bundledham-blog · 8 years
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Now you’re just some bunny that I used to know 🐰🐰🐰 #sneakersthecorgi (at Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco, CA)
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
((So I recently watched a LP of Dangan Ronpa.
I hadn’t before nor had I played it despite it being one of Hayley’s favorite games (she likes mysteries and murder mysteries, so even though she tends to freak out or cry she likes these games a lot.).
The character of Byakuya Togami is basically Rabbimon. They are nearly the same character.
Argh. I didn’t intend this.
I did know they were the same archetype, though. That’s why Byakuya is Hayley’s least favorite character.
And she likes Makoto Naegi because she has no standards.))
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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((The Human Rabbimon picture without the effects. 
Original: http://jiyuria.deviantart.com/art/TDW-Human-Rabbimon-601740578
I kind of like it better. 
He’s such a rich jerk.))
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
'Want something to drink?' Mina hands Hayley a glass of some kind of "red-ish soda"? 'It's cherry flavoured.'
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“U-Um...” Hayley peered between the drink and Mina. She didn’t really like cherry at all. Not even a little bit. The only thing worse was grapes. But Mina seemed excited. With a fight between poor taste or Mina’s happiness it was a pretty easy win. But Hayley was also aware it was April first. “O-OK. S-s-sure...” She didn’t sound sure at all. With a feeling of dread she tilted the drink back to try some, and her eyes widened at the surprisingly solid substance. And not so terrible taste considering. 
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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((Hospital Moachimon sketches.
1. It’s from when he got (accidentally) abandoned on a bench in an RP with Mina.
2. His crying face. He doesn’t do it much, though. I’d imagine this is after a tantrum.
3. The face he makes when everything is going his way. His most common face.
4. Angry Moachimon. He makes this face a lot. 
Sorry for the quality. It’s really hard to draw with one arm when you can’t really move the other.))
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
((It depends on who’s kissing.
If Ryan is:
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If Hayley is:
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Cue Hayley fleeing and turning bright red and hiding her face behind something.
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
Send in a ‘💋 ’...
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
“E-eep!” Hayley let out a startled squeak and did her absolute best to manage to not crush the cake and chocolates as she was engulfed in a hug. Despite giving a slight jump at the sudden gesture. “M-Mina, careful, OK? A-also, that’s not usually how birthdays work. I-I mean, it’s your birthday.”
“Don’t worry about it, OK? You don’t owe me anything.” She looked up and offered a rather large smile as she looked the older girl over. After a moment, she looked down to think. Mina’s baking did sound really good. But it’d be intruding on someone on their birthday. “B-but if you want to, sure.” 
Cookies won.
Hayley held out the rather tiny homemade cake as she stood in the door way. It was -covered- in pink hearts and stars. "Happy birthday? I-I know in Japan valentine's day is for giving chocolates to guys but...I mean, here." She held out a pink bag covered in hearts full of star shaped chocolates. Sort of. Some looked more like accidental flowers. Seems she still didn't have using the mold down. "Happy Valentine's day, too. A-as a thank you and friend gift."
As Mina opened the door, she was surprised to see Hayley standing in front of her with a tiny cake in her hands. Her lips formed a wide smile as soon as she saw the bag full of chocolates too. ‘Woah, thank you Hayley! Thank you so much.’ The girl takes them gladly and hugs her tightly. ‘I appreciate it~’ All of a sudden some kind of thought popped into her head. ‘Oh! I don’t have anything for you, but how about you come in and we’ll eat the cookies I made?‘
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
“I need your assistance.” Those words practically hissed out. And he wasn’t normally hostile with Hachimon. But his posture just screamed annoyed with the world. “So, yes, of course there is.” 
“Hayley’s upset again, and kicked me out. Something about wanting to spend time with her other friends and I quote ‘without you’. I merely told her the honest truth.” The rabbit crossed his arms as he stormed down the hall, flicking an ear back and lowering his head some. “You’re good at comforting people. I politely request...advice.”
Rabbimon promptly knocked on the familiar door, alone this time. In his usual perfectly rhythmic pattern. "Is Hachimon there? I would like to speak with him, if you can make time." And the uppity tone was instantly there. "And only him."
After hearing the knock, Ryan didn’t even bother lifting his head. He kept sitting at his desk and continued to focus on his homework.
Hachimon however, having heard Rabbi asking for him, stood from his dog-bed and trotted over to the door.“Just a moment, my friend!” he let the rabbit know he was on his way.After jumping up to flick the door handle, Hachimon pushed the door open and met the other Digimon with a smile.
“Greetings, Whiterabbimon. How can I help you?”
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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I met a fluffy shiba inu (named Tira)!!! That is all. — #sneakersthecorgi
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: 💗💗💗💗💗 (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks)
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: 💗💗💗💗💗 (how close a friend they consider them)
SEXUAL DESIRE: 💗💗💗💗💗 (wanting to have sex with them)
ROMANTIC INTENT: 💗💗💗💗💗 (hoping for a romantic relationship)
💔 Non-existent 💗 Very low 💗💗 A little 💗💗💗 Hopeful 💗💗💗💗 High 💗💗💗💗💗 Maximum
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
“I would like to speak to you. Alone.” He narrowed his eyes some as he spoke. His mood was blatantly not the best. His fur was a little poofy, which only slightly negated his rather annoyed expression. “It has to do with you and Hayley, and as such, not Ryan.” 
Rabbimon seemed to compose himself some as he adjusted his glasses once more. “May we take a walk?” 
Some being the statement here. He was only slightly less poofy, and his expression had gone from a ready to blow up to his usual intolerant but stoic one. But he still seemed kind of stiff. 
Rabbimon promptly knocked on the familiar door, alone this time. In his usual perfectly rhythmic pattern. "Is Hachimon there? I would like to speak with him, if you can make time." And the uppity tone was instantly there. "And only him."
After hearing the knock, Ryan didn’t even bother lifting his head. He kept sitting at his desk and continued to focus on his homework.
Hachimon however, having heard Rabbi asking for him, stood from his dog-bed and trotted over to the door.“Just a moment, my friend!” he let the rabbit know he was on his way.After jumping up to flick the door handle, Hachimon pushed the door open and met the other Digimon with a smile.
“Greetings, Whiterabbimon. How can I help you?”
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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Mina and Hayley in a plaid skirts partner look!
Mina belongs to @liebevollerroterpanda
Hayley belongs to @bundledham
Do not reblog, post, edit or use without my permission.
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
Instagram: wilburbeast_the_corgi
CorgisofIG | Instagram
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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(( I got bored and somehow this happened.
I’m sorry. 
I’ve been playing AC:HHA recently, so have Hayley and her friends as Animal Crossing villagers.))
Name: Mina 
Species: Rabbit
Personality: Peppy
Default shirt: Blossom Tee
Song: Bubblegum K.K.
Most common emotions: Joy, Laughter
I was debating between uchi and peppy for a while but peppy won out. Due to their love of performing and just generally cheery attitudes and obsession with fashion they fit Mina well. She’s based around being a performer. I wanted to incorporate her headset. 
Villagers used as inspiration:
Name: Hayley
Species: Dog
Personality: Normal
Default shirt:  Pink-Bud Tank
Song: K.K. Lullaby
Catchphrase: “S-sorry”
Most common emotions: Bashful, Distressed
Hayley was pretty easy to design and pick out. Though I had some issues picking out her shirt. She’s a normal, it fits her, they’re relatively non-confrontational, shut ins, and generally like to read. As well they tend to be modest with self esteem issues. And generally shy. They’re prone to talking about others, asking about others, and they tend to apologize a lot as well. They also tend to get along well with peppy villagers over girlish topics (which fits Hayley and Mina). Hayley’s based on a tri-colored corgi, though the ear shapes for dog villagers don’t change. Hayley’s name actually fits this, as Hayley is derived from “hay clearing”. 
Villagers used as inspiration:
Name: Ryan
Species: Goat
Personality: Smug
Default shirt: Sweater-vest
Song: K.K. Sonata
Most common emotions: Aggravation, Mischief 
Ryan was the hardest to pick out for. I went with goat over sheep because the sheep all have the same figure and are kind of round and fluffy and that didn’t seem to fit him. But the nature was hard. The male personalities in Animal Crossing are all extremes (and many don’t like to read) while the females have a bit more variety. Cranky was considered, but they spend a lot of time outside, and cranky villagers tend to be older. As well as physically strong and aggressive. So then I considered smug. Smug villagers are a bit more neutral. Smug villagers have elements of all the personality traits, and some can lean more one way or another (although all tend to be a little prideful). I’ve seen smug villagers that lean the cranky way and aren’t always super nice. Though, as a whole, smug villagers have a nice side and can be a little prideful. It was the best I could compromise on, really. Ryan is based on a pygmy goat.
Villagers used as inspiration:
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bundledham-blog · 8 years
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((A version of the image uploaded to DA.
Without the beach ball. 
This one shows off the outfit better.))
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