evilnerd3030 · 4 years
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Pretty sure they saw a wild Faust!
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Let’s see those furry (or not so furry) friends!
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
Does anyone really think Brook would pass up a chance to bone
So we know that Odas editors prevent him from putting anything actually sexual into the manga. The question now is. Does the One Piece crew (sans Luffy) Fuck?
Content on AO3 would suggest yes
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
I wonder if there’s a Devil Fruit for Den-Den Mushi? I know it sounds lame, but could they communicate with humans from miles away, like the big snails, and maybe even further? Could they listen in on other Den-Den Mushi? Could they change the messages that are getting sent?
And what kind of Devil Fruit would it be? Since the snails are alive, it should be Zoan, but Zoan fruits seem to only deal with the physical aspects of the animal, I’m not sure if their communication abilities count. It could be a Paramecia, but that doesn’t sound right. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if this ended up canon and it was a Mystical Zoan?
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I feel like the fandom hasn’t tapped into the full potential that is den-den mushis as animals first and communication devices second. Like, is it possible for a snail to refuse a call from someone they don’t like? Are there lazy snails with shorter calling distances because they can’t be assed to go for their full range? Are there some snails with speech impediments? 
So many possibilities
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
Me on luffy’s birthday: I want to see my little boy!
Tumblr users reblogging pics and creating fanart so it’s all over my dashboard: Here he comes
Me, practically vibrating with delight and intent on liking and reblogging every single one: I WANT TO SEE MY LITTLE BOY
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
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harry, you have your mother’s sass.
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
writing multi-chapter fics be like
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
Or, How to Stay Safe & Save the World at the Same Time
Hey all. Seems like it’s getting tough out there. 
Seems like shit is getting really real, really fast. 
I’m here in New York, doing ICU transfers for one of the hospital systems, and I can’t lie to you… it’s bad. 
We’re storing bodies in refrigerated trailers because the morgues are full. 
The City is reopening potter’s fields and digging mass graves. 
Hundreds of people a day are dying. Soon, thousands.
Mostly older. Some previously-healthy adults. Mercifully, not many kids. 
It’s real, and it’s bad. 
But I promise you, the world is not ending. 
And I also promise you this post will end with HOPE, even if it’s hard to read. 
But I want to talk about something… a misconception I’ve been seeing over and over again. 
Keep reading
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
When you pull his horn, the X on his hat shoots out a rumble ball
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Unlike Usopp, Chopper doesn’t lug a bag around with him, meaning he just keeps his experimental drugs around in his pocket
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
I can't believe nobody has ever asked Oda what would happen if Wapol ate someone with a devil fruit.
This is actually a really interesting question, because on one hand we kind already have the answer, and on the other hand we kinda don’t. 
The only other president we have would be Big Mom eating Mother Caramel, but unless I’m misremembering we’re never shown if the Soul Soul Fruit reincarnated as a fruit and was then also eaten in her selma-induced rampage or if she more or less obtained her powers via the worst form of osmosis to ever exist in fiction. 
If it’s the latter, we can assume that this would qualify as Wapol eating a second fruit and exploding, but Wapol’s power is to eat things. That is its function. He’s able to consume people non-fatally, but is also able to—for lack of a better term—take things apart and put them together as he sees fit, kind of like an assembly line. 
So the question we all should be asking, is can Wapol eat a person and poop out a Devil Fruit? Because given the nature of his powers I think it’s at least plausible.
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
I could be completely wrong since I’m still in school, be we actually learned in class to cross our arms when we’re scrubbed in and sterile since it reduces the risk of accidentally touching something dirty. Tucking them under the armpit (not all the way) is one of many ways to keep our hands within the sterile area (two inches below the gown collar and above the waist) and helps arm fatigue which is nice when you’re doing an 8 hour surgery lol
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I just wanna say that PPE like gowns, gloves, etc., are made with sterility in mind, not warmth, so I bet these doctors are chilly. 
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
Also I’m pretty sure walking around outside is not sterile, now matter how good your surgical conscience is. Also their hands are almost up too high, if they really wanted their hands to remain as clean as possible, they’d cross their arms and tuck their hands under their armpits
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I just wanna say that PPE like gowns, gloves, etc., are made with sterility in mind, not warmth, so I bet these doctors are chilly. 
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
Skippy: There is no way out of this, my magnificent intelligence can think of no way out of this, it’s impossible. Joe, I am sorry, you are all going to die and your planet destroyed.
Joe: Duh, how ‘bout this.
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
Skippy: If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same, you dumb monkey.
Joe, mouth full: Kill two, beer can.
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
At first I was surprised Luffy was so low on the list and then I got to the “might not want to meat in real life” and I understood lol
"He and Sanji are easily my least favorite Strawhats" (*remembers that Sanji is my favorite Strawhat* Well THIS is awkward xD) So besides the obvious archeologist queen, which Strawhats do you like the best?
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I’m gonna put these both together because I don’t want to belabor the point. I’ve been in the fandom long enough that I find Sanji conversation to be, quite frankly, exhausting. Also not a huge fan of lists, because there are so many variables to consider and One Piece is an incredibly long series so these things change over time. 
That being said, I want to reassure everyone that I’m not going to use this platform to bash Sanji (or Chopper or whoever) or his fans, because this is supposed to be fun, and bashing isn’t fun. I’m sure there will be things that come up that I want to talk about in the future, but I hope to be both fair and civil when that time comes. 
I did a write-up on Chopper on my main blog describing why he was my least favorite Straw Hat, and in that I said that if you were to chart my feelings on Sanji it would look like I have ventricular tachycardia, and that remains true today. He has some incredibly high highs, but also is the source of some of the lowest lows of the series. Whole Cake Island is my favorite arc post-timeskip, but his nosebleed shenanigans on Fishman Island still exist. I tend to dislike his archetype anyway, so I’ve never cared for him and barring some spectacular writing or divine intervention never would. But some of his antics (especially post timeskip) taint everything about his character which in turn gives me very little patience for some of the things I would be able to excuse or overlook in a different character that I’m more predisposed to liking. 
To put it another way, I have a line of acceptable bullshit that I’m willing to put up with for different characters, and Sanji gets very little leeway. There’s a version of Sanji that exists in my head where he’s one of the most interesting, complicated member of the Straw Hat Pirates, but that’s not the version that exists in the manga, or at least not often enough for me to care. 
Chopper I just find boring as hell. I wish Oda would have gone with his initial design instead of turning him into a mascot character.
So here are my tiers of Straw Hat favoritism. I can’t rank them just because it does shift around so much and there are so many aspects to consider, but here’s my best shot:
Tier One - Favorite of Favorites, Can Do No Wrong, We Stan a Queen, No I Will Not Pretend to be Unbiased: -Robin
Tier Two - Really Damn Good, Will Throw Hands Against Haters, Best Character Arcs, Am Heavily Invested In: -Nami, Usopp, Brook
Tier Three - Good But Cannot Relate With, Fulfill Function Well, Enjoy Reading About But Might Not Want to Meet in Real Life: -Luffy, Vivi, Jimbe, Franky
Tier Four - They’re Fine I Guess, Have Moments But Sometimes Boring, Mostly I Don’t Care: -Zoro, pre-timeskip Chopper
Tier Five - Whhhyyyy, A Sad Backstory Does Not A Good Character Make, Wasted Potential -Sanji, post-timeskip Chopper
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
My first day in the O.R. I’m gonna kick down the doors and yell, “I’m coming in, whether you like it O.R. not!”
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As a medical professional, I aspire to have one-tenth of Dr. Kureha’s confidence
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evilnerd3030 · 4 years
I love the fact that on the panel to the left of the guy who shot her, Vivi looks like some kind of turnip
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So there’s a lot going on here, evidenced by the frenetic cuts and dynamic paneling, but I like the inclusion of this dude here. Up until this point the people of Drum Island have been putting on an act, trying to scare of the Straw Hats through threats and a show of force. 
But it’s all just a bluff. Aside from Dalton, these are civilians, not soldiers. This poor guy looks surprised, like he can’t believe he just shot someone, likely because he can’t believe he just shot someone. 
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