angelofchaos001 · 10 minutes
This is just straight-up amazing
Every post about the lore/art/anything abt this world is so cool, please keep up the good work! (Here's to praying you don't get burnt out)
work in progress. it's coming along quite nicely. the peer into the parallel is working, and the story is coming quite nicely.
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(ooc: trying to kind of replicate the intro cutscene with this one.)
(tagging mutuals, this is big) @fivepebbles @stupidscav @stargazer0001 @angelofchaos001 @doodlebug091 @voldkat @escortsrubicon @transgenderprototype @universalldeergalaxy @sparkling-pendulum @meowyncherry @angeliteonfridgeduty
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angelofchaos001 · 9 hours
There's a story plot to be based on this in here somewhere
I just gotta get the motivation to write it
So in the past few years I’ve seen so many videos / posts that are like:
“Actually wolves don’t have hierarchies!  They live in family groups where the ‘alphas’ are mom and dad and the other wolves are their CHILDREN and offer their respect willingly! :D”
and I just have to say
how dare you try to make normative nuclear families out of wolves
Yes, a lot of the old “nature red in tooth and claw” stuff about wolves is nonsense. (Like anything from Jack London.) And anything ‘alpha’ you see sleazy men trying to relate to dating (yikes!) is especially nonsense.
But wolves are complex social creatures and they create complex social structures. Just as you can’t say “THIS is the way human society is structured. Just THIS single way and no other”, so too there is no single form for a wolf pack.  
Some packs are a mom wolf and a dad wolf and their wolf children.  Others are two small ragged packs that combine to form a large pack.  Others are packs where a lone wolf joins and eventually becomes a leader. Others are packs where a grown child-wolf has pushed their parent out of the leadership role.
Speaking of the latter, let’s look at the tale of Wolf 40 and Wolf 42.
Wolf 40, Wolf 41, and Wolf 42 were wild Yellowstone wolves, daughters of the alphas. Their father was illegally killed by hunters and shortly after ambitious Wolf 40 ousted her mother, driving her out of the pack.  Wolf 21 became the new alpha male, and 40′s mate.
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Wolves have personalities, and Wolf 40′s personality was “volatile”.  Imagine Scar from The Lion King combined with the boss from Office Space, and you have Wolf 40.  She habitually bullied the other female wolves, attacking them until they expressed abject submission.  And the wolves that got the worst of it were her sisters, Wolves 41 and 42.
Wolf 41 got tired of the bullying and left.  Wolf 42 remained, perhaps because she was close to Wolf 21, the alpha male.  Despite that, Wolf 21 did not interfere when his mate harassed Wolf 42.
Unlike 40, Wolf 42 got along well with the other female wolves, spending time grooming them and relaxing with them. Wolf 40 could have followed her sister’s example and built up positive social bonds. But she didn’t.
One day, Wolf 40 went out on an important task.  She was going to kill another litter of her sister’s pups–having done the same in two previous years.  This isn’t uncommon wolf behavior (but is not universal, as we will see.)  Typically only the alphas breed.
However, Wolf 40 never returned from her important task because Wolf 42–who previously had submitted to her alpha and sister, who had allowed the killing of two previous litters of pups–had had enough.  She fought back.
And the other female wolves jumped to aid her.
Collectively, they killed Wolf 40. Because “alpha” isn’t a magic cloak of protection, it doesn’t even mean “strongest wolf”, it’s just a job title.
The next day Wolf 42 carried her pups, one by one, to her sister’s den.  She set her children among the pups of her dead sister and raised both litters together. And when another wolf in the pack had pups, Wolf 42 carried them to the den to be communally raised as well.  She was the alpha female now and she made the rules, and the first rule was “we don’t hurt pups here.”
As for Wolf 21, he became the mate of Wolf 42.  Maybe he understood that Wolf 40 had been riding for a fall. 
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As alpha female, Wolf 42 continued to be supportive and kind towards the other pack members.  Wolves who had been nervous wrecks under Wolf 40 began to relax and come into their own; one of the former omega wolves gained self-confidence and became one of the best hunters.
“Alpha”, for wolves, just means leader.  They might be good leaders, whom you respect, or they might be bad leaders, who fill you with dread.  They might be your parents, or they might not.  Even if they are your mother or father, wolves don’t contextualize those relationships the same way humans do.
But one thing wolves have in common with humans is that they have individual personalities and experiences, and their actions derive from those.  There is no “typical wolf pack.” And I think that’s beautiful.
If you want to learn more about wild wolf dynamics, I recommend reading the annual Yellowstone Wolf Project Reports.  Which are FASCINATING.  There are also some good wildlife specials out there.
Wolves are my favorite animal. <3  It pains me to see them misunderstood as crazed bloodthirsty brutes, but it also pains me to see them woobified.  They deserve better than that.
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angelofchaos001 · 14 hours
I'd also more clearly show off the hc designs for my scugs here.
Yes, my three OC scugs would be included (Caretaker, Pilot, and Parasite)
EDIT: I forgot I can't see who voted for what . . . lol. Just reply that you want tags if you do
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angelofchaos001 · 20 hours
Good News about my Survivor campaign: I made a friend. I tamed a Pink Lizard in Outskirts, named her Candy, kept her with me until she couldn't follow. I'll draw her and post some screenshots at some point.
Bad News: Chimney now has at least double the vulture count and I hate it ;w; (Once again, I walk into an area with max karma and a dream, walk out with no karma)
Idc if it's not meant to be much harder, I only had 1 vulture in Chimney ever throughout all my cycles as Monk, I've had at least 3 in just this past cycle alone and one shows up every other cycle it feels.
And every time they don't show up there's always a Pink Lizard camping the pipe I need or a white lizard guarding poles I need to cross. (Like . . . without fail one of those happens every time)
I love this game in theory but GODDAMN I hate it in practice
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angelofchaos001 · 21 hours
Febbles is now a bug.
He can refuse it no longer.
...is this reaching you?
A little animal, on the floor of my chamber. I think I know what you are looking for.
You're stuck in a cycle, a repeating pattern. You want a way out.
Know that this does not make you special - every living thing shares that same frustration. From the microbes in the processing strata to me, who am, if you excuse me, godlike in comparison.
The good news first. In a way, I am what you are searching for. Me and my kind have as our purpose to solve that very oscillating claustrophobia in the chests of you and countless others. A strange charity - you the unknowing recipient, I the reluctant gift. The noble benefactors? Gone.
The bad news is that no definitive solution has been found. And every moment the equipment erodes to a new state of decay. I can't help you collectively, or individually. I can't even help myself.
For you though, there is another way. The old path. Go to the west past the Farm Arrays, and then down into the earth where the land fissures, as deep as you can reach, where the ancients built their temples and danced their silly rituals. The mark I gave you will let you through.
Not that it solves anyone's problem but yours.
String identified: … t acg ? A tt aa, t ca. t at a g . ' tc a cc, a atg att. at a a t. tat t t a ca - g tg a tat a tat. t c t cg tata t , a, c , g ca. T g t. a a, a at a acg . a a a t tat catg cata t ct a ct t. A tag cat - t g ct, t ctat gt. T act? G. T a tat t t a . A t t t t a tat ca. ca't cct, a. ca't . tg, t at a. T at. G t t t at t a Aa, a t t t at t a , a a ca ac, t act t t t a ac t ta. T a ga t tg. t tat t a' t .
Closest match: Cetonia aurata genome assembly, chromosome: 8 Common name: European Rose Chafer
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(image source)
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angelofchaos001 · 21 hours
Children can be replaced, Moon cannot
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angelofchaos001 · 2 days
(Mb I pulled a wrong blog)
IDK any
All seriousness, batflies do wonders.
I need to appeal my cuisine more towards slugcats……
What do y’all eat?
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angelofchaos001 · 2 days
ok, so the scan of Fred went well enough. here is the resulting image of The Wish Lizard
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angelofchaos001 · 2 days
They eat scavengers.
I need to appeal my cuisine more towards slugcats……
What do y’all eat?
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angelofchaos001 · 2 days
Meet the Parasite
(Images soon to be seen)
The Parasite is one of my scugs, lol
Anyway backstory time and then gameplay stuff: (Info under cut)
Whisp was an older pup who was going out with their siblings, another unrelated slugpup, two adults, and Gourmand to gather food and explore. They split up at some point in Industrial Complex, with Gourmand instructing one group to visit Shoreline for some snacks and the group he led was going to visit Pebbles for some delicious neuron flies. Whisp was with Gourmand, along with her siblings and one adult.
Anyway, they were going up through Unfortunate Development due to lack of karma for the Wall, and as they did, of course, rot does what rot does best and attempts to eat them. Despite Gourmand's best efforts to keep the whole group alive, the other adult was sucked in and devoured. Whisp was also attacked trying to save them, but was pulled away by her siblings.
Once they got to Febbles, and (begrudgingly) he gave them marks, he pointed out clearly that Whisp had the rot infection growing inside of her from the attack. He suggested to kill it immediately, and almost did, if not for Gourmand being a protective father figure. Gourmand insisted he'd take care of it. 'Taking care of it' ended up being abandoning Whisp in a shelter in Pebbles, hoping she died on her own without much food or protection. He couldn't bear to directly kill the poor pup.
Fast forward some time, Whisp hasn't died. Instead of the rot consuming her from within, she's grown with it. Become dependent on it to survive. A diet of nothing but neuron flies and rot, happily munching on Febbles like any other creature would. Overtime, she got bigger and grew more, becoming similar to the Daddy Long Legs she lived with. Of course, every day was a struggle to get enough food for both herself and the rot growing in and on her, especially while trying not to get absorbed by other rot, but soon enough she started eating the rot creatures as well.
Eventually, come the time when Pebbles collapses. Without his structure to thrive in, the rot, including Whisp, begins to wither away and die. However, Whisp, being more intelligent than your average rot creature, isn't going to take this. With an insatiable hunger and a limited amount of time, she has plans to make it to the next suitable host. Someone who recently became a little more active, just enough for the rot to have a chance of surviving in there.
Okay now gameplay shit
The Parasite needs 9 pips to hibernate, and can hold 3 over for the next cycle. They are omnivorous, and can maul dead creatures.
They are locked on a cycle timer, similar to Hunter, that starts at 20. It decreases by 1 upon both death and a successful hibernation. To counteract the fact it will go down much quicker, the cycle timer can be increased by mauling creatures of rot, who, instead of giving you food, give you a number of cycles proportional to the creature. (Baby gives 3, Brother gives 5, Daddy gives 8, and, if you somehow did it, Mother gives 12) The max number of cycles you can have at any time is 45. Further cycle gain does nothing.
Their main gimmick, however, is the fact that they change forms (and with it, abilities) depending on many cycles you have left.
With 1-19 cycles left, you assume a form similar to a Brother Long Legs. You have small rot tendrils, small cycles, and a black-brown color to you. Your only capabilities are a tentacle whip (a short range attack done when pressing throw without holding an item), and the power to cling/climb walls (touching the wall and holding the direction of it grabs it, up or down moves you up or down, jumping releases it). Creatures scared of rot are scared of you for 17.5 seconds the first time they see you each cycle.
With 20-39 cycles left, you assume a form similar to a Daddy Long Legs. You have much larger rot cycles and tentacles, enough that they can propel you in the air with great force. Tapping jump again in the air, provided you are close to the ground, will prompt the tentacles to launch you upwards and in the direction you're facing. You also have the tentacle whip and can climb walls. Creatures scared of rot are scared of you for 17.5 seconds the first time they see you each cycle. Thrown spears can be blocked by the tentacles passively, though it does stun them for a bit and disable the tentacle whip (they can also be deflected with a well-timed whip).
With 40-45 cycles left, you assume a form similar to a Mother Long Legs. You have huge cysts, taking most of your body, and long tentacles as well. As well as propelling yourself with a double jump, you have increased movement speed, jump height, backflip height, crouch jump distance, and wall jump height/distance. You can still climb walls and have the tentacle whip. Creatures scared of rot are scared of you for 30 seconds the first time they see you each cycle. Thrown spears can be blocked passively or by a whip, but a spear hit as a 15% chance to not kill. Lizard bites, except for 100% lethal ones, are always non-lethal. Your spears and tentacle whip also do more damage, being 1.2 and 1 respectively. (Tentacle whip normally is .8)
The way to get more cycles is by eating rot: But that only exists in Pebbles, right? Wrong, at least with this guy. A creature killed with a tentacle whip will come back the next cycle as a rot creature, depending on what it was. Small creatures (Snails, Batflies, etc) simply die. Medium creatures (Scavs, Yeeks, Most lizards) become Baby Long Legs (described below). Larger creatures (Red lizards, Vultures) become Brother Long Legs. You can then kill and maul them for more cycles (do we warned, they can still kill you)
The Parasite has a hefty damage increase against rot. Any attack considered to be from you deals extra damage to a rot creature. (Exact numerical increase tbd, but it's enough to kill a Brother in 3-4 spears)
Baby Long Legs are small rot creatures that are teal or cyan in color. They are considerably smaller than most rot creatures, being similarly sized to a Hunter Long Legs (slightly smaller). They are considerably weak, with little ways to defend themselves and both blind and deaf, but still have 50 health. They do have an explosive weakness.
The Parasite starts in Silent Construct, waking up in the same room as Febbles, from an inactive (but alive) Proto Long Legs. Your goal is to either ascend or reach Moon. However, as the rot spreads and Moon has some power, she has taken the precaution to lock all gates leading into Frigid Coast to Karma 10 so that (hopefully) no creature carrying the rot could get anywhere near her. You start with 5 max karma, and visiting echoes raises it normally. The intro cutscene shows a view of Pebbles' collapsed structure, then goes in closer to a cluster of Daddy Long Legs. Then it focuses on one in particular, the one with the slugcat body. Then the game comes in focus with the bitch waking up. Pebbles makes some offhand comments about you, a mix of fear and confusion, but mostly just begs you to leave. Preferably, to go find your way to where the land fissures and leave everyone alone. You can attack him just to be a silly goober, he does not like it.
The world is in Saint structure, snow and all. Anyway, the two endings are these:
Getting to 10 karma and simply doing an ascend is an option. This results in the ending being images of The Parasite swimming in the sea, a dark substance coming off of them. As they swim closer, they see the slugcat tree. The last of the darkness comes off, and they turn around to see the darkness form into a golden rot creature behind them. Finally freed of their affliction, they swim away towards the tree and ascend.
If you get to 10 karma and instead choose to go to Frigid Coast, eventually reaching Moon, she is terrified and confused how you got in there. She does her best to keep herself as far as she can be from you. Her dialogue includes pleas for her life, appeals to the slugcat inside of the Parasite, as well as grief for how bad Pebbles must be right now and threats on you (despite her not being able to do much). Leaving causes her to be relieved, re-entering confuses and scares her. De to the gravity distortions that happen periodically it's not hard to bonk her with a tentacle whip, prompting her to fall to the ground and writhe on the floor of her chamber, starting the ending sequence.
The ending involves the Parasite attacking Moon (color dependent on form), striking her eye. She covers the wound, but then removes her hand to show the cyst in her puppet. As she falls to the ground, the Parasite stands over, watching her depending on their form. As a Brother, they are crouched by her, gently poking her with one of their tentacle. As a Daddy, they tower over her, tentacles menacingly threatening to drag her away. As a Mother, they take most of the image up, binding Moon in all their tentacles as the game fades out.
Dumb Shit to exist
-Attempting to return to the slugcat tree (One where Monk, Survivor, and Gourmand are from) prompts Gourmand to come flying out of the air and crush you, killing you instantly with funky dialogue. The dialogue may be specific to the form (Are the purple ones . . . even stronger? ; A monster of blue, gone. ; Even the smallest thing can kill), but usually references defending the others (I won't let you hurt the others! ; Your illness will not reach us.), expressing confusion how you got here (How did such a creature come so far? ; Are you from that robot?), or showing regret and sorrow over what happened to you (I wanted to save you, Whisp ; The one I lost . . .)
Creatures with the mark can talk normally with each other in my hc. (Also this is pretty much just a joke thing so don't take it too seriously)
Yeah this thing is taking up space in my brain lol. IDK if it's balanced or fits in lore, I don't really care about it too much, because I'm just kinda happy with this result.
By the way, the reason they never died of old age is bc 1) cycle and 2) the rot kept them alive.
If they ever got in-game, it would also add some minor rot creatures in Moon's region as that is the canon ending for the Parasite.
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angelofchaos001 · 2 days
hey, so it seems as if you are a bit cautious when it comes to interactions with me on my art posts (at least with monarch)
don't be! i am completely bored for a while after i post them, and interaction would be lovely!
love your character, havaniceday!
Hehe, I'm still in the phase of 'Finding/making my niche' since I'm still fairly new to Tumblr. Guess that explains why I'm kinda reserved when it comes to stuff sometimes!
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angelofchaos001 · 3 days
Crimson Faith's Story - Part 2 and 3
Yeah I got sidetracked and forgot to post.
@angeliteonfridgeduty @keeper-of-magic @doodlebug091 (If anyone else wanted pings I'm sorry I cant check the other post rn, internet be going to shit. Also tell me if you don't want pings.)
Again, for lore or just funky comic, welcome one and all!
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The plot thickens. Also more hc of mine relating to rot and such will be in the next page lol
First - Next
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angelofchaos001 · 4 days
“May I please draw your OC?”
Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so.  No need to ask for permission in advance.
Go for it.  Draw my OC.  If you want, I’ll even give you reference posts.  Go to town on it.
You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result.  Seriously.  In fact, I encourage it.  I will proudly display whatever it is you submit to me regarding my OC.  There is a chance that I will squeal about it for several days.
Even if you feel you aren’t good at whatever artistic adventure it is you do, please feel free to submit it to me.  I want to see what you have done.
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angelofchaos001 · 4 days
*laughter* I do that!
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angelofchaos001 · 4 days
I beat Rain World finally
36 cycles, idk how many deaths, met Pebbsi but not Moon
Monk has ascended (don't have dlc, can't return her home)
Ima do Survivor next and see if I can bring Moon some porls
Either that or an echo run, we'll see which one I end up doing
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angelofchaos001 · 4 days
Ooh! I do notice some similarities, like the Hurricane and Train lizards, and between the Coral and Yellows. Perhaps they're related. A conversation for another time, perhaps.
To clarify, I also call Glaze a Big Bang Lizard now despite not being sure if she and Fred can reproduce. (Do we . . . want to test that theory)
Wait . . .
If your new aquatic speed lizards can reproduce, then that means they might populate my region. They can survive in it and-
*looks outside*
Can we compare lizard species in our regions, by chance? I'm still discovering more, but I'll tell you as soon as I do find any new ones!
For now, here's a list and some basic features. I'm curious what yours are!
White Lizards - Camouflaging and a long, sticky tongue. An ambush predator mainly coming in shades of white and gray with black accents. Some back spikes.
Blue Lizards - Dark blue and black lizards with long, sticky tongues that cling to walls and chase their prey, trapping it and closing the distance quickly. Some back spikes.
Sea Lizards - A variant of Blue Lizards that, in addition to everything they do, can swim excellently and hold their breath underwater. I believe them to be the result of a Blue Lizard and Eel Lizard or Salamander.
Eel Lizards - Fast-swimming semi-aquatic lizards with narrow, wiry bodies. Mainly black and green with hydrodynamic spines along their backs. I have observed them climbing walls and poles, though rarely leaving the water. They can breathe underwater.
Salamanders - Another semi-aquatic lizard, though far thicker built than Eel Lizards. They come in pale shades of pink and white commonly, but are sometimes darker. They also have a shorter tongue, but can fully breathe underwater.
Coral Lizards - A unique species of lizard that is gold or pale yellow in color. They usually come in groups, and while they lack a particularly vicious bite, tongue, or spit, they overwhelm prey. They can hold their breath for a long time and communicate with a pair of tendrils on their head, and tend to drown their prey.
Shark Lizards - A fully aquatic lizard species. They're mostly gray and white, but interestingly, they have fins instead of hind legs and along their back. They tend to hunt in shallower waters, and their dorsal fin tends to breach the surface before they strike. Rather interesting, is that they cannot survive on land.
Storm Lizards - Dark gray and black lizards with wavy and curled edges instead of spines or spikes. They are excellent swimmers, but most notably, they are adapted to hunt during the storms. I'm still studying it, but they hunt near the end of a cycle and force creatures out of dens to die in the rains or stalk safe places to snap up fleeing prey.
Hurricane Lizards - I've only found two of these in my region, and they tend to fight frequently. They're dark purple, and humongous. The ground quakes when they move. They're also highly aggressive and deadly to be around. I shudder at the sight of them. (OOC Note: Train Lizard, Monarch's just a lil' stupid)
I am currently exploring another two species that may be here. I cautiously dub one 'Archer Lizards' and the other 'Rainbow Lizards', but truly, I have no idea yet.
i have have white lizards and blue lizards, and the hurricane lizard sounds similar to the train lizard i have here.
i also have
green lizards - black with a green head and some green on the end of tail and legs. it is a slower and heavier but tougher lizard, has a more lethal bite, and can charge towards it’s victims. it also cannot climb at all. it is the base lizard for the laser lizards
cyan lizards - lizards that are, who could’ve guessed, cyan. they have rings on them, much like my alternate in keeper’s portal. they are able to climb walls and leap, which the leap is very quick and can function as both a way of capturing prey and getting around quickly. the leap can cause them to fall or drop it’s prey, though. they also have a tongue, although it is shorter. it is the base lizard for the zoomies lizards
caramel lizards - large white and caramel colored lizard that has six legs and a rectangular head . it can charge, similar to a green lizard, and it can spit projectiles. it also cannot climb at all. it is the base lizard of fred
pink lizards - you’ll never guess what color it is, although i have also seen them be purple or red as well. it doesn’t possess any notable abilities aside from being more aggressive than others that i have seen. it can climb poles but not walls. it is the base lizard of the winged lizards
yellow lizards - these lizards are unique. they are found in packs of 2-5, and are able to communicate and coordinate with each other. they communicate through antennae on their head, although i have noticed they can no longer communicate with each other if the one with the longest antennae, or the “alpha”, is killed. they can climb poles but not walls
strawberry lizards - these lizards are smaller, but more durable than a pink or yellow lizard. they have a white body with a light pink head. they have a tongue, which can be used to grab creatures like normal but can also be used to grapple onto walls or creatures to pull itself towards them. they have poor hearing, but possess insane eyesight, being able to see creatures from very far away. it can climb poles but not walls. it is was the base lizard for the messenger to nine drops of iron
black lizards - opposite to the strawberry lizard’s amazing eyesight, the black lizards posses no eyesight, instead relying on hearing to find it’s prey. they tend to stay in the dark areas of my ecosystem, like underneath my superstructure. they are typically found in large groups, although they don’t form packs like yellow lizards. they can climb poles but not walls
red lizards - these lizards are very dangerous. they are the most durable, largest, and most aggressive of them all, and have many abilities. it can spit projectiles, much like a caramel lizard can, and it has a tongue that can be used to take items and snap them, rendering them useless. they also don’t appear to be afraid of vultures, instead i have seen some take down vultures or even king vultures before. they can climb poles but not walls. it is the base lizard of the flamethrower lizards
winged lizards - pink lizards that have been given vulture wings. they are highly aggressive due to their base lizard as well as being unstable, and are also one of the few lizards i made that are able to reproduce. they can climb poles, although they prefer to use the wings to walk and fly around.
laser lizards - green lizards that have been outfitted with a miros vulture’s laser in their mouth. i also gave them the ability to climb poles, but not walls. they are less aggressive than the winged lizards, but more durable and heavy. they are also very unstable and able to reproduce (sorry, i was new to genetic configuration when i made these!)
fire breathing lizard - the fire breathing lizard has the base of a red lizard. unfortunately, due to it’s ability to breathe fire, it is unable to use most of the red lizard’s abilities. it cannot spit or use the tongue, but still has the very lethal bite, as well as the addition of breathing fire. it is less aggressive than my other experiments, but is still mildly aggressive due to it’s base lizard. it can climb poles but not walls
taser lizard - a white lizard base with some modifications. the most obvious is that it has the armor of a red centipede while still retaining the camouflage of the base lizard, making it very hard to spot, and if spotted, very hard to kill. it has two tongues that it uses to grab creatures and send an electrical shock through them, killing them. i have amplified the power of the electrical shock to be able to kill most anything.
zoomies lizard - with the base of a cyan lizard and the dna of a yeek, eggbug, jetfish, and a fast aquatic slugcat that ran through my structure at some point. the first of my lizards to be able to make it to your ecosystem, but don’t worry as they are harmless. due to all of its dna, it is very hyper and extremely mobile, but mostly harmless and not very aggressive. actually, they are quite friendly! one of the lizards i made that are allowed to reproduce, this time on purpose
spear-throwing lizard - blue lizard base, with some help from the alternate me in keeper’s portal, it is able to create and throw spears. i used some dna from seven red sun’s messenger to give the lizards the ability to create endless spears (although i let them keep a mouth). they still have a tongue and can climb walls
messenger lizard - strawberry lizard base combined with the aquatic slugcat dna. made very quickly as a messenger to bring slag reset keys to nine drops of iron so he didn’t collapse, but it ended up being a fake water call. dead, presumably killed and dissected by nine drops of iron himself
saint lizard - [TERMINATED]. too deadly, i don’t want to ascend
camouflage vulture - not a lizard but an honorable mention. i gave a miros vulture the camouflage of a white lizard to see what would happen. it went exactly as you would think. i still lose it sometimes, even with it’s collar on
f r e d - fred is… an interesting specimen to say the least. with the base of a caramel lizard, he has six legs and the ability to spit. unfortunately, what he spits is eggs that function the same as a singularity bomb, which is a smaller, damaged, rarefaction cell. as his base lizard is a caramel lizard, he can also charge at his prey, although he rarely uses it and opts for spitting at them instead. the way he can spit these is because the other part of his genes comes from a strange slugcat that passed through my superstructure. it was able to create these eggs, and was smart enough (or stupid enough) to use them in combat. he mostly has this creatures genetics, which caused him to be highly unstable and aggressive. he started spitting the eggs at me as he made its escape. due to mostly having slugcat dna, he is also able to climb poles. his species is called the big bang lizard, but there is only one fred
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angelofchaos001 · 5 days
I made this
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So like, I had this funny idea to draw but it wouldn't make sense if I can't put the audio behind it
Finally time to pop this, ig
Even if it's just static images that switch to the audio, please, any help is appreciated. I have no idea where to start, what to use, etc.
If I can figure this out I could do so much . . . so many dreams can become reality . . .
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