trunghieutran0311 · 1 month
The advent of the Internet has heralded a new era of global interconnectedness, facilitating unprecedented opportunities for social interaction, discourse, and the dissemination of ideas. However, alongside these advancements in information and communication technology (ICT), new challenges pertaining to digital citizenship and online conflict have emerged, necessitating a nuanced approach to navigating the virtual landscape.
At its core, the concept of digital citizenship encapsulates the ethical and responsible use of technology and the Internet. It transcends mere compliance with legal frameworks, encompassing the cultivation of a supportive and inclusive online community characterized by mutual respect and empathy. Fundamental to digital citizenship is the recognition of one's rights and responsibilities in cyberspace, including safeguarding personal information, eschewing prejudice, and respecting the privacy of others.
Moreover, civic sovereignty in the digital realm demands a keen awareness of prevalent threats such as cyber fraud, fake news, and disinformation campaigns. As the Internet becomes an increasingly fertile ground for the rapid dissemination of contentious issues, individuals must be equipped with the skills to discern fact from fiction and navigate the virtual landscape with discernment and critical thinking.
However, despite the myriad benefits of online connectivity, the Internet also serves as a breeding ground for various forms of online conflict, ranging from cyberbullying to privacy intrusions and cyber attacks. These behaviors not only pose significant threats to individual well-being but also undermine societal cohesion and stability. Therefore, concerted efforts from international organizations, governments, and the technology industry are imperative to address these pressing concerns.
Governments play a pivotal role in formulating and enforcing specialized legislation pertaining to cybersecurity and data privacy, thereby safeguarding the rights and interests of digital citizens. Simultaneously, technology companies bear a responsibility to prioritize user safety and privacy in the design and delivery of their products and services, fostering a culture of trust and transparency among users.
However, the onus of fostering a supportive and harmonious online community does not rest solely on policymakers and industry stakeholders. Education and awareness-raising initiatives are essential in empowering individuals, particularly young Internet users, with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the digital landscape responsibly. By instilling values of empathy, critical thinking, and digital literacy, we can cultivate a new generation of informed and discerning digital citizens capable of contributing positively to the online community.
In essence, achieving a peaceful and secure online environment requires collective action and collaboration across all sectors of society. By prioritizing digital citizenship education, enacting robust regulatory frameworks, and promoting ethical practices in technology development, we can pave the way for a future where the Internet serves as a catalyst for positive social change and collective empowerment.
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trunghieutran0311 · 1 month
Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming
The landscape of gaming has undergone a remarkable transformation from solitary battles against fictional goes to vibrant communities pulsating with life and diversity. Delving into this dynamic realm, one encounters a kaleidoscope of connections and interactions, driven by passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds.
At the heart of this phenomenon lies game culture—a social tapestry transcending geographical boundaries to unite players with shared interests in specific games or genres. This culture fosters a profound sense of belonging and identity, giving rise to a unique lexicon, memes, and fashion inspired by beloved game characters. From elaborate cosplay costumes to the emergence of gaming celebrities like Faker, the community thrives on exclusivity and camaraderie.
The advent of digital platforms has revolutionized the gaming landscape, providing forums, subreddits, and platforms like Discord and YouTube as virtual meeting grounds for enthusiasts to exchange strategies, delve into lore, and engage in spirited discussions. These communities serve as incubators for collaborative content creation, ranging from how-to guides to mesmerizing fan artworks.
The evolution of gaming platforms has ushered in an era of unprecedented creativity, with titles emphasizing quality over mere spectacle. Exclusive releases and immersive virtual communities cater to a spectrum of tastes, from niche experiences to epic narratives. Each game cultivates its own subculture, enriching the tapestry of the gaming community with its distinct flavor.
One of the most prominent figures in the realm of game streaming is PewDiePie, whose infectious personality and irreverent humor have garnered him a massive following. Through his streams, PewDiePie not only entertains but also cultivates a sense of community among his fans, fostering a shared experience around the games he plays. His influence extends beyond gaming circles, showcasing the potential of streaming as a platform for entertainment and cultural exchange. Games like League of Legends and personalities like PewDiePie have become synonymous with the gaming zeitgeist, their influence extending far beyond the confines of the screen. Through live streaming and content creation, they offer audiences a glimpse into their gaming adventures, shaping trends and igniting conversations within the community.
Yet, amidst the camaraderie and celebration, the gaming sphere is not immune to darker elements. Cyberbullying and harassment cast a shadow over online interactions, underscoring the need for vigilance and proactive measures to foster a safe and inclusive environment.
Nevertheless, the gaming world offers more than mere entertainment—it serves as a crucible for forging connections, honing skills, and fostering a sense of togetherness. By embracing activism and listening to the diverse voices within the community, we can continue to enrich our gaming experiences and harness its transformative potential.
Hamilton, WA, Garretson, O, & Kerne, A 2014, Streaming on Twitch: Fostering participatory Communities of play within Live Mixed Media. 2014, Toronto, Canada.1315–24.
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trunghieutran0311 · 1 month
The pervasive integration of social media filters into our visual landscape marks a profound shift in how we perceive and present ourselves online. Traditionally, the term "filter" connotes a process of exclusion, yet in the digital realm, platforms like Instagram offer a divergent reality. These tools empower users to manipulate their photos, embellishing them with layers of enhancements, brightness adjustments, and saturation tweaks, thus constructing a digital realm detached from natural aesthetics. This extends beyond mere photography; the act of "filtering" permeates our digital existence, shaping how we curate our online personas and even dictating the content we consume through our social media feeds. However, in this discourse, our focus will delve into the multifaceted definition and ramifications of filters within the domain of visual culture.
The advent of digitized beauty heralds an era of "self-curated" appearance, particularly pertinent in the realm of feminine aesthetics. While traditional media has long exerted influence over beauty norms, the advent of photo-altering filters and editing applications confers individuals with the agency to mold their own rendition of idealized beauty. Nevertheless, this newfound autonomy precipitates a dichotomous quandary. On one hand, it affords a semblance of control and the liberty to experiment with modes of self-expression. Conversely, the incessant deluge of filtered imagery across social media platforms engenders a warped perception of authentic beauty, fueling social comparisons and potentially exacerbating body dysmorphia.
Filters serve as potent instruments for the construction of idealized self-images—smoothing complexions, accentuating features, and even reshaping body contours. Yet, the incessant exposure to these meticulously edited depictions exacts a toll upon social media denizens. The pervasive use of filters perpetuates unrealistic beauty standards by inundating feeds with flawless, airbrushed representations. Given society's proclivity to gauge self-worth and physical attractiveness through comparative measures, the proliferation of filters may engender heightened levels of body dissatisfaction and anxiety among users.
The inception of Snapchat's face filters, colloquially known as Lenses, in September 2015 marked a watershed moment in the realm of augmented reality integration into daily self-presentation. These filters, leveraging the smartphone's front-facing camera, imbue selfies with virtual accessories and facial modifications, thereby facilitating engagement with augmented reality technologies. Harnessing coordinate mapping, these filters seamlessly overlay virtual elements onto specific facial features, ensuring spatial coherence as users navigate their environment. Notably, whimsical additions such as puppy snouts have garnered widespread acclaim, further blurring the boundaries between reality and digital augmentation.
Amidst the deluge of imagery shared daily by Snapchat's extensive user base, estimated at 186 million in 2018 (Statista), it is tempting to attribute the propagation of homogenous beauty ideals to celebrity figures turned makeup moguls, exemplified by the Kardashians. However, it behooves us to recognize that social media often projects an unattainable standard of beauty, and imperfection is not only acceptable but also celebrated. Seeking support from trusted confidants or mental health professionals can serve as a salve for navigating the emotional complexities engendered by this digital paradigm. Ultimately, authentic beauty emanates from within, and embracing one's idiosyncrasies is the quintessence of true self-confidence. Cultivating mindfulness, pursuing enriching hobbies, and fostering positive social connections are indispensable strategies for safeguarding mental well-being amidst the digital maelstrom.
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trunghieutran0311 · 1 month
Another day, another topic to discuss
In the contemporary landscape of social media, the spectrum of content is vast and diverse, encompassing themes ranging from the banal to the profound. Among these, discussions surrounding body modification stand as a salient example, emblematic of the broader dialogue regarding the evolution of human physicality within the intersection of cultural, religious, and personal contexts. Defined as any alteration to the human form, whether undertaken individually or collectively, body modification traverses a myriad of practices, from tattoos and piercings to more radical surgical interventions. As social media ingrains itself deeper into the fabric of daily existence, the dissemination of body modification content proliferates, garnering significant traction among users, albeit not without attendant disclaimers.
However, the ascendancy of body modification content within social media's sphere is not without its concomitant risks, particularly concerning its impact on impressionable audiences, notably children and adolescents. These demographics constitute a sizable contingent of social media users, rendering them susceptible to the influence of prevailing trends and cultural norms propagated through digital platforms. Alarming trends, such as the virality of videos depicting extreme acts of body modification, exemplified by instances of tongue-cutting showcased on platforms like TikTok, underscore the perilous ramifications of unregulated exposure to such content. The allure of social media engenders a sense of immediacy and authenticity, blurring the boundaries between virtual representation and tangible reality, thereby engendering a propensity among younger cohorts to emulate behaviours showcased on screen, irrespective of the inherent risks and ethical implications.
The proliferation of body modification content among impressionable demographics precipitates a pressing need for proactive measures to mitigate potential harm and safeguard vulnerable users. Implementation of age-restricted access protocols represents a preliminary step towards curbing indiscriminate exposure to potentially harmful content, ensuring that only users of requisite maturity are granted access to such materials. Moreover, educational interventions aimed at enhancing media literacy and fostering critical thinking skills among youth serve as indispensable tools for navigating the digital landscape discerningly, enabling them to discern between aspirational fantasy and tangible reality. Concurrently, legislative frameworks mandating stringent safeguards and oversight mechanisms vis-à-vis the dissemination of body modification content to minors constitute an imperative step towards preempting adverse outcomes and curtailing the propagation of injurious trends.
In conclusion, the ascendancy of body modification discourse within social media underscores the complex interplay between technological innovation, cultural dynamics, and ethical imperatives in shaping contemporary sociocultural paradigms. By elucidating the multifaceted implications of unbridled exposure to body modification content among impressionable audiences, this discourse serves as a clarion call for concerted action to mitigate potential harm and foster responsible digital citizenship. Only through collaborative efforts, spanning regulatory, educational, and societal domains, can we aspire to navigate the digital terrain discerningly and cultivate a media ecosystem conducive to the holistic well-being of all stakeholders.
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trunghieutran0311 · 1 month
How was your day ? Get’s ready for the next topic with me ?
Central to influencers' engagement with the slow fashion movement is their adeptness in crafting compelling content that educates and empowers their audience regarding the environmental ramifications of fast fashion. Through visually captivating materials and engaging narratives, influencers illuminate the deleterious consequences of unchecked consumerism, prompting a paradigm shift towards conscientious consumption habits. By spotlighting sustainable fashion brands and initiatives, influencers not only amplify the visibility of eco-conscious labels but also foster a culture of informed decision-making among their followers.
The strategic partnerships forged between influencers and slow fashion brands further reinforce the movement's momentum, leveraging influencers' credibility and reach to amplify brand messaging and advocate for sustainable practices. By aligning themselves with ethical brands, influencers not only cultivate a sense of authenticity but also instill a sense of urgency and relevance within their audience, compelling them to reevaluate their purchasing behaviors and prioritize sustainability.
Moreover, influencers' candid sharing of their personal journeys towards embracing sustainable fashion imbues the movement with a humanizing element, resonating with audiences on a deeper emotional level. By showcasing the feasibility and desirability of adopting sustainable fashion alternatives, influencers inspire tangible behavioral changes and foster a sense of collective responsibility towards environmental stewardship.
Illustrative examples, such as the thought-provoking videos disseminated on platforms like TikTok, underscore influencers' commitment to raising awareness about the perils of overconsumption and the virtues of mindful fashion choices. Through innovative storytelling and creative expression, influencers leverage their platforms to challenge prevailing norms and champion the ethos of sustainability.
In summation, social media influencers play an indispensable role in driving consumer behavior towards ethical, sustainable, and socially responsible fashion choices. As influential arbiters of taste and opinion, influencers wield their influence to effect positive change within the fashion industry, steering it towards a more equitable, eco-conscious future. By continuing to champion the principles of the slow fashion movement, influencers catalyze a ripple effect of transformation, ushering in a new era of sustainability and accountability within the realm of fashion and beyond.
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trunghieutran0311 · 3 months
Good morning, welcome back to my “20009 Digital Communities” series, and this is my 3rd post. Today we will discuss a little bit about “Platformization”.
The phrase "platform" has emerged as the preeminent conceptual cornerstone within the realm of social media firms, delineating their strategic positioning within the market and their mechanisms for engaging with users. This term has attained pervasive adoption among both consumer cohorts and within the media landscape (Gillespie, 2010).
Tarleton Gillespie offers an exhaustive analysis of platforms, delving into the nuanced implications intrinsic to this term within a seminal academic discourse. Gillespie elucidates a platform, within the context of computing, as an infrastructure serving as the bedrock for the development and deployment of diverse applications. However, Gillespie (2010) asserts that entities operating within the domain of Web 2.0 have expanded the semantic boundaries of the term "platform" to encompass a manifold array of connotations:
"This utilization of the term 'platform' encapsulates its myriad connotations: computational, denoting anything serving as a foundational basis for innovation and development; political, embodying a space for socio-political expression and amplification; metaphorical, intimating that its potentiality extends beyond the tangible into the realm of abstraction and practicality; and architectural, suggesting a structural framework that underpins and facilitates a multitude of interactions."
At its core, platformization denotes the confluence of diverse services, commodities, or activities onto a digital framework. Digital platforms, constituting internet-based or cloud-based infrastructures, serve as conduits for interactions and transactions between disparate entities, whether users or providers. Platformization, thus, signifies the iterative process of expanding and diversifying the functionalities of platforms to encompass a broad spectrum of services beyond their initial or primary roles.
The platform economy, colloquially referred to as such, represents a critical linchpin within the contemporary digital milieu and, consequently, poses a substantial and multifaceted challenge for future consideration. Platforms function as intermediaries, facilitating transactions between consumers and suppliers, thereby operating as bustling marketplaces and hubs for the exchange of goods and services. As the user base expands exponentially, the term "platform" assumes an increasingly ubiquitous presence within both academic discourses and broader societal narratives. Moreover, platforms may assume divergent orientations, prioritising the needs and exigencies of either individual consumers or corporate entities.
Illustrating the profound and swiftly escalating economic import of digital platforms, the world's five largest platform enterprises (referred to colloquially as GAFAM) assert their dominance with a collective market valuation surpassing 4.5 trillion euros. By way of comparison, Germany's gross domestic product stood at approximately 3.44 trillion euros in 2019, underscoring the staggering economic heft wielded by these digital behemoths. To underscore the significance of digital platforms with surgical precision, a meticulously curated study conducted by Bitkom in 2020 unveils a trove of compelling insights: Retailers, in particular, evince a discernible cognizance of the pivotal role played by digital channels, with over 50% of surveyed organisations having already embraced a platform-oriented approach. A substantial majority of respondents within the retail sector, accounting for 60%, perceive the impact on their organisational matrices as either overwhelmingly positive or decidedly advantageous. The survey further underscores that in over 80% of cases, the stewardship of digital platforms rests squarely within the purview of upper echelons of management, indicative of the elevated strategic import ascribed to these digital infrastructures. Looking ahead, an overwhelming consensus—comprising over 70% of participants—coalesces around the prognostication that digital platforms will not only exert considerable sway over the global economic order in a decade's time but will also exert an indelible imprint upon the fabric of specific industries and enterprises, signalling an epochal shift in the contours of economic and commercial paradigms.
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trunghieutran0311 · 3 months
Hi peeps, still me’s talking in the second post in the “MDA20009 Digital Communities” series. You guys may know about a show called “Running Man”, don’t you ? But, the format and the formula of reality TV, did you understand that term clearly ? If not, let me tell you about it.
Reality television is a genre of televised entertainment characterised by its purported depiction of unscripted and often sensationalised scenarios, ostensibly documenting genuine events and featuring non-professional actors (obo, n.d.). This genre can be construed as a form of contrived or "heightened" documentary, blending popular entertainment with a self-conscious assertion of representing reality. The amalgamation of these elements has positioned reality TV as a significant platform for various socio-cultural phenomena, including the fusion of marketing and entertainment, the convergence of novel technologies in production and promotion, and an acknowledgment of the manufactured artifice coexisting with claims of authenticity (Murray and Ouellette, 2004, p. Introduction 3).
The defining characteristic of reality TV resides in its mode of filming. Whether it unfolds within genuine settings with authentic individuals, akin to a documentary, occurs before a live studio audience actively engaged in the proceedings, or employs surreptitious surveillance techniques, reality TV relies on capturing events as they transpire (Winifred Fordham Metz, 2007).
Primarily, television (TV) serves as a medium for leisure and relaxation for a substantial portion of the populace. A study conducted in Germany sought to elucidate the factors influencing varied levels of TV consumption across different age demographics. Through questionnaire-based inquiries, the study uncovered a tendency for individuals exhibiting lower proclivities toward cognitive engagement to devote more time to television viewing. The research postulated that individuals with reduced inclinations for cognitive stimulation experience discomfort when confronted with idle periods necessitating introspection, thus resorting to television as a means of escape.
An additional investigation scrutinized the motivations underpinning students' engagement with reality TV. Despite the perceived social stigma associated with this genre, findings revealed a persistent interest among students. This enduring engagement can be attributed to reality TV's function as an escapist outlet from the rigors of daily life, concurrently fostering a sense of social connectivity and belonging (psychologyfactsweb, 2016). Furthermore, it affords viewers the opportunity to vicariously explore alternative lifestyles through the narratives of reality personalities.
Reality television is distinguished by its unscripted nature, showcasing genuine events or situations with non-professional actors. These productions frequently incorporate hosts or narrators to guide audiences through the unfolding narrative. Unlike scripted programming, such as sitcoms or dramas, reality TV dispenses with professional writers and actors, relying instead on producers and editors to manage production. This characteristic lends itself to the cost-effective nature of reality TV, prompting networks to embrace such content, particularly during periods such as the Writers Guild of America strike. Central to the essence of reality TV is its distinctive filming style, capturing unfiltered and spontaneous moments through the lens of the camera (Winifred Fordham Metz, 2007).
Nevertheless, it is imperative to discern that reality shows are "real" solely insofar as they are constructed from unscripted footage. The term "unscripted" should not be misconstrued as denoting an absence of premeditation. While the source material of reality TV originates from genuine occurrences, it falls upon editors and unscripted television writers to shape this raw footage into coherent narratives. This process entails the creation of sympathetic characters, the development of engaging storylines, and the establishment of narrative arcs encapsulating a beginning, middle, and end. Unscripted storytelling often adopts a deliberate retroactive approach, with the desired conclusion serving as a narrative fulcrum, facilitating the crafting of emotionally resonant, humorous, or intellectually stimulating viewing experiences for audiences (J. Ryan Stradal, 2015).
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trunghieutran0311 · 3 months
“How was the initial version of 'Peak Tumblr' chaotic?”
Hey, this is my first post in my “MDA20009 Digital Communities” series. Tumblr may not be an unfamiliar platform to social media users in contemporary society, with an average of over 200 million visits worldwide in the last six months of 2023 (Statista, 2024). However, this does not represent the peak period of Tumblr, as statistical data from Alex Barredo indicates that Tumblr's heyday recorded nearly 120 million daily posts in 2014. Therefore, what transpired during that period, and how has Tumblr evolved since then?
Tumblr media
Established in 2007, the microblogging platform Tumblr swiftly emerged as a platform for individuals of varying age groups worldwide to disseminate their musings, creative works, fanfiction, and feminist perspectives. The most apt depiction of the Tumblr community is akin to an extended version of Twitter, facilitating the ability to track individuals, disseminate original content, explore common interests through hashtags, and redistribute others' content within one's own feed. Comes along with the liberation of Tumblr are concepts of “platform vernacular”. The platform was structured as an expansive, perpetually flowing stream of content. Every social media platform develops its distinct amalgamation of conventions, linguistic structures, and rational frameworks, collectively forming what could be termed as a "platform vernacular" or a prevalent mode of communication derived from the broader populace (Gibbs et al. 2014, p. 257). In the case of Tumblr, its vernacular can be succinctly encapsulated by the following issues: niche communities, echo chambers, body positivity, discourse on adult content, NSFW (Not Safe For Work) content, and feminism.
Tumblr serves as a platform facilitating the identification and association of specific communities predicated upon shared interests, fandoms, or social movements. In this capacity, it cultivates profound interpersonal bonds among individuals whose affinities extend beyond conventional real-world connections. Notably, the platform embraces divergent and contentious subjects, thereby establishing a milieu conducive to amplifying marginalised voices and fostering inclusive discourse. Furthermore, Tumblr's propensity for engendering niche groups enables the proliferation of diverse content, thereby challenging the prevalent algorithmic echo chambers that typify many contemporary social media platforms.
Emerging from the historical context of the "fat acceptance movement" within 2nd wave feminism during the late 1960s, the body positive movement, as elucidated by Afful and Ricciardelli (2015), fundamentally advocated for the embracement of marginalised bodies while rejecting the societal imposition of the thin ideal. Rooted in the ethos of inclusivity and empowerment, body positivity transcends physical attributes such as size, shape, skin tone, gender, and ability. It represents a multifaceted social movement that challenges the entrenched norms of beauty, as underscored by academic sources. The genesis of Body Positivity can be traced back to the fat liberation movement of the 1970s. This movement aimed to dissociate from the dominant societal narrative regarding fat bodies. Expounding upon this discourse, the movement implores individuals to confront and dismantle the unrealistic beauty standards perpetuated by societal constructs, fostering an environment conducive to the celebration of human diversity in all its manifestations. The resurgence of the body positivity concept occurred concomitant with the advent of the third wave of feminism, as highlighted by Gibson (2017). Subsequently, the hashtag #bodypositive began to gain traction, manifesting its emergence as early as 2012 across various social media platforms. Initially, the Body Positive movement sought to challenge conventional notions surrounding marginalised individuals' bodies and lifestyles. Within their scholarly piece titled "Queering beauty: fatshionistas in the fatosphere," Lauren Gurrieri and Helene Cherrier expound upon the concept of "queering" as a critical mode of engagement. They elucidate that "queering" serves as a method aimed at challenging and destabilising the commonly accepted ideas pertaining to identity. It sought to achieve this goal through the establishment of liberation groups and the elevation of awareness regarding the oppression faced by individuals with larger bodies within the feminist discourse. (Reif, Miller & Taddicken 2022). Feminism on Tumblr allows feminist discourse to historically adopt a categorization termed "Waves" to encapsulate distinct periods characterised by particular ideological currents. This method facilitates the grouping of ideas within defined temporal boundaries. References to "X Wave Feminism" typically denote a simplified representation of the prevailing struggles and prioritise the most salient issues articulated by prominent voices of the era. However, it is notable that the construct of "Feminist Waves'' often neglects the perspectives and contributions of marginalised demographics, including but not limited to individuals from working-class backgrounds, LGBTQ+ communities, persons with disabilities, Black feminists, feminists of colour, and those inhabiting intersections beyond the paradigm of "white and wealthy. Nevertheless, in the subsequent section of Keller's article, there is a segment entitled "Tumblr: A 'Proper Black Hole' of Feminism." Indeed, this aspect stands out as one of the persistent affordances associated with Tumblr: anonymity (Keller, 2019). Tumblr's feminist discourse exhibits a deficiency in its ability to engage with criticism and embrace complexity. Within this context, the discourse often adheres to a simplistic dichotomy of right versus wrong, resulting in the marginalisation of experiences that fall outside this binary framework. Moreover, Tumblr's feminist community tends to prioritise the activism of celebrity figures over the substantive impacts of their actions. Accountability is notably absent within this space, with voices of individuals wielding larger platforms being disproportionately amplified by the platform's algorithm, while marginalised voices face challenges in attaining visibility and influence.
Established in 2007, Tumblr evolved into a key centre for platform subcultures related to body positivity, gender nonconformity, queerness, and art. These communities extensively utilised the platform's permissive content policy, which permitted sexually explicit images, text, and animated GIFs. NSFW content, including pornography were being seen as aesthetic and cultural value. We can blame it for the policy of Tumblr, which company’s social media encourages users to share everything: “Use it however you like” and “Put anything you want here” remain Tumblr’s key commercial invitations to date (Reif, Miller & Taddicken 2022). In “Tumblr porn eulogy’’, Ashley refers to a story which in short is a life story about a girl and her journey to become an “online porn-worker” on Tumblr. “There is a worldwide community (a public sphere) that is occasionally termed 'E-girls'—though during that period, I personally labelled us as 'Internet Naked Girls, which were among the initial generation to truly come of age on social media.” (Ashley, 2019).
Tumblr media
In November 2018, following a suspension from the Apple App Store due to the hosting of child pornography, Tumblr declared its choice to prohibit all NSFW (not safe/suitable for work) content on the platform, utilising machine-learning classification. The decision to adopt strict terms of use governing nudity and sexual depiction on Tumblr occurred swiftly and abruptly, resulting in the forceful removal of networks and visual archives developed over a decade. At present, despite Tumblr's default system prohibiting NSFW content based on community standards and ethical rating scales, the platform still allows users to enable a mode that permits the appearance of sexual content. This sets it apart from Twitter's current societal landscape.
References list
Afful, AA & Ricciardelli, R 2015, ‘Shaping the Online Fat Acceptance movement: Talking about Body Image and Beauty Standards’, Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 454–455.
Ashley, V 2019, ‘Tumblr Porn Eulogy’, Porn Studies, pp. 1–4.
Corner, A 2021, ‘The Problem with Tumblr Feminism’, Medium, viewed 3 February 2024, <https://alicecorner.medium.com/the-problem-with-tumblr-feminism-eccd05680a63>.
Gibbs, M, Meese, J, Arnold, M, Nansen, B & Carter, M 2014, ‘#Funeral and Instagram: death, Social media, and Platform Vernacular’, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 255–268.
Keller, J 2019, ‘“Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms’, Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 7.
Keller, JM 2012, ‘Virtual Feminisms: Girls’ Blogging communities, Feminist activism, and Participatory Politics’, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 429–447.
Reif, A, Miller, I & Taddicken, M 2022, ‘“Love the Skin You‘re In”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive’, Mass Communication and Society, pp. 1043–1045.
Statista 2024, ‘Worldwide Visits to Tumblr.com from July to December 2023’, Statista, viewed 2 February 2024, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/261925/unique-visitors-to-tumblrcom/#:~:text=Total%20global%20visitor%20traffic%20to%20Tumblr.com%202023&text=In%20December%202023%2C%20the%20social>.
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