thebeetleboy · 1 month
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, to listen to doctors and get my flu vaccine and any shots i could because they remembered Before.
then they started fighting Covid precautions.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that the ozone was disappearing and the earth was dying and we needed to recycle and save the planet.
now my parents think climate change is a myth.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that racism was a plague, that we had to love and accept everyone, that we should never judge before walking a mile in their shoes.
then they told me that protesting for my Black siblings was wrong.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that we needed to give to the poor. working at soup kitchens. making quilts. collecting food and money and supplies. building houses. because it was the christian and just plain right thing to do.
now they look at me, on food stamps with their grandchildren, and lament the "welfare state".
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, that it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and that any rich man, especially an immoral one, should never run our country.
you can guess who they voted for.
i remember adults telling me, as a kid, so very much.
when did they forget?
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thebeetleboy · 1 month
i feel like the boeing whistleblower case should radicalize more people. a major airline company is producing planes with less and less regard for safety and it's starting to get noticeable. man takes them to court, which would reduce profit at the cost of public safety. he fucking dies the night that boeings legal team asks him to stay an extra day. if nothing happens about this, i hope it gets through to people that america would literally kill you for a few extra cents
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thebeetleboy · 1 month
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"I am looking respectfully." "I shan't say." "I feel normal about him." Stop that!!!! Is there no lust in your soul? Speak your mind, boy!
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thebeetleboy · 2 months
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Organize. It will make the difference.
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thebeetleboy · 2 months
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noooo they gave him the worst crop top of all time……..sick and twisted
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thebeetleboy · 3 months
I know the US government acts like a corporation but it’s not.
Not voting isn’t the same as a boycott. Because you can’t bankrupt a government by not voting. All you get by not voting is less control over what the money is doing.
The money comes from taxes, not voting. Abstaining from voting does nothing to reduce the governments ability to get money and spend it on shit.
So yes, sometimes you vote to reduce harm because not voting WILL NOT REDUCE HARM.
It’s not a boycot. Abstaining doesn’t take power from the government. It just reduces the number of people they feel answerable to.
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thebeetleboy · 3 months
I'm back with another unbearably homoerotic story from The New Voyages (this one even has a foreword written by Leonard Nimoy)!
The story in question is Ni Var, written by Claire Gabriel and published in the first New Voyages volume in 1976. In it, Spock is split in two - his human half and his Vulcan half. He and Kirk also have unnecessarily intense and emotionally loaded interactions pretty much every page. Just look at this passage that happens right after Spock is split:
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The moment Kirk sees Spock, he knows something is wrong. They have an emotional talk that turns into an argument that turns into Kirk asking Spock what's wrong and if he can help.
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It's the way Kirk reads Spock like an open book! How Spock finds comfort in Kirk's offer to help, even if he's not ready to accept it.
And just when you think it can't get any more intense, bam - City on the Edge of Forever callback!
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Kirk is having an extremely normal one.
Anyway, Kirk finds out about the split soon enough because damned if Spock can keep a single secret from him once he's determined to find out.
We are distracted from the main plot, however, as the Enterprise is sent on a mission to a planet whose natives love the taste of human flesh. Of course, Kirk insists on joining the landing party but Spock is Not Having It.
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They are having this fight in front of the crew. If the rumors didn't exist before, they certainly do now.
Spock loses the argument on account of Kirk being Captain and goes back to his quarters to discuss the issue with his Vulcan half.
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This, the text points out, is the first thing Spock's two halves are in complete agreement on. Protecting Jim. I am banging my head against the wall.
Then Vulcan Spock goes on a mental tangent about humans and emotions and one human in particular, and this passage drives me bonkers.
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"Until he met Jim Kirk."
"A man for whom he felt friendship, perhaps even what Humans call love."
Clawing my eyes out. The romanticism of it all. These are completely normal thoughts to have about your commanding officer!!
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And then Spock decides to risk what he calls "for a Vulcan, torture" to ensure Kirk's safety. What this whole subplot is for is essentially to show that Spock's two halves can be united and the thing they unite over..... is Jim.
I am unwell.
Spock does manage to keep Kirk from throwing himself to the proverbial wolves, the plot moves on, and then they're back in front of the machine that split Spock and can be used to unite him again. Kirk has an angsty moment about that time he was split in two (the whole story, in addition to exploring Spock's split identity, is filled with callbacks to The Enemy Within and the toll that experience took on Kirk mentally and it's great).
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This isn't a particularly Kirk/Spock moment but I had to include it because I love the mental image of Kirk flipping himself off and Spock laughing at it. Kirk would fuck his clone, actually.
Then the time is at hand to unite the two Spocks. Kirk puts a comforting hand on Human Spock's shoulder but then hesitates to do the same to the Vulcan half and this whole page has me crying, screaming, throwing up, etc.
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Spock is united, all is well, and the story ends with Kirk grinning at Spock and Spock responding with an oh-so-subtle smile.
In conclusion: gay.
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thebeetleboy · 3 months
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thebeetleboy · 3 months
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this post is like.. entirely illegible on mobile so here’s a better post lmao
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thebeetleboy · 4 months
I finally got to watch The City at the Edge of Forever. It’s such a grand title, and it also has a grand reputation.
Just like Measure of a Man, it’s hard for it to live up to the hype.
In my head it’s a grander time travel, bootstrap paradox story. It’s how most Trek articles on top TOS episodes build it up. How could it not with such a grand title as “City at the Edge of Forever”?
But it’s actually a more personal story.
And, I actually did end up liking it but not because it was grand, but because it’s actually a smaller story. A story about choice, and kindness. And most of all, choosing to be kind— hoping for a brighter future. The one Gene Roddenberry hoped for the future one day.
A post-scarcity world built on people choosing kindness and prosperity for each other. Even before the replicator was ever a twinkle in people’s eyes.
Edith Keeler was this to a Tee. Someone who was immensely curious, forthright, and kind.
This bright future These Old Scientists hinged on Kirk’s decision to save or not save Edith Keeler.
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Kirk was still going to try saving Edith but Spock made him hesitate
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But Bones bumping into Kirk which shook him into deciding not to save Edith and using Bones as an anchor not to save her. It was a spontaneous decision but also it was not.
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It's such a poignant moment, which Strange New World echoed in La'an's season 2 episode, Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow.
The difference is, that Jim had his friends with him to help carry the knowledge about the cost it took Kirk. I wish La'an had someone with her during her episode, to help carry that burden.
But, yeah, time travel to the past should always have a cost, it's what makes things poignant. I kind of get where Terry Matalas got his time travel sensibilities because that's what 12 Monkeys is all about.
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thebeetleboy · 4 months
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thebeetleboy · 7 months
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Uhhh spones smoment smonday
(I’ve edited and color shifted this drawing; please reblog this version)
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thebeetleboy · 8 months
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Them as well actually. The angle took me a few tries to get even vaguely presentable and I used it as a color test but i am colorblind. So.
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thebeetleboy · 8 months
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Uh mckirk moment Monday
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thebeetleboy · 8 months
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which brent spiner are you today?
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thebeetleboy · 8 months
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Kirk with gar fish
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thebeetleboy · 8 months
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“I need you to know why I went back for you.”
“Because you are my friend.”
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