yanderelore · 22 days
DAY 15
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yanderelore · 23 days
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phoenix drop — 
the village was booming, many of the villagers were out and about, whispering towards one another or laughing and simply having fun or doing the job they were required to do - donna and logan were spending their time together in the plaza, donna doesn't currently have her stand as she used to so, she decided to bother logan at his, he sarcastically rolled his eyes as she leaned in for a kiss, pressing a quick soft kiss on her cheek, a grin on her lips as his cheeks heated up, looking away donna quickly noticed the two. " y/n !! there you are " she said as the h/c female gave her a confused look, garroth inwardly panicking.
" uhmm do I know you ? " she squeaked out, panic in her eyes as she clutched onto garroths arm as they both stared at eachother, donna seemed to raise a brow - why was she acting so different? she moved her eyes from y/n to garroth and then back to y/n, before she could say anything else garroth cleared his throat. " I do apologize donna, but we do need to be somewhere " he stammered out, as she sighed and slowly nodded — she felt it was odd, watching as they slowly walked away y/n holding garroth's arm as he held her with his free arm steering her away from the current stares they received. " that was odd " donna observed as logan watched, his azure eyes firmly on their retreating forms, garroth seemed a bit shaken up, he didn't know how to tell the people, he was afraid of the blame lucinda would receive — the two wondered for a while, garroth explaining every place they pass, a sudden noise caused him to rush infront of her, his sword in hand as laurance and dante appeared from a big bush.
the three staring at eachother a loud " oh " leaving garroth as he began to lower his sword. " were you just about to ? " dante asked as garroth nodded slowly, it was quiet and the three of them having a big bond caused not so much words needing to be said to understand eachother, which at times would cause annoyance to be between all of them, y/n stared at them – trying to figure out what was going on in their head yet when it seemed as if they would be in that situation for a while she decided to disappear, softly stepping back as she made sure she wasn't seen or heard before she scurried away, laurance was the first one to notice this time.
" oh, not again!! " he said, as dante and garroth turned their head abruptly to where she was just standing. " how in irene's name do you not feel her wondering off?! " dante asked as garroth awkwardly shrugged. " well – " he began but was cut off. " you're a shit head guard " laurance hissed as garroth rolled his eyes "  WELL neither of you can either, laurance you're the second in command so you're just as shitty " garroth pointed out as dante put his hand over his mouth with a small ' ooh ' this caused both sides to snap their heads towards the blue haired guy who swore under his breath.
" oh, don't you get us started !! for crying out loud, dante if anything ever happened to us you'd be the one in charge, yet here you are – being unreliable " laurance scoffed as dante placed a hand on his chest. " laurance you could just say you get no maidens,, you just wish you were me " dante said as laurance shot dante a glare, without warning as he tackled dante a scream leaving the smallest of the three – garroth laughing as he screeched while being dragged into the small fight.
in another part of town y/n looked around – the people around her seemed to scurrie away, waving at her as she smiled and waved back, she must've been important in a aspect if people had brought their attention towards her. " y/n! good morning " a lady walked up to her, a slight shimmer seemed to be around her as a pair of wings had spread from behind her – causing a sort of awh in the h/c woman slowly realizing that two kids stood with her, excitedly running to hugging her legs. " mom !! you'll be coming for dinner right ? " the dark haired boy asked his head tilted to the side as his younger brother ( she had assumed ) looked up at her with excitement as he jumped slightly with his arms snuggly around her leg her as she blinked, she didn't know what to say, as realization hit her ; did he just call her mom?! " ah, levin!! malachi!! please give her some space " the blonde lady said as they trudged towards her. " sorry, zoey! " they seemed to synchronicity causing y/n to blink a little – finding it adorable how they seemed to finish what they said somewhat together – something dawning  on her as they felt familiar about them but she felt bad for not remembering them.
" uhm – I'm sorry to say this " she said, walking up to zoey, leaning close to the fairy as her face flushed , clear embarrassment on her face as a small anxious smile could be seen on her face. " I sadly don't remember who you are all " she whispered a look of panic and fear in her e/c eyes as zoey tilted her head, confused on what she met by that, as a rather frantic aphmau appeared out of thin air, grabbing y/n gently as a small ' woahh ' left her lips startled by the sudden grab – aphmau giggling as she stood in front of y/n " heyyy zoey!! uhm, pretend this never happened " she said as she jogged away with a rushed y/n as she turned back to wave at the three who stood there, as they waved back, once the two had vanished an annoyed look was plastered on zoey's face as she brought the two back to the house – wondering why she doesn't remember or to what extent..
the rush of the two had caught many people's attention, especially a man in the trees with a vibrant green mask on, who was he and why did nobody notice him? maybe it was a figment of her imagination, one who will never understand!! what she didn't see it the three behind him, two guys and a girl! ohh? isn't this exciting? dear reader there is much to unfold on this journey! ah, I forgot I'm not supposed to say much!! I'm just a little narrator – who probably knows more than I look like I do!! well, don't mind me as we continue this long story ! I'll pop in once in a while ; it's fun having free will!! but don't tell the writer!! if they find out.. I'm doomed!!
HELLOOOO!! it's been a while hasn't it ?  so, uhm hi! this is part one as I'm trying my best to actually get a lot of characters written !! in part two there will be more mentions of the shadow knights so.. watch out for them !! if anyone has any ideas please let me know!! I love taking into consideration what others would like to see !! ( sorry for the terrible grammar and all !! not really in the mood for editing it – ) BUH BYEEEEE
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yanderelore · 2 months
PART TWO OF THE FIC !! the fic I'm writing was originally published on wattpad and quotev !! I'm rewriting them on my other platforms and giving you guys the decently edited !! as my grammar sucks and I know my fic will never be like outwardly perfect :(( ANYWHOOO ENJOY
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if you ever want a part to be on specific people lemme know :DD
the lord ran, her steps quick as a small " ack " escaped her parted lips as she nearly slipped on the cobblestone steps, her eyes wide as she watched the blurs of people rush by – the wind causing her hair to flail in her face while the people around her,, her people watched her form, concern written all over their faces, donna sitting on logan's stand - the male not noticing as he was faced away, fixing up his stand yet donna noticed, her eyes following the lord's figure as her gut dropped, she knew something wasn't right yet she just couldn't point out what it is, she felt a small poke to her side as she jolted turning to see her husband with a smirk on his face as he kept poking her sides, trying to get her off. " logan!! " she screamed playfully as he laughed " that's my name – don't wear it out " he said as he winked toward her the two laughing as she got off, as he leaned her over to press a kiss against her lips, it caused her worries to melt away.
the ebony haired female soon came to a stop, her eyes on the guard tower that was made watching as it towered over the village, as she opened the iron door, her hair sticking to her face as she took deep breaths; wheezing as she leaned herself down as she noticed the three were staring at her. " lady aphmau! are you alright? " garroth ; the head guard asked worry lacing his words as she simply nodded her head, " I am " she paused, a frown on her face as she took a few deep breaths in, the three nervously straighten themselves " but y/n isn't " she finally said, her eyes casted towards the ground. " WHAT?! " the three had yelled, moving much closer to the lord. " WHAT HAPPENED?! " garroth yelled, his hands moving towards his helmet as he held onto it tightly " WHERE IS SHE?! " laurance was the next one, his usual playful and flirtatious demeanor long forgotten as his eyes were wide  it seems as if the news had caused is eyes to become a tad bit watery as the sun that shined had given his crystal blue eyes to shine slightly " IS SHE DEAD?! " dante was the last one to ask,  his voice held a tone of horror, his eyes shining as he was on his knees gripping aphmau's arm as tears seemed to stick to his face – as that was the one question that had caused the two other guards to panic more.
" no, oh irene no! she's not dead !! " the shorter female said, clearly upset at the idea as this caused the three to calm down a bit " I'll explain on the way there ! she's at lucinda's place " once she finished dante had sprinted away, while the two tried to calm themselves down before they did the same. " DANTE! COME BACK " laurance screamed his hands over his mouth to amplify his voice more yet once he knew his yell was deaf to the blue haired man he stopped, the three walked rather quickly, aphmau explaining the accident and that lucinda should probably explain it more - she also mentioned that y/n had no recollection of who she was once, which made the two guards oddly happy, yet they weren't going to show it, why would they want to show their true intentions?
making it to the platform as they made it through, the sound of yelling was noticeable and it caused them to worry, pausing as they begin to make it upwards, the three made their way up as dante paced. " this is my fault - if only I stopped her " he said, his eyes dripping with tears. aphmau watched clearly distraught that her guard was panicking, her eyes ventured to the sleeping y/n - the other two making their way to dante, bringing him into a hug.
" it's not your fault dante " garroth said, as he patted dante's back, laurance straightened his posture as he looked straight ahead with a small frown etched on his features . " if it's anyone's fault it's mine " he murmured, his head faced down. " if only I wasnt busy talking to cadenza and joined her " he said, as dante and garroth sent him a look, clearly worried for him. " no - " dante was cut off abruptly. " it's nobody but my own fault " that caused the three to jump and turn, turning to face the h/c female as she rubbed her head. " I might not remember anything - but I do know that you shouldn't blame yourself for someone else's mistakes " she mused, her eyes soon landing on aphmau as she sent her a smile.
" hello again!! I'm sorry to cause you all this trouble, from what l - lucinda said, you're the lord of this place - what was it called again " she murmured softly to herself not wanting to be rude. " phoenix drop " aphmau said, a kind smile on her face as y/n seemed to relax. " yes !! sorry " she said, her head bowed a bit, as an apologetic smile graced her lips. " I don't blame you, you did lose your memory ! " she said, reassuring the h/c female.
" now that you're up - I'll show you around " she said, offering the taller female her arm, y/n gladly taking it,  dante soon stood in front of the two. " lady aphmau, how about I do it! you seem tired " he said quickly as his smile was a rather charming one. " no, I'm go - " she was cut off by laurence who slid over and placed his arm on dante. " oh no no, as the second in command I should do it!! " he said, as the three began to argue, she looked over at garroth who was awkwardly standing to the side – simply watching, she softly unlinked her arm from aphmau and made her away over, feeling someone come towards him - he swiftly turned his head, his hidden narrowed eyes now wide.
" a - ah lady y/n ! what can I do for you ? " he asked, his voice muffled as y/n sent him a smile. " it seems as they cant decide on who will show me around ! " she hummed out as she stopped infront of him. " how about you show me around, sir? " she asked nervously as garroth kept his widen gaze on her, unbeknownst to the h/c girl a blush was rising on his hidden face. " I would love too !! " he said, clearly excited - yet was quick to straighten his posture as a giggle left her lips. " you can call me garroth, no sir or any formalities " he said, his hand grabbing hers softly - as she cheerily nodded and the two soon left, dante realized y/n wasnt in aphmau's hold now, blinking as he looked around as he noticed garroth was also gone.
" hey, where'd they go? " dante asked as the two froze. " they left not to long ago " lucinda informed as she felt the jealousy slowly trying to consume her, yet she inhaled through her teeth as she forced herself to smile as she turned towards them, bigglesworth hooting as lucinda sent the owl a harsh glare as she now began to straighten her posture, her eyes casted upon the room quietly. " they're currently near the plaza " she simply said as they began to quickly dash away, once they were gone a grin began to form on her lips.
" truly, she will be mine, simply and honestly. . now back to work bigglesworth !! there is much to do " she murmured, a giggle left her lips as she turned and began her way back to the many stands of potion.
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yanderelore · 10 months
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– this is a yandere! MCD series I'm working on if you don't like yandere! please don't read
— WARNING THIS WiLL CONTAIN; yandere behavior, memory loss , the use of y/n AND errors because I don't proofread
the sound of glass breaking echoed through the room, lucinda staring at the mess that populated her floor, the liquid seeping from the glass as the unknown substance kept dripping slowly - the women softly cursed to herself, her crimson eyes squinting and her mouth twisted in distaste, her little owl staring at her, a small ' hoot ' left him as lucinda shook her head, this is what you get for being so disorganized the owl had said a bit bitterly into her thoughts as she turned to look at him, her hand on her hip as she glared at him.  " bigglesworth don't look or talk to me like that " she murmured, her tone sharp as she soon switched positions so she was crossed her arms, snapping her fingers as soon the mess began to clean up. bigglesworth began to flap his wings, landing on the young witches shoulder, the two seemed to bicker.
unbeknownst to her a certain h / c female was walking over to her place, taking happy steps towards her place,  jumping into the floating platforms as she stopped, humming a small tune and staring at the stairs ahead of her, making it to the top lucinda didn't notice her nor did y / n notice the puddle of glass and liquid that was slowly being picked up by a broom, sneaking over to lucinda as she smiled to herself, once she knew lucinda didn't see nor hear her, her smile grew bigger. " boo !! " she yelled as lucinda gasped, her body turning in shock hitting the female in the process and pushing her towards the material - not grabbing y / n in time she watched as the girl she was in love with hit the floor harshly the liquid going all over her and a ear piercing scream left her lips - the glass piercing her skin, in shock lucinda could only stare " no. . " she murmured, her hands trembling as she rushed over to her body.
picking her up into her arms she rushed towards the bed, shifting her body to see the damage everything had caused, watching as her back and arms were filled with blood, her skin seemed burned from the potion she had made, her eyes moved towards the mess, noticing how some had seeped through the cracks and made a small noticeable hole, she began to get to work, softly taking out the glass as she didn't want to harm the injured girl, hearing quick footsteps she paused as she saw aphmau rush in - her eyes widen as her form violently shook " what was the scream? are you okay- " she paused as she noticed the passed out female on the bed and the red stain on the floor, that was when the crimson eye female began to tear up. " it was an accident - she scared me and I caused her to fall and " she kept trying to explain but tears kept rushing down her face, soft hiccups leaving her lips - yet the lord could only stare, her eyes wide and her lips parted as she watched someone she grew a close bond with clearly in pain, yet she pushed it away to comfort lucinda, bringing her into a tight hug and softly rubbing her back as she listened to the sobs and whimpers.
she knew lucinda didn't mean it, she wouldn't purposely cause someone to get hurt - right? the woman with hazel eyes could only stare y/n with a small frown, yet it changed quickly, it could work well in her favor, make it seems as the world was only safe near her - make it the way y/n stays by her side for the rest of her life, helping raise levin and malachi! this is perfect both sides thought, unbeknownst to aphmau that lucinda was simply acting, of course she was worried for y/n and was hoping that she would forgive her, it was part of a plan she made, nobody but her knew about it and she was happy about that, yet once the two seperated they went back to their facade, lucinda went back to fixing up the mess of blood and now bruising that was on y/n's day as her skin was noticeably peeling off, she went to get bandages to wrap around her.
as the two were fixing her up they didn't know about what y/n was seeing, she was seeing flashes of who she is, hearing laughing and people having fun. " I'm sorry I have to do this " a voice said, a confused y/n looked around. " do what?! who are you? " she yelled, as the voice sighed " you'll remember soon, sadly you won't remember who you are nor how you got into your childhood show " he said, clearly glum about it, she was confused - where was she? who was she? she silently screamed when she saw the memories she had no recollection of, the people felt familiar but she didn't know who they reminded her of.
" y/n,, you are in terrible danger " the voice said, her eyes slowly opening as she felt her head hurt, the words slowly leaving her head - not knowing they were important as the pain was immense as she immediately went to grip it - yet noticed the feeling of something wrapped around her arms, she stared at it confusingly - yet she quickly shifted when she heard sounds coming towards her, looking to see two woman she didn't know, but felt as if she knew. they both ran over to her, taking her into a big hug, she was startled and wanted to fight but seems as she couldn't move.
" I'm so sorry ! it was an accident y/n " cried the female as the other simply kept quiet and softly touched her back to not cause her pain. " who's y/n? " the h/c female asked, confusion written all over her face as the two unknown women seperated from her. " haha what do you mean? " the hazel eye female asked, taking y/n's hand as she stared at the lord blankly " is - is that me? " she asked slowly, her head tilted to the side as the two stared at eachother in horror, yet a bit of happiness filled the two, both plans would work perfectly - but now they had to make sure she never knows who she is or what happened to her.
" also. . who are you two? " she asked, wanting to know why they seemed familiar and why they seemed to heartbroken that she doesn't remember them or herself. " I'll go get laurence , dante and garroth " aphmau said, as lucinda nodded, the two watched as she ran away and soon out, the female with red eyes noticing the amount of red that was already on the bandages, leaving to get more as y/n could only stare off, wondering one thing
why does she feel so scared.
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yanderelore · 11 months
I'm alive !! I'll be posting soon !! just thinking of MCD laurance <3
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yanderelore · 1 year
yandere!prince reese x zanerina?
to be completely honest my mind went blank as I sincerely didn't understand this request :( I'll definitely write it once my brain works and understands what you mean I am so so sorry
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yanderelore · 1 year
welcome, this is a new blog – it's all aphmau related but it's yandere, I take x readers only !! my requests are open and I take about anyone and any type of story. just don't be afraid to submit one !!
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