imaginesforfandom · 2 months
A Wolverine's Heartache - Part III
Part I Part II
i'm so sorry it took so long for me to post this!! i've been drowning in work :,(
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Logan/James Howlett x Reader
She/Her pronouns used!!
Summary: Logan struggles after seeing a person he loves alive. Will he be able to save her?
In the moments leading up to Logan's journey back in time, the Xavier Institute was a hub of frantic activity, a beacon of hope in the face of impending doom. The threat of the Sentinels loomed large, casting a shadow of fear and uncertainty over the mutant community.
Logan, haunted by the memory of Y/N's tragic death and driven by a desperate need to prevent further loss, had become the linchpin in a daring plan to alter the course of history. With the help of Professor Xavier and a handful of trusted allies, Logan prepared to embark on a mission that would defy the very fabric of time itself.
The decision to send Logan back in time was not made lightly. It required sacrifices – sacrifices that weighed heavily on the hearts of those left behind. Yet, in the face of imminent destruction, there was no room for hesitation.
As Logan stood before the makeshift time-travel device, his resolve hardened like steel. The weight of his mission bore down on him, a burden he carried with grim determination. He knew the risks – the possibility of altering the timeline, of facing enemies both old and new – but the chance to rewrite history and save those he loved was a gamble he was willing to take.
Before he could second-guess himself, Logan braced himself for the journey ahead. With a final glance at his comrades, a silent promise etched in his eyes, he stepped into the swirling vortex of energy, disappearing into the unknown depths of the past.
In that pivotal moment, the fate of the world hung in the balance. For Logan, it was a journey fraught with peril and uncertainty, but it was also a journey fueled by hope – hope for redemption, for a chance to right the wrongs of the past, and for a future where Y/N's death would be nothing more than a distant memory.
As Logan's consciousness shifted through time, propelled back to a pivotal moment before the devastation wrought by the Sentinels, a sense of urgency gripped him like a vice. His mission was clear: to prevent the cataclysmic events that had led to Y/N's tragic demise.
Arriving in the past, Logan found himself in a world that was both familiar and yet subtly different. The Xavier Institute bustled with life, its halls alive with the laughter of students and the gentle hum of telepathic conversations. But for Logan, it was a world tinged with sorrow, a reminder of the losses he had endured.
As he navigated the bustling corridors, searching for allies to aid him in his quest, Logan's heart quickened at the thought of encountering Y/N. She existed in this timeline, vibrant and alive, yet unaware of the role she would play in shaping their shared destiny.
When Logan finally came face to face with Y/N, his breath caught in his throat. She was different here – a younger version of the person he had known, her features softened by innocence and untainted by the scars of war. And yet, there was an undeniable familiarity in her presence, a connection that transcended the boundaries of time.
As their eyes met, Logan felt a surge of emotions wash over him – longing, regret, and a fierce determination to protect her at all costs. In that fleeting moment, he saw echoes of the Y/N he had lost, a reminder of the bond they had shared across time and space.
But for Y/N, Logan was a stranger – a mysterious figure with haunted eyes and a sense of purpose that seemed to emanate from his very being. And yet, there was something in his gaze, a depth of emotion that stirred something within her – a feeling she couldn't quite place.
As Logan reached out to Y/N, his hand trembling with the weight of unspoken truths, he knew that convincing her to join him would be no easy task. But for Y/N, Logan's presence ignited a spark of curiosity, a whisper of destiny that beckoned her towards a future she could not yet fathom.
As Logan stood before the younger version of Y/N, his heart clenched with a mixture of emotions – longing, regret, and an urgent sense of purpose. He knew that convincing her of the impending danger would be no easy task, especially considering she had no recollection of their shared history.
Y/N regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, her brows furrowed in confusion. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance.
Logan took a deep breath, steeling himself for the difficult task ahead. "I know this is hard to believe, but you need to listen to me. I'm from the future, and I've seen what happens if we don't act now."
Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief, a scoff escaping her lips. "From the future? That's impossible. Why should I trust you?"
Logan knew he had to choose his words carefully, to break through the wall of skepticism that surrounded her. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I've seen the devastation caused by the Sentinels. They've hunted us down, taken everything from us. If we don't stop them now, there won't be a future for any of us."
Y/N's expression softened slightly, but her hesitation remained palpable. "And why should I believe you? You could be anyone, spinning tales to manipulate me."
Logan's jaw tightened with frustration, but he forced himself to remain calm. He understood her skepticism – after all, he was asking her to believe in the impossible. "I understand your doubts, but you have to trust me. Lives are at stake here, including yours. We need to work together to stop this."
Y/N's gaze flickered with uncertainty, torn between disbelief and a nagging sense of curiosity. She wanted to dismiss Logan's words as the ramblings of a madman, but there was something in his eyes – a depth of sincerity that gave her pause.
As Logan pleaded with her to heed his warning, Y/N felt a surge of conflicting emotions wash over her – fear, anger, and a flicker of hope. In that moment of uncertainty, she grappled with the weight of the decision before her, knowing that the fate of the world rested in her hands – and in the hands of the enigmatic stranger who claimed to hold the key to their salvation.
The moment hung suspended in time, a fragile balance between doubt and determination. Y/N stood before Logan, her gaze locked with his, uncertainty etched into the lines of her face. Logan's plea echoed in the air, a whispered promise of redemption and salvation, and for a fleeting instant, Y/N hesitated.
But then, something shifted within her – a spark of resolve that ignited in the depths of her soul. It was a quiet realization, born from the depths of her own courage and fueled by the unwavering belief that together, they could make a difference.
With a steadying breath, Y/N met Logan's gaze, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "Alright. I'll help you."
The words hung in the air like a beacon of hope, a testament to the strength of her conviction. In that moment, a weight lifted from Logan's shoulders, replaced by a surge of gratitude and relief. He had expected resistance, perhaps even outright rejection, but Y/N's willingness to trust him filled him with a sense of purpose unlike anything he had ever known.
As the tension reached its peak in the crowded conference room, Logan and Y/N moved with precision and determination, their eyes locked in silent communication. They had trained for this moment, prepared for the pivotal role they would play in altering the course of history.
Amidst the chaos, Mystique, disguised as a government official, made her move, her gun trained on Trask, the architect of the Sentinel program. But before she could pull the trigger, Logan sprang into action, his instincts honed by years of combat.
With a swift motion, he intercepted Mystique's shot, deflecting the bullet away from its intended target. The room erupted into chaos as panic spread like wildfire, but Logan remained focused, his gaze never wavering from Mystique's determined form.
Beside him, Y/N moved with a grace and precision that belied her years, her powers weaving through the air like a symphony of light and shadow. With a flick of her wrist, she immobilized Mystique, her telekinetic abilities holding her captive in a shimmering cocoon of energy.
As the dust settled and order was restored, Logan and Y/N shared a fleeting glance, a silent acknowledgment of the pivotal role they had played in preventing catastrophe. In that moment, the bond between them deepened, forged in the crucible of adversity.
But as they stood amidst the aftermath of their actions, a sense of uncertainty lingered in the air. The future remains uncertain, and the threat of the Sentinels still loomed large. Yet, for the first time in a long time, Logan allowed himself to feel a glimmer of hope – a hope that with Y/N by his side, they could face whatever challenges lay ahead, together.
As Logan's consciousness shifted back to the future, his senses reeled from the disorienting transition. The world around him was a blur of chaos and destruction, the aftermath of the battle against the Sentinels evident in the smoldering ruins that surrounded him. But amidst the devastation, one sight stood out like a beacon of light in the darkness.
There, among the ragged survivors, stood Y/N – her presence a ray of hope amidst the despair. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as Logan's gaze locked onto her familiar form, his heart swelling with a mixture of relief and gratitude.
Without hesitation, he moved towards her, his steps fueled by an overwhelming urge to reach her side. As he drew closer, their eyes met, and in that instant, a flood of emotions washed over him – longing, regret, and a fierce determination to protect her at all costs.
Unable to resist any longer, Logan closed the distance between them in a single stride, his arms enveloping Y/N in a tight embrace. It was a gesture born from the depths of his soul, a silent vow to never let her go again.
In that poignant moment, as Logan's arms enveloped Y/N in a tight embrace amidst the wreckage of their war-torn world, a whirlwind of emotions stirred within him, threatening to overwhelm his senses.
First and foremost was an overwhelming sense of relief – relief that Y/N was alive and standing before him, a beacon of hope amidst the devastation. The mere sight of her, her presence a comforting reminder of their shared history and the bond they had forged, filled his heart with a profound sense of gratitude.
But alongside relief, there was also a deep-seated longing – a longing for the lost time, for the moments they had shared before the world had descended into chaos. Seeing Y/N again awakened a flood of memories, memories of laughter and camaraderie, of unspoken connections and shared moments that now felt like distant echoes in the wake of tragedy.
Mixed with longing was a potent undercurrent of regret – regret for the pain and suffering they had endured, for the lives lost and the futures stolen. Logan couldn't help but wonder if there was more he could have done, if he could have somehow prevented the devastation that had torn them apart.
Yet, amidst the tumult of emotions, there was also a fierce determination – a determination to protect Y/N at all costs, to ensure that she would never again face the horrors of war alone. In that moment, as he held her close, Logan made a silent vow to do whatever it took to keep her safe, to carve out a future where they could finally find peace.
And underlying it all was a profound sense of love – a love that transcended time and space, a love that had endured despite the odds. In Y/N's arms, Logan found solace amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope in a world consumed by darkness.
After the embrace had ended, Logan held onto Y/N's hands tightly, his gaze locking with hers with a newfound intensity. In that moment, the weight of his unspoken emotions pressed heavily upon him, urging him to finally lay bare the truth that had long been buried within his heart.
"Y/N," he began, his voice rough with emotion, "I… I need you to know something. I've been a fool, blind to what's been right in front of me all along."
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, her heart fluttering with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. She waited with bated breath as Logan continued, his words carrying the weight of a lifetime's worth of regrets.
"I love you, Y/N," Logan confessed, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with an undeniable sincerity. "I've loved you for longer than I care to admit, but I was too damn stubborn to see it. I let my fears and insecurities cloud my judgment, and for that, I'm sorry."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes at Logan's confession, her heart swelling with a rush of emotions she could hardly comprehend. In that moment, the walls she had built around her heart crumbled, leaving her vulnerable but unafraid.
"Logan," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "I love you too. I've loved you for as long as I can remember, but I was too afraid to say it. Too afraid of what it might mean, of what we might lose."
Their hands tightened around each other's, a silent vow passing between them. In that shared moment of vulnerability, Logan and Y/N laid bare their hearts, their love for each other a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.
And as they stood together, tears mingling with smiles, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they were together, they would face them with unwavering courage and unyielding love. For in each other's arms, they had found a home – a sanctuary amidst the chaos, where their love could flourish and grow stronger with each passing day.
again, i'm so sorry it took me so long!!! this term has been so exhausting :,(
i really hope you guys liked the final part!! i hadn't meant to make it this long but i got a little carried away lol. i know it's not fully canon to the movies, sorry bout that.
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
Hello my lovelies!
i'm going to try to finish the third, and final, part of A Wolverines Heartache this weekend, i do have one question. how we feeling bout some James Mcavoy's Charles Xavier? i would love to write a few parter for him, yeah?
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
there's still one more part!!! i'm also in denial too :,(
A Wolverine's Heartache - Part II
Part I
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Logan/James Howlett x Reader
She/Her Pronouns
Summary: The Sentinel battle takes a turn for the worst causing Logan to lose someone dear to him.
Before the Sentinels descended upon them, there had been a quiet undercurrent of tension between Logan and Y/N, an unspoken dynamic that lingered beneath the surface of their friendship. The Xavier Institute, a haven for mutants, had become a place where emotions and connections were heightened, but not always openly acknowledged.
Logan and Y/N had shared moments of camaraderie, their friendship deepening over time. Yet, a subtle dance of longing and hesitation played out between them, unnoticed by others but felt in the quiet glances and stolen smiles. Each held a key to the other's heart, but the lock remained unturned.
In the tranquil moments before the storm, Y/N often found herself stealing glances at Logan, a flutter of uncertainty in her chest. She admired his strength, both physical and emotional, and valued the camaraderie they shared. Yet, there was an unspoken desire for something more, a connection that hovered in the uncharted territory between friendship and something deeper.
Logan, too, grappled with his own conflicting emotions. He had always been a lone wolf, accustomed to the solitude of his own thoughts. However, Y/N's presence had become a soothing balm to his restless soul. There were times when he caught himself staring at her, a vulnerability in his gaze that betrayed the unspoken depths of his feelings.
Their interactions were laced with a delicate balance, a dance around unexplored territories. A brush of hands during training, a shared moment of laughter by the fireplace – each encounter left an indelible mark on their hearts, pushing them closer to a truth neither was ready to confront.
The battle with the Sentinels unfolded in a crescendo of chaos and destruction. The ominous hum of their massive metal bodies echoed through the war-torn landscape as the mutants of the Xavier Institute rallied to fend off the relentless onslaught.
The sky crackled with energy as Storm unleashed her powers, attempting to create a barrier against the relentless advance of the towering machines. Colossus, his metallic form glinting in the harsh light, clashed with the Sentinels in a display of brute strength. Cyclops fired optic blasts with precision, desperately trying to hold the line.
Amidst the chaos, Logan moved like a feral blur, his adamantium claws slicing through the mechanical monstrosities with unmatched ferocity. The air was filled with the acrid scent of burning metal and the distant cries of mutants in peril.
Y/N fought valiantly alongside the team, her powers contributing to the defense, but the fear of being overshadowed by the more powerful mutants gnawed at her. In the midst of the mayhem, she kept glancing towards Logan, seeking reassurance, but his attention was consumed by the battle.
As the Sentinels closed in, a momentary distraction led to a tragic turn of events. Y/N found herself isolated for a brief second, and in that moment of vulnerability, a Sentinel seized the opportunity. A deafening scream pierced the air as Y/N was ensnared in its metallic grip.
Logan, several yards away, sensed the danger too late. His instincts kicked in, and he sprinted towards Y/N with an urgency that defied the chaos around him. With a primal roar, he lunged at the Sentinel, claws slashing through its armored exterior. The metallic giant released its grip, but the damage was done.
Time seemed to slow as Y/N crumpled to the ground, Logan catching her in his arms. The battle raged on, but in that harrowing moment, everything faded into the background. Logan's heart pounded as he held Y/N, the world collapsing around them as her life slipped away.
Logan's world shattered as he held Y/N's lifeless form in his arms. Time seemed to freeze, and the chaos of the battle faded into a distant murmur. The weight of grief pressed down on him like an unrelenting force, threatening to consume him whole.
In that agonizing moment, Logan's senses, normally keen and alert, dulled to the outside world. The smell of burning metal, the distant clashes of mutant powers, and the acrid taste of despair in the air became distant echoes. All that remained was the profound silence that accompanied Y/N's departure from the living.
Logan's heart, usually a steady rhythm amidst the storm, now pounded with a raw, aching intensity. His hands trembled as he cradled Y/N's lifeless body, unable to comprehend the reality of her absence. The world around him blurred, and tears – a rare expression of vulnerability – welled up in his eyes.
Regret and guilt gnawed at Logan's soul. If only he had been quicker, more vigilant. If only he had protected her better. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed the one person who had silently meant more to him than he had ever admitted.
A guttural, primal scream tore from Logan's throat, reverberating through the battlefield. It was a scream of anguish, of a grief so profound that it echoed the depths of his soul. In that moment, the Wolverine, known for his stoic demeanor and unyielding strength, crumbled under the weight of loss.
As Logan clung to Y/N's lifeless body, the reality of her absence sank in, leaving him stranded in a sea of sorrow. The battlefield continued to rage around him, but in his world, everything had come to a standstill. The connection he had shared with Y/N, the unspoken bond that had grown between them, was now a painful void that threatened to engulf him entirely.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! this made my heart break :,( i just wanna give him a real big hug now
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
A Wolverine's Heartache - Part II
Part I Part II
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Logan/James Howlett x Reader
She/Her Pronouns
Summary: The Sentinel battle takes a turn for the worst causing Logan to lose someone dear to him.
Before the Sentinels descended upon them, there had been a quiet undercurrent of tension between Logan and Y/N, an unspoken dynamic that lingered beneath the surface of their friendship. The Xavier Institute, a haven for mutants, had become a place where emotions and connections were heightened, but not always openly acknowledged.
Logan and Y/N had shared moments of camaraderie, their friendship deepening over time. Yet, a subtle dance of longing and hesitation played out between them, unnoticed by others but felt in the quiet glances and stolen smiles. Each held a key to the other's heart, but the lock remained unturned.
In the tranquil moments before the storm, Y/N often found herself stealing glances at Logan, a flutter of uncertainty in her chest. She admired his strength, both physical and emotional, and valued the camaraderie they shared. Yet, there was an unspoken desire for something more, a connection that hovered in the uncharted territory between friendship and something deeper.
Logan, too, grappled with his own conflicting emotions. He had always been a lone wolf, accustomed to the solitude of his own thoughts. However, Y/N's presence had become a soothing balm to his restless soul. There were times when he caught himself staring at her, a vulnerability in his gaze that betrayed the unspoken depths of his feelings.
Their interactions were laced with a delicate balance, a dance around unexplored territories. A brush of hands during training, a shared moment of laughter by the fireplace – each encounter left an indelible mark on their hearts, pushing them closer to a truth neither was ready to confront.
The battle with the Sentinels unfolded in a crescendo of chaos and destruction. The ominous hum of their massive metal bodies echoed through the war-torn landscape as the mutants of the Xavier Institute rallied to fend off the relentless onslaught.
The sky crackled with energy as Storm unleashed her powers, attempting to create a barrier against the relentless advance of the towering machines. Colossus, his metallic form glinting in the harsh light, clashed with the Sentinels in a display of brute strength. Cyclops fired optic blasts with precision, desperately trying to hold the line.
Amidst the chaos, Logan moved like a feral blur, his adamantium claws slicing through the mechanical monstrosities with unmatched ferocity. The air was filled with the acrid scent of burning metal and the distant cries of mutants in peril.
Y/N fought valiantly alongside the team, her powers contributing to the defense, but the fear of being overshadowed by the more powerful mutants gnawed at her. In the midst of the mayhem, she kept glancing towards Logan, seeking reassurance, but his attention was consumed by the battle.
As the Sentinels closed in, a momentary distraction led to a tragic turn of events. Y/N found herself isolated for a brief second, and in that moment of vulnerability, a Sentinel seized the opportunity. A deafening scream pierced the air as Y/N was ensnared in its metallic grip.
Logan, several yards away, sensed the danger too late. His instincts kicked in, and he sprinted towards Y/N with an urgency that defied the chaos around him. With a primal roar, he lunged at the Sentinel, claws slashing through its armored exterior. The metallic giant released its grip, but the damage was done.
Time seemed to slow as Y/N crumpled to the ground, Logan catching her in his arms. The battle raged on, but in that harrowing moment, everything faded into the background. Logan's heart pounded as he held Y/N, the world collapsing around them as her life slipped away.
Logan's world shattered as he held Y/N's lifeless form in his arms. Time seemed to freeze, and the chaos of the battle faded into a distant murmur. The weight of grief pressed down on him like an unrelenting force, threatening to consume him whole.
In that agonizing moment, Logan's senses, normally keen and alert, dulled to the outside world. The smell of burning metal, the distant clashes of mutant powers, and the acrid taste of despair in the air became distant echoes. All that remained was the profound silence that accompanied Y/N's departure from the living.
Logan's heart, usually a steady rhythm amidst the storm, now pounded with a raw, aching intensity. His hands trembled as he cradled Y/N's lifeless body, unable to comprehend the reality of her absence. The world around him blurred, and tears – a rare expression of vulnerability – welled up in his eyes.
Regret and guilt gnawed at Logan's soul. If only he had been quicker, more vigilant. If only he had protected her better. The weight of responsibility bore down on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed the one person who had silently meant more to him than he had ever admitted.
A guttural, primal scream tore from Logan's throat, reverberating through the battlefield. It was a scream of anguish, of a grief so profound that it echoed the depths of his soul. In that moment, the Wolverine, known for his stoic demeanor and unyielding strength, crumbled under the weight of loss.
As Logan clung to Y/N's lifeless body, the reality of her absence sank in, leaving him stranded in a sea of sorrow. The battlefield continued to rage around him, but in his world, everything had come to a standstill. The connection he had shared with Y/N, the unspoken bond that had grown between them, was now a painful void that threatened to engulf him entirely.
ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! this made my heart break :,( i just wanna give him a real big hug now
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
i’m so sorry everyone :,( i had a shit ton of exams and stuff for the end of this term so i wasn’t able to finish the second part for the Logan H x Reader. i’ll try to get it down some point this week!! thank you all so much for the support throughout the last 6 months <3
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
A Wolverine's Heartache - Part I
Part II Part III
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Requested by Anon!!!
Logan Howlett x fem!Reader
She/Her pronouns used
Summary: On two separate occasions, both Y/N and Logan find jealousy within their friendship.
Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of unease that crept up whenever she saw Logan and Jean together. Jean Grey, with her fiery red hair and telepathic abilities, had a magnetic presence that drew people in – including Logan. Y/N had always considered Logan a close friend, but the way he and Jean interacted left her grappling with an unfamiliar emotion: jealousy.
One day, the three of them found themselves in the mansion's kitchen, preparing a meal together. As they chopped vegetables and exchanged banter, Y/N couldn't help but notice the way Logan's eyes lingered on Jean. The easy camaraderie between them felt like a barrier, and Y/N struggled to find her place in their dynamic.
"What do you think, Y/N?" Jean asked, breaking into Y/N's thoughts.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, sounds good," Y/N replied, forcing a smile. She busied herself with the task at hand, trying to push away the irrational feeling of jealousy that clawed at her insides.
Logan noticed her distant expression and furrowed his brow. "Somethin' on your mind, kid?"
Y/N hesitated, then decided to be honest. "It's just… I sometimes feel like I'm the third wheel when you two are together."
Logan glanced at Jean, then back at Y/N, a hint of realization in his eyes. "We're just friends, Y/N. You know that, right?"
Y/N nodded, but the knot of jealousy persisted. It wasn't about doubting their friendship; it was about grappling with a longing she couldn't quite put into words. As days passed, the tension lingered, and Y/N found herself withdrawing, avoiding situations where she might witness Logan and Jean's closeness.
One evening, Y/N sat alone in the garden, contemplating her feelings. Storm, sensing her distress, approached and took a seat beside her. "You seem troubled, Y/N. Care to share?"
Y/N sighed, looking up at the stars. "I don't know, Storm. It's just… Logan and Jean, they have this connection. I can't help feeling like I'm on the outside."
Storm placed a comforting hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Sometimes, we create our own barriers. Have you talked to Logan about how you feel?"
Y/N shook her head. "I don't want to cause any problems. They're happy together, and I'm just the friend."
Storm smiled gently. "Communication is the key. You may be surprised at what you find."
Logan clenched his jaw as he watched Y/N and Hank engage in a lively conversation across the lab. The two shared a camaraderie that went beyond mere friendship, and it left a bitter taste in Logan's mouth. He had never been one to easily admit his feelings, especially when it came to matters of the heart, but the sight of Y/N and Hank together stirred a deep-seated jealousy within him.
It wasn't that Logan doubted Y/N's friendship or loyalty. Hank was a brilliant scientist, and they often found common ground in their discussions about mutations and experiments. Yet, there was an intimacy in the way Y/N laughed at Hank's jokes and the ease with which they collaborated on various projects that struck a nerve with Logan.
One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Xavier Institute, Logan found himself nursing a drink at the mansion's makeshift bar. Y/N and Hank were engrossed in a lively debate in the corner, their laughter rising above the low hum of conversations.
Storm, sensing Logan's unease, joined him at the bar. "Something on your mind, Logan?" she asked, her keen eyes noting the tension in his posture.
Logan grunted, taking a swig of his drink. "Just ain't sittin' right with me, that's all."
Storm followed his gaze to where Y/N and Hank were still deep in conversation. "Y/N values her connections with all of us. Hank is a friend, nothing more."
Logan's gaze hardened, his knuckles white around the glass. "I know that, Storm. It's just…damn it, I can't help feelin' like I'm playin' second fiddle to that furball."
Storm raised an eyebrow, her expression softening. "Jealousy, Logan?"
He scoffed, avoiding eye contact. "Ain't my style."
But Storm saw through the facade. "Maybe it's time to talk to Y/N. Let her know how you feel. Communication can clear the air, my friend."
Logan grunted again, mulling over Storm's words. As the night wore on, the tension between him and Hank remained unspoken, simmering beneath the surface. Little did Logan know that the impending tragedy on the horizon would soon force him to confront his feelings, revealing the depth of his emotions in a way he had never anticipated.
second part should be out tomorrow!! thank you again to the Anon that requested this 😊 i hope you don't mind that i'm including both of the requests into one fic!
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
sooooo.... this may have to be a multi-parter lmao. i'm working on it and it's kinda long already and i'm not even halfway through it so- i really hope you don't mind!
do you still write for logan h? i can’t get enough of him and am dying for more of him haha! maybe reader being jealous of jean even though she’s with scott. but logan’s just touchy and close with her. angst or fluff whichever. i like my heart hurting. or when logan goes back and time and (she’s ages slowly too) instantly connect and grow close. (maybe she got killed between the sentinels and him being sent back) so he’s trying to hold it in and not cry when he see her?
if not it is absolutely ok if you don’t write anything. i completely understand! no worries whatsoever! thank you 💕
omg yes!! i absolutely love logan h!! this idea is so amazing! i can’t wait to write this!! thank you so much for the request lovely <3
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imaginesforfandom · 3 months
do you still write for logan h? i can’t get enough of him and am dying for more of him haha! maybe reader being jealous of jean even though she’s with scott. but logan’s just touchy and close with her. angst or fluff whichever. i like my heart hurting. or when logan goes back and time and (she’s ages slowly too) instantly connect and grow close. (maybe she got killed between the sentinels and him being sent back) so he’s trying to hold it in and not cry when he see her?
if not it is absolutely ok if you don’t write anything. i completely understand! no worries whatsoever! thank you 💕
omg yes!! i absolutely love logan h!! this idea is so amazing! i can’t wait to write this!! thank you so much for the request lovely <3
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
Christmas Masterlist
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A Messy Christmas Surprise:
Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Dean and the reader are baking Christmas treats at the bunker while Sam is on a hunt. Amidst the festive chaos, Dean cracks an egg on the reader's head, leading to a playful flour fight. Dean then picks the reader up over his shoulder, and they share a laughter-filled moment. Sam returns, finding the kitchen in disarray, and discovers Dean and the reader surrounded by flour and baking ingredients. The messy holiday surprise becomes a memorable Christmas memory for the Winchester trio.
Christmas Tides:
Sam Winchester x Reader
Summary: Sam Winchester surprises the reader with a heartfelt gift and invites them to share a quiet and cozy night together away from hunting. The two exchange stories, laughter, and meaningful glances. As snow falls outside, they find a moment of respite and connection, sealed with a sweet kiss under the mistletoe.
Heavenly Christmas:
Castiel Novak x Reader
Summary: Castiel experiences Christmas traditions for the first time with the Winchester brothers and the reader. As they decorate the tree and exchange gifts, Castiel learns about the holiday spirit. The story culminates in a magical moment under the mistletoe, where Castiel and the reader share a sweet kiss, making it a Christmas to remember for everyone involved.
Mistletoe Moments:
Jack Kline x Reader
Summary: As the holiday season wraps its magic around the bunker, Jack Kline finds himself intrigued by the mysterious allure of mistletoe. Little does he know that this Christmas will bring about more than just festive decorations.
Enchanting Christmas:
Rowena MacLeod x Reader
Summary: Rowena, the enchanting witch, confesses to the reader that the holiday season has awakened new emotions within her. The two share a magical moment, culminating in a kiss that transcends the ordinary. As they celebrate the festive season together, they discover the unexpected joy of love in the midst of holiday magic.
The Grinchy Christmas Surprise:
Logan/James Howlett x Reader
Summary: Y/N buys a gift for Logan, but he isn't too keen on receiving it.
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
thanks to everyone who have reblogged and liked my Christmas stories! it means to much to me that people read, let alone like my stuff! much love to everyone and happy new year!
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
The Grinchy Christmas Surprise
we all know Logan would be a grinch during the holidays! also, i know this one is a bit short but i kinda rushed it-
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Logan/James Howlett x Reader
No pronouns used!!
Summary: Y/N buys a gift for Logan, but he isn't too keen on receiving it.
The Grinchy Christmas Surprise
Christmas morning at the X-Mansion was filled with festive decorations, laughter, and the scent of holiday treats wafting through the halls. However, Logan Howlett, known as Wolverine, wasn't a fan of the decorations. He grumbled to himself as he wandered through the festively adorned hallways, muttering about the unnecessary fuss.
Meanwhile, you had just woken up and decided to seek out Logan. Holding a nicely wrapped gift in your hand, you ventured through the mansion until you found him, scowling at a wreath hanging on the wall.
"Hey, Logan," you greeted, a soft smile on your face. "Merry Christmas."
"I told you not to get me anything," Logan grumbled without turning around, continuing his walk down the hallway.
You followed him, hurt by his dismissive tone. "Please, just take it. Whether you open it or not is up to you."
Hesitantly, Logan accepted the gift, looking down at it with a raised eyebrow.
"I know you said not to get you anything, but… no one else got you anything, and I didn't think it was fair," you explained, your voice quiet as you stared at the ground.
After a few moments of contemplation, Logan started tearing the paper. Your excitement grew as he unveiled a black leather jacket with two yellow stripes on each arm, reminiscent of his old one that he had lost a while back.
"I know you loved that jacket, so I—" you began, but Logan unexpectedly cut you off by hugging you. The shock quickly gave way to happiness as you hugged him back.
"You had to be the good one, huh?" Logan said, a rare warmth in his voice as he pulled away slightly.
"What can I say? It's my specialty," you joked, still hugging him with a large smile.
In the end, Logan couldn't resist your enthusiasm about the gift. As you continued excitedly talking about it, he kissed you, a way to shut you up but also an acknowledgment of the gratitude and affection he felt in that moment. The unexpected Christmas gift had managed to thaw the gruff exterior of Wolverine, leaving both of you with a holiday memory to cherish.
i couldn't resist writing a christmas story for him!
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
Enchanting Christmas
i love this Scottish woman so much
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Rowena MacLeod x Reader
No Pronouns used!!
Summary: Rowena, the enchanting witch, confesses to the reader that the holiday season has awakened new emotions within her. The two share a magical moment, culminating in a kiss that transcends the ordinary. As they celebrate the festive season together, they discover the unexpected joy of love in the midst of holiday magic.
Enchanting Christmas
The snow fell gently outside the bunker, creating a serene winter wonderland. The scent of pine and the soft glow of Christmas lights filled the air. Rowena, the powerful and enchanting witch, had decided to join the Winchesters for the holiday season, and you couldn't have been more thrilled.
As the three of you gathered around the roaring fireplace, sipping hot cocoa, Rowena couldn't help but notice the way your eyes sparkled with joy. She had always been drawn to your warmth and kindness, and Christmas seemed to amplify those qualities.
One evening, Rowena approached you as you admired the twinkling lights on the Christmas tree. "Y/N, darling, may I have a word?" she purred, her Scottish accent weaving a magical spell.
You turned to face her, a smile gracing your lips. "Of course, Rowena. What's on your mind?"
Rowena took your hand and led you to a cozy corner of the bunker, away from prying eyes. There, surrounded by the soft glow of candles, she cast a subtle enchantment to make the moment even more magical.
"Y/N, I must admit, this Christmas season has brought out a side of me I never thought I'd embrace," Rowena confessed, her eyes softening.
You looked at her with curiosity, feeling the genuine vulnerability beneath her powerful exterior.
"Spending time with you, the Winchesters, and the festive spirit has awakened something within me," Rowena continued, her hand tracing patterns on yours. "I find myself drawn to the warmth you exude, the joy you bring to those around you."
A blush tinted your cheeks as you met Rowena's gaze. "I feel the same way, Rowena. Christmas wouldn't be the same without you."
Rowena leaned in, capturing your lips in a soft and lingering kiss. It felt like a spell, a magical connection that transcended the ordinary. The enchantment deepened, and the world outside seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a cocoon of holiday magic.
Wrapped in each other's arms, you and Rowena shared a quiet moment, savoring the magic of Christmas and the unexpected warmth of love that had blossomed between you.
As you pulled away, Rowena whispered against your ear, "Merry Christmas, my darling. May this holiday be as enchanting as you are."
And with that, you both returned to the festivities, hand in hand, ready to celebrate a Christmas filled with magic, love, and the unexpected joy of newfound connections.
AHHHH i just want to marry her so bad!!!
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
Misletoe Moments
what?! there's more?!
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Jack Kline x Reaer
No Pronouns used!!
Summary: As the holiday season wraps its magic around the bunker, Jack Kline finds himself intrigued by the mysterious allure of mistletoe. Little does he know that this Christmas will bring about more than just festive decorations.
Mistletoe Moments
The bunker was adorned with festive lights, stockings hung with care, and a towering Christmas tree that nearly brushed the ceiling. The Winchester brothers had spared no effort in transforming their home into a winter wonderland, complete with the scent of cinnamon and the warmth of a crackling fire.
Amidst the holiday cheer, Jack Kline, the Nephilim with a heart as pure as snow, marveled at the decorations. His eyes widened with childlike wonder as he took in the twinkling lights and the delicate ornaments that adorned the tree.
You, the reader, had been helping with the decorations, sharing laughter and stories as you worked alongside Sam and Dean. Jack couldn't help but feel a flutter in his chest whenever he caught a glimpse of your smile. There was something about the holiday spirit that made everything seem brighter, especially when you were around.
One day, as Jack wandered through the bunker, he noticed a small sprig of mistletoe hanging above the doorway to the kitchen. Curiosity filled his eyes as he recalled the tales of holiday traditions he had heard from the Winchesters.
"Mistletoe," he mused to himself, the word rolling off his tongue with fascination.
Unbeknownst to Jack, you had caught wind of his musings. With a mischievous twinkle in your eye, you decided to take matters into your own hands. It was Christmas, after all, and a little bit of festive magic never hurt anyone.
Later that evening, the bunker was alive with the sound of laughter and the aroma of holiday feasts. The three of you gathered around the table, sharing stories and savoring the warmth of the season.
As Jack reached for a plate, you subtly nudged him, directing his attention to the mistletoe above the doorway. A playful smile danced on your lips, and Jack's confusion turned into realization.
"Oh, mistletoe," he said, a blush tinting his cheeks. "I've read that standing under it means… well, it means something."
You chuckled, nodding in agreement. "It's a Christmas tradition. If two people find themselves beneath the mistletoe, they're supposed to share a kiss."
Jack's eyes widened, his gaze flickering between you and the mistletoe. There was a moment of hesitation, but then a soft smile spread across his face. The warmth of the holiday season seemed to intensify as he took a step closer, his hand gently cupping your cheek.
Underneath the mistletoe, surrounded by the laughter of friends and the glow of Christmas lights, Jack Kline shared a sweet, magical kiss with you—a moment that would forever be etched in the memories of this special holiday season.
And so, in the bunker filled with love, laughter, and a touch of celestial magic, Christmas became more than just a celebration of tradition. It became a time of unexpected joy and the beginning of something beautiful for Jack and you.
he deserves the world. no, scratch that, he deserves the universe!
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
Heavenly Christmas
another present for you? 👀
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Castiel Novak x Reader
No Pronouns used!!
Summary: Castiel experiences Christmas traditions for the first time with the Winchester brothers and the reader. As they decorate the tree and exchange gifts, Castiel learns about the holiday spirit. The story culminates in a magical moment under the mistletoe, where Castiel and the reader share a sweet kiss, making it a Christmas to remember for everyone involved.
Heavenly Christmas
It was Christmas Eve, and the bunker was adorned with twinkling lights and the scent of freshly baked cookies wafted through the air. You were busy decorating the Christmas tree with Sam and Dean, the festive atmosphere filling your heart with warmth.
Suddenly, the familiar sound of fluttering wings echoed through the room, and there stood Castiel, his trench coat slightly dusted with snow. He looked at the tree with curiosity, his blue eyes reflecting the lights.
"What is the purpose of this tree?" Castiel asked, his voice as serious as ever.
You chuckled, handing him a string of lights. "It's a Christmas tree, Cas. It's a tradition. People decorate it to celebrate the holiday season."
Castiel examined the lights in his hands, then glanced at you. "I am not familiar with Christmas traditions. How does one properly celebrate?"
Sam grinned. "Well, we exchange gifts, have a big feast, and spend time with loved ones. And tomorrow, we'll open presents under the tree."
Castiel nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I would like to participate in this celebration."
As the night progressed, the four of you decorated the tree together, sharing stories and laughter. Castiel listened intently, absorbing the concept of Christmas with genuine interest.
Later, you all gathered around the fireplace, enjoying the warmth it provided. Castiel sat next to you, his gaze fixed on the flickering flames.
"Hey, Cas," you said, handing him a beautifully wrapped box. "Merry Christmas."
Castiel took the gift, examining it carefully. With a nod, he began to unwrap it, revealing a cozy scarf.
"I noticed you don't get cold, but I thought it might be a nice addition to your wardrobe," you explained.
Castiel smiled, a rare expression that lit up the room. "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate the sentiment."
The evening continued with laughter, music, and shared moments that made it a truly magical Christmas. As the clock struck midnight, you found yourself under the mistletoe with Castiel.
He looked at the plant curiously, then back at you. "What is the significance of this?"
"It's a tradition," you replied, smiling. "If two people stand under the mistletoe, they have to kiss."
Castiel nodded, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. It was a soft, sweet moment that seemed to pause time, creating a memory you would cherish for Christmases to come.
In that moment, surrounded by friends and love, you couldn't help but feel that this Christmas was truly heavenly.
And so, in the warmth of the bunker, with snow falling gently outside, you celebrated a Christmas that would forever be etched in your heart, filled with love, laughter, and the unexpected joy of sharing traditions with an angel named Castiel.
i swear if anyone hurts this angel, everyone near me will be dead
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
Unforeseen Love
i may be in my logan howlett era right now, but it's fine! just means some nice little fics for my fav X-Man!
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Logan/James Howlett x Reader
They/them pronouns used!!
Summary: While on a mission with Logan, Y/N gets seriously hurt, leading to them being in the medical bay for several days as Hank helps them recover. Although Y/N and Logan had never gotten along, Y/N is surprised when Logan sticks by their side throughout their entire recovery. This ends in a heartfelt, sweet and loving kiss shared by the two!
Unforeseen Love
Logan Howlett, better known as Wolverine, grumbled under his breath as he and Y/N made their way through the dense forest. The tension between them was palpable, and it seemed like sparks could fly any moment. They had despised each other from day one, an inexplicable clash of personalities that neither could overcome.
Little did they know, a deeper connection existed beneath the surface. Y/N had a mutant ability akin to Charles Xavier's, but instead of delving into the thoughts of others, they could sense emotions. Logan, however, had mastered the art of keeping his feelings locked away, a shield that even Y/N couldn't penetrate.
The mission they were on required stealth and precision, a trait Logan excelled in. He led the way, his adamantium claws unsheathed, eyes scanning the surroundings with uncanny precision. Y/N followed, their senses alert but wary of the man they begrudgingly worked alongside.
As they moved deeper into the mission, the unexpected happened. A sudden ambush from an unforeseen enemy left Y/N injured and struggling. Logan's fierce protective instincts kicked in, and he fought with a newfound intensity to ensure Y/N's safety. In the midst of the chaos, a blade grazed Y/N's side, leaving them incapacitated.
The pain hit Y/N like a tidal wave, and Logan's gruff voice called out their name in concern. The world around them blurred as consciousness slipped away.
When Y/N awoke, the sterile scent of the X-Men's medical facility filled their senses. The pain in their side was dulled, thanks to the advanced healing technology. Blinking against the harsh lights, they groggily turned their head to find Logan sitting nearby, his expression etched with worry.
"Finally awake, huh?" Logan's tone was gruff, but Y/N caught a glimmer of concern in his eyes.
"What happened?" Y/N asked, feigning ignorance to the emotions swirling around them.
Logan hesitated, his usual tough exterior momentarily softened. "You got yourself hurt. It was touch and go for a bit, but Hank patched you up."
Despite the pain, Y/N couldn't help but notice the sincerity in Logan's voice. Their ability to sense emotions hinted at something more, something beyond the animosity that had defined their relationship.
"You were worried about me," Y/N stated, almost as if testing the waters.
Logan grunted, looking away as if annoyed by the revelation. "Don't get used to it. I just didn't want to babysit a rookie."
Y/N smirked, realizing that perhaps there was more to Logan Howlett than met the eye. As they lay in the medical bay, recovering from their injuries, the unspoken connection between them began to unravel. Maybe, just maybe, beneath the layers of resentment, there was a flicker of something else—an understanding that transcended words.
The days in the medical bay blurred together for Y/N. Their injuries were healing, but what surprised them even more was Logan's constant presence. He would leave only to return with food, grumbling about the lack of decent grub around the X-Mansion. As much as Logan tried to maintain his tough exterior, there was an unspoken tenderness in the way he cared for Y/N.
As Y/N lay on the medical bay bed on the third day, a subtle shift in the air caught their attention. It wasn't the usual mix of irritation and restraint that emanated from Logan. Instead, an overwhelming sense of love and concern filled the room. Y/N furrowed their brow, confused by this unexpected surge of emotion.
Logan entered the room, carrying a tray of food. His eyes met Y/N's, and for a moment, the gruff exterior wavered. It was as if a floodgate had opened, allowing Y/N to sense the depth of Logan's emotions.
"What's with the sudden outpouring of affection, Howlett?" Y/N teased, trying to hide the vulnerability that was bubbling up within them.
Logan scowled, seemingly caught off guard by the question. "I ain't showin' affection. Just making sure you don't die on us."
Y/N chuckled, but there was a knowing glint in their eyes. "You can't fool me, Logan. I can feel it, you know. The concern, the… love."
Logan's expression tightened, and he looked away. The barrier he had meticulously built around his emotions had crumbled, and there was no denying the truth anymore.
"I don't do this mushy crap," Logan grumbled, but his voice lacked the usual conviction.
Y/N sat up, a determination in their eyes. "Logan, you can't hide from me anymore. I can feel what you're feeling, and it's okay. More than okay."
Logan sighed, a rare vulnerability surfacing in his gaze. "Damn it, kid. You're messin' with my head."
Y/N reached out, gently cupping Logan's face. "Maybe it's time we stop fighting each other and admit what's been staring us in the face all along."
Logan's defenses crumbled further as Y/N closed the distance between them. Their lips met in a sweet, lingering kiss, a silent acknowledgment of the emotions that had been hidden for too long. In that moment, the unspoken bond between them deepened, transcending the animosity that had defined their relationship.
As they pulled away, Logan's gruff exterior softened, and Y/N couldn't help but smile. Sometimes, it took a brush with vulnerability to uncover the hidden truths. Love had a way of breaking through even the toughest of walls, and for Logan and Y/N, it was the beginning of a new chapter—one filled with understanding, acceptance, and a love that had finally been acknowledged.
i'm pretty sure i'm in love with him.... but that's okay! also, i love how Logan is also an Albertan 😎💪
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
i love this song so much
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imaginesforfandom · 4 months
Christmas Tides
i have an early Christmas present for you!!
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Sam Winchester X Reader
No Pronouns used!!
Summary: Sam Winchester surprises the reader with a heartfelt gift and invites them to share a quiet and cozy night together away from hunting. The two exchange stories, laughter, and meaningful glances. As snow falls outside, they find a moment of respite and connection, sealed with a sweet kiss under the mistletoe.
Christmas Tides
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the bunker, not a creature was stirring, not even a monster. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there.
Sam Winchester was nestled all snug in his bed, visions of hunts dancing in his head. You, his favorite partner in all things supernatural, were in the room next door, dreaming of a peaceful Christmas and maybe a little more.
The Winchesters had faced many dangers and foes, but tonight they were taking a break from hunting those crows. The Impala was parked, the weapons were stashed, as the brothers settled in for a much-needed rest.
As the clock struck midnight, a soft knock on your door woke you from sleep. You opened it slowly, wondering who it could be. To your surprise, there stood Sam, a small smile on his face, holding a cup of hot cocoa, a gift wrapped with grace.
"Hey," he whispered, his hazel eyes warm, "I thought we could enjoy a quiet night, just you and me, away from the monsters and the things we can't see."
You grinned in response, inviting him in. The room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the Christmas tree's shimmering bin. Sam handed you the cocoa, its warmth seeping through the cup. You took a sip, the rich flavor lifting your spirits up.
"I got you a little something," he confessed, handing over the gift with a bashful smile. You unwrapped it carefully, finding a pendant with a charm—a tiny silver angel, a token of his charm.
"It's beautiful," you said, touched by the gesture. Sam blushed, his cheeks turning a shade of rosy red. The room was filled with a warm, cozy glow, as the two of you sat side by side on the bed.
The conversation flowed like a gentle stream, tales of Christmases past and dreams that did gleam. Sam's laughter echoed through the room, a sound that chased away any hint of gloom. You shared stories and exchanged glances, creating memories that time enhances.
Outside, snow began to fall, a soft blanket covering the ground, muffling the world's sound. The two of you watched the flakes dance, a moment of peace, a sweet romance. In that quiet night, under the Christmas light, something shifted, a connection so right.
As the clock struck two, you exchanged goodnights, knowing that tomorrow brought new fights. Yet, for now, in this silent night, Sam Winchester and you found a moment of respite. Underneath the mistletoe, he pressed a gentle kiss, sealing the night with a promise of bliss.
So, in the bunker, where dangers reside, love blossomed during the Christmas tide. Sam and you, a duo so true, faced the darkness with hearts anew.
i just love him so much 🥺
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