elliesfern · 1 year
Right now I feel like an idiot, but twt stands for twitter? Just to clarify.
yes! it does, sorry i’m not sure why you can’t find me :(
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elliesfern · 1 year
What is your twt account called? I tried this "pchelkaoksana x" and it didn't work.
no x on the end! it’s just pchelkaoksana, jodie comer in is my pfp
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elliesfern · 1 year
i giggled. i don’t really use this account much anymore, but i really do miss you guys too. i made a twt acc in dec which i use daily - @pchelkaoksana x
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elliesfern · 2 years
How are you doing? Hope this finds you in good spirits and if not then hope it gets better soon.
i am not good! 👍
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elliesfern · 2 years
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elliesfern · 2 years
Hoping this finds you well and can't wait to see what you do in the future whether it be writing fanfictions or streaming video game playthroughs. Take care of yourself and have a great rest of your day.
this is so sweet, thank you!
it’s very bizarre but touching and sweet to know i have strangers on the internet rooting for me.
as for bird cage….. uhhhh…. look. imma be honest. i haven’t written anything since the last chapter was posted. not a single word. idk what the future holds for that fic but it’s not lookin too bright.
and as for streaming! i’d still love to. there’s a bunch of stuff i’m figuring out first. i can’t decide if i want to share my channel name on here bc that would mean exposing my identity and that could get messy lmao. so we’ll see
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elliesfern · 2 years
Are you alright?
i am coming out of my cave to say yes, i am okay! i’ve had a lot going on in my life, but everything’s fine and i am fine.
thank you for checking in, that’s really sweet <3
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elliesfern · 2 years
ya’ll i genuinely cant believe that post about streaming on twitch got over 30 notes lol. thank you??!!!!!!
like that’s VERY sweet that that many people are being so sweet and supportive. it really warms my little heart.
on that note, i’m actually really keen to do it. i’m gonna stream through my ps4 and i’ve been hunting for a ps4 camera but they’re so hard to find here in nz without them being almost $200 bc they’re so old and i’m dirt poor atm and can’t afford anything rn lol. so the dream is on hold for now :(
but we’ll get there, and i’m excited for it. i cant decide what i’ll play first though hmmmm… any ideas?
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elliesfern · 2 years
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just passed away
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elliesfern · 2 years
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elliesfern · 2 years
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You guys! Awesome news! Looks like we weren’t going the wrong way after all. MAYA HAWKE as ROBIN BUCKLEY — STRANGER THINGS 4, Volume 2
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elliesfern · 2 years
bird cage - chapter eleven
summary - you’re on the run after escaping the cult you grew up in, the seraphites. you run into a woman who completely changes your course and are unsure whether or not she will let you live.
pairing - fem reader x ellie. both characters are in their 20s.
warnings - kidnapping, violence, weapons, guns, blood, injury, burns, aggressive language, animal death, mention of hanging, alcohol, drinking, smut, nsfw. 18+
a/n - ah, so it’s finally here. although usually when i post a chapter i prefer to have the next chapter already finished, which for the first time, i do not, i thought i owed it to you guys to FINALLY give this to you. so here ya go.
PLEASE READ - before this chapter i want to not so gently remind everyone that this fic is for people over the age of 18 only. if you are not of age, please do not continue reading this fic! it will always be here for you to return to once you are 18. thank you!
ao3 link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/38383471/chapters/100535844
That night you were taken across town and sat in a small windowless room, with only a bed covered by a thin blanket and a toilet inhabiting it. Ellie had followed you the whole way, trying desperately to stutter her way through an explanation to everyone there.
You could do nothing but sit alone as the room seemed to grow quieter and darker as every minute passed. You managed to fall asleep, spending what felt like hours imagining sheep running across the little field in your head.
You were awoken by the lock of the door jiggling, before the same guard from the night before appeared.
“Get up.” He instructed, and you scrunched your eyes together in an attempt to wake yourself up. He grabbed your arm, forcing you into a sitting position, and you instinctually tried to rip yourself out of his grasp. He didn’t let go, barely even flinched, and looked at you with disapproval as he tied your wrists together, taking no note of the way you winced when it rubbed against your healing burns. He dragged you out the door and into a long hallway, until you reached a brown wooden door at the end. The guard knocked, before you heard Maria’s voice ‘welcoming’ you into the room. As the door opened, you were overwhelmed by the sight of three pairs of eyes on you; Maria, Tommy, and Joel. Something about Joel being there made your body relax a little, having hope that Ellie had said something or he had softness for you as an extension of his daughter. Although you also knew that his protectiveness for Ellie could overshadow all of that and bite you in the butt. You were sat down on a worn leather chair, opposite the three of them who were behind an equally used desk.
“So.” Tommy leaned back in his chair. You sat in anticipation, feeling not much else other than intimidated by the situation.
“I guess we’d just like to know what the hell you’re doing here.” He continued. The six pupils staring into your own made you breathe uneasy, a silence washing over the room.
“I left the Seraphites. I’m not one of them anymore. Ellie has been…holding me hostage and brought me here.” You spoke slowly and carefully, unsure of how much Ellie had said and wanting to avoid getting her in any trouble.
“Why leave? I assume your family and friends are there?” Maria questioned. Your mind drifted back to the few people who had cared about you. Your best friend, you wondered what had happened to her. Your dad was the only family you really had, and he had abandoned you long before you left when you started questioning the Prophet. You assumed he was worried he’d get blamed for your views, killed or kicked out, and in his eyes that was far worse than losing his only daughter.
“How they treat their people isn’t worth it.”
“How they treat their people?” Tommy scoffed. “Your people murdered four of us while we were on patrol for no good goddamn reason.” He continued, raising his voice slightly.
“We just want to know if you know anything about the attack. If you’re honest with us there’ll be no severe consequences.” Maria said. You rubbed your fingers together, feeling beads of sweat arise on the skin. You thought about your next words meticulously.
“The Seraphites and the WLF have been at war for years. Maybe they heard your guns and panicked. I really don’t know. I didn’t know about the attack until Ellie told me.” You looked them in the eyes, trying to sound as sincere as possible. You noticed Joel was looking down at his hands, and he hadn’t contributed to the conversation at all so far. You wondered what he was thinking.
“If I knew more I promise i’d tell you everything.”
“Why would you do that?” Maria questioned, and you panicked. You tried to think of an answer, you wanted to say that Ellie meant a lot to you. That she changed your whole trajectory. That she saved you, and all you wanted was for things to be okay. You wanted Jackson to be your home, because it already felt like it was when you were with her. But you knew you couldn’t say that, so you stayed quiet.
“Mhm.” Maria hummed, jotting something down in a notebook. “And can you tell us where your village is based?”
“It’s on a small island. When I left I saw some signs saying ‘Seattle’.” You felt completely anxious, wishing more than anything Ellie had’ve been there. Even something as little as a look could’ve calmed your nerves in a heartbeat.
“Why were your people all the way out here?” Tommy asked. “We’re pretty far from Seattle.”
“I…don’t know.” You furrowed your brows. “Maybe they were runaways too. It’s getting more and more common for people to leave.” You said, and the room fell into a short silence.
“When did you and Ellie, you know, find each other or whatnot?” Joel spoke up, his hand resting on his chin and his accent thick like his brother’s. He looked at you, and you took a moment to be grateful at has willingness to understand.
“About a week ago. She snuck up on me while I was getting water and then, uh, captured me?”
“And you just willingly came back with her?” Tommy asked.
“No.” You paused. You were worried if you told them in the end you did in fact willingly follow Ellie home like a little lost sheep, they would find it suspicious. But you were also worried that telling them you had tried to escape would result in them thinking you weren’t to be trusted.
“And…last night…you were…” Joel trailed off awkwardly, waiting for you to fill in the gaps but the reminder of what had happened made you flustered and once again you couldn’t think up an answer.
“Mhm.” Maria hummed again in disapproval. “Well, you’re all done here, for now. You can go back to your room.” Maria said, acknowledging the guard and before you could do anything he was helping you to stand up, leading you out back into the hall. Once back in the room, the door was locked behind you and the buzz of the quiet overwhelmed your ears.
You thought for hours. You thought of Ellie, of your life, old and new. You thought about escaping alone and getting out and never seeing Jackson again. You thought about leaving with Ellie, or about staying and being accepted and living in the small garage with the girl until you both grew old.
The click of the lock removed you from your daydreams, and you prepared yourself to be taken to another anxiety inducing interrogation. But instead you were met face to face with the exact green eyed girl you had been thinking about, peeking her head around the corner of the door. It only took a single blink before Ellie had rushed towards you, forcing you to stand and embracing your whole body tightly. She was warm, cosy, and the thump of her heartbeat matched yours perfectly.
“(y/n).” She said, grabbing your cheeks between her palms and staring into your eyes. There was a new found softness that had come over her and you couldn’t help but completely melt into it.
“Are you okay?” She asked, and you nodded in response in between her grip.
“How did they let you come see me?”
“They didn’t. Everyone’s having lunch right now and they left the door unguarded. I don’t have long, but I wanted to check on you.” She said, and you felt a tired smile come over your face.
“They were asking me so many questions El, and I didn’t know what to say.”
“I’ll sort this out. I won’t let anything bad happen to you. I’ll tell them everything, okay?” She assured you.
“You can’t.” Ellie furrowed her brows at you, opening her mouth to argue back before Joel’s voice was heard further down the hall calling her name.
“I’ve gotta go. I’ll be back, I promise.” She said, giving you another tight embrace, but before you could even process what happened the girl had disappeared as if she had just been another fragment of your daydreams. You sighed, feeling on the verge of tears from the emotion that was tugging at your heart. Ellie felt so good. Seeing her felt so damn good. But all you wanted was more of her, more hugs, more touch, more everything.
The rest of the day was empty in all possible ways. You were delivered a sad looking dinner, but were still relieved to be able to eat. You wondered if Ellie would return, constantly going over what she had said in your head and hoping she’d appear again. But she didn’t, and before you knew it the room had turned black and morphed into a spiralling void.
You found yourself thinking of Ellie as you drifted to sleep; how she had held you that day, and how she so delicately took your hand to dance with you the night before, swaying back and forth, and how her warm hand pressed against your waist, her fingers grazing against your cheek and moving your hair out of your face just so she had better access to your lips.
The way you thought her lips were soft and would fit so perfectly with yours, and how kissing her would make your stomach do infinite flips. How her hand would travel down your back and stop at the bottom of your shirt, teasing the skin lightly until you begged for her to take everything off, and touch you all over in a way you had never been touched before. Her lips leaving trails along the curves of your body, causing you to ever so slightly let out a small whimper.
Your eyes fluttered open as you heard yourself let out an audible sound in your slumber. You blinked a few times, attempting to make out anything in the room but it was still too pitch black to see and you assumed it was nowhere near morning. The memory of your dream flooded into your mind and it had been so vivid that you could almost still feel Ellie’s lips covering every inch of you. A heat began to grow in your lower stomach and your chest rose quickly as your breathing picked up. You felt blood rushing to your cheeks, embarrassment taking over and you squeezed your eyelids shut again in an attempt to fall back asleep and rid your mind of Ellie’s touch.
But you couldn’t. Ellie had utterly taken over every inch of your thoughts and you couldn’t escape it. You craved her and your desperation made you feel pathetic but you didn’t care. The throbbing between your thighs had almost become painful and you knew you had to do something about it or you’d never get to sleep. But you couldn’t help but feel ashamed. It had been ingrained in your head your whole life that lusting over people in this way was a sin and you would’ve had your hands bound if anyone knew. The amount of times you had done it in secret and walked around pretending to be innocent out of humiliation and fear wasn’t possible for you to count on one hand. But that was your old life. That wasn’t now. That wouldn’t be your experience with Ellie, you didn’t think. So you let out a deep exhale, expelling the nerves from your body and allowing your hand to slide down beneath the waistband of your underwear.
The feeling of your middle finger grazing your clit made you sigh in relief, your head pressing further back into the thin pillow beneath you and your free hand lightly gripping the sheet. You lowered your finger down and entered it ever so slightly inside yourself, causing you to let out a shaky breath at how wet you already were. You found your clit again and started rubbing in slow circles, savouring every moment of pleasure that was building in your belly.
You shut your eyes, picturing Ellie was in the room with you. That she was hovered over the top of you, both legs on either side of one of your thighs. Her tattooed arm moving back and forth while her slender fingers drew circles around your clit. Her hair falling in your face as she leant down and kissed your lips, sucking slightly on your bottom one until you let out a moan.
You bit down on your lip to prevent noise from escaping your mouth, so hard it was almost painful but you were too gone to care. You added a second finger, picking up the pace as your grip on the sheet became tighter and your thighs tensed a little harder. You thought about Ellie’s lips resting on top of yours, close enough that you could feel her heavy breaths in the same rhythm as she was fucking you. You imagined how her sweet and raspy voice would sound moaning, struggling to keep herself together because the pure pleasure of getting you off was making her writher on top of you.
You let out a few muffled moans, your eyes completely glued shut and your forehead furrowed, refusing to let yourself be taken out of your fantasy. You felt yourself getting closer, picturing the way Ellie would slide her fingertips inside you and curl them, hitting just the right spot and causing your eyes to roll back in your head. You were almost lightheaded from the way you were holding your breath, allowing more and more tension to build in your body. You felt like you were about to come undone so your mind brought Ellie back on top of you one more time. She was looking directly at you, a slight proud smirk inhabiting her lips as she fucked you. Her lips lowered down to your ear and she let out a small exhaled laugh, entertained by how you’d completely melted underneath her.
“Cum for me, baby.” She whispered, and you did exactly what the Ellie in your head had told you to do. Your body felt like it completely exploded in ecstasy as you came, your back arched and you weren’t able to help the moan that escaped you. Your fingers worked quickly before dying down and coming to a halt as you let out a deep sigh.
You steadied your breathing, your chest rising and falling heavily as you allowed your body and mind to calm down. The reality of what had just happened sunk in, and the state of high emotion completely overwhelmed your senses. You wanted Ellie. In every sense of the word, you wanted her. You wanted to know what it actually felt like to be that close to her and you wanted her to want you too. A tear escaped your eye before your thoughts could even catch up to the fact that you were being taken over by a sudden heartbreaking longing. You missed her, and you wished things were easy. You wished you had’ve been raised in Jackson and you and Ellie could’ve fallen in love and no one would’ve batted an eyelid. You wished Ellie was beside you then, your legs grazing together once more, but instead you were alone. Alone in a dark and cold room, having to await the fate that a few random strangers got to decide for you.
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elliesfern · 2 years
alright no one make fun of me….
but lowkey i’ve been thinking about starting to stream on twitch? all i do is play games anyway. like a lot. buuuuut. hmmm. idk.
i’d love to play mostly games with queer themes. like tlou, life is strange series, the walking dead series, and uh. anything else i can think of.
but obviously it all depends on if anyone would actually wanna watch a random 23 year old nobody play games alone in her room.
but….def lemme know if you’d watch. that would be super hot and helpful info to have!!! <3
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elliesfern · 2 years
This blog is pro-choice and believes that Women have an absolute right to decide what to do with their own body and should be given the absolute best when it comes to their health and safety.
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elliesfern · 2 years
hello!!! i hope you're having a great day! just wanted to let you know i binge read all of "bird cage" and i absolutely love it. the storyline is so fun and the tension was so good i cant wait to see what happens next. also! just wanted to let you know that by saying that i don't want you to feel the need to rush to update at all. pls take your time and take care of yourself! have a good day <333
wow thank you so so much. it’s hard to know how to even respond to these types of messages sometimes because i almost get overwhelmed (in a good way). thank you, like honestly. i’m so over the moon that even just one person enjoys it and looks forward to what’s next. and also thank you for saying the last bit, that means a lot too. there’s been a lot of stuff going on recently, and i’m trying hard to get the next chapter sorted. i’ll get there eventually! again, really, thank you so so much. you are truly the sweetest ever dude. sending so much love
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elliesfern · 2 years
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elliesfern · 2 years
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