So, she's starting to rerelease the re-recorded old stuff...I've got a theory about this.
In regard to hear losing the rights to her music/masters, it does suck, but she had the opportunity to buy them herself. She pretty much made this clear in an interview she did with CBS Sunday Morning in which the following exchange occurs:
Interviewer: Nobody in your inner circle knew?
TS: Nobody knew.
Interviewer: And you didn't smell it?
TS: No. (pause) I knew [Scott Borchetta] would sell my music, I knew he would do that. I couldn't believe who he sold it to because we've had endless conversations about Scooter Braun, and he has 300 million reasons to conveniently forget those conversations.
Yes, Borchetta may have talked to her about Braun and known she didn't like him, and I understand if that would make her feel betrayed, but when it comes down to it it's BUSINESS! Borchetta is a businessman and he got a good offer so he took it. Maybe Taylor thought friendship outweighed business, but of course thats not the case in our capitalist society. Besides, she appears to be a savvy business woman so that doesn't make sense.
It's her business savvy and ability to market herself/brand that makes me especially side-eye this whole thing. In the interview she clearly says SHE KNEW her music was going to be sold. So...why didn't she just buy it? Well the answer is also in the CBS Sunday Morning interview:
Interviewer: Now, could you rerecord?
TS: Oh yeah!
Interviewer: That's a plan?
TS: (chuckles) Yeah, absolutely.
The businesswoman that she is, Swift knows that by setting herself up as the victim (she's done it before) she can make BANK! off of this whole thing. She stirs her fans up into a frenzy (ex. attacking Braun online) so they'll feel the need to defend/protect her. When she rereleases her songs the fans will rampantly buy them up/stream them as a show of support and a way to "stick it" to Scooter Braun and Scott Borchetta. So when she makes more than 300 million on the rereleases it will allow her to go, "See, I can't be controlled by men. Woo girl power! Look at what we did together fans!" Or in other words, "Look what you made me do Scooter Braun!"
So...yeah. I'm not knocking her getting her bag, like I said she's clearly a smart business woman, I just hate how manipulative it seems to be. She knows the sway/power she holds over her fans and she's crafted a somewhat unhealthy relationship with them (i.e. the "we're best friends" approach) that she knows how to exploit.
So, I do hope fans enjoy the rereleases. I hope they enjoy hearing the songs of their youth grow with them. I just want them to be aware they were possibly played in the process.
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TMP Finale Thoughts...
My  biggest issue was Mindy and Danny getting back together. From how they are in the finale it's clear that it still isn't a healthy relationship. Yes, they've grown and changed, but once they got back together they fell right back into their old ways with Danny trying to control everything and not even listening to Mindy's ideas/wants for their relationship.
 Even that bracelet she wore that inspired her to run to Danny highlighted how unhealthy their relationship was before. It wasn't the big romantic sign she thought it was, but a reminder of his controlling ways.
If they'd ended it as friends or left it open for reconciliation that would've been better.
Ugh. I don't know...its just disappointing.😕
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So...I finished The Mindy Project.
And...I can't say I was thrilled by that series finale 😕
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Watching the second to last episode of TMP, and how dare they try to make me like Danny again?!
And how dare I start to fall for it 😧
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"I'm coming for you Mary Hernandez you sexy unwilling tree!"
- Dr. Jody Kimball-Kenney (TMP 6X08)
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My excitement at seeing Pepe the raccoon back was ridiculous.
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Into season 6 and they sprung Beyoncé on me again!
I can't!
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I agree 100% I wish they’d continue to develop him in a better way than having him do better to then become an asshole. I felt like he was kind of supportive in some episodes leading up to those controlling ones, which confused me personally as I thought he was developing as a character. I’m hoping that one day, if they decide to carry on with the show again, that they’d show how open minded Danny became and how Mindy got everything she wanted.
Yes, exactly I was also confused! I think it's because of those moments where he was supportive that him becoming such a controlling asshole felt especially off-putting and jarring. Yeah if the show ever came back somehow I'd hope we'd see some improvement for Danny and Mindy too.
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Well saw that divorce coming 😕 Just wish we'd gotten to see more of Mindy and Ben as a couple/family with the kids. That could've been really cute.
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I sort of understand where Danny comes from, he grows up with a mom who’s working two jobs, hates it and his dad abandoned him and he truly never dealt with these issues which when he’s with Mindy he has to face because she brings that out in him. His own trauma ruined his life and in a way he thinks it’ll happen with Leo so he doesn’t want it to happen, if that makes sense?
Yeah...I get that his childhood was traumatic and influenced how he approached his relationship with Mindy, but for me that still doesn't excuse how he treated her and the manipulative actions he took to try and make her stay home. Like you said, being with Mindy forced him to face these issued, so if he'd addressed them with Mindy he could've avoided ruining his own life.
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One of my favourite things about tmp is the scene when Danny realises he was in the wrong and didn’t see it at the time but now he does.
Well, I'm glad he'll realize how wrong he was, but I still hate what they did to his character and how he jumped into a marriage so quickly after all his hesitance with Mindy. But...I guess I have this scene to look forward to.
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Just getting into tmp season 6 and...not caring for how Mindy is treating Ben.
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Just finished season 5 and how dare they surprise me with a Beyoncé song like that?!
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Yup, I definitely love Mindy and Peter's friendship. It's honestly very sweet despite how crude he can be.
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Watching season 5 of The Mindy Project and I hate how they're trying to make it seem like it's Mindy's fault she and Danny broke up.
As if we were supposed to forget how he became a controlling asshole who literally tampered with her birth control in order to try & get her pregnant again and keep her from working...I mean...😤
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They really took Danny from being a loveable jerk to a straight up asshole.
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Watching season 4 of TMP and...Peter came back looking fine!
Texas was good for him 😉
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