thearcanawriter · 2 days
M6 when MC accidentally trips
Immediately helps you up, may or may not giggle a bit and tells you to be careful
Oh she will not leave this alone. She will check you head to toe for injuries.
Laughs a bit before picking you up by your shirt collar, and dusts you off
No emotion, just picks you up and checks you for injuries. Secretly worried.
"Oh- Are you alright?" Proceeds to piggyback ride you the rest of the way
Just laughs at this point. He kinda just leaves you to get up by yourself but asks if you're alright after
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thearcanawriter · 3 days
M6 with a MC who forgets to drink water
Tries bribing you with his own tricks or gifts. Will try to flavour the water to make you remember. Reminds you with a kiss on your cheek while holding a glass of water
She tries to drill the benefits of drinking water into your head. Couldn't remind you every time, but reminds you when she can
Oh, him too! He can go half a day or even the entire day without feeling thirsty. You'll remember yourself to drink water when you see this very dehydrated man
He does care, and he will. Tries to remind you every thirty minutes to drink a sip of water. Trains Inanna to remind you. He actually suceeds.
Oh she will not have this. Will tickle attack you until you agree to go and drink water. Sets goals. Bakes you something if you reach the goal
He forgets sometimes too. Tries to remind himself and reminds you as well in the process. Holds a water drinking competition on how much water you guys can drink in a day
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thearcanawriter · 4 days
The M6 celebrating pride Month with MC's!
(These are my MC's but feel free to imagine them to be anybody else! )
Asra & Ferra:
-Asra is Non binary & Bisexual, and Ferra is Bisexual.
-Both will use magic and glitter to make floating flags.
-Face paint? Face paint.
-Makes themed food
-They're all out on this. Somebody stop them-
Nadia & Jace:
-Nadia is bisexual, Jace is Non-binary & Lesbian
-Jace thinks it's a perfect time for dates, and Nadia doesn't understand why.
-Acceptance. E v e r y w h e r e
-Jace talks to everybody about LGBTQ news during this time period.
-Nadia buys some decor for their room to fit in with the vibe, according to Jace's suggestions.
Julian and Xander:
-Julian is Bisexual, Xander is Trans-masc & Bisexual
-Both almost forgets that it's pride month
-says "happy pride month" to everybody they see now
-both gets invited by Portia to her cottage for 'pride dinner'
-Julian stares blankly at the coloured food. "Is it healthy? Does it cause sickness? What is the ingredients? Tell me-"
Muriel and Karrie:
-Muriel is Bisexual, Karrie is Pansexual
-Muriel isn't really fond of this holiday, but puts up some decorations inside the hut
-They really just snuggle up in the cozy hut and talk about LGBTQ things
-Muriel carved and painted a themed wooden wolf to gift to Karrie
-Karrie makes him a gift back, a drawing of him and Karrie holding pride flags
Portia & Karlie:
-Portia is Bisexual, Karlie is Genderfluid, Pansexual.
-Has a 'pride dinner' on the first or second day of June, and invites Julian and Xander over
-Gives Julian the recipe to her rainbow dishes after they're done to stop his pacing
-Has balloons for the dinner
-Tells Pepi everything about LGBT stuff
Lucio & Alastor:
-Lucio is Bisexual, Alastor is Demi-Gender and Gay
-Lucio definitely has a pride party at the Palace, despite Alastor's rejecting
-Invited almost all Vesuvia for this party
-Alastor hates crowds, so he'll be in his room until they leave
-Xander will be ranting to Lucio for the hundredth time that he doesn't like parties and please don't have them again
(Sorry the Last parts were a bit rushed, so i'm truly sorry for the quality-)
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thearcanawriter · 7 days
Hey hey! I might not post today. The reason? Well let's just say the car has definitely seen better days
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thearcanawriter · 7 days
Babysitting with Asra
(Just a notice: Alexis is me, and has no love interests. [Feel free to imagine them as anybody, tho Alexis stays in her own place])
A knock on my door startles me in my tea-making process. I open the door, only to find Asra, at the door with some magic protections for my place. "Heya Alexis! What'cha doing? " he places the box pull of the spells on the table, and he doesn't realize that the spells were in baby-grabbing-range.
I quickly yank the box away, almost dropping a few of the spells. "Whoa. What, is there something on the- oh. Hey there buddy. " a baby, who was crawling on the table. "Since when did you apply for babysitting? I thought you didn't like babysitting, due to the fact-" I level him with a stare. "Oh come on! You wanted to throw him out the window! What was his name again? Darren? Darrel? " I hand him the boxes, as I take the baby and snuggles him in my arms.
"He, is different. Also meet Lexander. " he wiggles in my arms, spotting my silver heart necklace and immediately wants to eat it. "No, Lex, no-" I yank it away just before it reaches it his mouth, and taking it off, setting it on the kitchen counter.
"I think the others would love to see this little guy, don't you think? " he then picks him up from my arms, and begins to make funny faces to him. The baby laughs, and as he's occupied, I start putting up the protections around the house. Just a minute after I turn around, I hear a small yelp from behind me. "What happened-" my expression turn from fear to confusion, as Asra had covered the baby's hair with glitter.
"Asra, what did you do? "
"I wanted him to have a makeover?"
"Please, wash it off. "
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thearcanawriter · 8 days
The Arcana, but as Mer-people!
Have fun reading!
Asra is swimming in the streets, saying hi to anyone nearby and promoting his magical creations, such as dancing coins and rainbow seaweed. Julian thought of this, and goes: "I can make that, zero magic needed. " He then proceeds to go to his lab with okay-ish tools, saying he didn't need any "human technology" and starts the replication of Asra's creations. He tried for a proximately of six times before he gave up. He went to Portia for help. Portia just told him to talk to Asra and tell them to teach him magic instead. As the stubborn Julian he is, he will not stop. But stopping several times in his countless times of experimenting. Muriel once stumbled into his lab, and found burnt pieces of scrap. Everywhere. He gathered it all up and bagged it, leaving it for the humans up shore. Muriel told what he saw to Portia, hoping she would get some sense into her brother.
"That's the script. " Julian looked at me, wide eyed.
"That is the script. " I said back.
"Milady couldn't join? I would be better if she joined, actually. " Portia asked, with a slight frown on her face.
"Let's just leave it be. " a deep voice startles me and Ilya a bit, calming down after realizing it's Muriel.
Asra dashes into the room. "Guess what I foooound! " he drops actual rainbow seaweed and dancing coins on the table.
"Please tell me it was for the set. "
"What set? "
"Were you planning to sell this? "
A collection of grunts and face slaps followed.
Hope you guys like it! (If y'all are confused answers are in the comments! ) I don't really know if this fits in the prompt, but well I tried lolz
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thearcanawriter · 9 days
When MC stays up late
Will bribe you with whatever you want, but if you still don't wanna go to sleep, he'll use the only strategy — cuddles. Maybe some magic. Also tea.
As a person who needs sleep, she will want to savour her bedtime. But still just grabs you by your sleeve and grabs you to bed anyways. She cares about your sleep cycle, and will fix it.
Practically just stays up with you, either venting to you or just minding his own business. You'll be worried about your sleep cycle when you see his sleep cycle.
Doesn't really care, as long as you still get a decent amount of sleep. Will tell you to go to bed earlier before he himself gets in bed. Worries about your health in secret. Go to sleep—
She also likes her sleep, and would do anything to get more of it. She wants to cuddle you to sleep, so she just promises you cookies in the morning if you come to bed.
Wants to sleep together with you, and so he will bribe you with every possible way you could think of. You want gold? Diamonds? Just please come to bed—
(I'm very sorry if it doesn't really match up to their personalities, because I am writing this while I'm half asleep. anyways hope you guys liked this! )
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thearcanawriter · 10 days
When MC turns into M6's Favourite animal
For context: MC used a spell that turns then into any animal of choice.
Snake or Fox. He'll take either. Beams at you like you're the best thing he's ever seen.(Not saying you weren't already) will want cuddles. Faust shows you all the spots he hides in.
Owls. Admires your ability to fly. Sets you up for a play date with Chandra. Watches both of you with adoration in her eyes.
Crows. Wants to know how you contorted your body into a crowd with magic. Studies your anatomy until the spell wears off. Malak is jealous.
Wolf. Is more worried for you than anything else. What if you go out and get eaten- has Inanna beside you everytime you go out until the spell wears off.
Cats. Will not stop cuddling you. Feeds you treats that is human food but is still safe to eat for cats. Pepi brings you for a trip in the palace grounds.
Any albino pet. Favourite is dogs though. Just when you've activated the spell, he already want your normal self back. Likes the cuddles you give afterwards. Mercedes and Melchior brings you on their journey of chaos.
Hope y'all like it!
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thearcanawriter · 11 days
When MC has to be alone in public but is scared
For context: You are left somewhere public indoors while the M6 has to go and do something. They only realize when they come back.
Casts a protection spell on you, and assures you that you are safe with his spell. He'll knit a small version of him for you and/or just leave Faust with you.
Has a guard to stay by your side when you leave, will compensate by spending more time with you later when you guys go back.
"I'm sorry dear, I had to go," cries dramatically infront of you at home, he now practically drags you everywhere he goes.
As people knows your with the big lad, they will automatically stay away from you. Still carves a small figurine for you to bring.
Apologizes immediately afterwards, compensates with baking you something after. Knits something to make you less scared.
Blames himself for it, will try to stay around you everytime you go out, finds something in his wide collection of trinkets to gift to you so you'll be less scared.
Hope you guys like it!
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thearcanawriter · 12 days
When MC has sh/Ab*se scars
Disclaimer: have mentions of S3lf h@rm, @bus3, etc. Please leave if you're sensitive to these topics.
Tries to use magic to heal them if it really bothers you. If it cannot be healed, he uses bandages and draws lil stars on them. Gives you reassurance that you are safe here and he is always there for you.
Makes special clothes or jewelry to cover it up if you really don't wanna see it or wanna keep it private. Will clear up some time to talk to you. Gives you a lecture on why h@rming yourself if not good. Will try to keep the abus3r away from you (Of they're still alive)
Blames himself for not noticing earlier and being there for you. Will have nightmares about this. Uses bandages or clothes (gloves/socks) to cover them up if it bothers you. Try to cheer you up now most of the time he sees you (he wants to try to cover your past sadness)
Thinks you got into a fight. Too scared to ask. He asks. You explain. He made something out of cloth to cover it up. Now every time he sees it, he turns around and pretends to not see it because he has so many questions but he's scared to ask them cuz it'll make you sad-
Cries in front of you, immediately, self guilt part 2. Knits sleeves or socks for you to cover them up. Bakes you cookies or cupcakes after you explain or answer one of her questions relating to the scars.
Think of it as a big deal, asks you if you wanna cover it up. If you do, he'll ask somebody to make golden cuffs to cover them. He doesn't want you to see them because he doesn't want you to remember the past. Hugs you and praises you everytime you do a great job at overcoming your past.
Hope you likes it! (Yes I am writing this at 12:32 am rn)
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thearcanawriter · 14 days
M6 when MC gets waaay too drunk and starts singing
-Despite knowing the fact that drunk people dont sing well, he still listens. Laughs at the end and praises you for the "good" singing.
-A bit surprised at the start, but just let's you sing as she watches you with adoration. May or may not giggle a bit.
-Ohoho, this is the best person to get drunk with. He will start singing with you, no matter if he's drunk or not. Belly laughs when both of you are done
-Shocked that you started singing, and since you're in a middle of forest, he doesn't really care. Will still praise you, even though you were drunk.
-Like her brother, she will sing with you too. People thinks that she's having a party. Will praise you with kisses.
-Doesn't know why you just started singing, just thinks you're a bad singer. Upon realising that you're drunk, he'll start apologizing for thinking you were bad at singing.
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thearcanawriter · 15 days
Hey hey! I'm back from exams, and I will be posting tomorrow! Cya soon!
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thearcanawriter · 23 days
So uh- Exams are starting, and I won't be able to write things, so I'll be back next week Saturday, Wish me luck!
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thearcanawriter · 26 days
The Arcana Story: Maze
Pink: Nadia
Orange: MC (First person)
"Finally.. Free from those," I gesture to the free-running albino peacocks. A peacock wrangler is chasing them non stop. "Should we help? " Nadia leans on the maze wall. "Well maybe, but I'm way too tired for that." "How about a walk? " I suggest. "Maybe that can replenish my energy. " Nadia offers me her hand. We stroll down the maze, until we reach a fork in the path.
"Where do we go? "
"I don't know. You built this. "
"I have forgotten, it has been years. But I think it's the left one. It leads to the fountain I think."
I pull her in the 'left' path.
"Wait- No your other left-"
We've gone too far.
"Will screaming for help work? "
"It could work. Maybe. "
We start violently screaming for help. Luckily Portia heard us and came to save us. Thank you, Portia.
(A bit inspired by other submissions, names are in the masterlist for this prompt, thank you! )
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thearcanawriter · 26 days
the Arcana Mini HC's: M6 with a Writer!MC
-Fascinated by your writing, will read it no matter how messed up it is.
-Wants you to help her with writing mail. Always thinking what will you write next that will surprise her.
-Tells you medical facts to incorporate into your writing. He can read doctor handwriting. No need to worry about bad handwriting.
-Is beside you everytime you write. He likes the calming sounds of pen or pencil writing on the paper.
-Excited to see your writing everytime. Gives you ideas and titles to write. Has writing contests with you.
-Pretends he doesn't care, but actually really wants to read your projects. Reads them in secret.
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thearcanawriter · 27 days
Stories Masterlist:
The Fire Fountain
The Arcana as Mer-people
Babysitting with Asra
M6 celebrating Pride Month with MCs
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thearcanawriter · 27 days
Full HC's Masterlist:
Board Games
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