Can you please do headcanons on Lance, Keith and Shiro having an s/o who has asthma.
Oof! Holy moly its been a long time since I posted on this blog… Aaaa sorry about that guys, life and school in generally has been pretty hectic and of course, priorities must come first, hehe…
Keith 🍁
Keith is a very observant guy, his silent and attentive demeanour seems to be quite useful when the time arises. 👀
He picks up even the slightest hiccups from his s/o, and even notices the symptoms or the characteristics that a person has if they had asthma.
He doesn’t quite pinpoint what the illness is at first though, 
When his s/o tells him that they have asthma, he gets a bit worried for their wellbeing. 💧
He doesn’t want them to overwork themselves.
Like if you try to go and train, he will stop you before you can and make you sit down.
If he sees you start to breath in irregular patterns he will start panicking internally while trying to ease your breathing.
“You okay?” He asks
Constant asking if you are okay
It may get a bit frustrating at times by the amount of times he asks, “you okay” ❓
But hey, he’s just trying to look out for you.
Will hold on carefully and deliberately on his s/o’s breather if they need him to.
May have suggested putting them in the cryopod if they ever had a panic attack
I don’t think that’s how it works Keith…
S/o wants to go fight with the–
Yeah sorry, he’s not letting you anywhere near the battlefield. 
Always watches for his s/o if any signs of their asthma start taking effect on their body. 😷
Constantly on the lookout if his s/o happens to have an asthma attack.
If they start having an asthma attack while he’s not in the vicinity or if he’s out in the battle he will literally YEET outta there just to be with his s/o and make sure they’re alive. 
He just wants them to be safe. ❤️
Lance 💠
I headcanon that Lance seems to know some people in his life that has certain illnesses such as asthma, so he would know right away if his s/o has it.😷
Very understanding and knows well about the subject. 
Asks Pidge if she could get to replicate or produce another functional and more effective inhaler.
He keeps it around just in case…
Has seen an asthma attack first hand, so he doesn’t really panic too much when his s/o starts to have one.
But will panic a little if the inhalers doesn’t alleviate the symptoms or his s/o’s panic attack starts to get worse. 
Likes to pat them on the back from time to time.
It’s very soothing I assure you. 👌
He isn’t too keen on letting his s/o out in the battlefield, considering their current health issue.
Like nah, he doesn’t want you anywhere near the crossfire either. 
He has tried to inhale the stuff in the inhaler.
The feeling was… odd. 😰
“Asthma is such a breathtaking experience,” Lance says.
Will watch his s/o like a fucking hawk if an asthma attack ever happens.👀
You can practically see him squinting his eyes at you from afar. 
When his s/o has an asthma attack while he’s out on a mission or just not there, he will have a panic attack himself.
There are times where it seems like Lance is the one having an asthma attack instead of his s/o…
But eh… He just loves them so much.💙
Shiro ✨
Ah, Shiro, the man with a plan.
Like Lance, he does know some people who have asthma in his life. 
So he is able to pick up subtle little hiccups that indicate that his s/o has asthma.
When his s/o tells him about their current health he will listen intently.
Will also promise to look after them as well. 💑
Who wouldn’t want a Shiro looking after them?
He will probably ask Pidge to recreate another inhaler as well, just in case his s/o doesn’t have their inhaler when they have an asthma attack. 
Will look into the ailment in his spare time to better educate and prepare himself whenever the situation of an asthma attack does arise.
He just doesn’t want anything to happen to you okay 
Not to mention now that he knows his s/o has asthma, there will be absolutely no way he will let you engage in any activity that may trigger an asthma attack.
Whether it be in training, in the heat of battle or being in an area with dust particles that may trigger any kind of trouble in your breathing.
But will let you take light exercises if his s/o can.
“Don’t you sass me young man/lady,” Shiro to his s/o when they roll their eyes at him while they try to cuddle a small fluffy alien. 👅
Will also be constantly on the lookout for any signs of an asthma attack.
Like a hawk, but more discreet than Lance.
When an asthma attack does happen, he handles it like a fucking pro dude like wew.
All that training definitely did not go to waste.👏
Will instruct his s/o to breath slowly while he tries to calm them down. 
“Just take a deep breath,” He says in a low tone to his s/o.
His voice is very soothing might I add.😩💦
When an asthma attack occurs when he isn’t in vicinity or just not available he will try to finish whatever he is doing as quickly as possible while he instructs whoever is with his s/o to try and calm them down. 
If no one’s at the castle he will probably YEET outta there and to his s/o. Probably…
Like the others, he just cares for their wellbeing.💜
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what's ur nationality?^^
Well according to the law, I am technically Canadian. 
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Star Guardians Voltron AU
The blue essence, part 1
Falling from the skies above
And into our darkened fate
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So I had this AU in my head for like fucking months now and I decided now to just do it now hehehe. If you guys play league of legends, you will definitely know this au lolol. 
As said before in this AU, Voltron is 5 seperate creatures called essences who manifest themselves into 5 warriors who are tasked to defend the universe from the void creatures and from those who seek to light and life of the stars and systems (quintessence) 
Here’s the info!
Shiro: Shiro wields the 5th (violet) essence. This essence may be the most powerful and unique essence out of all the 5. The 5th essence gives its user the ability to bend, control and refract light. The user of this essence must be able to lead his/her comrades, whom will stay loyal to him/her no matter what. The user who wields this essence is given the gift of insight and the will of a thousand men. The 5th essence is the leader of Voltron, but with this power, the wielder must perform its responsibilities given by the essence. The protection of the light rests in this user’s hands…
Keith: Keith wields the (red) 4th essence. The 4th essence is one of the hardest to master and maintain, and demands from the wielder skill and pure determination. Hot headed, stubborn, but will be there for its comrades through and through. The 4th essence gives its user the ability to control fire, along with the gift of speed and swiftness. The 4th essence is the second in command of the 5th essence.
Pidge: Pidge wields the 3rd (green) essence. This essence demands its wielder to be witty and clever, for this essence has all the knowledge of the stars and life which requires mind over matter. The 3rd essence gives its user the ability to control and command mother nature to its will. Along with this, this essence gifts the user with the knowledge of the stars and the systems. 
Hunk: Hunk wields the 2nd (yellow) essence. This essence requires mental and physical strength from its user, but demands a user with a heart of gold with a courageous attitude. This essence is the strongest essence, second to the 5th essence among all 5. This essence gives its user the ability to carry and control the earth, along with this the gift of strength and might of the earth. The user of this essence must have the mental and physical stability to carry its duteous tasks. 
Lance: Lance wields the 1st (blue) essence. This essence is the most outgoing and the most open essence, but requires its user to be completely loyal to their comrades and fellow guardians no matter the cost. It is as graceful as the waves, kind but fierce at times, this essence gives its user the ability to control and bend water, along with this the gift of clarity and a swift aim. 
And here’s some backstory too!
Keep reading
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hello i am here to deliver all the aus no one ever asked for
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i love you bitch, i ain't never gonna stop loving you, bitch...No seriously, i really love you and your blog💞💞💞
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Hello! This is my first time requesting something on tumblr so i'm really nervous...(I'm sorry for my bad english😣) So if requests are still open could you write some headcanons for shiro with pregnant s/o who really wants children but she is afraid how to tell Shiro that he is going to be a father?...And maybe how he takes care of her? And his reaction when his s/o tells him that they are going to have twin girls? (i'm sorry if it's a lot, you don't need to do all of what i asked) Thank you!❤
Heyo! OH anon don’t worry about your english! It’s pretty good! Anyways, this one is just so pure and so soft, just basically fluff all around
Shiro ✨
Shiro seems to be a guy who would like to have a family one day, considering everything he’s gone through so far. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
Though he doesn’t linger on the thought of having a family, because well... He’s in an intergalactic way for christ sake. 
He knew that his s/o wanted to have children really badly tho, he does too.
If his s/o refuses or is too afraid to tell him that she’s pregnant, he won’t notice immediately
It will take some time, but gradually does find out by observing his s/o’s behaviour. Y’know, with them being really jumpy and reclusive for a while. 
Will go to his s/o the moment he senses anything off about them.
Just wants to know if they’re fine. 👌
Won’t pressure his s/o to tell them what’s wrong, cuz this man values his partner’s comfort.
definitely will hold their hand, brushing his thumb over their knuckles and just holding them close because... He just loves them okay
If or once his s/o decides to tell him that well... She’s pregnant.
He’ll go completely silent for a minute or two. 😶
idk if he’s coming back ma
He’s just in complete shock, like he didn’t expect this at all.
A mix of happiness and anxiety will start to mix inside his head. 
Will snap back into reality when he senses his s/o’s uneasiness.
“I’m... Going to be a father??” 
He nearly choked on that phrase. 
Hugs his s/o and twirls them around in joy because wow, he never thought he’d be a dad, but here he is... About to be one soon.
And will immediately set them down, thinking he might have hurt you or the baby
How he takes care of her
This man won’t let you out of his sight. No way.
If he really has to go somewhere, like in a really important mission, he will ask Allura or Coran to keep an eye on you. 👀
Really wants his s/o safe and sound.
Assuming that his s/o is pregnant in the middle of a war, he won’t let her go on any missions at all.
No way.
When he’s with his s/o, he’ll always offer her help
“(y/n), do you need something?” “Wh- let me do that,” “Are you sure you can handle yourself? I don’t want you getting hurt,” “Don’t strain yourself,”
Shiro just chill for a sec 😅
He will be beside his s/o 24/7
If his s/o starts to have cravings, you can bet my ass he’ll get anything they ask for.
Except for some stuff that he thinks will hurt you and the baby.
He gives you massages though, and they’re really nice.
May get a little anxious from time to time thinking something bad might happen to his partner. 
He tries to overcome his anxiety to care for his s/o as best as he can.
He needs rest....
Finding out about twin girls
He’s like, totally not expecting this...
When he learns from Coran or from his s/o that his partner is carrying twin baby girls he will literally flip. 😱
“Oh my god we’re gonna have two angels????” 
May or may not cry 
Pfff he’s crying 😭💦
“I need... To sit down,” 
Hug him, plz
Upon learning about the twins in your belly he will be EXTRA over-protective. 
“No (y/n) don’t do that you mi-- (Y/N) PLEASE BE CAREFUL YOU MIGHT HURT YOURSELF!”
You won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.
He just loves you, err, the three of you so much. 💖
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hey I uuuuuhhhhhh love you
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I love you too anon
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Ask Box: Closed!
Hey guys! So the ask box is now closed! I will reopen them once I have completed most of the requests waiting on my inbox
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Idk if you accept shout outs(if not, feel free to ignore uvu) but i was wondering if i could get a shout out for my side blog? It's called "imagine-that-voltron" and it's open and ready to accept requests! (thank you so much in advance!)
Heyo! Go check out this wonderful blog if you guys have the time! 
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Hey love, where’d you go?
I’m right here
suffering from a disease called life
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can you do reactions for the paladins reacting to seeing their s/o w their hair down for the first time and they have mixed hair? Also the s/o is embarrassed of their hair?
Sure thing anon! This is actually quite cute!
Hunk 🍯
Hunk was quite used to seeing his s/o with their hair tied up in a bun/braid/pigtails/sidebuns/etc. that he never really thought what they would look like with their hair down. 
He does think that their hairstyle is cute and kinda stylish, so there’s that. 
Sometimes he would stare at the little stripes of coloured hair that were bundled up in his s/o’s hair. 
Likes to play with it sometimes. 💨
The first time he sees his s/o with their hair down, was when he entered their room while they were brushing their hair.
“Wow (y/n)! You have such a nice hair!” Hunk beamed,
Cue s/o jumping out of their seat in shock, and Hunk apologizing profusely.
When he learns that his s/o is quite embarrassed of their hair he would just come up to them and hug them while he squishes his cheeks against theirs.
“(y/n)! I think your hair is amazing!” 
Honestly, he likes seeing his s/o’s hair down, and he loves to play with it and run his fingers through their hair. ✋
Won’t push his s/o if they don’t feel comfortable letting their hair down, 
But he lets them know there is nothing to be embarrassed about!
This boi is just so pure I can’t even
Keith 🍁
Like Hunk, he’s gotten used to seeing his s/o’s hair tied up. 
He doesn’t think much about his s/o’s choice of hairstyle. It doesn’t really matter to him. 😐
The first time he sees his s/o’s hair down was after they exited the showers. 
His main focus was on your body though….. 
Honestly, his reaction is quite neutral when he sees his s/o’s hair down.
Like yeah, its a new style and he’s never seen his s/o with their hair untied before, but he doesn’t make a big deal out of it. 
He won’t think much of it. 😑
He does think its pretty cool seeing his s/o’s hair down.
It looks pretty to him.
Will most likely just say along the lines of -
“Oh cool hair (y/n),”
He does reassure his s/o that they shouldn’t be embarrassed of letting their hair down because… Its just hair… And why would you make a big deal out of hair??? It ain’t the end of the world.
Probably the most chill one out of all the other paladins. 
Lance 💠
Probably the one who would over exaggerated about even the littlest of things. 
He was also used to seeing his s/o’s hair tied up, and practically thinks its like a part of them.
He does like his s/o’s hair tied up, whether its a messy bun, a braid or in pigtails.💕
He preferably likes the pigtails the most since his s/o’s looks adorable in them, even if they wear that hairstyle rarely. 
The first time he sees his s/o’s hair down was when his s/o was trying to find something to tie their hair with since their hair tie suddenly snapped.
This boy has never been shook in his entire life. 
Literally he had his mouth wide open. 😱
The image of his s/o’s hair down has never once crossed his mind before, and he was just surprised yet intrigued by this new revelation.
His s/o quickly covers their face and try to hide their hair (somehow?????)
So Lance quickly snaps out of his state of shock
“Whoa whoa whoa! I didn’t mean to scare you! I just… Never thought I’d see you with your hair down,” 
After a couple glances at his s/o, realizes that, hey, it doesn’t look so bad.
When his s/o tells him that they think its embarrassing to let their hair down he just takes a double take.
“Are you kidding me (y/n)? You should definitely let your hair down! There’s nothing for you to be embarrassed about!!”
Will offer to help brush his s/o’s hair, he loves to touch their hair too. He found out their hair is just so soft to the touch.
He urge his s/o to some space salon somewhere just cuz.
Will do a lot of things to his s/o’s hair. Heh. 😆
Pidge 🌿
Like Keith she doesn’t really mind her s/o’s hairstyle. She is used to seeing them with their hair tied up all the time.
She also thinks its a part of their s/o.
Thinks the mixed hair thing is cool. 👍
She prefers the type of hairstyles where her s/o’s hair is tied up above their neck, she just likes seeing their exposed neck. 
The first time she sees her s/o with their hair down was when they were sitting on her bed trying to fix their hair tie, and visibly having trouble doing so.
She just sat there, mouth agape and stared at her s/o in awe.
She stares in shock for a while until her s/o looks up at her, and notices her current state of shock. 😱 
Their face quickly turns into a darker shade of red and quickly tried to tie their hair,
“No no! Wait, wait! I-I think y-your hair is nice!” She stutters,
She never thought of it before, but she really likes seeing her s/o’s hair down. 
Will go up to them, and ask if she could comb or touch her hair.
She will run her tiny fingers through her s/o’s hair and just marvel at how soft it is.
When her s/o tells her that they’re embarrassed having her see their hair down, she pokes their cheek. 👈
“What should you be embarrassed about? Your hair looks awesome.”
Likes to try and braid her s/o’s hair, which she would ultimately fail at the end of every try.
But its cute seeing her eyebrows knitted together while they try to get that rope of hair underneath the other.
Pidge just likes seeing her s/o’s hair down. 👏
Shiro ✨
Like Pidge, Shiro doesn’t really mind his s/o’s hair. 
I mean, if they want it tied, then let them have it tied. 
At times, he does wonder what his s/o looks like with their hair down, but doesn’t linger on the thought for too long. 
He’s gotten quite used to seeing their s/o’s hair tied up for some time now. 
He likes seeing them in a messy bun, or in a braid. He likes those styles.
He sees his s/o’s hair down for the first time when they were having trouble trying to tie their hair after a training session. Turns out their hair tie snapped during the session. 
Was in awe as he stares at their hair. Like wow, he never thought he’d see them likes this.
S/o notices Shiro staring at them, and suddenly their face went bright red.
“O-Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Its just that I’ve never seen your hair down before,” He says.
He likes the hair. 
It looked so soft too. 👌
When his s/o tells them that they’re embarrassed of letting their hair down, he gently reassures them they don’t have to embarrassed about anything.
Besides its just hair. And he thinks its a good look on his s/o.
Though he won’t pressure his s/o to keep it down. If they prefer to have it tied, then so be it.
He does offer to tie his s/o’s hair from time to time. 
He’s just really fond of his s/o’s hair. ❤️
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(Love the header/icon btw!) Hi there! I'm a new follower of urs and wanted to request how Shiro, Keith n Lance, would react to a s/o who has a REALLLLYYYYY hard time accepting compliments from their f/o? Like, they've been abused by their family and schoolmates on Earth, that, they just don't accept compliments bc they think their being lied too (even tho they're not) Thank you! (I like ur HC lists btw ;'>)
Aaw! Thank you so much! It took me like 2 hours to make the header on pts lol, hope you like it! 
Keith 🍁
• During the start of the relationship with his s/o, he doesn’t really compliment his s/o much.
• Don’t get me wrong, he thinks his s/o is an amazing and endearing person, he’s just too shy to voice it yet. 😷
• A couple weeks or months into the relationship, he’ll start giving compliments to his s/o from time to time. Just cuz he feels like it, and he finally gain the confidence to voice what he thinks. 
• Though he notices quickly how his s/o reacts to the compliments. Usually somewhere in the lines of waving them off, responding with “that’s not true at all” or, hardly have any reaction to it.
• At first he thought, “Wait am I doing this wrong?” 
• He notices the way his s/o responds to his compliments, but he usually thought at first that he was doing something that makes his s/o uncomfortable. 
• So he stops the compliments, for a little while, until he decides to ask his s/o about it. ❓
• He genuinely thought that he was the problem,
    • “Hey (y/n), am I doing something wrong?” 
    • “????”
• He asks his s/o if he was doing something that was making his s/o uncomfortable, and mentions that they react not so well to his praises or compliments. 
• S/o is kinda shocked, “Wait you actually meant that???” “Yeah…”
• Once his s/o starts talking about her abusive family back at Earth, he wraps them in a tight hug. 
• He empathized with his s/o, knowing the pain of being dejected and neglected by his own family. 👥
    • “(y/n), I-I know I’m not good with… Expressing myself… And all that, but I know for sure that you’re an amazing person. And please believe me, when I say that, because its the truth.”
• Will offer more compliments or praises to his s/o. He wanted them to feel accepted and appreciated, no matter what. 
Lance 💠
• We all know that Lance is quite the flirt, and will often throw compliments or pick-up lines to anything that looked gorgeous to him… And was alive and moving.
• Before he got in a relationship with s/o, he would often throw pick-up lines at them, not really taking the rejection that seriously since it was just harmless flirting at first.
• Once he got together with his s/o, he pours all his pick-up lines and compliments on them and them alone. 
• He’s a very loyal person. 💓
• Though, he does notice instantaneously how his s/o reacts to his compliments and praises.
• Notices how his s/o waves off his compliments and telling him that he didn’t need to lie to them to make them feel better.
• Honestly… He was pretty shocked when his s/o said that.
    • “(y/n)… I meant what I said about you…” 
    • “I would never lie to you (y/n)…”
• He was kind of heartbroken when his s/o thought that he was lying to them. He really meant it when he said you had a wonderful personality.
• When he learned about his s/o’s abusive past, he was completely understanding. 
• Offered to let them hug him while they vent to him. 
• Tells them that he would never lie about them, and how he meant every compliment he said about them. 
• May or may not be an emotional scene… 😭
• Will compliment his s/o more regularly after that. Though his compliments would be more genuine, and would always come from the bottom of his heart. 
• Will also acknowledge every little thing you’ve done… Even the mundane ones.
    • “Lance, I just opened this water bottle….” 😅
• This Cuban boy just wants to make sure you feel loved and special.
• He doesn’t usually compliment his s/o as much as Lance, who would compliment his s/o as much as possibly can, but he does it more often than Keith. 
• So he’s kind of in between. 👌
• Nevertheless, he loves his s/o dearly, and would gladly praise and compliment his s/o when he sees fit. 
• His compliments are always genuine, honest and heartfelt.
• But he was saddened when he notices that his s/o doesn’t take his compliments well. 
• He noticed when he tells his s/o how gorgeous and how an amazing person they are while they were both lying in bed together.
    • “You don’t have to lie to me Shiro.”
    • “(y/n), I’m not lying to you…” 
• In a way, hearing this made him feel rejected by his s/o. 😞
• Would want to find a reason why his s/o feels like they’re constantly being lied to. 
    • “Tell me what’s wrong (y/n), why do you think I’m lying to you?”
• Once he learns about his s/o’s past, he envelopes them in a hug and softly kisses their forehead. 💜
• Tells them how much he loves them, how he cares for them, that he will never be dishonest to them and points out all of the good in his s/o. 
• S/o might get emotional because Shiro goes deep  
• Makes sure that they know that they’re an amazing person, and that he accepts every flaws and imperfections they may have. 
• Compliments given to his s/o will increase largely. 😄👍
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How would the paladins + Matt handle a steamy makeout session with there S/O and then having their s/o abruptly leave them hot and bothered.
Oooolalala, this one’s quite the steamy ask anon huehuehue.
Hunk 🍯
• This guy? Oh man… Why would you do this to this innocent cinnamon roll???
• He isn’t the one to initiate this type of sessions, so it would be up to his s/o to somehow lure him into making out with him.
• He’s very soft and gentle with his s/o, but for some reason, they’re being quite rough on this particular moment.
• So he just goes with the flow. 👌
• He likes to his hands up and down his s/o’s back while their lips are still locked together.
• When it comes to a make out session, Hunk would always be beet red at the end of it.
• Though when his s/o suddenly breaks the kiss, stands up, gives him a wink and leaves the room without a second glance he just… Malfunctions.
• He doesn’t do well with teasings, since he always ends up in a mess regardless.
• Like he’s already so flustered after a make out session, but then you abruptly ending it and leaving him unsatisfied…
• Yeah he’s definitely hot and bothered. 😳
• Hunk.exe has stopped working, would you like to restart?
Keith 🍁
• He’s quite the spicy boi 
• He doesn’t initiate a makeout session very often, but when he does, boy he makes sure it has to end well.
• Mentioned before, he hates doing them in any public areas, no budging on that. So it would have to happen behind closed doors though.
• He’s a very aggressive boi 💦
• Though the intensity of the makeout sessions varies from time to time, depending on the events and circumstances prior to said session. At times its gentle, and other times its rough.
• He secretly likes being rough, but don’t tell anyone I said that  
• One thing’s for sure, he won’t let his s/o go not while their lips are locked. His arms would be wrapped tightly around his s/o’s waist, locking them in place, pressed to his chest.
• So you would have to be quick on this one. ⚡️
• During one of the makeout sessions, he decides to place wet kisses on your neck.
• You thought to yourself, this is it
• When his s/o suddenly pushes him off of them, and standing up abruptly, his immediate thought was “wait did I do something wrong?????”
• This boi was scared af when his s/o suddenly ended the session like that.
• Though it was immediately replaced with mischief when his s/o gives him a knowing smirk then leaves his room. 😏
• “Oh so this is how you’re gonna play huh,”
• If you think he’s not going to go chase after you, think again hun.
Lance 💠
• Despite Lance’s very flirty and narcissistic demeanor, he’s quite soft and gently when it comes to these type of sessions.
• What a noodle. 
• He’s usually the one who starts the makeout sessions, it happens from time to time, and he’s quite the risk taker if you ask me.
• He likes to have his s/o sit on his lap while he caresses their cheeks and arms.
• Sometimes would squeeze their arm.👉🏻
• Other times he would rest his hands on their hips or legs. As long as he can make contact with any exposed skin, he will touch it.
• Very touchy, and would want to feel his s/o as much as possible.
• His s/o would have total control of the session, and whatever they plan to do next, he’ll gladly oblige.
• Has a thing for having a pretty dominant s/o. 💋
• But he didn’t quite expect it when his s/o suddenly stops the makeout session, stands up and leaves the living room, not without sending him a playful wink as they walk out.
• He’s just… Utterly speechless.
• His head trying to process what had just happened, and why.
• Not to mention his face is so red, it would put the red lion to shame.
• It’s quite hilarious looking at his stunned expression. 😦
Matt 🍀
• Ohooo this boi is quite the mischievous boi.
• Makeout sessions with Matt don’t happen all the time, but it does happen.
• At times its quite rough, sometimes sloppy or sometimes soft if the both of them felt like it.
• But the sessions would always end with him and his s/o in a fit of giggles.
• That’s just how much of a dork he is. 😆
• He likes to have his hands cup his s/o’s face while he slips his tongue into their cavern.
• Likes to pinch his s/o’s waist during the sessions, just to elicit a response or reaction from them, and its quite priceless.
• Especially when it comes to your butt. 😏
• He’s a very frisky boy.
• Though he didn’t quite expect his s/o to be the frisky one in return.
• So when his s/o suddenly pulls away, standing up and leaving him there, he was just beyond surprised.
• Like wow he never expected his s/o to do such a thing.
• But when his s/o stops to give him a wink before leaving.
• Ooooh boy.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
Pidge 🌿
• Pidge? HAH
• You would be considered lucky if you ever manage to even kiss her on the lips.
• Makeout sessions happen RARELY. Like… Nearly, never.
• The only time she got into a session with her s/o was when she was dared to makeout with her s/o (by none other than Lance).
• But it only happened once… That’s it… 😰
• It’s not that she doesn’t like it, it could just be her stubbornness, or that she’s just extremely shy when she kisses her s/o. Though, it’s cute seeing her flustered face.
• Let’s assume you found yourself lucky, and managed to have a quick little session with this little gremlin.
• Let’s see how she reacts to this.
• When her s/o suddenly pulls away, she makes grabby hands.
• “Where… Are you going????”
• Downright confused, but flustered at the same time. 😳
• But when her s/o winks then leaves her room her brain just goes into overdrive.
• Will probably run around her room and scream into her pillow from embarrassment.
Shiro ✨
• Hooo boi.
• Makeout sessions with this man? Wow.
• It happens regularly, from time to time, and it always manages to get his s/o beet red at the end of every session.
• I mean… Who wouldn’t swoon from having his chiseled chest pressed against yours, and defined arms wrapped around your waist and hips? A mad man that’s who. ❤️
• He’d rather have you as close to him as humanly possible.
• Also, would like to have his s/o under him too. He gets free access to let his eyes roam your body whenever he likes.
• The intensity of the sessions varies, just like Keith’s, depending on the events and circumstances.
• Not to mention he’s quite a skillful guy. 👌
• On this peculiar session, his s/o decides to get frisky.
• When Shiro goes to wrap his arm behind your back, you suddenly push him over and straddle his lap, while his back is pressed against the mattress.
• It took him by surprise no doubt, but he’s quite pleased with the view.👀
• You give him a quick peck before standing up and leaving,
• He is confusion??? Why’d you stop? Did he do something wrong or???-
• But seeing his s/o give him a playful smirk before leaving the room, just stirrs something inside of him.
• “You’re not going anywhere.” 
• He’d rather finish what he started…
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Hiya!!!!! Could I ask for some headcanons where Shiro has an s/o who's cold all the time????? Thank you :)
OHmygosh I haven’t been doing the requests for a while now! SORRY ABOUT THAT AAAA, school is hectic and there’s just tons of projects that was given to us. Anyways, enough about me, onto the HC! 
Shiro ✨
☄ He doesn’t find out immediately about his s/o’s state. His s/o didn’t really show any signs of being constantly cold since they usually wear sleeved shirts or sweaters. 
☄ He finds out when he sees his s/o without a sweater, and just in a t-shirt. 
☄ S/o starts to visibly shiver and sneezing occasionally. 💨
☄ Immediately by his s/o’s side, constantly asking if they’re okay, if they feel sick. 
☄ Constantly asks his s/o if they’re feeling alright.💦
      ☄ “Do you need to lie down (y/n)?” 
      ☄ “Shiro I’m fine… I’m just cold all the time,” 
☄ When he finds out that his s/o is just… Consistently cold all the time, it just gets him even more worried. 
☄ Now he has to worry about his s/o’s temperature all the time. He won’t allow  his s/o to turn into a damn popsicle now will he?
☄ Instantly grabs a blanket, jacket or anything that can generate heat around his s/o’s body all the time.
☄ Will also cuddle them while he’s at it. 💓
☄ And who doesn’t want a cuddle from the Takashi Shirogane? A mad man that’s who.
☄ Probably uses this as an excuse to just spend more time with his s/o. Most of the time. 
☄ Sneaky little bastard-
☄ Honestly, he’s kinda worried about his s/o’s state. Does it have something to do with their immune system? Do they have some kind of illness? Disease? Or do they have a disorder? HE NEEDS TO KNOW.
☄ He just wants his s/o safe and healthy okay😌
☄ Though, he is willing to do anything to keep his s/o warm,
☄ You know what I mean
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i accidentally turned it to the spider reacting to shiro instead of the other way around lol
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Can I ask for a day at the beach with Pidge?
Alright here we go with the infamous Katie “Pidge” Holt! 
Pidge 🌿
» One thing about Pidge is that she is not quite fond of the idea about the outdoors. 
» She’s more of an indoor type of person, we probably know this since Pidge said this herself. 
» There would be a lot of convincing in order for her to even go outside for a picnic. 
» Props to the s/o who was persuasive enough to get Pidge on a vacation at the beach. 🌴
» This girl packs a ton of sunblock and anti-mosquito sprays in her bag. Also a fancy pair of sunglasses too. 😎
       » “I swear (y/n), if I get the damn Malaria or Zika Virus…”
       » “Pidge, you’re not gonna gonna get Malaria or the Zika Virus trust me. I’m pretty sure that mosquitoes don’t breed on the open beaches…”
       » “But there are instances where beaches can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes if the surrounding are conducive-”
       » “Pidge, the beach is not a damn landfill.”
» Road trips are nice though. Pidge isn’t an outdoor person, but she seems okay with road trips. 🚘
» Plays a lot of annoying country songs just to annoy the shit out of her s/o. 
» She’s a little shit-
» May or may not have hacked into a nearby satellite, just to monitor where they are going, and what the beach is like. 
» Once they arrive to their destination she will immediately grab her sunglasses and the beach umbrellas from the trunk of their car. 
        » “How do I look?” 
        » “You look…. Great….”
        » “I sensed hesitance there (y/n)…”
» Will not get into the water though, and would much rather stick on land. No budging on that. If she ever does go into the water, she would only swim around the areas where the water reaches her knees. 
» Although she will stick around to play beach volley ball though. Believe it or not, she’s very good at it. 
» Most of the time spends the day on the beach on her computer, occasionally going out to explore, and building very detailed and stylized sand castles, which, by the way are amazing. 
» Absolutely despises it when the sand gets into her sandals. She literally threw her sandals out into the sea when it happens. 
» But she likes seeing her s/o enjoying herself whilst she sits on her little shade underneath her beach umbrella. 
» She won’t go in the water, but she loves to go on a scavenger hunt with her s/o to find some certain types of seashells, starfish and hopefully live fish or squids. 🐠
» Likes to sit on her s/o’s shoulders while they trudge through the water and she scouts for any interesting objects in the water. 
» One time found what she thought was an empty shell, but the moment she saw something creepy and slimey started emerging from within the shell she screeches and throws the poor creature five feet into the air. 😱
» It was funnier in my head
» She’s got them arm strength tho.
        » “Pidge what have you done,”
» Will go fishing. She doesn’t quite catch any interesting fishes, but she still caught something nonetheless.
» Once the sun finally sets, and the moon and stars rises, she and her s/o would set up a tent and the bonfire. She’ll snuggle up next to her s/o, and will most likely fall asleep from the crackling fire. 
» Its cute looking at her sleeping face. 😊
» Despite all the sand in her hair, trembling knees and greasy hands - she won’t admit it -, she had a pretty good time on the beach with her s/o.
» Won’t admit it, but she enjoys spending time like this with her s/o. ❤️
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