cobrakaisback · 3 years
idk for new, I just know it’s mine :p
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“Do you trust me?” A question, as he looks up to find his gaze, as his second hand touches his jaw, his fingers slowly stroking his cheek. A deeper desire, but the fear that he wouldn’t want it. Fucking moon. “I’m not sure what bothers you because..” Slight movement of his head toward his hands. “But I am here, anyway, anytime.” Pause. “For you. Forever.”
→ WOLFSTAR thomas doherty as sirius black andrew garfield as remus lupin
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cobrakaisback · 3 years
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cobrakaisback · 3 years
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“Do you trust me?” A question, as he looks up to find his gaze, as his second hand touches his jaw, his fingers slowly stroking his cheek. A deeper desire, but the fear that he wouldn’t want it. Fucking moon. “I’m not sure what bothers you because..” Slight movement of his head toward his hands. “But I am here, anyway, anytime.” Pause. “For you. Forever.”
→ WOLFSTAR thomas doherty as sirius black andrew garfield as remus lupin
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cobrakaisback · 3 years
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my characters + one song
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cobrakaisback · 3 years
you're back! i missed you, what happened to you?
This is a long story, not one I wish to talk about much. I needed time to realize things about myself, the worst parts, and to change them for the better. This is still in progress, but I think I'm probably better than I ever was before now.
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cobrakaisback · 3 years
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cobrakaisback · 3 years
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Potions Making
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
why did you leave hiddenwashington? were the admins that bad?
That was personal matters that only concerns me and my closest friends so I won’t discuss this topic with anyone else, unfortunately. The admins of the group aren’t bad, they do their best and I wish them good for the future. All I can say is their team and group isn’t for me and I’ll probably feel best without being part of it.
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
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Welcome To New York + You Need To Calm Down
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
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You need to just stop. Can you just stop? Like can you just not step on our gowns? You need to calm down
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
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did you tell your dad? you’re first. you okay? are you? i always wanted a boy.
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
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looking up,, i see a falling star     and watch its FIRE burn into the floor        and i am left,, standing on the edge,             wondering why we fall so HARD,?
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
I regret to inform you I’m #theo raeken trash.
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
You rp as Cas? Who is your tfw?
I never saw that message what the hell?
But yeah I do, and my Team Free Will partners are my best friends, actually.
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
so, not being neutral, you would be on heaven or castiel's side?
WITHOUT A DOUBT, I would be on Castiel’s side. Heaven might have thought what they did was right for the army they were, but it’s not my opinion, that was wrong, that will always be wrong. So # team Castiel over here.
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cobrakaisback · 5 years
@endiness // You’re quite right with everything you said actually, but here we have two different points of view. I’m not saying that Castiel is a monster, actually I am rooting for him and considering him as a hero myself. 
However. Castiel did stop the Apocalypse for Dean, he wouldn’t have if he didn’t have this talk with Dean in season 4 saying it was the right thing to do to help Humanity keep Lucifer in the cage, he wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t dragged him out of Hell, he wouldn’t have done it if he hadn’t been liking him first.
While he did a lot of wrong to Heaven, yes he also tried to make things right. I know he was protecting himself most of the time, I know he’s always been loyal and that he still is now, however, there was a reason Heaven and the angels stripped him off his soldier status. 
While the angels didn’t know about the Apocalypse, I believe a lot of them knew they were about to let Lucifer out to finish the plan, not particularly to start the Apocalypse, but actually to stop it by killing him first. This is God’s plan, not the Apocalypse, after all, and it was I believe the whole plot of season 4. 
Castiel was always a defective angel, it’s said a lot by Naomi who kept brainwashing him and setting him back to factory settings to make sure he wouldn’t feel too much for other people, and in a way, yes, it makes Naomi a monster too. However, there is multiple ways to see all of this: The first would be your way, go with humanity and see things from there. Castiel did a lot of good, he keeps doing a lot of good, so indeed he is a good person. I actually agree with that. Castiel is, in my eyes, a hero, he keeps saving the world with his friends and wouldn’t stop even if it means he has to die for it. The second would be to take everything in consideration. Heaven, Hell, anything in between. The overall. It would make Castiel someone in between. Not that good, since he murdered a lot of his siblings anyway (even if it was self-defense for most), but not all bad because he saved a lot of people on another point (humanity, basically, and Heaven after the civil war). It would make him a truly neutral character. The third would be the last one, and go with Heaven, their beliefs and what is implied from it. Heaven is an army, it’s a lot of soldiers created with the only point to fight their own wars and care about their own plans. Armies have a special way of taking care of things: don’t think, don’t try to figure things out by yourself, obey orders, don’t disobey. Don’t think because it’s what gets you killed, don’t try to figure things out by yourself because it’s teamwork and obedience that will help you, obey orders because “higher ranks will know better”, and don’t disobey because it makes you someone “bad”. Heaven being an army, in a technical way, every angel (soldiers) agreeing with Raphael (an archangel, so kind of like their commandant) had a reason to do so: they had to obey orders. On this point of view, Naomi is just an obedient soldier, Raphael’s followers are too, but Castiel is not, and that gets him to have this “monster” and “pariah” outlook. Makes him the one to shoot down. 
Now I never said anywhere that it was my opinion. I am looking at it all trying to be neutral, trying to be inbetween. Angels can be scared of Castiel, Hannah showed she was when we met her with the horn of Gabriel (I believe), angels can hate him, angels can think what they want of him, it is all just my beliefs, but I do not think before this episode in season 14 that anyone really forgave Castiel for all the murders (which led to Heaven’s state) and hurt it brought to them. 
To me, however, Castiel is indeed a hero. I won’t say he’s a good person, he is for sure but not enough for me to call him this way. He’s too flawed, too human to be, and while he did mistakes, on my point of view, he did them for a good reason. However just remember:
Your monsters might not be someone else’s monster. My own monsters are the people who hurt me before, even thought it made me stronger, but they are not yours. Castiel might be Heaven’s monster, but he doesn’t have to be ours. Your hero might not be someone else’s hero. My father was my hero, but I do not believe he was yours. So on that point, Castiel might be a hero for a lot of us, but I don’t believe he was to heaven.
@lola-zweitbeste replied to your post “i’ve been reading your cas for so long and i can’t help but wonder why…”
I would like to add to this that the other angels have in a way every right to hate Cas. I mean he killed so many of them, they lost their oldest brothers because of him, brothers that many of them were loyal to. And not to forget they lost their wings because of him, not on purpose but still. So yes they have any right to hate him, but they forgive him all the time(at least most of them) I love Cas but to pretend that he hasnt wronged them many times doesnt work for me.
That’s also true. Castiel killed many of them, he wronged so many of them, first just by ditching the big plan that God had for them, he ripped apart everything they believed in just for the pretty eyes of one human. Sure, it was what felt right to him but the plan was what felt right to all of the other angels. They got betrayed in every way by someone they loved and followed (said multiple times in the show how powerful and loved Castiel was when he was still a real angel), and still lots of them believed in him after he ditched that (Anna, Hannah, Hester, Inias, or even Balthazar, Rachel and Samandriel to name a few), so many kept believing in him because he had the audacity of saying what he thought was right while Raphael was attempting to keep going with this stupid plan that they had worked on for BILLION of years, and it got him to be killed for the only reason that Castiel was too prideful to stand down. Not because he wanted to lead Heaven, or fuck he would’ve done that, but because he wanted to prove he was right and that the plan and what they wanted to do was dumb. Got killed a lot of other angels in the process for the simple reason that they weren’t agreeing with him, and even his friends, even the one who did BELIEVE in him like Balthazar. 
In a way, Castiel may be a hero for humanity, but he’s the worst monster that could exist for Heaven and all of its angels. He’s a good human being, but he’s terrible at being an angel, at being loyal to the ones who stuck with him for billion of years, while he’s loyal like a lapdog to people he knew for ten years. 
I never said he didn’t wrong them, he did in every way, and I do understand why so many hate him, and I believe he does understand it too. However, it doesn’t change that they are brothers and sisters, they did spend billion of years together, no matter how much they hate each other, they’ll always love each other anyway. You can’t stop loving someone you used to love completely, there’s always gonna be this part of you reminding you of the good times, and giving you nostalgia. While I do think angels hate him, they still love him somewhere. The old him, good angel, excellent soldier that had good leading skills, not the one who fell for humanity, even if he’s an extension of who he was before.
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