caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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🌿💎Terrarium Crystal Garden Kit💎🌿
NOW ONLY £75, this gorgeous Terrarium Crystal Garden is a perfect, safe space for grounding and charging your crystals. 
This starter kit includes one medium Amethyst crystal cluster to promote spiritual and mental healing and peace, three Quarts points for protection, pine cones symbolizing the Third Eye/Pineal gland & thus enlightenment, & Star Anise to ward off negativity/the Evil Eye and to promote good luck.
Visit My Shop: HERE
Find Me on Instagram: HERE 
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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Allium - banishing, pyromancy, cursing, poppet work, protection, good luck, strengthening energy
Anemone - protection, health, healing
Artemisia - healing, comfort from grief, divination, lucid dreaming, dreams, protection, cleansing
Alyssum - protection, glamour spells,  peace, fae
Aster - love, healing
Astilbe - lunar work
Baby’s Breath - love, fae, self love
Bellflower - love, beauty, goddess work
Butterfly Bush - hope, love, fae
Cornflower - femininity, fae, acceptance, health, beauty, protection
Catmint - healing, animal magic, relaxation, calmness, happiness, psychic ability, love, wishes, meditation
Chrysanthemum - healing, samhain, ancestral work
Chamomile -  calmness, money, love, peace, cleansing, love, meditation
Columbine - love, self love, beauty
Cosmo - spirit work, fae, harmony, confidence
Crocus - goddess work, Imbolc, Ostara, new beginnings
Dahlia - friendship, dreams, femininity, change
Daisy (general) - divination, femininity, goddess work
Foxglove - fae
Geranium - breaking love spells, happiness, prosperity
Honeysuckle - sexuality, fertility, love, luck, prosperity, sweetness
Hiyacinth - goddess work, love, self love, astrology
Hydrangea - lunar work, femininity, breaking curses, love, binding
Iris - creativity, balance, divinity, love, protection, cleansing
Lantana - harmony, emotional stability, banishment of sadness, clairvoyance
Lavender - calmness, cleansing, love, happiness, fertility
Lilac - love, protection, fortune, new love, banishing
Lily of the Valley - peace, mental health, tranquility, purification, longevity, marriage
Lobelia - weather magic, love, divination, fae
Marigold - healing, energy, sun work
Morning Glory - spirit work, travelling, binding, luck, confidence, strength
Moon Flower - lunar work, spell breaking
Pansy - femininity, longevity, protection, purification
Peony - healing, good luck, fortune, prosperity, success
Petunia - beauty, joy, inspiration, new beginnings
Poppy - sleep, healing
Primrose - healing, altars, glamour work, cleansing, inner beauty, love, success
Rose (general) - love, beauty, attraction, fertility
Snap Dragon - draconic work, warding, banishing, spirit work
Snowdrops - shyness, hope, winter, blessings
Sweet Pea - loyalty, affection, love
Tulip (general) - love, self love, lunar work, banishing, affection
Wisteria - femininity, psychic ability, meditation, love, healing from grief, beauty
Yarrow - love, divination, dreams, psychic ability, marriage, courage, communication, focus
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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This beautiful Pentagram Wall Hanger makes a perfect gift for you or a witchy friend! Created with the witch's altar in mind, this wall hanger would make a fantastic addition to the witch's sacred space, serving as a symbol of the four elements and the spirit within The Wheel (of the year.)
Visit my shop: HERE
Find me on Instagram: HERE
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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✴✴✴✴✴ Thank you so much for the review, Suzanne, it has really made my day!  I'm glad you loved your order 😄
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
Click the link in my bio to visit my shop,
-Hannah Marie )o(
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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Grab 20% OFF my first 🌿💎Terrarium Crystal Garden💎🌿 during my January (ends 31st.) 
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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Hello fellow witches and witchlings 👋
REMEMBER MY JANUARY SALE LASTS UNTIL THE 31ST, where you can get 20% OFF my first Terrarium Crystal Garden and 10% OFF everything else in store; this includes 10% OFF the witch’s Meditation starter kit and the witch’s vial case. 
I’ll be making more soy wax candles and melts coming soon, so keep an eye out for those too :)
Much love & blessings,
                    -- Cave&Coven )o(
Find me on Instagram [HERE]
Or visit my Etsy store [HERE]
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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Wicca blog
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
Just packing up these orders of Lavender & Poppy Seed soy wax candles ready to be shipped tomorrow 👀😍
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
Prepping to make more Lavender & Poppy Seed soy wax candles. Also I'm making my first batch of snappable Sun&Moon Melts so keep and eye out for those coming soon!🌙🌞 [JANUARY SALE ON GOING @caveandcoven UNTIL THE 31ST. Click the link in my bio to visit my shop.]
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
♥♥ RENEWED ♥♥ Lavender & Poppy Seed Soy Wax Candles (Pack of 2) 
Visit my shop [HERE]
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caveandcoven-blog · 5 years
The Great Goddess Hecate (Hekate)
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Who is Hecate? She is the Goddess of Witchcraft, Necromancy, Ghosts, Magic, and, in some instances, the Night, Darkness, The Mist, and Moon. For some She is also the goddess of motherhood, protection, and the sea. She is a Hellenic deity, born of the Titans Asteria and Perses. There’s a few beliefs circling around Her being a crone goddess or a Triple Goddess, but those are modern and neopagan beliefs—which She predates. I also consider Her to be a part of the Chthonic deities.
Symbology: Black dogs, Wolves, Keys, Torches, Flames, Torches, Crossroads, Serpents, Daggers, Birds of Prey (crows, ravens, owls), the Moon, witchcraft tools (such as cauldrons, tarot, athames)
Offerings & Devotional Acts for Her:
Figurines of any of Her symbols
keys, skeleton keys, lockets
fire witchcraft and candles, flames, matchsticks
dedicating any lunar or symbolic jewelry to Her
black/dark crystals such as obsidian and onyx
nocturnal animal imagery
black/cool colored glitter
baneful/poisonous herbs and plants
pomegranates/berries (She seems to really like blackberries)
dark blend wines
honey, cinnamon, poppy seeds, chocolates (dark)
mugwort, lavender, roses, jasmine, dragon’s blood
bones and feathers from birds of prey (please check your local laws about obtaining these)
pinpricks of blood (please DO NOT attempt this if you struggle with self harm/etc, blood magic is particularly strong and isn’t for everyone. She will understand if you cannot offer that to her).
Taking midnight walks, setting up altars and rituals at crossroads, paying respects to the dead and practicing your craft in a cemetery 
Any playlists, poems, literature, whether it be your own or just a piece you associate with Her, also make wonderful offerings. 
Lunar Influences & Connections: Reaching out to Hecate tends to work best at night, and really any time the moon is at it’s peak. The Witching Hours, midnight to 3A.M., during strong lunar influences (blue moons, blood moons, eclipses, new moons, etc) all hold strong bonds with Hecate. Also, any time it is particularly foggy or your surroundings are covered in a mist is a good time to try to connect with Her.
Disclaimer: These are correspondences that have been gathered through my personal experiences working through my craft with Her. If you find She responds better to different offerings/during different times, by all means, stick to it! Your bond with Her is your own and should be cultivated in whichever way works best for you and Her. Thank You!
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