bmntgirl · 8 months
Theories on the outfits.
Well mostly the ribbons and masks.
First Jack: His ribbons are tied to his wrists and have bows. This shows being controlled or puppeteered (is that a word?) but obvious because we can see the bow. (Also seeing the bow means easier to untie aka loosen the control.) But!... His ribbons are the only ones that aren’t flailing around. They are tied to his back. This gives me the vibe that he is still somewhat in control of himself. Not to mention harness and suspenders like he is constraining himself. It fits his tsundere personality. Also he is holding the one ribbon in his hand and the other looped on his arm, making it hard to grab and gives him more control over it. If the boys are being turned into puppets, Jack is most likely the last one they are turning or he is able to fight back against it… probably both. His mask is barely visible. Yes, because of the angle, but like most of the others the branches are thin and mostly around his eye. Slightly poking over his nose. If you squint or really zoom in.
Jade: Interesting! His ribbons, while flailing about, are not tied around his wrists but forearms. And the big ribbon and bow on his shoulder and almost like it’s going across his body. Given Jade’s personality and unique magic, it is not unlikely he is somewhat aware of being controlled or pretending to be (ribbons not on wrists) and still has somewhat control over himself (ribbon on shoulder). And his mask… looks to me has the least amount of branches trying to grow and is just around his eye. (Note: it’s around his yellow eye that he uses for his unique magic.)
Lilia: Ribbons loose thus easily grab-able and around wrists to control. Now his bows; fit into his cutesy vibe but the black spots tell me he has lapses or moments where he sees through the illusion – moments of consciousness (being in control of himself). His mask though small, is creeping over his nose – a sign of being more under control.
Trey: He is a difficult one. His ribbons aren’t on his wrists but like Ace and Ortho, his bows aren’t visible. So I am a bit stumped on what exactly this means. But his mask does have more obvious creeping branches.
(Fun little note: Trey and Jade’s outfits match, especially the sleeves and wrist cuffs. Also Cater and Vil’s outfits and Leona and Floyd’s.)
The SR cards give me tin soldier vibes. While R cards more booth workers. Trey looks like he sells popcorn, peanuts and cotton candy. Jade looks like the people that take your ticket or advertise shows outside the tents. I can kinda hear the “Step right up! Step right up and try…!” Y’know?
Now Leona:                            He is the only SR that doesn’t have tassels. It is in your face like the other SRs though. And I will explain what I think the tassels mean with Cater. Ribbons around the wrist and bows visible. Also the ribbons hanging from his clothes. Kinda in the sense of Lilia’s – there is control over himself but it’s hard to grasp and can still be grabbed by the “Puppeteer”. Also worthy to note his mask is almost not noticeable. Yes the angle and his hair but it’s still small.
I think there are degrees as to which they are being controlled or turned into puppets. Leona a little less than the SR but a bit more than the R.
Cater: The tassels! I think these are meant to be a distraction. They are more eye-catching than the ribbons and like I said very in your face. Trying to grab your attention. Trying to distract you from what is actually going on. It also matches that Cater, Floyd and Vil have the tassels because it matches their more attention grabbing presence and personalities. While Leona (no tassels) is more reserved and he is usually more in the background or shadows. Again, on the wrists and bows visible. They also are reaching for us. Either to grab us or be distractions which fit the tin soldier vibe. His mask does have some creeping branches.
Also Cater and Vil are the most neat and presentable while Leona and Floyd’s jackets’ being open fits their more lax personalities. But that is just their personal style.
Vil: Matches Cater. Tassels are around the wrists and bows visible. Also very in your face. And his mask has very noticeable branches. And may be just because he is Vil but he is very attention grabbing. (Also those stilettos! Damn! Kinda envious. I look like a baby giraffe learning how to walk when I wear heels.)
Floyd: Now Floyd is also very interesting. He has four tassels on each arm (the others have two tassels or ribbons) and two on each leg! His mask is also smaller with less branches. And around his yellow eye. This tells me the Puppeteer is controlling him but it’s difficult. They had to use even more restraints on him. Also it’s over his wrist cuffs not under like the other three SRs. This does match Floyd’s personality, that he’d be harder to control.
And finally the SSRs!
Kalim: I’d like to point unlike the other two, Kalim has his bows showing. Since he is used to Jamil’s unique magic and fought of Jade’s, while the other two are ‘almost completely puppets’ Kalim is a little less than them. Will maybe be the first of the three to gain back control over himself. His mask is thick! The other’s branches were thin. Maybe it is the close up but his definitely looks bigger but again less than Ace and Ortho’s branch-wise.
Ace: He has no bows showing! Thus making it more difficult for the control to be untied. The SSR ribbons are also in your face but more performative than distracting. They’re puppets on stage putting on a show. And his mask is very thick and creeping over his nose and under his other eye. And I think (kinda hard to see) by his left ear.
Ortho: Very similar to Ace. No bows on the ribbons. And his mask is almost completely under his other eye. He also got the tin soldier look. Not quite sure what it means but worthy of note that it matches Vil and Cater.
If I had to rank them on almost completely controlled (turned into puppet) to not as much:
Ace and Ortho
So that’s my theory. I could absolutely be reading way too much into it but it felt like the ribbons and masks have to mean something.
Added little things I noticed:
All of them have red feather on their hat like Pinocchio.
The SSRs background look like Geppetto’s workshop but trashed.
The clocks with Ace. Like the whole clock music score while Jiminy Cricket tried to sleep.
The piano in Kalim’s. Maybe ‘dancing to the tune’ but its kinda broken, so broken control maybe.
Cleo the goldfish’s broken bowl in Ortho’s and the birdcage which Pinocchio was in when trapped by Stromboli.
The hidden characters in their clothes:
Figaro the cat on Ace’s belt.
Jiminy Cricket with Ortho (he is very noticeable)
And maybe I’m wrong but on Kalim’s ascot there a vague fish shapes that look like Cleo the goldfish. Which could be the reason for the gold jacket (we don’t see Kalim in a lot of yellow. It does look good.) And his train on his jacket looks like her fin tail.
And the wishing star images on everybody.
Especially Ortho who kinda gives me Blue Fairy vibes.
Other people have discussed it but very fitting that it’s Ace, Kalim and Ortho that are the SSRs. If I had to compare to the other half of the cast in GloMas. If Fellow and/or Giddle (?) “are” = Rollo; Ace = Azul, Kalim = Idia and Ortho = Malleus. (Ortho and Kalim could be switched.) They are to Fellow and Giddle as Azul, Idia and Malleus were the foils to Rollo.
Twisted Wonderland server JP new Halloween event!
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R, SR, and SSR previews below
(spoiler warning)
R Cards
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SR Cards
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SSR Cards
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105 notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 10 months
My childhood crush. Both him and Aurora.
Prince Philip is the most badass prince EVER. And here's why.
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Okay, so he’s got a girly face, and he wears tights and some high boots. Sure.
But check out that noble steed. That’s one ready-to-kick-ass-and-take-names steed.
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While other princesses just run away and leave nothing, Philip gets AN INVITE TO HER HOUSE. He gets a song, a dance, and a first date.
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He comes home, just to tell his dad he’s not going to marry the princess because he’s in love.
No. Other. Reason. He rides in and is just like, “I met the girl I’m going to marry. Now I’ve got a birthday party to be at. Bye Dad.”
Now how much do you think his dad weighs? That short fat little man? Probably pretty heavy.Not a problem for Prince Philip.
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And then he gets jumped by goblins, both hands tied behind his back
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But that’s not enough to stop Prince Philip.Oh no.
He breaks his hands free and starts chucking goblins.
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Look at that face. That face. The “BITCH JUST YOU WAIT” face. He may be tied down by a dozen goblins but he’s not gonna take no shit from this witch.
In fact, he’s so strong, she ends up keeping him chained to the wall, but he still fights back.
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Now when he finally does get free–
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He’s ready to go into battle UNARMED. He don’t need no shield or sword, he’s going to go punch Maleficent’s face in with his fist. If Flora didn’t stop him, he probably would have, too.
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Backed up against a cliff edge, nowhere to go. Fighting off goblins. But there’s so many and just one Philip.
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Gate closing?
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who gives a fuck? certainly not prince philip.
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Lighting hitting rocks around me?
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Giant forest of thorns?
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Bitch, get out of my way. I’ve got a princess to save.
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Giant dragon of hell?
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Fire? Dragon? Burning dry twigs? No. Fucking. Problem.
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Just smack that bitch on the nose.
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Sheer cliff face? Fire burning behind me? Back to a wall?
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Calm down guys, I got this.
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And fight the bloody beast from 500 feet high, with literally nothing to save me if I fall.
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Lose the shield off the cliff?
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Just chuck it. Straight through.
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Then jump out of the way…
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And survive. That’s what happens to bitches who mess with the woman I love.
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Get the horse.
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Get the girl.
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that’s how he EARNED his happily ever after.
Srsly. The most bad. ass. prince. disney ever wrote.
245K notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 1 year
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99 notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 1 year
25 notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 2 years
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cater diamond . you agree . reblog
673 notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 2 years
Huge softies, all of them.
the male fantasy of driving around with a girl on the back of your motorcycle is an elaborate excuse to get to be little spoon
47K notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 2 years
If u want to write a story about a character that's just you but hotter with a dark twisted backstory and magical powers and a pet falcon or something, I think u should just go ahead and do that. Who's gonna stop you? The government?? Fuck the police.
181K notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 2 years
Did you know? I loved it 😍
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Did you know? I loved it 😍
Aw hey bestie
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1 note · View note
bmntgirl · 2 years
New Beginnings?
So this story is inspired by gglitch1dd’s post about Small town My Hero Academia. Honestly go read her story Sweet-bee if you like Kiribaku x reader; it’s amazing! I’ve reread it so many times.
So my story is loosely inspired (I made some changes but barely) and involves an OC. After reading her post and remembering the first season of Once upon a Time, I couldn’t get the idea out of my head and decided to write it. Very much just for fun and considering continuing it; I just don’t have the ending figured out.
Mostly fluff. Let me know if there is anything; triggers or errors.
Italics are thoughts.
Summary: an unknown quirk sends all of UA and some others to a small town... in an alternate reality! No memories of their real lives and no quirks. A calm, peaceful life where everything is perfect. A bit too perfect.
 A new life?
Lizelle holds Eri close under the desk as a villain rant and raves through the school’s PA system. The red feather necklace around Lizelle’s neck shake as Hawks sends his feathers throughout the building to find the villain.
Class 1A and 1B had gathered for a joint training session with most of their mentors also there to see the progress. Lizelle was there to keep watch over the students’ emotional states as they go through the course because of her quirk ‘Colourful Emotions’.
While she is Hawks’ personal assistant, she is a family friend of Present Mic and had been living with him and Aizawa since she was a teenager until she was old enough to care for herself. She had become close to the 1A class and Eri. And ever since working with Hawks, Mirko had become a good friend.
Everybody had gathered for the training session when something shook the building and a bunch of goons invaded the premises. Lizelle had grabbed Eri who was sitting with her and took cover under Present Mic’s desk while he went down from the presenter booth to join the fight. Then who they assume is the main boss started making threats over the announcement system.
Lizelle focused on the villain’s voice to hear the last part of his speech. He chuckled darkly:
“Aren’t you heroes tired of it all? Don’t you wanna live a normal life…?”
Lizelle gasped as she noticed a strange mist filling the room and everywhere else.
“… and leave the rest of us alone?”
Lizelle peeked over the over desk to notice all the heroes starting to faint. Her necklace stills and she knows it got to Hawks as well. She coughed trying to get the mist out. She heard Eri cough as well.
“Eri-berry, hold your breath.”
Both she and Eri hold their breaths but then a blinding light fills everybody’s vision before it went pitch black.
Lizelle groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. She looked around the bedroom while reaching for her phone to shut off her alarm. She yawns, stretches and runs a brush through her long golden blonde hair before making her way out, down the stairs and into the kitchen where Hizashi Yamada otherwise known by his radio show personality, Present Mic is busy cooking breakfast.
“Morning Uncle Zashi.”
“Morning Lizzy. How did you sleep?”
“Pretty well. One thing is for sure. The bed was not the reason for Shinso’s insomnia.”
Hizashi chuckled: “Glad to hear it’s not that at least.”
She smiled as she sat down.
“Thanks for letting me stay in Hitoshi’s old room for now.”
Hizashi smiled at her from the stove: “No problem. You know you are like my own daughter. I’ll always help.”
Lizelle smiled: “Why couldn’t you be my real dad?”
“Then I would to have had you when I was 9.”
“Well you were a flirt since you were young if Aunt Nem is to be believed.”
The two laugh at that.
“Yet I met my soulmate in high school and won him over,” He pressed a hand to his heart.
“More like you didn’t leave me alone.”
The two turn to see Shouta Aizawa walk into the kitchen carrying a very sleepy Eri.
“You didn’t exactly try to get rid of me. C’mon admit it, deep down you liked me.”
Aizawa shakes his head at his husband. He put Eri adjacent to Lizelle’s left before walking to kiss Hizashi.
“Zashi, the pancakes.”
Hizashi looked over to see the pancakes starting to look a little too brown. He quickly moved the finished pancake to a plate. Lizelle smiled at the cute scene before turning her head to the tired girl rubbing her eyes.
She gave a quick tickle to the little girl’s sides: “Morning Eri-berry.”
Eri gave a small shriek of laughter. Lizelle giggled.
“Morning Uncle Shou.”
“Morning Lizzy,” he sits down adjacent to Lizelle’s right.
Hizashi places the food down and greets his daughter with a kiss to her head.
“So what is your plan for today?” Aizawa asks Lizelle as they start to eat.
Lizelle shrugs: “Explore the town, look at living places, look for a job, maybe even visit Shinso on his break.”
“Y’know, if you can’t find anything, you are more than welcome to come help me or Shouta at our jobs.”
“Thanks Uncle Zashi but I don’t see how much help I’ll be at the Sheriff or Radio station. Thanks for the offer; I’ll definitely keep it as a back up.”
“Daddy, Papa, can I show Lizzy around town?” Eri asks with her mouth full pancakes.
“Eri, swallow before you talk,” Aizawa gently said while Hizashi jokingly presses her chin up, “I don’t know.”
“Oh come one Dadzawa,” Lizelle grinned, “Eri knows the town better than me and I can keep her safe.”
Aizawa sighed but looked doubtful.
“Babe this whole town knows Eri is the sheriff’s daughter and not to mess with her. Eri will actually keep Lizelle safe, especially if the League decide to be annoying today. They know not to mess with your family,” Hizashi reasons, “Besides Lizelle is right. Eri knows the town better and this way Lizelle won’t get lost.”
Aizawa sighs again, knowing Hizashi is right and that he is fighting a losing battle.
“Fine, you can show Lizzy around.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep each other safe,” Lizelle gave the little girl a side squeeze.
Eri kisses and hugs her dads goodbye.
“See you two later.” Hizashi waves.
“Be safe,” Aizawa calls after them.
“We will,” Eri giggles.
“Bye Dadzawa. Bye Papa Mic.”
“Bye girls.”
The two girls set off down the street to the right in the direction of what looked like a school. Currently mostly empty since it was Saturday. Maybe some overtime teachers or sport teams, other than that a ghost place.
“That’s my school!” Eri excitedly points.
“Oh really? Remind me what grade are you in?”
“Grade 2. Mr. Togata is my teacher.”
“Wow you’re getting big,” Lizelle squeezes Eri’s left hand.
As they turn the corner, Eri spots something that makes her squeal. Lizelle tightens her grips when she feels the little girl wants to run. Standing outside the gates are two men who turn in their direction upon hearing Eri. Seeing Eri, the two men wave. Lizelle makes sure they get safely across the street. Only then does she let the little girl run to them.
“Hi Eri!”
The tall blond picks up the girl as she happily squeals.
“Hi Mr. Togata! Hi Mr. Deku!”
The green haired man next to them gently pats Eri on the head: “Hi Eri.”
The man Eri calls Deku turns to Lizelle. He greets her with small nervous smile.
“Hi I’m Izuku Midoriya, understudy to Mayor All Might.”
Lizelle shakes his hand.
“So Deku?” She asks curiously.
He shrugged: “A mean nickname I was given when I was younger. I’m trying to put a more positive spin on it.”
Lizelle nodded in understanding: “I get that.”
The taller blond shook her hand: “Hi My name is Mirio Togata. I’m Eri’s teacher.”
“Nice to meet you. I’m Lizelle. I’m a family friend of Hizashi Yamada. I just moved to town and I’m staying with them till I find a job and my own place. Eri is busy showing me around town.”
“Well welcome to Yuuie,” Mirio says with smile.
“And if you’re looking for a job just to keep busy, there is always the Midnight and Fatgum diner/bar and B&B and the library are always looking for volunteers,” Izuku suggest, “If it’s more a specific profession, Yuuie has a lot of businesses. Sure you’ll find something.”
Lizelle nods gratefully: “Thank you. I shall look into those places,” she looks to Eri, “C’mon sweetie we still got a lot to see. Maybe we can even go visit your brother if we are there on his break.”
“Yay!” Mirio gently puts her down.
She grabs Lizelle’s hand again and they continue walking down the street waving goodbye to Mirio and Izuku.
Walking across the street they pass a park and start passing some houses. About halfway Eri points out the Mayor’s House with trees surrounding it. They cross the street and tree line into the second main street where by the looks of it, is the most action. People walk up and down, doorbells constantly clinging as people enter and leave.
Eri quickly tugs Lizelle to cross to the right of the street while throwing slightly nervous looks to the biggest building on the corner of the left block.
“Everything okay Eri-berry?”
“Daddy always says to avoid that place and be careful here.”
Lizelle looks at the building. Two shops occupy it; Shigaraki’s bar and Dabi’s tattoo parlour. It’s a little rundown but otherwise okay. Lizelle can’t help the negative feeling that reaches her, making her feel on edge. The place definitely looks like trouble. Or at least definitely not the place for a little girl to be.
A man walks out of the parlour. He leans against the outside wall and lights a cigarette. She can only see the tattoos under his eyes, jaw, neck and wrists but Lizelle is positive he is probably covered in them as well as multiple piercings.
Was the flame from his lighter blue?
He pulls the cigarette from his mouth and releases a puff of smoke. Through the smoke he catches Lizelle’s eye. He looks her up and down with his piercing blue eyes before giving a nod. Lizelle gives friendly smile in return and then focuses back on helping Eri across the street.
“New plaything?” a female voice asks from the door.
Dabi turns his head to the blond girl: “Nah that Aizawa brat was with her. Unless we want the Sheriff to strangle us we better not mess with what’s his.”
“Aw, not fair,” Toga complains. Dabi simply shakes his head.
At the corner Eri points to a building on the left block behind the building on the street.
“There’s Dadzawa’s work…”
Then she points to the slightly L-shaped building diagonally in front of the Sheriff’s Station.
“… and there’s Papa Mic’s.”
Lizelle nods.
They past the Post Office, an apartment building behind a small park and past another building they reach the Midnight and Fatgum diner/bar.
“Wanna a milkshake, Eri-berry?”
Eri’s eyes sparkle as she looks up at her: “Can we?”
“Sure. C’mon let’s go in.”
The bell rings as the two enter. They walk up to the counter and Lizelle helps Eri up. A beautiful girl with long blue hair comes walking out from behind.
“There’s my little berry. Your daddy called and said I’m off babysitting duty today,” the girl turned to Lizelle, “Hi, I’m Neijre Hado, waitress and the occasional babysitter for this little angel.”
“She is also the town’s resident beauty queen,” a large man comes walking out from the kitchen, almost squatting to get through the doorways.
“And this is Taishiro Toyomitsu otherwise known as Fatgum, best cook in Yuuie,” Nejire giggled, tapping the man’s belly, “And he knows it.”
The man gives a jolly laugh.
Lizelle smiled, enjoying the wholesome energy in this place.
“I’m Lizelle, I’m new and a family friend of this little one’s family.”
“Welcome to Yuuie Miss. We hope you enjoy your stay here,” Fatgum smiles warmly.
“Thank you,” she smiles back. He feels like an uncle.
“So what can we get for you?”
“I’d like a chocolate milkshake and some fries. You Eri?”
“An apple pie and strawberry milkshake please.”
Nejire winked at the two: “You got it.”
Fatgum moves back into kitchen and Nejire cuts out a slice of apple pie for Eri. She then hands a small A6 card to Lizelle, full of numbers.
Upon Lizelle’s confused look, Nejire explains: “Numbers of the business around here. If you are ever in need of a handyman the mechanics shop is the place to call and ask for Eijiro Kirishima. That mountain of man can fix anything.”
Lizelle smirked: “Mountain, huh?”
“Well he is Fatgum’s nephew.”
“Ah, that explains it.”
Nejire giggled: “He works at the shop with his cousin Tetsutetsu and it is owned by Mei Hatsume. That girl is genius with machines and Tetsu seems like he bend steel, almost has if…”
“He is steel himself,” Lizelle gets a weird look on her face before shaking her head. She lifts the page, “The others?”
“Right. The mechanics is behind the sheriff station by the way. Right next to us is the vet/pet shelter run by Tsuyu Asui and Koji Koda. Then across from us is Ojiro’s dojo and next to that we have our Electrician Denki Kaminari. He’s good but don’t worry if he shocks himself. It happens from time to time.”
At Lizelle concerned look Nejire quickly adds: “He’s fine. He is practically Pikachu by now.”
“As long as he is not Pichu,” Lizelle shakes her head.
Nejire laughs, tipping her head: “Well…”
Shaking her head, she continues: “I’m assuming you walked past the school? And of course where the sheriff and radio station is?”
Lizelle nods: “Eri also pointed out the Mayor’s house to me. And the bar and tattoo parlour I was warned from.”
Lizelle gently pats Eri on the head.
Nejire nodded with a tight mouth: “Yeah the league… aren’t bad but they are trouble. So best to try stay away as much as you can.”
Lizelle raises and eyebrow: “The League?”
“The League of Delinquents.”
“I saw a man with tattoos and piercings smoking outside the tattoo place.”
“That’s Dabi. He seems chill, but you don’t want to piss him off. He has an affinity for arson. The one you really have to careful around is Shigaraki. He runs that place and the league. Also Toga; she’s a blonde girl with sharp teeth. She has a weird fascination for blood and sometimes gets a little stab happy. So just be careful.”
“And Shigaraki?”
Nejire shudders a little: “Trust me you’ll know. He just seems dangerous.”
Lizelle nods. Geez you guys go on about these guys like their villains.
Nejire puts back on her smile: “Anyways, we also have Rikido Sato’s bakery, Hanta Sero’s restaurant, Tamaki Amajiki’s flower shop; that’s Fatgum’s adopted son and Mirio’s Boyfriend.”
Lizelle raises her eyebrow with a smile: “Ok cute.”
Nejire giggled: “And both are my boyfriends.”
Lizelle gasped: “Lucky you! Kinda jealous. Of you and them.”
They both laugh.
“You?” Nejire bends her hand at the wrist in a silent question.
“I’m…” Lizelle snaps her fingers into a finger gun/thumbs up and peace signs.
“Ah,” Nejire nods in understanding, “Ok then there are the builders (that are behind Denki and Ojiro’s places), the library’s number, if you want to shop wood personally the lumberjack office; ask for Rumi. She is the boss and she is one the people who knows the woods the best. Mina Ashido’s hair salon, Yuga Aoyama’s Twinkling Styling Palace; it’s mostly a clothing shop but Mina, Toru Hagukure and Aoyama together are a styling dream team. They helped me with the beauty pageants. We also have the Yaoyorozu’s Properties, the gym, the Bank of Iida, the Todoroki Supermarket, and Yuuie Hospital and of course the town hall.”
Nejire juts her thumb to Eri: “Your little tour guide here knows where everything is.”
Lizelle smirks at Eri: “And why do you know everything?”
Eri giggled, finishing up her milkshake.
Nejire smiled: “Sheriff Aizawa wanted to make sure if anything happened, Eri knows all the safe places to go to.”
Lizelle nods with a small smile: “That sounds like Dadzawa.”
As the two finishes up, Lizelle pulls out her wallet. Fatgum quickly pops through the window.
“Uh uh, It’s on the house.”
“You sure?”
“Of course, especially for my favourite customer,” He winks at Eri with broad grin.
Lizelle grins: “Thanks for everything. The food was delicious. And thanks for all the info Nejire.”
The blue haired waitress waves at her as they exit.
Eri points out Ojiro’s dojo and Denki’s Electrics across the street and the vet next door to the diner. They cross the town square over to the library with a clock tower on top of the corner of the building. Across the street at the corner was Sato’s Bakery and next to it Sero’s Restaurant. Next to them was Mina’s hair salon and connected to it Aoyama’s Twinkling Styling Palace.
Lizelle giggled at the name.
Next to the library was Yaoyorozu’s Properties and on the corner Amajiki’s Flower shop.
“Wanna stop by the library real quick? I want to ask the librarian something.”
Eri nodded and the two headed in. Lizelle sighed in relief at coolness compared to beating sun outside. There was a little dark haired girl with purple eyes a few years older than Eri sitting in a dark corner reading by a low light. A dark haired man with Goth makeup came from the office behind the desk. Eri waved to him.
She gave a whispered greeting: “Hi Tokoyami.”
“Hi Eri,” He whispered back in a pretty deep voice.
Huh this man’s makeup makes him look like crow or raven. Cool.
“Hi, I’m Fumikage Tokoyami, how can I help?”
“Oh hi! I’m Lizelle, I’m new to town. I was wondering with there are any positions open here.”
Tokoyami shook his head: “Not at the moment, but if you don’t mind working part time, we always accept volunteers. On certain days we are busier, especially when exam season comes.”
Lizelle nods with a smile: “Yeah I don’t mind.”
Lizelle gives Tokoyami her contact information. Lizelle waves Eri over for them to leave. Lunch is soon if they want to make it on time for Shinso’s break. Tokoyami hands Eri an apple with small smile. The two wave goodbye. As they leave they hear Tokoyami talk to the other girl:
“Shadow, do not read by such a low light. It is not good for your eyes.”
“But I don’t like the bright light!”
Lizelle smiled as the door closes. Must be brother and sister.
Lizelle and Eri continue down the street. They stop outside Tamaki’s flower shop to smell some of the flowers outside. Lizelle looked at bouquet of white and red roses with a smile on her face. She always liked the beauty more than the smell. Mostly flowers smell like plants to her. There are very few flowers’ smells she actually likes.
Lizelle looks from smiling at Eri to through the window when she spots movement from her peripheral vision. Just in time to see an indigo haired man duck out of sight. Lizelle tilts her head to side. He peaks around but ducks back upon noticing she is still looking. Lizelle gives a small smile at the man’s shyness. She offers him small wave before ushering Eri along.
They turn right to the main street. Then a turn left to walk to the hospital. Walking in, up to the front desk, Lizelle asks if Dr. Hitoshi Shinso is on his break. The woman about to ask the reason why she wants to see him, spots Eri. She smiles and waves the two on ahead while giving directions to his office. Eri leads the way.
Knocking on the door, Lizelle hears Shinso’s tired: “Come in.”
“Hey doc, got time for lunch?”
Shinso looks up and smirks: “Hey Lizzy. Hey Eri!”
Eri runs up to him and he easily picks her.
“Yeah sure lunch. We can do that.”
The three sit down in the cafeteria.
“So you enjoying your time here so far?” Shinso asks around the bad cup of coffee.
“Oh yeah this place is great. Everyone is so friendly. Well mostly everybody.”
Shinso frowns, confused before he asks concerned: “You didn’t run in to the league did you? Dadzawa would have their heads.”
Lizelle shakes her head: “Not really. Just saw one of the members. Nothing happened.”
“Ok good. How’s the living situation?”
“Pretty good. Thanks for okaying the use of your room.”
“Other than that, it is nice. But I would like my own place.”
Shinso gets a thoughtful look: “And a roommate?”
“I wouldn’t mind a roommate. Helps with rent and stuff.”
“How about...” Shinso puts down his cup, “You move in with me?”
“At your apartment?”
“Yeah the apartment building next to the Post office. I have a spare room/ loft. Also I’m barely home because of the hours at the hospital. It will be more like your apartment and I crash there.”
Lizelle giggles: “I know you can’t help it but you should stop overworking yourself.”
He shrugs: “So what do you say? Once you get a job you can start helping with rent if you want to, but you don’t need to. I make more than enough with a doctor salary. Besides I can’t help much cleaning wise and stuff, so the least I can do is pay the rent.”
Lizelle sighs: “Hitoshi I can’t expect you...”
Shinso holds up his hand: “I want to. I have no problem paying the rent but it’s going to waste because I’m barely there. So whaddya say?”
Lizelle thinks about: “I mean free place, not too far from Eri-them, nearby possible work place...”
Shinso smiled and sat up to reach into his pocket.
Lizelle looks up as she makes her decision: “Ok sure I would love to. Oh!”
She backs a little when she found keys in front of her face.
“Here are the keys to the apartment building and my flat. Go take a look at it. If your decision is completely final we can go make you a copy.”
Lizelle takes the keys and smiles gratefully at Shinso: “Thank you. I really appreciate this.”
Shinso just smirks: “It’s not a problem. You’re family. If we switched places you would have done the same.”
Lizelle nods: “True.”
When his break was over, Lizelle and Eri say goodbye and head back. They stop by the park for a bit while Eri plays with some of her friends.
Lizelle stands at the edge to watch Eri when a siren rings through the air. Lizelle jumps and looks behind her to see Aizawa climb out of the sheriff car.
“What’s with the siren?”
“Easy way to get your attention.”
Lizelle smirks: “Well you got it. Here to arrest me officer?”
Aizawa chuckles: “So how is everything?”
“Great. Eri showed me around, I have places for possible jobs and I have a place to live.”
Aizawa raises an eyebrow.
“Shinso offered me his flat because he is barely there because of his hours and the rent is technically going to waste.”
Aizawa sighs and shakes his head: “That boy works hard. Too hard sometimes. I told him he is more than welcome to stay at home. He didn’t listen.”
“Sometimes people gotta learn by bumping their own heads even when you wanna protect them.”
“Unfortunately. So his apartment?”
“Mhm. He gave me the keys to go check it out. Then we will make my own copy.”
Aizawa nods: “Alright. I can take Eri off your hands if you want.”
Lizelle shakes her head: “Nah that’s okay. I’m good with taking care of Eri for the rest of day.”
“You sure?”
Lizelle nods.
“Ok. Well I got to get back to work. Eri!”
Eri runs over with excitement. The two hug.
“I’ll see you two later tonight.”
“Bye Daddy!” “Bye Dadzawa!”
Lizelle let’s Eri play for a little while longer before they head for the apartment.
Outside parked on the street was a gold motorcycle with red wings and the words ‘Fierce Wings’ on the side. Lizelle nodded impressed before opening up the front door and letting Eri through.
At the mailboxes in the wall stand a man a couple inches taller than Lizelle with feathery blond hair. He wore a tan jacket with two red wings printed on the back, continuing onto the sleeves. Considering he was putting packages and letters into the mailboxes with a big bag slung across his body, Lizelle assumed he is the mailman and that the bike outside is his.
Lizelle started up the stairs.
“Hi Mr. Hawks,” Eri greets the man.
He turns slightly to greet her, only slightly seeing Lizelle before she disappears up the stairs.
Hawks blinks slightly before shrugging.
Eri joins Lizelle as they go to the third floor. 3A, here it is.
She unlocks the door and lets Eri in first. It was small but decently sized with a lot of woodwork. Lizelle snorted. This is very cottage-core. Too much for you, Shinso. But the rest of the apartment was more Shinso. Minimally decorated with just the basic essentials aka – does anybody even actually live here? Oh and coffee.
The place was in good condition from just a brief look, just a bit dusty and dirty, Lizelle noted. Eri showed her around while Lizelle smiled at how cute Eri was. Up the stairs were the loft and the other bedroom. Once again minimally decorated and mostly empty.
“Are you gonna stay with Toshi from now on?”
“Uh yeah, I think I am,” Lizelle sits next to her on the bed, noticing a slight twinge of sadness from Eri even though her face doesn’t say anything.
Lizelle slightly bumps shoulders: “Don’t worry; I’m still going to see you all the time. Who do you think is gonna babysit you?”
She nuzzles her nose against Eri’s playfully, grinning at Eri’s giggle, sadness gone.
The two lock up and leave, bring Shinso’s keys back for him and head home.
Seeing nobody else home yet she decides to get head start on dinner. She hears Eri watching TV and by the sound of it, it was some superhero anime. Lizelle smiles as Eri cheers for the heroes. Considering the back story of Eri, it’s no wonder she has a great love for heroes. Lizelle growled slightly, thinking of Eri’s past. If I ever get my hands on that abusive foster father of hers... Thank goodness Mirio had noticed the signs of something wrong at her house; first the wounds on her arms, explained away by saying she’s reckless and clumsy even though Eri was the gentlest and most careful of all the kids in his class; and second Eri’s hesitancy to go home. Mirio got Izuku involved and using his high position in town along with some others’ help including the Deputy Mayor Mirai Sasaki, they were able to save Eri.
Lizelle had heard the story from Shinso and Mic. She was happy to meet two of Eri’s saviours today, but didn’t want to say anything in front of Eri in case of trauma triggers. Lizelle quickly focuses back on the food to avoid burning it. She giggles as she is reminded of this morning with Mic and the pancakes. No wonder people who don’t know us think we are related.
After dinner and telling Mic and Aizawa about their day, Lizelle helps Mic wash up as Aizawa takes Eri upstairs to get her ready for bed.
“So which job do you think of going after?” Mic asks as he dries the plates.
“Well Tokoyami from the library has my contact details if he ever needs my help, but I am thinking of maybe doing some part-time at the diner and maybe somewhere else as well. At least like secretary or cashier considering I don’t have the skills to help at the other aspects of the businesses here.”
Mic nods: “Well, that sounds good. After all you won’t have to worry too much about money with the rent being Shinso’s responsibility and you do need the time to work on your real career. But hey...”
Mic puts a gentle hand on Lizelle’s shoulder so she focuses on him.
“... Don’t go throwing yourself out there and stressing yourself out too much. I know you and I know that’s what you’ll do. You are away from your family. You have no one to prove yourself to here and us to support you. And don’t listen to those negative little voices inside your head because you know those are your family’s words and thoughts, not your own.”
Lizelle smiles and gives Mic a hug: “Thanks Papa Mic.”
The two finish up and retire for the night. Everything here is perfect...
A little too perfect.
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bmntgirl · 2 years
You, while reading: Wow, I wonder what’s going to happen next
Me, while writing: Wow, I wonder what’s going to happen next
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bmntgirl · 2 years
sometimes you get comments on fics from writers you worship as a personal hero, and it’s partially “oh my i have been judged worthy of Notice” and partially “ye gods beethoven is watching me play twinkle twinkle little star on a xylophone”
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bmntgirl · 2 years
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Welp peoole seemed to like it, so have some more BMFM memes!
@albobeati7 I got bored at work so❤️
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bmntgirl · 2 years
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Listen I have several obsessions, and one of those just happends to involve humanoid alien mice on motorcycles.
@albobeati7 a treat for my new friend❤
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bmntgirl · 3 years
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bmntgirl · 3 years
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470 notes · View notes
bmntgirl · 3 years
Reblog if you love Michealangelo!
Mikey needs more love and hugs so reblog this for him! Follow me for more Mikey love!
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bmntgirl · 3 years
Vinnie kills me, especially at the end.
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