heartavenged · 9 months
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Bilbo - It all started with a crazy loon who banged on my hole. Thorin - Which hole? Bilbo - GET OUT (I)(II)(III)(IV)(V)(VI)(VIII)(IX)(X)
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heartavenged · 2 years
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I mean, the good news is, I get a big enough thump on my head, I can change, you know? I can learn. I can crawl forward.
Steve + caring for everyone when nobody expects it
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heartavenged · 2 years
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heartavenged · 2 years
Once again thinking about Encantó and how the house was cracking because the family was cracking under pressure and how Mirabel’s part in saving Casita and the miracle wasn’t even about mending people’s struggles but simply about acknowledging them and telling them it’s ok and they don’t have to do it alone.
Thinking about how the first cracks appear when Mirabel feels ostracized from her family and is about to break under the pressure of feeling wanting and invisible and alone.
Thinking about how the thing Mirabel does for Luisa is listen to her and just say “you are carrying way too much” and then when Luisa’s powers begin to malfunction it isn’t because of her but because Luisa dared slow down a little and was IMMEDIATELY hit with crushing guilt and tried once again to overcompensate it and THAT is when her strength failed her.
Thinking about how Bruno left in an attempt to keep the family from fracturing and was literally trying to fix the cracks with his absence, but it was Mirabel SHARING a vision with him which actually helped him find a positive outcome for a vision because he wasn’t alone with that burden and his anxiety and she led him to a happier perspective.
Thinking about how the real healing moment between Isabela and Mirabel isn’t Isa’s confession really, the turning point is when Mirabel actually stops and LISTENS and simply acknowledges that her sister is struggling and goes on to loudly support and encourage her to find and be herself.
Thinking about all the other cracks we didn’t entirely see. Antonio’s pressure to not be “another disappointment” to his family but obvious guilt that Mirabel didn’t get to shine. Camilo’s consistent changes for the sake of others, but when he starts to malfunction he’s a grown man with a baby’s head, because maybe that’s how he feels, lost and not quite either. Thinking about Pepa, unable to feel any negative emotions, to the point of absolute repression because every single anger or sadness is an open nerve for the world to see and “Pepa, stop! Not again!” Thinking about Julieta’s role as a consistent care taker in a family that even with their powers gone yells for her when in panic because she Must Know how to fix it. Thinking about Dolores so overwhelmed and tense and overlooked, whose great romantic ideal is someone finally SEEING her.
And the cracks showed up whenever the pressure was too much. Whenever Abuela was too afraid and protective and holding on to her control so tightly, marked by the trauma and fear of losing them, to the point where she couldn’t take anything or anyone being out of her control (an obvious PTSD thing).
The family was cracking because Abuela lost sight of the family as people vs the family as a well oiled machine. And while it was obviously due to generational trauma, it was also an issue that no one else in the family could see because it was the dynamic they grew up in and accepted as right and healthy. It was only Mirabel, blessed with an “outsider” perspective, who could see the way the pressure was mounting on everyone’s shoulders and who (having no expectations at all put on her by dismissal) could dare to break the cycle and speak up, not only for herself but for others.
I am once again thinking about Mirabel’s door being the front door of the house (her casita who she is clearly the closest with) and just like everyone else has their powers represented in it, Mirabel’s shows her surrounded by her family, like the anchor that helped them build a new foundation in their relationships with one another, based not on what they could “do for the family” but by love and acceptance of each other.
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heartavenged · 2 years
Can we appreciate Agustín Madrigal? His daughter is just like "hey dad I just broke several rules, nearly died, stole a thing, now the house is falling apart and the entire town could be in danger and it might all be my fault", and he doesn't even get cross for a moment, he's instantly like "okay we can fix this we just have to hide this, let me help you hide this. nobody needs to know".
One of his daughters could be like "dad I killed a man" and he'd just be like "okay sweetie don't panic I'll help you hide the body".
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heartavenged · 2 years
the new disney movies made me realize that we no longer want prince charming to save us, or win against the big evil. we just want an apology and acceptance from our parents
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heartavenged · 2 years
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her cloud literally disappeared the second she had coffee what a fucking mood Pepa
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heartavenged · 2 years
Can we just talk for a second about how Disney fully could have leaned into the crazy Latina women and husbands who roll their eyes at it, but Felix is always so fuckin quick to validate her. Not one crazy joke, not even a single comment, just fully encourages her to feel her emotions.
when she’s crying at Antonio’s ceremony, he could fully have been like yo chill stop being dramatic, but all he says is love, you’re gonna get him wet. Not a, don’t cry, not an omg stop, just a gentle reminder to move the cloud over a little.
And with the whole hurricane wedding, he’s not, oh she ruined the weather or ugh it was a disaster. Just a, what a joyous day. Like she’s warning mirabel and he’s like fuck yeah I get to talk about one of the best days of my life
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Look how fucking happy he is, getting pelted by hail by his fucking goddess of a wife
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heartavenged · 2 years
Old Disney and Pixar movies be like: you have trauma because your parents are dead
New Disney and Pixar movies be like: you have trauma because of your parents
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heartavenged · 2 years
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Part 3/? Emotional Chankla
Being a single mother and taking care of and managing a town is hard work and can be frustrating. I don't want people to hate on Alma, she is no where perfect. However, it not an excuse to treat others badly. But when communication sucks, there is bound to be a lot of hurt thrown around.
Next part will be a mini story about Bruno and Pepa's ex boyfriend. Then the story continues.
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heartavenged · 2 years
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PART 2/? The Encanto Triplets Things get a bit stormy. Now Pepa out of anger, said something that she regrets.
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heartavenged · 2 years
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Part 1 The Encanto Triplets
I totally see Pepa having so many boyfriends and because she is destined to be with Felix, usually they end up breaking up. Usually by Bruno and his visions or her temper and emotions. 
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heartavenged · 2 years
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I made a quiz, its 36 questions, and y’all, I play-tested this, I got feedback, I hyper-analyzed, its good. I wasn’t like, I was gonna just let hogwarts houses die but apparently y’all be like,,, not knowing what a slytherin or hufflepuff is no shade and if all these quizzes are gonna ask you this question anyways: this is it. Idiot tested. Idiot approved
take it here! or copy paste if you need to https://uquiz.com/oz0xOu
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heartavenged · 2 years
Okay let's talk about the ending of No way home I need someone to tell me their headcanons and what the ending will actually mean.
I am still not over it but also super happy the movie did not have no stakes. My biggest fear was literally the spell working out in the end as intended and so having close to no consequences. And as if Mays death wasn't enough emotional kickback, now he has literally nothing.
I am super eager to hear about what you guys think will happen now and how much of 'no one remembers Peter Parker' is going on
My headcanons for this are manifesting, especially cause I wanna write a fic picking up from there but I'd love to hear more and be influenced.
The GEP book in his box means he has no school certificates, which would mean he isn't in the system anymore. I guess there is no evidence of him ever existing? Like his classmates don't know him either.
He has no money, probably no chance of being Mays heir without identification (that's what confused me, how can Happy know May but not Peter?) So how will he survive?
(Also him having nothing from Tony expect some glasses and a giant legacy makes me angry. Like wtf fanon Tony is so different from how bad Marvel handles him)
My headcanon is that he will use some contacts as Spider-Man to get help from people, maybe Strange again or other more political/ avengery people to help out. Fury etc.
They have to know Spiderman so I guess he just always wears the mask around anyone?
Also is there any other physical evidence of Peter Parker? Like the internship picture of him and Tony? Would Pepper find it and wonder who that is?
How much of Spider-Man do people know? Do Ned and MJ still know him but not his identity, could Ned still be the guy in the chair? I'm so lost and need answers...
Also I am not sure if Peter will eventually tell them because the end felt like he realised that people knowing him( not just his identity) is dangerous so he will isolate himself?
I just want to talk please, I don't know anyone who has seen it so far
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heartavenged · 3 years
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heartavenged · 3 years
IronStrange 35:
Am I the only one who thinks that watching 14 millions movies of yourself and people you either know or get to know dying violently would make one go crazy? And he had a purpose on the battlefield so Stephen kept it together, but what about after? What about when he can't tell what's real and what isn't, what happened and what didn't, who's dead and who's alive? So Stephen isn't alright, but it's okay, because he's got people to help him out, right?
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heartavenged · 3 years
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