uraania · 6 years
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December 15, 2017
Guess who changed her major again??? (*whispers* it’s me)
《♫: Tiny Little Boy - Rad Museum》
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uraania · 7 years
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Today i’ve been doing a bit of Germany revision for history, its nice to see things starting to come together. Haven’t completed this poster yet, I still have a bit of highlighting to do but once its done I don’t mind sending it to people, just message me xx
02/06/2017 Message me if you do A level history pleaseee I NEED some help with essays :)
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uraania · 7 years
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[ 9 / 100 days of productivity ] [ 31. 08 . 17 ]
studygram | ask box
wellllllll i half finished my geography notes and my design tech homework, although i did leave my geog textbook at school rendering me unable to finish my homework ://// im smart totally
then i spent the rest of my time watching izombie and trying to convince my friend to watch with me. he doesnt get why i watch it even though its a bad show bUT BAD SHOWS EXCITE ME IDK WHY
also i was supposed to post this yesterday but my wifi died and nothing saved hhhHHH
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uraania · 7 years
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9.9.17// my not-so-busy month. i finally filled it out so i looked at least vaguely busy with something other than homework in my posts😂
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uraania · 7 years
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august 26, 2017 - bomber jackets & cozy mornings ✨ my studygram
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uraania · 7 years
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7&8/100 days of productivity - august 22, 2017 and august 23, 2017 
 geometry (which is ridiculously easy atm) notes!
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uraania · 7 years
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me @alexander in helpless vs say no to this
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uraania · 7 years
i 100% relate though i was with wjec lmao
Walking out of that spanish exam knowing i’ve secured a U
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uraania · 7 years
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Some useful videos!
Anxiety, depression and stress
Dealing with anxiety
Managing stress
How to deal with stress
Ask Amy: Anxiety 
Ask Amy: Jealousy
Ask Amy: Crying
Ask Amy: Stress
Study Related:
How to make a study guide
How to get straight A’s/study tips
What’s in my school bag
What’s in my school bag (college)
School supplies haul
How to take class notes
How to take notes: textbooks
School bag ‘must haves’
Using a filofax
How to nail an essay
School organization
Home Organizing by Alejandra.tv
School organization/how to use a planner
Career advice you probably didn’t get
Career advice from Sir Richard Branson
Career advice from Stephen Fry
College advice
College advice and tips
What to pack for dorms
University advice
College apps 101
Oxbridge advice
College admissions
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uraania · 7 years
so, anyone who’s sent me their jeff atkins requests and is waiting for them to be done, i’m sorry they’re taking so long. i’ve just got a lot on my plate now that exam season has begun and all. i’ll try to finish and upload at least one of them during half term break (29th may-4th june) but i’ve got exams even after that week and they need to be my priority. 
sorry guys but i hope u understand. sort of on an exam-hiatus from tumblr rn. the endless scrolling possibilities don’t make combating procrastination any easier.
also, and ik ppl don’t really care, but since this is just to show you how packed i really am rn, listen up. my two spanish (listening and reading) exams are this friday and i’ve learned next to nothing of my vocab list of about 2400+ words. so, guess what i’m doing now? trying to learn 328 spanish words a day. in addition to revising for the other three exams i have this week, which i also waited till the last minute to do anything for.
so yeah i’m pretty fucking busy. bear with me pls
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uraania · 7 years
so idk if you still need help with this, but if you do, there are two videos that i can really recommend watching. i can't say that they helped me immensely or anything but watching them, i just sort of realised what they were describing is very similar to what i do for my lit essays though they break it down much easier than i ever could.  
and i’m not saying you should do what i do, but obviously something must be working for me since i tend to full ums, or at least a*s, with my english lit stuff. i’ve got the last exam in about 2 weeks and that’s my gcse in the bag (whooop!!) the videos are quite long, yes, but i think they could be of help so i’d really just recommend watching through it all. here they are;
good luck btw ^^
English literature: a cry for help
Hey everyone! I was just wondering if anyone had any advice for A*s in English Literature (level 8 in the new specification) for GCSE students.
I recently got my mock exams back and this is the only result I was disappointed with - I managed to do rather well on all but one question (an extended essay on post 1914 drama) which dragged me down rather substantially - something with is rather confusing me as I did the typical A* analysis - alas, failure!!
I’m going to talk to my teacher about it, but any advice would be appreciated! :) (Side note: I have given her essays to mark in the past but she is rather slow - I’m more doing them for myself at the moment to check off on the mark scheme; however from Lord of the Flies it looks like I am not a very good marker!)
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uraania · 7 years
has anyone else noticed how many pictures jeff’s parents have of him around their house?!?!! 
i didn’t really notice it until i rewatched the scene where clay apologies to jeff’s parents for being angry with him but holy fuck there’s so many 
v see there’s even one where he’s in his baseball uniform <33 like yesssss
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uraania · 7 years
Hey, I thought your last Jeff imagine was really cute ❤️ I'd really love an imagine when reader and Jeff are at a party, the someone puts something without her realising, Jeff sees and takes care of her. Thank you 😘
thaaaanks, babe
yeah, ofc i’m down for any jeff atkins imagines, but, just to clarify, do you mean like spike her drink? bc, i’m not sure what you mean by ‘puts something without her realising’ sorrrryyy. 
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uraania · 7 years
Hello! Saw your post with the Question and Blabbe. About Jeff being the best of the best and him being captain. i completely agree! I was wondering if I can request a headcanon Jeff as Baseball captain would include+ how he'd deal with his teammates. Also, who do you think is the co-captain of baseball aside from Bryce? Do you think it could be monty? or someone not introduced? Thank youuu
whooop yasss
omg ofc i can do that. it might take a while just cause i’ve got a bit to get through with school and ish but yes. 
as for the questions, since i’m assuming you don’t want them included in the headcanon, i don’t think monty would be co-captain. 
the way they were talking in that short exchange while practising baseball (bryce and monty) sort of radiates bryce’s superiority, if you know what i mean? like monty is acknowledging that if bryce’s throw is good as it it can be, they’ll ‘be fine’, meaning they’ll win. 
now, say if monty were the co-captain, i don’t think he’d be affording bryce that much praise tbh. i don’t know if you’ve heard of this but, typically, men’s conversations are said to be ‘competitive’ whereas women’s are cooperative/collaborative. what that means, essentially, is that men talk to determine and achieve status and women talk to determine and achieve connection. no ofc i’m not saying this applies to every person or that one person can’t communicate in both ways at different times and whatnot, but this is general idea. 
how does this apply to monty? well, we don’t know too much about him but monty’s portrayal suggests ‘basic macho male’, pretty much– aggressive, assertive, testosterone-fuelled, and always ready to pick a fight. not to mention, the impulsive lack of control and, also, the temper, which is brought attention to quite a few times. as such, i think above generalisation (men’s conversations are competitive) can easily be applied to his character. 
so, coming back to the point, why on earth would monty be accepting, openly, that the entire fate of the baseball game rests on how well bryce pitches on the day if monty were also co-captain? wouldn’t he be trying to show the importance of his role as team captain as well, then? if they were co-captains together, that would mean they were on equal grounds. why would monty (being monty) accept that he has lesser baseball skills than someone he’s expected to be on the same pedestal with?
from what i gathered, he’s clearly recognised that bryce is a better baseball player than him and he has no shame in admitting that to himself, bryce, or others. oersonally, i think it’s because the general consensus around liberty is that bryce was the best after jeff and monty simply subscribed to that belief. 
to conclude, i think monty would have a harder time acknowledging that bryce was better than him if they were co-captains together and were expected to be as good as each other. so np i don’t think monty was co-captain.
as for who else it might be, i’m guessing it’s another senior like bryce? jeff was also in his senior year when/if he was captain so
idk much about varsity teams and ish (i’m not american) but it’s usually juniors and seniors who get to play in them, i think. consequently, i feel they’re likely to give the co-captain role to another senior as they tend to have more experience. i don’t think it’s mentioned anywhere whether monty was a junior or senior but, idk, i just get 100% junior vibes from him. 
i’m sorry if i just rained on any monty fans’ parade; anything i said here is just what i think about him as a character. i don’t really like monty fp, but this is not monty-hate either, it’s just me explaining why i think he wouldn’t be co-captain. 
well shit- i can’t believe i turned that into a full-on psychoanalysis. can’t wait to start studying psychology next year
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uraania · 7 years
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jeffrey and joffrey 
my god, the difference a single letter can make ;D  cinnamon roll to devil reincarnate real quick
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uraania · 7 years
lololol me ^ i too am obsessed with finding out whatever little details of jeff there is.
also, i think it may have been like ep3, but bryce is introduced by principal bolan as something something something "and co-captain of the baseball team". now this was after hannah's, and therefore jeff's, death.
and, like you mentioned, there's that conversation between him and monty where bryce is like "never beat jeff atkins, though".
then jeff was a better baseball player than bryce, right? but if bryce became co-captain after he died, bryce obviously wasn't that bad either. that, for me, anyway, has the implication that jeff was the "best of the best" at liberty high for baseball.
aaaand, that jeff was probably team captain before he died and the position was given to two good, but not good as, players.
this knowledge makes me very happy <33 i can’t tell you why because idk why myself but it just makes me smile. maybe because jeff IS FINALLY GETTING AN OUNCE OF THE APPRECIATIONS HE DESERVES 
lmao this is such a corny thing to make a fuss over ik, but i can't resist trying to scavenge around for these little details about mah boy ok    .A. 
i love finding these little things
Questions and Blabble
Am I the only one really curious about the kind of interactions Jeff Atkins might have had with Bryce Walker? I mean, they were both (or were at least implied to be) on the same baseball team and were also in the same year, meaning they probably shared a couple of classes together. In addition to that, Bryce has some mutual respect for Jeff (the way he refers to his baseball skills in a friendly manner and not in a way that implies Bryce was jealous of his talent).
ESPECIALLY in the sense that there were already negative rumours about Bryce with his treatment towards the girls of Liberty High even before he made Jessica the first known target (Kat calling him fratboy Darth Vader and saying she was being kind, Laura responding to Bryce’s offer by saying she’d take him to the cops first and everyone knew she was throwing shade on him and NOT just declining, and Sheri instantly concerned at Hannah having Bryce as a first option for Dollar Valentine and providing her with other options. Makes you wonder who the first victim could have been). What did Jeff think of all that?
Has Jeff ever went to one of his parties? Have they shared baseball-related conversation? Did they ever do group assignments together? I’m sorry this so long but I’m unusually curious on all this.
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uraania · 7 years
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