tianyushi14 · 3 years
futher development :
a hand-held product to help people be navigated by the wind.
Writing  of my project :
1.research question
How will wind navigation influence people’s behavior in shanghai?
 2.short description
Wind navigation is a speculative product design that help people to visit shanghai in a new perspective under the guidance of wind. It allow people to be navigated by wind and record this unique journey.
 3.creative and theoretical context
Historically, human has used nature (wind, sun, water flow...) to navigate, but now, existing navigation systems are all based on artificial things, we usually head to our destination under the navigation of GPS, internet, indicating signs etc. The city is a living form rather than a concrete jungle, we seemed to ignore our nature instinct of exploring under the guide of nature force. With this project, users are allowed to have a city tour being navigated by wind. This new form that getting rid of human body constraint will amplify cityscape from a different perspective and discover details hidden in daily life. This project sees the link between human, city and nature, and speculate the future navigation system and examine its influence to individuals.
 4.research methods
I immersed myself to visit shanghai under the navigation of wind in order to understand the method of wind and explore how can wind help with touring in shanghai.
 5.technical skills
This project drove me to learn some basic method of mechanism and air dynamics. And also some practice on video filming, editing and 3d modeling.
 6.what you learnt
This project allowed me to explore the relationships between nature element(wind), human and city, and connected the city with my body experience . It enabled me to reflect that how will design influence human behavior. It taught me new methods to do research and how to make my ideas clear by find research questions. It has opened up a new area of multi-sensory design that i want to explore, particularly in relation to speculative design.
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visual reference :
transparent plastic material 
hand-held objects like tibetan prayer wheel and roman fasces , and it shall be held above hand to embrace more wind and delivering a sense of ceremony/ ritual. and the sail will enable the product to be rotated by the wind , so that wind will control the camera and record this journey.
use mind map as a clue, drag the mind map to different part
process video:
1.Sceneries coexist with the wind
2.People interact with wind
3.Field research
4.Desk research (typology why how)
5.Field research
Different tools \ different time \ different site
6.DIY tools to transfer wind into other sensory
7.Testing those tools
8.Idea generation
Mechanical part and 3d modelling part
10.processing and assembly
11.Prototype testing
Different users \ different time \ different place
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 some tips: 
Show you making things
Final work
Show people interacting with your work
Show you actually making your work
Include captions
Speed up the audio( you can speed up video)
Use bad off-the shelf music
Mix too many styles
Try to cram too much in
 How long?
3min max-NO MORE
Notes on storytelling video
 4Ps for storytelling
People place plot purpose
l Your character could be an object or not just a person
l Sometimes your characters are not the obvious ones
l Relevance
l Comfort
l Production friendly
Conflict (enemy)
1.know what you need to say before you speak
2.In one sentence,what is the purpose of your film? (for my video this question is: tell people how will we behave in shanghai under the navigation of wind.)
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tianyushi14 · 3 years
field research questions:
how to show different aspects of wind in one video?
1.the time of the video is controlled by wind, every time the wind blow for once the time of the video pass one second
2.the view finder is controlled by the wind (horizontal  and vertical )
3.the sound of the video is the sound of wind blow thw gadget i made
4.the weight of the wind: wind blow another gadget i made hanging on my ear, so my ear can feel the different weight of wind
5.ribbons linked to my hat , so the direction of the ribbon indicated the direction of the wind; 
and imagine what if the view of the video is not horizontal but totally controlled by the wind , and other wise what if the wind is statical and we rotate and move our body to feel and see the world ,what it would be like ?
our eyelevel is based on our balance (gravity), what if it’s based on the wind?
idea development :
a product that can carry a camera that can record people’s journey with wind, and it will indicate the direction of wind and lead people to tour. and otherwise, it has the same concept with a pan-tilt (based on gravity balance), it’s based wind direction.so wind is the photographer ,and people just following it and enjoy thier journey.
while we are walking the change of wind is subltle and the speed is  not strong enough what if this product can attach to some vehicle such as bicycle. bycicle will bring more diverse  and more wind.
or a mini drone that will follow people but flied by the wind (too similar to existing product )
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some mechanical structure to transform wind into movement of camera and the parts of the device.
Further development:
a wearable device that have more link to our human body, in this way it is more interesting and playful. it might have to related to people’s movement and different gestures.thus, form a speculative product design that inspire people about the relationship between their bahavior and navigation system.
Reference : pixel head of martin backes
“Worried about your picture showing up on Google Streetview? Sick of photos of yourself appearing on sites like Facebook? Here`s the solution! The full face mask Pixelhead acts as media camouflage, completely shielding the head to ensure that your face is not recognizable on photographs taken in public places without securing permission. A simple piece of fabric creates a little piece of anonymity for the Internet age. The material used is stretch satin with a fashionable Pixel-style print of German Secretary of the Interior Thomas de Maizière. The mask has two holes for your eyes, so you can see and breathe comfortably while wearing the mask, secure in the knowledge that your image won’t be showing up anywhere you don’t want it to.”
Speculate the cctv and surveillance  cameras and cameras of others.
simple but powerful
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tianyushi14 · 3 years
0717 & 0718 & 0719
vlog compilation of week1 field research
Project Theme (modified):
Existing navigation systems are all based on artificial things, we usually head to our destination under the guide of GPS, indicating signs etc. but the city is a living form rather than a concrete jungle, we seemed to ignore our nature instinct of exploring under the guide of nature force.
why wind navigation unique? non-human-centered design 
focus on one particular area,and go back to street to find out.
some reference:
collective narrative building 
why future?
it links us to our past, frees our imagination, help us think about what we want to take forward and leave behind. It allow us to be critical about the present by imagining a different reality
I always believe that the best way to predict future is to design future.
one short research question to conclude the project :  how wind navigation will influence our behavior of touring in shanghai?
so my plan is to transfer wind into some other elements(time, sound, view, temperature , etc.) , and use wind as a unit to measure these elements.
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1. “the third hand”
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during the field research, i saw a disabled man wearing a shirt, an empty sleeve swings with the wind, as if playing with the wind. so i made a third hand based on silk material.
2.a wind instrument 
when wind blows, this instrument(like a harmonica) will make sound of different pitches .(tset failed: the wind are too small to make a sound)
3.a clock of wind
One second of this clock is not one second of time, but one second every time the wind blows over the pendulum. So the time of our  “visiting” and “touring” is not real time, but time of wind.
4.viewfinder of wind
the wind will change the directionof viewfinder , and people will see and vistit through the viewfinder.
5.thermometer of wind
6. ear packages
several gadgets link to ear, one is made of plastic paper and will make some noise when wind blowns
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tianyushi14 · 3 years
0714 field research
Addition to typology of wind :
Because the rough underlying surface of the city is like a mountainous area with complex terrain, the streets and between two buildings are like vents in the mountain area. The flow lines are dense and the wind speed increases, which can create strong winds when there was no strong natural winds.
wind and street design
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the west lake ten views
苏堤春晓 - time(spring) 曲院风荷 - visual & body feeling 平湖秋月 - time(autumn) 断桥残雪 - time(winter) 柳浪闻莺 - hearing
花港观鱼 - visual 雷峰夕照 - time(at dusk) 双峰插云 - visual 南屏晚钟 - time(evening) & hearing 三潭印月 - time(evening) & visual
Walking in the urban space under the guidance of the wind approach:Use bubbles and balloons to visualize the wind direction
same starting point with yesterday. try to feel what the wind might want me to feel.
principle: 1. Walk along the direction of the wind, walk along the road when the wind does not interfere, and turn to opposite direction when get into dead end; and sight goes with the direction of the wind
2. Go against the wind, completely opposite to the first one
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1.starting rom the Jing'an CBD, and walk into narrower streets under the guidance of airflow (my sight extends upward with the wind, and I begin to observe the details of the architecture of Jing'an Temple  such as cornices, etc.) 2.When walking on a small street, i start looking down because of the imply of wind, paying attention to the overlap of light and shadow formed by the sunlight, the architecture and plants) 3.in an underground passage i was led to the entrance of a shopping mall with a flow of people (changes in the flow of people) 4.From the intersection of avenues, i was led into a alley (alley that shaded by the shadow of the highrise building, and my felling is more cool and comfortable) 5.Walk completely against the wind, i got the greatest interaction with the wind, and at the same time have a cool feeling (better experience, hug with the wind, a feeling of playing games)
feelings & questions
1.The balloon travels too fast and is quickly involved into traffic flow, which is dangerous! 2.The bubbles can only exist less than a minute, only nodal guidance can be carried out; and alittle bit scattered 3.The change of sight caused by the guidance of air flow is completely different from the way we used  to sightseeing while walking, and you can find the scenery that usually ignored. 4.when walking under the guidance of airflow i don't dare to walk too fast, and having a feeling of being controlled by the wind and being dragged; and i even feel annoyed when it changing directions frequently 5.The experience of walking against the wind is better, like hugging with the wind, there was a feeling of  gameplaying, and i got the sense of coolness while going against the wind. 6.When being led towards the flow of people, there is a sense of being led by the wind to find the group to relieve loneliness 7.The impact of wind on other beings is also a kind of cityscape (the leaves that are blown, the smoke of Jing'an Temple, the clothes that are blown by the wind, the long hair that is blown by the wind, the bells that are blown)-the shape  and sound of the wind
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8.limited by my body(way of moving , eyelevel...)
next steps
1.Changes in time, try to experiment at night 2.Altitude changes, try to carried out on the rooftop 3.Changes in the direction in a certain at different times(stay in one place to observe) 4.video demo of new way of “seeing” 5.artist reference
other ideas that has no relationship with this project: Future-archaeology(leave traces for future)
artist reference:
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0715 & 16
1.Project Theme
What is the significance of the selected topic? Why is it relevant or even urgent?
Wind navigation
Existing navigation systems are all based on artificial things, we usually head to our destination under the guide of GPS, indicating signs etc. but the word is a living organism, we seemed ignored our nature instinct of exploring under the guide of nature force
What is the purpose you want to achieve as a designer/artist?
Through my design, users are allowed to have a city tour being navigated by wind. This movement form that getting rid of human body constraint will amplify cityscape from a different perspective and discover details hidden in daily life. Also, I will speculate the future navigation system and examine its influence to individuals.
 3. Audience
What is your possible target audience?
people who want to visit the city.
 4.Research Methodology
List your research method you are going to utilize.
Field research:
Visualize the direction of wind
Walking in the city compeletly FOLLOWING  the wind
Walking in the city compeletly AGAINST  the wind
Sight follow the direction of wind
Secondary research:
Document Research (typology, why ,how)
Artists Reference
 5. References
Art/Design/ Insight
Toward a Holobiont Urbanism 2015-2017
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The author proposes a method of sampling biological material from cities by using honeybees (Apis mellifera) as a proxy to swab-based sampling methods.
Description We are at the dawn of an era where genetic sequencing is affordable. The Human Genome Project brought advances in biomedicine and brought us closer to understanding the human makeup from a functional standpoint. Understanding the microbial environment which we interact with is the next step before we can begin to ask fundamental questions about life and the invisible microbial world. In order to see it, you must sense it first. The initial ideas proposed by the Earth Microbiome Project resonate through many research institutions worldwide. The effort to sample cities at large scale is present, but the methods used for sampling have not changed since a long time. The process continues to be tedious, depends on the presence of researchers, represents very little surface area per sample, and the results could be biased based on the person who collects the sample. I propose that we shift our methods for collecting DNA from manual into semi-autonomous, taking advantage of existing systems in cities which we can leverage for collecting DNA.  Beekeeping is very popular among the largest and densest cities in the world, opening the possibility for us to take advantage of their innate behavior as a sensor. There are 10,000-80,000 bees per colony, with 50-80% of them foraging their local environment up 3-5 miles in radius. I hypothesize that their air travel permits them to interact with indicators of various microbial environments besides just the pollen they are seeking to bring back to their hive. By comparing the microbial environment between hives we can discern that the differences are local to their 3-5 mile radius, effectively creating nodes which represent the geo-spatial microbial environments. Using bees as a method for microbial sampling can provide us with high frequency results and bring us closer to understanding the invisible world of microbes in cities without having to send teams of researchers out into the field.  We are experiencing a shift in perception about the presence of microbes in our lives. Efforts have been made in the last six years to discover the invisible world of microbes particularly in cities. Sampling tools, however have not been explored in the context of sensing microbial environments in dynamic states. The scientific contribution of this proposal is to explore new methods for sampling environmental microbes at high frequencies with low human involvement by using bees as sensors. This new interspecies dependency begins to hint at a world of “directed symbiosis”.
Martí Guixé, Food Facility, 2005
Martí Guixé, Solar Kitchen Restaurant for Lapin Kulta, 2011
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The work speculates how we can make food if energy is exhausted; and set up a solar restaurant to promotes reflection on the impact of changes in the cook system on eating behavior
6.Possible Direction
How is it relevant and connected to your major?
wind as a new way of navigation (design a kind of future infrastructure)
wind as a clue, form a new way of “seeing”, lead people to know the shanghai
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tianyushi14 · 3 years
0713 field research
Keywords :air flow / wind
(What’s the role of air flow as a medium between people and cityscape.)
Secondary keywords : air flow as navigation
(As a guide, air flow will lead people to explore the city as a natural form of navigation)
(Ps: one significant thing I felt about the wind is that when I was in a metro station, I felt the wind is pushing me towards the entrance and I don’t even need to look at the signs. So I am wondering if air flow can be transferred in to a new type of navigation.)
So I decide to follow the lead of air flow and visit the city with air flow.
My principle for today’s field research is totally abandon my subjective destination tendencies and completely follow the guide of air flow. Follow the direction of the wind in general, and when air flow is not disturbing, I’ll just follow the road;when coming to a dead end (wall, where I can't get in...) i will just turn to the opposite direction.
My approach is visualise the direction of the wind with a handmade flag. So the movement or rotation of the flag represent the direction of air flow .
1. Starting from the jingan CBD, walking into more and more narrow streets under the lead of wind
2. Starting from a narrow street, walking into a green land (little park) under the lead of wind
3. Starting from a narrow street, walking into a parking lot (a relatively open space) under the lead of wind
4. Starting from a narrow street, walking into a alley (which turn out to be a shortcut)under the lead of wind
5. air flow made me walk back and forth in a narrow pathway
6. Make circles inside the People's Square
Vlog: https://youtu.be/6BtmLEQ-D_o
Feelings and questions:
1. The change in the direction of the airflow is more noticeable near the intersection
2. In a more open intersection or small square, the changes of direction tend to be more frequent and rapid, which is much more difficult to determine the direction of next step.
3. Often walk towards the opposite direction (more often in the alleys) .
4. Influenced by people and traffic flow
5. Only two-dimensional direction is successful transferred , but fail to transform elevation difference and temperature information
6. The route of the wind do not fully follow the transportation network human has design, I often need to violate traffic regulations.
7.Sometimes the direction of air flow happens to be the direction of common destination, but sometimes it’s Completely the opposite way.
8. I paid too much attention on the behavior of my feet(my route), the feeling of the body is not fully recorded. I believe there must be something unique I need to sense where air flow made me walk back and forth to change direction.
9.I only went where the air flow went ,but forgot to walk again air flow.
10.what’s the relationship between air flow and space (area ,architecture density, architecture height… )
Further review
1.What if we create a new method of visiting the city using air flow as a clue. So that a new way of “seeing” will be formed, people will explore and get to now Shanghai by following air flow.(reference: The Ten Scenes of West Lake (formed since the Song Dynasty) are based on people's sensory experiences, some by smell, some by hearing, and some based on time and seasons.)
Tradicional way of visiting a strange city is a point2point way,people tend to visit a site of interest and then “jump” to another site. Guide by air flow means a linear method.
2. If my tools(flag) is objective enough?
My answer is negative, since the flag was actually held by my hand, so it was connected to my body and to some distance it was controlled by my hand. And the direction it was showing can be a unconsciously processed information.
So i will try to use feather , ballon, bubble or dandelion to indicate the direction of air flow. These objects are totally free, they are controlled by the air flow, and otherwise they are capable of showing the change of altitude.
To-do list for day4:
Desk research-Typology of air flow
Field research-use free objects to transform the direction of air flow,and try to measure more aspects about air flow (the air volume etc.).
The reason why there is wind is pressure difference(caused by temperature or space etc.)
Typology of air flow :
Laminar flow occurs when air can flow smoothly, and exhibits a parabolic velocity profile; Turbulent flow occurs when there is an irregularity (such as a disruption in the surface across which the fluid is flowing), which alters the direction of movement. Turbulent flow exhibits a flat velocity profile; Stabilized flow
air flow in urban area: 1.(vertical) Due to the Urban Heat Island Effect, the air rises in the city and sinks in the suburbs. A small thermal environment is formed between the city and the suburbs. The resulting wind is called urban wind. 2.(horizontal) As air flows form open areas into narrow areas, wind speeds increase. Urban tunnel effect refers to the narrow space in cities(tunnel, alley, space between highrise buildings...),resulting in an increase in wind speed and wind stength.
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tianyushi14 · 3 years
0711 case study of mapping
(Topics and modalities)
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1.De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani
The architects made a mapping about immigrants of Milan, as Milan is the most popular destination of refugees. But there are obstacles, so based on this mapping they design some architecture to help and guide refugees and immigrants. this topic impressed me most,designer started from a social issue and through mapping, find a way to help solve this problem.
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2. PAINTING REALITY – A Brushstroke by Society
The artist poured water on the intersection, and every vehicle and passerby will leave their traces and footprints. So the tracks are presented with lines of different colores. The intersection of the roads was translated into a reality map, showing people’s movement and traffic flow. It was a living mapping indicating that particular area in during particular time.
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Qui translated historical events about art of china since 1989 into a geographical map, showing these events with a nonlinear narrative way. Time is flattened in his work. In his own personal style, Qiu also make a series of map of mythology, history and other topics that are usually beyond 2 dimensions.
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4. Hippocampus
Genetically-encoded fluorescent proteins illuminate neurons in different colors in a modern version of the Golgi stain.In this project, bio nature are translated into visual language, indicating themselves with color and light.
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5. Weather for the blind
In this project, weather datas are transformed into digital signals, which will driven the installation to compose a music for everyday. So the music of everyday will never be the same. very clever transformation,and lead to a solution to a real problem(weather forecast for the blind)
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6.south London arteries
The traditional paper map is reprocessed to refine the information and highlight what the designer want to express.But its form is still limited by the paper.
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7. Jerusalem created from The New Testament, The Torah, The Armenian Bible and The Koran
A city always has its own stories and rumors,Jerusalem is known as the holy city of many religions, and the story of this city render this city. So these religious scriptures are also filled with narratives about the city. In this program, Jerusalem is rebuilt by those stories and legends. The author transferred story and words into mapping.
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8.La elipsis arquitectónica en el CCU Tlatelolco
Visualize the relationship between people and space, and record the moving lines and trajectories of people. Based on this, the authors use these data to plan the exhibition space and reorganize the relationship between man and space.
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9. where people runs in the cities
This series of mapping shows the route preferences of runners in various cities, showing the density and route, and at the same time, these lines also form the pulse of the city
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10. writing without words
The author broke the book into chapters, broke the chapters into paragraphs and etc. In this way the book is broke into words. A linear narrative becomes a nonlinear form.
Through aimless drift, we sense the environment with our bodies, build connections with other people and other beings. And explore with all the senses ,not just our eyes,but also with hearing, smelling and haptic all sensory and etc.
Through mapping, we are able to expand the details that we noticed.
Experience,sensory, storytelling Break formations
0712 field research
Keywords of felling and experience
1. Paradox
Some Interesting contradictions are noticed ,  weird and unusual phenomena in this magic city. for example, sculpture telling a Chinese story is decorated with a Greek carving; a combination of Chinese garden style window and gothic gable; people selling on underwear in the door of a hot pot store.
2. Feeling of the city is trying to trade every minute.
All the tags,labels,posters, on the street and in Metro stations seems to imply us some informal commerce.
Examples: vendor transferred money receiving QR-codes into necklaces, sharing people QR-codes and while persuading passerby to buy their products.
So I bought some dried shrimps, which is also called 开洋(kaiyang),and it is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine while being a kind of food. As the vendor told me that I can only got these shrimps today, I will never be able to buy any of them in Shanghai this years. So I believe these dried shrimps can represent today’s Shanghai.
Come across with different groups of people, 4 out of 10 speaks Shanghainese, one group of people are talking in hakkien, police speaks mandarin and the dialect of nurse is a combination of mandarin & shanghainese. Different dialect represent different cultures and even different immigrants. So are cultures mixing or are they still isolated from each other.
4.air flow / wind
In the scorching summer, the most significant thing I can feel is the air flow. The air flow is felt differently in different spaces and locations, and different winds seems have different personality characteristics, some feels like a lover ,some are like robber ,some feels like silent friends, etc.
Another feeling about air flow is that when I was in a metro station, the air flow seems like showing me the way to the exit, guide me with its coolness and gentle touch.
There are lots of symbiosis relationships in this city, people selling desserts and clothes in the same store, metro station is constructed underneath the jingan temple.
Otherwise, locals and immigrants are living in a symbiosis relationship, and people live in the city, then here comes a question: this city raised those people or immigrants feed this city…
Airplanes leave traces in the sky, vehicles leave traces, and people leave traces of living. Everything in life co-exists and growing together, and all beings leave their marks. These traces can be visual and haptic even a sudden sound.
7. relationship between our body & the city
1)The traditional way to visit a city is to visit along the planned route. The city is considered static, but when floating, it is often felt as if the city revolves around people, who become the leading role. Just as in the novel Folding Beijing, the city begins to move, rather than people.
2) The interrelation between man and space
In different places, the sense of distance between people and space is different, and the sense of pressure for pedestrians is also different(From open to moderate distance to crowded ). There is a sense of dynamic repression.
8.tiny particles carried by our bodies
Tiny particles(ash, little fruits, leaves ) will fell on our shoulders and fell into our hairs or bags.This is also a kind of symbiosis, human and other beings travel across the city together.
Learn to transfer one sensory into another one.(light -(data-)sound, haptic-sound(pitch))
Practice 2
We transferred haptic samples of group4 into sound by dropping those samples into a glass of water(a glass of water act as a acoustic generator). Different textures and bumps produced quiet different sounds. But still limited by the material of those haptic samples(clay).
Keywords for tomorrow: air flow / wind
Sub-keywords: the relationship between our body and the city, symbiosis.
Air flow is a medium between our body and the city. Air flow act as a interpreter to help us communicate with the cityscape. As I felt, sometimes we go with the wind, sometimes we must go against the wind.
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