ak319 2 days
They r delusional , lunatic karens
I'm not here to tell Zionists that they're on the wrong side of history, they're well aware of that and they don't care.
It's been seven months and all they've done since then is double down on their horrid fucking behavior.
These folks will go out of their way to brag about being pro genocidal lunatics because they don't view Palestinians or Arabs as people. And if they see other westerners call them out on their shit, they'll just play the antisemitism card.
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ak319 3 days
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ak319 3 days
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13K notes View notes
ak319 3 days
Yan General Sister? x Fem reader
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This is the 2nd scenario I wrote. Hope you love it too.
Warnings: Possessive toxic behaviour, forced marriage, dub-con, violence, blackmailing, forced pregnancy
1799 , September:
The whole family sat after so many months and I couldn't be more happier. We were having dinner, all my sisters and I along with their children, one of the babies by the name of Harlow, a boy of 3 months was in my lap playing with his fingers and I swear it is the cutest sight ever. I was sitting on the left of Jara, who was sitting at the head of the table. Every few minutes she would nudge me or comment to make me eat or feed me something like a baby. Everyone else paid no mind as they were used to this and adored how Jara took care of me despite being so serious and cold all the time. But seriously, even Harlow might be thinking right now聽" Umm, who is the baby here?"
"Master Jara?" My second older sister, Demelza spoke grabbing everyone's attention. Demelza and Jara had taken our parents' role after their death. Demelza even after getting married paid heed to the needs and responsibilities of our estate and her younger siblings.
"I was thinking, now that Flora is engaged so why not we start looking for a proper suitor for聽(Y/N)."
I kept looking down at Harlow's round head , not because of shyness but due to fear of what would come next.聽
"No." Phew.
Demelza nervously laughed to break the tension in the room.
"No what Jara? . Umm , it would take time to find a suitor and by then (Y/N) would be mature-" My other sister , Edith tried to reason .
"I said no. She's still not of age. Focus on Flora's marriage preparations for now."
Then I felt her gaze on me and I was right, she was glaring at me.
"Go to sleep instead of sitting here and not even eating." What!? I ate two steaks , what the hell does she want?
"Fine." I handed Harlow to Golda , his mum聽 and stomped to my room.
I was furious at how she ordered me around but also was happy that she didn't give Demelza permission for my marriage. Perks of being her favourite!
I woke up to a baby crying from the other room beside mine and it sure was Harlow. He quieted down moments later when probably Golda started feeding him. But now, I couldn't sleep and needed to eat something sweet so got out of my room. As I was walking sleepily down the candle-lit hall, I heard hushed voices from Jara's study which used to be my father's once.
I couldn't get rid of my curiosity and made my way sneakily to the door. Now I could see my older sister Demelza and Jara arguing about something. Demelza was standing beside Jara who sat on the study chair looking as if she was in deep thought but still had her signature frown on her face. She was wearing a loose white shirt which indicated that she was about to go to sleep.
"It's---it's just not right."
"Who are you or anyone else for this matter to decide whether it's right or wrong?"
"Jara , (Y/N) is our sister and that's what everyone knows her as. She too believes it . And if you were to ......marry her , then what would people say?"
WHAT!? DID I HEAR THAT CORRECTLY? AM I IN A NIGHTMARE? I pinched myself and no, it was real. My stomach churned up and my body started sweating even in the cold night of September.
"SHE'S NOT MY OR YOUR SISTER! Stop saying it. I've never seen her that way nor is she blood-related so I don't give a damn about people and聽if anyone does raise questions or has a problem then he or she can talk to my sword ...anytime."聽
Wait .....not blood-related? This can't be. No. Am I adopted?. Is this the reason I don't look like any of my sisters? I can't believe it. For (YOUR AGE) of my life, I felt as if this was my family when it isn't?聽
I rushed back to my room and after locking it, cried heavily on my bed. I tried to console myself that this might have been just a dream and soon fell asleep.
1 month later:
No one talked about my marriage after that night and I too somewhat recovered from the trauma but I always felt scared and nervous around Jara thinking about what she had said about marrying me. My questions about her being a bachelor were now clear, she had her eyes on me. Shameful. Utterly disgusting. I always looked up to her as my mentor, my sister and .....second father. How can she say that so easily? I just prayed every day that she would forget about what she had said.
After the grand marriage of Flora to the son of the Duke, everything had begun to settle for everyone except for me as now I was left alone in the mansion with Jara but thankfully Demelza had offered to stay for some days before leaving and I couldn't be more glad. Perhaps I can go to her house for some time if only Jara allows it which I hope she does. Even if she doesn't, I would rebel with every fibre of my body. I am not staying here for a minute.
"(Y/N)? What's all this?" Demelza entered my room and was shocked to see my suitcase packed.
"I am going with you."聽 I said with a grin as to melt her heart but it must've failed terribly as she stared at me.
"Did you ask Jara?
"No, but don't you think it's been long since I have stayed with you and I will miss you awfully if you go."
"I can't take you if Jara doesn't allow it which she would never. You never stayed with me before so why now (Y/N)? Are you hiding something from me? Is everything alright?" Me and hiding? I think it's you all who have been hiding a lot from me. I kept my mouth shut because I didn't know what reaction I would get if I told her I knew my identity.
"No , just thought it would be great.."
"(Y/N) , I don't mind taking you but you know Jara.... and actually , that's why I came to talk to you."
We both sat down on the bed and she took my hand in hers.
"(Y/N), I know it's going to be heavy for you at first but I know you are a very brave and kind girl and will understand me. " She pursed her lips and breathed in for a minute and I could tell what she was going to say.
"You were adopted and it's not a joke. You are our mother's friend's daughter. Your real mother was Kyla and she had eloped with someone and couldn't take care of you as she was young and not in good financial conditions. When she finally came to take you, it was too late. You were 13 and our parents had recently both passed, on top of that Jara---she didn't allow you to be taken away. Your parents however tried their best to get you but Jara had enough and she....exiled them. " I couldn't believe that Jara could be this cruel.
"How can she do that?! I have the right to meet them , to be with them."
"I know , we all know you do. But she -----listen (Y/N)-
"I heard both of you that night!. Just needed to hear the whole story. And now, I am not staying here for a second. Please, Dolly, take me to my parents." I called her by her nickname as my eyes teared up thinking what my parents must be going through. She was shocked to hear that I heard them both but she nodded gently.聽
"If only our parents were alive, I would've taken you but now..." She whispered before wiping my tears "You can't leave because ......Jara has sent me to tell you that from now--you are her betrothed." She stated firmly as if trying her best not to cry and not take pity on me but I knew she loved me very much.
"NO! No, please Dolly , I -I can't marry Jara . She--she's..she is like my sister-
"Ssh, don't say that!. She doesn't want you to say it anymore." She put her finger on my lips and now she was shedding a few tears herself.
"(Y/N) ---I am so sorry. I am--stuck between you and," She paused and cleared her throat.
"And what?!" She ignored my query and continued.
"You have to marry her . Perhaps then you can meet your parents."
"NO! I don't want to stay here! Please Dolly , I am ---scared of Jara. " I screamed and begged her but then my bedroom's door was thrown open and there stood Jara. I closed my eyes and turned my head聽 furiously to the other side as Dolly moved closer to me as to shield me.
"You will stay here and be my wife. That's not a choice. So quit whining. And yes, maybe I'll take you to your parents if you bear me a child first." My eyes bulged out at her bold statement as I shook Dolly to say something in my defence.
"Jara! Give her a break, please. I am talking to her! . "
"And it's clearly not working. I have called for the arrangements to be made by the end of the month. This wedding will take place no matter what happens. And remember what we talked about, Demelza." Dolly nodded desperately and I looked at her confused. After the monster left when I asked her, she brushed it off and hugged me tightly whilst continuously whispering apologies.
"Dolly , there must be a way!."
"There isn't (Y/N). Her men are everywhere even on the borders. There's no way for you to run otherwise I would've helped you run away myself. Believe me." She broke away and held my shoulders tightly.
"Now, Jara is,I know strict and many other things but she loves you perhaps....too much. She won't do anything to you ever. I promise you and if she does, I am just a letter away, love. Hmm? Look at聽me, let me see you smile."聽
I shook my head.
"She's bad. I hate her, Dolly. I hate her."
"Every person has a good and bad side, there's no need to be afraid. You will live like a princess you are." She kissed my forehead and all I could was silently protest.
Amber's POV:
"And now my dear students, we are going to move to my personal favourite, hehe! And possibly the most daunting part of the estate, perhaps the reason millions of people visit it." Our guide announced as our group followed her to a wing at the interior of this palace.
Our eyes were met with a large painting on the right before the chamber's door.聽
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"This painting, my dear students is chilling and well normal at the same time. The woman in the uniform you see is General Jara Armani herself and the girl sitting on the seat is her wife Lady (Y/N) Armani!." My feet turned cold and goosebumps travelled all over my body and I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one as the room had gone eerily silent. Every eye stared at the painting like a hawk. We had seen countless paintings on the way here ranging from Armani's ancestors to the four Armani sisters and their belongings. But this was the first time we had seen the infamous General and her wife.聽
We had read so much about Jara Armani in our textbooks, due to all the wars she participated in and not forgetting the "LOVE STORY" of her and her wife who was once her "sister". The whole world knows, some people perceive it as a fairytale whilst others as a scary story. I perceived it as the latter.
"The cute baby that you see in General's hands is Sir Richardus who grows up to be Admiral Richardus, who defeated the Blue robes in his youth by building the strongest fleet the world had ever seen at that time and the second cutie pie in her mother's lap is Elena Armani, born shortly after her brother. She was known to be very intelligent and also beautiful just like her mother. She grew up to be a scholar and also was her brother's trustee and advisor. Now, coming to the parents. So Lady (Y/N) was actually..."
The guide began telling about Lady (Y/N) while my mind thought about what the poor girl went through after marriage.
聽Both were married in 1799 and the wedding was not that grand considering the General was getting married. Even though the King had attended himself still, the wedding was unpretentious as Jara wasn't a fan of extravagance. And even though everyone had their questions about why Jara was marrying her "adoptive sister", no one had the guts to question her. You can say, not even the King. Let's just say those who did---were never found.
After the wedding, Jara was more possessive of her wife. (Y/N) was only allowed to leave alongside her wife. When Jara went to battles, (Y/n) was on lockdown. Her sisters were no longer permitted to meet her in Jara's absence as General feared that they would fill (Y/n)'s ears against her even when they didn't and just wanted to meet their baby sister or--- their sister-in-law.聽
Within a year, (y/n) gave birth to Richardus and shortly after, the next year 1801, gave birth to Elena. This wasn't it as she went on to give birth to five more children, two sons and three more daughters. However, this painting is the only painting with Lady (y/n) and with her first two children as Jara wasn't a fan of painting and her wife being displayed along with her children. It is said that the painter who rendered this portrait is never to be seen again after it. Some people say Jara killed him by gouging his eyes out immediately or exiled him but it could be just rumours. It disgusts me that people romanticize a relationship Jara and (Y/N) had. Some people even say that this painting is fake because Jara would never allow her wife to be painted but the chances of this being true are thin because it was specifically ordered by the King that every General and Prime Minister had to have a painting of them and their spouse as per tradition and Jara had no other option but to obey the King as she never disobeyed the royalty, almost as if the King made this law to purposefully piss off Jara and test her patience. Yeah, he was indeed a waggish guy.
This original painting was only found in the Armani estate and was worth millions. You can't find it on Google or in any book because people do it in the honour of Jara Armani. Again disgusting. Honouring the acts of such a person? Absolute bullshit.聽 Those people are actually Jara's descendants. They are the ones who don't let it go public. They are either still scared of Jara or just don't want to disrespect her when it comes to Lady (Y/N). Which sounds very odd to me. How can someone be scared of a dead person?
There is an incident that is very famous regarding Lady Demelza . When General Jara had gone off to battle, she had come to take (Y/n) with her as the latter was feeling very stressed and sick during her first pregnancy. Demelza ought to keep (y/n) with her until her sister would come back so (y/n) wouldn't feel lonely. Convincing the guards was something which came easy to Demelza. She was desperate to spend time with her sister and wouldn't let Jara or her minions stop her at all.
(Y/N)'s POV:聽
聽January 14th , 1800:
"Dolly? Do you think , after聽the baby is born , I'll get to meet my parents?" I asked my sister as she massaged my聽 feet softly.
"If she has promised then ..yes because one thing I know is that Master Jara never breaks her promise."
I nodded and sighed, relaxing back into the soft pillows. The cookies that Dolly had made really lifted my mood up and the glass of warm honey milk I had gulped down, was now making me sleepy. I heard her chuckle.
"You should sleep now,"
"But stay here , please."
"Yes I am here , don't worry sweetie. Rest now and goodnight little pumpkin. Can't wait to meet you." She caressed my bump and then covered me with the fur blanket. Minutes later we heard shouts and I woke up , half asleep.
"What's happening? Dolly?"
"Stay here, I'll check."
"Shush. Lock the door."聽
She carefully got up and walked out. I got out of bed and wore a shawl around my body. I locked the door but then heard Jara's voice. I gasped .
'She is here!'
I opened the door and upon reaching the staircase , the words my ears caught on , made me nearly faint.
"Not only did your husband betray me聽on the battlefield but you did too by bringing my wife here without my consent. So here is your reward." I saw her throwing聽 Mr. Cynrik's head on the floor , who was my brother-in-law.
"AAAHH! CYNRIK! NOOOO! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME! CYNRIK!" Dolly fell down on her knees, near her husband's head. Still screaming and wailing while I just saw the scene unfold like a聽statue.
"Stop crying over a traitor. And go bring (y/n) , I am taking her home."
All I could remember after that was pain and lots of pain as I fell down on the floor . Jara had carried聽me away and took me to the nearest nursing home where I gave birth to my son. Here my baby cried and on the other side my ears still rang with my sister's cries . My wife however , was unfazed by all of it. She had forgiven me for staying at Dolly's due to the sudden聽'homecoming gift'聽I gave her.
"Richardus , how does it sound (y/n)?" She kissed my forehead as she sat beside me , holding our child.
I gave her no response. I felt her nudge me with her forehead lovingly.聽This damned love of hers. It has taken everything away from me.
"I want to see Dolly."
"Don't you dare say her name . Ever. You will not meet her from now."
" Don't take advantage of my patience. We are going back to the capital, right now." She handed me the baby, or should I say Richardus, and stood up.
"Maersa! Ready the carriage!."
"Yes ma'am." The man outside the room ran for his life to do the assigned task.
After that , I was taken back to the prison which Jara called home with our son. Despite my pleas, Jara didn't listen and I could never find out how my sister and her children handled themselves after this horrid incident as that was the last time I saw her, hugged her, talked with her, laughed and cried. She couldn't even be there to see Richardus or any of my children. It all happened just because I was too whiny to go with her and felt stressed. Only if I stayed in the mansion like an obedient wife that night.
The threat that Jara had given to Dolly before our marriage finally came true. Dolly's personal maid had disclosed to me that Jara had threatened to kill her husband if I didn't marry her which reminded me of the time when she was scared of Jara as she was trying to convince me of this forsaken marriage.
After Richardus was born , I demanded Jara to find my parents but she always found a way to make an excuse and eventually I let it go and focused more on my "HOME" and children. I had accepted the fact that Jara had lied to me. She was intimidating and just two times worse than she was before when I was younger. More protective and obsessive.聽
It is written in her will which she told me herself proudly whilst combing my hair like she did every night , that if she dies before me then I was to be killed as well because
"You are deemed to be only with me, love."
Like every other night, once she finished combing, pulled me lightly to her embrace as she settled on the bed. Her lips began to trail feathery kisses on my neck.
"I think Richardus deserves a little sibling, doesn't he?" She bit on my collarbone and groaned.
I push her away almost as if my body reacted on itself.
" It's only been 8 months--- I can't have another one...so soon." I don't know how I became confident enough to behave like this. But it was also liberating ...to some extent. To say "No" to her albeit knowing it was futile.
Her eyes darkened as she pulled me back again, this time not so gently.
"You don't get to decide that. If I want one, I will have one, wife."
I shook my head violently, hoping that she would be considerate.
"Jara--please. Try to understand." A gasp nearly left my lips as I was promptly pushed onto the bed with her hovering above me.
"You said your vows which were to keep me happy and obey me." Her hand untied my robes, the other one gripping my leg.
"So do your duty now."
Amber's POV:
"So, this is how (Y/N) had to spend her life now as,聽'The General's Doted Wife'. She died of food poisoning the next day after her wife's death. Tragic, sad and yet very haunting". The guide, Rose, ended her speech while clasping her hands together.聽
"Okayy now , let's move on to see their grand room now shall we?"
You might be wondering why I knew so much at the age of 15, even the secrets which this woman didn't know about.
It is because these two were my great-great-great-grandparents. I was from the line of Jara's third son, Dorian who was really close to (Y/N) when it came to understanding her trauma. He was the youngest child. The other children were more or less just like Jara. Ruthless. That is because she raised them to be like that. They were probably too scared to stand up for their mother anyway. That is why (Y/N) had asked Dorian to keep her diary. I had read everything in her diary and---it really changed my perception of this 'great family'. I scoffed in my mind thinking about my other cousins who were such fans of Jara Armani. I hope she is suffering in the deepest depths of hell.
Here is the link to the first part which is a platonic one.
Scenario 1 (Yan Gen sister)
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ak319 4 days
Yan General sister x fem reader (Platonic)
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(So I actually wrote 2 different stories regarding this Yandere OC. I will release the second story soon. Much love and enjoy馃槉馃挆)
Warnings: ( Possessive themes, references to assault/rape. Animal abuse, language, violence)
"Shit! Why today?!" I whined as I wandered through this thick forest. The Sun was about to set and my body was sweating,聽 not because of the heat but due to nervousness and fear. My sister, Jara, would be coming back from the battle. I didn't know it was today or maybe I had forgotten otherwise, I wouldn't have done the foolish act of coming to hunting in the Redwood forest with my dog, Tic.
My sister was the General of the army, not forgetting that our father was the previous one, and after his death, Jara was chosen as the next General. Our family was very close to the imperial family, hence I was a noble. I had five sisters and Jara was the oldest and I was the youngest so including me, we were a total of six. I still don't know why she treated me like a kid out of everyone? Even though I was an obedient child I still had to face so many restrictions and I feared that a day would come when Jara would probably lock me in my room. Three of my sisters had been married off to good families and now Flora and I were left. She knew how much I loved being outdoors and so assisted me secretly to escape the mansion in a cart of hay so I could hunt. We both were unaware that Jara was to return today. I had only found out when I was strolling through the market, as people were getting ready to celebrate her homecoming and chatted about the victory in the battle.
Despite being an expert in hunting and always returning safely home, unfortunately, today when she had to come back, the ribbon which I had tied to the tree probably flew away or an animal tore it and now Tic and I were roaming aimlessly like fools to find our way back. So far, no success or maybe wait...
"YES! I hear the stream! Let's follow the sound Tic."聽 We both trudged through the foliage and luckily found the stream, by now the sun had almost set and seeing this I quickly lit up the torch which I carried in my bag after filling up my bottle.聽 Tic had also fully satisfied himself with enough water and I got up to continue our search way back.
However, I almost screamed seeing three buff men standing near the tree line above the stream, staring down at us, smirking.
"What?" That's right, I am not afraid.
"Why did you get up honey?. We were rather enjoying the view." UGH! Disgusting creeps.聽
"I have important things to do. Come on , Tic."
I grabbed his leash and began to walk the other way instead of going up, but the sudden sound of their boots sliding across the sand caught my attention. Seeing this. Tic began barking at them and I had to turn around as he was being angry at the men and constantly pulling on the leash. However, my mind screamed to just get out of here and run. I couldn't fight these buff men and judging from their appearance, it was evident that they were bounty hunters as they had a specific way to dress. How did they get the permission to enter the forest is unknown to me. I will make sure they don't ever if I get back safely because this forest was deemed to be safe for hunters like me from such people.
"Tic , let's go!"
"Woah , don't know which is more feisty one , you or your bitch." I turned around , taking a dagger out of my belt , and in just these milliseconds , Tic was shot by one of the men's arrows.
"HAHAH! One down, the other to go." I had to be strong right now so I maintained my stance as they circled me like wolves. It was clear what their intentions were but I was not going down like a failure, I was Jara's sister after all.
"You have no idea who I am. I am Jara Armani's sister and if you dare touch me , she'll skin you alive assholes."
"Hmmm, General Armani, that wrench. Thanks for telling聽 us sweetie."
" Yeah , this is a cherry on top. Hey , Storm , imagine her face when she discovers her little sister all naked and covered in blood."
Geez. Someone grabbed me from behind in a tight hold and I tried kicking his shins but the other one grabbed my legs. I screamed as loudly as I could to grab someone's attention if there was any other hunter present in the forest. In reply, I could only hear birds chirping as they flew back to their trees. Was this my end? I couldn't even get to meet my sister even though I hated her because she was too protective but now, I needed her. I realized she was right about the cruelty of this world.
They started chuckling as one of them tore my skirt.聽
"Even if we did-" The man named Storm who was taking his belt off in front of me was struck by an arrow right in the head which came from behind and the other two instantly got up to fight whoever did this but soon they too fell to their deaths by none other than my sister who came riding with her men in tow.
"Take their bodies to my basement."聽 Is she really back? She looked so different compared to months back. She silently walked over to me and without saying anything , picked me up and carried me home. I could tell she was pissed and didn't know if I should hug her or thank her.聽
"I-the weather was great today and Tic-
She had been yelling constantly and Flora, my sister was also grounded for not taking 'care' of me properly.
I stood like a statue as she took out her steam. Suddenly I was pushed on the wall behind and I could sense her fuming breath on my face. Her rough hands can nearly break my arms from the force she's holding me.
" This was the day I warned you about. Always! But you never listened. " She rubbed her temple and continued. "You will not even step out of your room for as long as I say. And I am shifting you to the top floor."聽
"The attic? Jara...please no," I whimpered her name. How can she do this? The attic is cold and said to be haunted by my own parents' ghosts!. I don't know if it is true or not but I am not going there. Her eyes were still cold, unwavering as if only filled with the desire to cage me which was the thing I had nightmares about. I prayed that my tears would somehow melt her heart.
"No, please. Sorry. I won't go out. I promise!"
"I trusted you when I left you here but not now. " Surprisingly she hugged me as I cried.聽"You will stay there ... forever my baby sister. Nobody will see you, except me. "
38 notes View notes
ak319 28 days
(Gp actress x fem reader)
(Scene # 03)
(your name is Fairoz in the story)
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Unveil part 1 Unveil part 2
Fairoz's eyes lingered on the fabrics that were laid out on her bed. The fabrics which were sent as a gift by the Dagons. Not only that but the jewelery as as well. Her aunt , Dilay excitedly displaying the gifts to Fairoz while her ramble about how 'the dresses ould be designed' , 'how beautiful, expensive and refined this embroidery looks' and 'which dress would Fairoz wear on what occasion' remained constant to her neices's ears.
It had been a week since Fairoz had accepted Aman's proposal, but not initially. Yes, the girl had rejected Aman. She just couldn't imagine such a life nor had any interest in marriage, especially if it was with Aman. It would seem unfair to Aman as well. Nevertheless Aman was persistent.
'We can get engaged only.'
'Don't do this to me...'
Words like that which Aman said to her in their second meeting. It was quite embarrassing and almost made Fairoz feel guilty but she reminded herself that it was her choice , why should she feel bad. It's not Aman's life , it's mine. She is not the main character here , I am.
1 week ago
Her pillar of strength after her parents death was her uncle , Usama. How he brought her up , supported her , just like her own father would have done. So when she heard him pleading as if his life dependant on it on the phone with whom she presumed was Aman's father , her walls weakened as well. Her uncle was in a turmoil . The man known for his charisma and outstanding works , was broken .
"Report them, papa. Tell the police. They have no right to--
"Dove, you have no idea, what they can do."
"But even if I accept the proposal, how the hell would I spend my life with her knowing her family threatened you! This isn't right. Ugh! This is making me soo ---" Fairoz slapped her uncle's study table which was followed by a bleak silence.
"How were you even working with such horrendous people, baba?."
Usama sighed and sat on the couch. "I--because I focused on the work, Fairoz. Working with her was bound to happen one day. I never thought that this day would come where she would be asking for---" he paused and gulped "It's my fault, I shouldn't have brought you with me to the set that day." Fairoz leaned off the table and scurried to her uncle's side.
"No, no, don't blame yourself. I wanted to see it remember? And who could ever imagine what is going to happen next---isn't this what we call life. We face tests, fears, predicaments and happiness. These things make up the whole experience of what we call life. Now, putting aside the worry, let's think about a solution." Usama smiled and gently patted the girl's left cheek. She was always so level-headed and strong-willed. His brother would be so happy----if only he was here, maybe he would have protected his daughter better. 'I failed at it....so bad.'
"Looking at the pros, well, Aman really likes you. She would keep you happy....probably. She has left the industry and has a stable life. And cons--" Usama breathed in a sigh "Do I have to explain? Their wealth is their power. I am like any other parent, deeming Aman as untrustworthy to be your life partner. She is stubborn, hot-headed, and--I don't know. " Usama put his head in his hands. All of this was giving him a headache. How can the safety of Fairoz be guaranteed? She was his daughter. He and Dilay were unable to have children and Fairoz fulfilled their dream. No! He has to remain strong for her.
"Papa--I don't think there is any solution for them to leave us alone except that I accept it---right?" They both stared at each other. Usama was trying to convince himself that no there has to be a way other than this.
"If your job is at stake then I wouldn't jeopardize it. You and Mama did so much for me, you both don't deserve it. And I assure you, I would be fine, absolutely fine. She would have no power over me, I won't let her." Her tone was filled with so much conviction and ...reprisal that Usama was speechless. He couldn't even reply before she spoke "You can call and say yes to Aman for me. Now, take a good night's rest and forget all about this. Imagine this never happened and be happy that your daughter is getting married." Giggling she kissed his forehead and left the room. Usama, with his heart full of regret, anger, guilt, and dejection, did what had to be done.
Present time
"I mean yeah, I know---but that is not what I wanted. Wait, hold up. I'll call you later. And you better have a solution when I call you again." After whispering the last part Aman hung up the phone, her eyes stuck to the figure which they were dying to see. It was as if a sudden wave of coolness and placidity had spread over all the nerves and each and every cell in her body. She was in white kameez and trousers, with minimal makeup and accessories. A bag lazily hung on her shoulder which indicated she was coming from her college. Her beautiful and absolutely breathtaking soon-to-be-wife elegantly stood by the door. Her expression is devoid of feelings, the feelings which were felt by Aman at that moment. But that's okay. One day those feelings will be reflected back.
'She will be happy seeing me. She will be happier when she starts her life with me. Her shyness is almost gone, and sadness will be over too. After all, she has no idea how lucky she is yet.'
"Fairoz, always so good to see you." By now Aman hadn't even noticed that instead of inviting Fairoz in , she had walked up to her, near the door. She took the chance to close the door whose handle Fairoz was holding casually and took a deep breath, inhaling her fairy's scent. "So--umm what brings you here? , love. Did you come by yourself? You could have called me---I would have picked you or sent the driver--you
"My uncle also has a driver," Fairoz stated the obvious. Aman scoffed in her mind 'Oh yeah, her uncle exists too.'
"Anyway, come have a seat." Instead of the table, Aman led her to the couch and immediately dialled her PA's number to order some refreshments.
"When I told them I wanted to meet you, they didn't question me. Do they already know?." Fairoz referred to the employees.
"Yeah, of course. I told them the very day, I got the good news." Fairoz nearly gagged at the appearance of red hue on Aman's ears and cheeks. Too much bashfulness for someone who belongs to a family of blackmailers.
"Were you missing me love? I did. I miss you every day, every second. Can't begin to tell you how happy I am to see you here."
"Well , this is going to be normal , I guess , me coming here---everyday." It was as if Aman's ecstasy reached a new high. Really?! Her wife would do that?!
"I am going to work here so might as well get to know the map and people, right? That is why I came here since I was free from college early today." Fairoz plastered her most gentle smile. Meanwhile, Aman blinked in confusion. Work here? Oh....
"Yeah , yeah of course. I would give you a tour."
"Not only the tour, though. You would take my interview and hire me as well. " Fairoz reached into her bag and took out a file. "See, I brought my CV. " Which contained all the digital work as well as some internships Fairoz had done up til now, not to forget extracurricular activities relating to business in her college. "But this is for later--first the tour. I can't wait further. Please."
God , this girl. Where did this demanding behaviour come from though? Was she teasing? Or serious. She looks serious. And cute and....
"Umm--damn. Isn't someone too excited? Isn't it early though? Like interview can be done after marriage."
"Yeah, it can but you know I don't trust anyone so easily. " She put her hand on the side of her face as if she was telling Aman a secret "Also--what if you don't hire me after marriage. People change you know."
Well---that was the plan but this girl---how can Aman say no? Her doe eyes are not made for tears.
'I can't be a villain right now. She already knows about the threats--of course she does--she hasn't discussed them with me which is very odd but if I say no to her---she will hate me more. I don't want my wife to hate me. Dammit , why did father had to do such a vile thing. I would have convinced her through my gifts and charm but no , he has to ruin everything!.'
"Of course , love. As you wish. And you will work here , totally your call. Come on , let's go." Aman took her on a tour and also to her dismay she had to make Fairoz meet other people. She hated every moment when her wife smiled and giggled with someone.
'That is meant for me!'
after that they came back to Aman's office, had some snacks, and in between that, Aman read her CV. She was indeed impressed with her girl. Such a hardworking pookie.
"So , Ms. Fairoz , what is your weakness. Sorry I had to ask this. HAHA!."
"Mhm. Well, weakness can make you stronger if you know how to overcome it, but what good would it do me if I revealed my weakness. Because to oneself weakness is their power but the moment someone else gets to know of it---they use it against you. So I refuse to answer such a stupid question."
Oh God. Control yourself and your thoughts Aman.
'Fuck, that was hot.'
Clearing her throat , Aman smirked. "Very well , love--
"Uh uh. Ms. Fairoz at the moment , not love. Ma'am."
'Okay, it's okay. Think of something else. God, ma'am. That word just did wonders to my senses. Am I going to be hearing this every day? Fuck, yes. Say it again, baby.'
"Hello?? Ma'am Aman. I think I should go now. You should work too." And before Aman could get out of her daze and stand up to stop her , or say something at least , Fairoz leaned down and kissed her cheek.
"Have a good day at work. Bye."
"......bye..." What is happening? No, no. Wait, her eyes traveled to the contract on the table that Fairoz had just signed. An offer letter.
'What---no that was not I imagined. Why did I do it?! Oh my God. But how could I have said no? Maybe it is good...I mean...what? , I was fucking enjoying every second of it. But still ARGH! That means she won't be a housewife instead she would meet other people. That is disgusting. People are shitheads. No, no. Whatever, I will take care of this later. Let's get back to work right now.'
As a matter of fact. no. After marriage, Fairoz continued to work here and for Aman, it was as if it was a crime to say no to her wife well in some things Fairoz let her have some say. But Aman's lovestruck dumb brain didn't know it was just so Fairoz could let her feel some power and fuel her ego. To give her a sense of authority and shatter it in the next.
For example , fine Aman lets Fairoz go to meet her uncle but that is because Fairoz lets Aman choose the dress after all Fairoz asks in her best sweet voice.
Making Aman invest in her uncle's project, it's okay if Aman does not want to do it. Just go sleep in the guest room then and forget about even interacting with Fairoz because you are going to get ignored for weeks.
Fairoz cooks Aman's favorite dish on the condition that she makes her father apologize to Usama for his harsh words. Pretty lucrative deal for Aman if you ask me. I mean your soulmate's happiness in exchange for such petty requests? Bring them on!
But Aman still doesn't let go of her dark side too. If someone dares to bring a minute disturbance in her wife's life even if she is not aware of it, they get to face Aman. Prepare to get your whole life destroyed. For instance, after it was confirmed that she was married to the niece/daughter of Usama. Yes, people somehow found it out. What else do you expect from no-lifers? There was a mixed reaction. Thankfully there were almost near to zero information about Fairoz online, Usama did a great job at protecting his family's privacy, but still, people had their way of doing things. I mean who can escape from cameras in this age?. Anyway, some limits were crossed and so Aman had to cross some too. Nobody gets to spread goss or even get the right to comment anything near to bad about her wife. You are getting sued, baby. The plus point is that Fairoz doesn't even know about it because she developed a phobia of searching for herself or Aman's on the internet. After all, in her heart she knew she would stumble upon something distasteful so it better to avoid it in the first place, so her mind was in a good place---except for the fact she was now living with Aman. Albeit doing a good job at cooling Aman's controlling nature she was still amazed at her ability to be stubborn at times.
"Come on--baby , please. I would do anything."
"No. I am only 27."
"So? What does---isn't that like a reason to-
"Aman you are talking about a baby, not a go-kart." Aman cuddled Fairoz before she could get up from the couch. "Nah, I am not letting you run away, darling." Her voice made Farioz's whole chest vibrate.
"You are acting like one yourself , I don't think we need another one."
"Noooo----well this baby of yours will raise chaos if you don't give it another friend." Aman pouted and started to pepper kisses on her wife's face.
"Aman--Stop it!"
"I know---I hate babies--but of course, I have to have one. What about my bloodline? I promise to be a good parent. Babyyy---." She whined making Fairoz push her away aggressively.
" Is that supposed to make me feel better? What are the chances of you not hating your own?"
"..........50 , okay how about ..50.85 percent."
"AMAN!" The couple got startled by none other than Mr. Dogan.
"What utter shame have you brought on our family! Begging your wife? THAT TOO FOR A CHILD? Why do you even need her permission?? I might have not said this before but you really tarnished your ancestors and my name today. Your grandfather would have had a heart attack if he witnessed this now!." The couple stared at him silently. Fairoz spared a single glance at Aman which made the latter shiver more than her father's words, and then left the room stomping.
"SEE! Look how she behaves! And look at you! WOW! Sitting like she didn't just disrespect me just now!."
Aman had enough.
"FATHER! First of all this is a private matter and do I look like I give a damn about what grandfather would have thought?! This is not the 90's! Also---don't ever say anything about my wife like that. You ruined her mood."
'And now I will suffer . She won't feed me with her hands anymore. Life is soo not fair!.'
"I was so close to convincing her! You always ruin my plans! Leave us alone for once! Fizzy! My love!!." And just like that Aman sprinted upstairs leaving her father flabbergasted. What has she become? A woman of power acting like a dog.
'I should have never sided with her on this marriage.'
(AN: Lmao馃拃, love the turn this story took. Originally started as a dark fic and ended up being a crack and tbh loved writing it. Couldn't have thought of a better ending. Aman's ego really downsized, lol. Yanderes getting reversed uno is what I live to see馃憤)
5 notes View notes
ak319 28 days
(Gp actress x fem reader)
(Scene #02)
(your name is Fairoz in the story)
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"Then I am going to quit it. I was going to anyway since acting doesn't appeal to me anymore and managing it with business is knackering . But seeing that you are adamant about it, you don't have to worry. I will add your request as a condition, in the marriage contract." Aman took a sip of her tea , waiting for a response from Fairoz. The girl sitting in front , a bit shy as any girl would be meeting their future spouse.
'Hmm. So cute'
The duo was in Director Usama's house. One week after Aman's unforeseen proposal. But who is this girl that has got Aman's heart?
Fairoz who is 24 years old, doing her last semester in Business Administration. She was indeed taken aback when her uncle informed her about the proposal. Her friends on the other hand were overly excited and some of them were still thinking if they were getting pranked by Fairoz as she frequently did that but this time, noticing the sudden dimness in her behavior and her seriousness when discussing the topic, they figured it was true--after all her uncle/father figure was a director for hell's sake. He had done numerous projects with Aman.
The girl hadn't said yes yet nor she wanted to. Marrying an actor just didn't sound right with her. She thought it may be rude to straight up reject her without meeting her and her uncle enforced this idea although in his heart he was praying for Fairoz's change of heart. What will he do if she doesn't say yes? More importantly what will Aman do to him and his family?
"Mhm. Thanks for that. Also , I will do a job after my degree-
"That is not even a thing to ask. We own multiple businesses, you will work wherever you want , whenever you want and as whatever you want." Aman flashed her a gentle smile. Her eyes looked at Fairoz with utmost gentleness and love as if she didn't, the girl would break. Aman couldn't believe that the girl whose in her mind every day, every hour, every second, was in front of her. The same girl whose picture (that she had taken secretly) she gazed at before going to sleep every night hoping that in the morning she would be beside her. That dream was also very near to becoming a reality.
"Will we keep discussing terms and conditions or...talk?. Like talk about ourselves. Although I am impressed at your ability to negotiate. The moment you entered the room,I knew I was going to get grilled hard."
Aman's ear were blessed to finally hear Fairoz's chuckle. "That means you are taking your studies seriously. That is good." She would definitely make a fine businesswoman. As much as Aman hated the idea. Housewife sounds much better.
"I am sorry--I just. Anyway. Why don't you name your conditions too then? Make it fair." Aman didn't mind one bit about the girl's requests or questions she asked because growing up without one's parents can make you vary of people and also it is normal for everyone to be paranoid regarding their marriage. The girl deserved love, but Aman's only.
"Yes I do actually." Fairoz turned attentive as a watchdog. Her expression now a serious one. Eyes curious glancing nervously at Aman.
"And that is you smiling and laughing like this every day. I forgot to tell you that actually, your laugh is what made me look in your direction for the first time. At the set where there were so many noises, people buzzing and screaming in my ears left and right, your laugh, far away in the distance made me turn away. That moment I was --" Aman gulped and hunched over, her arms on her knees . Looking down at her clasped hands she continued "I felt as if I was locked....turned blind and deaf to everyone around except you. So, yeah. And now fast forward we are here. A year later. " She laughed, still avoiding Fairoz's eyes, now it was her turn to be shy. "So I suppose keeping you happy is also a condition from your side. Because ---that be my duty won't it?." She finally looked up, scratching her neck. Now it was Fairoz's turn to look down. She couldn't believe her ears. someone in love with her? That too being Aman? What the hell is going on? Marriage was not even in first fifty things to do in her bucket list and that is the reason her aunt and uncle were also not looking for any suitors as she had already stated that she is focusing on her studies and in future would be busy in a job. Now this 'celebrity' turns up in her house narrating of what looked like a movie script to her? Like ----an actor seriously? She hated them. Every day you hear about their scandals and just bizarre stuff they do . She doesn't want a part of such life. But Aman is agreeing on leaving acting though. That doesn't change her past ---these actors are not meant to be trusted too. What is she has an affair and multiple affairs? What if I am not the first woman hearing this monlogue she just gave?
Both laughed for a few seconds before Fairoz broke the silence.
"I am flattered--haha. I would appreciate if you give me some time to think about all of this..."
"Of course , of course. That is why I didn't bring my family today as Mr. Usama insisted I meet you first as you had requested. I apologize if I made you uncomfortable but--I just told you the truth and--I want you to know that I am very , very sincere about this. I want to settle now , my family wants it too. And I think--God made me find you at the right time."
Fairoz nodded in understanding. Both stood up , as Aman got ready to leave . "I hope ...for the best. It would mean everything to me if you say yes. And maybe next time you would talk about yourself more too. I want to know about you Fairoz , everything." The girl blushed and nodded once again. What was she supposed to say?. Aman's voice itself was too intimidating.
After leaving the drawing room , Usama and his wife , Sara got up and said goodbyes to Aman . The couple saw her off meanwhile Fairoz watched from window.
'What did I got stuck into, man.'
Unveil part 1
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ak319 29 days
(Gp actress x fem reader)
(Scene# 01)
(your name is Fairoz in the story)
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Aman Dagon, the enigmatic, handsome and alluring actress that everyone drooled on. Who wouldn't? Her tall height, black soft, silky hair that one desired to touch, including her co-stars but her cold and mysterious personality intimidated them not to. She was famous for her villain roles especially the ones in which she was in a historical drama playing a distraught, arcane yet passionate lover oh, and how can we forget her iconic mafia lady role. It was her debut role that caused the wave of enchantment among women and men. People also know about her softer side for the heroines as she always acted gentlewomanly around them. This caused her female fans to fall in love with her more. She was always surrounded by paparazzi and everyone wanted to know more about her personal life. Her family owned many different businesses which she also took care of when she was not busy doing movies or dramas.
People were more than shocked when they found out that she was engaged. It all started when a fan made a TikTok about a ring on her finger that seemed different from her usual style and that she began to wear on more than one occasion. The internet went wild and even though her PR team was ecstatic to see that, they were tired of seeing and trying to control baseless and atrocious articles. It was after a month that the team was finally instructed by Aman to confirm that she was engaged. Aman didn't have any socials, which had made her fans more agitated as they had little source material to do research from. People were already jealous at her wife and few were genuinely happy for her. Even her co-stars were shocked as Aman's behavior didn't give the slightest hint about her engagement.
The real truth was that this marriage was hell, to begin with.
(2 months ago)
"Aman ma'am -- what? I mean didn't we already decided the amount to be 5 million? How come you are changing this now?" The director, Usama looked at Aman stunned.
"Mhmm , so you are saying you can't do it? Is that it?" Her deep voice , although calm , still sent chills down Usama's back. Not to forget her father was quite influential in entertainment industry.
"I am - sorry but yes , the contract had been signed prior , you remember right?."
"Do you know I can buy this company of yours and actually don't want your money . I didn't have any interest in doing this movie too but .....I did not do it for money or any of your shit." Yes , this is how she talked when she was annoyed . Her die hard fans would refuse to believe that she can be this egoistic but she was , and she was good at hiding it as well.
"But you do know if I sue you for forging a fake contract and paying me less , you will loose everything ....not to mentions my fans , they will make sure you can't do shit after this. So , all of this can be avoided if you hand me over , oops , haha. I meant , give me the hand of that girl you brought on set one day to me in marriage."
Mr. Usama nearly fainted right there. The girl she just talked about was her niece who was still in college. He couldn't believe his ears. Marriage of Fairoz to a woman like her, this is ...a nightmare.
"Earth to my favorite director" Aman snapped her slender fingers in front of his face, startling him. " I know it's hard to digest. That's why I will give you some time to decide and discuss this with your family and by that I mean ......a date for our engagement pronto.."
"She is my niece and what you are asking for is---I am sorry but --not possible."
"Not possible? Mhm. it has been forever since I have heard that word. Or you can say I am not used to hearing it ." She paused to let out a sarcastic chuckle. " Let me give you even a better one, I hate when people say it to me." Making the man gulp with her slow steps cornering him, she continued "I don't get what is impossible about a marriage? Isn't that the best thing you can get in your whole life? Me as your niece's wife. Pft. Never knew you to be so ungrateful."
Usama pondered over her words . Maybe she is right. What if she is a bit arrogant , that is a pitfall of being in the industry. 90 percent of people Usama had worked with are like her. If only focusing on the pros momentarily , the proffer doesn't sound terrible. Especially in the long term. Fairoz , if this goes well , may live a fruitful life. Just like her parents wanted and if Aman is proposing herself that must mean that she likes his niece.
Heaving a breath in , the words "I'll have a talk with my family . Sure." flowed from his lips which made the taller woman smirk.
"I am looking forward to a cordial response." Usama very well knew that she definitely won't take anything other than a cordial answer anyways.
Little did Aman know that the girl she was probing after would change her life in ways she hadn't had the slightest inkling about.
Unveil part 2
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ak319 2 months
馃槶馃槶 the brainstormingg uff
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24K notes View notes
ak319 2 months
always and foreva
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26K notes View notes