adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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More #TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Revisiting #teethpain and stumbling upon #tmjdisorder Check out the two major #cranialnerves of the face: #facialnerve (more yellow) and #trigeminalnerve (more red) Look at the intersecting pathways of nerves and then the “X” marks the spot for #triggerpoints I am obviously very interested in the poles and pulls and polarity, and in this case, simply see a #triggerpoint as a tensile pull creating a complaint spot somewhere else. This is called #referredpain #myofascialtriggerpoint #triggerpointtherapy #triggerpointrelease #triggerpointmassage #tmjd #tmjdisorders https://www.instagram.com/p/CqazDLDrXlP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Contralateral Patterning One of the most amazing and beautiful things about walking is the crisscross pattern of arms and legs working together to move us. It is a patterning of movement and mastery… “Movement begins in our mother’s womb and we continue to master developmental movement patterns through our elementary years. As the movement scenarios become ingrained into our bodies, brains, and movement repertoires they are patterned into our fascia. These patterns are not all subtle, but rather quite fractal. They are reiterated over and over again in various systems of the body. We can see them in the hugely visible structures and the microscopic ones expressing the same order. Their geometric efficiency is tangibly displayed in all fascial structures. The accumulation of movement patterns reinforces and dynamically forges the tensegrity (tensional integrity) of the entire body.” -Melinda Cooksey Bekos MS, PhD I think I will be running next live zoom Course on arm lines and their connections through gait. Drop a 🤙 if interested in the comments. (1st Movement Muscles and Meridians recorded Zoom available on web page, link in bio) #gait #gaitanalysis #movement #muscles #meridians #fascial #fascialnetwork #anatomytrains #fascia #myofascialmeridians #myofascial #myofascia #contralateralmovement #contralateralpatterning #contralateral #walking #Brainhemispheres #movementpatterns #movementpattern https://www.instagram.com/p/CqYVN_kJEOG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Salutations to the sun Review of the series of the #superficialfascia of the anterior and posterior chains. Paying attention to the short and the long, and polarity between the two sides. What makes this series so powerful? Even in modern times? Or not beneficial because too much on the shoulders? Maybe I just like it because of the surfing connections? But I also appreciate the getting down to the ground and back up again aspect. #sunsalutes #sunsalute #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #yoga #yogamoves #downdog #downwardfacingdog #downwarddog #updog #adaptablepolarity #movementandbreath #movement https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLSgTFJKZX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Pelvis and pelvic triangles of balance, from the Human Architecture series. I once heard, “If it is in the pelvis, it is everywhere.” My immediate reaction was disagreement, but as I sit with this statement a bit more, I find some truth. Our center of gravity and balance is at about the level of the navel or top of sacrum/bottom of spine depending on individual proportions. So it seems to me that if your relationship to gravity is unbalanced, this statement that “it is everywhere,” has some validity…meaning your entire system and its #fascial connections from head to toe are in a state of balanced imbalance (aka compensation). Thoughts? (I didn’t even get into deep seated emotions and the gut brain) #pelvicalignment #pelvis #balance #pelvicfloor #pelvic #pelvisstability #pelvicimbalance #triangles #sacredgeometry #adaptablepolarity #itsallconnected https://www.instagram.com/p/CqI15jxpJUB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Upward dog! #updog Onwards and upwards. I think this is one of my favorites. I love the sense of elongation in the #abdominals and the extension through my spine, then adding in deep breathing. Contract, relax. There’s not much in modern living that gets us looking up, extending the spine, lengthening the belly, and pressing through the ground with hands and legs. Is there? Not even much floor time. This is a wonderful modification of tummy time, going from belly breathing prone to this position seems like a simple, wonderful and relaxing way to undo sedentary lifestyle…or to start the day with a #sunsalute in preparation for the day of shifting through seats. #sunsalutations #sunsalut #sunsalutation #myofascialmeridians #myofascialstretching #fascialstretch #fascialstretching #fascialstretchtherapy #adaptablepolarity #myofascialchains #sedantarylifestyle #yogaforthespine #yoga #movement #breathing https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGSk-WP39n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Plank- #sunsalutation superficial fascia I once said to someone that I thought the plank was a stupid exercise. How is it Functional? The person I was talking to simply said, “Well if we can translate the plank into standing, then that’s functional, no?” I suppose so. Thoughts? Are planks functional? #plank #sunsalutations #sunsalutes #sunsalute #myofascia #fascia #adaptablepolarity #movement #muscles #meridians #superficialfascia #superficialfrontline https://www.instagram.com/p/CqDvU2cpmB0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Sun salute part 3- The forward lunge, which upon quick glance is not included in all sun salutations, is pictured one specific way here, but really, the variations of lunging are vast. The split stance squat allows us to play with gait like balance a bit more and isolating the contralateral patterning of legs moving in opposite motion. Because, balance on one foot is critical! What I appreciate looking at these images is paying attention to the big and small angles. Where are we long and short in the average day? What movements help us to undo repetitive motions of the “modern” lifestyle? #adaptablepolarity #sunsalute #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #lunge #forwardlunge #forwardlunges #ashwasanchalanasana #gait #balance https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBHLlaJ53z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Sun salute part 2- forward fold In a modern world where flexion dominates, it’s interesting that the ability of many to touch their toes is missing. Sometimes, if something won’t go one way, go into the direction it will go. Then, go back and check. The play between upward salute and then forward fold can be one simple play and exploration of flexion and extension (and more later through this series). There is of course the hamstring issue where seated, they are short. Here in a forward fold, they must elongate. I remember reading somewhere that after a short amount of time sitting, blood begins to stagnate in the hamstrings. 🤔 #sunsalutation #sunsalutations #yogaanatomy #anatomyartwork #anatomyart #anatony #humananatomy #energeticanatomy #adaptablepolarity #flexion #extension #functionalmovement #functionalmovements #bodymechanics #whatsoesitmatter #moveyourself #movementismedicine #forwardfold #toetouch https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5cQ7sJwdp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Throwback Thursday- old style of illustrating The occipital bone, and what makes it important? First off, it's a cranial bone protecting your brain. So there's that. Secondly, that great hole allows your brain to become a spinal cord or a spinal cord to become the brain, and therefore connect all the pieces of your body, sending and receiving information all day and all night. That little cross hairs on the inside are the attachments of the reciprocal tension membrane, falls and tentorium, that then fascially transfer through the bone to become the nuchal ligament. I talk more about that in the first course. The occipital bone also mirrors the sacrum as the top pole of the spine to the bottom. #asabovesobelow #cranialbones #occipitalbone #occiput #occipitalneuralgia #cranialsacraltherapy #cranialbonesmove #cranialnerves #cranials #cranialsacral #cranial #craniosacral #craniosacraltherapy #cranium #cranialanatomy #adaptablepolarity #anatomystudy #humananatomy #knowthyself https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2zD2arRch/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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New posture series! I’m going to start with #sunsalutation poses and see what we learn and find. Honestly, I love #sunsalutations, but mostly because they emulate surfing in my mind. My salutes are extremely contorted and different these days as they are more the exploration of space within a container of a salutation to the day. Upward salute lessons: -hands above the head benefits, helps shoulders, change our regular movements of the day, alters rib cage and diaphragm and breathing -provides some length to anterior chains -provides contraction to posterior chain #yogaposes #myofascia #fascia #yogaanatomy #anatomyart #humananatomyart #adaptablepolarity #handsabovehead #remebertobreathe #upwardsalute #newartseries https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0C3ztrJDF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Tension in the jaw The Temporal Mandibular Joint (#TMJ) should have an S in it for Sphenoid. The lateral Pterygoid muscle pictured here and the medial (Not pictured) are big players in the movement of the jaw. In fact they’re involved in most movements of the joint. One thing I’ve experienced and seen in clinic, is ear pain caused by this muscle being short and tight. I love looking at the nerves of the referral patterns from #triggerpointtherapy They are telling. Sometimes simple work of the cranial bones provides great relief here. Sometimes emotions and rarely ever is painful release of this muscle required. #facialnerves #trigeminalneuralgia #trigeminal #cranialnerves #cranialnerve #earpain #anatomyartwork #anatomyart #anatomystudy #pterygoidrelease #adaptablepolarity https://www.instagram.com/p/CpxakzdLAT2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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The GOAT To draw is to know. To see is to understand. To feel is to embody and own. Taking a morning to honor the greatest of all time Anatomical artist and genius, Leonardo Da Vinci. Thank you, Leo. #anatomy #anatomyart #anatomyartwork #davinci #leonardodavinci #anatomicalstudy #anatomystudy #anatomystudies #adaptablepolarity #humananatomy #humananatomydrawing #humananatomyart https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvEKb3rcuI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Recognizing emotions Surprise! Scroll through the three images. Look at the little shapes at the: -eyes -eyebrows -nostrils -mouth These responses are hard wired in our nervous systems. They serve a purpose ultimately and are also #evolving / #devolving …#deevolution ? Recognizing them in ourselves (first and foremost) and in others can be incredibly powerful for transforming ourselves and our lives. Making choices to respond Instead of react. Remember to breathe 😝😜🤪 #emotions #drpaulekman #lietome #microexpressions #facialnerve #trigeminalnerve #nopokerface #pokerface #feelings #facialexpressions #energeticanatomy #adaptablepolarity https://www.instagram.com/p/Cps0IVfPDIu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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The very first Movement Muscles & Meridians illustration “The default movement pattern vertebrates have employed is a side to side undulation. This inherited pattern of movement is still the core curriculum for human locomotion.” -Dr. Philip Beach Speaking of curriculum, I’m offering first ever live zoom course this Saturday, March 11, from 10am-12pm PST Yes it will be recorded! Link in comments #fascia #fascial #myofascia #myofascial #anatomyartwork #meridians #meridiansystem #lateralline #movementismedicine #Movement https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpk9bzrPbCB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Thought for the day: When we walk, what happens if we cannot balance on one foot? #balance #balancematters #gravity #levity #gaittraining #gait #lateralline #fascia #kineticchain #cranialnerves #mindbodybalance #adaptablepolarity https://www.instagram.com/p/CpiLURfrkNh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Movement is life. Where the river flows, there is life. Where the river stagnates, there is death. More slides from the Movement Muscles & Meridians series that will be covered this weekend in a live zoom course (yes it will be recorded). Link in comments https://www.instagram.com/p/CpgGqGoPFnQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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adaptable-polarity · 1 year
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Heel pain #plantarfasciitis Sometimes, “X” marks the spot. Sometimes it doesn’t. That heel pain could be because of anything along that back line of #fascia. This weekend, I will be guiding a tour through the human body based off of the Muscles, Movement & Meridians series comparing and contrasting structural and energetic meridians. Link posted in comments, can also check the link in my story. ($60 for live zoom and includes the entire illustrated PDF) Or DM me! #movement #muscles #meridians #meridiansystem #movementismedicine #anatomyartwork #anatomyart #digitaldissection #myofascia #tcm #energetichealing #energetica #energetico #energeticanatomy #myofascial #fascialfitness #fascialtraining #fascial #myofascia #myofascialrelease #myofascialtherapy #fascial #heelpain #footpain #triggerpointtherapy #triggerpoint https://www.instagram.com/p/CpfwUUQpSnj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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