tupling · 8 months
business Presentation and Thesis
            Business Model Presentation and Thesis, the course to cap off the program! My original goal for this course was to finalize my business model and be prepared to present by business to investors and clients. It is the course the wraps everything up and puts it in the final place to presentation. I think this is the most important concept of the course as it prepares the student to present to their investors, or potential investors as well as potential clients. 
            The course did just what I had expected. I have been able to run through my presentation and gain feedback from staff. From an initial dry we can make changes and adapt based on that feedback, which feedback is important to the success of nearly everything today. So, throughout the course we can present three times to staff this is great in terms of being prepared because we will be able to get that feedback prior to going into a business pitch meeting or a product release etc.
Specifically, I don’t think there was much to learn in this course, it is more targeted towards refining elements to prepare students for the real world and the pitch presentation that they will have to do for their business.
            The presentation feedback and learning are paramount here. I will be using this going forward as I present my business and services to clients and potential investors. The presentation skills, and the knowledge learned throughout the entire program will be used throughout my career moving forward with my business venture.
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tupling · 8 months
Business Model Implementation and Management
Business Model Implementation and Management, this course was somewhat of a disappointment. I expected to continue to work on our Business model and really refine the final touches, however, that didn’t exist until the 4th week of the course where we added an explainer video to a presentation, we created a couple months back. We have made adjustment to the presentation however, not the kind that I felt would follow the name of the course. I really had high expectation for the course, wishing we could have focused a bit more on refinement and feedback of our business model prior to our presentation next month. My goal for this class was to build upon that previous work we completed in previous months. Build on the business model and build on the development of our presentation. 
            I don’t believe my goal was met in this instance. We learned a couple concepts in that continuous feedback concept; however, we didn’t build on our business model and refine it with perhaps additional peer feedback like we did in previous course. It would have been nice to have made changes we made previously and have another round of feedback from our peers and instructors prior to going into our final course. 
            All though I have already been familiar with it, continuous feedback was a great concept this month. It is paramount for business owners and inventors to get that continuous feedback. The only way we can develop better products and services is through feedback of those that use our products. So, I think learning more about this was key to our success. 
            If I had to pick something that I plan to apply in my personal and professional life, is that of the continuous feedback. This was one of the only new concepts we were taught or had instruction on, and I think constantly looking for feedback in many areas of life can be the one thing that changes the course of direction for us personally and professionally. We must improve how we operate, how we conduct ourselves, and how our products and services operate for the client. So, I plan to incorporate this concept regularly and always return and reflect on the feedback. This will allow myself to make decisions based on data in effort to better myself, my product, and my company. 
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tupling · 9 months
Innovative Workplace
The original goal for innovative work environments was to gain knowledge on how companies are building their workplaces. It is no secret that having a creative and welcoming work environment drives innovation and creativity. However, how does one go about designing said workplace that meets the needs of most of the work force. We can’t meet the needs of everyone; however, we can compromise on some things to bring a more inclusive workplace environment. So really, for this course I wanted to learn technics in accomplishing this for my business.
The course provided multiple resources that I can reflect on when it comes time to build out that workplace for my business. Along with the resource, this course gave me the tools to instill that thought process I will need when the time comes. Thinking outside the box can often be the key to a successful venture, being able to have that objective view when designing and implementing ideas really sets apart success and failure.
There were quite a few concepts I learned here in this course. I think the larger and more important ones are the building of the workplace and culture. Going back to what I have said previously, designing a workplace that is inclusive and where I can meet the needs of most of my workforce is paramount. This course gave me the tools to just do that, from the layouts, available amenities, the color tones, and the psychological aspect behind specific colors. Going back and looking at the evolution of the office space with some big tech companies like Microsoft and Google, and how paved the way for innovative workplaces, gives you the ideas in how one can incorporate those innovative ideas into their own office spaces.
I plan to use these technics and knowledge in my professionally life by applying them almost immediately. One thing I am taking from this course, is that you don’t need a large office space to incorporate some of the concepts. This can be done simply by applying them to your home office. Since my business may take a couple years before I grow into multiple employees, I plan to take the concepts of color tones, and space, having a quite space to work etc. and applying them to my current office space. I like the idea of blue color tones and the effect of being stable and calming, which translates into being focused. Perhaps some yellow under tones to help stimulating creativity.
In the future when I am ready to expand, I can use the same theories and design concepts to build an inviting workplace for employee to collaborate, create, and inspire new innovative ideas.
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tupling · 10 months
Marketing Strategies
Which content specifically was the most helpful?
Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneur’s course was helpful in many ways. However, the content that I found to be the most helpful comes down to the first two weeks of class. Branding and targeting, and competitors and positioning. Knowing how to brand your company may seem like a simple concept however, it is easy to get wrong as well. Being able to really relate to your clients with your branding and naming or even making your branding memorable for me was a concept that I thought could make or break a company. You wouldn’t want to put something like “Digital Chips” for a shoe company, however, it could work for a chip manufacturing company that perhaps uses al digital process to design and develop.
2 specific things learned in this course prepare you for launching or marketing your venture?
Again, there are quite a few concepts that I found interesting or learned the most from. I think the biggest and most impactful concept is that of the Competitors and positioning of a company. I think this has allowed me to have a different perspective in terms of how I can position myself against some of the larger contracting companies in the area. The next concept is the branding and targeting for my venture. Being able to relate to my clients and make for a memorable name with my company I personally learned a bit in this. I had my logo pre-built based on a brand name that I thought was unique and impactful, without knowing that I should make it memorable and something that relates. However, the course solidified that for me, and gave me additional tools to leverage to really dial in my business branding.
What were your specific expectations for the course? Please provide detailed examples.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from this course. I really wanted to nail down how to market to various clients and or customers, perhaps how to market a product in general. I think understanding the concepts behind marketing to certain demographics can be paramount to an organization. Also, how you market a specific product maybe for different demographics and being able to adjust as necessary. An example of this I have experience in real life, is Coors Light. They market their product as “The Silver Bullet” and in most places that is what it is called, however, in a small town back home it is marketed as “La Bala De Plata” also The Silver Bullet in Spanish. So, they have marketed the product for both demographics, however, have changed the slogan for this general area back home.
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tupling · 11 months
Entrepreneurial Financials
I think this course was of more interest for me than other courses. Financials are also a topic of interest when starting a business, simply because you want to know if you can fund it from the start or need investments to start. Also, it is good to know or get an idea of projections for your products or services. So, for this course, I really wanted to understand the financials and what key performance indicators would facilitate the return of the business. There are several factors that go into financials of a start-up and understanding them is paramount to the success of the business. Although my business idea is not one that is typical in nature which seems the courses in this program are tailored for, I do believe there are good concepts that I need to account for such as overall startup cost, licensing costs, lawyer costs etc. But more importantly, gauge how I would bid proposal in that I want to be able to become profitable as soon as possible. Based on my idea and plan that would be ideally as quick as I can land a solid contract.
The course gave me the tools and knowledge in the realm of understanding financials and how one can obtained funding to start. It would have been nice to have been a bit more open to other business ventures and not one that is building a product and selling it. That was my only problem. The course was tough in that aspect and force me to think different when completely assignments.
The course taught me the significance of understanding costs and gave me the tools needed to be prepared when assessing all financials of a business in general. There were templates that had costs associated to a business that I didn’t think about. Having this information in your back pocket as your idea grows can prepare you in ensuring you have everything accounted for.
Utilizing the template for financials will be something I will reference in the future. The various methods to valuation are another concept that I will be taking with me in the future, this information and knowledge will prepare myself and my company for growth and understanding how we can project cash flow. Being able to utilize this in the event of a larger business looking to buy mine out can be useful as I will have the information and knowledge to negotiate to the fullest and not blindly.  
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tupling · 1 year
Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs
My original goal for the Legal Issues for Entrepreneurs was to gain a foundation of issues that arise for many entrepreneurs in their businesses. Basically, that surface scratch on the key things to look for and how to protect yourself from a basic perspective.
The course provided a wide range of information in terms of legal issues and business laws. The focus on issues with starting the business and making sure you have all your documentation in place, all the way to business litigation and arbitration. Not only was there foundational knowledge and information there was an added benefit to protection and prevention of lawsuits.
The course taught some fundamentals but that was it. It gives entrepreneurs the basics to business legal problems, however, it’s just that. I do think the course could be updated with new information and provide some additional topics for other businesses. The course is focused on what I would consider your basic retail or products services business, however, doesn’t cover much of a government interaction business.
I think the topics covered here in the course, will help me develop my startup from the beginning and I will be able to take some of the aspects out of this course and apply them into my business. The more notable ones are what to include in contracts and how to prevent lawsuits or litigation as well as an alternative dispute resolution format. All of these will be applied to my business as I continue to develop it.
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tupling · 1 year
Developing Business Model
For the Business Model Development course my goal was to understand the key components of a business model that lead to the success of a venture. Understanding how to identify gaps and improvements on key components will help better my venture’s goal and delivery of my product to clients.
Throughout the course, I was reminded of new ideas, concepts, and improvements in which can be made to tweak my business model overall. Not just focusing on the client but the product as well and how I can get positive feedback from consumers to better the delivery of the product and the product itself. My venture is a consulting firm, so being able to provide top notch experience and expertise in the realm of digital development and transformation.
This course provided the necessary skill to dive deeper into my venture and its concept, to really understand how to perhaps not be a competitor in the market, but to just provide a high-quality service. A lot of the red ocean is known market, however, my focus from this class is how can I explore the blue ocean and identify uncharted markets to delivery my services to.
I will be able to revisit the course work and instructions from this course in the future to for lack of better terms turn the tunnel vision off. We get caught up in what we are doing in the moment, and we want to do it fast, however, we often need to slow down and look outside the box and in this case as the course describes through the Cirque du Soleil strategy “look into the blue ocean” the uncharted market that is not as well-known as that of the red ocean.
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tupling · 1 year
Understanding Business Feasibility
What was my original goal for the Business Feasibility course? Well, my initial thought was my idea even feasible, is it something that can become a profitable and sustainable business. So going into the course, my outcome I wanted to achieve was just that to make that determination on if it was feasible, and something that would be worth going through with, or would I have to pivot early into another idea.
The course definitely met my goal, not only was I able to determine if it was feasible, I also learned new ways to identify different competition, products, as well as adopted the concept of being able to pivot my idea. Pivoting is vital to an organization’s success; this is because you can only beat a brick wall so many times with you hand before you must pivot to another tool to knock the wall down. If you don’t identify a pivot, and your business begins to fail or not meet expectation, it will fail.
           Now, what did I learn from the Business Feasibility course? I believe my biggest takeaway from this course was the breakdown of the industry, market, and competition. It taught me the way of identifying key aspects in each category in which my product/services could have a gap. It gave me a perspective of looking at the industry in a different fashion than what I am typical used to in the sense that I was driven to dive deeper into the competition and their products and identify where they have gaps in which my product/services could potentially fulfill.
           This course gave me the tools to be successful in doing adequate research into a specific market, industry, or company to determine if a product or service would be viable. The key concept in business feasibility is understanding those categories and getting a full grasp on what they are trying to accomplish, as well as where they are lacking.
           As a software engineer in the mobile sector, I used some of these tools to identify gaps in mobile applications that I thought I had the potential to build and give to the customer what the other application builders were lacking within their products. I think I can continue this in a larger scheme in the sense of building a business that provides consulting services to organizations, to facilitate their digital transformations.
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tupling · 1 year
Product Design and Development
Going into Product Design and Development, I had a goal of understanding how to develop an idea and see it through from concept to implementation. The course brought a wide range of details on various tactics in ensuring a products success, and that the design of the product would meet the intent of the consumer. I believe this course is just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more to product design and development than what this course could offer. I look forward to continuing my journey is this area as I move down this path to starting a business and providing a product or service to the government sector. The course provided just that, and in-depth view on not only how we should tackle an idea, but also how other entrepreneurs have done so with their business and product. It’s brought to light how many entrepreneurs starts down one path but ended up somewhere else. Not only the change in path but gave an understanding that we don’t really know the path of our product or service. More time than not where the product takes us is probably not the path we intended, we just need to follow it and believe in it as we go down this journey.
There are various things I have learned in this course as I have stated above. However, I think one of the things that will stick with me as I move forward is to just go for it. There is no point in waiting until there is a so-called perfect plan because there is no perfect plan in anything honestly. We might think we have the perfect plan or product, but the direction of that plan can change at any point, and we must be agile enough to adapt, identify and apply to those changes.
I have not changed anything on my Smart Canvas, since my product is that of a consulting type product, I think what I have at this time is the start I want to take. I don’t think this course has provided enough that I would want to change that, the only thing I want to change is delaying in the start of getting my company to begin bidding on contracts.
I think what I want to take out of this class and apply is to start, start now and let the track take me where it does, while adapting to changes to better the product as I continue down the track.
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tupling · 1 year
Venture Research
Going into the course Business Venture Research, I really was not sure what to expect. Perhaps a lot of research and identification? However, after the first couple of weeks I understood what goal, I should have for the course and that was, to identify market capabilities, growth, and how to devise a solid plan based on research data. This would enable me to make effective data driven decisions in where I should go with the business, what my target portfolio would be, and where to look for additional business resources. I can honestly say I had no clue where to start, I struggled in the beginning as there were many unknowns for me, I knew the basic of where to get a business license and that portion of it, but really all the additional what I would call the meat of starting a company, I had no clue.
How was my goal met by this course? This is a strange position for me, because in the initial start or before the start of the course, I had no goal. However, my goal was created and evolved as the course goes on which is not typical for having a goal and achieving it. So, I guess my goal was met in that I now know the target way of conducting research and what aspects of the business to research. This to me was the purpose of this course and by that, it was met. 
There are many things learned in this course, from understanding failures and how others have overcome them, understanding how some companies were created and evolved over time, learning how these companies’ handled adversity. There is just plenty of concepts, but to really discuss what I learned, it starts with understanding failures. Failure is a steppingstone to success, and really understanding over 90% of companies fail first time is something that I believe I need to keep in my head. I need to know that I will most likely fail at my first attempt, and to not get discouraged due to that failure. One resource I found to be solid is the Smart Start canvas. This is like a grid guide to really get you thinking about different concepts of the business and where potential points of contention may be. The book Lean Startup is another resource as this literature talks about various concepts of starting a business and how it has been done in other companies, this book does give the entrepreneur a look into this world. 
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tupling · 2 years
Journey To Entrepreneurship
Going into the course Creativity and Innovation I truly didn’t have a goal, as this was technically my first course in the program as I was not required to take the introductory course. However, as I started to read over week one content, I began to formulate a goal of “Building the foundation” to my entrepreneurship journey. I realized that the course was more of a introduction to entrepreneurship and essentially provided student with the building blocks for a foundation. 
            In going with that idea of the course providing the foundation to this journey, I firmly believe it did just that. The course material started with a basics in the rise of the entrepreneur to identifying an individual’s “why” to creating their own business.  These were the basics to me it made me really open my mind into what I am doing and why I am doing it. As the course progressed the content began to shift how to become successful on this journey in understanding design thinking. Design thinking was the most intriguing portion of this foundational building block. The instruction and videos during this week gave insight to a psychological aspect of entrepreneurship in understanding how to use humans and their feedback in a human centered approach. The level of detail and content was amazing and really brought home a solid foundation of being successful on this journey. 
            This course taught me how to develop an effective “why” to my journey and how important this piece of the puzzle is in being successful. Not only is the “why” a big point of what I learned, the “design thinking” is another large component. Understanding the human factor into creating a product and or business is paramount to success. If you don’t understand how people feel, react, or interact with your product and services one could say you will fail in your journey, or at a minimum it will be a more stressful and longer journey. 
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tupling · 4 years
The Final Stage
Here we are, the final course of the Master of Science program in Business Intelligence. Business Intelligence Capstone the final piece to the puzzle. Let me first begin by saying how much of a challenge this program has been for me. I ventured into a realm that I had very limited knowledge or skills in and quite frankly believe I did very well throughout the entire program. I didn’t know what I was getting into, nor did I have really any expectations. You may ask why, well quite simply I wasn’t sure the complexity nor the requirements. I knew it would be a challenge and I knew it was a challenge I was willing to accept and conquer. Guess what, I did just that! The entire Master’s program gave me new tools and new knowledge to grow my career, over the course of the past 5 years I have been a Mobile Application Developer. Building mobile apps on an enterprise and public level, however, I felt something was missing. That was a challenge, the challenge of something new and exciting.
I have learned so much over the past year of education, from the beginning learning a new piece of software to learning an entirely new way of looking at business problems and coming up with a solution for these problems. Taking data and extrapolating the patterns, consistencies, abnormalities and modeling the data in such a way to provide insights and other key performance metrics. So not only did I learn how to analyze mass amounts of data, but I also learned how to create dashboards, and visualization that enable key decision makers the ability to make quick and effective decision based on the data.
Data is key in today’s society, think about it, all the data that is collected on individuals from their purchases to travel patterns. One thing I have learned over my years and career is people get complacent and tend to create patterns in their daily lives. These patterns can be analyzed and create profit for organizations all around the world. The problem is not all organizations are setup in a way that they can leverage this information, hence where Business Intelligence Analyst come into play. They are the ones who develop plans for organizations so they can leverage this information, they are also the ones who are there to analyze and provide valuable information to said organizations.
The knowledge and skills attained throughout the program will help lay the foundation for my career as I transition to a BI practitioner. The foundation is key to moving forward, in order to obtain a position as a BI practitioner you must have some sort of knowledge of the industry in itself. Furthermore you must be able to translate to individuals who are looking to hire a BI practitioner, being able to sell yourself as being knowledgeable and capable of handling requirements of said position.  This program has done just that for me, it has given me the tools to be successful and be able to communicate my capabilities in the business intelligence industry.
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tupling · 4 years
The Final Lap
Here I am on month eleven of twelve, working through Business Intelligence Case Studies. Let me begin by saying this course was one of the most if not the most challenging courses for me. Working through everything that has been taught over the past ten months, trying to remember all the information provided and put it into real world problem is a challenge. This course has definitely made my journey worth it, it allowed for me to revisit some of the previous coursework and apply it to my capstone company. I was able to apply all of the concepts in research and data skills into one. I throughout enjoyed this course and the challenge it presented to me.
The course content didn’t quite apply more concepts, instead it allowed for me to apply every other course into this one. It brought together all the concepts from identifying problems in organizations and determining a solution that not only fixed the problem but also optimized the organizations workflow and revenue.
Using the skills taught in this course happen regularly in my career field. As I am a software engineer, I see underlying issues, such as those of multiple systems that do not communicate with each other. These system cause overheads, trying to develop internal system that will bridge all the other systems such as a data warehouse, HR systems and even payroll systems. This requires additional head count in the organization, not only to maintain the other systems but to develop the system that bridges them all together. Instead being able to find an all-inclusive and more efficient solution can be key to the success of an organization.
This course specifically will give me the appropriate foundation and skillset to proceed with a career in business intelligence. It has also given me the confidence to be able to research and present a solution to an organization. In the process of this, the course as fundamentally showed me how to put all the previous course together to solidify the solution presentation.
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tupling · 4 years
Effective Leadership & Communication
Business Intelligence Leadership & Communication skills, a skillset that is not only needed in Business Intelligence but in general, life itself. You see being able to effectively communicate to your family, friends, co-workers and even bosses can be paramount to one’s success and happiness. Without effective communication, conversations can easily be manipulated or twisted into the opposite of what an individual may be trying to get across. This class provides a great amount of detail in how to be an effective leader and an effective communicator.
The content within this class provided quality knowledge in becoming an effective leader and communicator. Personally, I thought I had the desired skills to be such an individual, however, after taking this class I realized there is more to what I have been taught in the past. A leader can be a multitude of things, however being a leader is so much more than just providing simple guidance and encouragements. Being an effective leader can be done by fully understanding and practicing the Five Leadership Principles. These principles include: Modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling other to act and encouraging the heart. Once you have a better understanding of these principles you will see being a leader take time and patience. One must adopt the five principles and practice them every day.
Is GRIT and Ambition:
Ambition, probably the most important thing to me as I have continued my mastery journey. Without the ambition to continue and to achieve higher levels of achievement I wouldn’t be this far into my journey today. GRIT, another aspect of success, without having the perseverance to continue this journey would have been short lived. But how do these play a role in leadership? It’s quite simple really, if you have the ambition to lead and provide mentorship you have a key ingredient to being a successful leader. However, after this class, I have learned that that’s just the beginning. There is so much more on the inside of becoming an effective leader. Ambition and GRIT play a significant role in leadership, however it’s the Five Principles of Leadership that really take the skill to the next level. Both GRIT and Ambition have their place respectively in those five principles of leadership. They help in times of struggles or complex situations by giving an individual the necessary back bone in order to accomplish ones goal in leading and communicating.
Professional Usage:
I have continually said over the course of my path to mastery, that I am fortunate enough to be in a career field that has fortified me the opportunity to use the skills I have learned in classes daily. Particularly with Business Intelligence Leadership and Communication, this class as given me the tools needed to become a great leader and take my skills in leading people to success to the next level. This class has significantly opened the door to a path I have been seeking for quite some time. I have been a leader in the military, however, as I transition to the civilian lifestyle leadership is different. I can now say I have the knowledge and tools to become an effective leader and communicator, now I just need to put them to use and move to the next level in my civilian career.
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tupling · 4 years
Creativeness in Data Visualizations
Data Visualization and Creative Reporting, a class with so much content packed into four short weeks. Going into the class I was not quite sure what I should expect. Was this a class that further advanced skills set up in previous months classes when working with Microsoft Power BI? Was the class targeted for more of designers and the creative minds? Well let’s just say the course provided so much detail into such a powerful tool. Learning aspect of creative reports, for instance making a report standout by creating an organized background and filling slots in with various visualization. This was to me one of the most intriguing aspects of the course as I would have never had thought about building a so-called layout for the report. Taking such an outside the box look into creating powerful reports and dashboards.
Dashboard a whole different aspect when utilizing the online application for Power BI. I truly enjoyed learning how to take pieces of different reports and inside a workspace creating a unique report. A report that consisted of many visualizations, providing a level of integrations from multiple reports to a single instance for a quick view. This will be incredibly valuable moving forward in the career of Business Intelligence.
Is GRIT and Ambition:
Ambition, probably the most important thing to me as I have continued my mastery journey. Without the ambition to continue and to achieve higher levels of achievement I wouldn’t be this far into my journey today. GRIT, another aspect of success, without having the perseverance to continue this journey would have been short lived. But how do these play a role in leadership? It’s quite simple really, if you have the ambition to lead and provide mentorship you have a key ingredient to being a successful leader. This for me stems from more than just my journey in mastering Business Intelligence. It goes back to my time in leading men and women in an environment deemed less safe than here at school. GRIT goes hand in hand with Ambition for me, the mental perseverance and strength to fight through the hard and complex situations or work is second to none. I firmly believe without both GRIT and Ambition individuals may find struggles and complex situation even more complex than they really are. Being able to take the complexity and assess the situation is where I believe GRIT and Ambition take place.
Professional Usage:
My current career has provided a plethora of situations where the tools I have learned in Data Visualizations and Creative Reporting are useful. As the company I work for is currently in a situation where they need to assess their programs and determine what the customers are using and how they are using it. Taking this information and providing increased value to the customer to drive customer loyalty and satisfaction. There is no doubt that what I have learned will be applied in an incredibly short amount of time in my professional career. With the new year on the horizon, many changes and determinations are needed to jump start the digital evaluation at my company.
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tupling · 4 years
Success in Modeling the Process
The process modeling and analysis course to me was a course that gave me the knowledge in relation to the process of business intelligence. Specifically, that knowledge in which provided analysis in order to substantiate business decisions. During this course I expected to gain the knowledge necessary in order to provide expert modeling in decision making. This course did just that, I learned the process behind making effective and smart decision in a business in order to drive customer satisfaction as well as customer support into the organization. The Process Modeling and Analysis course contained course work to push my skills to the next level in decision process, it gave me an outside look as to what happens in the background of organization when it comes to making a critical decision to the success of the organization. Specifically speaking in researching the processes necessary in order to implement such a program that would drive customers to the store as well as to drive them to be loyal to the organization. This course was challenging to me as it took much of my knowledge from previous course and put them to the test. I came to realization that decision making from an executive level is difficult, and it takes a team to provide valuable analysis as well s facts in order to make an effective decision. I believe from current experience and past experiences this course will enable myself in my current role to provide valuable input to the organization in which I am currently employed with. Not only as a developer but as well as a business intelligence analyst assisting with driving value to our consumers. In the convenience store industry, it is paramount to the success of the organization to drive customers to make purchases within the store. It isn’t a complicated task to drive consumers to purchase fuel, this is a need on a regular basis right now as electric vehicles are still in the works of being normalized. The challenge of bringing value to the consumer through marketing as well as targeted ads is complicated. It takes data, time and resources in order to analyze trends, and analyze customer feedback. The most important part of the process is having a process in which can benefit the organization. The Process Modeling and Analysis course provided that experience and knowledge. I foresee this course coming into play in my near feature as the organization I work for moves towards it success in the future.
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tupling · 5 years
Connecting The Dots
Patterns and Recognition take two. This class was quite fascinating to me however was also quite a struggle in terms of accomplishing what was needed. To begin the class provided a great bit of knowledge in understanding and identifying patters. Going into this class specifically I wanted a better understanding of how to take a large data set and identify the patterns within said data set.
Patterns and Recognition provided that knowledge I needed. I leaving this class understand the concepts and keys to identifying patterns. I understand how to collect data and gather the valuable data as opposed to the garbage data. I wish we had more time to fully learn the concepts of patterns and recognition, I feel like there is much more left on the table that could be valuable in the career of Business Intelligence.
This information learned in Patterns and Recognition will greatly increase my future as a business intelligence analyst. With the foundations of data analysis and identifying patterns I will be able to leverage the information provided in the class to dig deeper into the data I am working with. Digging deeper increases possible patterns and refines the confidence in said patterns as one looks and analysis a data set.
I look forward to progressing another step in my Mastery Journey and Patterns and Recognition definitely as providing a solid foundation to moving forward on this journey.
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