its-lick-the-lollipop · 7 months
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I’m terrible at using this blog but hey, I won’t leave @reversedshinyoumaru (hifuuclubfan on Twitter) get away with this
so let’s get the record straight: I said what Shadman drew is wrong. No doubt about it, “erotic art” of children or using children should not be made. But the correct term isn’t art, it’s also not porn.
It’s abuse. Specifically, child sexual abuse material
and the 16 year old loser ”criticized” me and said I was the idiot for pointing out that “child porn” is wrong because the word “porn” implies consent. And as everyone smart enough knows, children can obviously NOT consent to sex!
which is why even child protection organizations such as NCMEC have BEGGED people to call it what it is: child sexual abuse material
this 16 year old comes off as if what Shadman drew was “harmless”! And that’s why I’m stressing it so much: words have meanings.
And this clown and everyone who defends it are watering down the severity intentionally to protect abusers.
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Seeing as @chaotic-goon defends @reversedshinyoumaru and the use of Neo Nazi language, here’s an excerpt from the holocaust encyclopedia
Both of them defend using the word in the SAME context.
So there you have it
Antis side with Nazis. Antis sound like Nazis. They’re like them
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Hello tumblr! It’s been a while. I have another post in drafts that I will be publishing later! But let’s talk about @reversedshinyoumaru aka @gravitybeetie on twitter!
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Now we were discussing AI art and I don’t actually defend it. But I said Marshie’s art is probably less likely going to be used for machine learning and teasingly called it “special”
What followed was me being called an extremely offensive term
"Degenerate" is a buzzword used by neo-Nazis and the alt-right to refer to all kinds of people that they consider to be sexually or otherwise immoral or deviant.
That includes a lot of different kinds of people: sex workers, women who have sex outside of marriage, people in interracial relationships, drug users, anyone with an STD, anyone with any sort of paraphilia fetish or kink, Jewish people, political progressives, and of course, all LGBTQ+ individuals.
It's extremely sexist, homophobic and bigoted.
"Degenerate" is also a eugenics term. It expresses an opinion that someone is subhuman, literally less evolved than normal humans, in a biological sense. It's an insult to someone's DNA.
It's the kind of word that there's never really a very good reason for using to refer to anyone. Everyone human is actually human, not literally subhuman, no matter how much we might dislike them.
Also they were told to do this as seen via curiouscat.
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I didn’t send the ask but why would I deny that you used right wing buzzwords on a queer person?
Or that you are ableist?
Remember that it’s autistic and disabled people who are called a freak the most?
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I guess I can add @chaotic-goon to the list of people who defend the use of Nazi language! Cool, you wanna say that openly?
Anyway reminding you again
Also not to mention you’re an adult.
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Hello tumblr! It’s been a while. I have another post in drafts that I will be publishing later! But let’s talk about @reversedshinyoumaru aka @gravitybeetie on twitter!
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Now we were discussing AI art and I don’t actually defend it. But I said Marshie’s art is probably less likely going to be used for machine learning and teasingly called it “special”
What followed was me being called an extremely offensive term
"Degenerate" is a buzzword used by neo-Nazis and the alt-right to refer to all kinds of people that they consider to be sexually or otherwise immoral or deviant.
That includes a lot of different kinds of people: sex workers, women who have sex outside of marriage, people in interracial relationships, drug users, anyone with an STD, anyone with any sort of paraphilia fetish or kink, Jewish people, political progressives, and of course, all LGBTQ+ individuals.
It's extremely sexist, homophobic and bigoted.
"Degenerate" is also a eugenics term. It expresses an opinion that someone is subhuman, literally less evolved than normal humans, in a biological sense. It's an insult to someone's DNA.
It's the kind of word that there's never really a very good reason for using to refer to anyone. Everyone human is actually human, not literally subhuman, no matter how much we might dislike them.
Also they were told to do this as seen via curiouscat.
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I didn’t send the ask but why would I deny that you used right wing buzzwords on a queer person?
Or that you are ableist?
Remember that it’s autistic and disabled people who are called a freak the most?
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Hello tumblr! It’s been a while. I have another post in drafts that I will be publishing later! But let’s talk about @reversedshinyoumaru aka @gravitybeetie on twitter!
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Now we were discussing AI art and I don’t actually defend it. But I said Marshie’s art is probably less likely going to be used for machine learning and teasingly called it “special”
What followed was me being called an extremely offensive term
"Degenerate" is a buzzword used by neo-Nazis and the alt-right to refer to all kinds of people that they consider to be sexually or otherwise immoral or deviant.
That includes a lot of different kinds of people: sex workers, women who have sex outside of marriage, people in interracial relationships, drug users, anyone with an STD, anyone with any sort of paraphilia fetish or kink, Jewish people, political progressives, and of course, all LGBTQ+ individuals.
It's extremely sexist, homophobic and bigoted.
"Degenerate" is also a eugenics term. It expresses an opinion that someone is subhuman, literally less evolved than normal humans, in a biological sense. It's an insult to someone's DNA.
It's the kind of word that there's never really a very good reason for using to refer to anyone. Everyone human is actually human, not literally subhuman, no matter how much we might dislike them.
Also they were told to do this as seen via curiouscat.
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I didn’t send the ask but why would I deny that you used right wing buzzwords on a queer person?
Or that you are ableist?
Remember that it’s autistic and disabled people who are called a freak the most?
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Want proof of antis being the same as queer-/transphobes?
ValidL’s is a dangerous, very large account which focuses on screenshotting trans people and mock them in front of their 52k and growing audience.
The person behind it has recently responded with glee after a trans woman posted their farewell message on twitter after getting kidnapped to Saudi Arabia and forced to detransition
Now I called out how this minor has a death threat in their bio which specifically targets queer and trans people in fandoms.
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To which @reversedshinyoumaru responded with this
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ValidL’s is a very dangerous account which is instigating hate against queer/trans people, but you can’t claim you are above them if you libel queer/trans people whose beliefs in fiction don’t align with yours as groomers and pedophiles.
And that’s exactly what these kids are doing. They use the wrong words (in this case “proshipping” even though proship is not a verb). They directly contribute to censorship of trans and LGBA folks and make the existence of hateful accounts such as ValidL’s possible
Because they see people who enjoy a hobby and who are LGBT as “danger for us kids” just like conservatives who use the “think of the kids!” excuse. They don’t say it out loud but their message is clear
They see lgbtq people who enjoy fiction as fiction and who are against harassment and censorship of fiction as groomers and pedophiles just like the people who want to erase our existence
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Get off my blog you two
I’ve said before how the people I called out are closer to radfem a than queer people right? Let’s make a comparison!
So the state of Mississippi is considering banning books that are “sexually inappropriate”. This includes the following
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And where have I heard this before? That’s right! It was @reversedshinyoumaru and @chaotic-goon among many others that wanted to “protect children” and that’s what it led to!
So I’m just gonna leave the screenshots here and you tell me these aren’t radfems. These people aren’t conservatives who act like they’re queer
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We should stop radfems from pushing more anti queer/trans legislatives. That includes these people
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I will explain now why this tweet @reversedshinyoumaru agrees with is basically radfem ideology 101, the exclusion of bisexuals was started by lesbian separatists who were cis straight "politicial lesbians", in modern times these people are known as radfems!
A bisexual person is someone who is attracted to more than one gender, though not at the same time and it differs between romantic/sexual. What do you call a bi girl who is attracted to another girl? Or a trans woman? Or a non-binary person? What do you call someone who has preferences for women and enbies only?
A lesbian :D
Radical lesbians were afraid of both butch lesbians and girls who found men attractive (with or without wanting to date them). They were accused of "sleeping with the enemy" even though many bisexuals aren't attracted to men at all!
Saying that "bi means attraction to men and women only" is not only wrong but also erases so many other gender identities!
And even if you use the anti-black and trans-/enbyphobic "non men loving non men" quickly tell me, how many identities fall under "non man"? If you're attracted to enbies, you could call yourself bi and or a lesbian :D But hey, I know I can't win against transphobic radfems
You see, any exclus is anti-trans/queer :D because queerness is the acceptance of ALL gender identities and overlapping experiences! Picking and choosing who can be in your "exclusive club" is against what queerness stands for!
Being queer means you stand for liberation, not assimilation!
I bet at some point I will see "queer is a slur" discourse from you people, I mean you are already helping fascists shooting down elder queer people and you're calling them groomers, appreciate laws that censor queer/trans identities from books with the "think of the children!" excuse because you think you won't be targeted if you act like a good, wholesome only queer.
People will hate you regardless. So instead of shooting down the people who made it possible for you to identify yourself as queer/trans, why not march with kinksters, pick up a brick and throw them at cops who are trying to imprison you?
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And look who agrees, the people I was talking about! An actual radfem!
Anyway you prove the point, if you think kink is inherently sexual, nasty, perverted and “think of the children” you’re the opposite of what queerness means. You don’t stand for liberation, but for censorship and assimilation
I’ve said before how the people I called out are closer to radfem a than queer people right? Let’s make a comparison!
So the state of Mississippi is considering banning books that are “sexually inappropriate”. This includes the following
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And where have I heard this before? That’s right! It was @reversedshinyoumaru and @chaotic-goon among many others that wanted to “protect children” and that’s what it led to!
So I’m just gonna leave the screenshots here and you tell me these aren’t radfems. These people aren’t conservatives who act like they’re queer
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We should stop radfems from pushing more anti queer/trans legislatives. That includes these people
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Fandom is a hobby my ageist radical feminist puritan! And you and @carr0w use the exact same language conservatives do to ban us queer/trans people, because we are indecent, perverted, freaks and pedophiles and groomers and this inherently so. You can pretend to be a good only wholesome sfw only unproblematic queer and the people who hate lgbt will still hate you regardless.
“We are just against incest and CP” so you say but I haven’t seen you call out stuff that really matters, for example child marriage laws, or game of thrones 8 seasons of incest that ran for YEARS, you only call it ever “CP” (wrong term) and incest when queer/trans people enjoy their hobby.
You are the one who decided to engage with “perverts”, not the other way around. You can deny it all you want but you are closer to radfems and conservatives than queer people.
I've decided to stop being really aggressive towards proshippers because the truth is, they're just pathetic. I don't wanna communicate with them at all, but fuck, it's so sad and pathetic to go looking for people who you disagree with. Like find a hobby, take up knitting, knit a scarf or something. Maybe attend a couple of therapy sessions too
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I’ve said before how the people I called out are closer to radfem a than queer people right? Let’s make a comparison!
So the state of Mississippi is considering banning books that are “sexually inappropriate”. This includes the following
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And where have I heard this before? That’s right! It was @reversedshinyoumaru and @chaotic-goon among many others that wanted to “protect children” and that’s what it led to!
So I’m just gonna leave the screenshots here and you tell me these aren’t radfems. These people aren’t conservatives who act like they’re queer
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We should stop radfems from pushing more anti queer/trans legislatives. That includes these people
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Well we see here whose side Marshie stands on and it isn’t those of trans and queer people
So you’re saying it’s okay for him to donate to and vote for people who are anti trans/queer and who want us dead because he agrees with you
You’re saying he’s allowed to be in favor of queer censorship because he agrees with you
You see nothing wrong with him basically repeating book burning rhetoric as long as it’s repackaged as “think of the children!”
For the last time, drop the queer label. You are not queer or an ally, you support transphobia and conservatives basically saying “trans people are groomers!”
You’re helping a man spread said anti-trans rhetoric because he agrees with you.
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I honestly don’t know how to tell you this but the guy who said this is a white man and a conservative who basically said to sexual abuse survivors that he thinks it’s acceptable to murder children but how dare they take back control of their abuse in the form of fiction
Scott Cawthon donated to anti lgbt republicans and stood to his decision.
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And the right wingers agreeing with you think trans = pedophilia and transgender people groom kids, but I guess that can easily be overlooked as long as he agrees with you right?
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I reblogged the wrong post, my bad
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So I’m gonna explain to you what “pro shipping” is
In ye old fandom days, we just had “ship let ship” and “your kink is not my kink (and that’s okay)” and “don’t harass people over fiction you don’t like” and “block & move on” and all of this is internet etiquette
When “normal people with morals” started using anti-shipping first to break internet etiquette because they were uncomfortable with what people posted and refused to block/move on the term “proship” was coined as a counter ideology, basically internet etiquette but a fancy word for fandoms
And most proshippers are queer/trans. But even if they were cis/straight, it doesn’t matter. What really matters is that this whole push to sanitize adult spaces (which minors should NOT be in) started with religious Puritanism
“What if the children ‘turn gay’?”
“What if porn makes people believe they aren’t the gender they were born with?”
And remember how the same tactic was used both on livejournal as well as ffnet to demonize queer/trans people?
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Warriors for innocence and absolute zero are both religious groups that successfully led to purging of content on livejournal. They collected lists and sent that to six apart (LJ owner then) and everyone on that list found themselves banned overnight
It may have hit actual predators but it also majorly hit queer/trans people, rape and csa survivors and labeled all of them as “porn sick” and “pedophiles”
And we have seen this tactic again and again and again, it’ll always begin with censoring immoral things but for many “immoral” things are also just queer people being queer
You’re playing into the hands of hate groups like libs of TikTok and wonder why people from countries far away see your “activism” now as bullying and describe you as “thought mafia” and “American feelings yakuza”
But then again you already said you’d condone violence and crimes against marginalized groups over fiction
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You know I’m not the only person who made the connection to “normal people with morals” and puritans. I mean the person in my pinned (now called @reversedshinyoumaru on tumblr or @shoustigerspear on Twitter as well as @chaotic-goon have made clear they don’t support Pride, kink or the celebration of all sexualities and instead sound exactly like republicans who voted for the drag show ban in Tennessee
Want a comparison? Look no further than this blog!
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As I said before, Marshie doesn’t go to and never attended Pride events
Marshie agrees with someone who doesn’t go to pride either
Marshie has said the censorship of porn isn’t linked to censoring queer/trans people’s content and ignored the fact that even kindergarten friendly books about same sex parents were also banned under the excuse that they were “too sexual” or that even Disney movies are heavily censored or completely banned if they just mention lgbt
Neither of them know that public sex doesn’t happen at pride, that Folsom is 18+ with ID check but how dare I call you out on following Republican conservatisms to the T right?
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So apparently this has been shared to the people in the screenshot and now I’m being accused of being an undercover sleeper agent or something like that lmao
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Okay first things first
1. Thanks for sharing! I didn’t intend them to see it but perhaps it is a good thing if it gets shared with ya’ll!
2. I’m not a bigot, I think trans women are women, trans men are men, I think anyone can identify as anything as long as it’s not harmful (like transage, transrace etc) and I’m the opposite of you radical exclus
3. I don’t follow any of you on any of your social medias, I’m not part of your discord servers, I don’t creep in your group chats either! The only information I have about you is everything you posted publicly on Twitter! This goes for the user that I tagged in the post, you shared your link yourself. On Twitter. Publicly.
When I said that none of you care for or about
1. basic internet security
2. Boundaries both offline and online
3. That you expose your followers who are minors to nsfw they would have never seen otherwise
4. or that you expect them to react to nsfw callouts
5. or that kids invade adult spaces because you often force them to do that
6. That you spread paranoia about people with “nsfw/minors dni” in bio and claim they’re out there to groom you (which leads to 4 & 5)
I was actually right!
I should make another post on how the anti/proship discourse started and how it was ANTIS who came first!!! We wouldn’t have “proship” if antis didn’t come first and if you actually respected boundaries, content warnings and Internet etiquette!
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So I’m gonna explain to you what “pro shipping” is
In ye old fandom days, we just had “ship let ship” and “your kink is not my kink (and that’s okay)” and “don’t harass people over fiction you don’t like” and “block & move on” and all of this is internet etiquette
When “normal people with morals” started using anti-shipping first to break internet etiquette because they were uncomfortable with what people posted and refused to block/move on the term “proship” was coined as a counter ideology, basically internet etiquette but a fancy word for fandoms
And most proshippers are queer/trans. But even if they were cis/straight, it doesn’t matter. What really matters is that this whole push to sanitize adult spaces (which minors should NOT be in) started with religious Puritanism
“What if the children ‘turn gay’?”
“What if porn makes people believe they aren’t the gender they were born with?”
And remember how the same tactic was used both on livejournal as well as ffnet to demonize queer/trans people?
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Warriors for innocence and absolute zero are both religious groups that successfully led to purging of content on livejournal. They collected lists and sent that to six apart (LJ owner then) and everyone on that list found themselves banned overnight
It may have hit actual predators but it also majorly hit queer/trans people, rape and csa survivors and labeled all of them as “porn sick” and “pedophiles”
And we have seen this tactic again and again and again, it’ll always begin with censoring immoral things but for many “immoral” things are also just queer people being queer
You’re playing into the hands of hate groups like libs of TikTok and wonder why people from countries far away see your “activism” now as bullying and describe you as “thought mafia” and “American feelings yakuza”
But then again you already said you’d condone violence and crimes against marginalized groups over fiction
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Since June is coming up “soon” reminder that Folsom is an 18+ exclusive event and pride has about as much “nudity” as on a normal beach
Marshie here doesn’t go to pride so maybe you should stay home when queer people celebrate all sexualities and kink instead of spreading the “gay people are sex offenders” panic and sounding like a MAGA/Alt Right Troll or radfem
READ QUEER HISTORY or go play cop with your friends in Christian “family friendly” communities and events. Cops are not accepted at pride or queerness. EVER
Radical feminists like these people here are not QUEER
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Unsurprisingly this freak and her equally mentally deluded groomer friends see enbies as “man/woman” lite and don’t realize how gross and enbyphobic it is to put binary genders on non binary people or seeing them as “diet” genders
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