old gear boy, and other pieces of his history.
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