charabistouille · 23 days
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charabistouille · 26 days
Reminder : characters relationships can only be heartbreaking when they fall apart if the two ore more characters have gradually been brought closer.
And the easiest way to do that is by making the characters funny together ; Good Omens taught me that !
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charabistouille · 26 days
I liked dead boy detective because it was flawed.
And I'm glad we get to see new writers (and new actors!) get there, that what they did gets to be something and gets to be liked. And that they get to make mistake. And if we get a s2, it might be better than s1 and it would be beautiful.
So please stop praising Neil Gaiman for he has not written this show, and you can literally see that. Neil Gaiman would not have written Dead boy detective. Partly because there are a lot or narrative/pacing mistakes that a writer with his experience would not have made, and mostly because Steve Yockey wrote it, alongside other very promising writers, and that's great that's this way.
So go watch it, and take your indulgence with you !
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charabistouille · 1 month
Neil my dude, after showing my mother season one of Good Omens and my dad seeing a bit of it I mentioned you also wrote Coraline and either my mom or dad (don't remember which one said it) said you must have been a weird kid.
Could you please confirm or deny whether or not you were a Weird Kid™?
I was a weird kid.
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charabistouille · 1 month
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That was a low blow, Neil
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charabistouille · 2 months
A dream I’ll post because this honestly seems like a great idea for a novel or something
In the corner of a dusk-shaded square-shaped desert was a small city shrouded by sand. Only those well trained with the eyes could see.
The city was constructed of black marble with purple crack patterns. along it. Even the ground was made of the marble, with small slopes and stairs leading towards the center of the city, pillars made from shapes constructed on the corners and along the edges of the city, giving a soft, hardly noticeable glow. It was seemingly abandoned, if not for 4 tall cloaked figures surrounding the central marble statue of a cloaked figure wearing a mask I couldn’t recognize. Despite the monotone and purple, I could tell they wore a lot of color.
They all looked like plague doctors, besides the fact that they had colored and patterned robes and masks of different creatures.
The first was green. They were the tallest, and they wore a green robe patterned with maroon. Lines streaked along the cloak, figures of creatures happily prancing atop them. They wore a fox mask. Their aura was kind, with playful wildness.
The second was blue. They were the 2nd shortest, and they wore a blue robe patterned with green. Raindrops streaked along the cloak, along with figures of cloudy skies with small rays of sun peeking through. They wore an owl mask. Their aura was saddening, yet hopeful.
The third was purple. They were the shortest, and they wore a purple robe patterned with blue. Spirals streaked along the cloak, along with figures of elements and a spellbook at the center. They wore a cat mask. Their aura was mystifying, yet held a slight feeling of a cloudy day.
The fourth was maroon. They were the 2nd tallest, and they wore a maroon robe patterned with green. Chaos streaked along their cloak, along with figures of ruins and disasters. They wore a wolf mask. They gave off the instinctual feeling of fear and terror, yet a slight sense of caring could be felt.
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charabistouille · 2 months
"If i don't write for more than some days, I start to feel empty"
I've seen this quote a very long time ago from a very talented writer which will more likely never be found again. I always felt writing to be some sort of feral but calming process. And It's beautiful, in the way beauty scares you and obsess you.
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charabistouille · 2 months
I love the lists of regular polyhedra on Wikipedia
behold, the deltoidal hexecontahedron:
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the great rhobihexahedron:
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here we have the ditrigonal dodecicosidodecahedron:
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the great retrosnub icosidodecahedron:
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the beautiful twins, the sixteenth stellation of the icosidodecahedron, and her sister, the seventeenth stellation of same:
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they look like some kind of mysterious and terrible Pokemon to me.
and lastly, her royal majesty, the final stellation of the icosahedron:
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once when i was a child, i had a terrible earache that afflicted my dreams with nightmares of acute geometry. i think i saw her there, bloody and majestic, hovering above my bed.
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charabistouille · 2 months
hope 2023 brings everyone lots of lesbian sex
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charabistouille · 2 months
writing is cool because the whole time you do it, you're thinking "is this shit? is this a steaming pile of hot garbage? is this the worst thing ever written by anyone?" and then you literally never find out
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charabistouille · 2 months
Reading Dostoïevski is all about remembering who the hell is stepanoï nikoliavitch arastpanoline and then realising it's just the guy they call tom and is in a big trouble with his roubles (it rhymes!)
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charabistouille · 3 months
Tag the oc that has the most “just some guy” energy
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charabistouille · 3 months
“how did you get into writing” girl nobody gets into writing. writing shows up one day at your door and gets into you
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charabistouille · 3 months
The doctor who experience is watching people screaming and throwing jokes at eachother in a very british way in 340p but it's ok because it's part of the experience.
Oh and sometimes it's so philosophically and psychologically intense you gotta pause and stare at the wall to be sure you heard it well o7
And then david tenant is wearing a stupid accessory and it's just how doctor who is.
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charabistouille · 3 months
Like to STAB
Reblog to STAB AGAIN
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charabistouille · 3 months
if someone asks you to read their writing and provide feedback, remember that your feedback should help them get as close as they can to their ideal version of the work. not yours. not capitalism's. theirs.
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charabistouille · 3 months
I'm goofy when I plan
hello everyone I have a very serious writer condition which only manifest when I plan. Since live always, the only way I get to plan a story is by being extremely goofy like I'm doing a "in a nutshell" vid. But my stories are very serious, deep, and labyrinthic. And you would never guess from the plan. Am I the only one to have the goofy condition ? Please help me.
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real excerpt from one of my wip's plan
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