apolloswift · 3 years
Just added new chapter!!!
Hi I’d love it if you guys checked out my first fanfic and gave any feedback!!
8 years after the Battle of Manhattan, there is a rebellion on Olympus. With Zeus locked up, old enemies rise with vengeance. Will Solace is trying to apply to PA school while maintaining his camp counselor position at Camp Half-Blood and his relationship with his boyfriend, Nico. When Rachel Elizabeth Dare issues him a prophecy directly with threatening words, his sense of balance is about to be thrown off.</p>
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apolloswift · 3 years
*Hades voice* Do Not Limp Your Wrist at Me, Boy
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apolloswift · 3 years
I drew my boys young, happy and full of life.
It's been a while since I drew them alive and I felt guilty 😭
Pose is from kibbi_the_kibbitzer over on instagram! I don't usually just use a whole pose, but I saw it on Pinterest and just had to stop everything I was doing and draw them because it fit them so perfectly.
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apolloswift · 3 years
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i absolutely love this review
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apolloswift · 3 years
i can just imagine will standing outside in the sun after a long day, and nico being like 'why-' and will be like 'nico, shush, i'm recharging'
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apolloswift · 3 years
Hi I’d love it if you guys checked out my first fanfic and gave any feedback!!
8 years after the Battle of Manhattan, there is a rebellion on Olympus. With Zeus locked up, old enemies rise with vengeance. Will Solace is trying to apply to PA school while maintaining his camp counselor position at Camp Half-Blood and his relationship with his boyfriend, Nico. When Rachel Elizabeth Dare issues him a prophecy directly with threatening words, his sense of balance is about to be thrown off.</p>
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apolloswift · 3 years
everyone treating will solace like their trauma sim character and all i have to contribute is that he’s a swiftie
literally i have not listened to a single will solace playlist (except for the one of my own creation but thats just bc i dont listen to ts) that doesnt have at least one ts song on it. this is including liz’s himbo will playlist which isnt even a will solace playlist its just an au playlist
anyway will solace showed up at middle school the day after the taylor swift red tour and ended up wearing the same “red 13″ fake jersey tour tshirt as every girl at his school who also went to see the show
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apolloswift · 3 years
If you still don't believe that Nico di Angelo is pretty, Reyna literally described his face as angelic
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apolloswift · 3 years
Will headcannons?
tbh most of my headcanons are very flexible and I like to experiment with writing Will in different ways so I may not hc all of these at the same time but these are some hcs I’m fond of:
I have a lot of hcs about his mom and I’ve made several posts about her before but the basic gist is: she was born to a conservative family in the Texan bible belt. Her parents cut her off when she got pregnant with Will before marriage and she worked several jobs to make ends meet until she had her big break and became a famous country star. Also she’s bi.
She’s not a perfect mother but she loves her son and Will worships the ground she walks on
Will is a year round camper but he also spends time with his mom a lot. It was hard when he lived with his mom because she went on tour a lot so either he’d be left with a housekeeper or he was homeschooled while he traveled with her.
Another part of the reason he’s a year round camper now is he was kind of an outcast in normal school and didn’t have many friends because he’s nd and other kids just didn’t get him
Also he just feels really responsible for his siblings now that he’s their counselor and he feels guilty leaving them behind.
Will is bi/pan and he never really questioned that about himself since his mom is bi too
Will is either a trans man or nb/trans masc and he knew from a young age. His mom is totally supportive.
Will is autistic and so is his boyfriend so they just GET each other
Star Wars is one of his special interests, like to the point that he has encyclopedic knowledge of various weapons and star destroyer classes
Part of the reason he comes across as such a sweet pure ray of sunshine is because he has severe rsd and he’s terrified that if he messes up everyone will hate him
Another reason is he feels like he has to hide his anxiety and put on a smile for the sake of his little siblings and the other young campers
In his eyes, Lee and Michael were perfect counselors and brothers and he feels like he has to be exactly like them or else he’ll disappoint they (really they were just normal teenagers and made plenty of mistakes)
So Will tends to bottle up his emotions and when it gets to be too much he just somewhere to be alone and cries
Sometimes people find him and he hates when that happens because he feels like he’s burdening them with his emotions
When people ask him why he’s crying he usually lies and gives a fake reason because 1) he’s embarrassed, and/or 2) he doesn’t actually know why he’s crying
Really he’s crying because he’s overwhelmed but he doesn’t know how to express that
Will is bad at expressing himself in general. He bottles his emotions up so much that he’s never learned healthy ways to deal with them or even how to identify what he’s feeling
Sometimes he gets angry and wants to lash out at people. He usually holds back, but sometimes he just lets it out, and he always just ends up feeling worse afterwards because he feels guilty for hurting someone and like a failure because he couldn’t control himself
Basically he has issues with emotional regulation
Will isn’t actually bad at archery or music, he just says he is because he compares himself to his siblings and his mom
He’s a really good runner. CHB sometimes has footraces and everyone hates them because Will always wins.
Will is a plant gay and he has a little garden of medicinal plants growing in the infirmary window
He has prophecy powers. Not as much as Rachel, but more than the typical demigod, mostly because he also sometimes has visions while awake. Sometimes it’s just flashes, or he just gets this feeling that something is going to happen right before it does.
Like that part of the hidden oracle that’s like: “‘Nico’s about to pass out,’ said Will. ‘no I’m not,’ said Nico, then he passed out”
This lends to him being a pretty good fighter. He seems like he has really fast reflexes because he actually knows what his opponent is going to do before they do it.
This is really annoying in conversation sometimes because he has a habit of talking over people and it seems kind of disrespectful but really he just knows what you’re about to say and sometimes he doesn’t realize you haven’t said it yet. He’s learned to slow down a bit now to make sure you’ve actually finished talking before he responds.
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apolloswift · 3 years
I am THINKING about the Perachel summer... like:
Windows rolled down, the sea breeze tangling Rachel’s hair, Led Zeppelin blasting, Percy’s left arm resting on the open window and right hand on the bottom of the steering wheel and the sparkle in Rachel’s eyes when she returns his smile over the center console.
Blue popsicles melting under the hot sun and dripping down sticky fingers, the blue on Rachel’s tongue when she throws her head back to laugh
Sneaking out to the skate park at night with cans of spray paint and black hoodies, a gold trident on the half pipe and a smear of reds and blue and yellows on the concrete wall.
Sprinting down the sidewalk with a basket of fries and a hoard of sea gulls in pursuit, Percy tosses a fry over his shoulder while Rachel yanks him down an alleyway to escape
Rachel’s doodles on Percy’s converse, a vanilla ice cream kiss on the cheek, sun screen streaks across Rachel’s nose, gentle fingers holding the ice pack to the bump on Percy’s head, easy now, hero Rachel teases
Perachel was THE summer fling
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apolloswift · 3 years
I just started writing my first fanfic ever!! It’s set 6 years after the Trials of Apollo. The premise is the second rebellion against zeus by the other gods, and how Zeus’ imprisonment allows certain prisoners to be freed.
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