allen-kunekune · 4 days
Here is my last entry for Chrisker Week! I'm so happy to have participated. I hope the English translations were understandable and that you enjoyed my stories. I will try to translate more of my stories into English in the future.
Thank you for reading my stories, and I'm looking forward to Chrisker Week ! ^^
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allen-kunekune · 5 days
I've thought of a concept of a mainly Resident Evil 4 AU like... similar to a vampire AU but not quite. Some kind of Castlevania-ish AU (in a similar setting with similar rules to the universe of Castlevania. With vampires, but also a lot of other kinds of monsters and fantastical races.) It'd be like some kind of Serennedy focused AU, so I decided to design them both first.
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Here they are! There's colours for once :0.
Also, I've written down some of the worldbuilding for that AU if you want more context and information. It's a WIP still, so not everything is perfectly set in stone. But, if I had the mental energy, was better with time management, and was able to concentrate on my writing for more than ten minutes, I would have totally already started a fic about it. So, there's still a lot of stuff here:
Leon is a vampire/monster hunter (for obvious reason), and he is sent on a mission to save an important governor's daughter (Ashley Graham) who got captured by Lord Saddler (who is a vampire almost on the same importance of Dracula in this universe.) Luis is a dark chemist who has a lot of forbidden knowledge with science and magic. He wasn't liked in the village, but Lord Saddler admired him for his intellectual prowess, and, well, it pretty much follows canon. But it's more of a mix of fantasy and sci-fi, unlike og RE 4, which is mostly just sci-fi with the parasite stuff. Luis learns how to turn humans into monsters but also reanimate dead bodies (making Frankenstein or zombies), but he's obviously not pleased by the result. He's not capable of creating vampires, tho. Saddlers, being a vampire lord, can turn other people into vampires, and he turned Mendez and Salazar into ones. He doesn't turn too many people into vampires since they have more free wills than, like, zombies and can't control their darkened souls as well. But the fact that, if vampires go out of the village, they would most likely be killed by the hunters, Saddler can emotionally manipulate them to work for him.
Leon eventually gets bitten by Saddler and is about to become a vampire. Obviously, becoming a vampire means he'd lost everything all over again, but, most importantly, for him, his humanity. This happens before he finds Luis. Luis, at that point, wants to change his way of living and repents for his sins, so he decides to help Leon. When he discovers that Leon got bitten, he's enthralled to study him and try to find a cure... Leon accepts being his test subject, but Luis needs to help Leon get back the governor's daughter first. (Which he hasn't found yet.) And so, they go on their... horror adventure. By the way, Luis is not a vampire, and it's difficult for vampires to control their bloodthirsty impulse, so Luis must keep distances with them. He made a deal with Saddlers to help him, but to not get bitten in exchange. But, since he works so close with Leon and that the latter can't be really ordered around by Saddlers because of his rebellious nature and free will, well... if he turns into a vampire... It'd get dangerous for Luis... and Ada, because Ada is a huntress and it'd be more Leon that would be in trouble if she found out about him becoming a vampire. :/
I didn't think much of Wesker's and friends' role in the AU yet, but it's a work in progress.... The time period is between 1700 and 1900, but it's still a fantastical world, so some anachronistic elements or mixing of time period can be found. Sorry, history fanatics. *^*
I'm keeping this here so I won't lose the idea in the near future. (Unrelated, but now that I think of it, RE is a series that takes a lot of inspiration from old monsters (or horror, I guess) movies, just like Castlevania.... no wonders, I'm a fan of the two. And no wonders, both series are getting in Dead by Daylight. Jeebus Chris, the Dead by Daylight team it so wise on their IP choices. :/ I'll try not to get caught into their marketing, but I won't deny that they're wise and that they already almost caught me as if I was some kind of pokémon.)
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allen-kunekune · 8 days
I got a little late, I’m unfortunately sick. I hope you like his two stories! They are available in my language ( French) and in English !
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allen-kunekune · 11 days
Chrisker 2024 Day 1 (June 1) "Who did this to you?"
I’m still not convinced by the story I wrote, but I’ve spent all day on it and I need to tell myself that it’s not to give up. I hope it will still please. English is not my mother tongue.
Version Français disponible ! J'ai pas mal galéré, entre mes notes et toute la journée à ne jamais être satisfait de ce que je faisais. J'espère que cela plaira malgré tout !
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allen-kunekune · 13 days
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kiss kiss fall in love
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allen-kunekune · 15 days
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toh x omori
combining my 2 favorite fandoms because why not
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allen-kunekune · 26 days
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wondering whether to draw a Leon version
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allen-kunekune · 27 days
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Despite everything...
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allen-kunekune · 1 month
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*starlord voice* mark me down as scared AND horny!
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allen-kunekune · 1 month
Catch the lightning in your hands
Each Guardian was unique, that was kind of their thing. But having a god was something entirely different from their usual. A daughter of Thanos, a survivor from a planet, or even a Groot seemed ordinary when you had the god of thunder on board the Milano. With stupid blond hair and the divine physique to match. He was more than anyone I could have. Thor definitely didn't belong here.
Especially when he leaned in to kiss her.
So many people would give anything to be kissed by Thor. And Peter was the lucky one, undoubtedly undeserving of this chance. Who was he to have this? He was just a questionable person. A former Ravager who saved the world only for money or to save his friends' lives, nothing like a proud warrior and a walking mess of problems.
The last person he had loved was dead. The closest thing he had to a father had died to save him, and he attracted trouble as much as he could fight it. Nothing pretty about it. Thor could have had much better, just by looking at someone else on the Milano. Anything was better than Peter Quill.
Thor seemed oblivious to this, even when the leader of the Guardians hinted that there was someone better than him. The man had the nerve to laugh it off and smile, as if it were just a joke.
The universe was vast, it was unfair that it was him.
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allen-kunekune · 1 month
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my little kitty meow meow
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allen-kunekune · 2 months
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allen-kunekune · 2 months
Just an accident
Everything was fine. It had been a new failure, his subject even managing to break free from his leather restraints to attack him. There was no need to worry, as always Dan had stepped in to protect him and Herbert only had to resume his research on the reagent. Even though it was disappointing, the lifeless body on the floor was no longer useful for his research. It was just another failed reanimation like many others.
Everything was fine, until the man turned his head towards his assistant. Dan had too much blood on him for it to come entirely from the specimen on the floor. Herbert realized he had several gashes on his neck. Panic was setting in, but he tried to push it away like everything else. But Dan collapsed to the floor, holding the large bloody wounds Herbert couldn't move, wasting precious seconds trying to understand.
Dan had stopped breathing as Herbert tried to contain the hemorrhage. It was over, as quickly as everything had turned from a perfectly ordinary situation to something else. Dan had always said that one day one of his subjects would attack and kill him, that he should be more careful, that they should stop and better prepare. Herbert had never listened. It was an unnecessary worry. He was perfectly in control.
Turning his head, Herbert saw the bright green reagent ready for use. Everything was fine. Herbert was going to let this become a minor accident. Like when he dropped a beaker or cut himself while stitching up one of the bodies. Everything was fine, Dan couldn't hear him but Herbert was going to quickly cover his wounds and inject the reagent, reassuring him that everything was fine. It was just a minor laboratory accident.
Everything was fine. One minute passed, then a second, and finally a third minute before Dan's body began to convulse. His eyes opened and a breath was taken by Dan's once lifeless body. Everything was fine. Daniel was breathing heavily, his eyes blurry for a moment before focusing on him. Herbert repeated that everything was fine. There had just been a little accident. Everything was fine now.
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allen-kunekune · 2 months
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My sister asked me to draw Quill for her.
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allen-kunekune · 2 months
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imagine the look on Kaido and Big Mom’s faces when they find out that they’ve been replaced by these two idiots as the new yonkos lmao
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allen-kunekune · 2 months
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-use the template and redraw the characters in your art style, including any headcanons or design changes you want!
-post your work on Instagram or tumblr with the hashtag #roseskfdtiys
-I will select one winner (if I get enough entries, maybe one per platform?) who will receive a free commission of anything of their choice (barring NSFW, gore, or anything I feel uncomfortable doing. But both fanart and original character art are OK)
-the DTIYS ends May 5th
-you DO NOT need to be in the fandom. Obviously it helps to have background knowledge of the characters, but it is not necessary! It’s open to anyone who wants to join!!!
Have fun, and I hope to see your entries!!
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allen-kunekune · 2 months
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Mad with boop power! I felt inspired.
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