deathspoems · 14 days
Can't afford art school?
After seeing post like this 👇
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And this gem 👇
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As well as countless of others from the AI generator community. Just talking about how "inaccessible art" is, I decided why not show how wrong these guys are while also helping anyone who actually wants to learn.
Here is the first one ART TEACHERS! There are plenty online and in places like youtube.
📺Here is my list:
Proko (Free)
Marc Brunet (Free but he does have other classes for a cheap price. Use to work for Blizzard)
Aaron Rutten (free)
BoroCG (free)
Jesse J. Jones (free, talks about animating)
Jesus Conde (free)
Mohammed Agbadi (free, he gives some advice in some videos and talks about art)
Ross Draws (free, he does have other classes for a good price)
SamDoesArts (free, gives good advice and critiques)
Drawfee Show (free, they do give some good advice and great inspiration)
The Art of Aaron Blaise ( useful tips for digital art and animation. Was an animator for Disney)
Bobby Chiu ( useful tips and interviews with artist who are in the industry or making a living as artist)
Second part BOOKS, I have collected some books that have helped me and might help others.
📚Here is my list:
The "how to draw manga" series produced by Graphic-sha. These are for manga artist but they give great advice and information.
"Creating characters with personality" by Tom Bancroft. A great book that can help not just people who draw cartoons but also realistic ones. As it helps you with facial ques and how to make a character interesting.
"Albinus on anatomy" by Robert Beverly Hale and Terence Coyle. Great book to help someone learn basic anatomy.
"Artistic Anatomy" by Dr. Paul Richer and Robert Beverly Hale. A good book if you want to go further in-depth with anatomy.
"Directing the story" by Francis Glebas. A good book if you want to Story board or make comics.
"Animal Anatomy for Artists" by Eliot Goldfinger. A good book for if you want to draw animals or creatures.
"Constructive Anatomy: with almost 500 illustrations" by George B. Bridgman. A great book to help you block out shadows in your figures and see them in a more 3 diamantine way.
"Dynamic Anatomy: Revised and expand" by Burne Hogarth. A book that shows how to block out shapes and easily understand what you are looking out. When it comes to human subjects.
"An Atlas of animal anatomy for artist" by W. Ellenberger and H. Dittrich and H. Baum. This is another good one for people who want to draw animals or creatures.
Etherington Brothers, they make books and have a free blog with art tips.
As for Supplies, I recommend starting out cheap, buying Pencils and art paper at dollar tree or 5 below. For digital art, I recommend not starting with a screen art drawing tablet as they are more expensive.
For the Best art Tablet I recommend either Xp-pen, Bamboo or Huion. Some can range from about 40$ to the thousands.
💻As for art programs here is a list of Free to pay.
Clip Studio paint ( you can choose to pay once or sub and get updates)
Procreate ( pay once for $9.99)
Blender (for 3D modules/sculpting, ect Free)
PaintTool SAI (pay but has a 31 day free trail)
Krita (Free)
mypaint (free)
FireAlpaca (free)
Libresprite (free, for pixel art)
Those are the ones I can recall.
So do with this information as you will but as you can tell there are ways to learn how to become an artist, without breaking the bank. The only thing that might be stopping YOU from using any of these things, is YOU.
I have made time to learn to draw and many artist have too. Either in-between working two jobs or taking care of your family and a job or regular school and chores. YOU just have to take the time or use some time management, it really doesn't take long to practice for like an hour or less. YOU also don't have to do it every day, just once or three times a week is fine.
Hope this was helpful and have a great day.
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deathspoems · 21 days
Dumb religious question but how come Lust is always referred to as a woman rather than a man??? Like I've never seen a woman who likes sleeping with people just for the sake of sleeping with them. I know that they exist and it happens but why not a man?? They are much more frequently lustful creatures at any age meanwhile a woman would stop at some point.
I'm not trying to shame anyone, but I've always kinda disliked lust as a woman because it feeds into the notion of women being whores and doing it for male attention.
I've also never seen a lust who is male and that makes more sense to me but idk.
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deathspoems · 1 month
A lot of older people always argue about what a small child might learn in their time on the phone/tablet, and while that may be true I think it's infinitely more scary what we forget.
I'm currently doing my earlier commute from home to school which takes me about an 1.5 and just like everyone else in this planet I get bored and look at my phone. I only stop looking at my phone once I get to where I need to go or have something else to do and that is all well and good right?
Well I don't know about you guys, but I constantly forget that I as an individual can't do whatever I want and that the world isn't a medival town with magical transportation methods. Because while I'm on my phone which is most of my day I'm in my own world where I can do, be, and create whatever I want.
Once I have to look up though I suddenly remember that I'm NOT a protagonist, a wizard with a lizards tail, or even an important NPC. I'm just a girl who is in a world that was designed to work like a clock for her and many others people's needs.
And that's what I find so scary, that you can literally detach your emotional and physical self from the person you are to become someone you want to be it's called escapism or daydreaming. It's not necessarily bad, it helps relieve stress and can be a form of coping for people who are going through a rough time.
But you forget a lot of things like: being nice and polite, how to have a conversation, how to apologize, or how to make friends and keep them. You may also forget that somethings are simply illegal or inaccessible if you're really deep in your delusions (like me). Whatever it is you forget about a 50/50 chance you simply forget how to be human.
I'm not trying to advocate for anything here I'm just simply stating something that is mostly forgotten or at least largely ignored. So if you have anything you'd like to add please do I love this kind of shit.
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deathspoems · 2 months
how i sleep knowing i will pirate every single thing released on disney plus
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deathspoems · 2 months
I have been recently started reading Dracula
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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deathspoems · 3 months
I had to be too sweet for Andrew....💔
I feel you, Andrew, I could never date a morning person
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deathspoems · 3 months
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I didn't know my favorite occult being was in town....I wonder if that's where he gets his outfit inspo
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deathspoems · 3 months
I know we all know how crowley glued a penny on the side of the road as a way of temptation but I need to see crowley steal the rich people's car wheels and stereo and hoard them like the snake he is
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deathspoems · 3 months
Good omens and the nice and accurate prophecies of witch Agnes nutter
If you see this you’re legally obligated to reblog and tag with the book you’re currently reading
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deathspoems · 4 months
It the phrase goes like
iTs AdAm AnD eVe, NoT aDaM aNd StEvE
then what's the lesbian version of that?
Is it like Amanda and Eve?
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deathspoems · 4 months
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Happy Shuhite Sunday
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deathspoems · 4 months
TIL that it matters what you feed the cow just as much as what you feed yourself
Why are agriculture classes the first time I've learned extremely basic info about nutrition and how digestion works. Why isn't this stuff in health textbooks or any easily accessible resource about healthy eating.
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deathspoems · 4 months
Dead eating is my contribution
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deathspoems · 4 months
Made a quick fanart based on this lovely Good Omens fanfic called The Shared Desk Dilemma by @southernfriedamy . I can’t wait for the next chapters! Their bickering in this fic is so precious ❤️
The fanart was based on the following scene:
“Aziraphale was still peering over his shoulder, so when Crowley turned to share the clue, they were practically nose-to-nose.
Aziraphale's retreat was blocked by the open door of the painting, so they stayed like that for a moment. In the seconds before Crowley thought to take a step back, he noticed Aziraphale's gaze shift from his eyes to his lips, very briefly, just a blink.
But Crowley saw it, and Aziraphale knew he saw it, as evidenced by the return of that bright pink flush across his cheeks.”
You can find the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53068954/chapters/134268547?view_adult=true
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deathspoems · 4 months
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Mark Doty, "The Death of Antinoüs"
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deathspoems · 5 months
Love seeing this old gem in my board glad to know it survived all these years
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deathspoems · 5 months
If I could draw I'd draw this little guy 😥😖
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