enterwittyjokehere · 1 month
hii, i’m soz idk ur request rules i couldn’t find them 😖. if any of this is out of boundaries lmk! I was wondering if I could request an angst/comfort-> smut on Gale?
Professor!Gale with his student (afab!reader) at wizard college yk. the student is super good with the work but they get depressed and miss class. Gale is concerned bc he adores all his students! he checks up on reader and helps them into a better headspace. one thing leads to another and reader opts to “return the favor” yk.
Gale is not Mystra in this!!! College professor! The groomed does not become the groomer! everything reader does is not because Gale has sum sort of power over them. they just like him! teacher crush fr!
anyways! sorry for ranting. if I could write for shit i’d do it but ur stories are SOOO good!
Sorry it took a bit to get out, life got in the way, I'm gonna be trying to update more frequently I have two more requests to push out and ab three drafts that I've started and haven't finished.
You didn't mention what gender or pronouns to use so I assumed afab, sorry if that's incorrect. I did have some fun with this one, the more I get into my Baldur's Gate playthrough the more I adore this man lol.
So enjoy~
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After Class
Professor! Gale (of waterdeep) Dekarios x Afab! reader smut
[College professor x student]
[Mutual pining]
[Dealing with issues via self isolation]
[Hurt > comfort]
[Alluding to masturbation]
[No foreplay]
[Breeding press]
[Mention of aftercare]
[18+ only]
“Deep breaths, you can do it.” Your professor, Gale Dekarios, stood behind you, holding your arm up.
-He had offered to help you practice a difficult spell you've been having trouble with. After class was over you had approached his desk and explained what spell you had been struggling with. 
Like the kind man that he was he accepted, telling you that while it was a troublesome spell you had enough mettle to learn it-
You said the incantation and with the added power of your professor you successfully casted the spell you had been having a bit of a hard time with. Your eyes widened as you beamed, looking up at your professor who had a sparkle in his eye.
“See, I told you, you could do it!” he smiled down at you, you stared into his eyes and your heart raced. You enjoyed the tenderness in the moment, before a small magickal ringing gained both of your attention. It sounded from Gale’s desk, he sighed, looked past you and turning the ringing off, “Sadly, that marks the end of our after class session.”
He put a couple scrolls he had laid across his desk into a small bag, you spoke in a small voice, “it's a little early, yeah?” 
“Umm yeah.. I have a few things I need to take care of.” Gale stumbled over the question, his eyes traced up your body and gave you a small smile, “But you did wonderful, like always, you'll get it yet.” 
A smile pulled at your lips, face heating from the remark, “I hope so.”
You had turned to grab your bag, being halted by Gale's voice, “Don't leave yet, I'll walk you out.” 
You nodded your bag falling onto your shoulder, the scrolls inside ruffled as you moved. Gale finished gathering his things, wrapping a small amulet around his neck before walking up to you.
He opened the door for you, smiling as you walked through. Walking through the hallway of the college, Gale seemed on edge but made small talk well enough to hide his obscured feelings.
“You've studied for that upcoming exam, yeah?” He asked, opening a larger set of doors. 
“Yes, sir. My arcane lock is the best in the class.” You cheered, smiling up at him.
For the first time all day Gale didn't have a smile on his face, usually his tied back hair was accompanied with a goofy smile and a kind demeanor. Your heart ached, you wanted to know what was going on, your fear for your professor sprouted little seeds of worry into your mind.
Both of you arrived at the waypoint, you went your separate ways. That was the last time Gale had seen you, when the next day arrived and you weren't in class, he had shook it off to you weren't feeling good. 
Day after day, until the day of the exam, you still had not shown face. Gale was worried and you being absent the day of the exam on the best spell in your arsenal only made his fear more present.
He had asked other students if they had heard from you, all only shook their heads, meaning you've basically disappeared without a trace. 
The professor's fear only grew as days went by, you had still not returned. Gale's fear trickled into full blown paranoia as the days went on, keeping him up at night and making him sick to where he couldn't keep food down. Gale had a soft spot for all of his students, even the naughty ones, yet you were one of his prized pupils. You were older than most of the rest of the class, eager to learn and listen, good at taking criticism, Gale was by no means a divination-heavy wizard and, yet even, he could see that you would go on to achieve great feats. 
Perhaps that was why he did it, Gale just needed to rationalize what part of him initiated the idea. Here he was fully in action, knocking on your door, away from the university, in his regular clothes. His face was deep and tired, stress had begun to sink into every fiber of him.
His knuckles knocked sharply against the dark wood of your door, a deep sigh released as he nervously waited for an answer. 
Almost perking up when he heard the soft, “Just a second.” that you had yelled in response. Scattered scuttering noises sounded from inside the apartment, Gale had no idea what you were doing, but hearing your voice brought a smile to his tired face.
When the door finally creaked open, your eyes widened in shock, “Professor-?” 
You looked behind him, seeing that he was alone, “What are you doing here?” 
Gale couldn't speak for a moment, he took the sight of you in. Before he frowned and began to explain, “You've been absent from your classes, at first I assumed you had fallen ill but after a few more absences and no hide nor hare of you, I became… Worried.”
A small smile shown as your face lit up, “Well, I'm fine, just going through a ‘rough patch’.” You turned slightly, welcoming your professor into your home.
He followed suit, walking in, “I really shouldn't stay long, I've quite a lot of work to do.”
“You should at least stay for a cup, I just put the kettle on.” You followed your professor deeper into your home.
Gale glanced around the small rooms, taking in all of your decorations, finally coming to a small couch. He sat on the edge of the couch, waiting as you sat in an armchair across from him.
“Is it pointless to ask for you to come back to class?” Gale asked, leaning forward.
“... No.” The word was released in a breath, “I just can't… not right now.” 
“Why not?” Gale asked, but slowly retracted leaning backwards, “I don't mean to pry, I just want to help, your education is important to me… You are important to me.”
“It's just hard. Right now, I have a lot going on.” You said, sighing.
Gale opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by a stout whistle from the kettle, you lifted a hand, “Excuse me.”
Standing to your feet, you left Gale in the room by himself. Coming back with a small metal tray of fancy cups, setting it down on the table that separated the two of you. 
“Sugar is in here, please, take what you want.” You instructed, lifting the top off of a small ceramic container.
“Thank you.” Gale said, looking at you instead of the tea.
“We would really love to have you back in class, you can take the exam you missed and make up the work.” Gale started, ignorant to the way your heart sank as he muttered on, “with your natural talent, you'd have no issues getting back on track.”
“Yes. My Talent.. is why I'm not going back to wizard school, Professor Dekarios.” You paused from your explanations, taking a long sip of your tea, “I've recently felt like my whole world view has come crashing down around me, my whole life I've been naturally so good at spells and magick. I thought I had to be a wizard… I didn't know any other way…”
Gales eyes peered into your own, “It's not the magick you have a problem with… it's you, you think you may be…”
“A sorcerer… it's only a theory, however.”
“My class would still be open to you. I will help you grow however you see necessary and I'm sure a couple books and scrolls wouldn't hurt your newfound identity.” Gale's smug simper helped ease your pain.
Hells him just being there helped you feel immensely better, “if I was to come back to class and still go my own path, wouldn't it be like betraying the weave?”
“The weave is something we utilize, you cannot simply betray it and I'm sure the magick you hold will not mind what path you go down.” Gale said, reaching out to hold your hand.
“Thank you, professor.” You said, smiling at him. 
Gale stuck around and talked with you for a while, not all about magick, but he does have a large interest in the subject. Once the sky had turned dark purple and was littered with the freckles of stars, he thought it best to head to his own home. He chuckled as he walked out your door, turning to give you a small smile, his eyes beaming, “Thank you for having me… And thank you even more for sharing your troubles with me. The fact that I was able to help means more to me than you could ever comprehend.”
“Please, professor, I should be the one thanking you… I was really going through it…” you spoke, rubbing the back of your neck.
After your exchanged goodbye's Gale left, and once again your home was silent, you were alone. Only your thoughts to keep you company now, you thought back to how his hands fit around the small teacup he was holding. How comforting it felt when he grabbed your hand, how for once, his eyes were solely focused on you… You wished it could be like that more, how you craved him deep at night. 
But fantasies are usually just that, fantasy, fiction… fake. Tonight, however they were your comfort, you writhed beneath the covers imagining Gale giving into you. You wondered what pet names he would give you, what habits he would have when he loved you deeply. 
The next day you went back to school, sitting at your abandoned desk, your satchel fell from your shoulder and students began to whisper. Looking over at you and facing one another once again, pointing and speaking indistinctly. It was to be expected it didn't affect you in anyway… however, when Gale stepped up to his pedestal, looking straight at you and fighting to keep a smile down, then you felt something. 
The fires of the nine hells burned inside your stomach, a hand found its way to your cheek, to prop your head up and hide the reddening that quickly spread over your face. Gale went on with class like usual, teaching, talking, rambling, whatever way you chose to say it, it was always the same. You enjoyed it, being such a well learned man was attractive and the way the words rolled off his tongue like a liquid nectar made the experience much better.
Once class was over and you had tucked a couple of your scrolls into your satchel, Gale spoke up, “Ms. (Y/n)” 
You quickly turned to face him, locking eyes with him, “stay after class and we'll discuss your make ups, yeah?” 
You nodded, “Yes, sir.” 
“Wonderful.” He said, you stayed at your desk as students piled out, after the last one you stood up approaching his own desk.
“You're feeling better, I hope.” He spoke, his voice now softer, than when he was teaching.
You nodded, smiling, “Yeah, you helped me a lot, professor, I'm very thankful.”
“Please, as I stated before… I'm just glad I could help.” His large hand once again found your own, giving a reassuring squeeze. It was a kind gesture, but it was one that ignited that fire in you.
“I'll have to repay you, some day..” You spoke, smiling slightly at the thought that popped into your head.
“No, no, no need, You being here is repayment enough.” He spoke smiling, only to cock an eyebrow at the blush you now wore.
“Yes, but it would help me feel better about the whole situation…” 
Gale paused before speaking again, “what did you have in mind?” 
“I could always help you out… You know… to return the favor?” Your eyes flickering up to meet Gale's own. Your teeth latched onto your lip, pulling it into your mouth looking at his hand on your own. For a moment Gale's eyes widened before he pulled his hand away.
A myriad of  inappropriate thoughts flooded the professor’s mind, evident only by the red hue his face took on. A small smile played at his lips a sweet contrast to the simper that littered your own plush ones. Shaking his head, Gale's big brown eyes bore into you, “As much as I would absolutely adore that…” He paused, wincing at the words he was about to say, “ I cannot. If anyone found out I wo-” 
“No one has to know, Sir.” You interjected, keeping eye contact, your confident facade faltered for a moment. Beginning to move away from your teacher, you nodded slightly, “-but I understand, you do have more at stake here than I do..” 
Gale's eyes flickered through emotions at lightning speed, confusion seeped into his features followed by shock and finally he landed on regret, “W-Well. Let's not be hasty now..” 
His hand reached out to you again, as you raised an eyebrow, curiously, at your teacher, “Professor, what exactly are you getting at?” 
“If it's strictly a one time thing and no one would know then… I assume it would be okay to-” softly stumbling over his words Gale's eyes landed on your soft figure, biting his lip, praying that you understood his incessant ramblings.
You nodded slightly smiling brightly, “Just tell me when and where and I'm there, professor.”
“I have two more lectures today, you can meet me after and we can go to my tower, if you would like.” 
“Yes!” You said, loudly, your excitement causing gale to Shush you. Apologizing you still nodded, “Yes, I would love that, sir.”
The rest of your day dragged on as your mind found itself hoping for what was to come, when the time had arrived you met Gale outside of his room. Leaning against the wall, you hadn't even noticed him, you were reading a scroll and focusing on the movements it instructed. Only for gale to grab the parchment and gain your attention, “A bit of difficult Magick, right here… where'd you get this?” 
He was so close to you, leaned against the door frame, his body facing you as he glanced over the spell. Absentmindedly taking his lip between his teeth, his eyes pensively traced the scroll. Before he glanced back over at you, handing it back to you.
“A little shop near my house, just a goal I'd like to set for myself.” You explained as the two of you began your walk, tucking the parchment back into your satchel.
“I could always help you..” Gale offered.
“I would like to figure it out on my own, I think.” 
“That's understandable, when you get the hang of it you'll have to show me.”
“Of course, professor.”
“Please, for tonight, call me Gale.” Your heart skipped a beat. 
“Okay, Gale.” A small and nervous laugh left with the name.
Once the two of you arrived at his door, ending the short commute, he flicked his hand and the door swung open. The candles lining the walls all flicked to life as you walked in, it was like a fancy library, bookshelves lined the walls and little trinkets sat on top of them. You were taking the scenery in as Gale dropped his bag, it fell to the ground with a thump.
“Before we begin, I can make some tea, if you would like.” He said, “and I have some biscuits.” 
You nodded, following him into his kitchen, you sat in a small chair as he paced around the kitchen collecting small items and preparing the water. He was speaking to you about magick, but not in his usual teacher way. Now he was more like a friend indulging you in his interests, “but surely to a student as talented as you, my experiences probably seem trivial.”
“Of Course not, professor.” You said, replying without even thinking.
“What was that?” He said, stepping closer, now towering over where you were seated.
“Sorry, Gale, but it doesn't seem trivial, not in the least..” You spoke, swallowing deeply.
A simper had crawled onto his face, smirking down at you, before the whining tea kettle called for him. He quickly glanced over his shoulder before looking back at you, “Just one second, love.” 
You nodded the word ‘yeah’ ghosting on your lips, but breathlessly, no words could escape you. It felt almost as if he enjoyed teasing you, between the moment with the scroll earlier now this, blissful agony one could call it.
Gale poured water into the two cups of tea, letting them steep. He walked back over to you. A finger ghosting on your chin, lifting your chin slightly, looking in your eyes, he smiled, “ready?” 
Your heart skipped a beat, “F-For?” 
“For tea…” He spoke, placing a kiss to your lips, “what else?” 
He smiled as he brought a small tray closer to you, two tea cups and a plate of pastries sat on the tray. 
You hastily drank your tea, meanwhile Gale sipped his, watching the ways you moved around in your seat. When he drank the rest of his drink he stood to his feet clearing the dishes away, “I'm going to clean this mess up, the bedroom is through the stairs and to the right, you can't miss it, get comfortable.”
“O-okay.” You said, scampering up the stairs, you walked into his bedroom, the bed in the center was huge, you laid down on it, the plush blankets were soft and cool. You began undressing and crawled under the blankets, laying down comfortably. 
After a few moments of you laying there, the door swung open, Gale was also undressed, he crawled over the bed, laying over the blankets on top of you. 
Placing small kisses on your lips and trailing them down your neck, “Get up, and on your knees.” He growled.
You did as he said, standing on your knees, he pushed you down onto your hands and knees, getting behind you he slowly stroked himself before pressing into you. You moaned painfully, inhaling sharply, Gale did not give you time to adjust. He was driven feral by how warm and wet you felt, just for him. You were all for him and Gale was loving every part of it, his pace increased with every moan you gave him. 
Roughly pushing into you, “Yes, take it just like that, such a good pupil.” 
You moaned out beneath him, unable to form words as he ravaged you, placing kisses down your back, his hands held onto your forearms. The two of you rocking against one another, it wasn't long before your legs began to shake. 
“Gale, please.”
Your quivering voice was clouded by your ecstacy as you constricted around Gale, who groaned as he continued to pump into you. Your legs gave out, falling onto the bed, Gale lowered too, laying on top of you, “Damn, already?” 
Gale didn't stop, he milked your orgasm, rocking into you, stopping only to pull out and pat you on the leg. His hand traced your thigh. Before he rolled you over, you helped him, and Gale moved to stand up, still panting he pulled you closer to him. 
You were now on your back, Gale leaned down over you, placing your thighs on his shoulders, he placed another soft kiss to your lips.
“Is this what you think about during class?” Gale asked, pressing back into you.
“S-sometimes…” you admitted, Gale began to rock into you, “Ah-! Gale.” 
He pressed your legs to your chest, his face buried in your neck, kissing and biting at the sensitive area. The easy access to the sweet spot made your mouth water as Gale audibly moaned into the crevice of your neck.
His moans were loud and breathy, chasing his own release, his thrusts became sloppy and delayed. 
“Kiss me.” He demanded, you obliged, taking his bottom lip between your own. Kissing him as he rocked into you, “Yes, Gods, look at what you bloody do to me.” 
Finally, Gale thrusted, gripping the sheet beneath you tightly, and with a prolonged groan, he came. Chasing his orgasm, he sloppily rammed into you as your body milked him, clenching around as your orgasms met each other. Both of you gasping for air and mumbling swears beneath your breathless demeanor.
“You know, that was nice,” Gale said, pulling out and moving to lay beside you, “I appreciate it,”
Gale looked over at you, still panting, “I'll go run us a bath.” 
“Umm… sir,” you spoke up catching your professor's attention, “this was just a one time thing, right?”
Gale nodded, “yeah.” He mused as he walked into the bathroom.
It was most certainly not a one time thing.
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enterwittyjokehere · 1 month
A small rant from my side account >_<
A part of me wishes fanfiction writers had the same sense of community as fanartists do...
I always see the fun cooperative pieces artists do and as someone who has been in the writing scene for years (not just for mortal kombat) it's kinda sad ;_;
Sorry for the ramblings
-Spider R
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enterwittyjokehere · 1 month
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I really hope I like this man as much as my tiktok fyp does, when I actually meet him in-game...
Prepare for the worst !!
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enterwittyjokehere · 1 month
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Once again: Me and Lord Raiden coded *Cough cough*
That was a weird cough
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enterwittyjokehere · 2 months
Hei, Ronin here, a little update bc life has thrown me for a couple loops here recently: I am working on requests currently sorry for the lack of content, I've had a few personal issues take form over the past few weeks and I'm trying to get everything sorted out rn.
Writing is my passion, I will post more frequently as soon as I shake back.
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enterwittyjokehere · 2 months
Here is Vouyer Gale as promised! I had a lot of fun writing this one, I am currently working on two requested fics and two more smutshots. So more will be coming soon :þ
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No Apologies Needed
[Gale Dekarios (of waterdeep) x amab! Reader]
[Amab reader]
[No pronouns used]
[Heavy smut 18+ only]
[Anal penetration]
The moon hung high in the sky, stars littered the dark blue curtain of the universe, hiding the rest of existence from the people of Faerûn. The famed wizard of waterdeep, Gale Dekarios, laid in the midst of it all. His bedroll was taken out of his tent, laid in the open air, staring up at the beautiful sight, taking all of it in, based on news he had received the wizard had a new lease on life to say the least. Trying to take time enjoying life rather than wasting precious moments worrying and rotting away, a sharp exhale left his mouth as his lack of sleep had caught up with him, although he was not yet ready to succumb to the needed action of slumber. To Gale the night was still young.
He glanced around the camp, everyone else had gotten in their bedrolls and started sleeping, or meditating, or so it seemed. His well trained eyes spotted a small light radiating through the fabric wall of one tent, the tent of the so-called ‘leader’ of the little ragtag party. Gale rolled onto his stomach to get a better look, it didn't flicker like the light of a candle, it shone bright like a magick light. Thoughts of why you would need a light this late at night swam around Gale’s head perhaps you couldn't sleep and were reading a book or maybe you were practicing a trade, curiosity flooded Gale’s senses.
The wizard would never come to admit it to the rest of the party, but he had quite a few strong feelings towards you. Although, even now when he had a greater purpose, thoughts of missing you and what the two of you could share flooded his mind.
Standing to his feet he made soft steps towards the tent, only when he got closer did he understand why you were up so late at night, Gale stopped in his tracks when he heard a soft, stifled moan.
“..F**k- Yes..” 
Your voice was quiet, even with how rushed your breathing sounded, Gale's mind began to race as he got closer. Small slapping sounds and a rhythmic rustling sound, painted a clear picture of what was transpiring inside the tent. 
You grinded against your hand, thoughts of Gale’s pretty mouth suckling sweetly on your hard c**k made your stomach flutter. Trying your best to fight off the moans and yet you still failed, “Gods… -Gale!” 
Fear clouded Gale's senses when he heard your audible moan, fearing for a moment he had been caught. When more breathy and ragged moans were heard he knew he was safe in his voyeurism. The wizard of waterdeep paused, hearing his name on your lips in such an intimate tone… His mind was reduced to one sided putty, he had no drive for anything else in the moment but focusing on your actions.
The soft fabric of the trousers he wore suddenly got tighter and tighter as he fought against the emotions of guilt bubbling into his heart. He listened as you worked your er*ct*on away, moaning as you got closer and closer to that heavenly threshold.
Gale's mind raced, he ached to help you cross that threshold, he wanted to shove you over it and allow you to revel in it- in him.
Gale steadily listened as you hit your peak, swears littering your breathless demeanor as you pumped yourself slowly prolonging the descent from your climax.
The light you had been using extinguished and the figure outside your tent was shown to you. Frightened, at first, you hastily pulled your trousers up, quickly opening your tent, seeing a very frightened yet flustered Gale.
“I had a reason for coming over here-” He paused, taking his lip between his teeth, “and yet, right now I am blanking on that reason…”
Dumbstruck. You had no thoughts, only emotions that flooded your senses. Embarrassment heated your face, making you a red and sweaty mess. Fear of what Gale was thinking and feeling. Fear of rejection piled into your stomach like a heavy weight sat at the bottom of your torso. Relief that the shadow outside your tent was an ally and not some raider coming to kill and loot your camp.
Once your mind returned to you you noticed Gale was staring at you, “Gale- I… I can explain.”
“Oh, please, there's no need for any of that. It's not as though I'm the one who has any reason to be upset.” He spoke, a soft smile littered his expression.
“Y-You're not upset at me?” 
Gale's face dropped, “No. Of course not, I expected you to be more disgruntled at me…”
“Oh, I could never.” You said, your eyes tracing the wizard, it was only now that you noticed his slight er*ct*on, “Gale?”
Your eyebrow raised at the sight, he suddenly remembered his predicament. Throwing his hands down in an attempt to shield himself, “Once again, I apologize, (y/n).”
He attempted to walk away, but he stopped shortly after, turning around as you called out to him, “Gale, wait-”
He turned around slightly, you bit your bottom lip. A small simper now adorned your sleepy features, “I could help you with that, if you're comfortable with something like that, of course.”
It was Gale's turn to have no thoughts, his head completely empty as your words rattled around his head. Echoing through his skull, you could almost see the gears began to turn as he placed his thumb to his lip.
“... Are you offering…” He turned, glancing back to the other's tents, “What I think you're offering?” 
Standing to your feet fully, you approached the wizard, your head nodding to answer his question. Gale tensed at your sudden closeness, his reaction only grew when you reached up to smooth the fabric on his shoulders. 
“If you're comfortable with my offer, of course.” 
Gale slightly nodded, his big brown doe eyes clouded over in thought, before he actually took time to answer. He adorned a small simper, similar to your own lustful one, “Yes, I would enjoy nothing more.”
Gale's eyes widened as your cold hands traced over his jaw and up his cheek, cupping the stubble-covered flesh. Bringing him down kissing him softly, Gale's hands rested on your waist. As he deepened the kiss, his hands shifted to your lower back, resting Iright on the bump of your butt. 
Gale's firm hands pulled you closer, smiling into the embrace, “Shall we go inside then?” 
“Well, Gale, I thought since you're so keen on watching… maybe you should be the center of focus.” Gale stared at you, absorbing your words, pailing at them half a moment later.
“You don't mean” His worried eyes glanced around the sleepy camp, not a single soul was awake, “out here…?”
“Is that a problem?” 
“A very large one. Yes.” Gale retorted, grabbing onto your forearms.
“Kneel.” You said, pushing a finger to Gale's lips. Gale followed your hand, getting on his knees as you had said, his brown eyes traced up your body. Staring up at you Gale waited for you to speak, as you watched him writhe from above.
You hooked the hem of your trousers with your fingers and let them fall. Presenting Gale with your still sensitive c**k, the wizard hesitated fear of the others waking up clouded his mind. 
His fears were brought to an end as you pulled his head back to face you, “Gale! Mouth!” 
A quick hum was pulled from your mouth as Gale took you into his own, suckling sweetly around your length. Your hands fell into his long brown hair, pushing his face closer to your body. Groaning as Gale gagged around you, his firm hands gripped the backs of your thighs steadying himself.
You could feel yourself growing inside of Gale's mouth, the words you spoke were delivered in a huff, “Gale, that's good.”
Your hands pried the wizard off of you, tears littering his face as he stared up at you. You leaned down to press a gentle kiss to his lips before instructing him further, “Up.” 
Gale followed you at your words, standing to his feet, you squatted down, palming his er*ct*on through his trousers. His hands grabbed onto your forearms, “(Y/n) thats-”
You pulled down his purple trousers, his length popping forward. Gale tensed above you as you slipped your hand around it, pumping the dry er*ct*on roughly, “lay on your stomach for me?”
With your words you moved away, standing back as you watched Gale. He laid on his stomach propping up on his knees, his ass fully in the air, his buried his head in his face.
“Be quiet, my love, we don't want anyone to stir.”
Gale trembled beneath you at the thought of being out around people during this intimate scene. While he would have truly enjoyed a more private setting, to Gale him getting to be this close to you was enough to see past his fear.
Gale nodded, almost buzzing in excitement, “Yes.” 
Moving behind Gale you gently pushed into him, stopping half way and stilling yourself. Gale huffed as he gripped onto the fabric beneath him, “damn-!”
When Gale had felt he was ready, he gave the ground a small tap, “I think I'm ready.
You moved out of Gale watching as he squirmed beneath your slow movements. You moved back into him, stopping half way again and pulling out. This movement continued, once your stomach tightened you forgot that rhythm.
Moving each time faster and deeper, it didn't take Gale long to writhe beneath you, moving his hips against your own. His hands buried in his face, the small sounds of his gasps and groans leaked through. 
You shushed Gale, biting onto his neck to hide your own moans. Gale snaked a hand down to pleasure himself while you worked behind him, roughly f*ck*ng into him, Strings of swears leaked from his mouth.
It wasn't long before Gale's hips stuttered back and forth, soon orgasming into his hand. Your grip tightened on his hips as you rocked against him, Gale cried out from the overstimulation creeping up.
A few more thrusts and your sloppy attempt at chasing your climax fill Gale thoroughly, groaning and moving against you when he felt the warm feeling. You pulled out grunted slightly as you fell to lay beside the wizard, looking up at the stars.
“Thank you, (y/n) and sorry.” 
“No, Gale I need no apologies. It was nice being close to someone again.”
“May haps we could do it again sometime…” Gale said, turning onto his back.
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enterwittyjokehere · 2 months
Guess who's finally back from vacation :þ.
I wanna try and write more fanfiction-ey writings, this one is the start of it lol, had some fun writing for Erron.
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Intimate Interrogation
[Erron Black x afab! Reader]
[Afab reader]
[Masculine nicknames used]
[Heavy smut 18+ only]
[Fair warning implied non- consent]
[PART of the Dead Dove Club]
[Dead Dove Do Not Eat]
[Mutiple Org*sms]
You woke up in a dark room, flickering lights decorated the ceiling and left the room in a dimly lit haze. Your heartbeat pounded in your head, questions swirling around your mind, where were you?
Why were you here?
The last thing you remember was a guy tapping you on the shoulder in some pub and a sharp pain erupting in your head. The same pain that leaked into your senses now, “Ow, sh*t!”
You tried to pull a hand to your face but a rope kept it in place, thick and harsh ropes, latched around your body locking you in place. The chair they bound you to was in the dead center of the sketchy room, your eyes had begun to adjust and the more you looked around the room the more hopeless you felt.
Finally your eyes flickered to an exit, to your side, the only door in the room. The moment your eyes had adjusted quite enough to make out what was in front of the door, your heart began to race, fear flooding your senses.
A memory of a wanted poster you had seen before appeared in your head, recognizing the man, who you had heard countless tales of, “Erron Black?” 
His own eyes flickered up to you, glancing away from the handgun he was polishing. With a groan the mercenary pulled down his mask, taking a few slow steps towards you. Once he stepped into the light, you could see the deadly simper playing at his lips.
“What have I done to piss your people off?” You asked, voice quivering slightly, although you tried to keep a calm composure.
“Calm down, you ain't made me mad, just my boss.” He spoke, his accent thick and quiet.
“Who is…?”
“Kotal Kahn.”
The memory of your last mission hit you upon the impact of his words. Starstruck for a moment you only opened your mouth, no words could pass the threshold, your shock withheld them. Furrowing your eyebrows as you looked up at Erron, “Why would the Kahn be upset with me?”
You winced at the memory of you attacking the carriage Kotal had taken, biting your lip as you stared up at Erron Black.
Erron was not foolish enough to believe your facade of false ignorance, “Why don't you tell me… my sources say you're the man of the hour, your bosses want the Kahn gone?”
The way you instinctively flinched when Kotal was called Kahn told Erron, everything he needed to know about your allegiances. Your lack of cooperation pulled a groan from the cowboy as his brown eyes traced over your body, bound to the sturdy wood chair.
“Come on, now, I know you're the man I want… Just tell me what I wanna hear and I'll be able to go easy on ya.” Your heart sped up at the words, Erron's plea was not quite the same as you had heard it but the misunderstanding was missed by the mercenary.
“I don't know what you want to hear, Earthrealmer.” You said, leaning back in the chair tauntingly.
Erron groaned, standing to his feet, he smiled as he towered over you. Looking down at you, a wicked grin covered his face, instinctively your thighs locked together while his eyes traveled slowly down your figure.
He took a knife from his belt, glancing at it quickly before his eyes landed on you. Lifting the knife to the side of your neck, he questioned you again, “Why do the people you work for want the Kahn dead?” 
You looked helpless beneath him, you looked him dead in the eyes, still holding that flimsy facade, “I'm telling you, Black, you have the wrong person.”
Erron groaned, pulling the knife away, he quickly slashed one of the two ropes tying your hands to the chair.
“This is cute. Really.” Erron leaned forward, meeting you at face level, “but acting all ‘cute’ ain't gonna help your chances… I do like it when you play hard to get though.”
Your face was over Erron's shoulder as he whispered the harsh words into your ear, his hand had latched onto your arm and squeezed it tightly. He smiled as he watched you squirm from how close he was, your eyes locked on him, whispering hushed prayers to the Elder Gods.
“What? No smart remark, sugar, snake got your tongue?” His deadly simper sent chills down your back, he moved to kiss the skin of your neck. When you jumped at his movements a trail of laughs leaked from his lips, “Don't worry, sugar, I'll get so much more.”
He kissed down your arm, looking up at you as he neared the wrist. With locked eyes he pushed two of your fingers into his mouth, suckling on them lightly. 
He withdrew them and took a heavy breath before speaking, “Let's get you all warmed up, yeah? Since you want to be a little bitch, I'll show you what being uncooperative calls for.” 
He placed a hand to your crotch, kneading the sensitive area lightly with his fingers. Needily, you grind against the fingers, small noises stringing from your mouth. Erron unzips your pants and wiggles them down, his teeth clenched around his lip as his eyes wander your body. 
“First, I want you to f**k yourself for me… I got a lot of information to get outta ya, make things a little easier for me.” His words made your core tingle, he pried your legs apart, removing your underwear. Before placing the hand he had in his mouth onto yourself, looking up at you with a cocky smile.
You looked down at him, breathing heavily, your mind too clouded by rapid trails of thoughts fluttering around in your mind. Pensively, you were caught off guard as he shoved your own fingers into you, a noise between a groan and a wince pulled from you.
He moved your hand, pumping your own fingers deep into your body. As he did your core tightened and your current situation flooded back into your immediate consciousness, pleasuring yourself. Erron moved away from your bound body when he noticed your more pleasured moans.
Curling your fingers, you meticulously hit your pleasurable nerves, rapidly, needing a sense of relief, you grinded against your own fingers. Erron groaned as he grew in response, feeling himself push against his trousers, a hand shot down to his crotch, rubbing softly.
Your eyes looked up at Erron, when your hips began to repeatedly stutter and twitch as the friction pushed you over the peak of your climax. You left out moans as your eyes rolled back, your body clenching around your hand, “f**k, Erron.”
“You enjoyed putting on that little show for me, pretty boy?” He questioned, hastily undoing his belt buckle, while approaching you. He pulled the long piece of leather out of his belt loops, he kneeled down in between your legs. Erron's cold and calloused hands found the inside of your thigh, your body trembled at the feeling. He wrapped the belt around one thigh, fastening it around the armrest of the chair, he looked into your eyes kissing the inside of your thigh lightly. 
His big brown eyes staring up at you, gently pulling your plush flesh with his teeth. Letting it go and pressing wet kisses to the abused skin, his little light nibbles pulled delicious sounds from you as your core clenched on air. Erron watched your body beckon for him, a long twisted smile overtook the cowboys features.
“Sorry, sugar, I don't mean to be such a tease.” He chuckled, adjusting his position. Erron had moved his face worryingly close to your bare core, watching the building of suspense surface on your flushed face.
Looking down at Erron, you watched as he nestled his firm face deep into your p*ssy. Licking and kissing the tiny bundle of nerves, eliciting sweet pleasured  sounds to string from your lips. You tried to rock your hips against Erron's tongue, but the rope holding you in place only allowed a small wiggle.
You whined at the lack of stimulation, “I can give you what you want, Darling, you just have to give me what I want first.”
You shook your head, your words lingering in your throat for a moment, “N-No.” 
Erron's laugh was almost cruel, his lips fastening around your needy cl*t, suckling on the button. The feeling was euphoric but overstimulation was creeping in and the closer it got the more you wanted Erron off of you. Trying to wiggle out from under the cowboy, your body began to shake and tremble, your pleads quiet in Erron's head.
Erron's calloused hands held you in place, while you whined and squirmed beneath him, continuing to roughly suck on your sensitive cl*t. Your hands pulled at his hair, trying to pull him off, the cowboy fought your movements, staying firmly placed. He smiled as your pleading found his ears, “Erron, please, stop. I c-cant- Ah-!” 
A laugh left Erron, the vibrations making your already sensitive cunt tremble beneath him, “I already told you, tell me why your bosses want Kotal down and who they are… After that all this can stop, if that's what you want…”
Erron paused almost hoping you would give in and let loose the information he needed, he wished you were easier to break. He would be incredibly upset with himself if he ends up having to break you fully, looking up and your pleading face, a small smile covering his face. The cowboy’s sinful simper was caused by the myriad of indecent thoughts, you being the subject in the lot, he felt himself pulse in his trousers.
You said nothing, withholding the information even through Erron’s torture, Erron’s gaze darkened his smutty simper becoming almost more cruel. He clicked his tongue, his eyes fluttering across your soft body all splayed out for him, “I’m trying, sugar, I really am.”
Taking this time to take a step back, the cowboy enjoyed his work, looking over your cold, horny body splayed out in the open. He slipped out of his pants letting them fall to the floor, his hands found your other thigh. His hands massaged the plush flesh, before pushing it to set on the other armrest, you winced as your bones popped from the stretch. 
“Come on, Darling, you can take it.” Erron's accent sounded hoarse in your ear. He lined himself up to you, taking a deep breath before pushing into you. A sharp wince was pulled from you, “Ah-! That's tight, maybe you should've prepped a little more, darling.”
His words were released as groans through his clenched teeth, slowly pulling against you and quickly reinserting himself. Each time he would pound into you, his movements became faster and more sporadic. 
The slickness of your insides allowed Erron to fully slip in and out with ease, he grabbed tightly on to your hips, rocking against both you and the chair. The chair creaked when Erron would push into you, your sweet moans were the only other sound combatting the slapping of skin and creaking. Erron’s breathing caught in his throat as he felt your warm and wet core clench around his length, releasing his breathing in shallow huffs while he thrusted deep into you. Chasing the peak of his orgasm, he rutted into you, focusing on your breathing and your small moans, “Erron, Wait-!” The cowboy opened his lidded eyes at your plea, still rocking into you, “You can’t- Your not even wearing-”
“A condom?” He finished your sentence, you moaned out and nodded slightly as Erron slammed back into you viciously. His pace and strength of his thrusts gained fervor as he denied your request, “No, no, Darling. That’s something only someone who’s told me the motive behind attacking the Kahn gets.”
“No-! Erron, Please-” with a quick slap to your sensitive clit Erron had you constricting around him, milking him as he rocked deeper and deeper into your writhing hips. He hit his own orgasm with a grunt and a stutter of his hips, he held you body close, allowing himself to nestle his tip to your womb, cumming deep inside of you. The warm feeling flushed your face, you moaned, a hand slipped to your mouth to silence you, Erron pulled out of you, watching as his c*m leaked from your pussy.
“Surely that’s enough, yeah?” Erron said through heavy breaths, “Tell me why your bosses want to kill Kotal.”
“N-No, I can’t… Erron, please.”
Something inside Erron snapped, he grabbed your throat roughly, making you look him in the eye, “I’m not usually as kind as i've been with you.”
Lifting his hands away from your body, Erron groaned as he cracked his knuckles rhythmically. His rough hand finding the underside of your elevated thigh, the quivering only made more noticeable at his touch. He lined his fingers up with your dripping c*nt, Erron's own seed leaked from the opening. 
Roughly he jammed his fingers deep into you, fucking the seed deeper in your womb. You writhed beneath him, the overstimulating feeling was almost too much, “E-Erron… No, wait, please.”
Your hushed pleas brought a smirk to his face, “Not unless you're gonna give me some names.” 
Erron's free hand slapped at the plush flesh of your thigh, you winced at the stinging pain. His fingers curled inside of you, hitting your sensitive spot as you moaned out, before Erron delivered another firm slap to your thigh, this time closer to your c*nt.
Erron's ruthless assault on your lower body brought tears to your eyes, as you once again hit an orgasm. Erron's fingers continued there rough assault, making your body shake and tremble, cries of overstimulation leaked from your throat.
Begging Erron to stop the cowboy smiled as he placed another sharp slap to your thigh, Erron groaned as you gasped out. Your hands trying to pry him off of you, yet he stayed, fingers curling and shoving themselves deeper into your sensitive core. Once you felt the building of another orgasm you began to plead.
“Erron. Please, I-I cant-” Your voice trembled as you stumbled over your words.
“Tell me who you work for or take it like a good boy.” Another slap was placed to the inner side of your lower thigh, Erron looked up at you.
Face red, hair matted with sweat, tears leaked down your face and onto your clothes. You were a hot mess and it drove Erron wild, he loved that he had this kind of control over you.
You squirmed beneath Erron's hands, “F-Fine. Mileena! Mileena hired me-!” 
A breath of relief fell from your mouth as Erron removed his sticky hands, “See. Now was that so hard, baby doll?” 
Erron placed sweet kisses to the inside of your thighs to soothe the pained red flesh. 
“Whatever, Black, you've got your information untie me.” You said, fighting with the ropes and belts that kept you in place.
A booming chuckle fell from Erron's lips, “Naw, I don't think so.”
Your eyes immediately traced up to the boney hunter, “what? But I gave you-”
“-but I can't have a criminal who tried to kill the Kahn running around outworld. It'll be best if I keep you here, don't worry doll, I'll take good care of you.”
His words faded into the back of your mind as he kissed your lips gently, his hands tracing over your clothed body. Before he pulled away, smirking, “You're gonna love it here.”
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
[This was definitely a fun one to write lol. I did try this same concept with perfect and was going to make it [perfect] a smut piece but I really just like comfy Raiden he's a very comforting character, anyway hope you enjoy]
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Strong Enough
[Mk 1 Raiden x amab reader smut]
[amab reader]
[He/him pronouns used]
[slightly insecure reader]
[Smut 18+ only]
It had all happened faster than you had realized, in the midst of a heavy battle. The sounds of war were far more deserving of your focus than the man who sent himself flying towards you.
Guns going off, screaming, metal clanging, the horrid sounds that littered the landscape, were almost blacked out as you fell to the hard dirt beneath you. Raiden landed on top of you as a long beam of acid flew past where you had been standing. Raiden's breathing was heavy and strained. He quickly got up, holding out a hand for you to take, helping you back up. 
The whole situation left you shaken up, taking a moment to collect yourself. Before you turned to Raiden, “Thank you, Rai.” 
He only nodded.
Earthrealm’s champion said nothing before taking off, sending a sharp bolt of electricity to one of the poor mixed up mirrors of your teammates. One of your rivals and fellow earthrealmer Johnny cage, spoke up from behind you, throwing an odd looking blonde Australian woman to the ground.
“I always knew you'd fall for each other eventually..” The American scrunched his nose as he teased you.
“How about you shut it, Cage.” Was your only retort, the fiery blush on your face hidden from the dirt that cling to the sweat on your face.
You slowly turned your attention back to fighting as rage seeped into your mind, from your allies’ teasing. Tearing through enemies only made your anger worse as Cage's teasings echoed through your head. You scaled up the winding staircase, running into more and more messed up mirrors of your teammates. Most if your opponents were easy matches, it wasn't until a much larger tarkatan Raiden blocked your path, that you stumbled backwards, eyeing up your opponent.
“This doesn't have to happen this way, I have no quarrel with Raiden.” You said, taking your fighting stance. Fear hit you like a train as the monster also assumed a fighting stance, lightning buzzing from his fists.
“My quarrel with you still stands, however.” 
The much larger beast version of your ally approached you, grabbing the cloth of your gi. Pulling away, you freed yourself rather quickly from the grasp of the beast, delivering swift punches to his gut. The effect the hits had on him were little to none, you attempted to throw a roundhouse to knock him off. He palmed your kick, catching your ankle in his hand, a sadistic simper taking over his monstrous features.
His hand began to buzz as electricity swirled around the monster’s body, a blistering pain traveled through your leg. The leg he held violently shaking as tears filled your eyes, crying out in pain, he let go. You dropped to your knees, feeling weak from the amount of electricity you had just taken. The monster grabbed your face, turning your head, forcing you to stare up at him. 
“My version of you is much more competent, his likeness is clearly wasted on you.” The words had Raiden's tone and cadence and yet they hurt in ways that Raiden could never -would never- attempt.
Raiden's monster doppelganger quickly dropped your face, reeling his leg back as if he was going to kick you. You tensed up, bracing for the impact, the pain, yet it never came. 
A soft grunting sound was heard as you opened your eyes and you saw your Raiden, who had grabbed his leg, holding onto it. Before Kenshi sliced the creature's head, with a slushing sound it slid to the ground.
“(Y/n)! By the elder gods, please, tell me your okay!” Raiden pleaded, grabbing your face to look into your eyes.
“Yes, Raiden, Gods-! I'm fine.” You shooed Liu Kang's champion away, standing to your feet, you winced and retracted kneeling back down. Your lower leg was red and blistered, standing on it made it shake almost violently, you would not be able to stand on it.
“Doesn't look fine to me… Raiden, I'll handle this, you take him away from the fight, he needs immediate help.”
“No, I can help, please.” You pleaded, looking up at Kenshi.
Raiden kneeled back down attempting to calm you, he placed his hand on your shoulder, “Hey, Hey, right now, we need to focus on getting you help. Or this could turn into something much worse.”
“Then can Kenshi take me, at least?” Your words sent a pain through Raiden as he slowly backed away from you. 
Raiden did well to disguise the hurt in his heart, looking to Kenshi, who only shook his head. “Raiden is best equipped to help, I am more needed here.”
With a huff, you looked back up at Raiden, who only gave you a sympathetic look. Before bending down, to guide your arm over his shoulder, his hand sat in the dip of your hip. Raiden's hand pushed you into his body, you struggled to stand up, the shaking of your dominant leg only made Raiden more worried. Raiden and you both struggled down the steps, dodging stray attacks from other fights. When Raiden finally got the two of you to the base of the stairway, he sat you down, breathing heavily and clutching his stomach.
“Are you okay?” You attempted to stand, falling to your knees again, “Raiden…”
“Yeah, yeah, I'm fine… you weren't the only one that needed a break from the battle.” His words were muffled by his pained grimace, “Mistook an enemy scorpion for our ally, he was less than pleased.”
“Come on, Raiden, we can't give up, we can't die here.” You pleaded, crawling closer to him.
Raiden's pained expression faltered, if only for a second, he smiled. Looking up at you Raiden, lifted up onto his arms, “You're right, like always, we're in this together, yeah?”
You gave him a small smile, “Yeah.”
“Come here, hopefully this works and I don't end up frying us.” Raiden's playful tone hid his real fear; he had tried this move one other time and it failed, luckily leaving him unscathed. Now, that you were in the picture and both of you were already injured, he had to concentrate thoroughly on his movements.
You crawled over to Raiden, getting close as he wrapped his arm around you. Raiden exhaled deeply, fear eating at the back of his brain, tossing his hand up in the air. Lightning struck his hand, almost as if Raiden's fear had seeped into you, you hid in Raiden's chest.
Attempting to shield yourself from the lightning enveloping the two of you, the knowledge that you had successfully teleported and Raiden's beaming pride were still hidden to you. Until you heard a familiar voice, “(y/n)? Raiden? Are you injured?” 
Quickly turning your eyes locked onto Raiden's divine counterpart, who worriedly approached. Raiden, stood to his feet still holding his stomach, the blood had begun to soak the white fabric of his gi.
“He can't stand, please, tend to him first.” Raiden said, making room for his godly counterpart to move to you. Lightning crackled around his hands and your body tightened in fear, the remaining stress from your previous fight lingering in your mind.
The Lightning he provided soothed your damaged nerves and healed what had been done. Your legs stopped shaking and the blisters faded, small jolts still remained but most of the physical trauma had been undone. 
Raiden smiled as you stood to your feet, before looking to his titan form, who approached him next. Lord Raiden wore a small frown as his smaller and younger counterpart showed him the slash on his side, “What happened to the two of you? You're supposed to be two of our best warriors.”
“I only had a lapse in judgment and the foe, (y/n) took on, was far too big for him to fight alone. He weakened him up enough for me and Kenshi Takahashi to knock him out of the fight.” Raiden smiled to you, but the Tarkatan Raiden's words still lingered in your mind, biting at the back of your brain. 
“No, I wasn't strong enough…” You said, your facade of being the strong and independent fighter faltered as your insecurities flooded through you, “I did my best b-”
Lord Raiden cut you off, his words came with the waving of a hand, “You need not explain your mistakes to me, now you only need to rest, heal further so the fight can continue.”
The booming of his voice was a stark contrast to the Raiden you were used to, your eyes found your Raiden, who had appeared at your side, offering a hand. He wore the same tender smile as always, you took his hand, standing to your feet, “The only thing that makes you weak is not knowing when a task is too big.” He lectured you, walking into the temple, “You have so much ambition that it clouds your senses, that doesn't have to be a downfall… Just don't hesitate to ask for help next time.”
Raiden's words came from a good place, he was only trying to comfort you, “But, I shouldn't have to need help, you always find a way to save the day… I've grown to both admire you and despise you for it..”
The sides of Raiden's smile fell as he took you through the halls of the temple. He peaked around a corner, there were a few cots littering the empty room, “I like helping you…” Raiden allowed you to enter the room first, “It makes me feel nice knowing that I've been of use to you.” 
The cot closest to the door was the one you chose, sitting on it with a huff, you replied, “Yeah, but I'm a fighter. It's all I've ever been and if you have to save my hide every time I get in over my head, that makes me-”
“You're not weak.” Raiden said, sitting in the seat beside you, “I know you're not because I look up to you, I admire you in every thing you do.”
Raiden's words made you smile, “I'm a horrible person to look up to.” 
“No, you're not, I like helping you because I want you safe… over our time spent together, I've grown feelings for you.” Raiden said, clutching at his chest, “It started off as admiration, how amazing you were at everything lord Liu Kang asked you to do and then it became stronger. It turned into adoration and I became scared… to speak around you or train when you were already there, but when I could I really enjoyed popping in to help. It made me feel like we were a team, just us two, you know?”
Raiden's confession hit you out of nowhere, it almost left you dumbstruck. When you finally ran it through your mind enough times for you to comprehend what was said, you looked up at the monk smiling.
“Raiden…” The way his name sounded from your lips, earned his attention, you leaned forward to place your hand on his knee. “You could've told me.”
“No, I wasn't strong enough..” He said, mirroring your words.
The trivial nature your words held seeping into your understanding, you placed a hand to Raiden's jaw, kissing him softly. His own hand fluttered up to yours, as he deepened the kiss he pushed you back slightly.
“Raiden…” you pulled away locking eyes with the champion, his eyebrow quirked before he began to chuckle lightly.
“We shouldn't our friends are out there fighting-” 
Your soft eyes peered into Raiden, who slowly began to melt, his lip caught between his teeth as his mind tore through his current situation. It wasn’t that he did not want to, if anything it was a mix of his fears and his guilt attacking his mind all at once, Raiden’ eyes fluttered from the door to the room you were in back to your pleading face.
“Fine, but-” Raiden pointed a finger, his usually small smile now slightly mischievous, “Quickly and quietly.”
You nodded your smile growing larger by the second, “Yeah, whatever.”
The words you spoke coeval with the hastiness of you leaning over the cot placing small kisses to Raiden’s plush lips as he laughed, “I’m se-” He grabbed your shoulders, his eyes narrowing to hold your attention fully, “I’m serious, when all this is over we can do things right and take it slow… Right now, there’s a war to win.”
The depth of Raiden’s words dug into you, nodding slowly, your eyes stared forward locked in contact with Raiden’s own. Raiden only laughed, “By the elder gods you are perfect.”
He kissed you, sweetly, his hand falling down to your thigh, grabbing at the flesh, Raiden pulled away from you. Standing up from his seated position, he kneeled down in front of you, “quickly and quietly.”
“Wait, but I thought-?” 
“My energy is needed for the fight later… but I have no issues allowing you a release.” He smiled, staring up at you, his big brown eyes melting you.
He hastily unzipped your pants, his calloused hand finding your growing erection, he lazily pumped his hand, the loose feeling felt nice but was not nearly enough to satisfy your growing hunger for the champion of Earthrealm. Biting down on your lip your hips bucked, involuntarily, you wanted more. You needed more.
“Rai, please.” 
Your soft cries made the shaolin stop, “My sweet dove, I said quiet.”
A groan slipped from your lips at Raiden’s teasings, his words sounded stern but his small smile gave his true intentions away, “Raiden, you also said quickly.”
Your p*nis throbbed in his hand, Raiden glanced down, nodding, “That is true,”
He began pumping again, his hand tighter this time, the feeling was amazing and by the way Raiden stared at you, you weren't the only one enjoying the action. Raiden stared at his hand intently making th movements perfect, he pumped from the bas, squeezing his hand tightly around your c**k, before twisting his hand as he got higher up, and running the pad of his thumb over your red aching tip. 
When Raiden’s hand moved over your tip, the perc*m collecting at the top got massaged into the skin below it, once Raiden was finally satisfied with his teasing he pulled his hand away, licking his lips. He watched as you looked over at him, panting and needy, he only smiled before clearing his throat and taking you into his mouth. His hand settled at the base of your pen*s, applying pressure, the other hand moved to your balls, gently playing with the pliable flesh, the rush of stimulation had you shaking. Raiden’s movements drove you crazy, slipping a hand onto his shoulder and giving him a tight squeeze, making him smile around you. 
Raiden took you in his mouth deeper, hitting the back of his throat, Raiden gagged and the vibrations sent you slamming into your climax, c*mming into Raiden’s mouth. Raiden pulled away from you, swallowing your seed, looking up at you with lust-filled eyes and your c*m dripping down his chin. A shaky laugh trickled from your lips, Raiden frowned slightly and wiped his face. 
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
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Medicinal Misunderstandings
Part two
[Primis Edward Richtofen x amab! Reader smut]
[Amab reader]
[She/her pronouns used]
[German written by someone who doesn't speak german]
[Mention of injury]
[Smut 18+ only]
“You look so wunderbar.” He whispered, his hand fully grasping your hard er*ct*on. Pumping slowly, he teased you, his calloused thumb rubbing small circles on the tip. You laid your head back, letting out a gasp as Edward teased you. Your sweet noises mixed with the grinding of your hips against his hand brought a sweet smile to his lips, “So wunderbar.” 
The teasing movement of his thumb rubbing your tip, becoming more pleasurable as he quickened the motion. His wrist loosely popping as he pumped your growing er*ction, your own hips grinding against his hand, needy for release.
“Edward- please-” All other words failed you, your mind focused only on your pleasure, your legs shaking as you got closer to your climax. 
“Ja… Feels good?” His accent almost sounded thicker, his free hand slipped up to the inside of your thigh softly rubbing the plush flesh, “I do have ein request… If you wouldn't mind indulging me further, ofcourse.”
A whimper drew forward as Edward moved his thumb, your eyes quickly moving up to stare at him, “What did you have in mind?”
A sharp smile covered his features at your question, as his hand slid down to grab at his own cock again, a small stifled groan left the injured man as he moved to sit up on the edge of the small cot.
“Komm her, bitte.” he patted the area beside him, “Lay on your stomach.”
“But.. Your stitches- You really shouldn't be-”
A pleading look was shot back in retaliation of your warnings, the look of longing made you jaw close, no other words had to be said. 
You did as he had instructed laying on your stomach, Edward's cold hands tracing the bottom of your ass cheeks. Spreading them slightly, he kneeled behind you, inserting his pointer finger into you. Pushing in and out of you, curling and uncurling his finger, hitting your prostate as he did. 
Shaky moans left your mouth as he worked from behind you, all while his hand pumped his own hardening c**k. When he was satisfied with his work he pulled his finger out, lining himself up with you, “Do me a favor, meine dear, take a deep breath in, ja?”
Air filling your lungs, which was his signal to push in, you stopped mid breath and exhaled deeply. Edward's hips grinding against your own, his cold hands settled on your hips, holding you in place. Your hands grabbed at the cot, your moans filled his ears as you sang him an unintelligible song of pleasure.
“F**k yes, right there.” Your moans were muffled, but Edward understood his assignment, guiding his grinding to the certain spot as you moved against him. 
Edward's trick c**k hit your prostate repeatedly, slamming into the sensitive area. His large calloused hand tracing over your own p*n*s, squeezing slightly as it moved. Your eyes closed slightly and your lips parted, you whispered his name, pleaded for him.
“Ja. Auch für mich.” He grunted, his free hand on your lower back right above your butt. 
“Edward-!” You whimpered, his hand tensing around your c**k when he heard your sweet cries. 
“Again, bitte, again.” He demanded, slamming into you faster, his free hand moving to your hip, holding you tightly in place. 
The sound of his pleads and whimper brought a small smile to your face, you allowed his name to slip from your lips over and over again.
Hearing how sweet his name sounded on your tongue, made the German’s stomach tighten. His hand removed from the base of your member to rub small and right circles along the tip, eliciting more sounds from you.
Richtofen was drowning in a pool of pleasure, everything in the room faded away except for you, him and the sweet sounds you were making for him. The feeling of ecstasy clouded his senses, his thrusts fell out of rhythm. His hand tightened around you, as his hips stuttered and he came inside you.
He stayed there for a moment lavishing in the atmosphere the two of you had created, he placed gentle kisses down your back as your c**k twitched in his hand.
Pulling out of you, he patted your shoulder before letting go of your er*ct*on, “Roll over for me, ja?”
You did as he said, your hand finding your aching c**k before being swatted away by Edward's hand.
He licked his lips, placing his hand at the base, guiding you into his mouth. His eyes watched as you covered your mouth to hide your moans, his head moving up and down on your sensitive needs. 
You rolled your hips up into him, pushing yourself deeper into his mouth. Your head fell back as swears strung from your mouth, the sight of you like this drove Edward crazy, his mind raced. 
Once more, you rolled your hips, this time Edward choked, gagging slightly. The vibrations on your c**k felt heavenly as you slammed into your climax, groaning as you came in his mouth.
Edward choked, pulling away, swallowing what he could and wiping the rest off of his face. Licking the gooey substance from his fingers, smiling over you.
You looked up at him, “How're your stitches?”
“Fine, I'm sure.” He spoke, his accent thicker than before.
He moved beside you laying back down on the cot, kissing your forehead slightly. Before he drifted back asleep, his hands held you by your waist, pulling your body close to him.
You stayed awake, watching as the German slept peacefully. The only stirring in your mind came from when the doors to the room slammed open, your eyes traced over the figures that had entered. You didn't know them, three odd looking men, you pulled at the thin blankets covering your body as the men eyed you and Edward.
“What the hell?” 
“Hello?” Another man with a heavy accent spoke.
“We're here for the German…” one American said, “Can we have Richtofen back?” 
He sounded unsure, his eyes tracing over the sleeping man beside you.
You nodded, “Yes, I'll wake him… if you'll all wait in there.” You pointed out the door.
Begrudgingly the meneft the room, you shook the man, you had just finished f**king awake.
He groaned in response, his eyes fluttering open, “Was?”
“There are some men here for you. They knew your name.” 
A groan was pulled from Edward's lips, “Scheiße!” 
His hands pulled away from your waist, the both of you stood to your feet. Putting your clothes back on, your eyes traced over Edward's, and that little spark was gone as his lips frowned slightly.
He pulled his vest on, looking over at you, noticing the worried look on your face. His hands found your hips, pulling you closer to him, “Do not worry, I'm sure our paths will cross again.” 
He placed a small kiss to your lips, holding your body close, the door creaked open once more. Earning your attention, his American teammate leaned against the wooden door.
“Come on, Richtofen, we're burning daylight.” 
Edward glared at his teammate, “Until next time?”
“Until next time.” You pecked his cheek.
A somber frown pulled at your face as Edward was escorted away by his teammates, it hurt your heart but from the beginning you had known not to get your hopes up. Finn walked to your side, rubbing at your back, “it'll be fine. He's with his team now.” 
Your heart hoped for the next time you would be able to heal an injured German, or maybe the German doctor could take his luck healing you…
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
[Angsty Gale won the poll, have fun with his mage hand guys. ;)]
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Dread Alter of The Heart
[Gale (of waterdeep) Dekarios x afab reader smut]
[Mentions of death and being blown up]
[Angry at old man]
[Early act two spoilers!!!]
[Heavy smut 18+ only]
[Incorrect use of mage hand]
“I am so very sorry, Gale..” The old man's words filled you with a burning rage, a pit that sat in the top of your chest, right next to your heart, and made fiery tears fill your eyes. The dangerous emotion was clear to both of the wizards surrounding you, Gale was more concerned by the sudden uncharacteristic change in your demeanor. 
Gale’s warm hand moved to sit on your shoulder, in an attempt to provide a bit of emotional support and to try and quell your worsening rage. The large hand rubbed at the bone of your shoulder, you only shrugged it off as you took a step closer to Elminster.
Fists balled and face getting redder by the second, you pointed a finger past the old man, “Get out of my camp.” 
You said it as calmly as you could, the anger inside of your chest making you less than rational. A hand firmly grabbed at your wrist, “(y/n), please, Elminster is a dear friend.”
Turning to face Gale, you furrowed your eyebrows, “No, Gale, friends don't randomly show up, eat all your food and then tell you to kill yourself, not good friends at least.”
“As previously stated I am so very sorry, Gale, truly.” You shot the old wizard a glare.
After being reprimanded by Gale once again, you retreated, stomping off to your tent. Letting the flap of fabric, used as the door, fall down, you sat upright on your bedroll, head hung low.
The feelings you held for your party's wizard were so blatant and obvious, the whole team was aware. Hearing what has to come next made you fearful, to say the least. Holding your hands up to your face, your bundle of stressful emotions left through your eyes.
The looming spectre, known as the fear of rejection, had kept you from ever allowing Gale to know your true feelings. Even now as he was going to put the half assed forgiveness from a goddess, who has done nothing but abuse and misuse both him, his trust and his magickal abilities over the life he lives currently and more importantly to you, the one he could live, after this was all over, with you.
Not knowing if he would even accept your love now that his goddess was back in the equation. All the hard work you had put into your delusions of a content life with a sweet wizard husband poured down the drain. Almost left you feeling like you belonged in the sewers of Baldr’s gate.
Reveling in your reminiscent remorse took you out of your surroundings and your tears became sobs. The emotional waves that washed over you felt uncontrollable, almost inconsolable, as though no one could help, the dreaded feeling of losing Gale, all to win the favor of some goddess, left you in hysterics.
Sobbing into your hands, you sniffled and swore under your breath, left startled by a sharp clearing of a throat outside your tent. 
“(Y/n)... Can I speak with you?” Gale muttered, then pausing to wait for your response, your startled demeanor fluctuated, relief poured into you when Gale’s voice was heard and then you remembered that you are almost in no shape to speak to him.
Eyes puffy and nose running, you were aware that your disheveled state was obvious and yet when Gale asked to talk you could never say no. The butterflies started without even having to look at him, knowing right now he was outside your tent waiting to speak with you made you giddy. 
“Sh*t-! Yes, Gale. Just… um- give me a second.” You said, hurriedly, wiping your red tearstained face on the sleeve of your cotton camp clothes. 
Opening the flap of the tent, you stepped out into Gale's view. He frowned for a second, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Have you been crying?” 
You glanced up at him, biting onto your bottom lip in an attempt to quell the next round of tears. Nodding your head slightly, before your attempt to stop your overflowing emotions failed, Gale wrapped an arm around you pulling you into an embrace.
“I should be the one crying, I'll be the one that has to… you know.” He said, laughing slightly, before making a worried face.
You didn't have to see his face to know what he did, he was so predictable in everything, or maybe you just knew him well enough. Sniffling slightly you shook your head, “No. I won't let you. We'll find another way.” 
“I am afraid that's not your place, my friend.” Gale said, pulling away from you.
Your hands rested on his shoulders, gripping tightly onto the sleeve of his shirt, your face wet from tears. You shuttered when his big brown eyes found your own, “...Gale, I'm in love with you.”
The words had slipped out before you could stop them, the tone of your voice was as though that was a reason for him to let you stop him. 
Gale's lips curled into a small smile, yet his eyes were still sad, “I know.” 
His words were gentle and sweet, he wrapped his arms around you again, before speaking once more, “and maybe had I not been cursed with this ‘divine purpose’ we could've had each other.”
More tears pushed over the threshold, your hands attempted to retract from Gale's shoulders. He watched as your lip began to quiver and you backed away, “Or you could've chosen me… instead of a goddess who has done nothing for you.” 
You tried to turn around, away from Gale, but he grabbed your wrist, “Please, you should know I cannot disobey Mystra, she is magick and magick is-”
“Your life?” You finished, knowing where his words would end, “That's what I wanted too.” 
Ripping your hand away from the wizard, you wiped your tears. Turning around, only to have Gale's hands latch onto your wrist holding you firmly in place. His eyes peered into you, pleading for you to listen. Yet the hurt in your heart hid his heart from your eyes, your clouded mind forbade you from taking the wizard as who he truly was.
“(Y/n), please, don't be like this..” Gale called, “I love you too, you make me happier than anyone else, I would love nothing more than to make you mine and allow all of Faerûn that knowledge and yet-”
“Gale, Please, you said quite enough, already.” The belated words hurt more than they should have, Gale's attempt to rekindle a flame he had just extinguished only killed the dying sparks further. 
Gale placed a hand to his chest, his now sad eyes peering into you, “I love you, too, please.” 
You shook your head, “No, if you loved me I would mean more to you than-” 
“Mystra means very little to me-! But if this is the only way to save Faerûn, to save everyone… including you, I have to do it. It's my responsibility…” Gale said, grabbing at the orb that decorated both the inside and outside of his chest, “Please… I love you.” 
“You've said that… Gale-” 
Your words were swiftly cut short as Gale's warm hands found your face, cupping the soft tearstained flesh. He pushed his forehead to your own, “Please, allow me a chance is all I ask…”
You stayed silent, Gale tilted your head slightly and pressed a hot kiss to your forehead. 
His eyes found your own again, “Tonight there is no orb, no absolute just you and me… We can worry about Elminster and Mystra's demand when the need for such an action arises.” 
Your eyes filled with tears once more, you blinked as they rolled down your cheeks. Only to be wiped away by Gale's thumb, “No need for tears, my darling, please.”
You looked up into Gale's eyes, he took the moment to smile down at you before pressing his lips to your own, kissing you properly. Your hand slipped behind his shoulder, holding onto the fabric of his shirt, holding the fabric tightly you pulled Gale off of you.
“If I allow you this-”
“If we find another way to defeat this thing… consider it done, orb and Gale, both still intact.” Gale said, his eyes staring into you.
“And Mystra?”
“What of her?” Gale questioned where you were going with your words.
“I’m sure she won’t be pleased with me taking her sweet little lapdog.”
“Then, she should have considered that before tossing me aside.” Gale spoke, placing a short lived kiss to your lips, “Its as you said, why kill myself to please a Goddess, who has done less for me than the sweet adventurer i’ve grown to know and love.”
“Stop with the flattery and kiss me already, wizard.” You teased, Gale smiled, placing his hands on your hips and doing exactly as you told him. Leaning over to meet you in another kiss, your hands found his shoulders as Gale pulled your body closer. 
The closeness of the two of you made you needy as you would move and tease both of you, small whines trickling from your throat. Gale moved a hand to rest on the inside of your thigh pulling your leg over his hip, you would move occasionally brushing against his growing er*ct*on. The thoughts that ran through his head were less than savory, your free hand tangling in his long hair. While his lips devoured your own, his tongue ravaged the inside of your mouth, searching the cavern thoroughly. 
Gale pulled away from the kiss, panting like a dog, “Gods, we should at least get inside before continuing, if you wish to continue..” His words lingered; they carried insecurity but also curiosity as though he was searching for your consent, eager to know your wishes.
 Perhaps he wondered if you wanted him as much as he wanted you, a small smile found your face, “Oh, please Gale, you’re not getting out of this that easily.”
You backed into the tent, moving against him as soon as he entered, kissing him roughly, once more. Gale’s hands fluttered to your hips, holding you flush to his body, smiling into the embrace.
Inside the tent, Gale placed you down on a large wooden chest. His heavy breathing and lidded eyes made your stomach curl in excitement. 
“Lay down, my precious.” He said, placing a kiss to the back of your hand, “By the gods, you're perfect.”
His words were expelled in a groan as you followed his instructions, laying back in the cold wood of the chest. Gale's steady hands began disrobing you, he unbuttoned and pulled off your trousers. 
Before he started on your undergarments he licked the pad of his thumb, pushing it to your clothed core. You squirmed at the action, pulling a small chuckle from the wizard's lips, “Patience, I will not keep you waiting long.” 
He pulled away from you, and began slipping out of his robe, then he hastily unbuttoned his own trousers. Discarding both of the garments onto the floor of your tent, he smiled down at you palming the growing tent in his purple underwear.
You pushed onto your elbows watching him, licking your lips as your eyes traced over his crotch. Gale moved closer to you, his hands enveloping your clothed chest, playing with the soft flesh, “Your turn.” 
His simper was ravenous, like he could devour you whole. He moved closer, kneeling onto the chest, his body hanging over your own. 
The closer Gale got to you the worse your craving for him panged in your aching core. It didn't help that when he pressed a long cascading kiss to your lips, his knee pressed into your lower body, rubbing your warm core. Gale would pull away and come right back into the kiss, igniting a passionate fire beneath him.
Each time the wizard would pull away from your embrace, muttering your praises, only to reignite the kiss. His hand pumping around his hard c**k, groaning into the kiss, “G-Gale, please…”
His lidded eyes opened, staring down at you, nodding slightly before he pulled away. Gale quickly slipped off the briefs, kneeling down at the edge of the chest, he took a finger slipping off your underwear. The wizard's free hand cast mage hand, a spell resulting in a small ghostly hand to appear, with a flick of his free hand the mage hand slipped over your chest. Playing with your nipples, the blue hand teased your hardening bud.
Gale smiled at the sounds the spell elicited, moving his free hand to hold down one of your legs, while spreading your lower lips open. Your attempt at keeping your eyes on Gale failed as he moved into your core, suckling sweetly on the aching bud in your lower body. 
The more ragged and feral your moans for him became the quicker his hand at the base of his own pleasure moved. He mumbled and moaned into your core as you rocked your hips against his face, in an attempt to secure more pleasure for yourself.
“You're more than I could ever need, don't you ever forget that.” Gale moaned out, his tongue assaulting your sensitive c*nt.
“Yeah and that's why you're going to find another way, right?”
“Whatever you ask of me.” He said, before standing up to fully penetrate your lower body.
Your hands found his forearms, while Gale's hands settled on the dips of your hips, you moaned out before biting your lip to quell your noises.
“Let's make this quick, yeah?” Gale said as he rocked in and out of you, “I don't think I can last much longer.”
The friction between the two of you was ecstatic, the building knot in your lower stomach pleaded to be broken. The blue hand Gale had summoned, moved down to where your bodies met, rubbing the abused bundle of nerves Gale had previously been sucking on.
With a jolt of your hips your climax hit, Gale almost immediately succumb to the warmth squeezing feeling of you tensing around him. Sloppily thrusting in, he chased the high while you squirmed beneath him, overstimulation threatened to ruin your moment.
“I hope we didn't wake the others.” You spoke your voice shaky.
Gale looked up at you, kissing you gently, “To the hells with them.”
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
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Me and Lord Raiden coded...
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk :þ
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
Me when I finally sit down to write:
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*high pitched electrical whine*
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
Ok ok but...
>Topping mk1 Raiden: 😌
>Topping Lord Raiden: 🥵
>Topping Dark Raiden: ☠️
[Just some food for thought]
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
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Ghosts of the Past
[Fujin x revenant! Afab reader smut]
[Afab reader]
[No pronouns used]
[Heavy smut 18+ only]
[Multiple org*sms]
[Oral afab receiving]
[Semi- teratophila]
Fujin remembered your life together with fondness, it was what led him to visit Earthrealm and learn more about the people you had come from.
Being a God and essentially immortal, he knew the two of you would not last long from the beginning of your relationship. However, that did not stop the passion the two of you had held for each other.
Fujin missed you in every way since you were ripped away from him. He missed finding scratches littering his back, he missed you reading your favorite classic literature to him, he missed you.
He often got these somber reminders when he would see people who looked like you, other humans, with similar features.
Something small like your hair color or your eyes, although, for the past few days, it had been almost like a cruel prank. He swore he was seeing humans who looked exactly like you, not just with your hair or eyes. But you.
He could easily shake these feelings away clearly it wasn't you. You had been taken from him decades ago, besides you never had that sinister aura about you.
You had always been kind and cute, unlike this spectre following him around earthrealm. When it happened again, this time the feeling of dreadful deja vu had him almost inebriated with a mix of dread and confusion.
Sitting in a coffee shop, similar to one you would take him to, the dull imposter walking into the line. The familiar feeling of being watched took over his senses, he glanced up and the lookalike quickly removed their stare.
Now, being the best look fujin had gotten of the mimic, he could easily see the cracking skin and dull grey completion. He knew what was going on, but he couldn't bring himself to accept it. Why would anyone bring you back?
To haunt him?
To track him down and do elder gods know what with him?
Necromancy was frowned upon for a reason, he grabbed his drink along with the book he had buried his nose in and left through the side door.
Whatever sick game someone was playing fujin had already decided he would not be a part of it.
The entire rest of the day, the wind God was on edge, feeling at any moment he could be ambushed. He went home, he had found a house similar to the one you and him had shared all that time ago. Still living quaintly even though he could do much better, fujin had come to enjoy the more quiet life.
As the day settled into night, Fujin's mind had also settled, fear no longer tormented his waking consciousness. As he laid out spread on his large bed, reading a book, he had surely read a hundred times before. 
A noise from the deep recesses of the house stirred him, almost immediately he searched, looking for the cause of the sound. 
His heart beat pounded in his head, “Hello?” 
Fujin's call was not met with an answer, he laughed to himself, licking his trembling lips as he mumbled, “Come now, Fujin, you're being foolish. There's nothing here.”
Turning on his heel, he gasped and stumbled back when a dark and demented figure stood directly behind him. It was you. Well, not you you. It was your revenant, an undead version of you, only alive due to necromancy.
“Why do you run from me, Fujin?” Your voice was eerily monotone, it sent shivers down Fujin's spine.
“I am not playing this disgusting game.” Fujin declared pushing past you, in an attempt to leave the conversation.
The sound of your voice quickly turned him around, “Fujin, please, I want not to harm you, my gentle love.” 
Disgust filled Fujin's senses, but at the very base, happiness sprung from hearing your pet name for him. It had been so long since he had heard those words.
“You're not… you. You're a revenant, I am not so foolish as to not know that you no longer have feelings.” His words were spat at you, a frown donned your features.
“What can I say, love, even in death, my heart longs for you.” You approached him, placing your cold dead hand on his shoulder, “I'm breaking a lot of rules by being here right now.”
Fujin’s eyes flicked to you, your dull grey completion and cracking skin did little to convince Fujin that it wasn't you. Giving him a soft smile, that only retracted when your hand did as well, “but if you no longer feel the same, perhaps I'll go back to the netherrealm, do whatever it is that Liu Kang and Kitana have planned for me.”
The words you spoke, accompanied by how hoarse your voice sounded, drew Fujin in, you sounded sick, ill, nothing Fujin hadn't already seen. 
“Wait, no…” Fujin said, taking your hands into his own, “if what you say is true, you're not after me… why have you come here.”
Your eyes dropped to the ground beneath your feet, “I was sent to spy on your brother, while doing that he mentioned you still living among the humans in earthrealm… at first I was jealous, I'll admit, I thought you had found a new love.”
Fujin's heart swam at the thought of you being jealous, he had missed you dearly, living among the earthrealmers proved that much. 
“I, originally, came here to see for myself, to see if you had… replaced me, and then you kept running from me… It hurt me, Fujin, I only wanted answers. From the moment I was resurrected, you were the only thing on my mind.”
Fujin's soft smile covered his face, “Oh my precious wind flower, how I have missed you.” 
As his strong arms enveloped you, fujin pulled you closer, kissing you slowly. A whine left the wind God's mouth as you pulled away from the embrace, “Fujin, you mustn't tease me, it's been so long.”
You tugged on the fabric of Fujin's top, his hands resting on your hips as a pensive smile adorned his bright features, “My dearest one, you are absolutely correct, we have much time to make up.”
Fujin began an assault on your neck, biting and kissing the sensitive area, your lifeless hands reaching up to pull at his hair. 
“Come, we shouldn't waste more time.” Fujin said, taking your hand, placing delicate kisses to the cracking, grey flesh.
“Lead the way, my sweet breeze.” 
Fujin took you to the bedroom, large and decorated beautifully, almost reminiscent of the room you had when you were alive…
“It's no coincidence, I see things I think you would like so I bring them home… old habits die hard…” He answered almost as if he could read your mind, although if he could read your mind, you wouldn't have gotten this close.
“It's perfect, Fujin, absolutely and wonderfully perfect.” You smiled, and almost for a second, Fujin was back with you, back before you died, happily living his immortal days in a quiet and happy town. Lazing around on the weekends and traveling around with you during the week, the small and trivial things that should not have mattered to a God, yet they made him undeniably happy.
“Like you, my dearest one.” He said, moving to kiss you, his weight on top of you pushing you onto the bed.
The fluffy comforter rose around your body, framing you beautifully, Fujin pulled back to admire you. Smiling to himself, he licked his lips, “I've missed you, your absence drained me so, to be in your light again, makes me happier than I have been in the last few decades.”
“Always the sweet talker, Fujin.” 
Hands traced down your hips, digging into the trousers you wore, feeling your flesh against his own. Fujin let out a soft whimper, “May I?”
“Please.” You nodded, taking the opportunity Fujin stripped you of your pants, tossing them to the side, staring at your body like a starved man looking at a great feast.
His hands rubbed the flesh of your leg, pulling it up onto his shoulder as he toyed with your clothed core. Shuddering as the pleasure ran through you, your mind stumbled across thoughts.
Fujin moved your underwear aside to insert his fingers, thrusting them into you quickly. He watched as you squirmed beneath him, his free hand massaging the doughy flesh of your thigh. The eyes of the God peered into you, fully enjoying the display you were putting on.
“Fujin-!” The building feeling of ecstasy clouded your mind, your hips involuntarily grinding against his large fingers. 
“Yes, my darling, just like that.” His fingers began to curl the pads of Fujin's fingers stroking the sensitive area. 
A small simper moved to his face as he pushed your legs further apart, pressing a kiss to your cl*t. Before he began to rub the small bundle of nerves, the wet massaging feeling made you see stars as you bucked and moaned.
“Fujin, please-!” You cried, breathless and needy, your eyes were glossed over in pure ecstasy.
Fujin moved his hand before replacing it with his mouth once more, suckling sweetly on the nerves, erupting more of a response from your hoarse voice. His now free hand moved back over to tug softly on your thigh, his hand grabbing and pinching at the sensitive skin.
Slightly moving away from your cl*t, he spoke pushing air on the sensitive nerves as he did, “Patience…” 
He continued teasing the button, his tongue licking it and moving his lips around it to gently suckle on it. That combined with the movement of his hands was amazing, you swore under your breath as that all familiar tightening got closer and closer to snapping.
Fujin moaned against your clit sending shockwaves through you, your core tensed around his fingers. Fujin pumped his fingers into you, pumping you through your orgasm, stopping as overstimulation faded in.
Fujin's face was removed first, followed by his fingers, pulling away from you. Your own hand moved to hold your cl*t, your hips jerking as you did, “F**k, Fujin.”
A laugh erupted from him, earning your attention, “Oh my sweet dear, I am all but finished.” 
It was Fujin's turn to remove his trousers, you leaned on onto your arms to watch. Fujin undressed himself, completely looking to you. He motioned for you to remove your own shirt.
“Come get it off me.” You teased, Fujin licked his lips before pouncing onto the bed, he hovered over you, kissing you gently. His hands settled at the hem of your garment, breaking the kiss to slip it off. 
The shirt Fujin wrestled off you was discarded, tossed to the side, he set back to look at you. Now completely exposed to him, he held his p*n*s in his hand, pumping it slowly.
Prec*m leaked from the red tip, your body ached for him, your core subconsciously closing around nothing, wanting him. Fujin could tell how needy you were, squirming around beneath him, like you hadn't already had an org*sm. 
A deep breath released from Fujin as he moved to bend down over you, his hands settling on your hips. “You're too good for me, my love.”
You shook your head, smiling, although every inch of your consciousness told you, you had no right to smile. Not after what you were sent here to do.
He gently pushed himself deep into you, your legs wrapping around his waist, “wait, wait, Fujin.”
“Take your time.” He said, patting your leg, reassuringly.
After a few moments passed, you had adjusted and your body craved more, “O-Okay, I think I'm good Fujin.”
His glowing eyes lighting up as you spoke, his hands found your hips once more as he made sloppy thrusts inside of you. His grip on your hips was gentle as though you were fragile and yet the force of his thrusts were enough to hit the very back of your core.
Fujin was getting so close, so quickly to that special place, he grunted as he f**ked you. Moving down to place kisses along your neck, your small and cold hands found his hair. Tugging gently on the base of it, nearest to the scalp, he bit down on your skin, bite marks left up and down your body.
Once Fujin hit that already more sensitive spot in the back of your body, he slammed into it. Throwing you into your second climax, it wasn't long before the squeezing milked Fujin to his as well, he groaned and swore as he delivered sloppy thrusts, pushing his seed deep into you. It being the only life in your body.
After you had both come down from your climaxes, Fujin pulled out, collapsing on the bed beside you. Only then did the thought enter his mind, “What happens now?” 
“I suppose I will report back to Liu Kang and Kitana…” You spoke, your hoarse voice was now normal to the wind god, “staying here would only endanger you and the rest of earthrealm.”
“I could protect you, me and Raiden are-” 
“Your brother is not the same one you've always known. Fujin, he is different now.” You informed him.
“You should stay.” Fujin's words were mumbled, grumpily. 
“I wish I could, my sweet. I'll stay for the night, but you being safe is my top priority, Fujin.” You spoke matter-of-factly.
Fujin let out a gruff, “Will I get to see you again?”
Your glowing red eyes traced over Fujin's face, “If the winds allow.” 
When it was time for the morning to rise, you were about to leave, Fujin had just gotten up to get ready. He walked back into the room, frowning at you, “this is really it?”
“For now, Fujin. For now.”
You left reporting back to Neverrealm, Liu Kang and Kitana were not pleased about your lack of information on the Wind God.
“What do you mean, you couldn't find him on earthrealm?” 
“Your intel must have been incorrect, Liu Kang, for everywhere I looked I could not find Raiden's brother.”
Liu Kang swore, red eyes peering into you, luckily he too could not read minds.
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
anyway…. Mk1 Fujin…
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She and Nightwolf are girlfriends btw
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
The lack of Lord Raiden fanfictions really hurts my gay little heart /¡_¡\
I mean just...
Look at him
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enterwittyjokehere · 3 months
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