incarusarchive · 5 years
When you desperately want to write, but your brain thinks everything you type is absolute trash :(
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Smut Under 8,000 Words - Round 1 Winners
Lips Can Lie by @asroarke
She tried to get back into it, but she was itching to turn the light back off. Its presence transformed her excitement into fear. Fear of Bellamy seeing her naked. Fear that he wouldn’t like what he saw. Fear that every dimple on her thighs and roll on her stomach would repulse him.
Before her thoughts took the dark turn into a full-on body-loathing spiral, she asked, “Could we keep the lights off?”
Bare by @asroarke
Frankly, it’s ridiculous that Clarke wants to ask someone about this. With everything that happened with the Primes, Clarke has a thousand things to be worried about. The last thing that should be on her mind is figuring out how to shave her pussy without cutting herself.
When Josephine had control of Clarke’s body, she shaved down there. Clarke hadn’t noticed at first, but late that first night back in control of her body, she couldn’t sleep. Out of habit, her hand slipped into her leggings only to find herself completely bare. It felt incredible. Clarke couldn’t stop touching herself. Her skin was too smooth. But all attempts to replicate it have been painful. Angry bumps form where her cunt and thighs meet, and she always manages to nick her sensitive skin.
Sit on my face (and let my lips embrace you) by Anonymous
“Sit on my face.”
As it happens, he has completely forgotten about himself or that he has company. It happens quite often when he is in the zone.
“What did you just say?”
He swallows, hard. He could play this off as a stupid joke. Years of being friends with her, years of sheltering a crush, he can do this. At this point, he is a pro.
“I– I was just mumbling. It’s gibberish.”
But Clarke has none of it. She pushes her sketchbook away and lets her pencils scattering everywhere on the carpet, pushes herself up to sit up, drawing a foot under herself and narrowing her eyes on him.
“No. I’m pretty sure I heard you say something and I want you to repeat it.”
in the cold i can feel your heat by @arysafics
Clarke is determined not to let anyone know she’s an Omega, least of all Bellamy Blake, the Alpha she works for. It becomes a little more difficult when they become snowed in at his house.
BELLAMY HAS A BIG… by incarus
“Holy shit Bellamy, that means you have a big-”
“Heart! Yes, Bellamy has a big heart, now can you please just roll the dice already,” telling Murphy off and sitting down in discomfort. Bellamy gets up from the recliner and sits beside Clarke on the loveseat and caresses her back to soothe her. The group feels grossed out by their sudden affection as only a moment ago did they find out about something, private.
Just a Part of the Job by @youleftme-clarke
Keeping Bellamy happy and relaxed is just a part of Clarke’s job as his assistant, but neither expected the feelings that came with the months of illicit, after hours sex.
Milk and Honey by @arysafics
The radiation on earth is weird, somehow making all the girls begin to lactate. Luckily for Clarke, Bellamy knows all about lactation after helping his mom with Octavia, so he offers to help her out.
Mine by @bisexualbellamyblake
Bellamy comes home from college and finds out that Clarke wants to start having sex. He becomes jealous and insanely possessive of his step sister’s virginity and only takes it from her after she begs him to.
and then relief by @selflessbellamy
The relaxation turns out to be brief, however, because a familiar voice pulls her back to reality, “Long day, Princess?”
Bellamy. Ugh.
Since their daytrip, he has become more tolerable, but she doesn’t want to give him much attention right now, so she cracks one eye open to glare at him. “I’m trying to relax.” When she really looks at him, though, her mouth goes dry.
your body talks by @bilexualclarke
It’s just another one of their games. Bellamy might make more of an effort to control his temper if he didn’t know how much it really got his girl going. If everyone thought he was an asshole because of it, he really didn’t care. Whatever Clarke likes, he likes.
the minute i feel your energy, the vibe’s just taken over me by safeandsound13
Drunk Clarke is at a bachelorette party. When Cop!Bellamy shows up to ask them to keep the noise down, she mistakes him for a stripper. He plays along.
Hopeless by @asroarke
It’s not unheard of. Adult film actors fall for each other all the time. Kind of bound to happen in an industry that involves pretty people fucking for hours in front of a camera. But Bellamy hadn’t ever considered he would fall into that category. For starters, he never planned on working in porn long enough to develop feelings for one of his co-stars. And Bellamy has never been big on dating. He’s more of a one-night stand kind of guy.
And yet, here he is. Stomach fluttering and sweaty palms all because he gets to perform with Clarke Griffin today.
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incarusarchive · 5 years
i was sad about the lack of chubby bellarke fics in the fandom in this post so i have some Thoughts about them to get your third eye open 😋
the thicker bellamy gets, the more handsy clarke is around him. sometimes she just slides her hands under his shirt just to feel his skin.
clarke touches his forearms all the damn time and she’s so obvious about it that it makes bellamy smirk and preen a little
whenever he hugs her, she just feels so small in his embrace and it makes her all happy inside to be tucked into him.
in an au where they’re married, clarke plays with bellamy’s ring a lot and just places his ring on each of her fingers just to relish in the fact that his fingers are so much bigger compared to hers & how his ring is just one swift movement away from falling off
bellamy’s ass. that’s it. that’s the point. you’re welcome.
bellamy’s a perfect pillow! his thighs! his arms! his shoulders! his belly! and he’s so damn warm all the time & it’s perfect!
chubby clarke is clarke’s nightmare but bellamy’s happy place.
bellamy always tries to make her feel good about her weight (and vice versa bcs we love supportive icons). he’s really chubby clarke stan #1 it’s wonderful
think abt their thighs for a second? yeah? ok good. they love each other’s thighs so much like 😩🥵
when they’re about to sleep, sometimes bellamy straight up skips pillows and just plops his head on clarke’s belly and knocks out (especially when she plays with his hair)
au where clarke gets pregnant and doesn’t lose the baby weight but they both love it because it represents what her body went through to birth their child
bellamy squeezes her belly just to make her squeal and laugh and honestly he just loves feeling her and knowing she’s happy and healthy
ok but rly imagine this scene: bellamy’s sitting down and clarke comes over to him & he just buries his face in her stomach and blows a raspberry while clarke laughs and plays with his curls.
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incarusarchive · 5 years
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incarusarchive · 5 years
What’s your fantasy?
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Ya’ll ever read a fic and immediately know that the writer is gonna be super successful someday 
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Best Author Nominations
@bettsfic | betts
@pawprinterfanfic | Pawprinter
@verbam | verbaepulchellae
icantloseyoutoo @eyessharpweaponshot | eyessharpweaponshot
incarus @talistheintrovert | theinvisibledisaster burninghoneyatdusk
@selflessbellamy | selflessbellamy
@arysafics | arysa13 marauders_groupie persephades
@raven-reyes-of-sunshine | not_a_total_basket_case
@kombellarke | mad_magic kpowell123 @probably-voldemort | probablyvoldemort animmortalist
@bisexualbellamyblake | lightyears
safeandsound13 @asroarke | asroarke
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Best Author Nominations
@bettsfic | betts
@pawprinterfanfic | Pawprinter
@verbam | verbaepulchellae
icantloseyoutoo @eyessharpweaponshot | eyessharpweaponshot
incarus @talistheintrovert | theinvisibledisaster burninghoneyatdusk
@selflessbellamy | selflessbellamy
@arysafics | arysa13 marauders_groupie persephades
@raven-reyes-of-sunshine | not_a_total_basket_case
@kombellarke | mad_magic kpowell123 @probably-voldemort | probablyvoldemort animmortalist
@bisexualbellamyblake | lightyears
safeandsound13 @asroarke | asroarke
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Modern Nominations Under 8,000 Words
In the cold I can feel your heat by @arysafics
sense of home by @selflessbellamy
Obvious Magic by @eyessharpweaponshot
TGTBT by @bettsfic
tender (in your arms) by @octannibal-blake
A Safe Place to Land by @octannibal-blake
Just the Way You Are by @pawprinterfanfic
A Soul for a Soul by @eyessharpweaponshot
Insert Titanic Quote Here by @octannibal-blake
Stay with Me by @eyessharpweaponshot
You’re It For Me by incarus
Sorry, He Was Following Me by incarus
You Should Still Take Me Home by @eyessharpweaponshot
The worst wingman by @arysafics
Swiped by shaemyname
If I survive, I’ll dive back in by @arysafics
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Modern Nominations Under 8,000 Words
In the cold I can feel your heat by @arysafics
sense of home by @selflessbellamy
Obvious Magic by @eyessharpweaponshot
TGTBT by @bettsfic
tender (in your arms) by @octannibal-blake
A Safe Place to Land by @octannibal-blake
Just the Way You Are by @pawprinterfanfic
A Soul for a Soul by @eyessharpweaponshot
Insert Titanic Quote Here by @octannibal-blake
Stay with Me by @eyessharpweaponshot
You’re It For Me by incarus
Sorry, He Was Following Me by incarus
You Should Still Take Me Home by @eyessharpweaponshot
The worst wingman by @arysafics
Swiped by shaemyname
If I survive, I’ll dive back in by @arysafics
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Me: wow, i have so many tabs open, i should finish reading some of these fics
Also me, going through my dash: *proceeds to open five more tabs with 100k multi chapter fics*
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incarusarchive · 5 years
update on this Bellarke fic I’m doing!!!
I’m pre writing my chapters because all I would have to do is edit BUT IM CURRENTLY AT 25K OF WORDS AND GUYS, I need to write about 12 chapters... I’m on the 3rd...
Send love please!
Cheers x
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incarusarchive · 5 years
hear me OUT
take Bob Morley!! put him on the big screens and make him some hotshot detective or some bombass lawyer. PLEASE, give him a storyline where is loved and appreciated in all his glory. GIVE HIM A STORYLINE WHERE THE ANTAGONIST DESPISE HIM, GIVE HIM SOMETHING PLEASE!!!!!!!!! 
after the 100, I expect his greatness to continue, whether it be in front of the camera or behind it, hear me OUT!!!!
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incarusarchive · 5 years
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Please don’t make my life harder than it already is
Nominations are already in the hundreds. Please make sure that you’re listing the fic title and the URL in the correct fields. If you list the author in the URL field, that means I have to go searching for the fic, and I don’t have time to do that seventy-five times
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incarusarchive · 5 years
OMG HI I FINISHED WRITING CHAPTER THREE (I’ll edit in the morning!) A monster of 11300+ words (I might split? What you guys think?)
Chapter 4
But I have faith that this will done before the end of the year!!! I’ll post another one shot soon
I <3 Bellarke!
Cheers x
update on this Bellarke fic I’m doing!!!
I’m pre writing my chapters because all I would have to do is edit BUT IM CURRENTLY AT 25K OF WORDS AND GUYS, I need to write about 12 chapters... I’m on the 3rd...
Send love please!
Cheers x
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incarusarchive · 5 years
Friendly reminder that fan-made content (fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc) are:
extremely time consuming. Remember someone actually took time out of their life to create that, time they could’ve used to, idk, sleep, for example
entertainment you’re consuming for free. I can’t stress this enough: you’re enjoying someone else’s craft for free. You paid exactly zero money to look at/read/watch it.
S H A R E D  with you, not made for you. This is the most important point: someone created that, put it online and you found it. No one forced you to consume that fanwork, you C H O S E  to do it. 
Whenever you feel like leaving a mean comment, anonymous hate or make a ~clever post about how ‘lol look at all of these overused tropes every fic writer crams into their fics’ remember you’re being a dick to someone who shared their work with you. You’re not being funny, you’re not being edgy, you’re not being brave for calling something out - you’re being a dick.
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