adrijati · 4 years
“Ternyata, sedalem itu ya”
“Tapi gimana it just gonna end fuckin the same, sadar diri lah!”
Ternyata, I realized how deep she is into me, for now. Yap in your darkest night, your cruel things been through, your brokenhearted, i see you, i found something, its called “fallin” in you, maybe? i cant help, apparently. I didn’t realized, i told to the night about you these past days, it comes to consequently universe answering by screaming your name, over and over again.
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adrijati · 4 years
“I don’t tell to the night about you, anymore. It’s more like screaming to the moon and beg to tearing it to pieces”
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adrijati · 4 years
“Terus harus gue kejar sampe mati, kalo di hati lo gapernah tertulis nama gue?”
“Lu gabisa nyimpulin gitu, emang enak sama orang lain tapi mikirinnya lo lagi lo lagi? Bisa bayangin gak?”
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adrijati · 5 years
Expressing things.
"Eh lu kenapa si gak sedih dari apa yg udah lu lewatin", "Gimana sih caranya bisa cuek gt aja dengan beban, sedih yg udah dilewatin, lu keliatannya fine2 aja gt loh", here's a thing, the fact is, expressing things never being my thing, never being my speciality. You know what? Surprisingly, i dont know how to express or to show my feelings, either its a love, a joy, or even a sadness. I can be romantic, but i'm incapable to show it more often. Strange thing is, i know being in love, that sensitive, but i dont know exact way to express those things. I dont know to make whoever-it-is aware that "im in love", "its a perfect thing being around you", "i'm comfortable with you", etc. So people always ask, "do you even in love?", "wah lu cuek gila si", ya karena jujur gue gatau exact way buat show that yg gue tau ya berarti ini rasanya bahagia, holy shit!. And unfortunately, (for those that always ask me) i know being sad, but i dont how to express it, yet? Maybe. Yg lu pada bilang "gak sedih" atau "cuek gitu aja", itu karena gue gatau gimana cara ngeluapinnya, kalo gue gatau cara expressing love, nah ini in the other way, gue gatau ngeluapin semua sedih yg dilewatin, even itu brokenheart love, masalah keluarga yg ada, beban pikiran, apapun itu!, yes, i dont know how to "luapin" itu semua, yg gue tau, ya gue bisa ternyata keliatan seneng, but inside, oh my god! those things kills me. So that's the fact, im not good in expressing things.
-Fri, March 29th 2019, been years tumblr, Jakarta.
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adrijati · 7 years
"Me, is it enough?"
2017, 24 of October.
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adrijati · 7 years
"Its strange, either you let yourself down or let yourself down by other people. Stuck in those pain when you waking up in the morning"
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adrijati · 7 years
Karena terkadang butuh perasaan yang lebih besar dari biasanya, perihal untuk mengerti dan percaya, memilih untuk tersenyum atas semuanya, karena daripada mendengar apa yang kita pikirkan, kebanyakan orang lebih memilih untuk mengabaikanmu, dan pada akhirnya, pendapatmu menjadi hal yang paling mungkin untuk dimanipulasi.
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adrijati · 7 years
Karena saat kamu menyalahkan zaman, sedihnya di saat yang sama kamu dianggap terbelakang
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adrijati · 7 years
When these all works and pendulum in your mind uncontrolable, explode
Fluctuate serotonin. Oct 14th, 2017 02:16.
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adrijati · 7 years
I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.
Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis (via wordsnquotes)
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adrijati · 7 years
Trust, believe. You'll get that.
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adrijati · 7 years
All this times are hard, end up making us crazy, dont give up on me, baby
For The First Time, The Script
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adrijati · 7 years
You’ll know, pain makes you stronger, there is gain in every pain, you’ll face it, it will changes you and suddenly, you’ll become beautiful, flawless, invincible.
Thanks to you, T.
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adrijati · 7 years
No matter what, everyone with their past should be sincerely worth loving, and by this feeling, somehow people become beautiful
2017, Morning 31st of July.
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adrijati · 7 years
I can see him through a window that even no one can see the window
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adrijati · 7 years
Kadang kamu tidak sadar bahwa semua itu begitu dekat, bahwa dengan pemahaman yang tulus, kamu mengajarkan pelajaran yang abadi untuk seseorang
Terimakasih, Rembulan Tenggelam di Wajahmu
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adrijati · 7 years
Bukan tentang apa yang kamu dapat, tapi seberapa tulus kamu bisa memberi
ITENAS, 27th of July 2017, 14:14.
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