azukibeanghost · 2 years
Whale Shark Gliding Through Bioluminiscent Algae _ Mike Nulty
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
i learned about Tim Wong who successfully and singlehandedly repopulated the rare California Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly in San Francisco. In the past few years, he’s cultivated more than 200 pipevine plants (their only food source) and gives thousands of caterpillars to his local Botanical Garden (x)
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
Ian McKellen  says that all gay people should be trans allies
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Sir Ian McKellen urges gay people to be better allies to the transgender community.
The legendary actor and Stonewall co-founder joined It’s a Sin star Olly Alexander for a special LGBT+ History Month talk on TikTok on February 25, Pink News reports. 
Sir Ian said: 
“I do hear people – gay people – talk about transgender people in very much the same terms as people used to talk about your common or garden gay.
“The connection between us all is we come under the queer umbrella – we are queer. I quite like being queer actually.
“The problems that transgender people have with the law are not dissimilar from what used to be the case for us, so I think we should all be allies really.“
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This is not the first time the actor has stood up to transphobes. 
Speaking to lifestyle magazine Attitude, the veteran star talked about how happy he was about Elliot Page coming out as transgender. 
He felt “so disappointed” with himself for not recognizing the struggles that the then-teenage actor could have been facing when they worked together.
The actor talked about why it is important to be honest with oneself.
Top photo from The Talks.
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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I want what they have OMFG.
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
Writing poetry is honestly one of the best things I’ve started doing recently. It isn’t even a conscious choice; whenever one of those moments comes along where I’m feeling a profound mood or I just love how the sky looks and I want to memorize every detail of the scene, or when I pause on the hill on my way to the water and close my eyes and silently list all of the things I can smell or hear or feel – instead of letting the moment slip away, I open up a word document and start taking notes. Paragraph style, or just one long run-on sentence, not caring about whether any of it makes sense, just stringing together adjectives and colors and whatever feels right, to describe that moment, to describe the curve of the trees or the taste of the wind.
And when it’s a song that strikes that mood, I put it on repeat and just sink back and try to feel whatever image it’s conjuring up. Sometimes it’s just a color, or a memory, something that feels like it might just be the corner of a larger cloth, like I’m reaching into the water and tugging and seeing what all comes up. And when I’ve exhausted one description, another comes up; and soon, I’ll find myself repeating ideas or twisting them into something new, applying them to another situation that I didn’t realize was connected but now makes perfect sense.
And I think that’s my favorite part: realizing midway through the poem (or towards the end, more like) what my body was trying to say, what emotion it had to get out but had no way of communicating other than through a couple of feelings and pictures. It can be exciting, when I understand what my subconscious was trying to tell me. Like it was tapping into the patterns of the universe, and it found something it really liked, and now that connection will help me understand life a little more clearly. Other times, it can be surprisingly intimate… when I’m listening to a song in the library, and wondering why it makes me feel so pensive, and then by the time I finish tugging everything up I realize something about my childhood, and my nostalgia, and that great feeling of indescribable passion and fear and disillusionment and everything that I feel towards the world. It chokes up my throat and I have to stop there because I don’t want to cry, at least not here, not now. Maybe one day I’ll have the courage to keep tugging, after I’ve let myself crumble into a sobbing, vulnerable mess; maybe after I’ve pulled myself through that storm, and emerged with damp eyes and a feeling of calm, I’ll be able to tug that all up into words too.
Anyway, writing poetry is one of those things that I thought was cliche but never imagined would be so cathartic, so meditative, so freeing. You should try it too. And don’t overthink it – I barely realized that was what I was doing, until I stared down at the block of text and realized that yeah, those run-on sentences are kind of like stanzas, and yeah, those rich descriptions and those moods that I was just trying to convey are kind of poetic in their form. So just pick a feeling and go with it.
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
This is a neutral post
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Feel free to stop here and rest before journeying to the posts below.
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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I was bored so I took a mental age test, twice
Taking an avg., I’m 11
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
i really do enjoy stories and character arcs that explore anger as a positive or at least curative force. that can allow room to say that, yes, too much anger and anger without direction can be hurtful and exhausting while still acknowledging that anger can be an important motivator.
there can be anger in justice. anger in healing. anger in grieving and bonding and forming a movement.
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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📢 grandkid round-up 📢 grandkid round-up!!!
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
if a hand kiss isn’t done with either reverent trembling and closed eyes or with a certain slow sensuality and direct ‘fuck me’ eye contact, you are wasting my time and everyone else’s
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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You gotta conquer the monster in your head And then you’ll fly - fly, Phoenix Felix, fly
SKZ x League of Legends: Phoenix | Felix
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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I love this song! THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY | 2x05 - Valhalla
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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•Vanya Hargreeves 8/8 of Pinterest Picks Their Outfit Round #2•12.14.21• Lila • Five • Luther • Ben • Diego • Allison • Klaus •
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
sir, that’s my emotional support black sheep of the family with otherworldly powers and questionable coping mechanisms
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
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Tumblr deleted my long ass rant while I was in the middle of writing it so you’re spared and will only get a summed up version
Long story short; your abs are supposed to be covered with a healthy, protective layer of fat. The shape Jason Momoa is in during his movies is achieved by a diet designed to lower his body fat to unhealthy numbers, dehydrating him and enhancing his abs with make up. This is what ripped, muscular, healthy person looks like on their off time. If you think this is a dad bod, for the love of everything that is holy, shut up and absolutely never comment on a man’s body ever again. I mean hell, you can still see his damn v-line, what fucking dad bod has that?!
Don’t believe me? Google some bodybuilders who are off their contest diet. The men who literally make a living for having defined muscles. For 360 days a year, they do not look like the way you think they do. During a bodybuilding contest, these men’s body fat is under 7%, they’re dehydeated and covered in fake tan that helps the muscles show up. And it’s literally only for that day, because it’s extremely unhealthy. Same goes for actors who are known for being ripped - they’re at their worst when they’re filming. This exact same shit happened with Vin Diesel few years ago with people getting a paparazzi shot of his “beer belly” and I’m genuinely worried of the young men who grow up in this society thinking being muscular means having defined abs 24/7.
Jason Momoa looks ripped and healthy, yall are just blind with unrealistic standards.
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azukibeanghost · 2 years
Strong Winds Causing This Waterfall To
Spray Upwards ..
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