wvwele · 5 years
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Omg Anon I literally only just came back to Tumblr lol  I hope you’ve found an answer since this message was sent like two weeks ago!
What you’re doing is pretty much what I did before I got into WvW fulltime.  Just pugging along is a good way to get a feel for your server’s idea of WvW, but if you want something more substantial there’s a Reddit thread that can probably help (contains guides, builds, and Discord links for multiple [if not all] servers):  https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/9jrle4/wanting_to_play_wvw_this_week_with_the_buffs/
Keep in mind that the goal and idea of fun for each server/guild/commander is different, and that if you join a guild, they may have specific builds for each class--unless you’re a ranger or thief.  They’re considered roaming classes and are usually more useful operating independently from the zerg.  The commanders I’ve known and run with prefer those two classes to take enemy camps, retake our camps, or to keep watch over T3 structures.  There are commanders who will welcome them into squad with no questions asked. You’ll get to know which commanders prefer what as you spend more time in WvW.
Since it’s only been a week since the WvW Mount was released, WvW is kind of a clusterfuck at the moment.  You may need to turn down your game graphics to potato quality in order to see what’s happening.  (I know of some people who have had to do that and their game still isn’t running smoothly at all--though I suspect it’s because of their ping and rig.)  Also queues to get into maps may be out of control.  If you’re on a high pop server, you have my sympathy.
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wvwele · 6 years
Was talking to a friend about my guild’s raids and times, and how we hadn’t been able to have an organized raid for the past week because our commander/gl was busy.
She asked, “Where is he?”
“Green BL bay, north inner gate.”
“I meant what time zone is he in.”
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wvwele · 6 years
If you’re going to spy, do it right!
Guys.  GUYS.  If you’re going to spy on another server’s comms...do it like the other spies:
1)  Don’t say shit in your own comms about actually spying.  It makes you look bad.
2)  Don’t broadcast it in your Discord.  Wtf?  Doesn’t that mess up your own comms?  No wonder you shitheads fucking wiped even when assjamming us.
3)  Don’t be shit.  If you’re gonna spy and attack, make sure you can actually kill what you’re attacking.  You’ve got a fucking FB who says he can solo stab without stab...  I can only imagine what the rest of your guild is like.
4)  Don’t say you want to fight us and then proceed to run away.  :)
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wvwele · 6 years
Pls...if you’re in an organized squad, don’t wait for a res in WvW unless the comm says so
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Just FYI:  The “M” and “Mo” are different people, as are “P” and “Po.”  Also “kexsmel” is not even the commander’s name...the only thing in common with the commander’s name is the “K.”  lol
Also...being in a squad is a privilege, not a right.  Commanders don’t have to let you into a squad, and they don’t have to let you stay in a squad.
I’m not even sure if this person realizes that lying dead and waiting for the squad to win and res you is essentially waiting for a res.
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wvwele · 6 years
My guildie got bitched at by a pug for our guild not raiding in WvW.
"I never see your guild raid these days.  For 7 weeks.”
That’s because we don’t raid at this time wtf.
She told him that’s because he doesn’t play during our scheduled times and he got bitchy because he doesn’t care about our schedules.
First of all, Rando Pug...  You can fuck off.
Second of all, fuck off again because you seem like the type to not get the message the first time.
Third, we don’t owe you shit.  You want us to raid for you?  Pay us.  Otherwise, fuck off.  Again.
I’m gonna remember your name and kick you from squad every fucking time I see you try to join.  I’ll be sure to take a look at your account name so I can identify you if you jump on another character.  And yeah, this might be petty but it’s going to make me feel so much better.  And when you rage whisper me or the comm, we’re going to laugh at you in comms.  Even if you’re in comms with us.
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wvwele · 6 years
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@the-omni-dragon replied to your post “So there was an incident in the Discord I frequent where a guild...”
was this on your server or?
Yeah.  I don’t particularly like the commander who posted the screenshots, so idc if their guild leaves.  lol  Their ego is way too big.
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wvwele · 6 years
So there was an incident in the Discord I frequent where a guild leader got hold of a screenshot of another guild’s guild chat, which basically called out his guild and a few others of being troll tags because of how inept they are.
He got upset.  Posted it into the Discord, calling out the other guild, and the admins deactivated posting in that particular channel because it would’ve blown up into a huge thing.  (This I don’t agree with...I kinda feel like it should’ve just been left to run its course, and only deactivated the chat if it got too out of hand.)
The guild leader thought that he’d been banned from the Discord.  (FYI:  If you’re banned from a Discord, you can’t see it at all.)
So now his guild is probably going to leave our server to which I say:  Good fucking riddance.  lol
Also wtf.  You’re gonna call out another guild for talking in their own guild chat?  I mean I can understand if it was in team or map chat, but if you’re gonna get your panties in a twist over something said in semi-private comms...wtf.  lol
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wvwele · 6 years
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@the-omni-dragon replied to your link “World Restructuring”
thanks! i hate it
Ahaha well, it’s going to take almost a year to get everything ready anyway.
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wvwele · 6 years
They’re basically gonna do away with servers and have WvW players form alliances using their guilds.  It’s supposed to be a way to address how some servers have dead times during another server’s peak time.
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wvwele · 6 years
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@the-omni-dragon replied to your post “What the fuck are we doing in T2.[[MOR] GETTING BAGS THAT’S WHAT.”
who are you paired with this time around? ebay got tc O.o
We still have Darkhaven.  lol
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wvwele · 6 years
What the fuck are we doing in T2.
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wvwele · 6 years
Amazing fucking relink, anet!
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We’re still linked with DH.  The server that wants to take over as the lowest pop host server (and we’d totally let them if it were up to us)...
...DH is now a host server...
...and we’re their link...
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wvwele · 6 years
So last night this pug died at Jerrifer’s, was denied a res, proceeded to bitch for like 20-30 minutes, then became a meme even among other pugs.
He kept claiming that he was downed right next to our “precious stack” and that there is a “social contract” in the game to res any players who are downed.  He called our squad and the commander selfish dicks for not ressing him.
First of all, we were pretty much constantly in combat so we couldn’t res him, even if we had wanted to.
Second, he was not “right next” to us.  We were on the Jerrifer’s gate, and he died on the Danelon side of the Jerrifer’s bridge.  Which means that he either wasn’t stacked on us in the first place, or was but panicked and rolled off away from us.
When he said “res” someone replied, “No” and his response was, “Fuck you.”  Then he lay there until his timer expired and automatically respawned him.  We had T3′d SMC, so he could’ve respawned and be back in time to help cap, but nooooo...he wanted someone to pick him up!
If he had stayed on us, we would’ve been able to get him up quickly and easily without risking ourselves.  (As the comm said, “Anybody who tried to res you would have died, and we’d have lost three or four people instead of just one.”)  I also hear tell that stacking helps to mitigate some damage.  And if anything, you’re that much closer to heals so you’re that much likelier to survive.
He kept trying to insult us by using sexual acts (”reach around” and “suck a D” [literally what he said...he can say “fuck” but not “dick” apparently]) which aren’t really insults because both of those are pretty enjoyable for all parties involved.
He complained that our commander is the only one who treats pugs like this (which is probably true...lol), to which our commander responded, “My concern is my squad, not you.”  Then basically told him that he needed to “git gud” if he wanted the commander to notice him.
I think that was the last straw for him, because he fucked off back to PVE after that.  The pugs that had been running alongside us started mocking him:  “RES?  ANYONE NEED A RES?  I’m scared!”  “Res me senpai!”  “Fucking res me you dicks!”
So it was a fun night.  Had some map chat entertainment, farmed some nerds, and got a lot of bags.  👍👍👍💯💯💯
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wvwele · 6 years
LOL  So apparently there was a bug in the WvW scoring system (for T4, idk about other tiers) that gave the blue team an extra +100 points every 5 minutes.  One of our server comms noticed because he was out-ppting and out-ppking the blue team, but wasn’t making a dent.  So he screenshotted and reported a bug.  Our seatime crew tried to make up the difference, and noticed it also.
ANet emailed back the server comm that reported it, acknowledged the bug, and said they fixed it, but won’t roll back the victory points/warscore for blue team.
So blue team wins the week even though they were barely present at all.  Nice.
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wvwele · 6 years
Any reports of us getting our asses handed to us on Thursday are false news.
We weren’t even officially running during NA yesterday.  It was like six guys at most.  Literally guys.  All the girls were doing IRL things I think.  lol
Also there’s this Reddit thread within which the comment about us getting beat can be found somewhere.  As you read the thread, please know that OP omits some things...like the part where the pugs weren’t building siege, taking camps or tapping keeps (all of which was relayed both via TS and map chat).  But that’s usual puggle troubles...
Comm did kick people from squad and call them useless, but this was after he did a TS check and gave them a chance to respond.  He was annoyed though, so he gave them like...two seconds...lol  Those who responded late were re-added to squad.  OP responded too slow for his wife (who I guess was too busy to answer for herself???) then said, “invite her back pls thx.”
Comm responded by asking if she’d changed her gear yet (he told this couple previously to change her gear because she could be really useful as a mesmer...but she’s never left alive after first push) because he kept seeing her get one pushed, and/or dead more often than alive.  He asked her to link her gear.  No gear links.  So he said, “Her gear is still shit.  Tell her to go take a fucking camp.”  Which isn’t the nicest way to put it, but he was done being nice.
What really annoys me about that thread is they think the problem with WvW is the toxicity...which is more a symptom of the problem.  You have people who want to play to win, and people who want to play for a thing and don’t care whether they win...they just want a thing.  And both types are stuck together on the same map.  One wants to play to test their abilities and the other wants to do the bare minimum because “We’re a T4 server!” and “I just want my Gift of Battle!”
My favorites are the people who come into WvW, then start complaining over map chat, “Is this it?  What the fuck?  This game mode isn’t profitable at all!  This isn’t even fun!”
Biiiiitch...ain’t nobody plays WvW for profit!  (Though if you do, tell me your secret pls.)
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wvwele · 6 years
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@the-omni-dragon replied to your post “Hey Scourges, notice any changes to your Shades?”
Check the patch notes. Im not sure I remember specifics but they did definitely change stuff about their targets and how they work
The patch notes mostly say “Fixed a bug that could cause this skill’s targets to be lost due to proximity between shades or the casting scourge.“  They didn’t specifically say they changed Shade to be affected by LoS.
Unless there’s an addition somewhere that I missed.  lol
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wvwele · 6 years
Hey Scourges, notice any changes to your Shades?
While raiding in WvW, another scourge and I noticed that we were having trouble hitting mortars with our shades.  I also noticed way more “Obstructed” messages when trying to hit oils.
We mentioned it in our guild Discord, and someone said that they’d changed shades to be affected by LoS.  :/
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