Kindness matters
Today I waned to share a little positive story with you all. As many of you may know from experience or from friends, waitressing can be a very hectic job. But last night one of my guests gave me a very simple, unexpected compliment, that honestly made my entire week extra worth it.
So, I know that this time of year can be very busy and stressful for many, with kids, family, Christmas shopping, New Years resolutions etc. Naturally, this puts many people on edge, which can make some nights of serving extra discouraging. Many people are very quick to comment on faults, but very few actually take the time to give a genuine comment, which is why I wanted to share this little personal story.
You often hear positive news stories on television or social media, but no newspaper tomorrow will tell about the mother who read a bedtime story to her child, or a father who prepared breakfast for his children, of someone who listened with attention, of a friend who cheers us up, of a stranger who helped us carry a suitcase, the person who paid for next person in lines coffee, the child who picked up the trash of a stranger, or in this case, a customer who gave a waitress a genuine compliment.
As I did my rounds, checking that every guest had what they needed, I made my way over to the last of my tables with the bill. It was a gentleman who had been dining by himself. As I went to hand him his check, he told me that I was such a kind, nice, and caring person. As simple as this gesture was, it took me by much surprise and with the genuine tone he said it in, almost put me in tears. I proceeded to tell him that as cliché as it sounds, I just act this way in hopes that it will rub off on others, and I only treat people how I want to be treated. We continued to have a conversation about kindness, and the butterfly effect of such compassionate actions. Many of us are kind without even knowing it, we do what we do simply because it is right.
After such a stressful couple of weeks, I cannot begin to express what this comment meant to me. Whether its at work, at home, or in other areas of your life, don’t forget to give recognition to those who make a difference to you. Kindness matters. You never know how much those few words mean to someone. To the gentleman I served last night, thank you. And to everyone else who has been kind, to me, or someone else, thank you too. Your kindness is noted, apricated, and is remembered.
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Pure Costa Rican coffee with a dash of almond milk to start my morning! How beautiful it is to enjoy this all natural beverage while the rest of the world sleeps. Training myself to wake up at 5am everyday has made these dawn hours my absolute favourite ones of the whole 24. 👏🏽 - PRIORITIES - If you say that you don't have time to train, eat well, prioritise your health, do your FBWs or whatever it is that's important to you and it's getting you down, it's time to get really honest with yourself. WHERE ARE YOU SPENDING YOUR SPARE MINUTES? Are you spending them scrolling on your phone? Watching TV? Sucked in to a Netflix vortex? Pressing snooze in bed? There will be somewhere in your life where you can re-allocate those minutes and put them towards something that truly is important to you. It's so easy to think you're too busy, but you're only ever busy with what you've said yes too. YOU DESERVE YOUR TIME. Spend it wisely. 🌸✨🌞💕
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I feel like with every kind of transformation, the focus is always on the ‘big moment’ and it’s usually only when that big moment arrives that people commend you. When in reality, the hardest part is never the thing that people see, it's never the thing that people assume, it’s all of the progress we make when nobody else is watching. It’s the tiny things you do silently that nobody else ever needs to know about. It’s sticking to your goals when everything seems like it's going to opposite way. It’s getting out of bed when you are emotionally exhausted. It's laughing with strangers when inside your heart is breaking. It's constantly reminding yourself that no matter how hard things get, you can push through this. I’m not just talking about me here though, I’m talking about every single one of us and the things we do every day to help ourselves. Be proud of all of the things you do on your way to your big moment. You don't need to share them with thousands of people on Instagram, Facebook, you don't even need to share them with your family and friends... share them with yourself. Maybe today you brushed your hair after not looking after yourself for weeks, maybe today you made small talk with a stranger after years of being too nervous, maybe today you left the house, maybe today you beat your personal goal at the gym, maybe today marks a milestone of a habit you're trying to quit. Whatever it is, own it and be proud of it. The thing about progress is that it's something nobody else needs to understand. Something that might seem tiny to someone else, might be the biggest achievement you've had all year and that is more than ok. I kind of like that each of us have ours own secret battles and achievement going on inside of us. I kind of like that we get to be proud of ourselves without applause. Buenos Dias Costa Rica! Keep doing you and remember that impossible is nothing! Happy Tuesday folks! 🤗💕🇨🇷💪🏽
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Good morning ❤️ Buenos Dias 💛 Selemat pagi 💚 "She loved the sea. She liked the sharp salty smell of the air, and the vastness of the horizons bounded only by a vault of azure sky above. It made her feel small but free as well."
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Rainy days, coffee, and books. Loving the small joys that a simple life brings. Blessed are those who see beautiful things in places where others see nothing. ☔️ 📚 ❤️ ☕️
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No matte how educated, talented, rich or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything. ❤️
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Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness. Just be ordinary and nothing special. Relieve your bowels, pass water, put on your clothes and eat your food. When you are tired go and lie down. Ignorant people may laugh, but the wise will understand. Everyday is a new day, a new capture of your life, and everyday is a new chance, don't forget to be thankful. 😊👣☀️
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We are conditioned to look outside ourselves for happiness. In our innocence we think the relationship, job, more money will be it… but we’ve all attained our dreams at one point and yet the desire for more still comes up. When we slow down enough to be truly present in our lives, we realize what we have been searching for has actually been here all along.
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Today somebody saw the sun rise over the ocean for the first time. Today somebody fell in love. Today somebody survived something that could have killed them. Today somebody married the love of their life. Today somebody took their first steps. Today somebody finally let go of something that was hurting them. Today somebody said ‘I love you’ for the first time. Today somebody had the best day of their life. Maybe today it wasn’t you, but isn’t it nice to know that for someone out there it was? Isn’t it nice to know that someone, somewhere in this crazy world we share is having the best day of their life? Maybe today it wasn't you and maybe it hasn’t been you for this entire year, but one day soon it will be and isn’t that nice to know? 💭✨ To all of you out there wherever you are remember; the light at the end of the tunnel may be you. ☀️💐💓 #costarica🇨🇷 #jacó #jacobeach #neverstopsmiling #neverstopexploring #neverstoptravelling #positiveenergy #positivevibes #givemoretakeless #loveiswhereyoufindit #loveiswhereitsat #homeiswheretheheartis #homeiswhereyouparkit #travel #happy #happydays #palmtrees #coconuttree #compassion
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Be happy. Even if the only thing that makes you happy is your morning tea. Live for that morning tea intake. Make it marvellous. Get excited about it. Buy mugs, by a tea maker, buy a massive stoke of teas so you can have an endless variety. Maybe learn how to make it, open up a tea business. Let that small happiness, whatever it is, become your passion. It's what will keep you alive. You’re a work of art, and not everyone is going to understand you but the ones who do, will NEVER forget about you. 🌳🌊❤️
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Once you’ve traveled for the first time all you want to do is leave again. They call it the travel bug, but really it’s the effort to return to a place where you are surrounded by people who speak the same language as you. Not English or Spanish or Mandarin or Portuguese, but that language where others know what it’s like to leave, change, grow, experience, learn, then go home again and feel more lost in your hometown then you did in the most foreign place you visited. This is the hardest part about traveling, and it’s the very reason why we all run away again.
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Just another day at the office. 😊 When o get asked how I travel so for and so often the answer is really quite simple. I don't live in constant fear that I have nothing to go back to. I live with solely the few items I have in my backpack. I let go of the thought that material objects are necessary staple in my life. Now a days people know the prices for everything and the value of nothing. We are all going to die, we don't get much say over how or when. But we do get to decide how we're going to live. So just do it! Decide. Is this the life you want to live? Is the the person you want to love? Is this the best you can be stronger, kinder and mor can passionate? Just decide, take a breath in, another one out and just decide. 💓🌴❤️
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Lil ol' me looking into what else this world has to offer me, although I am alone here I realize that people are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset I don't find myself saying "soften the orange a little bit on the right hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset I just watch it in awe as it unfolds. I have never met a sunset I didn't like. Make sure that you appreciate the small moments of happiness, for they are so important. And there are so many gifts from Mother Nature that go unnoticed, when all you have to do is open those two gifts life gave you; your eyes. 👀🌅❤
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Rad shit happens to people who can get through bad shit. 🌴🌎🌞❤️😎
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It really doesn't get much better than this. People constantly tell me how lucky I am but just know that the only difference in the way that you feel right now is the thought that you are thinking right now. It doesn't matter how much money you've got; there are joyful people with no money, and there are unhappy people with lots of money. How you feel is about how you are allowing the source that is YOU to flow. I'm talking about the art of living, the art of thieving and the art of clarity. What i really mean is, just be who you really are and chase those goals that you really want to achieve. ANYTHING in this life is possible you just have to be you, hang on and enjoy the ride. 🌴💓
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And suddenly you know it's time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings. You should know that you're never going to master the rest of your life in just one day.. Young child you should relax. Master the day, and then just keep doing that everyday. Days are expensive, when you spend a day you have one less day to spend. You best be making sure you spend each day wisely. Pura vida Costa Rica, you've been good to me so far ❤️🌸
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