cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
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🏥 Nurse!Eddie AU ft. his favorite patient 🩺 (requested by anon)
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
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Spy AU + Buddie (requested by @mellaithwen)
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Eddie Diaz
10 gay pride icons
400 x 400
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
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Three drawings I’ve done recently (two after rewatching agent carter). The characters are 1. Daniel Sousa from Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD, 2. Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley from 9-1-1 on FOX and 3. Peggy Carter from Agent Carter. Also these are in three styles kinda, small changes because I’m trying to figure out which brushes show up well and just what details look best. Ya know?
@agenderbuckley because I promised to show them the Daniel Sousa art when I finished it and credit to @nonbinarybuckley because I used their gif as a reference for buck
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Buck/Eddie AU: Good News on My TV Screen
Fandom: 9-1-1
Pairing: Buck/Eddie
AU: Buck is a news reporter, Eddie is a firefighter, and they meet at the scene of an accident. 
CW: mentions of a gun and a gunshot, multiple car accidents, Buck’s parents being terrible parents
That night, after Christopher was in bed, Eddie grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV. He found himself checking his watch, then flipping through channels until he found the call sign matching the one he had seen on the side of the camera that morning.
And there he was, the reporter from the accident. He was standing by the side of the road, a broken off bumper, shattered glass, punctured tires all littering the scene behind him, but not a single injured person or smashed car. “Our thoughts tonight are with all those affected by this tragedy, and with the brave first responders who help without hesitation,” the man was saying. “I’m Evan Buckley, with Skywitness News 8. Back to you, Taylor.”
Evan Buckley. Now Eddie had a name to match the face. And confirmation that the face was just as attractive as he remembered.
Can also be found on a03 here
The car crash was absolutely horrendous, which of course meant all the news crews were out, cameras pointed directly in close up on the most heartbreaking, bloody scenes they could find.
And there were plenty to find.
“Assholes,” Eddie muttered under his breath, as he and Hen worked to free a sobbing woman who had been pinned between the greviously injured driver and the passenger side door when one of the cars had spun out of control and smashed right into them. The woman finally extricated, they carefully moved her onto a stretcher, two paramedics quickly rushing her into an ambulance. The situation was finally as under control as it was going to be, when from the corner of his eye Eddie saw a camera swing right towards them.
“Hey, no, not cool,” someone suddenly said, and Eddie looked up to see a reporter step in front of the camera with his arms out to his sides, effectively blocking the camera’s view of the injured woman.
“The network-” the cameraman began, but the reporter shook his head, standing his ground.
“The network brought me here for a reason, and it wasn’t to profit off anyone else’s pain,” Eddie heard the reporter say firmly, and the cameraman walked off with a grumble, camera pointed at the ground.
And then the reporter turned to them, and all Eddie could think was oh god, eyes, hair, birthmark, arms, muscles, and he would have missed entirely what was being said to them if it wasn’t for Hen sharply nudging him with her elbow.
“I’m really sorry about that,” the reporter said. “I know how busy you are, but I wanted to make sure I said that. Thank you for all you do.”
And as he hurried away towards where his cameraman was now, Eddie tried very hard not to let his gaze follow, but Hen’s snort of laughter clearly indicated he had failed miserably.
“Don’t make me report you to HR,” she teased, smirking at Eddie, who managed to take his eyes off the reporter long enough to roll them epically at Hen.
That night, after Christopher was in bed, Eddie grabbed the remote and flipped on the TV. He found himself checking his watch, then flipping through channels until he found the call sign matching the one he had seen on the side of the camera that morning.
And there he was, the reporter from the accident. He was standing by the side of the road, a broken off bumper, shattered glass, punctured tires all littering the scene behind him, but not a single injured person or smashed car. “Our thoughts tonight are with all those affected by this tragedy, and with the brave first responders who help without hesitation,” the man was saying. “I’m Evan Buckley, with Skywitness News 8. Back to you, Taylor.”
Evan Buckley. Now Eddie had a name to match the face. And confirmation that the face was just as attractive as he remembered.
Eddie hurried into the gym at Christopher’s school, still in his uniform. Glancing quickly around, he spotted Christopher in front of a table, his science fair project displayed right behind him. “Daddy!” Christopher exclaimed in delight, as Eddie scooped him into his arms for a tight hug. “You made it!”
“I promised you I would,” Eddie answered with a smile, running his fingers through Christopher’s curls as he set him back down.
“So this is your dad,” a warm voice sounded from nearby, and Eddie turned to come face to face with Evan Buckley himself. “Oh, hi!” The reporter ran his free hand over his hair, smoothing down his own curls, balancing a microphone in the other hand. “I hope it’s okay, I was talking to Christopher here about his science project. I want to start a segment highlighting great things schools are doing in the area. Of course, I’d get you to sign off first before I used any footage, I promise.”
“Dad, Buck is so cool!” Christopher exclaimed, tugging on his dad’s hand. “He knows all about volcanoes! He was telling me the biggest volcano ever is on Mars!”
“That is very cool,” Eddie chuckled, reaching a hand out. “I’m Eddie Diaz, and you’ve already met Christopher. Heads up, you’re his new favorite person now.”
“Evan Buckley, but my friends call me Buck,” Buck said, shaking Eddie’s hand, “and I don’t know about that.”  Buck’s cheeks were now tinted red, one hand rubbing the back of his neck. “He was talking about you and how much you helped him with his project.”
“Chris always says I can’t cook, but at least I can mix baking soda and vinegar,” Eddie chuckled, and Christopher grinned, leaning closer to Buck.
“He burns everything, and he’s a firefighter!” Christopher whispered with a mischevious smile, and Buck burst out laughing, Eddie’s cheeks now quickly turning red. A classmate approaching caught Christopher’s attention, and he quickly turned, eagerly picking up the vinegar bottle for a demonstration.
“I love kids, and you have got one great kid,” Buck said, giving Eddie a wide smile, before suddenly clapping his hands together in excitement. “Oh, hey, we have a program at the station, kids can come in and do the weather report, do you think Christopher would be interested in that?”
“He would love that, that would be amazing,” Eddie said, grinning as Christopher, who had been listening, came barrelling over and threw his arms around Buck’s legs in a tight hug.
“Thanks Bucky!” Christopher exclaimed. Buck knelt down as Christopher immediately moved to throw his arms around Buck’s shoulders, Buck hugging back tightly with a look Eddie would swear was a combination of disbelief and wonder. He needs more hugs Eddie couldn’t help but think, his blush darkening at the unexpected idea.
“Here, let me give you my phone number,” Buck said as Christopher noticed his project was attracting visitors and hurried back. “So we can schedule getting Superman here on to do the weather,” he added quickly, flushing as he reached out his hand.
“No, right, of course,” Eddie nodded, passing his phone to Buck, who quickly typed his number in. Eddie immediately sent a text to the number
Hi, it’s Eddie.
and immediately followed that by mentally slapped his forehead in exasperation that that was the best he could come up with.
“Got it saved,” Buck promised, flashing Eddie a grin as Eddie’s phone dinged, revealing the message
Hi, it’s Buck. ;)
Buck texted Eddie first, to suggest some possible dates and times that wouldn’t interfere with Chris’ school schedule.
Eddie texted back to confirm.
After, Eddie sat on the couch, staring down at his phone, fingers hovering, but before he could psych himself up to text something else, anything else, Buck had texted the title of a book about volcanos he thought Chris might like.
Chris immediately begged to go to the library, and when they got back to the house, Eddie texted Buck a photo of a stack of ten books about volcanos, Mars, and the weather with the message
He now wants to be a weatherman astronaut volcano scientist.
What, not a news reporter? My heart is breaking. :(  ;)
Eddie snorted, before quickly typing back
Just give him time. He’s already decided you’re the coolest person he’s ever met.
Do you think I’m the coolest person you’ve ever met too? Just need to know if I need to work harder to win over both Diaz boys.
Eddie paused, taking a deep breath before responding
Maybe I just need some more time too. And you can only be second coolest. Christopher is always first place.
Seems fair to me. And I like the idea of more time.
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Au where bucks arm gets crushed by the truck and he becomes the winter soilder
Who the hell is Buck
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Chapters: 1/? Relationships: Evan “Buck” Buckley & Maddie Buckley, Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan “Buck” Buckley, Maddie Buckley Additional Tags: Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, 5+1 Things, Birthday, Evan “Buck” Buckley Needs A Hug, Pre-Relationship, Loneliness, does this count as a buck begins?
Shitty birthdays are a dime a dozen, and Buck’s getting used to spending them alone.
aka, 5 times Buck celebrates by himself and 1 time he’s surrounded by family.
(tags will be updated with new chapters, but the big ones are there!!)
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
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Eddie sketch for the 911 Kingsmen au
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Ya know what I’m thinking of? The lines ‘young James Dean some say he looks just like his father but he could never love somebody’s daughter football team loved more than just the game so he vowed to be his husband at the alter’ from New Americana and all the edits of gay characters but it’s Eddie because god damn it if Eddie wasn’t a football kid and didn’t have a crush on one of his friends but wouldn’t admit it.
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan “Buck” Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Hurt Evan “Buck” Buckley, Concussions, delayed symptoms, Episode: s04e05 Buck Begins, Vomiting, Headaches & Migraines, Pre-Relationship, they have feelings but they don’t kiss yet
It’s quiet for a moment, quiet for two—Buck is halfway to dozing again when Eddie speaks up.
“You okay?” Eddie asks. Buck blinks his eyes back open and glances over to find Eddie dutifully watching the road, but with a tight grip on the wheel and a worried crease between his eyebrows. Buck has the sudden urge to smooth it away, somehow, but he holds back.
Eddie isn’t just asking about the headache or the exhaustion, and Buck knows that, but he’s not sure he wants to get into the rest of it right now. So he shrugs and says, “I’m fine. Hen and the doc both cleared me, remember?”
(aka: Buck is a little less fine than he realizes, in the aftermath of the factory fire.)
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
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Grace and Judd Ryder being soulmates.
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
Eddie just deserves to know he is loved and cared about and forehead kisses
if you want love (give some away) [ao3 link] eddie/buck, hurt/comfort, bad days and first times
Eddie’s having a bad day. 
It’s not anything he says, but Buck knows what to look for; he’s quiet, distracted. For most of their shift, he joins in conversations and jokes, even quietly ribs Chim with the rest of them. Buck can see the ripples under the surface. The tightness to Eddie’s smile, the lack of something as Eddie moves through the room. 
Buck’s had plenty of bad days to know a lot of them are mental. Whatever Eddie’s dealing with, he’s not ready to talk about it, so Buck isn’t going to. Instead, he changes quickly, watches Eddie from the corner of his eye. He’s slow, eyes dark, and Buck knows why he’s hesitating. 
Chris is already at school and all that’s waiting for Eddie at home is an empty house. 
“Hey,” Buck says quietly. “Wanna grab food?”
Eddie blinks, looks up. “Sorry, what?”
Reaching out, Buck rests a hand on Eddie’s shoulder. “I know you’re not alright,” he says, because it’s not even a question. “You wanna come to mine? Go get food.”
The look on Eddie’s face breaks Buck’s heart; it’s painfully apparent Eddie’s surprised, and when he says, just as quietly, “how did you know,” Buck wants to drag Eddie in for a hug and never let go. 
“I know you,” Buck replies. “It’s obvious.”
Again, Eddie stares. 
“Yours, mine, or to eat.”
“I can drive,” Eddie protests, even as he stares at his open locker door like he’s forgotten what he’s doing. 
Buck bites back on a retort. “I’ll take you wherever you wanna go, it doesn’t have to be with me.”
Something in Eddie deflates at that, and he closes his eyes, pressing his head to what’s probably the cool metal of the locker door. “I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“Alright.” Buck knows what that feels like; a million emotions rushing through you and it’s difficult to pinpoint one. 
“Mine,” Eddie says eventually. Buck nods, straightens, and Eddie catches his wrist, thumb against his pulse point. “Stay with me?”
Buck doesn’t care where they are, he drags Eddie in closer and wraps an arm around his neck. Eddie stiffens for a fraction of a beat, but then he relaxes in the hold, letting out a shuddery breath. “You’re allowed to not be okay.”
Eddie says nothing, but he tightens his grip on Buck’s back, another shaky breath warming Buck’s neck. 
“Eddie,” Buck says gently, and doesn’t try and force Eddie to look at him. He kisses Eddie’s forehead instead, moving a hand to the back of Eddie’s head. Eddie’s eyes are closed, but he’s turning his face into Buck’s, and he’s still there. He pitches his voice lower. “It’s okay to not be okay.”
“Buck,” Eddie says. “When Chris isn’t there,” a pause, and Eddie’s forehead is against Buck’s temple, “it feels empty.”
Buck knows; his apartment is always empty, cold. Albert helps, but it’s always too much until Buck enters the Diaz household. “i know.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees. In the ways that Buck knows Eddie, Eddie knows Buck. They’re seen and sometimes that’s frightening and exhilarating in equal measure. Buck knows where they’re headed, knows that if he turns his head and kisses Eddie, Eddie wants it, will let it happen. He knows that if he waits, Eddie will wait too. That when they kiss, when they put a name to the feelings, they’ll be in step, side by side, together in all the ways they can be. 
Maybe, Buck thinks, that’s what Eddie needs. The moment, now it’s here, feels more normal than anything else; Buck closes the distance between them, lips soft against Eddie’s. Eddie shudders, kisses back. Buck’s still cradling the back of his head, still got an arm around him. 
Buck kisses Eddie’s forehead again, fingers running through Eddie’s hair. It’s longer, perfect, and Eddie’s eyes are half-lidded when he finally opens them. 
“I’ve got you,” Buck promises. 
Eddie’s eyes are shiny. 
Buck rubs the apple of Eddie’s cheek, jerks his head at the door. “Let’s go home.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agrees. Then, as Buck starts to pull away, Eddie tugs him back. Soft lips press against his jaw, his mouth. “I love you too.”
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
The 118: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
AKA my 9-1-1/Avengers Au
In a world that is constantly changing, and with dangerous forces on the rise, a team of remarkable heroes will rise to the challenge and save the day.
Not just because they’re heroes but because they’re a family.
That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero ~ Stan Lee
Character Casting
Shout-Out to @the-wardrobeintocamelot and one Anonymous Ask for helping me with picking the characters
And a special thanks to @nelvea-mb for their many awesome ideas for this AU.
More below:
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
My gender is Evan Buckley from 9-1-1 on fox
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
May I add the input of Eddie while being thick this season also just looks really soft. Like peak pillow. Especially in the crossover where he’s wearing like a regular tshirt. All my smooth kola brain could think was tummy the whole time.
Oh. anon. YES.
we love it. 
pliant eddie/buck, soft soft soft
Buck doesn’t know what make him look at Eddie and think pillow. 
Having just put Chris to bed, he walks back into the living room and sees Eddie stretched out on the couch. He’s got his feet against the arm, beer bottle balanced on his hip, and eyes on the TV. Buck’s lips twitch into a smile and he stumbles forward. “Chris is asleep.”
“Good,” Eddie says, smiling as he meets Buck’s eyes. “How many stories did he get out of you?”
“One,” Buck says, offended. “I know how to moderate.”
Eddie raises an eyebrow. “Uh-huh.”
The moment just feels right. Buck approaches the couch, and when Eddie tries to move, he says, “Nope,” and clambers on top of him. Eddie grunts, both of them shifting because it’s not the biggest couch and they’re both grown ass men, but eventually they find a position that works for them. 
“We’re too big for this,” Eddie grumbles, but he’s moved his beer bottle to the coffee table, and has an arm wrapped over Buck’s shoulder, running his fingers over the knobs of Buck’s spine.
“M’comfy though,” Buck mumbles, hand on Eddie’s stomach, cheek pillowed on his chest. 
Eddie huffs a short laugh. “As long as you are.”
They lapse into silence, the TV quietly washing over them. Eddie’s hand doesn’t stop moving, but it slides up into Buck’s hair, then all the way down his spine. Buck’s always wondered how soft Eddie is. He’s soft in his actions, in the way he looks at Buck, his touches. Everything about him is soft when he’s interacting with Buck. Even his anger, over time, has become muted and gentle, mostly because he’s usually terrified at the same time. 
“You’re soft,” Buck says, half-asleep. 
Eddie hums, kissing the top of Buck’s head. 
Later, when Buck’s climbing to his feet to let Eddie go to bed, Eddie wraps a hand around Buck’s and tugs him down the hall. Buck’s still mostly asleep as he goes through the routine of getting ready for bed, then drops onto the bed face first. 
“Buck,” Eddie says, nudging his shoulder. “Under the covers, buddy.”
“No,” Buck whines. 
Eddie laughs, still gentle, and moves Buck around until he’s under the covers. When Eddie’s set the alarm and shifts closer, Buck moves, sliding down Eddie’s body until he can pillow his head on Eddie’s stomach. “Buck.”
“You’re soft,” Buck says, cuddling up to Eddie, hands against his waist. Eddie huffs, moving the covers so he doesn’t suffocate. 
“I’m gonna get cold,” Eddie complains. 
“I’ll keep you warm.” Buck closes his eyes, breathes out slow. Eddie’s hand resumes stroking through his hair and scratching lightly at his scalp. 
When Buck’s mostly asleep, sure he’s dreaming, Eddie whispers, “I love you.”
I love you too, Buck thinks. Maybe says, he can’t be sure. 
Eddie tightens his grip. 
The next morning, Buck’s moved up, head mushed into the curve of Eddie’s neck. Eddie’s awake, messing around on his phone, and Buck smiles, turns his lips to Eddie’s neck and kisses. 
“Morning,” Eddie says. 
“Told you that you were soft,” Buck says, lifting his head to look Eddie in the eye. 
“Not sure that’s a life goal of mine,” Eddie mutters, but he’s smiling. He can’t fool Buck. 
Buck raises his eyebrows, chin on Eddie’s chest, and lifts a hand, tracing the line of Eddie’s jaw. “Did I say it last night?”
Eddie’s eyes are bright. “What?”
“You said I love you,” Buck explains. “Did I say it back?”
There’s a touch of pink to Eddie’s cheeks. He ducks his head, swallows, but then nods. “Yeah, you did.”
“Good.” Buck smiles brightly, pushes up to kiss Eddie’s jaw. “Wanna shower?”
Eddie laughs, a little nervous, but he kicks back the covers. “We don’t have long.”
“So we’ll be quick,” Buck says, wiggling his eyebrows. 
Buck shakes his head, leaning against the doorjamb. “Now I have what I want, I’m taking it all.”
Eyes dark, Eddie smirks. “You sure?”
“Never been more certain about anything,” Buck promises. 
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
I NEED to see Eddie in like Dad tm clothing. Like jeans glasses and one of those running jackets that hospitals sell or a cardigan. Just give me Eddie being a dorky dad.
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cal-tries-to-write · 3 years
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Yee haw
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