beautifitness · 10 years
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Yoga girl http://bit.ly/1uHlRhY
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beautifitness · 10 years
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beautifitness · 10 years
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beautifitness · 10 years
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Eat Your Greens Chickpea Medley / Recipe
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beautifitness · 10 years
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Day 1, Sept. 1st Tree pose #balancebasic 30 day yoga challenge
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beautifitness · 10 years
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30 day challenge, balance basics
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beautifitness · 10 years
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Summer Slow Cooker Lasagna With Zucchini and Eggplant
Oh My Veggies writes:
Have you ever made lasagna in your slow cooker? Up until the last few months, I was completely skeptical about the idea. I get a lot of use out of my slow cooker, especially on busy weekdays, but for pasta? I wasn’t so sure.
Now, I’m a convert. The slow cooker makes the process really simple: no boiling noodles, and no need to worry about making neat layers. It’s especially nice during the summer, since there’s no need to turn on the oven.
Find the recipe here.
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beautifitness · 10 years
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I will beat this !!!! 8/20/14 !!! Posting this picture to hold myself accountable !! I will not be this girl anymore. I will not allow myself to get like this ever again !! Saying good bye to my belly fat and back fat!! You will not trouble me anymore . This picture is motivation to get back on track and eat right and keep up with my daily workouts. I am going to be a healthier, more fit individual .. You just wait and see
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beautifitness · 10 years
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Earlier with my French vanilla formula 1 shake from herbalife ! day 1
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beautifitness · 10 years
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Yayyy my herbalife came 💪💪💪 today started day 1! Basically I replace two meals a day with the formula 1, I take three of the supplements 3 times a day , one of them twice a day with my shake, and then the herbal tea once or twice a day for a boost of engery! My ending thoughts on day 1.... -the pills were kinda big and I kinda didn't like that I had to take so many and at that so many times a day 😩 but I'm going to stick it out and give it a try! For the formula 1 I decided to order French vanilla and let me tell you.. It is amazing !! Both shakes I made today were yumm. The herbal tea does exactly what it says! This morning shortly after finishing the tea I felt that kick. I decided to drink the tea a second time today before my workout so it served as a preworkout !! Can't wait to see what results this stuff brings
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beautifitness · 10 years
Must try
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Chocolate cake for breakfast?! Hah not exactly but it’s pretty close. Did some HIIT this morning then made these pancakes. All I did was blend 1 mashed banana, 1 egg, 1/2 cup gluten free oats, 1/2 scoop chocolate protein powder and 1/4 cup milk. I cooked them on a pancake grittle and then topped it with melted chocolate coconut peanut butter!
Instagram - goodhealthgoodvibes
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beautifitness · 10 years
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beautifitness · 10 years
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The last few weeks I’ve been feeling really down on myself because I haven’t had the time to exercise and my eating has been on and off. In need of a reminder on how far I’ve come.
It’s a long and slow process. You can have bad days, weeks or even months but consistency is key!
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beautifitness · 10 years
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beautifitness · 10 years
Looks yum! Gotta try this
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beautifitness · 10 years
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beautifitness · 10 years
Happy Sunday!!!
Happy Sunday everyone!! I know its been awhile since my last post and I do apologize. I've been so busy these past couple of months and sad to say I haven't really been living the healthy lifestyle that I usually maintain. With coming back from vacation, a sudden move, and the stress from work I just haven't been motivated. It was hard for me to keep a steady gym schedule and eating routine down. I would find myself buying all the right things, prepping my meals, and then basically not eating them. I would go to the gym and basically can my workout I had planned and just do like 30 mins of cardio. I just didn't understand what was happening. I would weigh myself and see that I've gained weight, but I still wasn't motivated. Basically, I was in a funk :( it took me weeks to get out of it. One day I hated my body, next day I hated myself for letting this happen, and then some days I just said "whatever" and kept it moving. But not anymore... It's OK to start over or where you left off! I'm human and yes we do get off track sometimes and its OK, as long as we find our way back. Just to update you guys on some things happening in my life at the moment - I accepted a new job at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital here in Pittsburgh, so my last day at PNC Bank will be Aug. 29th. I will be working as a nurses assistant in the CT surgery department. Will give you the scoop on that after my first day of orientation :) - I decided to try #herbalife ! I ordered it this past Friday so it should be here this week! I'm very excited !!! I've been hearing and seeing good results from people who have tried it! So once that gets here I'll give you the deets on the package and how it works! - I'm going back to Miami for my 24th birthday My best friend lives there and the crazy thing is I've been there twice now and both times she's been away so I have yet to actually visit her (I know, bad friend I am ..lol) so I'll be leaving in October. So I think this is enough for this post! I'm glad I'm back :) I will be making a few other posts later todsy plus I will be going grocery shopping today so I will show you how I shop for two weeks at a time! Enjoy your Sunday Xo, Desireé
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