drawsomething · 21 days
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some referenced sketching to brush up on/improve understanding of
Macaws, boars, kitty paws
i always waffle a lot on if i should upload things like this or leave it alone. I like looking at them when other people do it though, so ... good enough for today i guess
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drawsomething · 24 days
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hush, and shush the beldam might be listening
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drawsomething · 3 months
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time for me to go live my magical girl life
now for the ultimate test. go to this website. set it to randomly generate ONE pokemon. all generations. all types. whatever it generates? thats you as a pokemon forever. what you get is what you get. NO RE ROLLING. now. who are you? i got goomy :^)
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drawsomething · 5 months
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I realized that I never uploaded the full image here. Just the previews. Whoops! Back in 2020 I was very happy to take part in a little slime rancher zine. They made me super anxious by choosing me to do a two-page layout, I had never planned a picture knowing it would be split in half! I remember I spent a lot of time trying really hard to make it work as one whole picture, and two separate pictures, and trying to not lose anything in the center, but not make it obvious ... OTL
It was a really fun picture to work on. And the moss blanket is my favorite area in slime rancher, so I felt really happy to be given time and space to try and do it justice and show my love.
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drawsomething · 5 months
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a Page of Sage
I have a confused relationship with posting art online. I don't have much in the way of finished art very often, as I have spent a few years trying to drag myself out of the burnout pit by my fingernails, but I do often have sketches or studies or rough things. Lots of things that aren't really pretty or aesthetic - much more rough than this, even. I find this page somewhat aesthetic to look at, but that might be because Its My Dog laughs. But things that I'm working on trying to understand better, or whatever the interest of the day is, my eternal attempts to draw people better, SO MANY random floating body parts because I am a Practicing Artist. I must Practice. So much practice.
I feel unsettled when it comes time to post things that aren't presentable, finished works. Generally a nice online gallery of art should be a nice online portfolio of things, right? And there's a degree of health in not sharing Everything. But on the other hand... I'm not really trying to sell myself as an artist. I'm not trying to make a gallery. It feels bad to not post anything at all, but also it feels like a weird imposition to post sketches and disjointed things. I don't really know what to do. I've thought about (and tried) doing sketchdumps, where I just post it in big groups, but I will forget about previous sketches within minutes of putting them down tbh. I've thought about grouping things by subject and just doing free mini zines of "look thats the subject matter if you want to search it out." I've thought about just making my bksy or instagram dedicated spaces for art nonsense. I've mostly just ended up not posting anything.
tl;dr I feel very confused about what to share and when and logically I should just do whatever I want, but I don't know what that really is. This is my space but I dont fully know how I fit into it. heck. im trying to figure it out but ... ???
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drawsomething · 10 months
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i just think cardinal is real cute
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drawsomething · 10 months
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AF user Deertael's character Edison
Ah, i think this is the last of the AF attacks I have to upload. I love AF, it makes me really happy to spend time browsing through everyone's characters. I wish I wasn't so slow, because there's like 500 characters I want to draw every year, haha. And it usually takes me a year+ to make revenges OTL
but it's just been such a positive space for me to share art and see art and i look forward to it every year.
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drawsomething · 10 months
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Another AF attack, this little alchemist wizard is Jill, for AF user stiggydan.
I love characters who are just [silhouette] in [coat.] I'm pretty sure it's all because of vivi from final fantasy.
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drawsomething · 10 months
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AF user OptheDragon's FNAF character Pebbles
I've never really been into fnaf. I've seen bits and bobs of people playing, but haven't paid the most attention to it. I went and watched some people playing one of the more recent ones (with the glamrock ones) while working on this and those games have grown so much!! It was a fun adventure to look around for references and resources and see how clever the fandom has been with all their own designs, and see how much the games themselves have changed, and ways theyve stayed the same.
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drawsomething · 10 months
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Two more artfight attacks, the first is AF user WesternGate's warrior cats oc, Coldstorm.
and the second is Chie's Blair Hexen. I beliiieve it's a closed adoptable species named fluffy shrimp, made by an artist who goes by mochiri. i would like to do More pixel art in general, I think i always manage to do one or two during AF and it's always a fun relaxing time. (Except photoshop crashed for the first time in years on one of these when I was almost done and corrupted the file. That was not relaxing. that was hateful.)
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drawsomething · 10 months
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AF user alienpoosy's character Sugar
drawing all of her fluff and the wild mane of hair was so satisfying and lovely. she's just such a dang cutie of a character ;3; shes SO cute yall, it kills the me
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drawsomething · 10 months
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a couple of pokemon fusions from artfight this year! A primarina/chandelure belonging to AF user Aryxa, and a vulpix/litwick/alcremie fusion belonging to AF user Jolte0n.
I had originally started to draw someone's ninetales and was pretty pleased with how it was going. Then I went to get the palette for that character and realized I'd somehow confused a vulpix for a ninetales. (not the cutie above, ofc.) OTL That poor drawing never got finished, and I went looking for other pokemon to soothe the hurt from the rollercoaster of emotions for "im drawing something and i like it i hope this person likes it too!" to "oh no i've messed up in a way that means i can't save this oh nooo"
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drawsomething · 1 year
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the lil guy havin a lil nap
i keep seeing pitbulls in pajamas and this is how im living vicariously
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drawsomething · 1 year
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what if just a little guy
a little guy with jackets and jammies to match whatever evolution he felt like that day
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drawsomething · 1 year
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some fun noodlin' doodlin', i haven't drawn Aku in a w h i l e
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drawsomething · 1 year
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Piksel belongs to @theoldaeroplane !
He’s a heckin cutie, a good boy, we love Piksel in this house.
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drawsomething · 2 years
Would you be willing to make your cactus cat art available as a postcard on redbubble? I absolutely adore it, and I want to put it up on my dorm wall!
!! ♥ I'm so glad you like the little cactus cat. Thank you for messaging me to ask this, it gives me such a smile when people mention the lil' succatulent friend.
I logged in to redbubble and set that for you. I've never ordered one of their cards before, I hope it's worthy of your wall!
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