yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 22
The Fool (reversed)
Today I pulled the first card in the deck, The Fool (reversed).
In the Rider-Waite deck this card depicts a young man, off on an adventure. He strolls along 
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 21
IV of Cups (reversed)
Today I pulled the Four of Cups, reversed.
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Four of Cups depicts a man sitting underneath a tree. A cloud with a hand reaches out to offer him a cup. Three other cups sit near him. He is deep in thought and meditation and does not notice any of these cups. 
I received this card to represent my withdrawal from my friends as I have been just sitting at home working constantly on my schoolwork. I also have been continuing to do a lot of self-reflection lately which is one of the major themes of my schoolwork this semester. I just need to make sure I connect not only to myself, but to my community. 
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_of_Cups
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 20
VII of Pentacles (reversed)
I received the Six of Pentacles again, ten days difference.
To refresh, this card illustrates a wealthy man/merchant passing out coins. Two beggar men kneel at his feet, while he tosses coins to one of them, the other waits his turn. In his left hand he holds a scale which represents justice, fairness, and equality.  This card is two folded as you can be both rich and poor in your lifetime. This not only refers to material wealth, but immaterial wealth like love, power, and knowledge. It also asks the question, are you need to give or take right now and dig deeper into what you truly need. 
I received the reversed Six of Pentacles again. I need to continue to reflect inward give myself what I need. What do I need right now and how can I ask for it and/or share what I have with others?
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 19
Wheel of Fortune
Today I pulled the Wheel of Fortune. Another Major Arcana card, my third. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Wheel of Fortune depicts a giant wheel in the clouds. Written on the outer edge of the wheel are four Hebrew letters, YHVH (יהוה‎) and four Latin letters T,O,R, and A. On the inner wheel is the four alchemist symbols for water, salt, mercury, and sulphur, the alchemist’s building blocks of life. Surrounding the wheel is the Egyptian God Typhon (the god of evil), as a snake on the left side of the wheel. He also represents the life force descending into the material world. On the right side of the wheel is Anubis, the Egyptian God of the dead, who welcomes souls to the underworld. As Typhon is descending, Anubis is rising. Finally a Sphinx sits on top of the wheel sits. She representing knowledge and strength. As the wheel is suspended in the sky with the Egyptian deities, four winged creatures represent the four fixed signs of the Zodiac. The angel on the top left is Aquarius, the eagle on the top right is Scorpio, the lion on the bottom right is Leo, and the bull on the bottom left is Taurus. Each creature holds the Torah. 
This is one of the few cards without human as the focus is not on the material or realm of man, but with the divine and our destinies. This card focuses on destiny, fate, luck, life cycles, and turning points in our lives. This card reminds us that life is always moving and changing, fate and fortune. Life good on so make sure to be kind and keep an open mind and look for opportunities.
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wheel_of_Fortune_(Tarot_card)
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 18
Ace of Cups (reversed)
Today I pulled the Ace of Cups reversed. I have been getting a lot of reversed cards lately. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Ace of Cups depicts a divine hand extended from clouds holding a chalice overflowing with water. This chalice symbolizes your mind and subconsciousness and the five streams that flow out, your five senses filled with emotion and intuition. The streams of water flow out of the cup into a pool of water with floating lotuses symbolizing your spirit. A divine dove flies down into the chalice, denoting the movement from the subconscious to awareness
This card is filled with self care, self love, spirit, intuition, creativity, and connection. I received the reversed card denoting to focus my love and connection to myself - the flow of water down into myself. I am connecting into my own subconscious mind and becoming more aware of my feelings and emotions. 
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ace_of_Cups
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 17
King of Wands (reversed)
Wand card today! I pulled the King of Wands, but reversed.
In the Rider-Waite deck, the King of Wands sits on his throne decorated with images of lions and salamanders denoting masculinity, fire and strength, along with is red robe. The salamanders have them eating their own tails, symbolic of our infinite drive of overcoming obstacles. Finally, the top of his wands has leaves which is symbolic of life and creativity. 
This card is about leadership and taking charge. However, I pulled it in reverse. This means for me, I need to think about my actions as a leader. I am really leading, or am I just managing? With leadership, one must remember that the teams works together and everyone has an important role. 
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  Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_of_Wands
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 16
III of Pentacles
Another Pentacles card, this time the Three of Pentacles. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Three of Pentacles portrays three men working on a magnificent cathedral, a stonemason, an architect, and a friar. All three are conversing together about the work to be done. The architect hold the plans. In the center of the card is a huge vaulted arch that depicts the three pentacles. 
This card is about preparation, planning, collaboration and teamwork. The three men are working together, valuing the other’s opinions and knowledge because they are the master of each disciple - the stonemason for carving, the architect for planning and execution, and the friar for understanding what is needed in the building. This is one of the only cards that focuses on a group. 
When pulling this card, it means to think about your participation and skills set in a group atmosphere. You are on the right path, work together collaboratively to plan, designate, and execute the assignment.
This week for school, I am working with groups to help in the initial design of research questions and conceptual models for a potential survey. Each one of us in the group has a specific skills set and background knowledge that can help the others in coming up with a desired set of questions and model. Also, this week, one of my co-professors is taking over on the assignments. We all have been working together to get out class site, syllabus, and assignments ready for the students. So far, we have been working well together by communicating effectively. 
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_of_Coins
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 15
V of Wands (reversed)
Today I pulled the Five of Wands. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, this card depicts a chaotic scene with five men in differing garb (noting their distinct and differing kingdoms) with raised wands. Each has a different viewpoint on the situation (also symbolically demonstrated by their clothes) and violence seems to be their option. However, upon close inspection, their wands are not beating the other, they are just entangled. Only through putting down their wands can they avoid a physically violent conflict. 
This card represents competition, internal and external fighting, disagreement, strife, anxiety, conflict and struggle.
I received the reverse of this card, noting internal conflict and anxiety. This is probably because I still need to work on my paper for publication and from being a professor. Its hard being an online professors when students are not reading the assignments and completing them correctly. I feel that I am not providing them with all the information, but really I am, they are just not doing it. I am also still thinking about what has been happening in the US, with the riots and pandemic, and with the inauguration this week. 
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_of_Wands
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 14
II of Swords (reversed)
I received the Two of Swords revered again! This is the first time that I have pulled the same card. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Two of Swords depicts a blindfolded woman, sitting on a thrown, hold two swords upright and crossed. Behind her are rocky islands with a crescent moon above.
I received the Two of Swords reversed. The reversed meaning of this card is that I need to listen to my intuition, look inward, to find out my solution to my problem, cut off the external voices, opinions, and ideas.
Again, I have been pulling many sword cards telling me to listen to myself. I guess this is a continual call for us (and myself) to reflect upon ourselves, our actions, behaviors, emotions, and feelings.
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 13
IX of Swords (reversed)
Today I pulled the Nine of Swords again, but this time reversed.
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Nine of Swords depicts a man awoken in the middle of the night with his hands covering his face. His nine swords arraigned above his bed.
This card (reversed) represents inner turmoil and anguish, fear and worry. In order to release this pain, it helps to talk to someone else and get help, allowing a fresh perspective on your situation. It can also represent being to hard on yourself. 
I pulled this card probably reminding myself that this is the pandemic, classes this year are still new and difficult as I have three asynchronous classes and only one face-to-face via Zoom. I need to relax and go outside and not just worry about school and publication all the time. I need to understand that it is OK and not to always feel guilty that I am not doing my work.
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_of_Swords
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 12
Knight of Wands (reversed)
Today I pulled another reversed wand card. This time, the Knight of Wands.
In the Rider-Waite deck, this card shows a knight in full armor riding a brown horse. He wears a yellow robe adorned with salamanders (representing the element fire) and a fiery, red plume of feathers sprouts from his helmet. In his right hand he hold his wand upright, and the bridle of the horse in his left. The horse is rising up his hind legs in action, as the knight is on a mission to spread important news. Behind the knight and horse is a desert, and in the distance, three pyramids. 
This card meaning is related to actions and impulsiveness. However, I received the reversed, meaning I am filled with energy, but need a focus to it in order to carry out my project. I cannot react to hastily and need to slow down.
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_of_Wands
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 11
VIII of Wands (reversed)
For my pull today I got the Eight of Wands, my first wand card. I have now received all styles of cards from the Minor Arcana deck. 
Wands cards represent passion and creative, energy, action, movement, and will power. Wands are representative of the element fire and the masculine. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Eight of Wands is depicted by eight wands flying through the air. Behind them is a clear blue sky, a in the distance, is a hillside with a home and the river below. 
The Eights of Wands meaning represents fast action, you need to do something now! However, I received this card reversed, meaning I need to slow down and stop charging ahead. It can also mean I am resisting change or going backwards, and need to come up with a new way to implement my tasks or actions.
This cards means I need to slow down and focus on the tasks I need to complete, my article for publication. Writing has always been a struggle for me and I need to find a new way to sit down and figure out how to work on this paper.
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_of_Wands
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 10
VI of Pentacles (reversed)
Another pentacles card today, this time, the Six of Pentacles, reversed.
In the Rider-Waite deck, this card illustrates a wealthy man/merchant passing out coins. Two beggar men kneel at his feet, while he tosses coins to one of them, the other waits his turn. In his left hand he holds a scale which represents justice, fairness, and equality.  
This card is two folded as you can be both rich and poor in your lifetime. This not only refers to material wealth, but immaterial wealth like love, power, and knowledge. It also asks the question, are you need to give or take right now and dig deeper into what you truly need. 
I received the reversed Six of Pentacles. This means to reflect inward and give yourself what you need. What do I need right now and how can I ask for it and/or share what I have with others? Today, I see this card as a continuation of the one I received yesterday to focus on myself - self-care, self-love, self-education and self-reflection. Also, how can I share my knowledge and wealth with others? Through journaling and participating in school. 
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_of_Coins
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 9
IX of Pentacles
My first Pentacles card pull, this time the Nine of Pentacles. The Pentacles are another set from the Minor Arcana. The Pentacles are attributed with material wealth and possessions, the external world, and their elements is the earth. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Nine of Pentacles portrays an elegant and rich woman out for a stroll in her magnificent and lush vineyard. She wears a robe adorned with flowers. A falcon is sitting on her left arm. In the grapevine are the nine pentacles. At her feet is a small snail and behind her and the grapevines are mountains and her castle. She is the epitome of wealth and luxury. 
This card presents wealth and all that goes with it, art, food, beauty, material positions, and comfort. It can also mean determination, self-reliance, discipline and self-control, as well as stability and success. When pulled, it means to focus on yourself and revel in your luxuries. Take a spa day, buy something elegant for yourself, or have a fancy meal aka Treat Yo’self (as shown by in Parks and Rec by Donna and Tom).  
I pulled this card after my first week of school, and by did I treat myself to watching a show with my friend, taking a bath and having some fine wine. 
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nine_of_Coins
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 8
Knight of Swords (reversed)
I pulled the Knight of Swords today.
In the Rider-Waite deck, the card depicts a Knight riding a galloping, white horse, sword drawn up, pointing at the sky. In the backgrounds, clouds are brewing and the wind is blowing heavily. A storm is on the horizon.
The Knight card represents directness, incisiveness, and authoritativeness, one who is brimming with energy. One who uses logic and knowledge. However, each characteristic brings with it a negative, one who is opinionated, blunt and cutting, overbearing, and unemotional.
The Knight reversed tells you that you have so much energy, but with no directness. You need to slow down and apply focus.
Since school has started and there is so much to do and learn, I need to remind myself to set my goals and set a schedule.
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Image from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_Arcana
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 7
X of Cups
Another Cup card pull today. So far, I have received only Cups and Swords from the Minor Arcana deck. I received the Ten of Cups.
From the Roder-Waite deck, the Ten of Cups depicts a family with outstretched arms looking up in the sky at a rainbow filled with ten cups. Their home on a hill is in the distance. The hill represents connection to the earth, stability, and fertility while the river represents deep flowing emotions.
The Ten of Cups (upright) represents abundance, love, comfort, joy, peace, harmony and a happy family.
I pulled this card possibly because I am safe, surrounded by my family as the United States deals with the riots and insurrection at the Capitol. School also starts for me today as I had my first and only Zoom class this semester (the rest are asynchronous and the class I teach is as well). I love school (which is a reason I am getting my PhD) and find it a fun, safe place to be. I think I will enjoy my class as we are learning about and conducting qualitative research.
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Image from: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_of_Cups
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yearoftarot2021 · 3 years
January 6
The Empress (reversed)
Today, I pulled my first card from the Major Arcana, the Empress. 
In the Rider-Waite deck, the Empress is depicted sitting on a throne with luxurious cushions, one with the symbol of Venus (love, Eros, fertility, and the feminine). She has long flowing hair on which a crown with twelve stars sit, connecting her to the mystical realm. Her robe is adorned with pomegranates, another symbol of fertility. In the foreground is golden wheat and background is dense forest, both alluding to fertility and abundance. 
The Empress is connected to Mother Earth, the feminine Devine, abundance and fertility, the creation of life, earthly pleasure, extravagance, beauty and creativity. 
I pulled the Empress reversed. This means that I need to focus on self-love and self-care, not being hyper critical of oneself. Connecting with the earth through creativity, hanging out with friends and relaxing, or taking a bath can help. It can also represent a creative block. 
This card was pulled on the day the US Capitol was overtaken by white supremacist, looking to assassinate politicians and trying and overturn the election results. This attack was entrenched with toxic masculinity, by angry, white men, wielding their white power. It was fueled by a hate-filled battle speech and aided by the police and politicians. These cancerous tumors of white supremacy and white power, racism, sexism and misogyny, queerphobia, transphobia, ableism, our class system, power structures, and capitalism need to be taken out. 
In what ways, can this card help to explore new and creative ways to get rid of these malignant tumors that plague our society, culture, minds, actions and behaviors?       
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Image from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Empress_(Tarot_card)
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