grfit · 4 years
How to take back control
Every weekend used to be a big, fat, greasy smorgasboard of all my favorite foods. Mexican on Friday nights, All-I-Could eat junk on Saturday, a huge Sausage Egg and Cheese Biscuit with a honeybun and diet Mt. Dew for breakfast on Sunday followed by MawMaw’s cooking for Lunch and Dinner. If anyone has had MawMaw’s food, you know what a big deal this is! Full lunch menus followed up by homemade cakes and other desserts that are perfectly washed down with a few glasses of the best Sweet Tea in the Southern United States! I lived large on the weekends, but that propelled me to Planet Burn-Out. Monday always came around and I had that pit in my stomach knowing that my fun was ending and it was back to starving myself. I worked out every week day and gorged on the weekends, but this led to burn-out and my ultimate failure. Deciding to get healthy is about much more than just being fit. A healthy meal plan is supposed to bring physical health, but it should also be coupled with a positive mental and spiritual plan for maximum results. No fad-diet is going to bring lifetime results. Honestly, I want to encourage everyone, but I also want to be honest. If you are looking for a pill or food that will magically create weight-loss, you are delusional! So many scumbags get filthy rich creating books, courses, and “plans” filled with “secrets” on losing weight. The ONLY way to lose weight is to consume less calories than you burn throughout the day and throughout your workouts. HUGE DISCLAIMER: I WAS DELUSIONAL WHENEVER I FIRST LOST WEIGHT AND IT LED ME DOWN THE WRONG PATH. I HAVE BEEN THERE. I HAVE DONE IT. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE DO NOT THINK I AM PERFECT, BECAUSE I AM NOT. I ONLY INTEND TO TRULY HELP PEOPLE. I am glad to say that my weight-loss delusion was not a failure because I truly learned from the experience, and I know that my “failure” can be used to help others achieve a lifetime of success without hitting the same wall that I did. Now that I am a little older and less focused on small-scale vision of getting the “almighty abs”, I have adapted my fuel intake for a lifetime of health. Instead of the 1300-1500 calorie week days followed by weekend binges, I have adapted a full week fuel plan that has more calories to keep me full, but enough to lose a healthy amount of weight. Instead of starving myself for “abs”, I am fueling myself for a healthy and successful lifestyle. I have tinkered around what times of eating best help me, I have increased my protein intake to a healthier amount (.7-1.0 gram per pound), and I have adopted a lifestyle change where I eat healthier meals on the weekends without blowing my “diet”. It is great to reward oneself, but I am currently on a 30 day detox to cleanse myself of any addictions to sugary, greasy, or insanely fattening foods. Restaurants use a ton of salt, butter, and sugar to make their dishes taste amazing and deliver a sort of food high that home cooking does not provide. I believe food is insanely addictive and small ingredients such as sugar and salt can contribute to a huge food addiction. I appreciate anyone who has made it through the end of this post, and I want you to know that you CAN do it. My first week of consistent dieting and working-out is coming to a close, but the journey is still ahead. I have attached below a link to an article on beginning a detox. The article is filled with good info and I have found it extremely helpful.
Keep fighting the good fight!
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grfit · 4 years
WARNING- Long Post filled with personal details designed to inspire.
Nutrition is everything. I am 21 years old today, and I can assure you that nutrition either makes or breaks your new year's resolution, your dream to play collegiate or professional sports, or your utter longing to be in shape and have the ability to go to the beach without feeling embarrassed. My whole life has been centered around food and nutrition, and it affects me everyday, just like you. I was always “chunky” throughout the elementary and middle grades years, but in high school, I made a radical shift. I played football all four years of high school, I worked out EVERY DAY, and I loved swimming, hiking, baseball practice, frisbee throwing, and any other physical activity. All my friends were active, so therefore, I was active. The only problem was that I was 300 pounds jam packed into a 6 foot frame. I thought I was cursed. I remember asking God why I had to live the way I did. I remember I often thought of myself as “the fat friend”. None of my peers bullied me, but there were instances where hurtful remarks were said, and it deeply hurt. Nonetheless, I continued. My mother died of heart failure when I was 10 and she was 35. My entire family was overweight and consumed by bad eating habits. I was falling deeper and deeper into my pit of misery, and my entire mindset was focused on being skinny. I got serious and started crossfit combined with a diet, and I saw massive results. I lost 80 pounds in 6 months and I became one of the better athletes in the gym. My confidence skyrocketed and I finally found what I was looking for. I lost the weight, dropped my shirt size, and found the girl I had been searching for. Riley, I just want to break from this and say I LOVE YOU so much. Thank you for accepting me for who I am and loving me no matter what! Sorry, it is extremely hard for me to contain my love for my beautiful and amazing fiancee. Ok, back to the story! After graduation, I spent the summer eating my diet throughout the week, gorging on weekends, and continuing my diet on Monday, hating the thought of leaving for University. The summer blazed on, my diet became less disciplined, and my workouts decreased. Eventually I had to bite the bullet, leave my beloved girlfriend Riley and leave for WCU. While at University, I continued eating healthy and running, but the desire was no longer there. As the semester dragged on, my eating habits began to fall deeper and deeper into the pit of no return. I lost my motivation, discipline, and health because I was not focused on the big picture. As the semester closed, I knew I was not returning and I made the conscious decision to enroll at the local community college in my hometown. I began working out and trying to get on my diet again, but the love was not there. I kept up with my routine and enrolled into ASU where I currently attend. I am a distance student and I do not travel to campus, but this brings another set of challenges. I get to be with Riley and my father and grandmother, which I love, but I also get to eat Granny’s cooking, which is steeped in Appalachian Culinary Tradition. What is Appalachian Culinary Tradition? Well, it goes something like butter, butter, fat back, bacon, butter, sugar, butter, biscuits, and double-smothered with gravy. Good ol’ food that sticks to the ribs, and the stomach, and the chest, and the love handles, and anywhere else that collects fat. I am not blaming Granny and Riley for their amazing food, but it is extremely hard for me to tell a biscuit smothered with gravy NO whenever I walk past and hear it saying “Gavin, Gavin, Eat Me…”. Sorry, I actually think that is funny. I know I just lost a few of you, but if you’re still here you thought it was funny too. Sitting here today and reflecting on my behavior has been really good. It has helped me collect my thoughts. It has opened my eyes to the fact that diets are merely fads and consumables that will be burned up and thrown out whenever they are finished. Today, as I sit, I weigh 280 pounds again. It has been a downhill slide of stress eating and terrible food choices that has brought me here. I can blame everyone and their brother for my weight gain, I can say that my genetics causes me to be naturally predisposed to being a lard butt all my life, I can say that my Sister’s tragic death in a house fire this past summer caused me to be depressed and turn to food for comfort, but I refuse to do that. That is a loser’s mindset, and ultimately, a loser mindset coupled with zero discipline has hand delivered me back to obesity. Today is a new day and a new chapter in my life. I will lose weight. I will demolish the food addiction that I currently have. I will smash any form of self doubt and anxiety that I feel whenever I look on social media at the perfect people who make it look so easy. I will do it, and I am doing it. I am doing it for my Fiancee Riley who has been through thin and thick with me, my family who has faced so much heartache, death, and tragedy through the past 10 years, my students that I will be teaching as a middle school teacher in the near future, my kids and family that I will hopefully have one day, and so that I can help everyone I meet become empowered to grasp the health and lifestyle that they desire. I am doing it because it is about much more than just ME.
P.S I appreciate you reading this and I hope it will help you in some shape or form. We will get better and it starts today.
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