hopeandcolour 4 years
I finally finished this artwork that I've been sitting on for months! It didn't turn out how I envisioned, in look, theme or message, but that seems to be how things just go sometimes! Sometimes our visions don't always go to plan; life can be... reliably unpredictable. But occasionally we are blessed with a better outcome than what we'd hoped for. A wildcard of an outcome!
Sweet ones, this image today zooms in on what makes us, us. We are each a unique individual, and yet, we are not at all unique in our blemishes, scars, ailments, aging and uneven bits. We are ALL a little uneven. Disheveled. Totally and completely imperfect, but totally and completely perfect in our humble human bodies that move and create and laugh and dance and sing and oh, so much. We are so lucky.
There really are no universally true rules or guides on what is perfect. Just made up stories. So could you dare to take the weight off your own back and love that beautiful self in the mirror, like there was no media to make up fantasies about how to look and be?
You are alive. You are breathing. You *are* beauty. A precious segment of the universe.
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hopeandcolour 4 years
Life is up. Then it's down. Then it's up again. Whew. What a ride! But like an epic sea view, there's beauty in the big picture.
In our journeys, we encounter waves. Rocks. Storms. And safe shores can look so far away, sometimes.
But you were built for this. You are strong, and you were made to tackle this voyage that is life. And even though you maybe can't see beyond the horizon right now, a safe landing for you will reach you before you know it, ready for you to drop anchor, and name it home.
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hopeandcolour 4 years
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One thing that is for certain, is that whether we like it or not, life is full. And sometimes painful. Emotions catch us by surprise, and experiences, of all kinds, happen. On a universal level, it is certain that we all share two things - joy and suffering. Unfortunately, sometimes, we get into the habit of carrying suffering with us, long past the original occurrence. And this is so, so normal. Universally normal!
But often, that suffering can lead us to think bad things about ourselves. Maybe bad things that were never true in the first place. Bad things that were never about us, but instead originated in an action of someone else, that we could not control. Or, maybe we did the mistake-making. Maybe we made some choices that we kiiind of regret. Nevertheless, this much is true:
I want you to remember your heart. Your core. The part that remained unchanging, all this time, and luckily, it's the part that matters. Beneath the layers that were added, You are good, enough, soft, and beautiful. Do you feel that? So, thank you for that. Thank you for being here. And maybe one day we can shed these layers. Maybe you have done some of that work already, and if you have, I'm proud of you.
I'm Beth - Hi. I started these artworks to share positive thoughts and feelings about the (raw and real) human condition. I can get a little wordy sometimes, but it is my hope that I can encourage self-acceptance, through loving affirmations and reminders, that can be there for you at any time of day.
If you have just found the new page, thanks for checking it out! I will see you soon!
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hopeandcolour 4 years
Hi guys! My name is Beth, and I make art + wordy ramblings to hopefully help you feel a little better.
Full posts can be seen here, or on my other socials: https://linktr.ee/hopeandcolour. Follow Hope and Colour on Twitter through the previous link if short-form boosts are more your thing.
Thanks for stopping by!
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