uu-bookclub · 29 days
Sorry that there's still no second chapter! I uh. Caught covid.
H-how's everyone doing? Good? Hope you're doing good, yeah!
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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Love em lots
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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I don't think I shared any progress on this Fuuko piece I did for fun so here is a sketch, a mid render wip, the process video, along with some pan pandas I sketched a while back! The finished peice can be viewed here!
What I remember of drawing this piece is that I was really overcome with the need to draw Fuuko in that super cute outfit because she was too precious!! It looks as if I forgot to record the sketch phase for the little bears but actually I just decided to sketch them traditionally in my sketchbook and then draw them in a separate file. I made them into little stickers for myself to use in my daily journal so it was easier to work on them in a completely different file.
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
Small unfortunate update: I was planning to start on chapter 2 tomorrow, but I appear to be coming down with something so I'm not sure we'll get there! Standby for now~
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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undead unluck is finally airing it's anime adaption go watch it go read it it rules #neonjawboneart
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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ANDY | Undead Unluck
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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Undead Unluck was so fun man, looking forward to see more of this anime
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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Undead Unluck is a total banger and I can't wait to see the rest of the episodes~
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Available for purchase as keychains on my etsy :3c
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
My GOD, that took a while! Twenty-six posts in total and 57 screencaps between them, which is... uh! Probably more than we'll need for any other chapter.
I've been following Undead Unluck since the very first chapter dropped. The concept intrigued me, as did the bloodiness of Andy's regeneration and Fuuko's cuteness! I started reading casually... but now, two hundred chapters in, I can say it's my favorite series in Jump today. It's so, SO well done, and so fun.
And I think it's criminally underrated...! It has its flaws and I know people probably dropped it from the first grope, but I think there's a lot of readers who could REALLY enjoy what the series has to offer.
So I'll keep going! If even one person decides to join the book club, it's all worth it... and even if no one does, I'm having way too much fun to stop now! Taking things scene by scene gives me the chance to catch tiny details I'd missed on prior rereads and lets me examine Fuuko and Andy in more depth than I ever have before!
So, you know. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the ride with me~
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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...but even after all that, Andy is Andy.
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He's crude, he's rude, Fuuko wants nothing to do with it, and we come to the end of our first chapter with as much insane energy as we entered in! They had a momentary connection, but it's going to be a while longer until Andy and Fuuko can find something more~
Luckily, Andy'll change tactics by page 6 of the next chapter, so we can enjoy this as a goof rather than a long-term running theme! You know the dick game is insane.
Phew...! Just this first chapter ended up taking a lot longer than I expected! I'm hoping I'll be able to speed up once we've got less ground to cover, but this still might be a pretty slow book club. I'll wrap things up in my next post, but for now... if you're just coming in here, you can start from the beginning of chapter one here!
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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It's still not enough to kill Andy, but he seems more delighted than disappointed! Even with all the damage he's taken, a win is a win, and this hints to some incredible potential Unluck in the future~
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A first kiss and a first meteorite means they're too close to be strangers, and Fuuko officially decides she's going to stick with this freak and find out what kind of life she might be able to have.
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Her choice to name him is Fuuko's own little moment of kindness towards Andy, and while he doesn't seem to care, he also never rejects it. We don't get into his head the same way we do with her... but ultimately, I feel like this means a lot to him.
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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For my money, this is THE moment of the first chapter. We've seen Unluck in action but the image of a flaming meteorite, plummeting from the sky, blowing the clouds away on target to annihilate the hospital... it's hard to beat.
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The impact is fantastic payoff. A two page spread, the hospital destroyed, the windows in every surrounding building shattered... and Fuuko, a bit roughed up but not much worse for wear in the aftermath!
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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The ultimate romance...
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Fuuko says it herself...! This is her chance to change and stop holding herself back! The bloody nose and tears in her eyes paint a picture of newfound determination, and the line that was once fearful is now a proud declaration.
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And Andy understands her intention immediately, ready to take advantage of the opportunity she's given him!
...man, I love when the series gets gross with it. Andy stabbing a dude through the hand with his regrowing spine, his skeletal-seeming grin, and the fucked up eyes of his now-doomed opponent... it's fun!!
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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Our antagonist doesn't seem particularly bothered that all his men are dead, huh? All that matters is getting Undead, and Fuuko's life is reduced even further to a means to an ends... maybe he'd have let her go free after this? Maybe! For a while! Andy certainly believes it!
This is a major turning point for the way we (and Fuuko!) see Andy. After showing her some kindness and busting out to save her, even going so far as to kill a bunch of guys... when her life is in danger, he doesn't hesitate to turn himself over.
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Fuuko has lived her life hyper-conscious of all the ways in which she hurts the people who try to help her. Anyone who gets close to her suffers, but even when Fuuko pleads in tears, begging for him to save himself, Andy doesn't care!
It casts him in a slightly different light... he's pushy and crude and blunt but all those same traits that made him such an asshole earlier are also the ones that make him push right through Fuuko's attempt to sacrifice herself. He doesn't give a crap about her request--he's the one who gets to decide to help her or not. He doesn't hesitate to put her first, and he looks forward to seeing her again one day.
It's not ideal, nor romantic, but it's what Fuuko needs. The thought that someone would face her Unluck without fear, connect with her, and want to connect again... it's a spark of some emotion that pushes her to move for both their sakes.
...and give up the secret she's been trying to keep from him.
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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I COULD complain that this scene loses a touch of impact because it's the first time we've seen Andy fight--we haven't been given a chance to know what he can do normally, so there's no comparison to be made without the card.
But like, I have EYES. Andy's clearly more vicious, he's clearly skilled, he SAYS he's going off the rails, and every single enemy around him is dead in an instant. PACING WISE, the story works best with Andy getting killed with no chance to defend himself before raging back!
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Andy is right back to normal afterwards, too... no worries and no hard feelings towards Fuuko! In fact, he's ready to get right back to testing (once this last guy is murdered).
His words also reveal that his capture wasn't Fuuko's fault--on the contrary, he's only able to escape because of the Unluck from his momentary kindness. A nice little glimpse of their future potential!
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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Blasting ahead, it's time to address that card in Andy's forehead! It's been given a lot of visual prominence, forcing his trademark lopsided squint, and now we find out what it's for...
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...which I ALSO like a lot! I already said I adore the weird gore elements, and a guy who just deliberately destroys parts of his brain to avoid overloading himself with past memories is right up my alley! We'll learn a lot more about this in the future, but in the meanwhile...
We can catch some tiny glimpses of his past! We can make out images of him fighting with people, cutting someone's hair, taking a bullet for someone... enough to convey that he's lived a long life and it's involved a LOT of fighting.
and hey! SPOILERS AGAIN for Chapter 36!
THIS is why I wanted to do a deep reread! Looking for things like this!
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Hidden in the vague images of past events, we've got at least two meaningful hints... the vague figure of Juiz (helmet and sword included) with another figure (Nico?), and a glimpse of the Union symbol!
These COULD be Andy's own memories, since he was captured by the union... but they could also very easily be Victor's from past loops, buried even deeper. Either way, it's cool that these are here~
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uu-bookclub · 1 month
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No story commentary! This is just REALLY good imagery, and I love the way it shifts the pace of the story, similar to Andy's beheading a few pages prior.
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