veggiesandwichpana · 5 hours
Another Lore Hint?
I REALLY like writing, y'all. Especially these characters? I just...ughhhh everything about them is SO good, I love them so much. ANYWAYS, READ ON. Yet another Shrubathon, yet another Lore Hint. Enjoy...
"I wasn't even doing anything!!"
The boy's father pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and forefinger. "You don't understand-"
"But I do-"
"Do NOT interrupt me, Will!" A fist slams down on the barrel serving as a table between the pair, the boy jumping in his seat. "Elyas is not to be crossed, you have no idea what it cost me on this ship when-" The man hesitates, sucking in a sharp breath. "He has a certain way about him, you cannot disobey his orders."
"Caer isn't a bad person though!"
His father stares at him for a moment. "You can't see him again. I directly forbid it. He's a prisoner, and I'm sure the captain has his reasons for that."
Will sulks, slumping. "Why can the others play around those decks then?"
"Because they're half your age. And don't-" The man locks eyes with Will. "Don't think you can get any ideas with them and the prisoner, if Elyas catches you again-"
"He won't do anything to me, I'm just a kid." The boy imitates a pout, crossing his arms.
"He would." Something clouds the man's eyes, and he quickly stands. "I have to get back to work above deck. Swear to me that you won't go seeking out the prisoner again."
"Fine..." Will grumbles, watching as his father turns to leave. "For now..." he mumbles, hardly audible above the creaking hull and muted waves.
Caer was just a kid too, like him. Barely 16, parents dead, sister taken, just trying to survive. He'd snuck onto the ship when it had last docked and been caught by the cook, Dennor, when he'd been sneaking some food out of the galley. Captain Elyas had thrown him in the brig without a second opinion, loudly proclaiming that there was no room for stowaways on this ship. Now, locked away, he could only await whatever plans the captain had for him and spin stories to the kids who would listen to his tales.
"Me mum, when she was alive, taught me how to fight, see? I got the best skills out of ev'ry one of you!" He'd say, grinning, one of his front teeth missing and his long hair wild from the salt in the sea.
That was how Will had been caught. He had been listening to a story Caer was telling of a tall tower he'd seen once, pristine white with a blackened cap, how it seemed to glow from the inside. Will had been so absorbed that he didn't notice the footsteps coming down the steps, hadn't noticed the other kids shuffling about as they scattered or hid, and it wasn't until he was hauled up by his shirt collar with a yelp that he knew anything was wrong. Caer hadn't even paused, going on, talking about how he wished he could see it one more time as the captain pulled Will away.
He wanted to go back, to hear more stories of islands and landmarks, to one day even get Caer free and take the journey together. Will could see it, his own ship, a large map spread across a desk in the cabin, a crew with Caer and his father, and anyone else who'd want to join them. He could do it, someday.
But for now? Will stood up and straightened his too-large button-up shirt. He had to figure out how to see Caer again, without the captain OR his father finding out.
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veggiesandwichpana · 5 hours
Well, y'all unlocked a silly little p!Will lore hint during my Shrubathon, sooooo I wrote something up for you! I've put it after the break since it's a little long, and contains some spoilers! Enjoy!
The captain sighs, looking over the whelp he'd plucked from below decks. He wasn't much to look at, a shag of brown hair, a bit on the thin side, and his shirt practically swallowing the poor kid.
"I wasn't-"
"Shut up." The captain's eyes narrow. Insolent brat. "You were conspiring with the prisoner. Does your father know of this?" He leans back in his chair, the large desk separating them making the pause seem even greater.
"He doesn't."
"He's going to. If you won't tell him, I will." The man shrugs. "You're lucky I like your father, if I didn't, you'd already have been tossed into the ocean." A cold grin spreads across the captain's face. "And you wouldn't want that, would you, kid?"
"No." The boy hesitates again, looking down at his lap.
"No, captain." The chair creaks as the captain shifts and corrects the boy. "You'll remember this for the future. Get up."
They both stand, the boy tugging on his shirt as he gets up, trying to keep it in place. The captain's boots thud on the wooden deck below them as he crosses the room to the door.
"If I catch you with Caer again, I'll whip you to the bone. Do you hear me, Will?" His hand closes around the handle, turning to look at the kid.
"Yes…captain." Will nods, avoiding eye contact.
"And remember to tell your father. Or I will." The captain opens the door, watching as the boy practically runs out of his small office. He lets out another sigh, the brown mop of hair vanishing down the stairs into the ship. "Don't make the same mistakes I did, kid."
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veggiesandwichpana · 5 hours
I wish Acho had some sort of Vods channel, Ive seen stuff about his Pirates smp character and i wanted to watch his pov but i cant find it anywhere :(
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veggiesandwichpana · 5 hours
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This is all I am.
Skin and bones.
Poetry and grief.
Blood and sins.
Grovelling inside a secondhand body.
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veggiesandwichpana · 5 hours
Dono: Rest in peace QSMP, you would've loved pride month.
Phil: PFTT— [Laughs] Dude, it was Pride Month every day on that server, what are you talking about? Every single day on that server was just Pride. Realistically, QSMP was just an excuse for Quackity just to flirt with men. Let's be honest. I mean– [Laughs] The true- the true reason. The true reason was Big Q wanted to flirt with men. [...] It was a lot of fun though. I really enjoyed it. [Laughs] The gay roleplay went so hard, it was really funny.
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veggiesandwichpana · 5 hours
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veggiesandwichpana · 9 hours
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Cleo and her various t4t relationships
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veggiesandwichpana · 9 hours
Happy pride month! im transgender so i drew my favorite guy with my flag!
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veggiesandwichpana · 11 hours
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[id: three images of Doctor Rat. First is a reference image for his armored appearance, and the other two are concept sketches for that reference art. the image contains him standing idly, one hand on his hip with the other standing idly by. he's smiling simply. he's wearing medival-esque netherite armor, with little details all agross the metal plating such as hears, diamonds, and up and down arrow shapes to signify the dash present in the enchantment mod. he also has a pink skirt with heart plaid, harder, silver material at the end as a defense. the most noteworthy items on this armor are the gloves, which are sharp and well decorated, and the heels, which are pointy as well. next to him on the left is a netherite sword. the two guards are made out of two shouting rats, their tails entertwined. the pommel is also a rat head. as for the notes near Rat's head, the notes read: "-skirt is detachable, regular armor is underneath -can fight in heels. revels in it actually -hair is typically kept in a low pony during battle, one of the baggies on his belt has all of his "battle" hair ties." now, for the two sketches. the first has sketchwork containing the previously described armor, much simplier in sketch form. surronding it are three various action poses of Rat fighting. One notable sketch is next to these four. Rat is reaching down to his skirt, saying to a enemy "Hang on, i gotta readjust my skirt-" then, he catches them offguard by hitting them with it, saying "gotcha bitch." the second has him in more regal, threatening armor, with a cape, large shoulder armor, and a cape. end ids]
finally; doctor rat armor art!! this took a very long while due to procrastination + me not knowing what to do with the skirt but im very proud of the finished result. i've also featured the sketches just to show what usually goes into me designing characters!! also bc this is my first go at designing armor lol.
a fun fact about the skirt: that was actually a common fighting tactic!! not with skirts, but capes and cloaks were often used as weapons. they were heavy enough to hurt when hit, and hard/sharp objects were sewn on them at the end for this reason. as such, i thought it'd be fun to use that as a skirt for Rat since. to be honest its hard to picture him without that circular shaped shirt. regardless :-3 had a lot of fun with this
[reblogs > likes | reblog or i will curse your bloodline. your bloodline will be cursed!! curses!!!!]
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veggiesandwichpana · 11 hours
I've realised that Pac and Fit's respective colour schemes side by side make them look like a male member and a female member of the same bird species
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veggiesandwichpana · 11 hours
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Rip gegg
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veggiesandwichpana · 11 hours
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my current read on the situation
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veggiesandwichpana · 11 hours
see the best unintended effect of the translator mod is that it made every moment on the server immediately reaction memeable because every word that was said was transcribed in real time above their heads. it's like how buzzfeed unsolved's blue and yellow text was so immediately memeable, bc the quips were already written out so all fans needed was a well timed screenshot. now we have screenshots like this, delivered right to our front door:
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but the fact that they're translations ALSO gives the added fun of MIStranslations, so you get things like roier saying "young guy" in english with the translations set to spanish and producing "john gay".
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like every oneliner ever delivered in a conversation is almost INSTANTLY memeable as long as someone is looking and that's honestly fucking hilarious
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veggiesandwichpana · 11 hours
do most people on mobile tumblr know you can hold down the reblog button to fast reblog a post to your blog? you know you can reblog things with one click right? please please reblog things if you enjoy them, lack of exposure is killing content creators on this site 
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veggiesandwichpana · 18 hours
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veggiesandwichpana · 19 hours
i always wonder if there was any fic that actually changed the course of someone’s life
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veggiesandwichpana · 21 hours
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midwest transmasc t4t couple
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