aro-ainosuke · 4 months
Funny enough, I have songs/playlist to go with each panel.
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Art by xiaonia02839784
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
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Narrator:  Kikuchi Tadashi nearly had a heart attack.
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
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Art by  junnn2727
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
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bite 🍎
art tumblr | art twt | everything-twt
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
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Line up
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
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Now all I need to do is find a case 2nd hand for this tablet cuz it didnt come in the og box and I dont have many places to store it in safely....
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aro-ainosuke · 4 months
A strange alien doctor stands near the unconscious body of Padme Amidala. “It appears she has lost the will to live.” A older man with a limp hobbles closer with the aid of a cane. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” says Dr. Gregory House.
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aro-ainosuke · 10 months
The pain
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it had to be done! sorry 💙
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aro-ainosuke · 11 months
Literally cannot emphasize enough that my #1 writing advice is to stop being afraid. Stop being afraid of sounding too cringe, or too stupid, or too horrifying, or too horny, or too weird, or too much, or too little, or too you. You need to put your entire pussy into your art. Sure, it won't be to everyone's tastes, but if you keep yourself to the blandest tamest safest roads possible you will be of no one's tastes, not even yours.
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aro-ainosuke · 11 months
TadaAi 🤝 Eden
Ainosuke: suffering 
Tadashi and Langa: I can fix him
And Tadashi’s version of “fixing” him is unknowingly justifying/adding  onto his trauma. Langa’s version of “fixing” him is befriending him. I would love to compare both of them in the future. 
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aro-ainosuke · 11 months
big fan of characters with abandonment + attachment issues so profound that they leave claw marks in everything they touch but would sooner gnaw off their own leg than admit they just want someone to stay for once. in a totally normal well adjusted and not at all projecting way of course.
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aro-ainosuke · 11 months
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Never forget how they saved each other.
Langa was stuck in his own grief. He was suffering. He was completely lost and depressed, even if he was hiding it deep down. And then Reki came. He tore him out of his depression, and gave him happiness in the midst of his suffering. He became his light and basically saved him.
And then there’s Reki. His depression and insecurities took over him. He was angry and sad and hateful toward himself. It wasn’t until he saw Langa skating, saw that light in front of him, that he started to feel stronger. Langa pulled him out of his depression, and gave him happiness in the midst of his suffering. Just as Reki did to Langa.
These two saved each other, even if they don’t fully understand it. Even if they credit it to skating, it was each other. They were each other’s light in the darkness; their raison d’etre.
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aro-ainosuke · 1 year
This is perfect
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i am back on my text post bullshit
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aro-ainosuke · 1 year
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aro-ainosuke · 1 year
My LoveBlossom playlist
(It is angsty as hell, for obvious reasons, focussing more on their relationship as teenagers. Song meanings and POVs elaborated on down under but in case you want the direct Spotify link and don't wanna read through the crap, here you go-
Blame game- mxmtoon
So I actually think this song works very well in both Cherry's and Adam's POVs.
Adam- because let's be real for a second here, he doesn't think what he is doing is in any way wrong or harmful. Adam is a character in need of help, and twisted as his idea of love is of course he'd take Cherry's unwillingness to put up with his abuse as betrayal, and that Cherry doesn't love him etc etc. I do imagine he, himself was pretty heartbroken when his and Cherry's relationship fell through. Here's a quote from the song-
'And I know,
That it's not the first time,
That I've given so much away to be left with,
Someone who just won't stay.'
Cherry- He is very righteously upset about who Adam is becoming and how he treats people. These lyrics from the song come to mind-
'And I heard,
You say your goodbye
But denial is my greatest skill,
Bending the truth to feed wishes of will.'
These differing narratives and blaming the other person on both of their parts, just makes the title hit harder.
Cherry- Lana Del Rey
(and no I didn't add it because it has Cherry's name in it XD)
The intensity of emotion and the darker thrills of being in love that Lana sings about in this song are how I see younger Cherry viewing their relationship in the very beginning.
'A touch
From your real love
Is like heaven taking the place of something evil
And letting it burn off from the rush.'
Dangerous- Big Data ft. Joywave
This song has Adam written all over it. It deals with how intensely he feels emotions and how he thinks his love, despite the inherent dangers that come with him as a person, is worth everything. It also talks about a need to get away and disappear and just- it is Shindo Ainosuke's theme song in my head.
'You understand, I got a plan for us,
I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous,
It must be fate, I found a place for us,
I bet you didn't know someone could love you this much.'
Devil Side- Foxes
Cherry struggles to find and hold on to the Adam he fell in love with.
'I want you
Not for your devil side,
Not for your dangerous mind,
Just for you.
So tell me why,
It's always your devil side
It's always your dangerous mind
And never you.
So who's gonna save you now, who's gonna save you?'
Hurt People- Jack & Jack
A nice pop hit about the cycle of hurt and pain that never truly seems to end. Here are some verses-
'Thought we had a chance, that's true,
But you have weapons,
Didn't know you have weapons.
Now I am insecure and stressed out,
When someone gets close, I shut down.'
'Hurt people, hurt people,
Hurt people, so lethal,
'round and 'round we go,
Guess we're used to the pain.'
Icarus- Bastille
I feel like this song works from three different POVs for two different instances.
First, it depicts Adam's descent into insanity. He flew too close to the sun, yes and yet the song goes on to say-
'Icarus is flying too close to the sun,
Icarus' life has only just begun.'
Which I feel is a good parallel for the freedom Adam thinks he has achieved in this spell of hatred and loneliness that he has cast around himself.
Further, the song has another verse-
'You put up your defences when you left,
You left because you're certain,
Of who you want to be.'
Secondly, the song can also be a metaphor for Cherry and Joe's ditch efforts at trying to protect and save Adam, which ultimately result in grievous hurt to Cherry.
'Your hands protect the flames,
From the wild winds around you.'
'This is how it feels to take a fall,
Icarus is flying towards an early grave.'
I come with knives- IAMX
'I never promised you an open heart or charity,
I never wanted to abuse your imagination.
I come with knives, I come with knives,
To love you.'
It's all in vain- Wet
The first time I heard this song it gave me big Cherry vibes, but the more time I spend with it, the more I see Adam in it.
I see an Adam who's losing his faith in his relationship with Cherry because he walked in to that relationship with messed up standards for love, anyways. He doesn't believe Cherry loves him, even though he desperately wants to be loved. He doesn't feel seen or understood, and he knows it's driving their relationship towards its end.
'Tell me baby, tell me slowly,
All the things you couldn't show me,
Tell me one more time before I leave,
Now I see you hardly know me,
Look at you, you look right through me,
Tell me one more time before I go.'
Just give me a reason- P!nk ft. Nate Ruess
Hear this song as a conversation between an Adam who's beginning to lose himself and his love and a Cherry desperately trying to hold on to him and assure him they're all right. Read this verse as bold for Adam and Italics for Cherry. (The song is sung by two people so you'll clearly be able to see the distinction.)
'Oh, tears ducts and rust.'
'I'll fix it for us.'
'We're collecting dust.'
'But our love is enough.'
'You're holding it in.'
'You're pouring a drink.'
'No, nothing is as bad as it seems.'
'We'll come clean.'
Love Runs Out- OneRepublic
Adam giving himself over to the thrill of the kill, so to speak.
'I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun,
I'll be the bright in black, that's making you run,
And I feel alright, yeah I feel alright,
Cause I worked it out, yeah I worked it out,
I'll be doing this, if you have a doubt,
Till the love runs out, till the love runs out.'
Pretty when you cry- Lana Del Rey
Broken-hearted Cherry vibes.
'I'll wait for you babe,
It's all I do, babe,
Don't come through babe,
You never do,
Because I am pretty when I cry.'
Reckless Love- BLEACHERS
Cherry trying to come to terms with how unhealthy and toxic his relationship is, and how he still finds himself unable to distance himself from Adam.
'I could use a bad disguise,
To guard me on the darkest nights,
I keep finding my way to the harshest words,
I got a strange, strange vision of a reckless love.'
Take What You Want- ONE OK ROCK, ft. 5SOS
The aftermath of their dramatic ass breakup. Cherry's POV.
'I don't want anything in our broken home,
Not the memories or the things we own,
Not the picture of us on the wall,
So take what you want.'
'Can you hear me?
I am trying to hear you.
Silence strikes like a hurricane.
I am singing for you.
You're screaming at me.
It's hard to see your tears in the pouring rain.'
You Give Love a Bad Name- Bon Jovi
(come on guys this is me there was bound to be at least one classic rock song somewhere in there.)
(also, also, shouldn't this be like our fandom-wide Adam anthem?)
'Shot through the heart, and you're to blame,
Darlin' you give love a bad name.'
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aro-ainosuke · 1 year
Hi im emi and i think way too much about sk8 the infinity part 261
COLOUR THEORY TIME i just had like, a brain blast in realisation.
Reki is yellow coded, langa is blue. Usually people would ASSUME reki is the "red" character of the show because of his hair, but i think that just helps to show off his passionate and firey personality. His colour is yellow because he is energetic, friendly and most often optimistic (especially when it comes to helping people learn how to skate or make friends)
Langa is blue coded, usually used for quiet, cold and mysterious characters, or those with lots of sadness (think inside out). BUT because he is pastel blue, his sadness is lighter because of people like reki lifting him out if it. He is still young and has time to grow.
Because they are yellow and blue coded, its different from what is the usual trope of red and blue which are most often rivals or opposites. BUT because theyre yellow and blue, theyre actually perfectly made to compliment each other. I like to see it as reki being the sun to langas moon.
Now. You know who IS red coded? Adam. He is passionate and all about love and anger, the two emotions most connected to red. Because he is red, it links into his whole idea of thinking he "belongs" with langa, but he is already fulfilled by being with reki.
Then we see adams colours slowly change from red to that dark blue we see him wearing in the finale. He comes to realise that he was chasing after langa because he thought they were the same (blue = sad and hurt. Adam being a deeper blue means his emotions and sadness runs deeper aka because he has had YEARS longer to sit with his feelings and trauma) but it takes langa, a fellow blue, being happy and excited and wanting to skate with REKI not him, to show him that he doesnt have to put on this red boisterous persona. If we look at Adam through the years, he's never really had a red-coded personality. It's always an act. How he thinks people wANT him to act.
He's a blue, just like his hair and the suit he wears.
Now. Joe and cherry.
Cherry being pink is so INTERESTING TO ME. Its seen as graceful and youthful, but is also just a toned down version of red. Cherry CAN be graceful and composed, but is also full of so much anger and emotion (especially towards adam) and the fact the two are similar in colour makes me so invested. I also think Cherry has a complex colour pallet- being not only pink, but also wearing deep blues and whites. He is elegant and complex.
THEN JOE. oh joe. My deep green giant. He is down to earth (haha get it) and is always trusting his gut with everything, AND IDK IF YOU HAVE NOTICED THIS BUT HE NEVER GIVES BAD ADVICE!! Green is usually associated with grounded and level-headed characters, but green is also the colour of jealousy. Joe doesn't seem like the jealous type, but he has this strange loneliness to him. All he has is his restaurant and Cherry. He never seems to be able to fully grasp what he wants, so finds his fufillment in other places.
Now onto the fact that pink and green ARE opposites and so are cherry and joe. Where cherry is quiet and reserved, joe is loud and energetic. Their lifestyles and jobs couldn't really be more different. They argue and bicker and always seem to know what perfectly annoys the other most.
BUT!! Pink and green (while being opposites) ARE ALSO COMPLIMENTARY!!!! they work well together beCAUSE theyre so different. And being together just seems to work out somehow.
ANYWAYS. Yeah. Sun and moon coded renga are very special to me :)
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