vinegarcat · 7 years
The tie makes the dad
what if Theo and the Professor swapped outfits?
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anya belongs to: @vinegarcat
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vinegarcat · 7 years
HEY HI I’m so sorry I’ve been absent, I’ve been working on a lot of things I can’t post yet and I’m generally just bad at keeping up with things here. I have a bunch of asks to go through so I think I’ll close my ask box tonight so I can slowly work my way through them and other messages. Hopefully I’ll have stuff to share with you all soon! Thank you so much for sticking around!!!
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vinegarcat · 7 years
heyy i just wanted to apologize for assuming u and rhett were females when i was still new to ur awesmazing blogs. idk how it got past me that ur names are jb and rhett, ughh 😑 vinegarcat's a cool name whats the story behind it if u dont mind answering :)
Haha it’s okay! Being a girl isn’t a bad thing. I just like vinegar and I like cats, so… not much of a story, unfortunately ;)
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vinegarcat · 7 years
do u and rhett ever grow facial hair bc like,,,,y'all never draw urselves with it
Well… shaving, i guess. lol
We get scruffy from time to time. Mostly Rhett
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vinegarcat · 7 years
Ok so I dont know what JB stands for so I just call you Joy Boy and sometimes John Baby
Joy Boy and John Baby are cute….. lol
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unfortunately it just stands for my basic lil name
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vinegarcat · 7 years
are there any specific artists (besides Rhett!) that you draw inspiration from, or just really love the style of? looking for new artists to follow
Yeah!!! Like a billion lol
I’ll list their twitters bc they’re most active there but you should definitely check these folks out. Just to name a few (out of many):
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vinegarcat · 7 years
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stuff and things from twitter
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vinegarcat · 7 years
what kind of music do like to listen to get inspiration? do you have any music playlist?
I feel totally unhelpful in this department because I listen to a lot of metal and just generally very… loud music. It just really vibes with me I guess haha. But if that doesn’t deter you, here’s a list of some faves. (Artist first, then album if necessary)
Nine Inch Nails 
Brendon Small’s Galaktikon
Mindless Self Indulgence 
Protest the Hero & albums Volition and Scurrilous 
Mastodon & album Emperor of Sand
Judas Priest
Between the Buried and Me
The Strand
Death From Above 1979
Type O Negative
Isole & album Bliss of Solitude 
Haste the Day & album Attack of the Wolf King
The Human Abstract & album Nocturne
sorry, this probably doesn’t help at all, haha. Find what music takes you on a journey. Anything that makes you feel powerful is music to hold onto.
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vinegarcat · 7 years
I have so many asks and kind messages I need to respond to, please forgive me :’(
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vinegarcat · 7 years
hi jb! do you still go by they/them pronouns?
hi anon! any pronouns are fine, I don’t really worry about them. they aren’t relevant to my identity or sense of self, personally.
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vinegarcat · 7 years
I want to learn to draw: but I want to develop my own style. Do you recommend and classes or programs? Not necessarily asking for your tutorials, more how you got the skills to develop your own style.
This is a question I see a lot of new artists ask, and in my opinion, style is something that develops on its own over time… How you think and what inspires you will affect how you draw in subtle ways, and in the beginning, as you study the fundamentals of drawing, style is a lot harder to achieve. The more you draw, the easier it will be to make conscious decisions about how you want your art to look. I would suggest just drawing as much as you can and really work on studies–I think you will find that your style develops on its own!
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vinegarcat · 7 years
okay so I heard this tip for drawing that copying other people's art can help you improve, but I've always been told that copying is bad. is there any actual value behind the copying thing?
Hello anon! Hopefully I can clarify. Usually when people say to copy another artist’s style, they don’t mean permanently. The same way it is helpful to draw things from life, studying how another artist draws can help you understand your own drawing process and improve. For example, here are some face studies I did of other artists! I definitely learned a lot, but they count only as studies, because I’d never claim to have just.. drawn them on my own, lol. By studying these faces though, I can learn to implement shapes and lines into my own drawings, if that makes sense.
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And here I applied what I learned into my own original drawing, no references or anything. 
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I hope this helps somewhat!!
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vinegarcat · 7 years
I wanted to know how you name your characters and stories and if you have any advice for the naming process? I have a few original characters and have no idea how to name them, the same goes for the stories they're in! :/
This is a GREAT question because I love naming things and I have a lot of fun with it! I’m not sure how helpful I can be as it’s pretty instinctual in my case, but I will try!
I name things after the general feeling or vibe I want them to encompass. For example, Anya is a warm, welcoming, but sturdy character, so a short but friendly sounding name suits her and makes her more open. Once you know the way you want something to feel, it’s a lot easier to put a name to it!
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vinegarcat · 7 years
thank you for the rec list!!! tbh I've only seen animated movies in my life :'''D I've been trying to expand my horizon on them, and I've found that I really freaking love horror as well??? and I know you love horror too, so what are your best horror films to recommend!!
Hello again, sorry for the late reply!! A lot of my favorite horror movies are on that list already! I need to scour my brain for more haha. 
As for animated movies, if you haven’t seen A Tree of Palme I HIGHLY recommend it, I think you can find it on youtube right now!!
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vinegarcat · 7 years
ya'll watch so many movies can i get like a rec list or something???
YES I love talkin’ movies…. I feel bad because I know not everyone is into the same stuff, so I ask that everyone look into any movie I suggest a bit before watching lol. I’m really into horror (though the genre has been lacking lately) and recently I’ve been digging ‘arthouse’ films. Some faves that come to mind:
Red Dragon
Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus
Evolution (2015)
any of the Riddick movies
The Witch
Under the Skin
The Thing (1982)
The Invitation
Gone Girl
Blade Runner
And uhhhh that’s all that comes to mind right now haha. Again, view with caution… I tend to like movies I can analyze or talk about (basically I love writing essays) so anything that challenges me as a viewer is a big draw. Not sure what you’re into but if you’d like to give me a specific genre I can pick from that too!
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vinegarcat · 7 years
Hi JB!! I've always been too embarresed to ask you anything but.. I've been stalking your Tumblr forever, I love your drawings and you're my favorite out of Rhett and you. I have been bedridden because of things, and youre drawings make me so inspired, you make my heart skip Everytime you post new art. I'm sorry this is so illiterate and pathetic but I just want you to know how fantastic you are... Thank you so much for being you, and are we allowed to post crappy art associated with your blog?
Hello dear anon. This is far from illiterate and pathetic, no apologies necessary…. this is a very sweet ask and I’m reluctant to let it go because messages like this mean a lot to me. I sympathize deeply and my heart goes out to you. Your kind words mean more to me than I can say. I feel beyond grateful for any sort of gift, including art and generous asks such as this one! I would be honored, but please know it is never required!
Also, anon, I hope I’m not speaking out of term here when I say I know there are successful artists out there who are also bedridden. Whatever the circumstance, I have seen great things come from all kinds of people, and I hope that whatever obstacles you face are overcome or managed. I believe in you, and I absolutely believe you are capable of great things too.
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vinegarcat · 8 years
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Hello everyone! We are very excited to begin opening slots for collaborative commissions between Princecanary and Vinegarcat (myself)! Above is an example of what one can expect to receive. The commission will first be sketched by Princecanary, who will then send it to you for approval. After that, I will line and flat color, and Rhett ties up any loose ends!
We are currently accepting six $35 slots with payment via PayPal. Please send your emails to [email protected]. Include a colored reference in your email and we will let you know if you have a slot.
Thank you so much for your support!!  ☆
All slots are filled! Thank you!
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