g0ldpainted · 6 years
Hey, I’m so happy your back and everything! I wanted to know if you could write a part 3 for the Ignis cheating fic? Please and thanks!
Hey there Anon! :D
Yes! I’ll put it on my list! I’m currently working on a second Part for the Renji fic I did a while ago, then I’ll do a part 3 for Ignis’ cheating fic! :)
Aside from that I’m still working on Prompto + loss (other bois will follow). Uni has really been kicking my butt lately as I’m stuck with group work.. that .. eh.. doesn’t really work out so I’m stuck with extra much work. 
However! I’m trying my best to get stuff out asap, please bear with me! :) 
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Gladiolus losing Iris
Hey guys, I finally managed to upload. Of course, life threw more rocks in my way and I’ve been stressed for the past two weeks, great. :’D
Anyway, I hope you enjoy! 
Words: 2700+
Genre: Angst, loss, fluff
Spoilers: Minor, from the first few chapters
Trigger warnings: Death, loss, toxic masculinity, graphic depiction of death/fatal accident, sadness
He never thought it would happen. It wasn't supposed to happen. She should've been able to protect herself. No, he should've been there to protect her. This was all his fault. Her death was his fault. The death of his way too young sister was his fault. If he hadn't been so unobservant, had paid a little more attention, perhaps he would've seen the sword coming for her. He could've stopped it. He could've saved her. But ultimately, he failed, didn't see it coming like he should have. She died, bled to death in his arms with a gentle smile painted on her face. He would never be able to forgive himself. It was his job, Iris should've never been there.. but she insisted on supporting him. If only he had been a little stricter, told her off. But no, he gave in, welcomed her to join him. How could she ignore all his warnings? How could she just try to shield him? 
Gladiolus, the king's shield had to be protected from an attack.. And his sister paid the price.
(there’s a read more right here in case that doesn’t show up)
For nights on end, he fought his tears. It wasn't like him. He couldn't even cry about his father. But that was a whole different story - he knew it would happen eventually. But Iris.. He always wanted to protect her. She was a hunter, too but Gladio took over all difficult tasks. It was only that one time he dared to allow her to join in on a harder quest. She promised to be careful, wished to help so badly he couldn't reject her.
It wasn't the first time they had fought together, they had done this many times before without any major slip-ups. Usually, they would've been just fine. But that day, everything went wrong. Gladio, for the first time in years, broke a limb - his arm. Wielding his blade with his nondominant hand was barely possible. Using his shield difficult but he managed. It was all going quite alright until a Ronin appeared as well. That's when things got hectic - too hectic for Gladio. Eventually, he lost track of the enemy, continued to fight a hoard of annoying Goblins. That's when it happened. That's when the sword was aimed at him and Iris shouted in despair. Milliseconds later, his body was pushed aside. One quick glance revealed what had happened. Iris' was bound to the ground by the sword that pierced her, bleeding and gasping up blood. It sure was a sight Gladio never wanted to witness and much less would ever forget. Although he fought hard, killed all enemies, neither of them had a potion left - neither anything stronger. There was no time to rush her to a nearby hospital - he tried to, though. Her soft voice asking him to stop as he ran through the fields broke him. The pain in her eyes was haunting him. She was losing consciousness and the battle of life. When her heart came to a stop, he dropped to his knees, held her close to his body, hoping for a miracle. 
It was all his fault. That's what he believed, that's what he heard, that's what he told himself. No one could change his mind. Not even his S/O. Ever since Iris had passed, he withdrew from social life. Gladiolus fought and fought, trained with his fractured arm, shouted at it to heal faster. He was devastated, constantly torn between giving in to his sadness, grieving and blaming himself, taking his anger out on his body by training. Sometimes it all overwhelmed him, he cried during his workout. He couldn't cope. This loss left a deep scar on his heart, one that he had never experienced before. It was rare that he cried. Everyone perceived him as the strong, emotionless, flirty guy; being sad and even depressed wasn't like him. 
His father always told him that strong men don't cry so, naturally, he didn't want to. That it'd be okay for him to cry just like anyone else does was something he had never been told. Only around his bros did he feel comfortable enough to shed a few tears. But now it was a full on waterfall. 
Iris' had a room at his place, lived with him. A room that was now empty, had no visitors in a while. The emptiness of his own house was horrifying. He couldn't stand to be in it. But he couldn't stand to be around anyone either. Not even his S/O. He would yell at them, tell them to shut up when they were giving advice. His emotions were all over the place. He lost his grip.
By now, he hadn't seen his beloved one in over three weeks. Iris passed over a month ago, was buried days before he stopped speaking to his partner. His heart was longing for them. He wanted company.. But at the same time, he didn't. Being alone wasn't doing him any good, though. And his S/O knew that. They knew Gladio would need a bit of time for himself but then he'd need them, too. The two had been in a relationship for years. Although they never experienced him being so emotional, they could imagine just how he would be feeling. Gladio wasn't the type of guy to ask for help or company when he felt down, he ate it all up on his own. Now that he was grieving, it was even worse. Part of him wanted to contact them, ask them to come over but his ego always stopped him. It'd be too 'unmanly'. Just like so many times in the past weeks, he sat on the couch, clutched onto his phone tightly. He was struggling. His eyes hurt and so did his muscles. He overdid it once again and now he was just completely out of it, needed someone to be with him so he wouldn't trash his own place. If it hadn't been for his father teaching him to be strong at all possible times, perhaps it wouldn't have been that much of an issue.
Stupid toxic masculinity. 
Fortunately, his S/O had already packed their bags for a longer stay at his place and were on their way. He wasn't going to go through this all alone. They wanted to be there for him, even if he'd shout in their face to leave. They knew it was only a façade ready to be torn down. They knew he needed them right now. Meanwhile, Gladiolus was fighting his anger, frustration, and inability to cope. That this dullness didn't want to fade greatly upset him. He didn't want to be sad, didn't want to grieve - just wanted to move on and stop wasting time. But he couldn’t. For someone that refused to grieve and feel sadness all his life, this was beyond strange. Just when he was about to throw his phone onto the wooden floor, his doorbell rang.
Shocked and confused, he stopped his movement, contemplated what to do instead. Eventually, he decided to open the door - it could be the mailman with his new protein delivery after all. Getting up wasn't too difficult, walking towards the door wasn't either.. But actually opening the door took him a moment. He hadn't faced anyone in weeks. 
When his adorable S/O stood before him, his heart ached, all his emotions were about to drop right out of him but he maintained a stoic expression. The only hints they got were the tears slowly welling up in his eyes. Aside from that, it was written all over his face that he hadn't slept properly and was in physical and mental pain, too. His beard was surprisingly long, unkempt and his hair was a total mess. On the bright side, he seemed to be eating properly and shower regularly - at least that's what they assumed judging by how his tank top and sweatpants hugged his body.
"Hey" they spoke softly, smiling reassuringly with two big bags in their hands.
Unable to reply, he let his eyes do the talking, avoided their frame after glancing down at their bags. He knew what this meant. He knew they were here to stay. He knew they weren't going to leave. What he didn't know was what to do about it nor if he was even ready for it.
"Can I come in?" they added, holding up their smile. 
Feeling his façade vanish, he crossed his arms as he stood in his doorframe, blocking his S/O from just walking past him. Tension rose in his body at the thought of breaking down in front of them. Of course, they were quick to notice how he was gripping onto his arms.
"You should leave" he grumbled with his hoarse and extra deep voice, hinting how vulnerable he really was right now.
"I don't think so" they replied, their smile slowly fading as their boyfriend started frowning, "Gladio, I really wa-"
"Leave!" he shouted in their face, curling his hands up into fists.
Shaken by the volume, his S/O flinched before lowering their eyes. They were well aware of his inability to cope. They knew that his words held no meaning and that his anger wasn't directed at them.
"Gladio, stop pushing me away when I know you need me" they spoke determinedly, "I want to be there for you."
Rendered speechless, Gladio closed his eyes tightly: "I.. I don't need you."
"Baby, please.." they lowered their voice, carefully reaching out to touch his arm.
"I'm strong, I don't need you here!" he shouted again, softly slapping their hand away.
After retracting their hand, they sighed, took a moment to themselves to figure out how to approach him. Knowing he shouldn't reject them but refusing to believe he was so 'weak' to need them, he tilted his head back, rolled his eyes and groaned lightly. This was confusing and annoying him.
"Look at me" they said, reaching out to his chin and gently tugging on it so he'd face them.
His rapid blinking gave away how much he struggled to hold himself together. When he saw their soft gaze, couldn't avoid their beautiful eyes any longer, his tears were threatening to spill.
"I love you, Gladiolus.. Pl-" they confessed, as they did so many times before, to remind him of their feelings for each other and how important he was to them.
They would have continued speaking but their boyfriend suddenly groaned, turned around and disappeared into his place, leaving his door wide open for them to enter. He couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't like him to lower his head but in an attempt to hide his tears, he had to. Both his hands were hastily wiping away some of them. Assuming he was trying to be 'strong' again, his S/O quickly picked up their bags and headed inside. They knew he needed them - now more than ever. Once all their bags were inside, they closed the door and started heading towards the living room. Gladio so happened to sit on the couch, his elbows propped on his knees, covering his face. He refused to cry again. He refused to let these emotions take over.
"Gladio.." they breathed out, biting their lip softly as they carefully and slowly approached him.
Unlike before, he didn't object, didn't send them away. He was coming to terms with the fact that he needed them. Ever since Iris passed, he hadn't been able to speak about his feelings, usually played over them unless he was home alone. Not even his S/O got to witness them.. But now he was beginning to see, that he could show them that side. They wouldn't leave him for being 'unmanly' - yes, that was one of his concerns.. Even after all these years. When they sat down beside him, he exhaled loudly, let most of his tension out of his body for once. They saw his shoulders slump yet didn't fail to notice that his arms were shaking. Talking about everything that happened would be too soon, they knew he wouldn't be able to speak up right now. So, instead, they embraced him; wrapped one of their arms around him and kissed his bare shoulder.
"It's okay, Gladdy" they whispered, "It's not your fault."
For the first time in their life, they heard him sob. Their words reached him. 
"Iris loved you. She still does" they went on, "She wouldn't want you to.. Blame yourself."
His tears were falling, he couldn't stop them any longer. His muscles ached, his arm was in pain and his heart was broken. His little sister wasn’t around anymore - how could he ever get over this? He didn’t know. Even though his S/O assured him that he shouldn't blame himself, he couldn't help it. This seemed to be all his fault. He should've been strong enough to protect them both or at least Iris - she was supposed to be alive, not him.
"She chose to protect you. It was her choice. And I'm sure she appreciated you trying to save her but.. She was okay with this" they went on, "I'm sure she loved being able to save you. It must've made her very happy that she succeeded."
"But she's dead.." he murmured, his voice reflecting his hurt.
"You've done all you could" they spoke softly, "You've always been a great brother.. She loves you dearly."
"B-but I couldn't save my own sister.." he silently cried, “She’s dead..”
"Honey, you've tried your best to save her" they assured him, "It, unfortunately, didn't work out but I know she appreciated you trying. She always loved having you as her brother. You've always been an amazing brother to her. Grieving is natural.. But I'm sure she wouldn't want you to be so sad, much less cause harm to your body."
Not knowing what to say, Gladiolus collected the courage to lift his head up, wiped some of his tears away and glanced at his S/O. It was the first time they saw him so emotional. They couldn't keep themselves from hugging him. He didn't reject them, instead embraced them as well. Feeling them near, smelling their scent and hearing their voice made him feel slightly better and certainly less alone. When they kissed his cheek, he melted. He let them see him in his most vulnerable state - it sure meant a lot to them. But it also meant a lot to him that they didn't seem to judge him for it - unlike his father who called him out for crying when he hurt himself as a toddler.
While they held him, he slowly calmed down. They heard him sob and sniff, even felt a few tears soak through their shirt but it didn't matter. To calm him down, they kissed his hair every now and then and rubbed his back. They didn't want to rush him, were willing to stay like this for days if it'd mean he'd feel better.
"I love you" he murmured once his voice was stable enough and not about to break.
"I love you too, Gladdy" they replied, "And I'm in this with you. We can get through this. It'll get better in time."
"I.. Hope so" he sighed, nuzzling his head into their neck. 
"Of course… I promise to help you with as much as I can" they returned, keeping their voice soft and gentle.
"Thank you, I.. I appreciate it" he thanked them, kissing their neck softly before he closed his eyes.
The past weeks had worn him out. He hardly slept and when he did, nightmares haunted him. But now that they were here, now that his second home was with him, he slowly felt his tiredness take over. All the crying, working out, fighting himself and worrying about who's fault this was, he really needed a good rest. As they felt his body grow heavier on them, hinting that he was dozing off, they leaned back against a few pillows until they were fully leaning against it for support and Gladio somewhat laid on them. Most his weight was on the couch, though - they weren't carrying it all. Eventually, his head rested on top of their stomach and he hugged their hips. Admittedly, it was a little uncomfortable for his S/O but they would never dare to complain. They took it as a sign of him opening up and, if anything, they were glad he was beginning to do so. To further comfort him, they played with his hair and held on to his arm. Even when his breathing finally calmed down and soft snores escaped his lips, they didn't stop. He needed this nap and they weren't going to wake him.
Hours later, he woke up with his head resting on a pillow and a blanket draped over his body. For a moment, he was scared they had left but when they came from the kitchen, carrying his favorite dish on a tray, he couldn’t help but smile. It was faint but most certainly a smile. His first smile in a while.
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Awwh! Thank you so much! I just stumbled upon this, I didn't know you shared my story! :') THANK YOU SO MUCH! It really means a lot to me! :3 ♥
For anyone interested, you can read it here.
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You should go on Wattpad and type Traitor Renji Yomo x Reader it’s a really good story I didn’t Wright it but I really want to share it because it’s really good and it needs more attention. It has 188 pages so it’s a must read “https://my.w.tt/LXllRAAdAL”>https://my.w.tt/LXllRAAdALj
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Can you pleaseee write Going blind Yomo part 2 please try to make it longer cause it is a really great stuff to read 😍
Hey there Viomelo! :)
Thank you for your kind words! ♥ :’)
Yes, I’ll put it on my list! It’s really been a while since I’ve written something for TG on here, I should totally change that. ^.^
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Are you taking any requests??
Hey there, Anon! :)
Yes, I am taking requests.
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Aaaah I’m still here!
Hey guys! Oh lord, it’s been forever. I’m so sorry for my absence. January was incredibly packed, I was sick all February, then had some adulting to do (ew) and I’ll be moving this week but am somewhat back my semester break is almost over... >.<
These past months weren’t exactly easy either. I don’t want to drag my private life on here all too much but tbh I’m a quite anxious person, I overthink too much and certain worries and fears have been getting to me along with a wave of depression (ugh).
However! I APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU GREATLY!! ♥♥ And now that I’ve got some time on my hands, I finally want to post something on here again! I’m aiming to upload on the weekend Tuesday. I’ll have to see how everything works with university starting again but I’m aiming for an upload (one-shot / smth long) a week.
Because I somehow love to write angst, the next series will probably be about some kind of loss (S/O, pet, another family member, etc). ^^
If you’ve got requests feel free to drop them in my inbox. I’d love to hear what you’re wanting to read! c:
P.S.: I’m gonna use twitter a little more actively from now on, so if anyone wants to follow me, exchange random memes or fangirl together, it’s here (@/ gold_painted). :3
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Very interesting setting! I'm definitely looking forward to the next chapters! :3
"Save Me" (Chapter 1)
Pairing: Prompto x OC Rating: M Trigger warnings: mentions of rape, mention of torture (not depicted in story, only mentioned I promise) Tagging @g0ldpainted (let me know if you want to be tagged too!“
Chapter 1
My body is weak by the time he’s finished with me and all I can do is keep my eyes focused on the floor. He leaves without a word, shocking since he always has some smartass thing to say, and I try to shift into a different position. My lower half is sore from all of the abuse with bruises in the shape of fingers on my hips and thighs. Everything hurts and I want to die.
When Insomnia fell, I had been taken as prisoner by the Niffs and given to the empire as a prize. They keep me hidden away from the rest of the world, where I am subjected to abuse regularly. If it were up to the Six I would ask for death, for it would be preferable to being raped and tortured nearly every day.
I drag myself into my thin mattress with the springs poking out. The chill of this prison cell is getting to me, I swear something on my body is turning blue. The door to the cell swings open and it’s an unfamiliar face that greets me. Typically one of the maids will send me a small tray of food afterwards, scraps mainly, for me to "feast” on. Her fair hair, and black and red regalia distinguish her from the maids who usually visit.
“Shit, it’s worse than I thought,” she says. She slowly walks over to me, heels clicking against the cement. “We need to get you out of here as soon as possible.” I can’t will myself to move from my bed, so she grabs my arm and pulls me out.
I stumble out of bed and into her arms. My throat is bone dry from screaming and a lack of water, and my body is weak from not eating for about three days now. If I could manage to talk right now I would ask her so many questions. My savior leads me out of my cell and down the hallway, only stopping to grab a blanket to cover me. “Biggs, Wedge, provide a distraction for me,” she says, pushing me along.
“You got it boss!” The two leave at her command and she continues leading me away.
“If I had known that the empire was holding a hostage in Carnatica, I would’ve came sooner. Thankfully the maids are blabber mouths and they spoke freely for a small amount of gil,” she says. She removed the blanket from my face once we’re outside. The sunlight is blinding and all I can do is squint. “We’re gonna get you as far away from here as possible. Goal is Lestallum, maybe even Hammerhead if necessary.”
I grab her shoulder and squeeze it, since my throat is still so dry and I just cough. She turns to me with a sympathetic look. “My name is Aranea.” My eyes widen. The Niffleheim commodore? Why is she helping me? “Don’t give me that look. I’m here to help you out.”
Aranea leads me away from my prison and towards a train station, and then sneaks me onto one of the train cars. “This train is down for maintenance. I’ll be back. In the meantime, make yourself comfortable.” She leaves me behind in the train car so I sit down on the floor. I can’t even bare to look at myself or try to; I don’t want to see myself after the months of captivity.
When I look down at the rest of my body, I’m disgusted. My skin is grimy and my old dress is dirty to the point where it will never be saved. I though my hair and it’s greasy and knotted. While I was locked away, I never thought about how I looked. I lay back on the richly carpeted floor and close my eyes, letting a few tears slip out.
For months I remained in captivity at the hands of monsters and I numbed the pain as much as one could. But now I get the chance to cry for once. What will happen to me after this, though? The chancellor will notice I’m missing and who knows what he’ll do. I stretch out on the carpeted floor. My body cracks with the movement.
I don’t know how much time has passed when Aranea returns, grumbling to herself about something. “I brought you food and some new clothes. There should be soap and stuff in the bathroom for whenever you clean yourself up,” she says. I turn to face her, my body creaking yet again. Should I even try to speak now?
“Thank you,” I reply. My voice cracks, and it’s so hoarse that I can barely recognize it. Aranea looks at me clearly surprised.
“You can thank me later. I’m still trying to find you a ride away from here but the only people I can reliably call on aren’t even close by, and I doubt they’ll be able to turn back any time soon. Get cleaned up and I’ll make food in the meantime.”
Food? Fresh food? I swear my mouth would be watering if I hadn’t been kept away so long that my saliva dried up. I slowly stand up and make my way to the bathroom to finally bathe. My clothes are in shreds when I remove then and I toss them into the garbage. There’s no need for them anymore. I turn the faucet in the tub to start the water, cranking the heat up high to the point that it’s scalding. Then I put in the plug so the water doesn’t drain. I step into the porcelain bathtub and sink down into the water. Hopefully things continue to change for the better.
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
Gladiolus cheating on S/O Part 3
Hey guys :) Here’s the last part of Gladiolus’ cheating.
Poll results are at the bottom so I won’t spoil the outcome^^.
1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part  // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
Words: 3700+
Genre: Angst, heartbreak, getting better, life changing decisions
Spoilers: None
Trigger warnings: Cheating, depression, disability
There was no light at the end of the tunnel. She tried to move on, tried to find forgiveness in her heart for him but it was impossible. Gladiolus' selfishness and ignorance regarding her complicated pregnancy were what caused her physical disability.. How could she ever forgive something so severe, something so life changing?
She was missing out on her baby's life, couldn't take part in most activities, couldn't teach her how to walk or write, couldn't even protect her alone. It was all Gladio's fault.. And that upset her greatly. Nonetheless, she tried. She really did. Eventually, she finally gave in and even exchanged kisses with him - for the sake of Heather. Although it hurt her and every physical intimacy reminded her of how other females had the privilege to touch him, too, she thought of her little girl that wanted her parents to be happy so badly. Heather was old enough to understand that they had been fighting, that something was wrong. Of course, she always asked, was noisy but to fix it, she always demanded her parents to hug. Each and every time, they did as she asked, holding up the façade of a happy family. Both wanted their daughter to experience that happy, unbreakable family. But it was unbearably hard.
All Gladio's 'I love you's, subtle touches, delicate kisses.. They kept breaking his S/O's heart. Over and over again. For the moment it lasted, it felt good.. But so bittersweet. Knowing she was slowly but surely sliding out of his hands worried him greatly. He bought gifts, made food, invited her to dates but it wasn't easing the pain in her heart. With each improvement she managed to accomplish, he started getting more anxious about her leaving. Imagining to lose both his girlfriend and their daughter scared him endlessly. Gladio was well aware that this was his mistake, that he was the one causing all this; it was his dream to make it all up. But that was a dream that would probably never come true.. He'd have to live with this guilt until the day he'd die. All he could do was support her, pay her bills as much as he could and care for their daughter. He dedicated his life to them.
Therefore, seeing his best friend carelessly flirt when his girlfriend surely upset him. He was boiling with jealousy every time he witnessed it. That she didn't care about it, even played along, only made it worse. His fear mixed with anger and he couldn't stop himself from letting it out. Instead of turning his anger at his girlfriend or daughter, he spent hours at the gym, worked out mercilessly. His behavior didn't stay unnoticed, his S/O knew something was off.. And she also knew what it was. But it actually didn't bother her all too much; it only gave her more time with Ignis. 
Although she knew she shouldn't, she really enjoyed spending time with him. He always listened, always lent a hand, always understood. On top of that, he always gave her adorable compliments. Ignis was a great friend.. And deep down she slowly started falling for his beautiful eyes and that wonderful smile. His hugs were great too. And his words, his accent were undeniably charming.
That she was growing feelings for another man ended up disturbing her more than she imagined. It felt so wrong but so right. However, she knew she had to hold back. Gladio, even though he did it himself, didn't deserve to be cheated on. So for the time being and until she was certain about her feelings, she just hopped in on the flirting but denied anything physical. That little bit of flirting was already enough to make her feel bad.
At least Heather loved Ignis, too. She considered him her uncle, always played with him whenever she could. In some way, he took her mother's role. All her mother could do was sit and watch.. Until Ignis changed that. He helped her sit on the floor, made sure pillows were supporting her back, giving her the ability to sit comfortably. While she still couldn't move her right arm, she could at least use her left arm to hold up her daughter's favorite toy. What really made this special was that she could finally cuddle her properly. They could lay next to each other on some pillows, have naps together. It was a nice change. All those months before, her back hadn't been stable enough to support the ability to sit, she would've slumped. But now that it was fine, her hard work paid off, new possibilities were opened to her. Enjoying more time with her daughter was one of them. Yes, she still needed help getting on and off the floor - but this was still a huge difference. Heather immediately approved of it, couldn't wait to cuddle her mom. Much to everyone's surprise, that little kid was incredibly understanding about her mother's condition. She didn't understand entirely but was raised on knowing her mother couldn't feel some parts of her body, sometimes couldn't be with her in return - but that she loved her regardless of that. It was insanely cute that, nowadays, she kept asking her mother if she could feel her legs or if she could help make them better.
Of course, that little bundle of joy lover her father, too. She loved being with him, play-fighting with him, playing with his hair. Heather appreciated that after working for so long, he came home. She was always the first to "run" up to him and hug his legs. He was often in charge of telling her about his adventures - she's always been very curious. Those were usually her bedtime stories. Those two were as good as inseparable. And that was exactly why Gladio's S/O was scared of breaking up with him. As time passed by, her curiosity for Ignis grew immensely.. But she didn't want to lose her baby. And aside from that, she felt terribly selfish for wanting to leave Gladiolus but she couldn't go on. Being with him felt more and more wrong with each day passing by. Kisses, sweet caresses, loving words - it all felt like lies. Her kisses began to get sloppier, her touches didn't feel as soft anymore and when Ignis finally confessed his feelings for her, she knew it had to come to an end. For too long had she been living with this lie, it was slowly eating away at her seams. The former love of her life deserved the truth.
"Gladio.. Can.. Can we have a talk?" she asked, sitting on the couch with a book in her lap.
It was Saturday evening, Gladio had just brought Heather to bed. The couple shared a lot of laughs today, both were in good moods for once and actually got along. A lot of the times they ended up arguing once their girl was in bed.. But today they both seemed to be fine. So his S/O finally collected her courage to tell him the truth.
"Sure.." he replied, biting his lip hard.
He knew. He knew their relationship was crumbling, that her interest was decreasing just as quickly as he love for him. He knew Ignis had feelings for her - they were best friends.. He had to confess to him, too. Losing her was still his biggest fear but during his workout sessions, he came to the conclusion that he'd have to let go if that's what she wanted. He'd still support her. But the future of their tiny princess would be altered.. And that's what worried him most. So far he couldn't tell if she'd choose to stay with him or her mom.. And he didn't want her to have to choose either. All these decisions scared him tremendously. He didn't want it to end but he would accept her decision.. At least that's what he told himself over and over again.
"Come sit with me" she smiled softly, patting the spot beside her.
Without saying another word, he walked over to her. This scenario already reminded him of when he introduced the idea of celebrating their 9th anniversary. The sadness in her eyes, the tears.. It upset him. After his confession, she stopped speaking to him for at least a week.. It hurt him, but he knew he deserved it. He hated himself for what he did. Needlessly to say, they didn't celebrate their anniversary. It was just another normal day. 
"What's on your mind?" he spoke, returning a faint smile.
"Gladiolus.. I.. I have to be honest with you.." she started, gulping between her words, "Our.. Our relationship - oh, six - I think w-we both know it's not exactly going uphill.."
That was all he needed to hear, tears shot in his eyes. That was it.
"I.. I treasure you. We spent good years together, had lots of fun but I.. I've been thinking a lot about us recently.. And..- we can't go on this way" she broke to him, her own eyes slowly filling up with tears; this was more difficult than she imagined it to be, "I'm hurting. I know it's been years since you c-cheated on me but I.. I can't forget it. I can't unsee it. Whenever I look at you I see what you did with those two girls. Right now, while I know you're extremely busy, I can't help but imagine that you have some kind of 'fuck buddies'. I.. I don't think I can ever regain my entire trust in you."
"Did you think about Heather in this?" he immediately returned, his heart racing a mile a minute yet feeling like it had been torn from his chest.
Although he tried to prepare for this, he currently didn't know what to do.
"Of course I have, Gladio. I know that we have a beautiful daughter that's unfortunately caught up in this. I know I'm probably selfish for wanting to end our relationship. But.. But we're both getting older and I don't want to waste your time any longer.. I don't want you to think I'm using you" she explained, folding her hands in her lap, "I really wanted us to work out. I promise I tried hard to ignore my own feelings in this.. But I can't. I.. I love you as a friend and you definitely still mean the world to me along with our daughter.. But I don't think we can work this out.."
For a few moments, silence surrounded the former couple. Neither knew what to say. Gladio fought his feelings. His self-hatred, undeniable anger and frustration but also his sadness. He had never experienced such heartbreak before.
"You're not wasting my time, I'm grateful for every moment I can spend with you.. And I don't think you're using me…" he started rambling on words, "I.. I-.."
"I'm sorry Gladio.." she apologized, quickly reaching out for his hands to hold them, "I know this is sudden.. But I can't keep this from you any longer.."
They had been together for long enough, she knew when he was struggling with his emotions. As someone that grew up without being allowed to show any kind of sadness, not even hint at it, these situations were new to him. He had yet to learn how to handle it, often just got angry at himself for feeling the way he did. His head lowered, he glanced at her hands. Back when he first found out about her pregnancy, he wanted to get married to her right away. Before he gave in to temptation, he was furiously planning on proposing to her. After everything went to hell and back, he refrained from doing so. He wanted to wait for the right time.. Now he knew that time would never come. Looking at her empty hand - the hand that was supposed to hold his ring - made him regret never asking her. Sure, she would've probably declined but at least he would've let her know how much she truly means to him. He felt like he missed out on that, perhaps didn't give his all. For just a moment, he intertwined their fingers, squeezed her hand tightly. It was his way of releasing emotions. He didn't want to cry..
"I.. No. - Ignis told me about his feelings for you.. It's because of him, right?" Gladio smiled sadly, slowly turning his gaze over to her.
"I c-can't deny that" she returned, sucking in her lip shortly after.
"If you two start dating, I hope he knows what a damn jewel he's got" Gladio stared right into her eyes as he spoke.
"That's n-not..-.." she rung for words, wanting to talk herself out of it.
"It's okay. I appreciate your honesty. And if you two really find happiness within another then.. I'm happy" he smiled through his pain, concealing it, "I don't wanna stand in your way."
Knowing him all too well, she knew that he was lying. He was hurting badly.
"Gladio.." she just breathed out, her eyebrows lowering to a gentle frown.
"I.. I'm sorry for my mistakes. What I did was indeed unforgivable.. I don't blame you for not being able to forgive and forget - I couldn't either if I were in your position. Nonetheless, I.. I was hoping my actions would prove to you that you mean the world to me" he gave in and admitted, "I was hoping we could eventually get married and become a real family. I'm sure Heather would've been perfect as the flower girl."
As she heard that, she couldn't help but shed a few tears. Imagining the scene in her head was adorable.. But it was truly unfortunate that it would never happen.
"Oh-.. I'm sorry" he apologized as he realized that she started crying and quickly used one of his hands to wipe her tears away, "I didn't mean to make you cry. D-don't feel guilty.. Or selfish. If being with me isn't good for you and you'd prefer to be with Ignis.. Or alone.. Then that's totally fine. I don't want you to torture yourself for me. I'm sure Heather will understand.. She always does. She's a smart kid."
Feeling his hand against her cheek one last time made her choke on her breath. Realizing that this would probably be the last time he'd do that suddenly hurt a lot more than she imagined. Even though she firmly believed that breaking up with him was the right decision, it still hurt. Over 9 years can't be erased that easily. 
"I-I don't want us to break up on bad terms. I still want to be in touch with you. I want to know how you're doing. I still want to be there for you.." she input quickly. 
"I know, I know. You're a good-hearted person. I've been able to experience that for long enough to know that you're a literal angel" he smiled at her, "I'd love to be in touch with you as well. And I hope you know that, no matter what, you can always talk to me."
"Thank you" she returned, swallowing down more tears.
"We'll probably take a few days.. Maybe even months to figure all this out. Do you want me to sleep on the couch until we find a solution?" he suggested, trying hard to maintain a calm demeanor and to not break down.
"No.. No, this is our bed. I trust you not to try and funny business. And I don't want you to be uncomfortable.." she shook her head, "But we..-.. I really want us to continuously raise Heather together. Maybe we can.. Slowly introduce the idea of us not dating anymore to her but in a way that she knows we don't hate each other. I don't ever want her to think bad of you, nor do I want her to think bad of me because of our decisions."
"I agree.." he nodded, "She loves both of us. She wants to be with both of us.. - I don't know how we'll do this when either of us moves out. She's so young.. I don't want her to have to choose between either of us.. Nor do I want her to just stay with either of us and miss the other one. We.. We really need to make sure she doesn't suffer from this."
"Yeah.. That's my biggest fear" she lowered her head.
"No, don't worry. We'll find a solution" Gladio returned right away, trying to be uplifting. 
"I hope you're right" she replied.
Afterwards, both remained silent for a few minutes, just taking in each others presence. Gladio was on the brink of crying, he was fighting hard.
"I'm surprised you're so.. Calm.." she broke their silence.
"Well,.. I.. I figured I had lost. From the moment I saw Ignis flirt with you, I knew my time was running out. When I was working out, I contemplated how to react when you'd break the news to me. At first I was convinced I'd beg you to stay.. Because that's what I want. But then I realized how selfish it would be. I love you.. And I only want what's best for you. And if someone else is better for you than me.. Then I'll support you getting with them. I decided to accept reality. All those past years, you've been rather cold to me - which is fine, I understand - so I tried to prepare for the worst" he explained, lowering his head once again, "But I don't feel prepared."
"I'm sorry" she apologized again. 
"Don't be. I should be the one apologizing. I kept secrets from you because I knew I'd lose you. That was wrong. I should've never betrayed you… because you honestly don't deserve that. While you were carrying the most wonderful gift one could ever ask for, suffering tremendous pain all the while, I went out to be the worst of a boyfriend I could possibly be" he frowned about his own behavior as he spoke, "You don't deserve this. You deserve better."
"As dumb as it may sound.. We all make mistakes. I still think that you're a good person. Aside from those mistakes, you've always been a good boyfriend. Yes, my pregnancy was shit. We were both acting up during that time. But I appreciate you. You will always have that special place in my heart. I will always love you in some way" she tried to comfort him, knowing that he was fighting his tears.
As she said that, he cracked a smile: "You'll always be special to me, too. And of course, I'll always love you."
Again, silence filled the room as the two just stared at each other, smiling faintly. "Can I .. Have a hug?" Gladio asked, feeling that his wall was about to crumble.. But he didn't want her to see.
"Anytime" she replied, smiling softly while she embraced him with her arms.
The second the former couple hugged, he started sobbing. He tried to suppress it.. But couldn't. Instead of showing her his face, he buried it in her neck. He wanted to take her in deeply one last time. At the same time, he didn't want her to feel guilty. Tears unwittingly left his eyes. He held her tightly, yet was so careful not to crush her. With each moment, his heart broke a little more. He lost her. He lost the one he loved so much because of his own mistakes. Probably to his best friend, too. She rubbed his back, tried her best to comfort him. After so many years of dating she knew how he was. She knew he didn't want her to witness this. It took him a while to finally regain his composure. Then they went to bed.. Just like they did through all those years.
For months, that cycle repeated. They had yet to figure out how all of this was supposed to work out. Their master plan was two connected houses. Or looking for two apartments that were in the same building, optimally even connected as well. Meanwhile, they slowly introduced to Heather that the love they shared was a different kind: a friendship one. She probably didn't quite understand that yet.. But she was happy for them nonetheless. She really was just a cheerful child.
Ignis and Gladio's ex got closer in no time. Yes, it hurt the shield greatly.. But he loved both these people so much, he tried his best to just be supportive. Eventually, they decided to start dating but they took it very slow. Heather wasn't supposed to know yet. But that also meant that Gladio received his final goodbye kiss. The former couple kissed one last time before she got together with Ignis. And that kiss lingered on his lips for ages. Probably forever.
As months passed by, they finally found two suitable apartments that weren't too expensive but wheelchair friendly. The contract was signed and within a few more days, they moved in, started living separately. It was a huge step for both of them. They missed each other.. But Gladio's ex at least had Ignis to dry her tears. 
Heather had a room at both their places. Her parents had keys to both apartments. They remained good friends after all. Sometimes they even had sleepovers, typically when Heather was sick. She was their top priority and whenever she was sick, she tended to cry for both her parents. She needed both of them. It was a little complicated but definitely manageable.
Gladio was willing to pay for both their apartments on top of all the bills. He still blamed himself for everything and refused to force another burden on his beloved ex by dropping his support. Of course, she highly appreciated it but she also began looking for minor jobs once her health allowed it. 
The relationship with Ignis and her was going incredibly good. He did everything for her, loved her endlessly. That she wasn't ready for too much physical intimacy didn't bother him. He knew her story and was willing to wait no matter how long it'd take. He was serious about this. And grateful that his best friend wasn't acting up about it. They remained friends, spoke about everything. Gladio never failed to remind him that he should better treat her right. 
The life of the former couple was changing greatly but their relationship even improved. They were better friends than they used to be. They were closer than they used to be. But nonetheless, they were separated. 
Deep inside, Gladiolus hoped that someday, he would be given another chance.. That someday, they could be the tiny family they always wanted to be. But if that someday would ever happen, was written in the stars.
Poll results:
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Masterlist ; 1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part  // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
68 notes · View notes
g0ldpainted · 6 years
Hello! I'm trying to work on a Prompto x OC fic where my character is getting through trauma, and it's gonna be a slow burn. I was wondering if I could tag you in it whenever it's posted?
Hey there :)
Of course, that sounds interesting! I’m looking forward to reading it! :3
Good luck with writing it!🍀☘️😊
2 notes · View notes
g0ldpainted · 6 years
Prompto cheating on S/O Part 3
Aah, it’s been a while! But here it finally is!
Poll results are at the bottom so I won’t give the “ending” away ^^.
1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Gladio cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
Words: 6,1k+ Genre: Angst, healing, heartbreak, being used Spoilers: Nope Trigger warnings: Eating disorder, depression, struggling with loving oneself
Perhaps they weren't meant to be. Perhaps they weren't good enough for him. Perhaps he found someone better. Perhaps he lied right into their face again. 
That’s all they could think of after he, once again, ditched them. They felt used, manipulated, taken advantage of. Their heart was aching from all his sweet talking which really was just another attempt at getting into their pants. And he won. All the feelings they harbored for their ex were painfully reminding them of what would probably never be the same again. They didn't believe they could ever find love again, much less that they were lovable. 
Did they even deserve love? Or were they just a fling? Someone that was only desirable for a night? Nothing made sense to them anymore, they were hurt and confused, overwhelmed by emotions. All they wanted was to be loved.. By Prompto. Or to at least be able to move on, cross him from the list, forget about him. But now that he had their phone number, could potentially reach them anytime, he was constantly on their mind. What if he'd call them? How would they react? What would they say? What would happen? 
He occupied their mind, almost stopped them from functioning again. Their self-destructive behavior wanted to take over so badly, wanted to cloud their mind with self-hatred all over again. After just two days of failing miserably at work, their performance dropping to an unacceptable state, their boss send them home on sick-leave. What they hadn't noticed - but all their coworkers did - was that their skin was pale, cheeks were red and eyes were puffy. They cut down on food again, were lacking vitamins and caught a fever in return. Their eyes were red from all the crying. 
Again, Prompto's behavior caused damage to their health.
Meanwhile, Prompto was utterly stressed, busy with projects. That night when he met his ex, when they last hooked up, he was informed that there were numerous events and projects he had to take part in. Thanks to that evening, thanks to his fake-girlfriend and her manager, he was given new opportunities that were beyond insane. They would push his career tremendously - he couldn't decline. Nonetheless, his ex never left his mind. He called them. Once, twice,.. Ten times.. But they never picked up. No one ever picked up. Prompto had no clue those calls didn't reach them.. Until an old man picked up and yelled at him. How dare him to call so often, he'd disturb him all the time and that he should finally stop. 
It was the wrong number. He never had his ex's phone number, to begin with. They accidentally switched the last two digits - but no one knew. In his eyes, perhaps his ex didn't want to get with him anymore. Not once did it cross his mind that it was an unintentional mistake, that this was a misunderstanding. So instead of bothering about their rejection, he focused on working. Working the sadness away. His performance wasn't exactly splendid, though. He was not at his full potential and when he showed his work to the first client, he noticed it too. The client was far from satisfied, still decided to take his work, decided to showcase it in his gallery but refused to pay as much. It wasn't going nearly as smooth as Prompto hoped it would. Most days, he ended up drinking all issues away. Sure, it was wrong.. But his heart ached, his fake-girlfriend annoyed him endlessly and his career wasn't going as good as it should. So bad did he want to celebrate his work with his ex, wanted them to be proud of him.. But that'd probably never happen, or so he thought. Not after what he did. 
Both were suffering, silently crying tears over their lost love. That they missed one another was no secret either. Every song, every movie or tv show reminded them of each other. Even cooking became a struggle as they used to share the same taste. And with each passing day, it just got worse. Both their lives weren't going according to what they had planned. Their career was crumbling, their health as well, unhealthy patterns snuck into their lives. They were struggling with living without the other.
Eventually, Prompto decided that after a stressful, unsuccessful day he should let the day come to an end by grabbing a few drinks at a bar. It was an impulsive idea that came to his mind the second he passed by a bar on his way home. No one seemed to be bothered by his presence, didn't care about him - which was quite rare nowadays - so he felt like he really had to take this opportunity and make the most of the night.
Little did he know that his ex, the one he'd still call his significant other any day, was also at that bar, drinking their issues away. Was that a good decision? No. Not at all. But every now and then, it won't hurt to get drunk. Especially not after they got demoted at work because of their lack of performance. By now it's been over a month since the couple last met, they couldn't have stayed home on sick-leave for that long. They returned after a week.. And then it went straight downhill. 
They were both trying to cope, get over the other but it wasn't as easy as they hoped it'd be. Never in a thousand years did either imagine they could run into each other - much less in a bar.
At first, they didn't see each other, both just sipped their drink while talking to strangers in an attempt to lift their mood but the more time passed, the emptier the bar was. As the clock struck 3am, the majority of the stools were left empty, there were only very few people left. Prompto and his ex were two of them. To avoid being lonely and find some company, Prompto switched and moved closer to them.. And closer.. And closer.. Until they sat beside each other.
"Good evening" a drunken Prompto unknowingly greeted his ex.
"Evening.." they replied, staring blankly at the glass in front of them.
"Why you here?" he slurred, taking a sip of his drink, "Is late, you must've a reason?"
"Demoted, missing my ex.." they admitted, sighing afterward, "Noting goin' right.. - what about you?"
"Sounds similar" he chuckled, "My career is goin' downhill, missing my love.."
"Hmmh" they nodded in agreement, "You into one night stands?"
Although they no longer believed in it, they just wanted something - anything - to take their mind off of Prompto. So far neither had realized who exactly was sitting beside them. Sure, they could've realized by their voices.. But they were too drunk to actually pay attention to it.
"Wanna fuck?" Prompto threw in, laughing as he fumbled around with the glass in his hands.
He wasn't serious.. But certainly wanted to test his limits. Honestly, at this rate, he wasn't sure if he'd deny it. It'd take his mind off as well and that was a nice thought. Perhaps this was exactly what he needed.
"Sure" they replied, briefly laughing, too.
"Mine? Yours? Bathroom stall?" he continued to joke.
"How 'bout all three?" they hopped in on the fun.
"Shouldn't we get to know each other first?" he suggested, slowly turning his head towards them.
"Well, my name is--" they started introducing themselves, turning their head as well and already holding out their hand for him to shake… but then they realized who he was.
Both their tiny, friendly smiles faded and their expressions froze in shock. Prompto's eye bags were extra red, the circles around his eyes surprisingly dark and he just seemed too tired. His ex, his S/O was dealing with similar issues. They had prominent eye bags and the same dark circles. The dullness in their eyes was old, he had probably seen it before. One thing was for sure, both were far from doing okay.
"You miss me?" he wondered, partly sobering up as his heart started racing.
"O-of c-course not" they snapped, shaking their head rapidly even though it was a lie - they missed him insanely much.
"How sad.." he sighed, taking a huge sip of his glass, "Because I.. I miss you."
"Oh c'mon, you said that before.." they groaned, rolling their eyes, "And then ya lied to me again."
"Don't speak 'bout lies if you lied, too" he returned, frowning.
"I didn't lie!" they randomly shouted, slamming their hand beside the glass.
"Then how come you gave me the wrong number?" he complained, his hands slowly forming fists from frustration.
"I didn't!" they returned, getting frustrated as their heart was about to burst out of their chest - they weren't ready for this.
Although they loved him, missed him dearly, their pride kept them from admitting it right away. He didn't deserve a fast victory either.. Not after cheating for so long. Not after taking so much from them.  
"But I couldn't reach you" he sighed, patting his pants for where his phone could possibly be to prove it to them. 
"Liar! You simply didn't call me" they argued, clutching onto their beverage.
Finally, when he found his phone, he quickly unlocked it, searched for their contact and threw his phone in front of them, right next to their glass.
"Here, have a look yourself. Something's off with that, I called an old man" he tried to remain as calm as possible, yet started getting upset.
Glancing down at the number, they were quick to realize that the last two digits were off. They were simply in the wrong order. It both infuriated and saddened them. They were infuriated about his.. Or their.. Mistake and sad because it meant all their issues were just a misunderstanding; Prompto never meant to come off as ignorant. Due to the alcohol, tears shot into their eyes right away.
"You can't even listen to me when I speak to you" they blamed him, pushing the phone back towards him, "It's 8 and then 1, not 18."
"Maybe you just didn’t say the right order.." he murmured as he changed their number and then proceeded to call them.
As they felt their phone vibrate, they sighed aloud, fearing it'd be their manager. They didn't even notice that it was Prompto who wanted to test the number to ensure it'd be the right one.
"Gimme a sec, I'm getting a call.." they mumbled, pulling their phone out of their pocket, "Unknown number… maybe my boss.."
Confused by them, Prompto just watched and slowly picked up his phone as well when he saw the call was answered.
"Hello?" they spoke into their phone. 
"You can hang up now" Prompto spoke into his phone.
As they realized it was Prompto testing their number, they groaned and immediately hung up, glaring at him right after for not telling them. That expression made him crack up, he was unable to hold back. It was that typical 'are you for real../seriously..' one that always made him laugh - especially because he thought they noticed he was dialing their number. Seeing him smile, laugh even, made them crack a smile as well. It was the noise they had missed for so long. It was the noise that comforted them, made them feel at home. It was the noise they heard at least five times a day year after year.
"So.. Are we really concluding that this whole thing was a misunderstanding?" he asked - after he was done laughing and admiring their smile. 
"I.. I'd say you just suck at listening" they shrugged, their mood lifting to a happier, less grumpy one.
"Yeah, maybe you're right" he held his hands up in surrender while smiling. 
In return, they just nodded. It had been quite a while since they had a normal conversation.. And right now they definitely longed for it. For him. Just some normal talking. Hearing his voice, hearing him breathe - nothing sexual at all. Okay, maybe a kiss.. But that'd require for them to let down their guard entirely.
"How have you been?" Prompto asked, sincerely staring into their eyes, "I feel like we never really had time to talk about that.."
"Honesty?" they started, scoffing lightly, "Pretty shit."
"How relatable" he chuckled, agreeing with them.
"So it's been the same for you?" they wondered, glancing over at him.
"Yeah, definitely" he agreed again, "As of recently, things are just not going right. My career is.. Uh.. Suffering. Which is unfortunate because I keep having amazing projects and opportunities.. But I just can't deliver."
"Six, it's the same for me" they shook their head in disbelief, "My boss demoted me because.. My performance has been getting worse.. At first I was on sick-leave because they all thought I was sick and.. Yeah I was.. But there's more to it than just having a fever.. So when I came back to work, I just.. Stopped meeting his expectations I guess."
"But you were still trying your best?" he threw in, taking another sip of his almost empty glass.
"I see, that.. That really does sound relatable."
They spent at least another hour talking about the most trivial things. Prompto introduced some of his works to them, works that were only shown in galleries and projects that he was currently working on and absolutely eager to see their reaction to - which was positive. They, on the other hand, told him about how their life had gone. From their struggles to their current job, they explained it all.. But spared him some details - basically everything about their mental health. Sooner or later they found themselves smiling and laughing while still drinking. Time flew by in a rush and before they knew it, the sun was already starting to come back up again.
"Hey, you two!" the bartender shouted, "We're closing in a few minutes."
"Alright" they nodded, wanting the guy to know they hear him. 
Instead of continuing their conversation, they both ended up chugging down whatever was left in their glass. Prompto's S/O was first to get up, then Prompto himself.
"Do you wanna.. Uh.. Come over for a bit more?" he suddenly suggested, biting his lip softly.
After going through positive and negative possibilities, they reluctantly agreed. They weren't 200% sure if they were ready for this, if they really wanted to go.. But they wanted to be with him for a little while longer. He was doing them good. And their apartment was a mess anyway. Aside from that, they were curious to see how he was living now that he was somewhat famous.
Without further do, Prompto called a taxi to take them home. He sure had a car parked in the city, but after drinking so thoroughly he really didn't want to drive anymore. It'd be irresponsible and dangerous to both of them and although his mind was incredibly clouded, he still knew that it'd be a bad idea.
While the two waited for the cab to arrive, they made fun of how neither of them could walk properly, both were tipsy and struggling to walk straight - and when Prompto almost ran against a pole, they couldn't hold back anymore. Those were moments they both missed the most: the fun moments. Getting drunk with the one they love, laughing about ridiculous things, being rather carefree. It really brought them back to old times, back to when they were dating. They even experienced their first time getting drunk together. There were so many first times they experienced, so many memories they made throughout all those years. And by the time they finally sat in the cab, it just kept getting better. Almost everything was funny to them, they could laugh about the tiniest things. The only thing that lowered their mood a little was when the driver asked if they had been dating and for how long. Either knew the answer but neither wanted to say it. However, the second an easy to sing song came on, their mood was back to the top.
Finally, when they arrived at his place, all they had left to do was stumble in. After Prompto caught them from almost falling up the stairs, they were absolutely done. Both had to sit down on the couch to calm down from all the laughing. Their stomachs hurt, ached terribly as they kept laughing. It was almost like the old times, as if nothing ever tore them apart. Since both were craving some delicious food now, Prompto took them to his kitchen. While they shared a bun, Prompto guided them through his new apartment.. Simply because he felt like he should. Perhaps he just hoped they'd come over more often and therefore needed to know where everything was located.
What was deemed inevitable finally happened: they started kissing while they stumbled back towards the couch. Prompto plumped down on it, his S/O got comfortable on his lap. His hands were roaming around their back, occasionally squeezing their sides. They clutched onto his face, held it gently but firmly while continuously kissing him. Neither could control themselves. Hot kisses, sweet kisses and even little pecks were exchanged along with some sensual touches. They were getting at it.. Again. Temptation and desire were taking over, making them lust for one another. 
Eventually, their shirts flew across the room, both were giving love to each others body. Prompto kissed their neck, ravaged their sweet spot effortlessly while they kept running their fingertips along his chest. It meant more to him than they could possibly imagine. Over the course of his entire life, weight had been his biggest issue. His own stretch marks bothered him endlessly. But more than that, he hated how his weight fluctuated. Some days he'll be rocking a sweet six pack, couple weeks later he'll have a little chub. Just looking at chocolate, cake or his favorite meals made him gain weight.. And that made him insecure. His S/O never cared - and that made them extremely special to him. No matter if he was going through a hard time, gaining weight a little too fast for his own taste or losing weight to the point it would be unhealthy, his S/O supported him, loved him regardless of it. In a world that's so superficial, their behavior, their endless love was rare. He highly appreciated it. Right now, his weight was going up again but not even for a second did he worry they'd reject him for it - they never did but that's exactly why their gentle caressing made his heart skip beats.
Little did he know that they felt incredibly insecure about their body ever since they broke up.
All their caressing came to a stop when Prompto snuck his hands down their pants. Sobering up combined with recalling what he did to them, how much damage he caused but how severely they still loved him even after all this time, made them tear up. While Prompto was convinced he was pleasuring them, they were actually on the brink of having a breakdown. But he couldn't see, couldn't know, their face was buried in his neck.
He sure was making them feel tingles but right now, their past was overwhelming them. They felt defenseless, incredibly vulnerable in his arms. Once again, he wrapped them around his fingers. He had them in his grip. They couldn't escape, couldn't deny their feelings for him that were still so evident. So hard did they try to tell themselves that he wasn't worth it, wouldn't want them anyway - they sincerely wanted to move on.. But they couldn't. Not when his eyes were the ones they wanted to wake up to every day, his smile was making their darkness fade, his touches warmed them from within and his kisses set their heart on fire. And those stupid jokes he kept making followed by that adorable laugh.. The way he knew exactly what would drive them crazy in every possible way, how they always supported each other.. They loved him. Everything about him. From those adorable freckles covering his body to the words he spoke to comfort them after a hard day - he was still perfect in their eyes. If only he hadn't betrayed them so severely. Even after all this time, it was still heart versus head.
"Prompto.. Please stop" they whined, a few tears leaking their eyes, sliding down their cheek until they touched his shoulder.
Immediately feeling bad for their outburst, they pulled back, wiped his shoulder clean before covering their eyes in shame. Of course, Prompto stopped right away, retracted both his hands from them. When he saw them cry, sob uncontrollably, his heart sank to rock bottom. Only minutes ago they had been laughing.. So why were they sad now?
"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?" he worried, carefully placing his hands on their arms to console them. 
"I can't take this.." they cried, shaking their head in disbelief.
"Honey.." he breathed out, trying to find words to say. 
"Please stop playing with my heart" they removed their hands to stare into his eyes, "I .. I can't.. i-it's killing me.."
Shocked by their expression, the glimpse of brokenness shining through their eyes, his own started filling with tears.
"I'm-.. I.. -.. I'm not" he stuttered. 
"I love you.. I love you so much.. I can't deny it.." they sobbed, "But I hate you for cheating on me.. I hate that you took the brightness from my eyes.. I've been struggling so much, you can't imagine.."
Instead of arguing or speaking at all, he decided to listen, to let them vent. It'd help him understand, too.
"Prompto, I passed out while walking down the stairs last year.. I spent weeks at the hospital.. My body was too weak, I didn't eat.. I wanted to be pretty, pretty like that model.. I'm aware my body has flaws and it'll always have them.." they broke to him, tears still freely running down their face, "But I didn't feel like I was good enough for you.. Maybe never was.. How it was possible that I gave you my all, but it wasn't enough to make you stay. Why did you search love from someone else?  I will never understand..."
All he could do was gulp, hearing their story broke his heart. He had no idea. 
"I-.. I.. Have an eating disorder. And depression. I haven't eaten properly in a week.. I can't.." they explained, lowering their head in shame, "I got better but then we met.. And I was convinced you were just using me.."
The more they said, the heavier his heart felt.
"I'm not the same as I used to be.. I've changed.." they concluded, "After being thrown out from my friend's place, almost losing my apartment, after being in high debt, I've finally found myself able to afford some furniture.. But now that I've been demoted I'll have to cancel my orders, save the money for food and medication.."
Unable to hold his tears back, a few slid down his cheek. Hearing how much his behavior influenced them and their life made him feel terrible - especially because it never had anything to do with them in the first place. He always considered them beautiful.. It was just a mixture of thrill and being seduced to no end that he couldn't control himself - which was no excuse, though. 
"I can't deny that I love you.. Six, Prompto, I was about to propose to you.." they recalled, "I'm.. Just.. -.. Don't mess with me. Please. I'm just trying to find peace and some kind of happiness.."
Recalling how beautiful the rings were they had gotten them made him regret everything even more. That he could even think about touching another person disgusted him.
"So.. Unless you plan on being serious with me.. Not just calling this a one night stand or fling.. Or whatever.. Then please let me go home now.." they pleaded, already glancing around to find their shirt.
For a few seconds, the room was filled with silence. They had nothing more to say and Prompto was overwhelmed with emotions. He never intended to hurt them so bad. 
"I'll take that as a.. As you telling me to leave then.." they mumbled, wiping some tears away while smiling sadly. 
They found their shirt laying right beside their bodies and quickly threw it over theirs to cover it. Right after they had gotten out of his lap, were turning their back to him, he grabbed their arm.
"No, please.. No .. Stay.." he begged, his own voice breaking, "S-sit down.. Let us talk.."
Glancing down at him, they realized he was crying, too.. And that sure made their heart ache even more. With his hand guiding them towards the spot beside him, they sat down. 
"I.. Six, (Y/N), I love you. I love you so much" he started, wiping his tears quickly, "I didn't know my actions caused so much irreparable damage.. I was such a fool.. - You're the most beautiful being I've ever met. From head to toe, inside and out, you're incredible. I'm so, so sorry you believe you're not good enough, not wonderful enough because of what I did. Please know that my behavior was never caused by you. You did nothing wrong. I loved coming home to see you, loved being with you but.. My foolishness, my stupidity made me give in to the ridiculous thrill of sleeping with someone else. She showed interest in me and after pointing out how well-known she was and that she needed photos of herself.. The thrill of being desired by a model.. Someone that could easily catch any guy ever.. It got to me. It just happened. I'll spare you the details.. But I take the full blame and responsibility for what this has caused. I was selfish, acting carelessly when I should've only ever cared about you."
This time, they decided to let him explain without interrupting him.
"You deserve all the honesty in the world.. So.. I must admit that my feelings for you did decrease eventually but only because I was blinded by pleasure and an undeniable lust..- I know.. It's gross to hear. As you can imagine, that wave of lust washed off in no time once that the thrill-aspect was gone. I-.. Uh.. Being with her was in no way comparable to being with you. Everything was so much better with you. If it wouldn't be for that stupid contract, I would've kicked her right out of the window. Her behavior was unacceptable. When I was sad about having lost you, my best friend, she literally gave me shit for it.. And I was done having it in no time" he continued, "I.. I missed you. But I had no idea where to find you.. I was ashamed of myself.. Of my actions and how disrespectful it was to you… Even now, I don't think I'm worthy of your time and you have no idea how grateful I am that you're actually here with me right now."
To emphasize on his words, he took their hands in his, gently rubbed his thumb across the back of it.
"After we met at that event, I was shaken up, grateful for the time I had with you and.. My feelings were all over the place. You're so wonderful. So, so absolutely wonderful. I,.. I felt that connection we used to have. In fact, I feel it right now. But after I called who I assumed was you and it turned out to be a guy, I believed you weren't actually interested in me.. That perhaps you really do hate me with all your being. And you’d have all the right to do so. My entire life sort of took a turn for the worse after that evening.. And it's because I'm longing for that connection we have. That.. You always feel like home. You always make me feel like I can be myself. No hiding, no pretending. Being with you, makes my heart race and feel whole. It's.. Hard to describe.. But maybe you know what I'm talking about" he explained in detail, letting his tears run free just like they did, "I just.. Love you. I love how we know all those little details about each other: favorite food, movie, music, writer,.. Song. And I love how we could take a bath without it turning sexual.. How comfortable we were with each other. Or how we always found stuff to talk about, never getting tired of each other's voice. You mean so much to me, (Y/N), please give me an opportunity to prove it."
As he mentioned the connection he felt, all they could do was smile. He was right. They felt it, too. It was that comfortable warmth, that ability to trust him enough to never hurt them physically, that bond that was still so strong even after so long and such a terrible mistake.
"I don't expect you to forgive me right away, hell, I don't expect you to forgive me at all.. But maybe.. I can show you that you're my world, my inspiration, my motivation - my muse. The one that I love with all my heart. I would do anything for you" he went on, biting his lip afterward, "If you give me another chance.. I promise I won't mess it up. A-and even if you don't want to.. Please let me help you with your bills. I don't want you to suffer any longer because of my mistakes.."
Hearing that they were his muse made them blush. There was no doubt they were willing to give him another chance simply because they loved him so dearly but.. They knew it'd have to take time. They couldn't just go from zero to dating in a few hours.. He needed to earn their full trust first.
"L-look Prompto.. I.. I would be willing to give you another chance BUT.. We need to take this slow. Not only are you still stuck in that contract but.. We also can't just start dating now. I don't trust you entirely yet.. And I want to be able to do that first.." they slowly gave in, their voice shaking.
"Wait, you wo-would really give me another chance?!" he proclaimed, his face lighting up right away but a fresh set of tears filling his eyes, too.
"Y-yes" they stuttered, smiling lightly, "Just.. Give me some time to h-heal first.."
While nodding rapidly, Prompto wrapped his arms around them and carefully pulled them into a tight hug. 
"Thank you, thank you so much" he whispered over and over again, every now and then placing a gentle kiss on their cheek, "I promise I won't waste this chance, I'll take care of you, help you on your road to recovery, I won't leave your side, I .. I'll always be there for you."
And so it happened that the couple found back to each other. They took it slow, very slow but in the end, their love prevailed. 
For the first few weeks, Prompto still stayed in his contract but the moment his S/O complained about it, he broke it off. It wasn't allowed and he had to pay a fine but he didn't regret it - not even for a single second. Instead of hiding his relationship, once his partner was comfortable enough, he took them out on dates, adventures, trips - anywhere they wanted to go. Just like they used to. He also resumed taking a ton of beautiful photographs of them, continued to call them his masterpiece. In a way, he recorded their healing journey. They became his project. Their experiences, their behavior, their body. All these ups and downs, the bumps on the road, he documented them - of course after asking for permission. Every photo he took represented their feelings. For example: on bad days, they were hiding beneath baggy clothes, on good days they wore tighter clothes. But there was more to it. He managed to capture their emotions, sadness, anger, frustration, beautifully. Yes, sometimes they got angry at him for just taking out the camera but once they saw the result, they understood. It was raw, real emotion wrapped up in a beautiful photograph. Taking photos of everything inspiring to him had always been a part of Prompto and they certainly didn't want to miss it.. Even if his timing was a little difficult at times. On top of it all, he also managed to cover intimate moments they shared along the way. Simple ones, nothing overly sensual. It really was going to be a wonderful project. Nonetheless, if it wouldn't have been for his S/O suggesting it, he wouldn't have used any of these photos to make profit. It was his private project, something he did for them and not the entire world. But a few of these photos were used to raise awareness for mental health. 
Of course, aside from taking photos, Prompto also supported his S/O in every possible way. He wasn't pressuring them to get better, getting angry when their weight dropped again, no, he always stood by their side, encouraged them. Not once did he scold them, lose patience - that didn't even cross his mind. He was proud of even the tiniest steps and made sure to let them know as best as he could. 
Eventually, big companies caught ahold of his name, praised his photographs that were used to raise awareness. It didn't take long before the couple was invited to events. Prompto even had to give a speech.. And that was when his S/O knew he was beyond serious. He made it all about them. Told the audience how proud he was of them and that they've come a long way. They were showered with love confessions by him. Sure, he could've mentioned that this entire thing was about them and their journey.. But instead he just decided to say that they inspired him, were his muse. He didn't want to share that they had been going through recovery.. That was something too private. Regardless of that, it was very cute and they knew he usually wouldn't have done that if he weren't serious. 
Both their careers were going uphill again - especially Prompto's. It didn't take long before they moved in with him again. His apartment was, by far, big enough for them. Although Prompto was quite of public interest now, he kept his relationship private. He only ever took his S/O along to events if they were really up for it. If they weren't feeling good, perhaps experienced anxiety just from thinking about it, he'd leave them some money to order their favorite food and some recommendations on movies or shows to watch. He really just wanted them to be okay.
In return, whenever he experienced a bad day, his S/O was right by his side, too. It was a healthy give-and-take. Neither were alone in their battles, they had each others support.
It sure was a hard and also very long road but they could find happiness again and returned stronger than ever. The future the high school sweethearts still had ahead of them was bound to be full of love and surprises. After three years of unconditional love and endless support, Prompto was the one to pop the question. In his eyes, it was appropriate to celebrate 12 years of loving each other by finally asking them to get married to him. It had been burning on his tongue at least a year before that but he always feared his timing was bad. But as he watched his S/O feed their cat and their dog, he melted. Something about them was so magical, it literally just dropped out of his mouth. Yeah, it wasn't really romantic but.. It was very cute.
Within another few years, they had a cute little bundle of joy running around their legs, drastically lighting up their lives and changing them just as much. It was an adorable little baby girl they both had been wishing for. 
In the end, they both archived their dreams and found their soulmate. Their bond was unbreakable. Sure, they fought, had stupid arguments but at the end of the day, it was still nothing but pure love. What seemed impossible for a short amount of time, became possible. They fought against all odds, won over their struggles. 
Together, they built a safe haven for their little family. Together, they were raising a wonderful young woman with all the love in the world. Together, they were ready to grow old. Together, they were stronger than anyone could ever be.
A/N: I wanted to leave the possibility open that they adopted the baby, that’s why I didn’t go into detail about it. c:
Poll results:
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It was so close, oml :’D
Masterlist ; 1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Gladio cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
65 notes · View notes
g0ldpainted · 6 years
21st December - CtC’17
King!Noctis cheating on fem!S/O Part 3
Hey guys! Awh, man. I’m so sorry I totally underestimated my schedule and have been busy until just today. Christmas is long over.. But better late than never, right? Gladio and Prompto part 3 will both be released within the next day.
Poll results are at the bottom so it won’t be spoilered and some kind of surprise? ^^ I wanted to include them as “proof”, tho.
1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part // Gladio cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3  // Prompto cheating 1; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
Words: 3,2k
Genre: Healing, separated, moving on / Slice of royal life
Spoilers: None
Trigger warning: cheating, depression, suicidal thoughts, mentions of self-harm
Living without the love of his life right by his side sure was far from pleasant for Noctis. While the king knew the time without her was bound to be more work for him, exhausting even, he never imagined that it'd be this severe. Not even a single day went by without his mind wandering towards his queen. He was far from working efficiently, didn't pay attention when he should and even fell asleep during important meetups. Ignis had to take notes for him to read later on. Any training with Gladiolus to maintain a fit body in case of war was put off because Noctis couldn't concentrate. The risk of him getting hurt anyhow was tremendously high. 
His days were long, his nights too short. On top of it all, Aiden often woke him in the middle of the night, cried for his mother. Noctis couldn't take her place - he never could. The only solution to this was calling his wife right then and there.
Much to his surprise she always picked up right away.
Noctis didn't know that his wife missed them just as badly, was constantly about to call them, needed to hear their voice and that they were okay. But she promised herself to take some time off and enjoy a casual life before returning. She knew she needed this. For once, she just needed to be selfish.. Although it broke her own heart over and over again. 
After one and a half month without her, Noctis was on the brink of insanity. He didn't catch enough sleep, felt alone, yet was overwhelmed with work. Even if he didn't feel like it, he still had to perform properly, be the king his nation needed. There was no taking a break from his royal duties. 
Meanwhile, his wife met old friends, new ones, too and actually had a great time. For the first time in years, she got drunk, appeared at the party of old friends, danced to music until her legs felt like they were about to fall off.. And even had guys hit on her. Of course, she never considered cheating. Even if her relationship with Noctis was on halt and they even considered each other exes, she clearly didn't want to. In her eyes, no matter what the future would hold for them, they'd always be somewhat together. On papers, they were still pronounced husband and wife, king and queen.. It was only their agreement to separate. She even still wore their ring. She didn't think of their relationship as over. To her, it was just on halt. So hooking up with another guy clearly wasn't an option. The furthest she went was to dance with them - but only if it was appropriate and they weren't being touchy. 
After a night of heavy drinking, she always called Noctis. He always lingered in her mind and she missed him especially much when she was drunk. Sometimes she shamelessly flirted with him, showered him with how much she loved him.. Until she fell asleep on the phone. As much as he appreciated those calls, he often ended up in tears. Tears because he missed her so much, tears because knowing how much she loved him warmed his heart. He just wanted to be able to hold her, apologize profoundly once again. To him, their relationship was torn. Broken but at the same time, not at all. Noctis feared his wife would meet someone new, would fall in love with a stranger and leave him for good. Back when they agreed on her taking a while off, he told her he wouldn't mind but really.. he did. He didn't want to lose her. Whenever he spoke to her - the amount gradually increasing - he started regretting his words, praying that she wouldn’t actually want to break it off entirely. However, when they confessed their love for each other - unfortunately when she was drunk - he found new hope.
Aiden, on the other hand, could only watch, didn't understand what was going on. All he knew was that his mother was gone, leaving him behind. That tiny bundle of joy felt neglected, was both upset and incredibly sad. He often asked to call his mother, asked if she was okay.. And even if she still loved him. Most days, he cried himself to sleep or simply woke up from crying. He eventually realized his father was too tired, didn't want to be a burden to him either. In the end, the couple's issues, Noctis' cheating, caused harm to their beloved son as well. At least uncle Prompto came to cheer him up as often as he possibly could. That was the only good thing this brought. 
Finally, after another half month of pure exhaustion came to an end, the queen announced her return. Aiden was overjoyed, suddenly forgot all the frustration he experienced but his father, Noctis, had mixed feelings. So far, he had no idea if his wife would actually return to him, if they would start over - hell, he didn't even know if she was doing fine, if she really felt better. All the talks they had were pretty trivial, usually about Aiden - unless the queen was drunk.. But she didn't really recall those.
The moment the car arrived at the front of the Citadel, Aiden begged his father to put him down. That little bundle of happiness could hardly hold back from running towards the car, Noctis had to hold onto his hand tightly to stop him. His heart beat a mile a minute when the car parked and Ignis got out - only the best for his wife. A simple employee wouldn't have been good enough, the king wanted her to feel at home, have someone to talk to for the long way home. Besides that, Ignis also suggested it. He took that as a chance to update the queen on current happenings in the world and Noctis' constantly worsening health. All the stress from working so hard, worrying so much and sleeping so horribly left a visible strain on him. There was no relaxing for him. Even when he took a bath, his muscles could not find relief. He couldn't find relief. Not once in those two months that felt like an eternity and certainly made him age 5 times faster. The king was drained of all energy, just wanted to rest for a little while. He was still excited for his queen, though. Excited and terrified at the same time, to be accurate.
So when the car stood before the stairs and Ignis slowly opened the back door for the queen, his heart began to race.
The second he saw her beautiful face, he teared up. Her skin was sun-kissed, her smile shining brighter than the sun ever could while the wind blew through her hair, making it flow perfectly. After thanking Ignis, she turned around to glance at the two loves of her life. For just a moment, all time stood still. The couple's eyes met.
"Mommy!!" Aiden shouted, quickly wobbling down the stairs.
It surely was surprising that he could walk to well already - however, the stairs were still a big obstacle. 
"Careful little man!" Noctis shouted, hurrying after him while his queen also started hurrying over to their son.
"Hey Aiden" she greeted him, smiling widely as she got down on her knees, hugging him to her.
"Mommy, I miss you" he pouted, hugging his mother with all his might.
"Awh, baby, I missed you, too" she replied, kissing his hair while she held his little body.
Noctis stopped before them, glanced down at them, held back tears that were threatening to fall. His body was shaking. Once they were done hugging, the queen got back up and immediately glanced into her husband's eyes. She could see his tears, could feel his pain and struggles. She could tell he was scared of losing her - yet, he had no reason to.. he just didn’t know that yet. Meanwhile, Aiden hugged her leg.
"Hey" she mumbled, smiling at him.
"Welcome home" Noctis murmured, the corners of his mouth slowly lifting into a smile. 
Looking into his dull eyes that were underlined with prominent eye bags and dark circles made her heart ache. His exhaustion wasn't deniable. He couldn't hide it. Somehow, his cheeks were also far more sunken in than they should be. Nonetheless, she saw the person she loved. And nothing, absolutely nothing in this world could change that. Instead of telling him that, she decided a quick gesture would help, too.
Without further do, she reached out towards him, ready to embrace him. But before she wrapped him into her arms, she placed a gentle and fairly surprising kiss on his lips. After the initial shock quickly washed off, Noctis kissed her back, wrapping her into his arms right after. Tears involuntarily leaked out of his eyes; this was something he had hoped for. This was the kiss he needed for so long. A simple, yet convenient way of letting him know it wasn't over, their relationship still had a chance. 
"Eww.." Aiden proclaimed, hiding his eyes behind his hands.
Unable to suppress her emotions, the queen giggled into their kiss, while she wrapped her arms around his neck. All the while, Noctis' hands found the comforting warmth of her hips. Once their lips separated, they pulled each other into a tight hug.
"I missed you" she whispered into Noctis' ear.
"Six,.. I missed you, too" he breathed into hers, closing his eyes briefly, taking in the moment.
Both didn’t seem to want to let go of each other. Those two months were the longest time they had been apart in years. But it was necessary, mandatory for them to reignite the spark of their love. The king now definitely realized how important and valuable his wife was - not only to the kingdom, but to him. Being without her was hard, almost unbearable to him. By now, he could no longer understand why he ever chose to cheat on his wife. It didn't make any sense to him anymore, just felt like the worse mistake he ever committed. That he almost lost her entirely had painfully sunken in and he was beyond grateful for his intuition telling him to arrive earlier that day. Imagining losing her was something he avoided as much as he could. It broke his heart. He didn't ever want to witness burying her. It was something he simply never wanted to have to go through.
It was the exact same for his queen. While she surely enjoyed the rather carefree time without any duties, she sincerely missed her tiny family. A vacation without them just didn't feel right. Incomplete. It was incomplete. From the laughs and giggles of their little bean to Noctis groaning when he stubbed his toe as he got into bed in the evening, she missed all those tiny moments. Hearing their voices through the phone simply wasn't the same. There were multiple occasions in which she was so close to returning to the Citadel.. But the moment she saw the scars on her wrist, the remembered why she was taking off. It was her time to heal, find peace within herself. Without informing Noctis, she actually sought professional help. This vacation was about bettering herself and not just partying and eating carelessly. It was about self-love. A journey that was supposed to help her come back to herself. Admittedly, she gained a few pounds but she knew Noctis wouldn't care. Weight had never been something that bothered him. And it honestly only proved that she was getting more comfortable with her body again. From her depression to her suicidal thoughts and body image issues - she thoroughly discussed it all with her therapist. Of course, she wasn't magically cured - that's not how this works - but she felt a lot better. And for the first time in a while, she could look into peoples eyes and confidently tell them that she was happy, looking forward to what her future with her little family holds.
After a long and very much needed hug, they finally created some distance between each other to take a good glance into one another's eyes. The longer Noctis stared into her vivid, sparkling eyes the more his own expression brightened. Seeing her so happy warmed his heart, made up for all the nights he couldn't sleep because he missed her.
"You look great" he complimented her, gently taking on of her hands in his in the process. 
"Thank you" she replied, flashing him her teeth. 
Before the king said another word, he slowly lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. That she still wore their wedding ring almost made him cry again. To say he was just a bit emotional would be an underestimation; he was utterly overwhelmed and overjoyed to see his wife return so happily. 
"Stap!" Aiden exclaimed, tugging on his mother's legs. 
"Shall I take your baggage to your shared bedroom?" Ignis interrupted their intimate moment, stood beside the couple with two heavy suitcases in his hands.
"Oh, yes, I'd appreciate that" she nodded, glancing over at her advisor, “Thank you, Ignis.”
"Should we also go inside?" Noctis suggested as he intertwined their fingers.
"Yeah" she replied, still smiling at her husband. 
After she picked up their son, they headed inside. Noctis had ensured the entire Citadel was as clean as it was humanly possible. The garden was groomed to perfection, her favorite flowers planted all over it. Seasonal decorations were in every corner, maids were already preparing a three-course-dinner for them including only her favorite food and as an icing on the cake, little Aiden even cleaned up his room for her - with the help of his father. Everything had to be perfect for the queen's arrival.
The couple spent the first hours constantly sharing innocent touches: when her hair fell forward, he brushed it behind her ear or when her hand was resting anywhere, he placed his’ on top. And whenever their son wasn't watching, they exchanged subtle pecks. Once they were done eating dinner, the queen brought out a bag full of little gifts. Of course, she couldn't stop thinking about her boys at home; whenever she saw something fitting either, she bought it. Along with some other gifts, Aiden's favorite was a huge stuffed moogle. Noctis had yet to receive his favorite gift.. later at night.
Before it was bedtime, they both played with Aiden, enjoyed some more minutes with him. When he started yawning, the queen read him a goodnight story and finally placed that reassuring kiss on his forehead that he missed so dearly. As he fell asleep, he clutched onto the new moogle. For the first time in 2 months, he could rest well. 
Now that his parents finally had some alone time, they were quick to head to their shared bedroom. They weren't tired yet, far from it actually, but they wanted the privacy they otherwise wouldn't have.
To ensure his dearest wouldn't be reminded of her darkest times, Noctis ordered for their bathroom to be renovated. The moment she noticed, she almost broke in tears. The sudden beauty of their once-so-gloomy room surely surprised her. Eventually, they found themselves sitting on their couch, watching the fire rustle in the chimney. The queen sat on her husband's lap, they continuously exchanged kisses, held each other tightly.
"I love you so much" she broke the silence by whispering against his lips.
"I love you too.." he replied, biting his own lip right after - he had more to say.
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity to take some time off. I.. I know it was hard for you. Your effort is greatly appreciated - really.. It's just.." she started speaking, "I'm sorry I put you through this. A-and not only you, Aiden, too."
"Please don't apologize. There's no denying that these two months were quite stressful and that we both missed you with all our hearts. But.. You know.. Seeing you shine so bright-.. It was worth it all.. And I would do it again, anytime" Noctis replied, running his hand along her back delicately, "You.. You own my heart. I've realized just how much you mean to me.. How special you are to me.. What a gorgeous human being you are. Your smile, your eyes, your cute nose and all those little moles scattered over your body.. Six, you're beautiful. Not just on the outside - on the inside, too. You always cared for me when I was sick, went through so many hard and terrifying moments with me.. I'm so grateful to call you my wife. On top of that, you gave me our wonderful son and your endless love. That I didn't treat it right is a shame. I'm terribly sorry and in deep regret that I hurt you so severely. To think.. That I could've lost you.. I don't even want to think about it. Please, don't ever hesitate to tell me when you need some time for yourself, are stressed out or feeling devastated. I love you so unbelievably much.. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know. I'll walk to the moon for you - or hell, anywhere you can imagine - "
Although he wanted to continue speaking, his wife cut him off by pressing her lips against his. She heard enough, understood what he was trying to get across.
"It's okay, Noctis. Let's focus on all those years ahead of us instead of the ones behind us" she shushed him by placing her index finger against his lips, "It'll only get better from now on."
Instead of replying he just nodded, returned the smile once the corners of her mouth lifted.
"Now excuse me for a second" she suddenly said before abruptly getting up and hurrying to the bathroom.
Confused and flabbergasted, Noctis was left behind. But not for long! Within another two minutes, his wife returned and his eyes almost popped out of their socket when her beauty caught his eye.
"Surprise~ What do you say?" she wondered, grinning as she posed lasciviously in her newly bought lingerie in Noctis' favorite color.
Unable to control his eyes from going up and down her body, eying every curve, he blushed furiously. That sight did things to him. The way it hugged her body, made her curves look absolutely gorgeous was completely irresistible. She was so perfect. Feeling that the way her body swayed was starting to cause a situation in his pants, he groaned and leaned back. For a few seconds, his eyes left her body. For a few seconds, he gasped for air and begged the six to not lose it right when he touches her. Seconds later, he covered his mouth and gazed right at her wonderful body again. 
"Absolutely stunning" he replied, grinning as she finally came closer to him.
The way her hips swayed mesmerized him, he couldn't take his eyes off her.
"Glad you like it" she murmured as she quickly sat back down in his lap and immediately started showering him with kisses, “We should celebrate our reunion, don’t you think?”
That night, Noctis unwrapped his gift painfully slow, took in every single second of it. Sleeping together was so much more than just the deed. It was connecting, sharing trust and intimacy, loving each other. That's exactly what they did to celebrate their reunion. After so many days of loneliness, both appreciated and even needed it. It was the ultimate 'I love you'-gesture they both needed to be reassured of. 
The queen's first public appearance after her sudden disappearance went viral. Everyone reported on it and stated how happy she was. The moment Noctis and even Aiden came into the picture, all cameras were flashing like crazy. It was undeniable that the royal couple was gradually getting happier. Their relationship was improving day by day. But that wasn't the only thing getting better - it was also the queen's health. Perhaps one day they'd decide to add another bundle of joy to their family. Perhaps that day was nearer than anyone imagined.
Poll results:
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2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
Masterlist ; 1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part // Gladio cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
98 notes · View notes
g0ldpainted · 6 years
25th December - CtC’17
Prompto experiencing his S/O in labor & how he handles a newborn child
Heya guys :3
This certainly most definitely was inspired by Robbie’s Christmas video on Twitter yesterday. Brb, still crying tears of joy. I’m so happy for them! :’)
I hope you all had a great Christmas! ♥
Words: 1400+
Genre: Fluff c:
Spoilers: Nope^^
After his S/O has entered labor, he's an absolute mess. Constantly torn between high pitched screaming, crying and laughing. On the brink of passing out from panic and hyperventilating. This boy is far from prepared - nothing in this world could ever prepare him for something so wonderful. Luckily he managed to drive to the hospital without any accidents or slip-ups - it all went surprisingly well for someone so nervous. Doctors give him some medication to calm him down otherwise he would probably faint right away. During all the hours of waiting and witnessing his S/O in pain, he tries his absolute best to console and reassure them. He'll whisper the sweetest things in his S/O's ear before making stupid jokes to lift their mood. Seeing them laugh and smile through their pain warms his heart. However, he doesn't realize he's about to meet his little offspring soon. It still feels surreal to him that he's going to be a father. 
By the time his S/O is giving birth, he's a blob of emotions. As much as he tries to hide it, stay strong for his spouse, he can't. Prompto's face is stained with tears in just a few seconds. Nonetheless, he remains by his S/O's side the entire time, keeps mumbling assuring words and praises into their ear and lets them squeeze his hands to their liking. He does everything he possibly can to ease their pain.
When their little baby screams, sees light for the first time, he absolutely loses is. Has to sit down in order to stay conscious. He's a goner when he sees his baby. Consider it love at first sight. When he witnesses how their little bundle of joy lies on its mother's chest and suddenly stops crying, he feels overjoyed, is beyond happy. The moment it's his turn to hold it, he feels so grateful and even a little proud of what they have accomplished. Its beauty truly amazes him. But it’s so fragile he fears to hurt it. After some reassuring words from his S/O he feels more confident, though. He sincerely savors this moment. Holding his own tiny human warms his heart so insanely much, he just keeps on crying happy tears.
After the initial shock washes off and they're taken to their hospital room, he feels the urge to tell his S/O how much he loves them over and over again. He promises to always be the best he can be for them and their baby. While his S/O rests up, he can't keep his eyes off their adorable little bean. He can't stop watching it, it fascinates him how such a cutie had been growing in his S/O for 9 months. Although he really wants to hold it, cuddle it, he holds back because it's already asleep again. Instead, he just gently holds his S/O’s hands.
The first time it starts to cry, he starts to panic and doesn't know what to do - unlike his S/O that's fairly calm and actually prepared. Turns out their baby is hungry. Watching his S/O feed their kid makes Prompto tear up all over again. It. Feels. Surreal. He's incredibly happy but doesn’t know how to handle his emotions and feelings yet.
For the next few days when his S/O and their child still have to stay at the hospital, he doesn’t leave their side for longer than an hour. Of course, all Chocobros are invited over, too, and he wants to be the proud dad showing off his baby to his best friends. 
Before they go home, Prompto asks Ignis for help regarding a surprise for his S/O and their baby. He wants them to be welcomed. Although he only imagined a banner and some balloons, Ignis goes all out of his way to throw a mini party. He bakes some majestic cake, sets up a ton of balloons, decorates their entire apartment and even gets some tiny gifts for the newborn. It's more than Prompto could've ever asked for - in return, he's endlessly grateful for what his friend did for his family. 
When they finally come back home, the Chocobros are waiting for them and once his S/O sees them, they're overwhelmed. It's a little too much for their baby but after a short tantrum, it's the cutest and most peaceful baby one could ask for.
And that's also how their first few weeks turn out to be like. Their baby is rather quiet and not fretful at all. 
Even though it's greatly appreciated that their child is so quiet, it also has Prompto worried endlessly. A lot of nights he wakes up panicking about his precious baby dying. Sometimes it also randomly hits him throughout the day. He generally triple-checks everything, is very protective of and careful with his baby.
While his S/O is the one that stays at home and Prompto is the one that still goes to work, he still helps as much as he possibly can with their baby. He doesn't mind changing diapers, doesn't mind getting up in the middle of the night to check on it when it cries, doesn't mind holding it for hours. He loves his kid with all his heart and is totally willing to do anything for it.
When it first smiles at him, he cries. It is, aside from his S/O's smile, the pretties he's ever seen. The first giggle makes his heart melt, it's the most adorable noise he's ever heard - and he doesn't ever want to miss out on it. 
Prompto is also that type of guy that gladly carries his baby with a sling through the entire city. He doesn't care about stares anyway and tells that little bean the best stories while they're out walking through the city.
Whenever he can, he takes a ton of pictures of their baby - he doesn't ever want to forget what a beauty he and his S/O created. One thing's for sure, this kid loves cameras. Whenever it sees its dad's camera, it reaches out to it or at least smiles brightly. Like father, like son ..or daughter, obvs. It makes him sad that he's so busy working but it makes him treasure their time together more. The bond he has with his little cutie is incredible. They kind of share a magical bond. The baby's face always lights up when it sees its father. It actually loves being held by its dad. Sometimes when it starts crying, Prompto is the only cure for it. He often spends night swinging back and forth in their rocking chair because that's the only thing that helps. He often has to sing or read a book, too, because his voice is what calms its baby entirely. Sure, that means he'll be sleep deprived at work but he couldn't care less. He'll do it again any day if that means his S/O will be relieved and his baby will find a peaceful rest.
Whenever he gets around to talking to his friends, you bet he'll brag on about how beautiful his kiddo is and how fast it is growing. But honestly, he got every right to be proud because that kid is a literal diamond. It's that type of kid anyone could wish for: incredibly cute, not too moody most of the time, giggly and very happy - just like him. It really is so much like his father, it's insane. 
From early days on, he'll play with his kid, savor every moment by taking adorable photos and go on family trips with it. He's looking forward to the family life ahead of him and can't wait to teach his little sweetheart how to draw and take great photographs. Also, he can't wait to pretend to be bad at Mario Kart when it plays with him. And, of course, he's excited about teaching it how to walk, talk, read and generally raise it. He just really loves being a parent and wants his tiny human to have a happy, love-filled childhood. A better childhood than he had.
You bet he'll teach it to love itself the moment he can. Any future bullies better learn how to run because Prompto is gonna go after them.. Well, or their parents. He also really wants his child to know that, no matter what, both its parents will support it. It shouldn’t ever feel like it has to hide something because its parents might neglect it if they found out - heck, no. They both love their child dearly and will always ensure to provide a safe, friendly environment for it.
His little family means his absolute world and he's beyond ready to give it his all.
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
24th December - CtC’17
How the chocobros spend Christmas with their S/O
Hey guys :)
Merry Christmas! I hope you had a great day!
We’re so close to this coming to an end, it actually makes me sad D: We got 3 more days to go: one for tomorrow, one to make up for missing the 1st December and one to make up for the 21st. I hope you could, so far, enjoy this.
Words: 2600+
Genre: Fluff I guess ^^
Spoilers: Late game spoilers for Ignis
The prince usually starts off the day by waking his S/O with breakfast in bed that he - for once - made himself. Much to everyone's surprise, he's not even that bad of a cook - he just doesn't like cooking. They'll both enjoy some early Christmas movies on TV while they eat their thorough breakfast. Intimate gifts are exchanged throughout the morning because they'll head over to the citadel in the evening and usually don't want the king to ruin it. Those gifts can be expensive jewelry, a photo book consisting of all the photos they took that year or also something that's a tad bit awkward such as plushies. They really just exchange gifts that they don't want the king to see, some other ones will be spared for later. After that, they'll just play some games before ultimately getting ready. Although it's really "just" Noctis' father and Regis always insists on how he doesn't want Noctis' partners to see him as the king, they both put on fancy clothes. While his S/O is still getting ready, Noctis cleans the place. Once either are dressed up and ready to go, it's actually Ignis that drives them to the citadel. But you bet Ignis will get a little gift and some hugs, too. Noctis won't just take his service for granted.
Regis only invites his son over for Christmas but he can, if he wants, bring his partner. Due to all the days Noctis' spent alone in his room, Regis loves to see him with some company. It also warms his heart to know that his usually so gloomy son can be so incredibly happy. He also firmly believes that Noctis won't just bring anyone to the citadel, only the lovers that he truly does love with all his being and knows he wants to keep forever. And that's true.
At the citadel, Regis will be waiting with a huge, luxury dinner. The place is covered in Christmas decorations and tons of lights - the tree is insane as well. Once the dinner is over, they'll just talk for a while - which is, admittedly, quite awkward for his S/O. It'll be Regis that leads them towards the chimney and tree to unpack some gifts. Of course, he got something for Noctis' potential spouse, too. And you bet that just makes this whole thing a little more awkward - especially if they'd only been dating for a bit - because that gift is bound to be expensive. Even if Regis doesn't want to admit it, since his dear wife died, he had been quite lonely, too. Now that Noctis' partly moved out, he just feels even lonelier and is always happy when his son comes around. Buying expensive gifts is one form for him to express his gratitude. However, of course, Noctis' S/O can't afford such a pricey gift.. But of course, they got one for the king as well. To be honest, it's quite the joke besides Regis' gift for them. Nonetheless, Regis is grateful. He would never complain about a "cheap" gift. 
To ease the mood a little, they might be playing some board games afterward while some alcohol flows. Yes, even Regis drinks like a madman. Sometime later, their ways will part. Noctis and his S/O will head to Noctis' room at the citadel. If they're gonna extend the night by some little lovemaking or not is up to them but you bet he'll cuddle them all night long and continuously shower them with kisses. 
He once again realizes that he loves them incredibly much and can't imagine anyone else besides him.
He'll be like a little kid. Full of excitement, happy, eyes shining brighter than anything. And he actually can't sleep because he's excited to spend Christmas with his S/O.. Instead of alone. Aside from that, he's looking forward to seeing his S/O's eyes when they see the gift he bought them. 
So, because he's full of excitement, he wakes up incredibly early. And he will definitely wake up S/O as well. He kisses their neck repeatedly and whispers that it's Christmas and time to get up. It's way too early.. Honestly, no one, except for Prompto, wants to get up that early. Once he's nagged his S/O for long enough, he'll get up and they'll start their day off by sharing a bath. Innocently. They'll cuddle, hold each other, help each other get clean while they talk about all kinds of things. Prompto will even give them a massage - which ends up taking them to a level of relaxation that almost makes them fall asleep again. Actually, he'll pamper them throughout the entire day. 
After that, he'll prepare some breakfast for them. That's typically heart-shaped or Christmas tree-shaped pancakes. You bet he'll take approximately 5k photos of every single situation. He really just wants this day to be full of happiness, even though he can be a little annoying at times. 
The moment he puts the plates on their table, he'll turn on some festive music. He's also totally rocking an ugly Christmas sweater and bought a matching one for his S/O. Once they're done eating breakfast, they'll bake some cookies together that they can snack later while watching some movie. While waiting for them to finish baking, he'll shower them with kisses and cuddles again. Prompto really is grateful that he has the love of his life by his side and won't have to spend Christmas alone like he usually does.
As soon as the cookies are done, they'll flop down on the couch and enjoy their favorite movie while, of course, snuggling. He'll run his hands through his S/O's hair and gently rub their back whenever he can. He's very touchy - yet never with any intentions other than showing them how much he loves them. They'll eventually take another nap and by the time they wake up in each other's arms, it's already time for dinner. Usually, Prompto would prefer going out as he isn't exactly the best cook but because he prefers to be a home, he tries his hardest to deliver them a proper, edible meal.
After eating, they'll get to unwrapping the gifts and he gets overly excited again. Watching them unwrap their gifts to carefully, ensuring not to damage the gift, makes him feel so warm inside he just really wants to hold them 24/7. But he manages to contain himself. When it's his turn, he's about ready to cry from joy. It's been a while since he received a gift on Christmas. And even then, he usually unwrapped it on his own while listening to some tunes. He actually starts tearing up when he sees what they got him. Being with them, spending his Christmas with them makes him so incredibly happy, he can't hold back some happy tears and himself from repeatedly telling them how much he loves them. All he needs to end the day on a perfect note is to hold them close to him, feel their heartbeat, hear them breathe.
Ignis: (this plays after ffxv = spoiler ahead!)
He's actually considering it a normal day and if it weren't for his S/O, he wouldn't do anything on it. No tree, no special food, no decorations - no nothing. That's how he usually spend Christmas. But now that he is stupidly in love, he actually wants to celebrate a little. Only with them, of course. 
Since he's used to getting up early due to his work as an advisor, he also gets up extremely early on Christmas. However, he ensures he won't wake his S/O, merely places a kiss on their cheek before crawling out of bed and heading into the kitchen. He starts his day off sipping some ebony coffee while cleaning, then proceeds to prepare some delicious breakfast for them. Just like Noctis, he'll treat them to breakfast in bed. Honestly, Noctis totally copied it from him. He surely asked Ignis for advice. To wake them, he gently rubs their back, draws hearts on their back and even gives them a careful massage before finally kissing them. While they eat breakfast, he'll turn on the TV so his S/O can watch an episode of their favorite show. He'll gladly listen to it, too. If they prefer to talk to him, he's all up for that, too. If they wanna cuddle a little more, he's totally in as well. This is a chill day, even for him, all he wants is to spend time with the one he treasures the most.
When they're finally ready to start the day, they'll take a shower together. After a more or less steamy shower (depending on how they feel), he'll invite them to join him on a walk through the nearby park. They walk with their hands intertwined and stop for some quick cuddling every now and then - basically whenever his S/O spots something romantic and feels the need to kiss their boyfriend. Ignis will totally treat them to ice cream or any other shop they pass by.. Only if it's opened, of course. After their walk, he actually has to start with dinner preparations. He really wants this dinner to be something special and memorable. This is the first time in a while that he's spending Christmas with someone he's comfortable with and that he loves with all his heart, this has to be special. He'll totally roll out a five-course meal. Only the best for his S/O. 
If they want to help, he'll gladly accept their help but he's also fine with them just watching some movie or texting some friends - really anything. But he'd certainly approve of them hugging him from behind and giving him some company. That's one of his weaknesses right there. 
Once the dinner is ready, they're definitely going to enjoy this fancy meal together at a table. Candlelight dinner style. He needs some help with the candles, though. Since he can’t see them it’s too dangerous. But while his S/O is lighting them up, he grabs some fine wine for them to savor. 
After they're done eating and literally rolling over to the Christmas tree, they're unwrapping gifts. Both decided against buying expensive stuff beforehand. For Ignis, Christmas wasn't about expensive gifts but being with someone he loves. Sure, he would buy them expensive stuff and he surely will someday but he does appreciate that they chose against doing so.. For now. He loves hearing how happy they are and totally melts when he unwraps his own gift. He just loves how much effort and thought they put into it.
At the end of the day, he's way too exhausted for any fun bed activity - the cooking wore him out as he really had to concentrate not to mess things up to accidentally reach out for the wrong spice. But he'll hold onto them tightly and shower them with kisses for as long as he can before he dozes off. That feeling, being so secure, so loved is what he missed for so long. He doesn't ever want to miss it again.
Honestly, the only reason he ever celebrated was Iris. He wanted her to have a good time. Due to his father being fairly cold and his mothers early passing, he never really felt like celebrating it, saw no point in it. But when he met his S/O, he eventually started changing his mind. 
On the morning of Christmas, he gets up fairly early. Not as early as Ignis would, but pretty close to it. The first thing he does is ruffle through their hair before going for a run and starting his workout. Unlike all the other chocobros, he won't make breakfast for his S/O. Why? He honestly didn't think of it. By the time he comes back, his S/O is already in the kitchen, preparing their food. He can't miss on a chance to hug them from behind and of course, is willing to help them. However, him helping them ends up in lots of butt squeezing and sexual innuendos. They actually have to pause making food to join him for some steamy shower action. Afterwards, the couple resumes to preparing their late breakfast. It could easily be considered early lunch, though. While they're eating, Gladio starts taking over. He turns on some Christmas music and starts setting the mood. 
Since it's the last opportunity for this year, they head to a Christmas market right after. They quickly find themselves drawn to some glass ornaments that they immediately buy. Gladio also buys the jewelry that his S/O thought about buying. Honestly, anything his S/O likes, he’ll buy. On top of that, they're also drinking some glogg. Time flies if you're having fun!
Because they're a little late, they skip watching some movie and instead immediately hop into preparations for when Iris comes over. Although Gladiolus wishes to just be alone with his S/O all day so he could devour them over and over again, he can't bring himself to decline his sister coming over. He loves her, too, and the thought of her spending Christmas all alone makes him sad.
Once she's arrived, the table is already set and some cake is arranged. This time, Gladio managed to help making the cake and actually shared lots of laughs with his S/O instead of building up some sexual tension between them. Needlessly to say, Iris is very happy and grateful she's allowed to come over. Honestly, she can probably read her brothers face and knows exactly what's up. At first, it's not planned that she stays for dinner - but she does. While his S/O prepares dinner, Iris and Gladio play some random board game. But whenever his beloved S/O calls, he's up and ready to help. Also, he asked if he should help before he started playing with Iris.
When they're eating dinner, Iris actually spills that she got some gifts for both of them. They're self-made which makes this all the cuter. Of course, Gladio got something for her as well. In the name of him and his S/O, he hands it over as well. Seeing her eyes shine so brightly with that huge smile all over her face warms his heart tremendously. He's glad that he didn't deny her coming over - he would've regretted that.
Once she leaves, he's ready to return all attention back to his S/O. After he cleans up, they're watching some Christmas movie while cuddling. Right as it's over, Gladio remembers he actually had a surprise planned for them. Even though they both decided against buying gifts for one another, he couldn't hold back. It wasn't something expensive though.
While they wait for him to return, he changes his clothes into some Sexy Santa costume. And it's literally just a Christmas mankini and a matching beanie. Only. Covering. His. Privates. Honestly, it was more fun than him actually thinking he looked good in that but he couldn't resist buying it. Now, the gift wasn't exactly him wearing this.. But how he'd take care of them. 
Once he's gotten over how surprisingly good he looks in it, he confidently heads out to his S/O who's eyes immediately pop out. Funny but still eye candy. You bet they started making out right away and that quickly escalated into him finally getting his proper dessert.. And then it went further and further until both ended up falling asleep beside each other, naked and only covered by a blanket. This was about them, he wanted to make them feel as good as he could. And he definitely succeeded. As he woke up in the middle of the night, their peaceful face turned towards him, he feels his heart die from such cuteness. He loves them with all his heart and he always would.
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
23rd December - CtC’17
Ignis + his S/O’s life after the “incident”
Hey guys! :3
Just fyi, this idea goes well with Ignis & his S/O meeting for the first time after “the incident” and Ignis reacting to a pregnancy announcement.
This contains spoilers for the endgame!
Words: 2200+
Genre: Slice of life
Spoilers: YES! Spoilers for both the FFXV endgame!
Trigger Warnings: Don’t think any are needed - if you think so, feel free to hit me up and I’ll correct it :)
Being a blind advisor was far from easy. It was even worse that he never had enough time to properly adjust to his new life. The moment Noctis woke up and was ready to continue his journey, Ignis was also back up on his feet. Being as stubborn and selfless as he always was, he surely accompanied him. He'd stick to the prince until the very end - and he did. 
After the world was covered by darkness and Noctis had entered the crystal, Ignis was on his way back home. His girlfriend already knew about the incident, even managed to visit him in Altissia. She sure was devastated but she knew she would always stick to his side. There was no way she'd leave him. They considered themselves soulmates, never failed to shower one another with love - but now they were facing a new challenge.
For the sake of monitoring Ignis and ensuring he wouldn't accidentally hurt himself, his girlfriend moved in with him. It was important that he'd stay in his home, in an environment he knew by heart. But it was also mandatory that he wouldn't be alone - so this was the perfect opportunity to take their relationship one step further. 
Especially the first weeks were filled with frustration and anger. Ignis bumped into furniture, stumbled up and fell down the stairs, cut himself while trying to cook,.. The list went on and on. Every once so familiar movement had to be re-learned. Although he never meant to, he did take his anger out on his beloved S/O. They often ended up fighting - which just further frustrated him as he couldn't see her expression and how she felt about it. He only heard her voice. If she was only acting tough, tears were already running down her cheek, he wouldn't know. To say the first months were anyhow easy would be a tremendous lie - they were far from it. Ignis often felt helpless. He couldn't read incoming bills anymore, couldn't make a payment on his own, couldn't drive, couldn't go shopping on his own, couldn't even go out for hunts as he simply couldn’t fight. There were so many things he simply couldn't do anymore, so many tasks his S/O had to take over - he felt utterly terrible. 
It took him a while to find some motivation to improve but once he finally found it, he was determined to work hard. Eventually, his senses finally adjusted as well - which made this whole situation a lot easier. Nonetheless, it was still a struggle and the whole process certainly wasn't fast enough for him. He wanted to lift all pressure off his girlfriend, wanted to become as independent as he possibly could. 
Ignis attempted to cook on his own, asked his girlfriend to write a letter to contractors providing any kind of service to him, asking for them to send the bills in braille. On top of that, simply to have some distraction, he bought books in braille. Together with his dearest S/O, he learned how to read it and with those books, he could at least still follow his favorite calming hobby. Aside from that he started leaving his apartment, he was no longer staying inside, sulking. However, he was a little too eager for his S/O. She didn't want him to leave on his own so shortly after the incident. She wanted him to rest up and let his burns heal instead. An exception would've been if someone had accompanied him - but that was not the case. She frequently arrived at home and was met with an empty apartment. The cherry on the icing was that Ignis didn't take his phone with him. So, full of worry, his S/O rushed through the city, almost had a breakdown because she feared for the worst.. Only to come back home with a tear-stained face, finding him in the kitchen cooking their dinner. Instead of Ignis letting out his anger and frustration on his S/O, it was her turn to vent. In the end, they set different ringtones for each caller and activated voice control on his phone. That way, even if he wouldn't use it anymore, she could at least reach him at any time. 
The more months passed by, the more confident Ignis became in his abilities. Walking freely was no issue in their house and closest surroundings, cooking was good again as long as he knew where the ingredients were and spices weren't moved - he could easily engage in life again. With his confident boost came the longing for his S/O. For months he had been to shy to try anything sexual but now he was actually eager to give it a shot. It sure was different not being able to see his partner but it was also incredibly exciting. He started to notice the tiniest moves, could read their body language so much better - as long as he felt it. 
Their relationship gradually improved while they explored and experienced all-new options together. Suddenly, his disability didn't matter anymore. It didn't stop him from living his life to the fullest. Thanks to Gladio's help, he even managed to regain his fighting ability. He was no longer nearly as helpless as he used to be and that benefitted all his relationships greatly. Sooner or later no one longer recognized him as the advisor that lost his vision and purpose but as the advisor who didn't need his vision to be brilliant. 
For a few years, everything seemed to go great. There were little to no troubles, Ignis kept adjusting amazingly to the point he no longer required any kind of assistance unless he actually had to see something. It was when his now-wife announced their pregnancy, that they were faced with new challenges. They had to set up a room for their child, had some preparations to do. Both were uncertain about how this would work out. But before they knew it, a tiny bundle of joy was born into their family. They were both incredibly grateful and immediately fell in love with it. But at the same time, Ignis was silently weeping, crying about how he couldn't see its faces and would never witness their first crawls or first time standing on its feet. He hated the thought of not being able to enjoy these moments. Although he carefully caressed the body of his kid, mainly its face, to get it memorized, it clearly wasn't the same. He could only use his imagination for a clear picture of their child. It really beat him up knowing that he was forced to be the more-or-less passive parent. There was a lot he couldn't do, a lot that was exclusive to his wife but also a lot he simply refused to do out of fear he'd hurt the little bean. 
Throughout their child's entire first two years, Ignis could hardly help his wife. She didn’t mind, not once complained. But now it was time to take some responsibility as well. His wife was no longer on maternity leave, had to go back to work, so he often found himself home alone with their little bean. Although it was great that it could already move around so freely, it also was a lot of trouble to Ignis. TV's, radio's - any kind of music and noise-making thing - had to be turned off so he could hear his child roam around the house. Thankfully, Ignis was still - by far - faster than his little devil, catching up with it wasn't hard at all. It was only hard finding out what it was planning or already doing. At least it was easy to keep the little bean busy. From playing inside with some toys, Lego, Playmobil or Barbies, to building a sandcastle at a public playground, Ignis did it all. He gladly spent time with his child, enjoyed hearing it laugh and giggle. Much to Ignis' dismay, playing in the snow in winter was his kid's favorite activity, so, of course, he joined in on those as well.
"Dearest, it seems it snowed some, do you want to build a snowman?" Ignis asked his little sprouse that was currently sitting on his lap, fondling around with some of his books.
"A snowman!?" it replied, glancing up at its father with widened eyes.
"Yes. Let's surprise mommy and build her one" he suggested, slowly helping his child slide down onto the ground so they could get going to their garden.
"Awesome!" his child exclaimed, running towards the door leading to the garden.
"Not so fast, champ!" Ignis called out, hurrying after it, "We need you to wear proper clothing first."
After reaching the door, Ignis started patting for his kid's jacket and shoes, then hastily helped put them on. Once his little cutie was all dressed up and ready, Ignis dressed himself.. Accidentally put on his wife's shoes on first, though. Today wouldn't be his day, nothing would go right. Or at least that's what he was convinced off as he stumbled out into their garden, almost falling as he slipped. Their child had made its way into the garden before its father even wore his jacket. Ignis could hear how it was walking around. 
"Daddy, right here!" it called out, pointing at a spot for where to build the snowman. 
Instinctively turning his head towards the direction he heard the noise from, he nodded, then he slowly started approaching it. It was then that he realized just how much it had snowed as his shoes and parts of his pants were getting soaked. 
"No, you walked over it!" his kid complained as he apparently walked past the designated spot. 
Sighing, he took a few steps back until his tiny bean was happy.
"Did you build a snowman with your mom before?" he asked, slowly kneeling down to form a snowball in his hands.
"I did! But it melted before you could see it" it replied, pouting lightly. 
As he took note of the tone his child spoke in changed, he knew it was potentially pouting and carefully reached out towards it's cheek to stroke it.
"I'm sure you did a good job" he encouraged it.
"Yes.." it whispered.
After a quick, reassuring hug, Ignis and his child started rolling snowballs and slowly building their snowman. Every now and then, Ignis was hit by a snowball - clearly coming from his child who wanted to tease him. Although he knew he probably wouldn't hit it anyway, he refused to throw some back. The risk was too high that he would accidentally take up some stones into the snowball and end up injuring his child. Instead, he just laughed about it and congratulated his sprouse whenever it landed a hit and didn't miss. 
However, this still wasn't exactly Ignis' day. 
Since he couldn't see what was ahead of him, he didn't notice that a branch had fallen off their tree. On his way back to the snowman, he tripped over it and landed face first in the snow. While shivers ran down his spine and his face immediately started to freeze, his kid giggled, made fun of how clumsy its father was. On the bright side, at least he couldn't break his glasses since he didn't need them anymore.
"You.. Little.." he grumbled, grinning as he could easily locate his child, then rushed over to it.
Instead of tickling it, which was something it hated, he picked it up and carefully swung it around. The only trees their garden had were very tall, he was confident that no branch was low enough to reach them - and he was right. It's too bad that he didn't consider his balancing issues that sometimes tended to occur when the ground was fairly soft. His left foot accidentally slipped on ice while his right one still stood on snow - but nonetheless, he fell over, with his child in his arms. They didn't just fall anywhere, they fell right into their snowman. Ignis ensured his kid would only land on him, held it tight to his chest while his own back crashed into their almost finished snowman. Needlessly to say, it fell apart.
"What're you doing?!" his S/O laughed from the door, watching her husband lie in the snow and their child run towards her, "Careful sweety, there's ice everywhere."
Groaning, Ignis slowly got up. Ice really was his worst enemy nowadays. He couldn't see it, couldn't hear it, couldn't smell it - it was just there.
"Did you injure yourself, Iggy?" she called out to him.
"Mommy our snowman is dead" their child whined, interrupting her by pulling on her sweatshirt.
"Ugh, I'm fine.." Ignis murmured, carefully walking back to the entrance while he was upset about himself - once again did his disability get in the way.
"We'll build a new one with daddy's help later, okay?" his wife suggested to their child which immediately nodded, "Good, sounds like a deal then."
Although Ignis really didn't like winter and anything associated with it, he was glad to be spending time with the two most important people in his life. He loved them both dearly and really appreciated how patient they were being with him. That was something he really didn't take for granted. The only thing he really didn't appreciate was all those bruises from falling over and over again… But he would take on all challenges in his life to be the best father he could possibly be. Because that's exactly what his little angel deserved.
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
When will cheating gladio come out??? I'm so excited to read it!!!!
Yay! I’m glad to hear!
Part 3 will be released on the 31st December - therefore after the strawpoll for their future as couple closes on the 30th. c:
Just FYI: I’m currently writing Noctis’ part 3 and Prompto’s part 3 - they will also be released this year. :) 
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
22nd December - CtC’17
Gladiolus cheating on fem!S/O Part 2
Heya guys! Here it finally is! :D
1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
Words: 2900+
Genre: Angst, heartbreak, betrayal, lies
Spoilers: None
Trigger warnings: Cheating, depression, disability
Roughly three years had passed since Gladio's beloved girlfriend had a terrible stroke resulting in brain damage. It's also been three years since Gladiolus dared to cheat on her with two girls at the same time. And, of course, it's been three years since their daughter was born. 
To say those years were anyhow easy would be a huge lie. After Gladio's S/O woke up, she couldn't speak, couldn't walk and her right side was paralyzed. Their daughter had to be brought to life by a cesarean. But even after the little angel was laid down on her mother's chest, her mother could barely hold her.
She spent months in therapy. Her talking, reading and writing all had to be worked on along with her movements. There was still hope for her to - at least partly - regain control of her right side again. The little glimpse of hope that she could potentially move properly again, was enough to commit to all kinds of therapy. But that meant sacrificing time with her precious baby girl and forcing Gladiolus to work harder.
While her ability to talk came back faster than anyone expected, her writing and reading were still lacking months later. She still struggled to comprehend the words shown to her and couldn't write the majority of it. It certainly didn't help that she used to be right-handed and could no longer use that hand. She really had to start over learning how to write.
Although she could somewhat communicate again within a few months, she usually refused to - at least with her boyfriend. Her heart hurt whenever she saw Gladio; she very well remembered what he did, it was engraved in her heart and brain. It was truly unfortunate that she completely depended on him. From paying her bills to helping her take a bath - he had to do it all. On top of that, it was also him who took care of their beautiful daughter most of the time. Especially the first five months were absolute hell. There was no way his S/O could live on her own. Gladio had to help with every possible thing. Not only did it embarrass his girlfriend, it also made them feel like a complete burden. The biggest issue was their apartment. It was tiny and on the second floor, which meant Gladiolus had to carry his S/O up because the building didn't have an elevator. And their rooms were pretty full, doorframes were rather small - it was far from wheelchair friendly. It was absolutely no secret that they had to move.. But they really didn't have the money for it.
One might believe that Gladio was paid well during his time by Noctis' side - and he was.. But nowadays everything was thrice as expensive. He actually paid a majority of his girlfriend's bills with what he had saved up. The caretakers and nannies were incredibly expensive, too. When he was out to work, those had to be called in to help his S/O.
Needlessly to say, either weren't happy about the situation they were in. To know that their daughter was missing out on time with both her parents just made it worse - they really wanted to have more time for her. The only good news they ever received in those five months, except for their baby being born healthy and fine, was that the preeclampsia - that was now considered just eclampsia - slowly snuck its way out of their life.
Even after his S/O started speaking again, she only ever spoke to their daughter. Only mandatory words were spoken to her boyfriend. She didn't know what to tell him and didn't feel like he deserved to be thanked for all he did. Sure, she appreciated his help.. But he brought it on himself. If he had been with her, every complication could've been prevented. She would've never suffered such huge damage. Although she still loved him, her heart was broken. Broken from what he did. It really surprised her that he didn't seem to be meeting any females anymore - after all, his main reason seemed to be that he needed physical reassurance that his then-pregnant girlfriend couldn't provide. Nowadays she still refused to even let him kiss her. If anything, she expected him to have a couple of so-called fuck buddies by now. But that didn't seem to be the case. Instead, he was a hard-working, very caring boyfriend that certainly stayed faithful. All he wanted was for his little family to be okay. 
Knowing he was the one that caused his girlfriend's state bothered him greatly. There was no day passing by without him regretting what he did. To say he hated himself for it would be an underestimation. There was much more despise for himself than anyone could ever imagine. With the help of Ignis, he managed to turn that anger into something beautiful, though. He decided he wanted to change for the better, wanted to be the boyfriend his girlfriend deserved and a father that provides a wonderful life for his daughter. Both his girls meant the world to him. He really wanted to make up for his huge mistake, wanted to fix what he tore apart. And he really wanted his girlfriend to know how much she meant to him - even if she refused to speak to him. 
That's why, once her state was stable and she no longer had to rely on him for every tiny move, he decided to go on long hunts - those that tended to be further away and required a multiple day stays. They were the most beneficial and surely spiked up their bank account. While he was gone, it was usually Ignis and a caretaker coming over to help. Ignis had offered his help shortly after Gladio's S/O's damage was revealed but right after she woke, her condition was utterly terrible, professionals had to help her then. But now that she was gradually getting better at everyday life tasks, Ignis was enough of a help. The caretaker was only needed for daily checkups and to aid her physical therapy.
It was truly a miracle that she managed to improve so quickly.
While she still struggled to move the majority of her right side and her zero feeling in it, she was quick to manage to carry her baby. She was determined to hold her like any mother could. She was her motivation. It was bad enough that they couldn't bond properly after she was born; it was her goal to be the mother her daughter needed.
With that in mind, the pain and the suffering she was going through was bearable. Seeing that beautiful tiny human smile at her always warmed her heart. She looked so much like her father, from her lips to her facial features, she had his eyes and even her skin tone was going more in his' direction. At least she inherited her mother's hair color and her lip shape. It was a truly beautiful child.. And so lively, too.
Time flew by with that motivation in mind and before the couple knew, their 9th anniversary was coming up.
"(Y/N), can I.. Can we talk?" Gladiolus stood at the door leading to their daughter's room, leaning against it's frame.
Glancing over her shoulder, his S/O stared at him for a couple of seconds, trying to read him, before shrugging. Then she turned her attention back at their daughter who was, now, peacefully sleeping in her bed after her mother had read a book to her.
"I'd appreciate it.." he murmured, slowly and quietly stepping inside, reaching out for his the wheelchair in which his girlfriend was sitting.
The second he started pushing her out of the room, his S/O sighed. She loved watching their daughter sleep - it was when she was the most peaceful.
"I've been thinking…" he started, biting his lip hard, "Our 9th anniversary is coming up.. And I was wondering.. What we should do for it."
Instead of speaking, his girlfriend just nodded, letting him know she was listening. Once they were out of their daughter's room, he gently closed the door, then proceeded to push his girl towards their living room. Even though they had removed some furniture to make some extra space, it was barely enough. They still had to move eventually. 
"Do you want to sit on the couch?" he asked, walking around the wheelchair to look at her.
Again, she just nodded in return. There was no use in speaking to him yet. He then carefully picked her up and helped her sit on the couch. She still didn't have enough power over and strength in her right arm to actively lift herself up.
"Have you thought about.. Anything you'd like to do on our anniversary?" he asked softly, sitting down beside her and taking her hand in his'.
Smiling sadly, she lowered her head. It felt surreal to think they had been together for nine years already. Nine years that started so well, were so full of love until she fell pregnant. It still hurt her to know that their bundle of joy ended up unwillingly causing so much damage to their relationship, yet it was all they ever wanted back then.
"Any wish you have? Something we haven't done in a while?" he continued to speak out some questions, "I'm sure Ignis would be willing to take care of Heather."
"I don't know.." she whispered, keeping her eyes focused on the floor, "We.. We haven't celebrated our anniversary ever since she was born."
"Then don't you think it's about time to celebrate it once again?" he wondered, squeezing her hand softly. 
"I.. Don't know.." she repeated.  
"Don't you want to..?" 
"Gladio…" she sighed, "What are you expecting me to say?"
"I just.. - I was hoping for an answer" he replied, "We can take Heather with us if you want."
"That's not it.." she mumbled, shaking her head in disbelief, "Do you honestly believe that I could just forget what you did?"
At that, his eyes widened. In those three years since her stroke, they never once spoke about it. He never apologized. Gladiolus didn't want to pour salt on her wound and she couldn't speak about it.. It hurt too much. It still did.
"Not only did you seek out females to potentially hook up with - or at least exchange nudes and videos with - .. You also went right ahead to have sex with two of them.." she murmured, bringing all memories back, "You walked right out on me even after I told you I wasn't feeling good."
His heart began to race while hers felt like it was about to burst. She had withheld those feelings for too long.
"Gladio, I was pregnant with our Heather and you were well aware of how much pain I was going through," she continued to state her point of view, "That didn't stop you from complaining, though. You-.. I-.. You made me feel terrible about myself and the situation I was in. Not only did you complain about how much work I was and how useless I had been, you also made me feel incredibly bad about my appearance and condition and-.."
As she tried to go on, her voice cracked. There was too much pain linked to his actions, she couldn't hold back. 
"I know I shouldn't have checked your phone-.. But I- I was scared. Then you.. were so angry. You made sure to point out how you were tired of my body - as if that's all I've ever been.. - and that I was pissing you off.. And then-.." she sobbed, "Then you just left."
"(Y/N).." he breathed out, searching for words.
"My body started acting up and I was.. I was trying to reach my phone that was still on the ground.. I almost fell on my stomach, on our daughter on my way. My vision was blurry and I could barely make out the list.. I must've used face time instead of the normal calling function but by the time I realized that it was too late.. I had-.. I had seen it all.." she went on, tears slowly welling up in her eyes, "You had a threesome. A very.. Extensive one. You cheated on me. Not only virtually but physically, too."
His gaze dropped to the ground the moment he saw her tears. The tear-stained face he saw on his phone three years ago still haunted him at night. She seemed to broken and lifeless, he was scared he had lost the two most treasured people in his life. His daughter and his girlfriend.
"You knew it'd hurt me. You knew that by sleeping with those girls, you were betraying me and were willing to take the risk of losing me.." she whispered, fighting hard to hold back her tears, "You probably thought I'd never find out… It's too bad I witnessed it with my own eyes."
"I-.. I messed up. I know.. Bu-.."
"You never apologized to me, just pretended it didn't happen. And look what I am now.." she shook her head in disbelief once more, "I'm a burden.. A damn cripple."
"That's not tr-"
"Don't say that it's not true when we both know it is" the raised her voice lightly, "I know that my treatment is very expensive. My therapy, my wheelchair, my caretaker. And because we have a wonderful daughter, too, you're working four times as hard as you used to. But I don't hear you complaining anymore - now that I'm absolutely useless."
"That's because I'm aware I almost lost both of you and I'm grateful for my second chan-"
"So you needed me to endure tremendous pain, almost die, to realize that you do want to be with me?" she asked, frowning as she finally lift her head to look at him, "Was me being pregnant and in pain not good enough?"
"Tha-.. No.. I mean, yes.. - I always knew I wanted to be with you, I still do, but I needed to realize just how much I truly loved you" he explained, knowing he was sounding ridiculous. 
"So, me bearing our daughter was not enough? And that I was going through immense pain every single day? You needed to see me unconscious, half-dead in a hospital bed?" she went no, her frown deepening. 
"I'm sorry. I guess that was.. What I needed. A wake-up call" he went on to explain. 
"I can't believe you right now.." she murmured, finally tearing her hand from his to shield her face, hide her eyes with it.
"(Y/N).. I.. I'm sorry for being so selfish.. I should've been more considerate of you and our daughter. I'm desperately trying to make up for it, it's my fault you're in this wheelchair and I'm trying my hardest to make up for my mistakes.." he spoke softly, tears rising into his eyes as well, "I never want to lose you. I love you."
At his confession, she sobbed loudly. She hadn't heard that in a while. Nonetheless, she wasn't done yet. 
"How many time did you, physically, cheat on me?" she asked, gulping hard afterwards and removing her hand to look at him, to see honesty in his eyes, "Don't lie to me."
".. 10 more times with three more women," he admitted, avoiding her eyes in shame, "11 times in total with five different women. Those were.. Also the women whose photos and videos you found. It all happened back when you were pregnant."
At that, her heart absolutely shattered. She had been convinced he was faithful before that one time she witnessed it. But he wasn't. Tears immediately streamed down her face. If she could, she would've left right now - but she couldn't, she was bound to her wheelchair.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me" he shouted out, frustrated with himself, feeling his own heart break as he saw his girlfriend's tears, "Please believe me when I say I regret everything I did that hurt you. I love you with all of my heart. Please.. Please believe me."
That day, her voice wasn't heard anymore. She shut down. To know he would've never told her if she hadn't asked, hurt her more than she ever thought it could. She knew her pregnancy was bumpy, that they fought a lot, too, but not once did she consider him actively cheating on her. Until she saw it on his phone. Knowing that it had been going for a longer time than she thought, made her feel empty. He knew he'd cause damage to their relationship if she'd find out. He never intended to tell her.. But now she knew and every 'I love you' during her pregnancy felt like a lie. That night, Gladiolus had to go hunting at night, Ignis was coming over. It didn't take long before he noticed the heartbroken mood from his female friend. And of course, he cared, asked her what was going on and if he could help her anyhow. And he could. She shed her heart out to him. All the pain, the suffering, the emptiness, the everlasting sadness she couldn't overcome, the feeling of never being good enough. He patiently listened to it all, even held her in his arms to comfort her. Little did she know that Ignis had developed sincere feelings for her and each time he saw her cry, he wanted to punch Gladio, make him regret ever making her cry. Someday he would confess.. But until then, he'd gladly help her on the road to recovery.
A/N: How about a third part concluding everything? ^^ If you want, you can take part in deciding their future here (it’s a strawpoll, no registration/info needed)! Depending on what option wins, they might either stay together or not - we’ll see! :D The poll’s open until the 30th December. c: Poll is closed, next part is in the making! :)
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
Masterlist ; 1st Part ; 2nd Part ; 3rd Part // Noctis cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Prompto cheating 1 ; 2 ; 3 // Ignis cheating 1 ; 2 // Ravus cheating
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g0ldpainted · 6 years
20th December - CtC’17
How the chocobros and Ravus grew up (HCs)
Hey :)
Ignis isn’t in this as I wrote an entire story for him, it can be found here. 
I’m aware I’m still a day behind, that’s because I suddenly had another new idea that fit so well but takes longer to write. >.< Gladiolus cheating part 2 is scheduled for tomorrow, tho.
This does contain some spoilers!
Wasn't originally meant to be in public schools but his father made the impossible possible
He knew that something was off when his mother died
Although he didn't have a lot of memories with her because he was just too young when she died, he misses her greatly
Mainly maids took care of him after his mother's passing, Regis was too busy taking care of Insomnia
No one could fill the void his mother left
Always eats dinner, lunch and breakfast with his father - it's some kind of ritual
The moment he met Ignis, he was grateful for him
Hated how he was supposed to take on the tasks his mother had, though
Noctis felt lonely through the majority of his childhood
Once he enrolled school, he quickly found himself surrounded by fake friends
Parents ordered their children to befriend Noctis in hopes of future money rain
In return, he decided against having friends entirely - at first
He eventually opened up a little further again 
Before Prompto caught his eyes, he buried himself with learning for both school and his future king-duties
Ignis was his only friend and the one that helped him most
He was also the one that always had to check homework or help when Noctis didn't understand a certain subject
In some form, Ignis was both a father and mother figure to him
His childhood was very lonely
He had no parents that were actively in his life
Sure, he had them but they were too busy for him
He felt like a nuisance most of the time 
In kindergarten, he had no friends
In elementary school, he had no friends.. And was bullied
It was always because of his weight that people didn't approach him
The things they said hurt him even immensely
Depression is very much present in his life
It's when he starts watching Noctis that he started having a little hope
For some odd reason, he really wanted to be his friend
Prompto actually didn't know that Noctis was the King's child - not until he overheard someone talk about it
But whenever he saw Noctis and the people he assumed would be his friends, he didn't feel good enough
He believed Noctis would be ashamed to be seen with him
And, honestly, he was afraid Noctis would reject him, mock him again
Although he studied hard, it never seemed to be hard enough
He never felt good enough for anyone or anything
Eventually found the strength to turn his sadness and frustration into something good and decided to release tension by exercising
His only intention was having friends, though
Working out, losing weight made him happier, more confident
He kept planning on how to approach Noctis
At the end of the day, he still returned to an empty house
He was still alone (until he finally befriended the prince)
He had always been raised knowing that protecting someone dear to you is what matters most
In his case: his family, friends and Noctis
That meant lots of fighting and training from early days on
Working out, becoming a fit shield was more important than school
He never had the opportunity to enroll public school, was homeschooled instead
Always had a very tight schedule and zero time to play with people his age
Actually, Gladio had no friends since he had no time to make some
To reach his best possible shape, he had a personal trainer helping him
Usually, it would've been his father doing so but he wasn't around a lot due to Regis
His mother had only been in his life briefly, died shortly after Iris' birth but he certainly remembers her
He really wanted to mourn her but he had always been raised with stupid ideals such as "men don't cry"
Toxic masculinity definitely describes his childhood a lot
It went as far as to him having to endure getting yelled at when caught crying or doing anyhow "unmanly" things
That includes playing Barbie with his sister to cheer her up
He's also been beaten up for such things before, it was called training afterward
Gladio was too young to understand what was going on and believed it was part of his apprenticeship 
Nonetheless, he never stopped spending time doing "unmanly things" with his sister
Iris means the world to him - he partly raised her.. Along with the maid and butler
The butler was actually his true father figure
He was the one helping with homework or other daily struggles Gladio had
Clarus sure was his real father, but he didn't feel like it
His life was actually brilliant up until the empire attacked
He used to be homeschooled but still ended up socializing with children living nearby
Sure, he was busy - he was a prince after all and had to be prepared for the throne, just like Noctis - but he still found time in his day to hang with his friends
If they were only after his money remains a mystery 
When he was not with his friends, Ravus usually spend time with his family
They had lot of family vacations 
That his father passed shortly after Lunafreya's birth did make him incredibly sad
He was very distraught over it
His family, the queen, the princess and him, pushed through, though
They supported each other greatly and managed to overcome the grief
Now that the Queen had more tasks, Ravus took a part in raising Lunafreya
Maids were really helping, though
Unlike Gladiolus, he wasn't raised on and ridiculous ideals teaching him "how to be a man"
His mother didn't mind seeing him cry, consoled him instead
It was when the empire took him and Luna in, that those ideals were forced upon him
He always ,always fought to make sure his sister wouldn't get hurt
They were often abusing him, telling him if he wouldn't do a certain task right, Luna would be beaten up
Both siblings never had time to grief the loss of their mother
From one day to the other, their life changed entirely - their childhood stopped
Ravus made it his ultimate order to protect his sister from getting hurt
But he failed
He had to witness her being beaten up multiple times
Each time, he grew colder, he broke a little further
Whenever he held her afterward, cried into her hair that he was sorry for having failed her, she told him she was alright
She always told him it wasn't his fault - but the empire did the exact opposite
The moment they noticed he had been crying, he was beaten, too
They didn't hesitate to remind him he would be punished if he'd ever cry again
It didn't take long before the once so compassionate, bright Ravus became a strong, cold man that could kill you in the split of a second
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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