yuryecwn · 3 years
hi all~
i wanted to say an extra thank you to everyone who joined us here at crown and for bringing us all your muses and support!
i wanted to drop my twt and dc handles in case if anyone would like to continue writing old/new threads with yurye or sooin as i will be moving them onto my mumu ( which i will share if you reach out! ) especially for our newest members and those who had been waiting for acceptances that didn’t get the chance to properly thread!!
my twt is @toesubscription and my dc is home of red hair sanha🦶#4507
please feel free to add me on either and just let me know that you’d like to thread and who you are~
i had such a great time creating yurye and sooin here along with meeting, plotting, threading and interacting with everyone here <3 
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yuryecwn · 3 years
a simple envelope arrives at your room, so nondescript you may wonder if it’s actually meant for you — until you notice your name written on the front in black, cursive letters. there is no sender but the envelope has been closed shut with a wax seal you know to be from ( @thecrownseer ). it seems you have a message of upmost importance... but will you open it?
"you’ve been invited to a wedding of a princess you are fond of who will be leaving the country to join her husband. as the ceremony is coming to an end though, another royal steps up to object in their matrimony. do you do anything to interfere?”
it’s hard to believe that there would ever be someone presumptuous enough to do something such as actually objectifying a marriage while the actual ceremony is happening. after all, yurye’s never actually seen it happen in all his years of living. he’s been to enough weddings to know that no one would risk doing such a thing too considering the politics and games all most marriages are based on from nobility to royals within the palace. doing something that bold was most definitely asking to be punished if not worse especially if it was a marriage to unite and bring the country ties closer.
as much as a dignified prince yurye was and stickler in keeping his image the way it was… if he were ever in such a situation where a princess he held dear to him experienced this on her wedding day he would have no hesitation in standing up to interfere. whether it be to direct knights to take the person away, to confront them or even drag them away himself he would do it.
now, whether if the person did it because they actually did love the princess and she them… was another situation. but feelings playing into something as serious as a political marriage never faired well. once set up, those in it really had no choice. it was something all royals had to come to an understanding at some point or another - is what yurye believes in (to an extent considering he himself still seeks out love on his own). political marriages were never about love. to bring that in against the queen and king was a losing game.
it’s a slightly depressing thought in all honesty. one that is leading yurye to think about more than he wants so he stops himself before he dives further into the recesses of his mind.
“should a wedding be interrupted by someone bold enough to not only go against the orders of the king and queen, but attempt to disturb the cultivation of two countries ties, i would have no choice but to get involved. on both behalfs of the princess i am fond off, considering this is her wedding day and on behalf of the duty i have as a prince to uphold the rules and managing affairs as such.”
no matter how much yurye would want to say that he does something truly out of the goodness of his heart. he knows… that as much as he puts his best foot forward for genuinity and kindness, he’s a prince first and foremost. and that means priorities over emotions and wants.
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yuryecwn · 3 years
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have you heard? there was heavy smoke seen billowing from the seer’s tower. not long after that, the carriage of the seer was seen leaving the gates of the country. it seems they have an urgent message to deliver personally.
Keep reading
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yuryecwn · 3 years
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happy hyunnie and his mountain of strawberries 🍓
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yuryecwn · 3 years
a ways away location. town by the ocean @cwnseokmin​
there’s a colony of seagulls flying nearby as yurye looks up while simply enjoying the breeze carrying the gentle ocean waves to shore over and over again in an endless cycle. the weather is decent for the random day yurye had requested leave of the palace alone. for a personal day. and despite requesting a personal day, he wasn’t really alone, seokmin was with him. seokmin was always with him some way or another and maybe that was the only constant in yurye’s life that kept him as grounded as he was.
seokmin knew yurye like the back of his hand. sometimes even more, especially during the times when yurye wished he didn’t. from small things like knowing that yurye was true to the image he built as the prince he was to bigger things like knowing despite yurye did his best to be the prince he was, he would also indulge himself at times. sometimes it took form in spontaneous horse rides, or pushing a task off for later (yes, even the responsible prince did that from time to time - of course only for tasks that didn’t immediately require attention) or the recent amount of visits the prince had been making to the kingdom of hearts to visit being for a certain princess.
heck, seokmin could probably tell yurye at exactly what time yurye’s eyes closed when he fell asleep even though seokmin would be stationed outside his actual chambers. that’s how well seokmin did his job. and without him to watch yurye at all times so that yurye could do things without worrying for his own safety, he probably wouldn’t be half the prince he was to that day. many people didn’t know just how much credit yurye really gave to seokmin for his loyalty and dedication. 
with a glance back to seokmin, standing further from the water with his eyes focused on something else, yurye smiled softly before turning towards the ocean. rolling up his pant legs as much as he could, yurye stepped into the cool water, shuddering lightly at the sudden chill before taking one of rocks in his hand and easily skipping it across the surface of the small waves.
from where they are, they’re still close enough to the oceanside town to see the ships coming in and out of port. and a thought strikes yurye. how easy it would be for him to just… get on one of them and leave? it’s no lie that he’s considered the thought of leaving before… back to korea where he can start new. what would he even do? yurye honestly has no idea. and it’s not because he’s incapable of starting over it’s just that… if he actually gave it thought and figured out what to do, the reality of being able to do so became that much more real.
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“seokmin,” yurye calls out as he skips another rock on the surface of the water. “have you ever considered leaving?”
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yuryecwn · 3 years
trouble is a friend of mine location. corridor of hearts kingdom @jiaecwn
it’s for a few minutes, that yurye’s stepped away from the banquet, trying to figure out the perfect timing for him to leave and wander the palace and stumble upon eunae (always by coincidence). seokmin was currently relieved of duty for the timebeing considering yurye was attending an event already being heavily guarded within the heart’s palace itself. having his private knight would’ve suggested to the kingdom that he didn’t trust in their hospitality and ability to maintain his safety within their walls for such an important event. 
it was the birthday of one of the princess’ who had just been granted a higher rank. to kickstart her achievement, a party was thrown, although, everyone knew it was moreso she could get acquainted with the royals she would start working with across borders. yurye had no qualms with coming despite a few other high ranking royals from spades also being present as he still had a reputation to uphold himself. that and because he would never deny an opportunity to visit the hearts kingdom (for eunae). 
after asking one of the hearts royals if they knew whether princess eunae would be present or not and being told she wouldn’t, yurye couldn’t help but excuse himself. out in the corridor, yurye felt a tinge of guilt as he sent a quick text to seokmin, asking if he’d be able to find the whereabouts of eunae. as long as she wasn’t out of the country, he’d have a chance of seeing her before leaving. 
yurye huffs out a sigh of fatigue before letting his shoulders drop. heading back to relax with seokmin was actually sounding like a much better idea considering they had arrived to the palace right before the banquet started. the entire morning had been full of meetings too and knowing he still had the rest of the night to interact with royals… it was a bit unsettling.
but, afterall, that was what being a prince was right?
as yurye starts preparing himself mentally to return to the banquet, he feels a sudden touch on his arm. surprised at who would be approaching him - and like so - so late into the evening, yurye turns to greet the stranger when he comes face to face with a rather unfortunate presence.
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“p-princess jiae, how do you do?”
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwninsu​: what are friends for
just like any other day of the week insu found himself burying himself into books, catalogs, and other forms of scripts in the kingdom’s library. no matter what went on in his life he relied heavily on these materials. “what are you doing in here? i don’t normally find you here” he calmly spoke as the brown eyed male flipped another page from his book, not even looking up from it as he spoke in the direction of someone nearby. he may not be a great fighter or survivalist, but the more he stayed in the same environment the more he was able to feel changes in the air around him. insu closed the book the cover of the book slowly as his vision went to the person in question.
“you know you could say hi. i don’t bite” which he didn’t. hell, he didn’t even bother with getting either close to others or have the patience itself to fight with anyone for that matter. now the person wasn’t in his vision but he knew that they were there. it was just a matter if they were going to peak around and greet him, or quickly leave and make him feel like he scared them off.
yurye grins at being found out. so he happily obliges, popping around the corner to greet his friend while putting his hands up in surrender.
“you caught me,” yurye begins with before nodding his head towards the papers in insu’s hands. “i didn’t want to bother you since you looked so focused on what you were studying.”
as yurye takes a step closer towards insu he continues, “what are you studying by the way? you’re finally visiting the kingdom of spades and the first thing you do is head for the library versus meet an old friend? hurtful!”
yurye jokes as he makes himself comfortable, pulling an extra chair on the side to sit across from insu. he sits backwards on the chair and crosses his arms over the backrest- despite it being unprincelike, throwing caution to the royal etiquettes in he palace. afterall, if there was no one else around to witness, who really cared?
is what yurye thinks when he hears the entrance doors open and shut.
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“besides, if you really want some privacy while studying or exploring the selection in our libraries you’re more than welcome to use my private study,” yurye offers while keeping his relaxed position. he keeps his eyes scanning the area to see if anyone will pop around the bookshelves and interrupt their moment. “if you want we could head there now. i’ll even get an assistant to bring any extra books here you’d like to follow up on.”
after all, being in his private study did mean being able to sit however he wanted without worry of someone spotting him being a little negligent with royal etiquette in the face of his friend.
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwnabi​: ✧ by one look
she isn’t expecting to capture a man’s gaze so blatantly. yes, nabi was well aware of her beauty but she’s never gotten a reaction so strong before. she shyly smiles, seeing the prince be entranced by her himself. nabi was awaiting his response (wondering what he would say) before the loud whinnying of his horse alerted her to something being wrong.
nabi seems to do a double take as the horse rears, its front legs swaying a bit. it successfully knocks the prince off. the horse takes off running. whatever irritated it was enough to send it clear across the property. nabi was left stunned at what just happened. her eyes search the prince in concern although he seems more focused on his horse. she turns to look at the direction the horse had taken off in. it was going to take the guards a bit to catch up.
her eyes return to the prince. he’s hunched over in pain. horses were quite large. they towered over her. she can only imagine how much it hurts to be bucked off one like that. she takes a step towards him, her hands outstretched with the intention to assist him. she pauses when she sees him look directly at her. was he checking to make sure she was okay? or if she saw? it was enough to pause her momentarily. nabi crouches down, knees angled downwards to not accidentally flash the prince. she wanted to make friends but she wasn’t that desperate for them.
“are you okay?” she asked with wide eyes. her eyes swept across his frame. judging by the way he landed, he might have a large bruise form on his back. “we should get you back towards the castle and examined.” she looked around. how long was it going to take for the guards to return. she huffed before returning her attention to the prince once more. “what happened?”
of course she had seen everything. how could she not? it was stupid for yurye to even have a sliver of hope that maybe she didn’t. afterall, he literally got thrown off in front of her and they made eye contact. even a blind person would be able to know what happened. 
the breath is still knocked out of him but he urges his body to inhale as much oxygen as he can before slowly nodding in response to her before he can manage to reply verbally.
“y-yes,” he stutters faintly before stretching his back out. it’s a horrible idea; a stroke of pain travels through his back as he does so and it takes everything in him not to hiss out loud so he masks it with another confirmation of his wellbeing. “i’m okay.”
with a deep breath, he brushes off his pant legs before pushing himself off the ground, keeping his head bowed to hide his expression of torment from her view. the last thing he needed was for her to think any less of him in such an embarrassing situation. would she think less of him after finding out who he was?
as much as he didn’t want to go back to the castle - he really just wanted to enjoy a nice outing with baekgwang - she was right. he was definitely going to be sore for a few weeks even with the proper care from the royal physicians. at most, he could get away with ache and bruising if there was nothing truly damaged or sprained.
“the royal physician’s quarters are near here luckily.” yurye comments as he hobbles back towards the entrance, keeping his gaze forward to make sure no one is paying him any attention. out of respect, any servants passing by who happen to catch his gaze immediately look away when they see his expression. “baekgwang must have been startled by something.”
yurye mumbles something else about hoping that she’s safe before continuing, “usually she’s very calm and poised. although, i’m not sure what she could have seen to scare her that badly.”
“i’m sorry you had to witness that catastrophe, hopefully you were not too startled yourself my lady,” yurye says as he takes a good look at her, hoping that she doesn’t mind too much his observing. “and i’m sorry, you must have other engagements to attend to, i can head to the physician alone if you are busy.”
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwnhyunsu​: the same girl
“hey, i could have paid for that!” hyunsu pouted as he shamefully accepted the gift, “but thank you. i’ll be sure to tell my entire kingdom how generous you are.” he watched as his friend handed the black silk to the vendor to wrap up for him. it was time to be the heroic friend hyunsu had claimed to be.
“excuse me? don’t let him pay!” hyunsu softly shoved yurye behind him, pulling out his card to hand to the vendor, “use my card instead.” he flashed a smile back towards yurye, as if he was waiting for his friend to give him praise. alas, it appeared as though his friend was becoming a little irritated with him, though he didn’t know why.
he swore he was listening. in fact, if yurye were to quiz him on the spot, hyunsu swears he could recite his exact words. of course, maybe he’d slip up on a word or two– or maybe even more, but it’s not like he had the best memory. he was only human, a human that loved hearing himself talk. 
although, now that yurye was upset with him, he couldn’t help but feel a little guilty about his lack of listening comprehension.
so he stands there, trying to recollect yurye’s last few words before playing it off. “i have been listening. i swear!” hyunsu retorted, “small banquet…special girl…different from the rest…” the last part made hyunsu snort. hyunsu had spent majority of his time competing, flirting, and visiting many princesses from all kingdoms, and not once did he feel like one was different from the other. they were all the same young woman, usually with parental issues, who either cares too little about their royal duties or cares too much. at this point hyunsu felt like he could read any princess like an open book, so to find someone unique would be mind-blowing to him.
“special, huh?” hyunsu grinned, nudging his friend playfully, “ be honest, is she hot? what kingdom does she reside in? perhaps if she resides in my kingdom i could try and set you up!”  although, hyunsu was doubtful that it was anyone from his kingdom, as he felt like he often outshined the other royal members residing in his palace. no hate to the other royals, though. he was just being honest.
despite being slightly irritated with hyunsu for his lack of listening skills, a grin pulls at his lips as his friend jumps to immediately pay for the silk he had intended on paying for himself. he quickly lets it disappear when hyunsu turns back to look at him though, considering the silk wasn’t the issue at hand here. with a small roll of his eyes, yurye does acknowledge his hyunsu’s efforts (although more self-serving first than sincere). 
“thank you,” yurye gives a small bow to hyunsu as a small dramatic before taking the neatly wrapped package. 
as hyunsu tries to repeat what yurye had been going on about, he can’t help but roll his eyes again when hyunsu ultimately snorts out loud with his own rendition of yurye’s words. not only did it sound like yurye made it out to be a fairytale romance - it really wasn’t considering eunae wasn’t even aware of his feelings… along with the fact that she would always address him as a friend - but it also made yurye sound like an easy romantic.
a frown makes its way to his lips how crude hyunsu’s tone is, although he knows it’s simply because of the amount of respect he holds for eunae. the last thing he would want hyunsu to do upon finding out yurye’s interest is evaluate her based on her looks. of course she was hot to yurye, but that wouldn’t be the first term he would use to describe her. 
“she’s not from your kingdom,” yurye sighs with slight surrender, knowing hyunsu won’t give up on his questions unless if yurye gives him good enough answers. “and probably not by your definitions of hot, but she’s definitely beautiful.”
yurye hurriedly continues before hyunsu gets a chance to comment on yurye’s old-fashioness way of thinking. “she’s from the kingdom of hearts actually. and i think you might actually know her - or of her - considering she is the daughter of the king and queen.”
with just that, yurye can’t help the smile that creeps on him as soon as he starts thinking about the sweet and loving princess. “eunae. princess eunae.”
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwnseoho​: before the sun rises
“ah.. i’m sorry,” he counters. “i did not wish to disturb you.” the knight turns his gaze downwards, arms behind his back to let yurye have some semblance of privacy. he knows he wouldn’t want yurye to see him cry, which is why he has never spoken about his brother to anyone but the queen. he cried in front of her once, when he was still young, but he vowed not to do so again.
keeping his gaze on the patterned bricks at the prince’s feet, seoho takes a few steps closer to yurye. “i’m sorry about your mother,” he murmurs, dropping his usual, professional tone to speak friend to friend, being vague on purpose. he did not want to bring up bad memories that yurye surely has. “i won’t look, if you don’t want me to, but i’m here… if you need me.”
upon recognizing seoho’s face as yurye’s vision clears and he gets a better look, he immediately straightens his posture, turning away to wipe his face once more. it’s not often that yurye cries after all, much less in the presence of his dearest friends. there’s a slight air of awkwardness that yurye does his best to beat away considering it’s only because seoho has caught him unexpectedly in such an exposing moment. 
“it’s okay, it’s not your fault,” yurye hurriedly replies as he turns to greet seoho. although unanticipated, yurye was actually kind of grateful for seoho’s presence. he knew of how yurye lost his mother from a young age. and after the alarming realization that yurye had that morning just moments ago of his dissolving memory… it was too much for the prince to handle alone.
“it’s nice…” yurye begins, feeling himself waver at the amount of vulnerability he felt in that moment. but he does his best to keep it together even though he himself isn’t sure of what he feels letting seoho see him like that. “it’s nice to have some company right now.”
he knows that seoho will understand him. the affirmation that he wants seoho there without directly saying it. there was no doubt that seoho would stay as long as yurye needs. so with that, yurye simply turns and sits back down on the cold bench. he closes his eyes to take another moment, stabilizing the murmur in the back of his mind as well as the uneasiness in his stomach. after all, it was a delicate moment for both of them. 
“it’s hard. with each passing year, it feels like i’m losing more and more of her.” yurye confesses as he stares straight ahead. “and i feel it… this frustration. that i’m losing memories that i shouldn’t be. and this frustration that i can’t do anything about having lost her or the fact that the king doesn’t seem to visit her anymore…”
his brows furrow in anguish as he thinks about how whenever the king looks at him, it’s always a look of sorrow. there always seems to be something more, but yurye has never been able to figure it out. all he knows though, is how much he wishes the king wouldn’t look at him like that. 
and it digs deeper into him each time he thinks about how much his mother had meant to the king and how much he had to her. because… if their love was what he had really heard it to be from all the stories that his mother’s personal maid had told him… none of it made sense. he knew how much it would mean to his mother for the king to visit her. but then again, realistically, the gossip that would follow if the king did visit the grave of someone like his mother - an foreigner from outside the country, a lowly citizen with no title or nobility, a nobody with nothing to offer - it would never settle with the people of the country. 
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“is it so wrong… to wish she could’ve been placed within the palace cemetery so he could at least do that for her? isn’t that the least he could’ve done for her?” yurye asks aloud to seoho even though he knows how overstepping a question like that is.
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yuryecwn · 3 years
jiahcwn​: not you again
    “ for fucks’ sake… ” of all the goddamn people. “ yeah , you’re no rainbows and sunshine to look at either. ” she’s up on feet and almost frantically looking around for a someone who was probably long gone now. “ — why are you looking at my face? go!! look for him and bring him to me! ” there isn’t much yelling involved whenever jiah speaks , but the warning tone is enough to convey the message to the fellow knights. 
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     turning to the more annoying pressing issue at matter , she looks at the prince and the sigh is almost involuntary. “ i know you can’t do anything of actual importance in your own kingdom but at least have the respect to not interfere and fuck up here too… prince yurye. ” the title being enunciated in a way that almost had it lose it’s meaning. 
yurye doesn’t hide the distaste upon hearing jiah’s equally irritated reaction upon finding out who she had just attacked was. either way, he doesn’t attempt to hide the way he wishes he could be dealing with anyone else but her. despite usually being a civil prince, jiah was definitely someone that yurye always went out of his way to avoid.
it was hard though, considering that she was the private knight for eunae. the one and only person that yurye consistently sought out whenever he had time in the kingdom of hearts to do so. most times jiah would be present and they would keep things civil in the face of the tender princess. he never tried to make it his true feelings towards jiah clear whenever eunae was around, but he couldn’t say jiah did the same once he was away. 
part of yurye is itching to spit a retort back in the way that jiah is addressing him. after all, she did it so nonchalantly and openly in front of other knights of the kingdom. he was never one who was big on using his status as a first tier prince over others but… maybe jiah would be the exception. however, the chances of her actually caring? zero.
“i’m afraid, my presence has somehow disrupted your mood private knight jiah,” yurye simply responds. there’s no way in hell he would ever apologize and agree that he did something wrong. especially when he clearly hadn’t. “although, considering that you are a knight of such standing, i have to say i’m surprised that you weren’t capable enough to complete your job without mistaking me for someone that i am not.”
of course he really wasn’t surprised. but his tone of voice was obvious enough for her to catch his sarcasm. 
“now your juniors have to finish what you couldn’t. above all else, i don’t think your grand officer is going to be very happy to hear you attacked a visiting prince on royal grounds today.” yurye throws at her as a small attempt - really more like a small threat - on how she should be speaking to him in such a public area.
yurye takes a look around the area and spots who he recognizes to be a royal advisor making their way towards the pair from behind jiah. keeping a straight face on to keep from revealing his intentions, yurye provokes her a little more. 
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“after all the years you have spent training and serving princess eunae, i would think you know the appropriate etiquette to apologize to a prince of my standing after doing what you have done.”
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yuryecwn · 3 years
thread tracker
hi guys~ just a tracker to let you guys know where i’m at! and if i forgot anything or i’m supposed to write a starter for you please let me know! if we’ve been plotting but you want to kick my butt for being slow and just want a starter let me know and i’ll add that to works! otherwise if you want to write a starter based on what we have and just tag me that works too! lol 
replied to
need to reply to
@cwnseoho, open starter
@cwninsu, open starter
waiting on reply/starter from (please don’t feel rushed!)
seoho, little things
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwneunae​: sweet like candy
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“i mean— not like that. but not in a bad way! because i wouldn’t really mind that…but only because we’re such great friends, right? right. and you’re my guest— OUR guest! because any guest of our kingdom’s is a guest of mine! in a totally non-conceited way…” her words eventually began to trail off as eunae realized that at this point, it was best for her to stop talking while she was ahead. 
“i swear that i’m much more eloquent with my words, usually. i guess i’m just…” slowly, she returned her gaze back upwards, melting softly at the sight of his eyes. “…tired.” everything about him made her act completely out of character, for reasons she still didn’t fully understand herself.
yurye swears that there’s a circus in his stomach once eunae gently loops her arms with his. he definitely can’t help the sheepish smile growing on his lips when she does so and steps closer to him. he really should do better at not seeming so excited to finally spend some time alone with her… but he just can’t help it. at the same time, he was allowed that much at least right? to be able to enjoy, enjoying her company?
at the mention of eunae’s precious companion, yurye can’t help but focus on the end of the hallway where yuki had been patiently waiting before bounding up to eunae excitedly. yurye’s gaze immediately shifts back to eunae though as he watches her silently, admiring the way she interacts so lovingly with her beloved pet. he would have to remember to bring it a treat or gift next time.
it doesn’t take long until the two are finally alone.  for one, as much as yurye wouldn’t have minded yuki accompanying them, he was kind of glad that he would have all of eunae’s attention to himself. secondly, he was also glad that jiah was nowhere to be seen. it didn’t look like she had been with eunae and was nowhere in sight so far. hopefully, it stayed that way for the rest of his time with eunae.
and then eunae is talking and yurye’s pulled out of his selfish thoughts. if his smile could get any wider, yurye could probably light a whole village for a year after hearing eunae state she was ‘officially all his’. there’s definitely a pang of reality when she clarifies as friends but he silently tucks it away, choosing to enjoy the moment instead.
“you’re too kind princess eunae,” yurye can’t help but squeeze in at her flustered words. the fluttering feeling and stuttering of his heartbeat are evident to him, both from how cute eunae was currently being… yet also from how obviously she was making it clear that the two of them were and would only be friends. he had to admit being called eunae’s sounded nice though.
“please, i’m glad to know that you’re comfortable enough to be yourself around me,” yurye comments on her lack of eloquence. although yurye found no problem with the way she was handling her words. of course, if friends had been omitted he would have been that much more thrilled, but yurye respected eunae above all else - especially over his feelings. so he makes it his priority to let her know that’s not a line he’d cross.
“after all, we are great friends right?” he repeats to her to emphasize that he understands where her boundaries lie. “i’m lucky to be able to have such a wonderful hostess each time i come to the palace. it’s hard finding - ah, i mean seeing you each time i do but you always make time for me. it’s really my honor.”
yurye can feel himself shrivel up inside upon almost exposing himself to eunae. of all things, why would he reveal to her that he always spent time trying to find her whenever he was in the palace? did she catch his slip up? 
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“if you’re tired, would you prefer we keep our stroll within the palace walls? an advisor had told me about a few inner courtyards that were just redesigned recently. if you know where, maybe we could take a rest there?” yurye suggests as he takes a glance at eunae, softly observing her state to make sure she’s not over-exerting herself. if anything, being able to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere with eunae was more than he was taking a chance on that day. it’d almost be like a date. a friend date of course.
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwnchul​: secret pastry club
The Chef promptly turned on his heels and motioned for Chul to follow him to the kitchen, “Next time, just come in and ask, Prince Chul.” Chul held in a snicker as Chef Kang sent a glare Yurye’s way as if to say don’t you even dare to follow before leading the way back to the kitchen. Chul made sure to be light on his feet to mock his best friend as he followed Chef Kang cheerfully, but just to stick the nail in the coffin, he made sure to stop and look back to his puppy-eyed friend. Chul pretended slump his shoulders as if he was going to invite Yurye along only to promptly flip Yurye double birds just to piss him off even more. Then he laughed out loud before swiftly turning around to run after Chef Kang into the kitchen.
Yet, Chul didn’t fail to recognize that Yurye’s actions had given him the golden opportunity to complete his job seamlessly and chuckled quietly to himself as he entered the kitchen to see stack upon stacks of trays filled with fresh pastries. Smiling to himself as he began his task, Chul made a mental note to drop some extra pastries off at his best friend’s room later.
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yurye might not always make the best decisions when he knows the most he’ll get is a light yelling from chef kang. but the thing he also knows is that there’s no way chef kang is going to chew him out or dare accuse him of stealing a pastry from the kitchen when said pastry was clearly in the hands of chul. he had to admit it was a little sly on his end to corner chef kang like that, but at the same time it was a bit amusing seeing how the situation was unfolding. 
amusing until chul popped the rest of the sweet pastry into his mouth that is.
yurye holds the pained expression back while silently watching chef kang carefully choose his words against chul. his reply is definitely thought out carefully as he tries to reprimand chul for doing something that seemed so out of character, considering the only trouble chef kang ever really had was because of yurye. when yurye sees the surprise on chef kang’s face after chul compliments his craft, he pouts a little.
he’s about to interject when chef kang openly invites chul into the kitchen and leaves before sending a glare towards yurye as a warning to stay out of his kitchen. immediately, yurye keeps the comment to himself and lightly cowers behind chul in defeat. as he watches chef kang enter the kitchen with chul following behind, yurye is anything but prepared for chul’s sudden instigation. the second long moment of hope yurye had had quickly disappears as he simply takes chul’s offensive salutation.
as the door begins to shut behind chul, yurye finally shouts into the hallway, in hopes that his friend will have a bit of mercy on him.
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“get me a new pastry!” he calls as he steps towards the closing door. “no, two! you finished my pastry!”
and the door shuts with a quiet click, leaving yurye out in the hall with less than he had started with. 
“he wasn’t supposed to eat the rest of the pastry.” yurye groans before shaking his head with a light laugh. 
with one last look at the door, yurye’s smile grows as he begins heading towards the west wing kitchen. there definitely had to be something else being prepared he could swipe as long as chef kang wasn’t around. not doubt, he’d get back at chul some way, somehow.
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yuryecwn · 3 years
cwnahyoung​: a lending hand
it’s safe to assume he’s a royal for the kingdom of hearts, right? after all, he’s in the palace for it and he’s the one who offered to help her out. if he’s offering her help, perhaps he is very familiar with it because he resided in that kingdom. after all, had the positions been changed and they were in the clover palace, ahyoung would be able to navigate her way easily. 
she should probably stop thinking and get to his question, though. 
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“oh— yes! greetings, sir,” she says with a little curtsy—is she supposed to be doing that? could she have done a simple bow of the head instead? lord, she is not sure. she’s a little embarrassed, knowing that not only one but two hearts residents are witnessing this girl make a fool out of herself because of how clueless she is. “ah.. yes. that’d be very helpful,” she says with a nod. “i… i had a tour around this palace earlier, but it seems like it was for nothing because i find myself confused on where i want to go.” she laughs bashfully. god, help her. 
yurye can’t help the light chuckle of amusement that slips from his lips as she explains herself. it was refreshing. her honesty in her situation and with her words. it was different from the royals yurye would encounter on a day to day basis, giving their deepest bows upon seeing him and doing their best not to stumble over the formal etiquettes for speech and mannerisms within the palace walls. which strikes a thought in him, because the young girl in front of him obviously doesn’t know who he is.
he takes a second to consider the idea before throwing a quick look to his knight, hoping he’ll catch on to what yurye is about to go on about. if she wasn’t aware of who yurye was, that meant she would be more willing to continue being who she was right? regardless of their ranks. 
“the palace is pretty large and easy to get lost in,” yurye agrees before quickly adding, “of course, it’d be easy to get lost in any old palace considering how large they all are.”
he hopes that he can get her to seem less hesitant around him. after all, there was no shame in getting lost in a palace. yurye only knew his way around so comfortably from all the official visits he’s made through the years. plus, he did have a lot more years of learning and becoming accommodated to the large corridors and halls that seemed the same throughout from a very young age.
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“well, two, three, four… however many tours you’d like, we can go on them together,” yurye beams cheerfully before asking, “was there somewhere specific you were searching for?”
he’s surprised at the lack of staff members around at that moment, but it’s not anything he minds specifically. after all, he has the chance to make a new friend. and judging by just her first impression, she seemed like someone yurye would enjoy getting along with. 
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yuryecwn · 3 years
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The Good Place 4x02 - “A Girl From Arizona (Part 2)”
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yuryecwn · 3 years
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what would yurye do if his title was suddenly stripped and he was banished from the palace?
it’s a simple question, yet… it evokes such an old and sad feeling within yurye. a longing. it’s almost alarming how unphased he is at the thought of what if that happened tomorrow? of course, yurye can’t remember much of his time from before entering the palace. a time when his mother and he were just simple nobodies somewhere in korea. but through the years when he suddenly finds himself a little too exhausted over what it means to be a prince, and what it means to maintain that title and the image he’s built thus far… part of him tries to think back to what his life had been before everything had been dropped into the palm of his hands. 
if yurye were to suddenly lose his title… he’d want leave the country. the entire land in fact, to start over where he could leave behind all the stress and politics behind. but there’s a small part of him that holds back on considering leaving everything behind to start new. yurye can’t help but think about who would be there for @cwnkijung? he wasn’t a child anymore but… he was the only family that yurye had left. and as much as he would want to start new given the chance, he wouldn’t be able to do it alone. so if yurye were to be banished from the palace, he would do whatever he could to go back. whether he gained his title back or not, all that mattered was that he would be able to take care of kijung.
yurye’s deepest desire?
hell…. he really wants to take @cwneunae out on a date. like officially court her. all the fancy pizazz and stuff. bring her all her favorite bouquets of flowers, go out on horse rides to see the nearby lakes or rivers. maybe even have a picnic with her if that’s what she wants. most important of all, be able to openly visit her in the kingdom of hearts whenever he pleased.
he wishes he could just out with it and tell her how he feels about her, but yurye has never been the type to boldly confess his feelings. he knows how quick word spreads around even when you think you’re alone together to do something that secretive - that intimate. after all, eunae wasn’t just some girl that the king willed him to meet. she had humbly caught his attention and since then he couldn’t get her out of his head. but he would never do anything to risk her reputation and image being damaged by petty rumors such as him and his feelings for her. 
yurye’s biggest fear? 
there are definitely more scary things in the world that yurye probably couldn’t even fathom or bother thinking about. the only things that kind of strikes fear in his heart recently is how much longer his friends are going to be able to stand him and his mischievousness. despite being a prince of his standing, when it comes to his closest friends, they all know just how rowdy he can get when he’s not under the eyes of any scrutinizing royal advisors or other nobles. 
he’s pretty sure that one of these days chul, hyunsu or seoho might snap at him and give him a beating for his incessant bugging nature. in hindsight, @cwnseoho would probably be less likely to do anything that would actually physically harm the prince. maybe a reprimanding word or two. as for @cwnhyunsu… well… chances were if there was anything physical happening it would probably be because yurye was helping the former out of an escalated situation, getting himself involved. which left @cwnchul… which… well - yurye was sure chul would definitely hands down give it a go if given the chance. chul was a moody one after all and you would never be able to tell until the male was on you for something.
all these thoughts are settled in yurye’s mind as he really considers these questions one after another. but once he begins to write his report, the answers that a prince like he should have, flow effortlessly as his title and reputation is everything he is.
should yurye be stripped of his title and be banished from the palace, “i would take on the role of a political envoy to assist from outside the palace…”
one of yurye’s biggest desires, “i desire that the people of the kingdom should live in long peace and prosperity....”
one of yurye’s biggest fears, “is that one day i may fail to carry out my duties not only as a prince of the country, but as a leader to my people…”
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