deadfaceninja · 6 years
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Bowsette, alternative version.
Bowsette created by ayyk92
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deadfaceninja · 6 years
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Yep, though late to the party, even an artist that hasn’t posted anything in years can’t resist drawing Bowsette.
Bowsette created by ayyk92
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deadfaceninja · 9 years
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Happy Easter!
This is Buni Tabitha and the pose is a reference to to a older drawing of mine, Bunny Dance.
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deadfaceninja · 10 years
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Foxi's Summer Bikini
It's summer and I've been listening to a lot of bossa nova, so here's some summer Foxi.
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deadfaceninja · 10 years
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This was just suppose to be a warm up drawing.
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deadfaceninja · 10 years
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I wanted to draw this sooner, but I decided to make drawing this into small reward for myself for completing a script for a big animation project of mine. This is a wallpaper, it comes in two flavors: Inky and clean, use one or both!
But more importantly, I’m posting this to show my support to the Splatoon developers, if they ever happen to come across this drawing. ^^;
I thought this years E3 was underwhelming. Sure, everyone there, minus Microsoft, had something I was excited for, but I knew about those games beforehand. I think that’s one of the reasons Splatoon really stood out to me. I’d go into more detail but that’s not important.
I feel that the developers should be applauded for at least trying something new in the mainstream market. One could argue that they didn't much, and I would agree, but they did more, with less, than the competition. By the mere potential of this game, I’m convinced to by a Wii U, eventually. Good or bad I’m going to buy this game, and I hope the devs take full advantage of the time between now and somewhere in 2015 to fulfill the potential this game possess right now. I’m keeping my expectations and hype in check, and I’m not expecting this to be the greatest thing ever, but I look forward to playing Splatoon when it comes out! Good luck to the Splatoon developers!
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deadfaceninja · 10 years
Wow this caught me off guard, thanks man! I love the way they look, and it's alright that it's late. :D
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Sorry for the lateness ._.
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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One last wallpaper.
I've been meaning to draw some Pearl, and I want to draw some more, but I'm debating whether or not I should.
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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Sorry I haven’t been posting anything as of late, I’ve going through some stuff and I’m going to leave it at that. I’ve been trying to draw stuff to get back into the groove of things, but they have just been wallpapers…
Yes I know Ash doesn’t have any toes, I was planing on making that design into a patch so I tried and kept small details to a minimum, which is also why there is no shading. I’m not sure when I be able to make it into a patch now… Anyways, it makes for a cute wallpaper.
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
Rebloging for Halloween.
Happy Halloween! 
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So for this Halloween I decided to draw Lily, twice! I really like how both of this animations came out and in a short amount of time too.
Happy Halloween!
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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So for this Halloween I decided to draw Lily, twice! I really like how both of this animations came out and in a short amount of time too.
Happy Halloween!
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
27 Oct 2013
This past week has been a shitty week for me since Sunday, but now I can say that I managed to make something in spite of that. It's just a little Halloween animation. It's not done yet, but I finished the animation and the base colors. Next I have to make a background and maybe add some effect(s). After I'm done I'm going to try make something else to go along with it, hopefully that shouldn't take too long.
I've learned a lot since the last animation and have improved a great deal, at least I think so. I might not be so hopeless after all... I'm not sure if I'm going to do something like this (art log) very often, but I think if I do it might help me grow... Maybe.
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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Due to me trying to make less work for myself and not paying attention, I made more work... I'm not sure when I'm going to finish coloring this so I'll just post the outlines for now.
I'd much rather donate money or buy a commission from Dasmuskel, but have no money to spare. Just enough to keep most of things I got, minus cellphone service. So I managed to animate something half decent that I hope will cheer up him (and anyone else to be honest) when times are down, just Christine fooling around with her head.
Uhh... The gif might not work I'm not completely sure... Tumblr is being stupid, same old same old. [EDIT] I needed to make the gif smaller...
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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So I don’t think I told anyone this except some of my friends, but I based Babbette’s redesign off of this moment in a Droopy cartoon.
I just found out tonight that /co/ had adopted this little sheep and named her Leggy Lamb. I thought it was funny and should mention where the inspiration for Babette’s redesign came from.
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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I've been meaning to draw something with one of my favorite fem fatales, Jill Valentine. I really like how this came out, especially her expression. It's silly and cute.
Hey look wallpapers, that's something really neat huh? Why not use 'em? Or at the very least try 'em out? 
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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Due do me just screwing up this weekend, I didn't get anything I wanted done. So to help with my morale I decided to do draw a reference of a character of mine that I hadn't draw since her first incarnation due to shame...
Lily Tadpole was a character I made for a contest on capcom-unity were you had to create a unofficial Darkstalker. You can see my entry and her bio here and despite what it says there are still typos...
Anyways, I lost the contest by the way, in case you were wondering. I felt like I failed Lily in a way (stupid I know), so I couldn't bring my self to draw her again. That was about a year ago, so I took this opportunity to redraw and redesign her a bit. I think it's better this way, she isn't bound to Darkstalkers universe. As inappropriate as it sounds, she is mine to do with as I please. Though saying that I do have one thing I want to do with her that involves the Darkstalkers. I decided not the draw Boris, a butler turned broom, in this drawing. This is the first time I've shown her without her hat.
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deadfaceninja · 11 years
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I was planning on posting this after my classes today, but then decided to post it anyway! And hey something I didn't have to censor to put on TumbaWumba, huzzah!
Anyways, this is my last "character reference" picture I'm going to draw for awhile. (Though I want to draw one more farm animal, she will have to wait. she is one I haven't drawn yet, so she will be a surprise, how fun!) I've been meaning to redraw/redesign Oliana the Rancher for quite some time, I think it was right after this. (NSFW)(Futanari)(Non Canon) And I had to redraw Farm Girl, again... (BTW her real name is Mary, but everyone in the town she lives in calls her Farm Girl, since she works on the town's farm. So it's the name I affectionately call her by as well.)
I'm planning on drawing drawing Farm Girl "interacting" with some of her farm animals soon, that should be good, I hope... Afterwards, I'm planning on drawing and animating the third and last bit of Ash's Beach Fun. (NSFW) Both of these "plans" will be NSFW, so you can check them out on either my NSFW blog or on my Hentai Foundry page.
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