amieravenson · 6 months
Cleansing Magick
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This is perhaps the most important magick that any witch can learn. When you're able to cleanse your space and your life, you're able to assert control over the energies that have access to you. Perhaps that's why cleansing is one of the first things that we're taught as baby witches. Keeping the energies that we surround ourself with clear and fresh is the first step to other types of magick. There are several ways you can start cleansing yourself and your space. Take these suggestions and run with them! - Actually clean your space. (Not gonna lie, this is one I need to work on...) The more you move old, stagnant energies out, by cleaning, organizing, and minimizing your things, the more you have room for new, positive energies. I find that whenever I clean my space thoroughly, I feel lighter and more free, and I also have exciting new energies come into my life. It can be a huge pain, but it's worth doing! - Clean your body. Treat showers and bathtimes as a purification ritual. Imagine the water rinsing away any negativity or 'gunk' that can collect and be stored in your body. Use special soaps or rub a little salt on your skin to amplify the cleansing. Use my Florida water or my smudge spray recipes and create a spray that you can use every night before you go to bed. This will help you get rid of anything that you don't want to take with you into dream time. - Clean your mind. Think about the things that bring you down. Too much screen time? Too much gossip? Too much stress? Do you have friends or family that put you in a negative headspace? How can you limit their affects on you? Make a list if necessary. Identifying the problems will help you find solutions and clear your mind. - Clean yourself spiritually. Periodically I like to do a small energetic ritual where I cut cords that I'm no longer needing. I then use my left hand to take back energy I've given to others, visualizing it coming back to me as a silver light. And then I use my right hand to project the energy I've taken from others back to them as a gold light. It helps me to keep myself to myself and not be caught up in others' issues and drama. You can also meditate on your bodies (physical and energetic) being cleansed from above by golden light pouring in through your crown chakra. Whatever floats your boat! And of course, now we need to talk about...
Herbs for Cleansing and Purification
- Hyssop- a brilliant cleansing and purification herb, and a worthy substitute for sage in your workings. - Peppermint- Great for a Winter seasonal cleanse. - Rosemary- Use in baths and cleansing teas. - Rue- Can be used by dipping a bunch into a cleansing water or tea, and sprinkling drops over your space. Also used in exorcism rites. - Sage- perhaps the best known for purification and blessings. Be careful with what you buy, and forego the white California sage (which is sacred to some Native Americans as a closed practice and is being over-harvested). Use garden sage instead (which is easy to grow yourself, and has just as much 'oomph' as white California sage). - Solomon's Seal- used in exorcism or cleansing. - Tobacco- Burn on charcoal to remove negativity. - Vervain- Used in purification incenses and baths. - Woodruff- A Spring herb, used to clear away the stagnant energy of Winter. (From Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism)
Stones for Cleansing and Purification
- Agate- Cleansing at physical and emotional levels. - Amethyst- Cleansing, helps over come addictions and blockages. - Ametrine- Cleanses the aura and helps remove toxins from the body. - Black Tourmaline- Absorbs negativity, especially electromagnetic smog. - Petalite- Aids in spiritual purification. - Smoky Quartz- Absorbs negativity and transmutes it to positive. - Turquoise- Dispels negative energy. - Zincite- Can stimulate a healing catharsis. (Use with caution!) (From Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible) How about you? What do you use to cleanse your home, body, mind, and spirit? Are there some things I forgot here in this list? Please let me know in the comments. Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Witchifying Your Work
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I have to take a moment to be honest right now. I'm lucky in this regard because I work from home. In fact, I'm writing this in between work tasks. Don't tell my managers! But I'm sitting here at my desk, with a Pumpkin Bonfire candle going, surrounded by charm bags, stones and crystals, incense, and a big ol' pentacle hanging from the edge of one of my monitors. (Thanks Estelle!) On a whim, I could go make a nice herbal tea or pet the kitty who would be my familiar if I asked her. I'm surrounded by bookcases covered in witchy books, tarot decks, oracle decks, and owl plushies. I have a beautiful, snowy, moonlit deer background on both of my monitors to remind me of the season. I know that I'm fortunate, and I don't take it for granted. But what do you do if you don't work from home? I did that for a long time, too, and I learned some tips and tricks that might help you. We'll start with the most obvious. - Carry stones in your pocket, in your bra, or in your bag. If you want to take this a step further, you can make a pouch filled with work-assisting stones and herbs and carry that with you instead. Take a moment to hold them when you need to. - Create an essential oil blend that will substitute as a perfume and wear that into the office. Reapply as often as you feel like you need it, as a little magickal pick-me-up. - Draw a tarot card, or use some other form of divination every morning before work. This can help you see what kind of day you'll have, as well as give you a focus for where you need to put your mental energy. - Can you listen to music at work? Create a playlist of sacred songs that bring you immediately to your spiritual place, and pop your ear buds in when you need a break. (Don't do this if you're operating heavy machinery!) - Pray or meditate in the restroom for 5 minutes. Even a short break to ground and center can help you face the rest of your day. Carry a picture of your deity in your wallet for a quick devotional moment of prayer at your desk. - Eat something healthy and delicious for your lunch period, and focus on your personal wellness and happiness. - Find coworkers of a like mind and make some friends. Don't let people who are filled with negativity and blame into your circle. They'd probably feel uncomfortable there anyways. - Create a rhyme that will help you ground and center, cast off negativity, or calm yourself, depending on what sorts of problems your job brings you. For example, I can get crazy during my day, so a rhyme to calm myself amidst the chaos is really helpful! - Bring a journal and jot down positive things that happen in your day so you can focus on them. - Unless you really love, love, LOVE your job, leave it at work when you go home for the day. Do a quick cleansing ritual when you get home every day to slough off the frustrations of the day.
Some good stones for work are:
- Anything grounding that will keep you on the right path, like moss agate, dendritic agate, petrified wood. - Black sapphire helps you retain a job. - Black tourmaline to soak up any negativity from coworkers. - Fluorite helps you be creative and think clearly, and also may help your computer work better. - Malachite to alleviate electromagnetic pollution you might find at your workplace. - Smoky quartz also helps reduce electromagnetic pollution and also negativity, so you get a double whammy there!
Some good herbs and essential oils for work are:
- Lavender for stress relief if needed. - Peppermint for energy. - Rosemary for focus and rememberance. - Ylang ylang can help you find a job, and can help you seem irresistible during an interview. These are just some ideas, but I know I've missed quite a few. What do you do to decompress during work hours, and bring spirituality back into your day? Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Gratitude and Your Spiritual Path
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"Thank you" is one of the most powerful spells we can utter. It not only sets up a resonance of simple gratitude, but also the recognition that we are all intertwined, and we can only get by by receiving help. This can be help from other people, help from institutions, help from deity, help from the universe, wherever it comes from, help is absolutely necessary to move through this life. And expressing our thanks acknowledges that. I find that it's often a good a good exercise to list the things that I'm grateful for. Some people list things every day, but I find that making a long list once a year can be a powerful way to acknowledge all that's good and right in your life. It sets up an energy of positivity, and helps you focus on all the blessings in your life. Whether you agree with the Law of Resonance or not (where the more positivity you vibrate with, the more positivity you attract), it's sometimes just nice to get that warm fuzzy by thinking about all the people, places, things, (AND PETS) that have brought you joy during the year. So what's at the top of my list? My husbear. My wonderful (and sometimes rotten) kitties. My friends and family. My job (frustrating as it can be sometimes). My home with a roof that doesn't leak. The fact that I have more energy and overall health than I had this time last year. I have SO MUCH to be thankful for that it's kind of overwhelming. In a good way. What about you? What will you be showing gratitude for this year? Have you made your list? I'm sure that if you do, you'll find there's more there than you thought possible. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all. Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Topics to Study that will Enhance your Witchcraft
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There comes a time in every witch's practice where they realize that they've read all the 'Witchcraft 101' books they can stomach. After a while, they all start repeating each other, and though there are some books taking truly unique viewpoints on witchcraft, there still comes a time when you may start itching to branch out and learn something different. That doesn't mean you have to give up your witchcraft study, however. You can study topics adjacent to witchcraft that will really help you develop your interests and give you new perspectives on your practice. The Arts: This is perhaps one of my favorite topics. You can research art history, looking for Pagan influences in the arts, OR you can study applied arts. Learn how to paint or draw! Try your hand at writing poetry or short charms! Write devotional music for your deity! Learn how to create something sacred as a way to deepen your practice. Divination: for a lot of witches, witchcraft and divination go hand in hand. I learned to read the tarot before I dedicated myself to my witchcraft practice. But perhaps you haven't dipped your feet into the wonderful world of divination. Give it a shot! It can be an amazing way to tap into a relationship with your deity, your understanding of your own intuition, or even messages from the universe. However you practice, divination can help you. So dive headlong into the world of tarot, runes, astrology, or throwing the bones. Folklore: Check out legends from your area, or legends from the area your family comes from. There can be a lot to discover in these old tales passed down from generation to generation. You can learn about local land spirits, landmarks, and even the flora and fauna of the area. Genealogy and Ancestral Religions: Find out where your family comes from and study the religions of that area. This can bring so much richness and focus to your practice, and is essential when working with the ancestors. Imagine being able to add a Celtic, or Hindu, or African flavor to your witchcraft as a way to tie yourself to your ancestors. This is a great way to really ground yourself in your practice! Herbalism: I know a little here and there about certain herbs, but I've never made a full study of herbalism. It's a huge topic with a few different concentrations. You can look at magickal properties of plants, medicinal properties of plants, or folkloric histories of plants. You can use that knowledge to make charms and sachets, or you can be more practical and make soaps and salves. If you're interested in green witchery, explore the plant kingdom! History of witchcraft: This can be a really sad yet inspiring study. Traditionally, witches have been maligned as a source of bad luck and ill will, and have been persecuted as such. But studying our past can help us uncover our sources of power and strength. Local geography and settlements: Knowing the history, geology, geography, and natural landmarks of the place you live can definitely give you a leg up when trying to connect to the genius loci, or spirit of place. For example, do you know the places of power where the original inhabitants of the land used to gather? That would be a great place to visit to try and bring some of that power into your work. Do you know where to find sacred minerals in your area? Minerals you've mined have more power than anything store-bought. Physical Sciences: Science and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. In face, I've always seen them as going hand-in-hand. You can believe in a higher power, and also marvel at the efficiency of a cell. You can study astrology and astronomy, and marvel at how the spinning of our solar system and galaxy resemble the spinning of an atom. It's ALL sacred. It's ALL important. Psychology: A lot of our feelings about spirituality and religion can be studied from a psychological perspective. As for myself, I've really enjoyed reading the works of Carl Jung, who set the stage for a lot of my understanding of tarot. But Jung isn't the only name in the game, and you can find all sorts of interesting psychological theories that will inform and deepen your spiritual practice. Social Issues: As witches, we tend to see the sacred where others do not. And finding empathy with those that struggle can be a difficult, but rewarding path. How do you want to leave the world a better place than you found it? Specific types of Witchery: Like kitchen witchery, hedge witchery, chaos magick, green witchery (see herbalism above), etc. There are TONS of books out there that extend past the "witchcraft 101' model and delve into different types of witchcraft. Find what it is that really interests you, and do a search for books on that topic. You'll find more than enough to keep yourself busy! What about you? What do you study in conjunction with your witchcraft? How does it boost your studies and your understanding? Please let me know in the comments. Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Money Magick
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There are several different terms to use when working with this sort of magick. Abundance means that more than enough of whatever you need or want comes to you. This can be tricky, as I've worked spells asking for abundance and gotten an abundance of cats or weekend plans. Nice, but not exactly what I intended. Prosperity brings money, but can also bring property, investments, or other things that don't necessarily help you pay the bills that are due this week. Prosperity is great for a long-term goal or a life planning mindset. Then there's money magick, clear and simple. This is what we want if we're trying to pad our wallets with a little extra. So know what it is that you're asking for before you ask. The more clear and direct you can make your petition, the better. The universe and the powers that be like it when you know exactly what it is that you want. Here are some things to use in your spellwork!
Herbs for Attracting Money/Prosperity/Abundance
- Almond- prosperity rituals and money incenses - Basil- wealth and prosperity rituals - Bayberry- brings prosperity to the home - Bryony- causes your riches to grow - Chamomile- use in prosperity charms - Cinnamon- add to prosperity blends - Cinquefoil- attracts money - Fir- prosperity magick - High John the Conqueror- annoint the root with a prosperity oil and carry as a talisman - Honeysuckle- for prosperity rituals - Hyssop- increases finances - Mint- prosperity and increasing business - Poppy- carry the seeds or a dried seed pod as a prosperity talisman (From Scott Cunningham's Magical Herbalism)
Stones for Attracting Money/Prosperity/Abundance
- Aventurine- a positive stone of prosperity - Black agate- for courage and prosperity - Carnelian- invites abundance into the home - Citrine- the stone of prosperity, attracts wealth and abundance - Dendritic agate- brings abundance and fullness - Green tourmaline- brings prosperity and abundance - Hawk's Eye- attracts abundance - Moss agate- attracts abundance - Ruby- retains wealth - Sapphire- brings prosperity (especially yellow) - Vanadinite- helps you retain your money and curb overspending - Zincite- attracts abundance (spiritual and physical) (From Judy Hall's Crystal Bible) Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Why I Still (mostly) Believe in 'An It Harm None'
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I get it. Wicca just isn't as popular as it was when I was coming up in the early 90s. And I totally get why. There are a lot of problematic things about Wicca, not least is the fact that it was essentially 'created' in as an evolution of ceremonial magick, but with a neo-Pagan flavoring that added legitimacy from the days of olden times. So yeah, while Wiccans try to recreate some of the Pagan practices from long ago, a lot of it was just kind of made up. That's not to say it's bad as far as religions go, there are just some problematic tenets. For example, in modern days, we understand and accept that gender is more of a spectrum than a binary, but Wicca is all about femininity and masculinity as the formative energies of the universe. Also, the Law of Three seems really dogmatic and magick users tend to realize now that the universe and laws of return are a little more complicated than that. I don't consider myself Wiccan at all, however, I do believe in karma of a sort. Not a Law of Three kind of karma, but a natural balancing of energies. I think that many magick users have experienced this balancing for themselves, and if they haven't, they probably will at some point. And I realize that there are some circumstances that require negative, or baneful magick. In cases where you must do whatever it takes to protect yourself or someone else, sure. I've been in a situation where I had to use magick that treaded that line in order to protect my energy, and I have no regrets. I did feel a bit of backlash from it, but it needed to be done. I accepted the consequences of my working. But I've never been so reactionary as wanting to whip out a curse or hex for every perceived slight. First of all, what qualifies me as judge, jury, and executioner? I get helping the universe along a little, but some witches just can't wait to cast baneful magick at the slightest provocation. And the world is so much more complex than we know. I guess I've just always felt that if you want to sling mud at someone else, you have to get down into the mud to do it, and you may just get mired there. A simplification, sure, but it feels true in my bones. So what do I do instead of baneful magick? Really intense, strong protective magick over myself and everyone and everything I love. I want us all to be forewarned and forearmed against the bad things that people can do. And I'd really rather put my energy and work into that. So while 'An It Harm None' may seem a little naive, it's still something nice to strive for. I guess it really all just comes down to what consequences you're willing to take on for your actions. Just my $.02 as a salty old witch. What about you? What are your thoughts about baneful magick? Please let me know in the comments, and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Basic Spell Writing
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I have to be honest. I really don't follow recipes. Likewise, I never, ever use spells from books. I like to read them, sure. They give me inspiration for spells I would like to create, but I never use spells verbatim from spell books. I just feel like there's so much more magick in being creative with your spells and building them from your heart and your mind. That being said, there are some things that you should consider when you're writing a spell. - What is the theme of the spell. What are you spellworking for? - Will anyone be joining you, or is this a solitary venture? - What is the best timing of the spell, considering the moon phase and day of the week? How long do you expect the spell to take to manifest? - What materials do you need? - Altar cloths or other surfaces? - Candles? - Props? - Stones? - Herbs? - Oils? - Incense? - Paper and pen? - Fabric? - Musical instruments or other music? - Special attire? - Where will you perform the spell? Do you need someone to know where you are for safety purposes? - Will you ground and center and cast a circle, or will it be more free-form? - What are the steps? - Will you be writing any sort of words to the spell, or will you be speaking from the heart? Will there be hand motions or other body language that's part of the working? - What will you do with the spell materials after the spell is over? By all means, write all these details down in your Book of Shadows or other magickal journal, and be sure to leave space to record your results afterwards. Happy spelling and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
A Blessing for your Technology
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I was just fortunate enough to have my husbear build me a new computer. My laptop wasn't doing what I needed it to do for work (I had 12GB RAM and was trying to run a LOT of browser tabs). Fortunately, I had some extra money and was able to afford a new machine. Isn't there something so inspiring and exciting about getting a new device? Whether it's a new computer, phone, or tablet, a new bit of technology feels like it's just full of possibilities. Here I am, writing this post on my new computer. I'm doing my best to create magick with every keystroke. I also like to give my computers witch names so I can tell them apart on the network. This new computer is Griselda, and the laptop is Endora. My old laptop was Akasha. What can I say? It makes me giggle. So why not show our technology a little love with a blessing? Timing: Do this on a Wednesday, which is sacred to Mercury, the Greek god of communication. Deities: Mercury (communication), Iris (communication), Odin (wisdom/knowledge), Thoth (wisdom/knowledge) Colors (for candles/altar cloths/etc.): Yellow for communication. Blue for knowledge, study, and wisdom. White for general blessings. Herbs: General blessing herbs and resins- rosemary, sage, frankincense, myrrh. Stones: Quartz crystals (used in computers and most electronics and can easily attune with them) To prepare: Think of a name for your device. - Create a small altar to focus your energies. Arrange your stones, candles, and crystals there. If you're blessing something small like a phone or a small tablet, leave room on the altar to place the item. If you're blessing something big like a tower computer, create the altar on the desk where your monitors reside. - Light your candle and incense (if using), and ground and center yourself. Draw your energy to you and begin moving towards a state of relaxation and focus. You may want to focus on your breathing, you may want to hum lightly. Whatever gets you there! - Think about traits you want your devices to have. Traits like quickness, durability, dependability, flexibility, etc. all work. Think about the things that you use your devices for, and imagine using them in the best way possible to achieve your aims. Imagine using the device in a mutually beneficial relationship to bring positivity into your world. - When you're ready, either hold your device or devices in your hands, or hover your hands over them and say "By the power of (Mercury/Iris/Odin/Thoth), I hereby bless you with the powers of ______________, ______________, and ______________. (Whatever traits you've chosen.) Pass the electronics through the candle or incense smoke, or fan the smoke over them, and imagine them charging with your intentions as you say "Technology mine, I bid you be true. If you take care of me, I will take care of you. Your name is ____________, I do decree. We will work together and productive be. As I will it, so mote it be." - As you repeat the rhyme, imagine filling your device with your energy so that it knows you and becomes attuned to your needs and wishes. Feel it become a part of your tool kit for working your will in the world, and thank it for its contribution. Be sure to treat your devices as if they're sacred. Keep them clean and happy, take care of them and they will take care of you! (And be sure to add some fun, special wallpapers for good measure!) Let me know how you use your technological devices in a sacred way. Do you use them primarily for web-weaving and creating connections in the world? Do you use them to do good work in the world? How do you treat your devices like they're sacred? Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Sleep and Dream Magick
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If we have a healthy sleep schedule, we spend around a third of our lives asleep. And if we're lucky, we have some great dreams. It's no wonder we're fascinated with sleep and the inner worlds our minds reveal to us there. We can explore our fears, desires, and some generally weird shit in our dreams. And if we don't get enough sleep, enough dream time, we can get cranky and irritable. Our minds and bodies need that time of rest to reset and regroup. So sleep and dream magick is something I've always been particularly interested in. There are a few things you can do to make sure you're setting yourself up for the best sleep and dreamtime as possible. Let's look at sleep first.
- I know this seems obvious, but try to get at least 7 hours of sleep/night. I know it can also be tough to do, but giving yourself that rest period is good self care, and will trickle benefits into your waking life as well. Personally, my fibro makes me sleep at least 9 hours/night, but it helps my body heal and get ready for the next day. Find your perfect amount of sleep and make it happen. - Make your bedroom as restful as possible. I strongly believe in no TVs in the bedroom. Watching TV is a wakeful activity, and it can help keep you up longer than you intend. The same goes for scrolling through your phone. I won't say that I'm not guilty of 'screen time' before bed, because I love eBooks, but I try to limit it to just that. Also, invest in a really great mattress, good sheets, and pillows that make you happy to lay your head on them. Seriously, we spend roughly a quarter to a third of our lives sleeping, it should be a pleasant experience. - Create a before-bed ritual. This is a great time for skincare or other beauty magick, mellow music/nature sounds/white noise, incense and prayer, a bath or shower, or whatever it takes to let your brain know that now we're settling down for bed. Again, I read. Do whatever makes your body and brain relax. - Drink lavender, chamomile, valerian, passion fruit, or lemon balm tea. Better, make a mix of some of these herbs. And surround yourself with stones. Obviously. Bloodstone and chrysoprase ensure peaceful sleep. Howlite stills the mind. Lepidolite soothes sleep disturbances, and green tourmaline aids sleep. Variscite brings peaceful sleep as well. - Create a sleep altar. Dedicate it to Morpheus or Hypnos. Or just dedicate it to the kinds of dreams that you would like to have. - Spray your linens with lavender for peaceful sleep!
- It's widely known in the dreamwork community that the best way to work with your dreams is to write them down as soon as you wake up. So keep a journal or a voice recorder app next to your bed so that as soon as you wake up, you can record your dreams before they start to fade away. You never know what important details you might miss if you rely on your unreliable memory! - Start developing a list of recurring symbols that you encounter. While a lot of people may agree on the meaning of a dream symbol, only you can know for sure what it means to you. Sometimes a snake is dangerous, sometimes it's sexy. What's important is that YOU know what it means in YOUR dream. - Mix some mugwort or blue lotus flower into that sleep tea you made. They enhance your dreams and also your psychic powers. So you never know what kind of fantastic dreams you'll have! - Keep a chunk of amethyst next to the bed- it facilitates intuitive dreaming. Charoite gives powerful dreams, and alexandrite stimulates dreams and the imagination. Bloodstone stimulates dreaming, and celestite helps with dream recall. Chalcedony gets rid of bad dreams. Danburite helps you with lucid dreaming. Herkimer diamond and howlite also help with dream recall. Jade brings insightful dreams, and jasper helps with shamanic journeying and dreams. Kyanite helps with healing dreams. Lapis lazuli enhances dream work. Malachite stimulates memory dreams. Moonstone encourages lucid dreaming. Rhodochrosite enhances dream states and creativity. Ulexite helps you understand the meaning of dreams. - Again, create a dream altar on your nightstand or somewhere near the bed. Keep your dreaming stones and your dream journal next to you. - You may or may not want to talk to close friends about your dreams. They may have some insights that you would miss. Just make sure that the people you share with are non-judgmental and can give you genuine help and advice. And then offer the same to them. So I'm curious. Have you spent any time working with sleep or dream magick? Have you had good results? Please let me know in the comments, and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Dedicating Daily Tasks to Deities
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There's a little trick I like to play on myself. Any time I have something unpleasant to do, I try to imagine how I can make it spiritual. That way, I think of it less as daily drudgery, and more as a part of my daily practice. For example, I really hate housework. It's a drag. Especially when you have fibromyalgia and every movement hurts. So what do I do? I dedicate housework to Hestia, the Greek goddess of home and hearth. I'd like to think that she appreciates it when I try to make my house comfier, cozier, and cleaner. Do you have a ton of emails to get through? As you sit down to do them, take a moment to dedicate your work to Mercury, god of communication. Remember what a miracle it is that email even exists, and dedicate every single email to him. Do you hate daily tasks like taking a shower or brushing your teeth? Again, with fibro, showers are painful affairs. So I dedicate the daily shower to Aphrodite, and think of it as a way to make myself feel more beautiful. I also apply scented oils as I get out as another dedication to her. And as for workouts, they can be brutal. It's such a good idea to work out, but who actually WANTS to? Well, I do. And that's because I'm dedicating my workouts to Elen of the Ways. She controls roads and pathways, and I'd like to think that I'm walking the pathway to good health as I walk on the treadmill. I ask her to give me strength and move me along in my journey. Are you getting the idea? Gardening? Dedicate it to Gaia. Cleaning the litter box? Dedicate it to Bast. The list can go on and on. So what about you? What tasks will you be dedicating to deity from now on? Let me know in the comments, and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
The Altar in Your Mind
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This is a concept that's very near and dear to my heart. Errr... my mind. I've always loved the concept that you can have sacred space in your mind that you can do spellwork or ritual from. There's no reason you can't build an altar that you use for all of your magickal needs. And the best part? You don't have to go out and buy black candles or the perfect stones or herbs, because everything you need is RIGHT THERE. This does, however, require a lot of visualization and imagination, and a strong background in meditation helps. So how do you get started building an altar in your mind? All of that that I just said. First, you need to be able to go into a meditative, creative state. Then, start building the altar of your dreams. Is it made of stone or wood? Is it an antique desk or a clearing in the woods? What kind of objects are on the surface? Are there drawers underneath? What kind of objects are in the drawers? Do you have other storage around, or do things pop into your hand as soon as you think of them? Once you've spent some time thinking about these things, you can start to build your environment around your altar. Is the altar inside or outside? What do your surroundings look like? Eventually, you can build an entire world around your altar once you've gotten the hang of visualizing your sacred space. You can even use your sacred space as your home base for meditations and astral travel. Start there, prepare yourself, and go! I've done a lot of exploration from my sacred space, and I find it invaluable for centering myself before I venture into the unknown. Just remember, the more you visualize the space and spend time there, the more concrete those details will become for you. This doesn't mean that you can't make changes later, but eventually you will get to the point that you know this space like the back of your hand. You can even keep servitors there to help you with background magickal work on the mental plane! Create sigils and protections to place around your space and treat it just like you would any other sacred space. Cleanse it regularly and visit your spellwork regularly to add energy to it. Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Fiber Crafts and The Craft
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Around September or October, I start getting the urge to work on fiber crafts. And it's no wonder. In an agrarian society, there's not a lot to do after the harvest and preservation is all done. The nights get longer, and we tend to go within and think more about quiet, peaceful activities after the Summer's rush. The holidays are also around the corner, and it may be time to make handmade gifts as well. But have you considered making your fiber crafts of choice a part of your magickal work as well? As you weave, stitch, knit, crochet, or quilt, you can chant magickal charms, embedding them into your work. You can even create a whole work dedicated to love, protection, abundance, any of the good wishes you would like to give to the lucky recipient of your work. There's a scene in a book (I'm not going to name the book because the author turned out to be a real shithead) where a woman scries as she spins yarn. I love that. The almost mindlessness of the spinning and the rhythm of pumping the pedal could definitely bring you into a deep trance state if you let it. Another book (where the author also turned out to be a shithead) described a woman who made wonderful sweaters for her magickal children, imbued with love and protection. I think the key is in what you concentrate on while you do your fiber arts. Crochet- Everytime you push your needle through your work, imagine pushing your intention into the fabric you create. Cross stitch- Say a charm as you create each stitch going in one direction, and then chant a second charm, meant to lock in the magick, as you stitch in the other direction. Embroidery- Imagine 'building' your spell as you 'build' your design, keep checking in and thinking about your intention. Knitting- Imagine the spell strengthening every time the needles click and clack together. Every loop ties your intention into the fabric. Quilting- Piece together enchantments and affirmations as you stitch together the pieces of the quilt. Sewing- Create something magickal, like a poppet or a pouch to carry sacred items, and breathe your intention into it. Spinning- Chant your intention as you spin, imbuing the very fabric itself with your positive intentions. You can do a lot of other things to imbue magick into your fiber crafts. Burn essential oils or incenses as you work to keep bringing you back to your intention. Stitch sigils or symbols onto your finished objects. Say a blessing over your finished objects before you give them to someone. And by all means, do your fiber crafts in a group with other witches. You can build some incredible energy that way! What about you? Do you do any fiber crafts, and if so, have you considered adding magick to your crafting time? Please let me know in the comments, and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Beauty and Self-Love Magick
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This is a topic that I have a little difficulty with. It's been years since I felt like I was traditionally 'beautiful'. And for whatever reason, I don't make time for self-love work. I'm a typical Capricorn and tend to be very accomplishment-focused (hello NaBloWriMo!), so beauty and self-love take a back seat. But really, we could all use some more self-love work. We have this life to live in this one body, and it's a shame to ignore it and live in your head all the time. Our bodies are just as sacred as anything else in our lives, and it's important to appreciate them, whatever shape they may be in. There are some ways to take care of our beauty and show ourselves some self-love. Daily- Decide on a regimen that will enhance your beauty and take care of your body, but one that you know you can stick with. Something like tracking your water every day, starting a new skin-care regimen, or positive self-talk in the mirror. Find something sustainable that you can do to show yourself some love! Weekly- Schedule one day a week that's a YOU day. Take yourself places that you've always wanted to go, take in some beauty or some inspiration, and just have fun. Dress up for this, wear your best perfume and do your hair. You deserve to look and feel your best! Even if you can't manage to schedule a whole day, find some way to treat yourself and do something that you love once a week. Even if just for a few minutes. Monthly- Schedule mirror work on the full moon. Position the mirror so that you can see the moonlight reflected on your face, and know that the moon is filling you with its energy. Perform a ritual to reaffirm your beauty and worthiness, and maybe end with a perfumed ritual bath. Journal a list of things you like about yourself or that you did well this month. Show appreciation for the amazing creature you are! Long-term- Research some creams or oils you can make that enhance your beauty and make you feel amazing. For me, I love anything with gardenia or jasmine, it just makes me feel sensual and amazing. Make yourself some bath and body products that make you feel loved and nurtured!
Herbs for Beauty and Self-Love
Aloe, Anemone, Angelica, Borage, Carnation, Catnip, Chamomile, Clove, Clover, Columbine, Cowslip, Daffodil, Daisy, Flax, Geranium, Ginger, Ginseng, Goldenrod, Goldenseal, Jasmine, Lady's Slipper, Lavender, Lilac, Lily, Mistletoe, Mullein, Nutmeg, Primrose, Raspberry, Rose, Strawberry, Violet, Yarrow (Taken from Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes)
Stones for Beauty and Self-Love
Alexandrite, Amber, Apatite, Aquamarine, Cat's Eye, Danburite, Desert Rose, Diamond, Herkimer Diamond, Kunzite, Opal, Red Jasper, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Tiger's Eye, Topaz, Turquoise, Zircon (Taken from Judy Hall's The Crystal Bible and Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences) What about you? Do you have any self-love or beauty rituals that make you feel fantastic? Please share them in the comments so we can all boost each other! Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
My 10 Favorite Magickal Stones
I love rocks, minerals, and crystals. I always have. As a kid, I used to crush quartz that I found in the back yard with a hammer, swearing that there were diamonds inside. As I got older, my parents started taking me on field trips to dig fossils and minerals, and when I was 16, my boyfriend at the time enrolled me in the Georgia Mineral Society, where I got to go on digs once a month and collect all my little mineral treasures. The urge to collect has never left me, and I still buy rocks and minerals here and there, even though I really don't have anymore space for them. Even my father-in-law, who also collects minerals, has been giving me some really top-notch specimens. But I do have some favorites. It was tough to narrow it down to 10, but here we go in no particular order.
Rutilated Quartz
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This is definitely in my top 3. I've had a fascination with rutilated quartz for as long as I can remember. The brilliant rutile needles included in the quartz glimmer and shine in the light. It's so beautiful. Furthermore, I use rutilated quartz to make connections. The straight needles help me find the clearest path from A to B, and so I use it in tarot readings quite often. I also use it as a crown chakra stone to help connect me to the divine.
Moss Agate
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This is like pure nature in a stone. The spirit of the forest resides in moss agate, and it's a great stone to use to connect to nature when you can't go outside. It's also really good for grounding and thinking about practical matters. I'm a Capricorn Sun with no other earth placements in my chart, so grounding stones are really good for getting me into my best state.
Chlorite in Quartz
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Are you getting the idea that I love stones with inclusions? The past 3 stones have all been some sort of included quartz or agate (another form of quartz). Chlorite is important to me, however, because 1. It's stunning. It creates landscapes inside the quartz that look like mountains and forests. 2. It's known for assisting in shamanic journeying. And it's no wonder. With a little world inside, you could journey into the crystal and find the wisdom there. I love it so much!
Petrified Wood
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I love the idea that over time, anything can be replaced by minerals. Petrified wood is just so damn fascinating to me. And it comes in so many different forms, I love it! I have petrified wood that has been replaced by druzy smoky quartz crystals, and a slice of a petrified limb with colorful patterns inside. It helps to bring me back to the past, and look at transformations I've undergone already. It helps me see the beauty in transformations to come. Good stuff.
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Ammonites have some similar qualities as petrified wood, but you can find ammonites with some really great patterns. They look almost like they did when they were alive. Or, sometimes you can find them replaced by colorful, iridescent ammolite, which makes beautiful pieces of jewelry. I like to use them to spiral back through lifetimes, or to spiral backwards and speak to the ancestors. I use them for anything having to do with the past.
Quartz Crystals
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Quartz crystals are the Swiss army knives of the mineral kingdom. They can be used and programmed for pretty much anything. But that's not why I like them so much. I like them because of the incredible variety of forms that you can find them in. I also love the healed fractures that form rainbows in the middle of quartz crystals, and I especially love them if they have inclusions. I tend to use them for clear vision when I'm doing readings to predict the future.
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Garnet is my birthstone, so I naturally have an affinity to it. However, its properties of strength, courage, and motivation are HUGE to me. The red varieties resemble pomegranate seeds as well, which ties it to Persephone, though there are green, orange, brown and purple varieties as well. It also forms a really beautiful crystal shape, and you can even find star garnets out there. Beautiful!
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As a throat chakra stone, apatite is especially suited to helping with clear communication. It's great for when you want to express yourself verbally, but also great for creative pursuits where you're trying to really express a unique view point. Electric blue apatite is also just gorgeous. There's nothing quite like that color!
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Is there anything more beautiful and inspiring than an icy-cold piece of rainbow moonstone? The pinks and blues that flash under the surface are just so beautiful. And most pieces have black tourmaline inclusions, and you know by now that I adore inclusions. So it has the benefits of connecting you to the moon as well as connecting you to all things intuitive and under the surface of what we see. I love that so much!
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I hesitated on separating labradorite and moonstone, since they're so closely related, but decided to separate them out. Labradorite is just beautiful. Where moonstone is the full moon, labradorite is the new moon. Where moonstone illuminates, labradorite obscures. It's incredibly useful for going through transitions and transformations, and I almost always have a piece touching my skin. ******** So that's it! That's my 10! Do you have favorite stones that you just can't do without? Stones that you use in your practice as often as possible? Let me know in the comments! Blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Creativity Magick
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Creativity is a topic that's very near and dear to my heart. When I don't have time or energy to take on creative projects, I get really grouchy and unpleasant to be around. So I try to make time to feed my creative spirit as often as possible. There are a lot of little things you can do to invite more creativity into your life. - Make a creativity altar. Include stones and herbs from the lists below, and perhaps a piece of art of poetry that inspires you in your creative work. This is a great place to add a small offering bowl to make offerings to your muses or creative spirits. - Make a creativity herbal bath. Use some of the herbs below to make a nice soak that you use to prepare yourself for creative time. Use some of the stones too, just make sure they can be submerged in water first. If not, place them on the counter of your bathroom and burn some nice incense to set the mood. - Immerse yourself in things that inspire you. This could mean going to an art museum or listening to inspiring music. You could browse poetry at the library or take in a play. Try to see if you can get inspired by immersing yourself in a different creative field from what you usually participate in. For example, if you create music, read some short stories to see if you can get inspired. If you paint, look at some sculptures to be inspired. It all fills your creative well! - Write a prayer to creativity deities. Think about The Muses, Sarasvati, Brigid, Isis, or any other deities that are associated with creativity. Let your prayer flatter and invoke them to be with you as you create.
Herbs for Creativity
Broom, Carcamom, Carnation, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clove, Daisy, Ginsent, Honeysuckle, Iris, Jasmine, Lavender, Lilac, Lily, Lotus, Mistletoe, Nutmeg, Orris Root, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Skullcap, Spikenard, Valerian, Vervain. (Taken from Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes)
Stones for Creativity
Herkimer Diamonds, Citrine, Botswana Agate, Ametrine, Apatite, Aventurine, Chrysoberyl, Alexandrite, Bloodstone, Carnelian, Cerussite, Pink Chalcedony, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Yellow Fluorite, Andradite, Idocrase, Iron Pyrite, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Larimar, Opal, Harlequin Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rhyolite, Red Spinel, Tiger's Eye, Black, Brown, Green, Multi-colored, Violet, and Red Tourmaline, Ulexite, Zincite (Taken from The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall) ******** So what do you do to enhance your creativity and your creative time? Let me know in the comments, and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Ways to Use a Poppet
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Oftentimes when we think of dolls being used magickally, we think of Hollywood's depiction of someone stabbing a voodoo doll with pins. But the poppet has been around for centuries, and there are many ways to introduce them into your magickal practice.
- Wrap your poppet in a healing blanket and say healing prayers over it. - Draw or stitch healing sigils over areas in your body that may be experiencing disease or bad health. - Put the poppet on a bed of healing herbs and crystals that will act upon it, and you, with their healing energies.
- Sew little felt 'dollars' onto the hands of your poppet. - Draper your poppet with jewels to represent the riches you want to bring into your life. - Make your poppet a purse, and stuff it full of wealth-bringing herbs and stones.
- Give your poppet a mirror to hold so that she can admire herself. - Annoint your poppet in deliciously-scented oils and surround it with flowers. - Talk to your poppet, telling it that it's beautiful, worthy, and lovable.
- Sew little squares of fabric with protective sigils drawn or embroidered onto the poppet. - Create a boundary around your poppet on your altar, representing a shield that will protect it, and by extension you, in your daily life. - Visualize an energetic shield around your poppet and know that it surrounds you by extension. Remember that you can have different poppets for different purposes too. You can stuff them with herbs that correspond to your needs, and even add stones into the stuffing as well. Small symbolic charms like hearts or dollar signs, animals whose spirits you'd like to connect to, or even representations of your deity of choice make great items to put into your poppet as well! You can also choose to color-coordinate your poppet to your desire. For example, pink for friendship, green for money or growth, purple for spirituality. Have you ever used poppet magick? If so, how did it go for you? I have poppets of both myself and my husbear and use them for magickal purposes on occasion. Please let me know your experiences in the comments, and blessed be! Read the full article
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amieravenson · 6 months
Finding Your Animal Spirit Guide
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The first time I meditated on my animal spirit guide, I was disappointed. I had been practicing my meditation and spent the evening getting ready for this monumental undertaking. I took a ritual shower, lit candles, burned incense, set up my space to be as spiritual as possible, and allowed myself to slip into trance. I tried to closely follow the meditation in Ted Andrews' Animal Speak, and I knew that I wasn't supposed to have any preconceived notions about what my spirit animal would be, but I knew it was going to be fabulous. Like eagle, or jaguar, or something similarly powerful. What I came out of the meditation with, however, was toad. Not even a cool, exotic tree frog. Just... Toad. I was deflated, to say the least. However, when I researched toad, I found out some cool things. Toads and frogs are considered harbingers of Spring. They're also very sensitive to the environment and thus are symbolic of intuition and empathy. They also tend to stay in one place, but broadcast their voices long distances. Toad is also a little more symbolic of earth (I'm a Capricorn- an earth sign) than frogs (which are symbolic of water). So that's the lesson here. Don't have any expectations, and don't automatically be disappointed with what you find. This meditation has been created by me, but any generic discovery-centric meditation will do.
Meditation for Finding Your Animal Spirit Guide
First, make sure you're in a comfortable space and position, whether sitting with your back straight and arms and legs uncrossed, or laying down on your back. Play some soothing music and light some incense or candles if you would like. Whatever takes you into trance is good here. Count from 10 down to 1, imagining yourself descending a staircase as you do. Feel yourself going deeper and deeper into trance as you descend. At the bottom of the staircase, you find a path. What does this path look like? Are you walking through the forest? Through a desert? Is it day or night? Is it clear or rainy? Note the details of the path that you're walking, but don't let the details give you any ideas of what your spirit animal could be. As you walk, you begin to notice a feeling of being watched. You feel like something is with you, but it's not scary. It's something that's been with you all along. You continue to walk, noticing that there appears to be a clearing ahead. As you approach the clearing, you realize that this is a great place to sit and relax. What does the clearing look like? As you're relaxing, the sense of being watched gets stronger until you hear some rustling coming from nearby. You don't strain to see what it could be, knowing that it will come to you when it's ready. So close your eyes, and clear your mind. After a time, you open your eyes to see an animal in front of you. You're filled with a sense of rightness and of homecoming, and you know that you were meant to be united with this animal. Spend some time getting to know it. When you've had some time with your animal spirit guide, thank it for meeting you and for accompanying you on your journey. Tell it that you have to go, but you hope to always carry its spirit with you on your travels through life. Does it seem to agree to this? Some animal spirit guides are in your life forever, and some are here just to teach you lessons in the short term. Allow it to be a part of your life in whatever way it knows is best. You get up, thanking the animal guide again, and begin to walk back the way you came. As you walk, you reflect on what it is that you would like to learn from the animal that you met. You come eventually to the staircase, and as you count from 1 to 10, you become more and more alert and awake. ******** Now is the time to do some research on the symbolism of your animal. I recommend Animal Speak as a good reference, as well as https://www.whats-your-sign.com/animal-totems.html . Think about the ways this animal can help you in your life, and give it room to take up some spiritual space for you. Allow it to walk with you for however long it wants to, and teach you along your journey. Have you met your animal spirit guide? What is it? What have you learned from it? Let me know! Blessed be! Read the full article
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