awriterinwonderland · 6 years
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I will never tell y’all to not watch a thing but praising it for diversity and inclusivity when only the white folks are free from tired old tropes is … a mess.
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
Getting pretty fucking annoyed at all the ableist reporting on Stephen Hawking’s death so like hey uh just a nice little summary of the core of literally every article about Stephen Hawking’s death and the reason why they fucking suck
Stephen Hawking didn’t achieve the things he did ‘despite’ his disability. He didn’t ‘overcome’ them in order to achieve what he did. He had a physical disability. He did physics. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Heck, as the fucking ableist mess of an article Buzzfeed posted said, he himself said "My disabilities have not been a significant handicap in my field, which is theoretical physics. Indeed, they have helped me in a way by shielding me from lecturing and administrative work that I would otherwise have been involved in.” 
They also included a quote from another physicist that says “He thinks about the universe differently, due to his physical disability. That enabled him to make discoveries that no one else could make. And he has. They have shaken the foundations of physics.”
Stephen Hawking and his scientific discoveries weren’t made in spite of his disabilities. His scientific discoveries and the achievements he made happened with his disabilities, and possibly were informed by them, and his disabilities shouldn’t be shunned or seen as something that held him back while his achievements - that he’s literally said weren’t held back by his disability - are celebrated
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
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[image description: 2 images. The first says “Commissions: Bust $20, Waist $35, Full Body $50, Extras $10+”. The second is a collage of 5 example pieces.]
Hey guys, I finally have time for commissions again, and I am ACHING after the holidays, so even if you can’t afford a commission right now, a reblog or share would mean the world to me!
I am opening 5 commission slots.  If you’re interested, you can chat message me here on Tumblr or email me at [email protected]. I’m happy to draw any fandom or OCs if given references. (For OCs a visual reference is preferred, but I can work with written references as well.)
I will send WIP pics at every stage so you can see how things are going and request sketch/ink/color edits as I go. Unless editing gets out of control, this is free. (I can also keep your piece a secret you want the whole thing to be a surprise, just let me know ahead of time.)
pedophilic ships
gore, body horror – anything that hits my medical squick, really
animals are 50/50 (talk to me and we can work it out)
And I reserve the right to decline anything I accidentally remember later >_>
Busts start at $20 [ + $5 for additional character(s) ]
Waist up starts at $35 [ + $15 for additional character(s) ]
Fully Body starts at $50 [ + $25 for additional character(s) ]
Backgrounds and Costumes start at $10 and go up with complexity
Pictures can be inked or colored. A flat or gradient background is free. If you would like something else like a sketch or a comic commission, talk to me and we can work out.
To clarify on Costumes: When it comes to costumes, something like the Black Widow catsuit would not count a complex costume, whereas the Iron Man armor or Spiderman suit would.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about anything. Payment will be 50% up front and 50% upon completion via Paypal.
For more examples of my art, check out My Art Tag, and for more examples of previous commissions, check out My Commission Tag.
Thank you guys for checking out my commissions and again, even if you’re not interested in a commission or can’t afford one right now, if you could give a signal boost that would be awesome and deeply appreciated!! ❤️💛💚💙💜
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
No, that's lettuce.
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Torbernite - Margabal Mine, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées, France
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
I hope Black Panther makes black people feel as powerful as Wonder Woman made me feel
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
Let the world know Black Lightning is coming. Don’t miss the series premiere tomorrow at 9/8c on The CW!
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
“he just left in the middle of an argument” dump him “he rolls his eyes when I start to cry” dump him “we never agree on what movie to watch and we always go with his choice” dump him “when he’s mad he’ll stand up straight and tower over me” dump him “his friends make me uncomfortable” dump him “he didn’t appreciate the gift I made him” dump him “I don’t like that he drinks every day” dump him “sometimes he ignores what I said during sex unless I say it again” dump him “he told me he doesn’t like it when I wear my favorite sweater” dump him “he threw something when he got mad once” dump him “he won’t yell but sometimes he’ll just stop responding until I stop talking about it” dump him “he doesn’t want me to go to my friend’s parties without him, but he never wants to go” dump him “he pouts and says his last girlfriend did it for him” dump him “he plays pranks on me that I don’t like” dump him “he doesn’t think my jokes are very funny and makes fun of me for it” dump him “he wants me to wear more make up” dump him “he got angry that I cut my hair��� dump him “he still hasn’t met my parents” dump him “he talks about me giving him kids, but we’ve never talked about our future” dump him “he whines that condoms don’t feel as good” dump him “I like having a boyfriend, but I have to put up with a lot for this one” dump him (:
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awriterinwonderland · 6 years
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
I hope you guys realize that the Stranger things kids are still very young and haven’t matured all the way yet and they’re probably at some point going to do some things that aren’t so great and say things that aren’t so great and when that happens I hope you guys don’t ridicule them or tear them down because they’re still learning just like we were at that age
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
hey reblog this if you miss agent carter because i know i freaking do
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
god, it’s so crazy we all have bones… like, just these big hard rods holding our meat up. that’s so fucking wild, i can’t believe it
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
it’S nOt OkaY to seXuaLiZe cHiLd actOrS aND chaRAcTEEEEERRRRRSSS
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
everyone always talks about the wendys twitter, but
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let’s talk about moonpie’s twitter
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
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Pepper to the Rescue
Some vague version of this comic has been floating around in my head forever, so when @swearwolfs​ requested royal 👑 Pepperony and an Anon requested Pepperony fluff, I just smashed all the ideas together~
This is in some vague-ish middle school AU I suppose? idk. spoiler alert, Aldrich was being an ass, but it wasn’t about Tony’s costume…
Anyway, Happy Halloween guys! Be safe and spoopy!! 🎃💀😈🍬🍫
image description below the cut
Keep reading
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awriterinwonderland · 7 years
If it takes a thousand arrests of our actors, musicians and writers to reinforce inappropriate sexual behaviour isn’t acceptable I’m very good with that.
If TV shows end, studios close, bands fall from the charts to prove that the vulnerable are not there to be used and discarded and not believed.
Tear it all down…. it’s built on rot
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