carywns · 9 days
Someone save Yoongi from this jikookery
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carywns · 9 days
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carywns · 9 days
Two 🖤🤍 lil mushrooms 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
...Giggling and playing with their mics and lil beanies
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carywns · 11 days
i am so damn tired of so many army refusing to let jikooks bond be considered special. and i am tired of them trying to gaslight people into believing that theyre not doing it. this isnt about viewing jikook romantically. so many army will not acknowledge jikooks friendship and how close they are and when they do they make it an ot7 thing.
- compilations of jungkook with other members (like them being on his live streams, him copying them, etc) which are suspiciously low on jimin content.
- comments under jikook videos saying they love all of bts relationships or "jungkook loves bts" which is true but why do yall have a habit of flooding jikook videos with these comments and not other pairings?
- the constant downplaying or ignoring of stuff jungkook does and says as if jikook is a one sided bond. ex: jungkook being called jimins cook, jungkook saying he is always watching jimin, jungkook doing a live to watch jimin content, baby jungkook saying he teases jimin because he likes him so much, jungkook going to jimins room all the time when they lived together, etc. its god damn crickets about this stuff outside of jikook shipper spaces.
- people hyping the fuck out of other duo content but being unusually silent or outright hostile to jikook duo content. why did i see so few ot7s excited about jikooks travel show? why do i see so few ot7s calling out solos and other shippers making terrible comments about them when they do things together?
- people being totally okay saying jungkook had/has a crush on nj, that th and jimin are soulmates, that th and jungkook are twin flames or two sides of the same coin, that x member has a soft spot for x member as long as its not jikook. jikook are not allowed these sorts of comments which are inherently counted as shipping when other pairing comments are not.
like you are not allowed to acknowledge jikooks bond in this fandom without catching some sort of flack. why do i have to go to jikook specific blogs just to see them being appreciated? most ot7s wont acknowledge that this is happening and act as if jikookers are just being crazy shippers. and its ridiculous because appreciating jikook doesnt have anything to do with shipping! it drives me crazy seriously.
jikook are best friends. this should not be such a hard fact to accept.
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carywns · 19 days
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carywns · 20 days
Some very cathartic words needed right now for my overly emotional ass 😭💛💜
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The current circus 🎪
Everything that's been happening last months on the ex-bird app regarding our boys has been a circus.
Jimin and Jungkook's solos have been going for each other's throats, especially since they enlisted together, and part of the cult has been growing increasingly toxic, fabricating rhetoric day by day.
Daeun is this month's special guest in this circus, invited by the thousands of toxic users on her Instagram, who encourage her to go even more psychotic, if that's possible.
We would have been naive to think that the cult would not take advantage of this clout-chaser's behaviour to try to take Jimin out of the Taekook love equation, even though they know perfectly well that such an equation doesn't exist.
Even if it were true that Jimin had dated this or that person, they surely know (deep down) this does not prevent Taejennie from existing (sorry but walking hand in hand along the Seine during Cannes week seems more solid proof than the legs of a sofa), nor it can make Taekook suddently behave like a couple or lovers. Taekook have cute moments - as do the rest - but their relationship dynamics - their quarrels, their sometimes passive-aggressive behaviour, their antics - clearly scream ‘friends’.
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But it doesn't matter what we say, or how much we report them. We're a small minority. And as long as the general fandom does nothing, we're not going to shut them up... or stop digital kpop magazines from echoing their obsessions.
Anyway… focusing on what’s happening and how it affects Jimin and JK…
...They seem to care about this the same as they cared about the weibo vid with JK , i.e. they don't give a 💩
But before elaborate on this, let me make a small confession....
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
I have tried for months not to 'label' Jikook (and I keep trying not to).
I admit that 2023 was a year of ups and downs for me with them, with great gestures and big unknowns.
From seeing them missing each other ...
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....to see them lead totally different lives....even their mindset was different.
Military service came to shake everything I thought at the time and made me (and probably some of you too) realize two things:
One is pretty obvious, but still true: there is a whole LIFE behind the scenes - their real and personal life - that people don't know about.
It doesn't matter what they are (partner, lovers or friends, or all three). They are important enough to each other to not want to be separated for a year and a half, even if it means going to the north of their country, to a harsh and unpleasant frontline area in winter, with many more risks.
Add to this their way of supporting each other during the year, their exclusivity to record a travel show (while traveling together, the obvious but most important 😉), and their constant flirting in the Vlivеs..
Come by, I know you're bored (and we won't be bored).
I'm not that easy
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Come by (I've got some nice fried chicken here waiting for you)
I want to tie your hair... my shrimp, my mura...
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
Do you think two people with stable partners would do all of this?
I dont think so....
If we move to 2020, 2021, or 2022, it's even worse, with hickeys, White Day dinners, birthdays together, "love you" on stage, collecting stamps, etc.
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I find it hard to believe the rumors about them being with women, not so much because they can't be plausible, but because I can't reconcile these supposedly solidified relationships some claim they have (with Yubi, Daeun especially) with how they’ve behaved with each other over these years.
I'm an adult, I have a brain (LOL) and I understand that relationships can change and even end. But.Jimin and Jungkook have continued to behave the same or very similar during all of these years... Facts at the end of the year endorse this.
Could they both see other people and have nothing more between them than a special friendship or something undefined?
They could BUT... we all know that their personalities are not the most conducive to that kind of life style or behaviour. Jungkook is sentimental and possessive. A few perilla leaves could be a big problem for him. And Jimin has a high regard for love and is one of the most respectful and discreet idols out there.
So, long story short.....thousands of rumours can spread, and yet the only thing that remains undisputed is the deep and real feeling that exists between them. As we saw in September, with the leaked JK video (and him going in the other way the next days on tik tok LOL), no rumour can shatter their bond, not even the toxic ones.
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The "But you gotta be there for me too" has made them choose each other over other important things, both while they were active (searching for time to record a travel show together when their schedules were full) and during their military period.
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Anyway, it goes without saying that I don't believe that "clout-chasing wannabe famous" woman... but this post will remain valid for other times, other rumors, other evidence, other lies, and other truths.
Because I have learnt my lesson: so far the only thing that has remained solid as a rock is their LOVE, without labels, which is simply precious, not based on rumours or theories, but on FACTS, and which they protect above all else.
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carywns · 21 days
this news is about them signing their group contracts not their solos contracts that's a whole different thing will likely come out later by next year when jhope and jin exit the military.
See what I mean about akgae assertions made entirely to soothe their anxieties whether or not it's based in fact?
Anon, the fact is you have no idea how their contracts are structured. You don't know if each member's contract includes clauses for both group and solo projects and management. You don't know if the contracts are structured collectively or not. You don't even know if another set of contract signings related only to solo careers will be announced when Jin and Hobi are discharged. In fact the only reference to 2Seok in the main press release, is in the signing of the same contract renewals that were announced today, those two singled out only because they cannot physically sign the document until they're out of the military.
And this is aside the fact that BigHit has a fiduciary responsibility to not misrepresent anything about the nature of these contract renewals to their investors. Meaning if they were aware the members are signing solo contracts with other companies, undercutting the exclusivity HYBE enjoys managing the artists that account for 60% of their topline, they could get sued to hell and back by their investors for it.
So, in response to news that the members have agreed to renew with Bighit, you're already filling in the blanks to create a scenario in which the member you want to leave and sign with another company can still do so. I mean, it's possible theoretically speaking, but the point is neither you nor me has any basis or evidence to support that assertion. The member you bias choosing to remain with BigHit to manage his solo career, is an anxiety you have, that you've now created a scenario to soothe yourself.
My little unsolicited advice: It's been a hellish six months. I get it. Many things happened and are still unexplained and people just want the absolute best for the members they love. But these guys are not rookies. The industry is ruthless and corporations have their agendas, but if their company was out to sabotage them, BTS as a group would've been dead in the water long before you ever heard about them (just look at the trainwreck k-pop has been in all year). The members are the only people who know what they want, they have significantly more information about the state of their careers than anybody telling you anything on Tumblr.com. Take a page from our resident muggle Jimin and step away from the internet for a bit.
Stream his music, buy his album for your niece or dad, introduce your friends to those Ethereal Beauty Jimin videos on Youtube.
While their mouths are still agape, hit them with the MV:
Good luck and borahae ami.
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carywns · 22 days
Seeing the enthusiasm for MiniMoni Music, talking so nicely about their intimate bond as group members, knowing each other so well, how they have this romantic aura surrounding their interactions even as a friendship, I just know that when Jimin and Jungkook will show their fans how they spend their time together, the entire fandom's reaction will be just as nice, right? No one will protest, report accounts will take a break, everyone will love to see them both and no one will add the world leech in every other sentence. Considering all the reactions today and how cute everyone found the friend(ship) name minimoni, I'm sure we'll see the same energy next time. Right?
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carywns · 25 days
I'm so happy and thankful: a mantra meditation
I'm just so happy and thankful that I never have to rely on big accounts who monetize lies. I never need edited pics, or deep fakes, or deliberate mistranslations, or super secret hand signals. I watch original content so I've never once mistaken one of the boys for an empty beach or a Christmas tree.
I never need to harass the other members or their families or the staff or their collaborators or fellow models or businesses or restaurants or company. I've never had to beg for moments on lives. Never had to wonder if they know each other's tiny intimate things--like lyrics to each other's songs and when grandma's birthday is or how spicy noodle is too spicy.
As absolutely adorable as all bonds are between BTS, I am so happy and grateful I've never once had to feel shame trying to spin complete b.s. into gold. I just enjoy the friendships that exist, and I celebrate whatever label Jikook wanna put on it when they are around each other.
I'm so happy and grateful now that I never need worry about rumors or "eye witness" accounts or whatever. BTS all love each other. But our boys made their choice.
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Jungkook is gonna keep holding Jiminie. Bleugh blueugh blueaaaggghh.
Love Roo <3
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carywns · 1 month
Love exists
A few months ago, I received an ask talking about “queer men”, stating that they’re known for casual, not-lasting relationships and that they don’t usually commit to a single partner. I don’t remember anon’s exact words, but it was so messed up and disrespectful that I decided to post just a screenshot of its first lines, to express my disgust and reply without actually disturbing people’s timelines with all that shit.
Lately I’ve tried to inform myself more and be more aware of what the members are actually going through. I wanted to distance myself from all the catastrophic, hell-like scenarios people talk about when they refer to the military life; but I also wanted to consider and reflect on that side, for what it is and isn’t, and for what we can (or at least I can) know, because being honest means admitting that’s not the best environment to be in right now. Mentally, physically, politically speaking as well. The world’s a tense nerve and I dare to say the big majority of the men in there would have chosen to stay home, living their own lives. As Jimin said, “it’s not like I want to: I have to go”.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that it has to be done, or at least I’m getting there. 4 out of 5 stages of grief. Videos of Namjoon pop up on my twitter and I watch them. I don’t know if I’m supposed to or not, but I do. And my first thought is “I miss him”, even though new music is coming and we’ve got content to enjoy of 10+ years worth and it’s not like we shared the same neighborhood anyways. But the truth is I miss the life I know he’s missing. I almost and probably hyperbolically feel like I’m the one who has to go through intense training and early alarms waiting for a free weekend to visit a museum. Because I know he would choose art if he could, instead of arms.
And the more I think about it, the more my brain’s crossed by the same thought-sequence each time: they’re serving and they’re away, they’re gonna settle and come back quickly, I hope they’re safe.
But with Jimin and Jungkook the thought sequence is different, and I catch my brain correcting itself everytime. Cause sometimes I’m eating and ask myself how Jungkook’s doing in those kitchens, and some very often times I start thinking about Jimin cutting his hair the very last day available, and realize how discreetly but honestly he showed his mixed and negative feelings about the departure. I feel the same way I do for the others, that gut thing that hurts my stomach a bit, for a few seconds. Or the resigned expression on my face making me frown.
But then I remember they’re together. And it was so unexpected for me that even now, now that we’ve known for a while, it’s not foregone. I need to remember myself it happened, it’s happenening, they chose each other, and give myself some selfish comfort.
They’re not attached to the hip, that’s a fact. They have different jobs and times, probably interact with different groups of people most of the time and I’m sure they’re facing individual struggles that the other won’t as well. They’re not on vacation.
But what warms my heart is that they’re always coming back to each other. Maybe some days are easier and they’re around each other, but some others are for sure more busy and require them to spend time in different areas of the camp. And even during those times they’re coming back to each other. At the end of the day that’s their peace.
I think we all imagine ourselves in others’ situations sometimes. I do that often, literally projecting my entire life and body and possible feelings/reactions into theirs. And with the members it happens often, even though my personality is probably similiar to a couple of them. During tours, for example, I’m always wondering “how would I feel on that big stage?”, or reading one of their tweet imagining how it feels to post something that gets instantly seen, reposted, commented by thousands and thousands of people.
And since Jin left I’m always thinking “how would I feel, how does it feel?”, because I don’t know what I’d do if I was the eldest of the group, the first one to enlist, and medias, journalists, press, public opinion and “fans” all gathered together criticizing me for not being enlisted yet, telling me to “just hurry up and go”, judging me and putting pressure on me in a way that I’ve probably never experienced before in my long, respect worthy and deserved career. I paved the way for each one of you fools and that’s what I get in return. I’d be mad and exhausted.
With Jimin and Jungkook I tried to imagine how I’d feel if I was thrown in this rough and crazy experience with bullets and everything all over my body, hair cut, number on the helmet and a fucking dog tag around my neck just in case the worst happens, and having someone I love, I know, I trust, I chose to be with, someone I’ve spent years with sharing moments and memories and tears and dreams, fights in the rain and all, by my side. Ending my day in a completely new, challenging, unfair (speaking in terms of principles, above all), uncomfortable environment, and seeing that same face I’ve seen growing changing crying and laughing since we were young dumb and broke. If you let me, that would heal me a little.
Now what I said at the beginning, about anon’s ask, concerns exactly this. I’ll never justify those words, never discuss about it, I’m not opened to conversation with that specific person whoever they are. But I have to admit that goes around a lot. Like a lot. “How can you believe two of the hottest men in Korea have been committed to each other for years?”, or also “why would they commit to each other when they could actually have anyone at anytime everywhere and whenever they want, for one night?”. And I get it, fast food-love-feelings-everything capitalistic society’s idiot, you want that dopamine now and you want it all just to let it go by the morning and crave it again at night. I see it. Lasting things are boring and who wants to be bored and sad, when you can fly high all the time.
My relaxed, white-flag, fast answer right now would just be that love exists. And I’m talking about every healthy, pure, real form of love. Loving books or loving people, loving your cat or loving your mom. It exists and it must be such a crazy chemical reaction for people to experience, because that love made Jimin and Jungkook respect and take care of each other since 2013, even when we couldn’t see it, when it was fresh, new, when it needed attentions and time and surely made them make mistakes like a kid growing up learning he can’t scream in the streets or make doodles on his house’s walls.
I’ve always seen their love as something they’ve raised together. Because it’s easy to fall in love, but loving everyday is a choice and that exact choice for them specifically was harder than it would be for someone else, not in their position. But now I see and believe it’s mature. That love which started from teasing and pushing, flirting, refusing trips or hugs but shyly hugging at night sharing the bed, is now a big boy. It will continue to grow up, it could change shape, it could last forever. As partners, as friends, as people who literally built each other’s lives adding pieces of memories to their stories. Jimin’s helping Jungkook doing his life’s puzzle and viceversa and that’s so, so, so tender. Something deep and pure keeps them tied to each other in the most healthy and committed way I’ve ever seen.
When I replied to that anon, someone in the comments (I don’t wanna bother people with any annoying notification, but the username was something like @/onthecuterside. I hope they don’t mind me mentioning), shared something so beautiful and true that it’s still stuck in my mind. “If you want endless repetition, see different people. If you want infinite variety, stay with one”. A quote from Joni Mitchell. This comment went on talking about the fact that in a long relationship, things die and are rekindled, and this shared process of “rebirth” deepens the love. It’s hard. Sometimes you feel like you can’t stand the person you love anymore and you start thinking they’re assholes. You look like an asshole to them as well. But once you go through it (I’d add when the love is worth doing so), you get closer, you learn a new way of loving each other, warmer and deeper. And that’s when you understand how much the other means to you.
I’m not under their bed neither I’d want to be. So I can’t say if they’ve already experienced this phase or not. We’ve seen periods of tension and moments that looked like break ups, but I can’t bet on it. The only thing I feel like knowing for sure is that they nurture their love every day, in such a gentle, spontaneous but attentive way, that I can’t even describe it. And it’s unique when you realize that, at one point, it doesn’t matter anymore if they’re actually dating or not, opinions about it all die screaming. It’s love, period, and they’re proof it exists.
“They’ll get tired of each other after spending 18 months together”. While my actual thought when I realized (because I didn’t realize as soon as I knew) they enlisted together was: “they’re gonna fall in love with each other again”. They’re gonna crave support and familiarity, someone with their same sense of humor, who understands them and has always done so, they’re gonna meet new good people who are doing what they have to do, just like them, but none of them could ever compare to someone you met when you were 15. They’re gonna need each other and find each other right there.
I know for sure they’re sitting next to each other before bed time, when the sun is down and that forest-like place they’re living in goes quiet, and they’re sharing with each other the new parts of themselves coming out. And that’s when they’ll get to know each other again, and disagree, and relate, and feel understood, seen, heard, and that’s when they’ll have no distractions, absolutely nothing, phone available just for a few hours, and that’s when they’re gonna fall in love again.
“They’ll get tired of each other”. Oh boy. Oh man. They chose each other for years and travelled together before enlisting together, with the companion system they chose to apply to, risking it all and knowing damn well the price they had to pay for it: being together, cool, but in one of the hardest units. And the decision was made anyways. At the end of the day this bond is such a pure celebration of love that nothing touches me anymore. It really was the last piece of the puzzle. They did it privately, quietly, they protected themselves all the time, they had nothing to prove or show to anyone.
When we found out about it, I got reminded of Jungkook’s birthday live when Jin brought him grapes. He told Jungkook: “I’m the only one visiting you, none else came”. And Jungkook nodding, laughing, not denying. But when Jin asked him who visited, name by name, Jungkook confessed Jimin and Hobi had actually been there. Man was like “if you ask me I’ll tell you, nothing to hide. Until then, I keep it low and safe”. And I’m not only talking about Jimin. Jungkook didn’t mention Hobi either. It’s just their way of being, their attitude. If people have nothing to do with who visits Jungkook on his birthday or doesn’t, why would he share that?
Because that’s how it works when you have nothing to prove and your relationships work and live beyond the public space. You protect what you gotta protect, do what you gotta do, and what comes out comes out, what doesn’t doesn’t. And of course we need to take consideration of context: Jikook earned a certain status and reputation, but they still have limits and restrictions that we don’t always see.
There are also endless times when Jimin and Jungkook spent time together and we found out months, days, even years later. And this is why I kept saying “they owe us nothing” to that anon asking how they could ever handle public eye and living together, hypothetically, in the new mansion Jungkook’s getting built.
Jimin and Jungkook enlisted together for themselves, they chose it for their own sake and safety. They knew it was gonna come out, and still, no public statements, no justification. No mention except for Jimin, rapidly, the day before leaving. But why would they? They didn’t do it for us. For you. We have nothing to do with this we’re just sticking our noses in. I’m doing it too lol.
So next time people will piss me off about their bond and love, I’ll follow Jimin and Jungkook’s rules. I do my shit, stay sane and cool, leaving the bitching outside the door. Cause at the end of the day it’s me and my baby that matter, not their moaning. At the end of the day this should have never turned into a ship proving type of thing, into a fandom war, goddamn we should’ve all celebrated it. Treat it with care. All we should be thinking about is for them to stay safe, healthy, sane, praying and hoping they’ll be back before the world fucking explodes.
And if there was a better and warmer way to go through all of this, all the fear and discomfort, and it was together, I can’t see why Jimin and Jungkook shouldn’t have chosen it. I can’t see why people can’t appreciate things worth of support, despite personal opinions or shipping sides. While you’re kicking your feet people keep loving each other and doesn’t it feel like a waste of energy to you?
I’m just so glad love exists, and I’m really willing to gradually stop caring of anything else outside and stay on my floating island cheering for it. Avoidant coping mechanisms but I swear I’ll speak up if needed. I’m just glad I can witness its pure nature between these two young men, in different ways everytime among them all, and I’m glad we’re always talking about choices here, nothing like codependency or toxicity. I’m so glad I can acknowledge this is way too special and delicate to become or be treated as everything it’s not, except for what it is.
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carywns · 2 months
Babies 🥰
Myth Busting
Watching this a viewer may think there’s a one sidedness they are seeing.
It’s a narrative going on in the fandom to this day.
However the exact interview Jimin walked in on, had Jungkook acknowledging, that in 2015 and since debut, he would name Jimin as his favourite Hyung:
2020 Japan Fancafe Footage alternative link, Jungkook reacting to 2015 Jungkook.
Though now they’re much more trained and diplomatic in not naming a specific member as a favourite.
His FAVOURITE Hyung! In 2015 when less aware of the implications he let it be known with honesty, since debut, Jimin Hyung.
They were close then and they’re close now.
The two that chose to embark on gruelling physical and mental work for 18 months, together.
Don’t let others and their negativity narrate their history for them.
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carywns · 2 months
Jikook & Fried Chicken
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Credit: Busanbaes
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carywns · 2 months
I’ve been thinking about this all day today …
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I’ve been thinking of the different ways he could celebrate if he weren’t in the military at the moment. About the WEVERSE LIVE we would get, about all the people that would be calling him and congratulate him. Or the type of meal he would eat on the plaque …
Like, if only he weren’t alone right now. If he had someone nearby to congratulate him in person, it would make me feel much better 🥹 …
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carywns · 2 months
Roundie and cute
Jungkook is "round and innocent"
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I will ad...with galaxy eyes
Jimin is "kind and cute",
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and I will ad: he's the most loving guy
Jk once said: 'When things get tiring, Jimin comes and encourages me and supports me from behind. He listens to my problems diligently'.
Jimin last January: “being together makes (us) be able to rely on each other and get strength (from each other)” "sometimes feels long, sometimes fast because Jungkook is next to me"
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I may miss them, but knowing that they are together is comforting and eases the sadness of not having them with us these 18 months
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carywns · 2 months
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carywns · 2 months
Does anyone know why this account deactivated 💔😭
I still can’t believe this happened. I mean what was he thinking sitting there watching Jimin, smiling, kicking his feet and blushing? Did he know we could see him?
Oh to love like this and to be loved like this.
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carywns · 2 months
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