thebellamy-kane · 3 years
...i’m dusting off my indie!
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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Casey Deidrick for Vulkan Magazine (2019)
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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“I can’t even argue with you on that one. She does love you, even after all this time apart. I don’t know who missed you more - me or her. My bet is on her.” Ela teased, slipping on an oversized cardigan as she made her way over to Bellamy. “It does seem rather odd that we were both able to get the same night off. I guess the universe is working in our favor.” Hearing him say women love rom coms had her rolling her eyes. “C’mon, Bell. Don’t be like that. Not all women love rom coms - some prefer horror, or mystery, or comedy.” But once she got comfortable on the couch, she realized that rom coms were exactly what she loved. Although her own love life was tragic, she still loved to see other people’s dreams come true. It felt like it was unattainable for her, but that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy the movies portraying love as the best thing in the world. “The Notebook will do - wait. Can we watch the Lucky One? I prefer that one instead. It’s good - and you gotta love a movie with Zac Efron as one of the main characters.” 
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“Not gonna let that get to my head, but glad to hear it,” he smirked. “Maybe it’s a sign to make up for lost time.” Bellamy shrugged before he rolled his eyes after Ela. “Don’t give me that, I’m pretty sure statistically speaking most women literally love rom coms. I think I read it in a Cosmo magazine...” He teased before sinking down on her couch. “The Luck One...isn’t he military? Like, comes home and falls in love or some shit?” Seems fitting. “Even I can’t pass up Zac Efron- let’s do it.” Bellamy patted the couch for her to sit down. 
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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“Ooh- like....Ivy Ivy?” He actually didn’t know that many Ivy’s. “You should know the universe isn’t in our favor man. Should’ve just stayed clear,” he shook his head as he drank his own beer. “Well, I can’t say I’m good at relationship advice so I don’t think I’ll be much help. I can, however, pay for drinks.” 
closed starter for @thebellamy-kane​ !!
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“so…i ran into ivy the other day on my way out of the coffee shop. i knew i shouldn’t have gone there - it was one of our favorite places to visit before we headed off to work…but i figured since time had passed, it would be alright to go…and then i saw her.” sawyer shook his head, taking a swig from his beer. the bar he and bellamy were currently in was quiet that night, only a few customers in the whole place. probably because it was a monday and most people didn’t find themselves drinking on a monday - but with work schedules like the two had, you drank when you could. “i still don’t really know how i feel about it, if i’m being honest.”
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
Kai was wide awake with her pillow hugged tight to her chest. For some reason, sleep seemed to not come to her no matter how hard she tried. The rain sounds didn’t work and neither did the counting sheep. She nearly jumped out of her skin hearing the banging from the kitchen. She peeked her head out the door with her pillow still hugged to her chest. “I wasn’t asleep. Are you alright?”
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“Yeah...fine.” He downed the glass of water before going for a refill. He knew he could trust Kai and it’s not like he hasn’t divulged now and then, but tonight...he just couldn’t talk about it. He didn’t want to put that on her. “Why are you up?” Bellamy asked, quickly running a hand over his face. “You good?” 
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
“Hey-” James greeted with a bright smile as he approached Bellamy. It felt like the smile on his face was permeant these days but how could it not be when he was married to his best friend. “I’ve been doing good, really good. Married life is absolutely fantastic.” He had been married once before but he didn’t have to remember that to know that he hadn’t felt like this when he had been with his ex wife. “How about you? How are things in the life of Bellamy?” Always truly curious how his friends were doing.
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“Glad to hear. The party was pretty great, Dimitri really knows how to throw ‘em.” Bellamy grinned. “You know, same things as always. Just working, keeping busy.” His life honestly wasn’t too eventful surprisingly. “You guys go anywhere for a honeymoon?”
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
Silas looked up from his locker, having only managed to put on his jeans and socks as he also got ready to go home. “Oh yeah? How generous of you, Mr. Kane. I’ll buy the second round.” He smirked. “So I suppose my answer is yes. We going to Hook & Ladder like we always do?”
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“Fuck yeah Hook & Ladder. There’s a girl behind the bar - forgot her name, but I think she likes me. She’ll probably give us drinks on the house,” he chuckled. Closing up his locker, he shrugged his bag over his shoulder. “I don’t know what it is man, but the last few shifts have just done me in.”
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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In The Dark Preview
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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Casey Deidrick as Sam Anselm in Tentacles (2021)
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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“What do you mean? Is my guard dog not doing her job?” She chuckled, glancing over at Cleo who happened to be snoozing away on the couch. “That’s it, you’re fired.” The border collie opened her eyes before jumping down and heading for her owner’s bedroom, now doubt claiming the bed as her own. “No, I don’t leave it unlocked usually. I only did because I knew you were coming over.” Her eyes drifted to the snacks, her face lighting up once she saw that Bellamy had brought some of her favorites. “Man, you really know how to treat a girl, huh? Set all that stuff down on the coffee table. I’ll get us some glasses. What movie are we starting with tonight?”
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“Cleo loves me, what are you talking about?” When he first met Cleo, he took an instant liking to her so he was glad to see she still remembered him...or at least didn’t care enough to try and attack. “Look, I had to go all out. It’s not often we both get the same night off.” Bellamy shrugged with a grin. “In an effort to go even more all out - I’m thinking a romantic comedy? Women love rom coms, right?” He called out as he did as instructed, moving the goods to the coffee table. “The notebook?” 
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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Casey Deidrick in Think About You video by JoJo
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
“Tell me why we can’t wear scrubs...” Bellamy sighed as he looked down at his uniform. He was unfortunately on the other end of a vomiting drunk tonight and it showed. “I am not looking forward to the ride back to the station.” Despite his strong stomach, he’d definitely be rolling the windows down. “You want to sneak me a pair of pajamas?” He mused as he pointed to a nurse walking by that had a scrub set on.
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
“Hey - sorry to bother,” Bellamy tapped on the front desk of the bookstore. “I need some help, or some suggestions really. So, my mom’s birthday is coming up and she loves books so I kinda want to get her some, but I’m just not sure where to start. She kinda reads anything she can get her hands on, so I’m not looking for anything particular.” 
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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—Chris Mc Geown
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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Anne Carson, from “The Glass Essay”, Glass, Irony, and God
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
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Casey Deidrick photographed by Brennen McMurray
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thebellamy-kane · 3 years
talk about ela
"Ela is...a bit of a light in my life right now. We met years ago and whatever we had was great but we sort of just drifted as I was deployed. She's a great woman and I'm glad we're finally catching back up. We've both definitely grown and changed, but I'm excited to get to know her again."
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