tokicide · 9 years
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『空也』I moved Kuro over here! So this blog will be switched to being an archive.
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tokicide · 9 years
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『空也』I moved Kuro over here! So this blog will be switched to being an archive.
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tokicide · 9 years
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『空也』I moved Kuro over here! So this blog will be switched to being an archive.
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tokicide · 9 years
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『空也』 Eyy, it’s announcement time! It’s not definite yet, but I’ve been (strongly) considering moving Kuro over to my multi-oc ‘cause he’s one of my favourite muses and yet I always end up ignoring him. The other blog’s been my main one as of late, so I feel that he’d get his fair amount of activity.
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tokicide · 9 years
[ XX; important guy ]
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      he would not have been able to explain how it happened. The boy was right in front of him - and Glen was ready to swear on his head he was real and not a ghost like those he had seen so many times in his head - and then the second after he vanished from his sight; and before the Duke could move or even turn his voice spoke to his ear, making him instinctively turn and take a step away ( not in fear, but in mere surprise ). Black and golden eyes stared at the stranger who had walked in the manor, bringing so many mysteries and questions with him. And he, who had always been curios, could not be but more and more intrigued as time passed. “Your velocity is rather impressive. It’s impossible for anyone to notice you.” Although something told him it was not velocity which made him so hard to catch, as if he was just a shadow and not a human being.
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『 🕗 』 Of course, even among people with the ability to use magic, the assassin’s skill left others to doubt whether or not he was actually human; if the other male said it, it would come as no surprise. The sting that came with the words had long since faded, and though not technically true, they weren’t invalid. But they weren’t said then. Kuro blinked a couple times as though surprised at that fact. “I guess. I’ve yet to meet someone who could.” Somehow, the thought of someone being able to overpower him gave him some semblance of hope. He couldn’t possibly be as strong as his power made him out to be, and wishing for another person to prove that seemed more certain than waiting around to drop dead.
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tokicide · 9 years
I’m not for everyone. I’m barely for me.
Marc Maron (via ohlovequotes)
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tokicide · 9 years
[ XX; oh, that guy ]
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Irritated eyes shift from his smartphone to the sandwich that the other had offered him. “I decline. I don’t eat such foods… especially when it is is suddenly offered to me on the street.” His response was a tad bit harsh, considering he was interrupted from his work for this. The student studied the other for a second, recognizing him. “I thought you would’ve died.”
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『 🕗 』 Oh, the other was definitely familiar then. Kuro tilted his head. Was there anywhere else he could get rid of the sandwich without wasting it? Maybe a child or someone else, but he may just get the same response, and he didn’t think he could take it to a food bank. Maybe he could find a homeless person. “Apparently not. Are there any homeless people around here?”
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tokicide · 9 years
[ XX; important guy ]
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     he did not hesitate a single moment when it was his turn to introduce himself. “Glen Baskerville. The head of this household.” It was not that he had rejected the name he had been carrying since his birth: simply, he had been ‘forced’ to leave it behind when he had taken that role. He was ‘Leo’ for no one else anymore, and he was now the only one who said that name, under his breath, as if to remember who he had been and what long way had he gone through to arrive where he as now. “And how did you exactly come in? Since there are guards everywhere.” and he doubted someone among them had not noticed the unknown boy, since he was not even wearing anything red. Unraveling this mystery was his current priority.
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『 🕗 』 Kuro nodded to acknowledge the introduction, but otherwise decided to leave it. To be fair, though, the jacket he normally wore was red, but it had to be washed due to mysteriously getting covered in icing; he’d had to resort to an old black one instead. Maybe he would have blended in better if that unfortunate scenario hadn’t occurred, but oh well. Nothing to be done. Explaining was difficult, thought the other deserved that at least; however, he decided that a demonstration would be better. With a short sigh, he focused his power and stopped time, taking the opportunity to walk over so that he stood behind the other before releasing the hold. “That’s how,” he mumbled.
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tokicide · 9 years
why do we hurt the people that we love? why do we hurt everyone? when does it stop? when will I die?
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tokicide · 9 years
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『 🕗 』 As much as Kuro felt like throwing up, he hated wasting food. Somehow he’d miscalculated on what his body could handle holding down. Glancing around, he approached the closest person and held the plate out to him. He seemed familiar, but he wouldn’t put too much thought into it. “Here you go, sir. A free peanut butter and jelly sandwich for all of your... hard work...?”
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tokicide · 9 years
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『 🕗 』 “Pretty...” Kuro had only entered the room in his search for a place to take a nap--who knew how he ended up at a school, but there didn’t seem to be many people there either way--and at first had been disappointed by the paint and art supplies everywhere. Upon closer inspection of the canvases that had been set up, though, he couldn’t help but to stare at them in awe. 
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tokicide · 9 years
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                                              “did you know?”                            no one can grasp your dirtied hand
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tokicide · 9 years
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『 🕗 』 “What’s the easiest way to justify eating an entire cake?” The air hung thick around him, almost in a way that would have made him shiver had he not been wearing a jacket. It reminded him of rain clouds, but his focus stayed on the bakery he stood outside of.
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tokicide · 9 years
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『 🕗 』 “Uh, ma’am? That looks kind of dangerous.” Kuro had no clue what the stranger was doing, but it didn’t appear to be anything good. 
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tokicide · 9 years
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ur son
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tokicide · 9 years
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『空也』 I  updated my rules! Taking a look at them would be appreciated.
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tokicide · 9 years
[ XX; kind saviour ]
Leading him over to the bench, the dragoness sat down with him for a moment. It wasn’t as if she had anywhere else to go except sight-seeing; and Lyth was rather concerned about the stranger’s wellbeing. They seemed to be suffering from some sort of sleep deprivation.
… Maybe? She wasn’t quite sure.
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“No family? Then is there anyone else I can call besides the emergency people?” Grey eyes peered at him, trying to figure out if there was anything she could do.
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『 🕗 』 Though tempted to fall asleep right then and there, the assassin kept himself awake for the sake of not being rude and passing out on a complete stranger. It took a bit of effort to focus on her words, but he managed. With something of a hum, he considered the question.
Was there really an answer to it, though?
“No... And emergency people aren’t necessary...” It wasn’t like they could help or even diagnose his problem. “I’ll be fine if I sit down for a bit.”
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